[Q] missed call - LG G Watch R

I'm not sure if it's normal behavior but I'm not getting a notification for a missed call on the watch. When being called I see the pop-up on the watch but when ending the call on the other end there is no notification on the watch. My phone has a missed call notification in the notification area.
All other notifications work, so I'm wondering if it's normal.


Disabling Sound Notifications While On A Phone Call

Is it possible with standard adjustments, or is there a need for a special app, to disable the beeping notifications I receive for upcoming calandar events and sound notifications for other then an incoming call while Iam trying to carry on a phone conversation? I find it very distracting and annoying to constantly hear beeps and chimes while Iam trying to carry on a conversation on my TYTN II!!
I do that with phoneAlarm, which lets me turn those chimes into short vibrations
Why don't you look at the Sounds & Notifications configuration located in the Personal folder? You can disable Notifications (reminders/alarms).
I still want to receive reminders/alarms, but not while Iam on a phone conversation and hear those sounds through the phone's ear piece. Is this possible?
stop notification sound while in call
ya me too i liek get this song playing why im on the phone when i get a message wtf haha anyone

[Q] Optimus Black : Disabling Vibrating text notifications during calls.

I am having an extremely annoying problem with my phone.
Whenever Im on calls and i receive a text, it vibrates, while im on call. And whats annoying is, that the person on the other end hears the annoying buzzing sound as well its irritating for me as well.
Is there a way to stop the phone from vibrating for notification while im on calls ?
Im not talking about changing vibrations for profiles, just stop vibrating while im on a call !
Another option - also not free, but ridiculously easy: Kill The Duck. (disclosure: I'm the dev)
Monitors phone state and disables vibrate notifications when there's an active call, and restores the prior vibrate notification settings when the call is over. That's it. That's all it does. Period.
After being driven crazy by this "feature" of my HTC Incredible for over a year, I figured it was time I did something about it

Disable vibration while on calls?

Currently, my phone will vibrate for certain notifications while I am on a phone call. I don't want any vibration to occur while I am on a phone call (although a discreet beep in the background would be good, but not essential, the main thing is no vibration while on a call).
I've looked extensively in settings and can't find any way to achieve this. Have I missed something?
Phone is unrooted and stock ROM.
I'm looking for the same thing! The vibrator is so darned loud and with phone in my ear, it's crazy!
It turned out I had to install a 3rd-party app for messaging (Handcent) to get this feature.
Also, after investigating further it turned out that the stock Messaging app doesn't vibrate when you receive a message while on a call (that is, there is no notification at all during the call). So it must have been some other app that had vibrated in my ear. However, I installed Handcent because I still want a notification (a tone) if I receive a message while I am on a call.
Hope this helps.
Look like the bug has been fixed and will be available in "future build"
Google search: Issue 220951: 7.0 Nougat vibration during call problem

No missed call notification in notification bar when connected with smartwatch

I have a Note 8 Oreo (stock SM-N950F) and a Huawei Watch 2 4G.
I didn't have any problems until recently, but now when I have a missed call phone does not show any notifications in the notification bar, but if I go to recent calls I can see it as missed. The watch rings and shows the call as missed in notifications. The problems started before the upgrade to Oreo, which I did yesterday.
When I disconnect the watch (bluetooth off), missed call notifications are back to normal in phone.
I don't have other notification problems (mail, sms, etc) when phone and watch are connected. I checked all notification settings and permissions I could imagine, in both phone and watch, and everything looks normal.
Any ideas?

my phone doesn't wake when receiving incoming calls

I have notice this since day one but the phone has never wake up and show the contact picture when receiving a call. Even while using the phone the incoming call pop up notification isn't present I have to pull the down the notification shade to access it it so weird?
Is anyone else experiencing this if yes can you please help me with a fix.

