[Q] Hardly enough storage to install apps CM10? - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I installed the CM10 rom for my xperia x8 e15i following the thread here. It works pretty well and I like the style a lot, but it is rather laggy (even with swap enabled in settings). I can more or less live with the lag, but worse is that I seem to have almost no internal memory left...whenever I try to download an app via the play store I run into insufficent space (I hardly have any apps installed, maybe 4 such as whatsapp, terminal emulator, maps, supsersu).
My internal memory shows total 192mb, used 132mb, available 39mb. But installing something like twitter results in insufficient space error. I even used the LuckyAppManager to move maps etc to sdcard but still I have not much space.
Is this normal when cm10 is installed on the x8? Not sure I can live with so few apps and such lag (6 seconds to load a screen like settings for example or to rotate the screen).
If this is normal for this ROM, could someone recommend me a fast lightweight rom for the x8?

I have the same problem!
I've prepared my old x8 for my daughter and after I've installed a ROM (something like v4.1.2 of Android I've found on XDA), but there's not enough space to install anything.
I'm keen to install whatsapp for her, but I only have 31MB free, and whatsapp won't download due to lack of space.
Did you find any solution? maybe I should look for a smaller ROM. Now that I can't install whatsapp I would even settle with a v2.3 ROM or whatever, as long as I can install it.


[Q] heating problem and internal storage

Problems with my N1 are continuous...
I really need your help guys...
If some of you read my topics, the most terrible problem I have had was that I lost signal and sometimes I have "only emergency call"...now this problem disappear, and it works fine...
but I can't understand if another problem is important or not!
I mean, my phone became hot...some times warm when I play, or using many many apps...and more I use it and more it became hot...but not so hot that i can be burned!
but yesterday I starting to worry about it, because I've done a 20 minutes call without 3G (only wifi ON but not connected because no hotspot was usable) and the phone became really hot, we are in summer and it was pleny annoying have it in hand...
Is it normal?
Can I monitor the temperature of the phone? how?
I hope that I don't have to give my phone to htc for warranty
Another 2 question:
Can i reinstall the radio rom? what is the lastes for nexus1?
Can some one explain me the problem of the internal storage? because I'm on cyanogen and I've activate the option that all app have to be installed on SD, but I've read that someone make an ext partition, someother use script with app2sd, other said that app2sd is old from froyo...
I didn't unsterst if I have to wipe and make this partition or not...
thanks a lot in adavance
Relax. Phones, and their CPU, get hot.
Read FAQ, question 9. Then read the thread it points you to. Then read some more threads, until you know what you want. It's not one answer, it's a matter of preference.
thanks how much space I have to reserve to ext4 partition?
Again, it's a matter of preference. If you see yourself loading a LOT of apps, and/or want to try MIUI or Sense-based custom ROMs, then you'll be good with 1GB EXT4. If you just want to move your apps but use stock or CM - 512MB EXT4 will be enough.
thanks jack
I have CM...but...i cannot understand:
1. what is the difference between DT, Data2ext e data2whathever
2. if I make an ext partition of 512Mb then all apps goes there? or it work like the internal memory so part of the apps goes in the ext partition and the other part in fat partiton?
3. what is better using Miui with integrated script? or CM + DT?
really really thanks a lot
I'll try to explain.
The OS isn't aware of the change, so it keeps acting just like it usually does - putting the apps either on internal memory or on internal+FAT (depends on your settings, app preferences, etc).
Each app consists of 3 parts:
1) The app itself.
2) The app's data (saves, logs, databases, etc).
3) The system's Dalvik-cache for the app (the environment which is running the app).
DT by default moves part 1 to EXT. Unlike Froyo default method, it moves the whole app to SD (which isn't always the case with default method), and allows this also for widgets etc (which isn't the case with default method). It can also move parts 2 and 3 to SD, but it isn't default and requires explicit user command to initiate. The common use is to move parts 1 and 3 to SD, and leave part 2 on internal NAND.
Data2ext and Data2whatever do essentially the same, but they're moving all 3 parts by default, AFAIK.
thanks a lot!
but if the whole app goes in the ext4 partition 1gb is really few I can't install offline navigator, games and really heavy size apps...
so maybe it's like the default froyo app, one part in the FAT partition and the other in the internal memory...
and with DT one part in the EXT4 and the huge part in the FAT and if it is like I said 512Mb or 1Gb is enough
Each big app - game, offline navigator etc - is by default programmed to use the FAT for the huge databases that it holds. When you download a Glu game, for example, it asks you if to save the data to internal memory or to the SD card. This is additional mechanism, that doesn't depend on the OS at all, and is completely app-specific. ALL the big apps have it, since they're all aware of the low internal storage in smaller/older devices.
I had quite an amount of apps installed on the Nexus, and never needed more than 512MB EXT4, using DT's A2SD with Dalvik2SD enabled (options 1 and 3 enabled from the previous post). I think 1GB should be more than enough for 99% of users.
thanks now it's clear...
I've installed everything...
after giving the a2sd cachesd command
i have to give also the a2sd datasd command? or it is unecessary?
Before I execute the a2sd cachesd the a2sd check working fine, now after the a2sd cachesd if I check I always have permission denied
no one ansewer but I have another problem...
I've installed the last CM 7.1 RC1
I've done a full wipe
installed CM
installed DT
installed gAPPS
everythings works fine but, I see in the Application Manager some app that doesn't appear in the launcher...
for example street view and google books...
I've try to flash again the zip via recovery but nothing change and I can't uninstall them -.-
(Streetview work via google maps however, but google books is a ghost app)
About cachesd and datasd - it's all about your preferences. My suggestion is - if you're light user, don't use any of them, if you're a heavy user - use cachesd (don't execute datasd).
Can't help you with Google books, sorry. Street View isn't considered a separate app, it's add-on for Maps, so it's not supposed to show, AFAIK.

[Q] About MIUI

Hi there XDA-Developers,
I'm new here
But, I gotta little question about MIUI on Galaxy S.
Because I had MIUI Mintberry on my SGS, and after clean install it was very fast. But when I installed a couple of apps I had often lags. Is there a way to speed MIUI up a bit? Because I really like MIUI...
(And if I posted in the wrong section, what is very unlikely to me, please correct me!! Also if my question already is been answered in another thread...)
some apps like facebook used lots a resource
for exemple facebook has a internal process to check new message
lots of applications starts at android boot and eat memory
so you have less free memory and sometimes some lags appears
Yeah, I know that.I don't even use Facebook
Well there's an app called Autostarts in the Market. It's paid though. Anyway. With it you can set what programs start at boot and thus more RAM can be used for everything else.

Effect of installing many apps

I've downloaded to my LG Optimus Black 30 apps til' now, I'm on Zeus V2.1
When I had the stock rom I had 100 apps!!
Does installing many apps necessarily slow down the phone? or It doesn't have to affect on the phone memory and speed?
On the one hand, I know that the phone is a lot faster when It has only few apps, and on the other hand, I have an Android Phone, Why not to have funny apps like lighter and games. What's your opinion?
Short answer: Mostly less is more...
Means: A lot of apps stay in memory and slow down ur phone, as u alread answered to urself, some even keep running in background and can keep the cpu from going to deep sleep mode, if they are not programmed well.
So yes, many apps slow down ur phone
Well, to describe it correctly, i would like you to explain that it's not the "numbers" of applications that matters.... I mean, we have a whole one GB of internal space, so we can easily afford 100+ applications.
So, it's actually the "type" of applications that give you a considerable effect on your device's performance.
# Example : i have installed TorrentFreak reader application. When i open it to read TF articles, it opens... when i exit it, it exits... shuts down completely. Now, i have installed UNO game from glu, which even if i don't open, it brings me advertisement notification.
So, the moral of story is, if i have installed hundreds of applications like TFreader, they won't cost me any RAM or any battery usage if i don't use it. But if i install just 10-15 apps like UNOgame of glu, they will use my data connection, RAM etc. in background even if i hardly use them.
So, always choose the application wisely, that's the point. Check their permissions, see if they add any "services" that may keep consuming your cpu cycles..... and you are good to go.

[Q] app storage limitation data

If you want to fix your low space problem on the captivate, LOOK here:
Previous Text:
Is there an ics rom that allows all 2 gb of /data to be used for apps? It seems most of them I've tried have the same limit from recent cm7 night lies about 350 mb, before google framework starts crashing (gummy) or I get a low space warning (nostalgia).
I believe this is just something we will have to live with on ICS with our phones.
prbassplayer said:
I believe this is just something we will have to live with on ICS with our phones.
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So here is something interesting I'm currently running AOKP m28, with ~487 Mb of apps installed.
No low space warning and no framework crashes.
scythekain said:
So here is something interesting I'm currently running AOKP m28, with ~487 Mb of apps installed.
No low space warning and no framework crashes.
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I'm running AOKP Build 28, I have ~529mb of apps installed and I am getting the warning.
However, I haven't had any framework crashes. Also, I was able to successful restart my phone.
Hangampalli said:
I'm running AOKP Build 28, I have ~529mb of apps installed and I am getting the warning.
However, I haven't had any framework crashes. Also, I was able to successful restart my phone.
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Yeah, I started to get the low space warning when hitting the ~ 500 MB line as well.
Here's what I've found, two types of AOSP/CyanogenMod based Roms for Cappy:
1) Gives low space warning (and as long as you don't cross that threshold) does not produce framework crashes.
2) Does not give low space warning, but produces massive framework crashes.
The problem (as I've learned from CyanogenMod forums) is the datadata partition. CM7.1 used the datadata partition for apps, and did not have the low space warning. This meant whenever you approached the 172 MB limit of datadata you ran into spectacular framework crashes.
However around nightly 11162011 they changed that, and introduced the "low space warning". This allowed about ~300 MB of apps to be installed, before datadata complained.
I bet if you look at your datadata* (I looked at mine just now) it's pretty close to full. Mine currently only has 17 MB free. I notice when I'm browsing the web with Maxthon with about 5 tabs open I get the low space warning.
I'm wondering now though if this is a relic of linking left in my system folder. Next flash I'm going to format my /system before flash and see if this behavior changes.
*To check your datadata size open a terminal (I like Android Terminal Emulator) and type "df".
You can remove the symlink betwen /datadata and /data (I think) but it will most likely make your phone anywhere from a tad slower to unusable slow. Like I said its just a limitation from our phones, at least for now.
prbassplayer said:
You can remove the symlink betwen /datadata and /data (I think) but it will most likely make your phone anywhere from a tad slower to unusable slow. Like I said its just a limitation from our phones, at least for now.
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I figured this was what is happening. Has someone tried this and confirmed the performance hit?
I did way back when on ICSSGS 2.x and 3.x Made my phone almost unable, which means my nand isn't in good shape. But the result varies a lot so no way on telling.
I know they had a zip but doubt it will work on any other rom.
Sent from my ICS powered Captivate using Tapatalk
So last night I was performing some benchmarks after formatting system. What I found was interesting to say the least. CNA was no longer laggy. Aokp isn't as fast as it felt.
Anyways, I stuck with dark knight and currently have 560 mb installed with no low space warnings and no framework crashes.
So after installing >500 mb of apps I'm still getting low space warnings with dark knight. I ran df in my terminal and have determined that it happened when the datadata partition is at oR below 15 megs free. Wierd thing though, I was at 28 mb free, reboot come back up with 6 mb free? Moved 70 mb of apps to USB storage, and it moved up to 26 mb free on datadata.
scythekain said:
So last night I was performing some benchmarks after formatting system. What I found was interesting to say the least. CNA was no longer laggy. Aokp isn't as fast as it felt.
Anyways, I stuck with dark knight and currently have 560 mb installed with no low space warnings and no framework crashes.
So after installing >500 mb of apps I'm still getting low space warnings with dark knight. I ran df in my terminal and have determined that it happened when the datadata partition is at oR below 15 megs free. Wierd thing though, I was at 28 mb free, reboot come back up with 6 mb free? Moved 70 mb of apps to USB storage, and it moved up to 26 mb free on datadata.
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I think right now, moving apps to SD card is the only real solution. I think the limit is near ~375ish?
So far, I've only moved games and a video player. Hopefully, they'll still work fine.
I've had this for about 2 days now, and it seems to be working. I did start having framework crashes at the end of monday, but the phone surprisingly restarted. I'm not sure how that happened (maybe the AKOP rom is stronger than I thought). I did try and move some of the bigger app's to the SD card while the phone was crashing....I thought it didn't go through, but maybe it did.
So in summary, move apps to SD card when warning pops up. And if phone starts crashing, still try to move apps to SD card, restart and hope it works?
PS...Is anyone running the nostalgia ROM? I don't think that ROM has this problem. The developer said he had something like 250 apps installed. I'm not using it currently b/c I didn't like some of the theme-ing such as that in the people app. However, the developer recently told me that I could modify the zip package with an unskinned people app. If this AKOP rom fails me, I'll go to that and update results.
Fix for low space problem on Galaxy S (Fascinate/Captivate/Vibrant)
Hangampalli said:
I think right now, moving apps to SD card is the only real solution. I think the limit is near ~375ish?
So far, I've only moved games and a video player. Hopefully, they'll still work fine.
I've had this for about 2 days now, and it seems to be working. I did start having framework crashes at the end of monday, but the phone surprisingly restarted. I'm not sure how that happened (maybe the AKOP rom is stronger than I thought). I did try and move some of the bigger app's to the SD card while the phone was crashing....I thought it didn't go through, but maybe it did.
So in summary, move apps to SD card when warning pops up. And if phone starts crashing, still try to move apps to SD card, restart and hope it works?
PS...Is anyone running the nostalgia ROM? I don't think that ROM has this problem. The developer said he had something like 250 apps installed. I'm not using it currently b/c I didn't like some of the theme-ing such as that in the people app. However, the developer recently told me that I could modify the zip package with an unskinned people app. If this AKOP rom fails me, I'll go to that and update results.
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I've run Nostalgia as well, it's just more Samsung Bloat (From Doc's) on top of the AOKP core.
So it will give you the low space warning when datadata fills up, but largely like AOKP as long as you deal with it (Dark Knight as well) the system is rock solid.
HOWEVER there is good news for us:
The script above SHOULD help us use more of our app storage space, while still providing the awesome speed that custom roms are known for.
scythekain said:
I've run Nostalgia as well, it's just more Samsung Bloat (From Doc's) on top of the AOKP core.
So it will give you the low space warning when datadata fills up, but largely like AOKP as long as you deal with it (Dark Knight as well) the system is rock solid.
HOWEVER there is good news for us:
The script above SHOULD help us use more of our app storage space, while still providing the awesome speed that custom roms are known for.
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So after a month of running the "datadata" fix:
I have about 700 MB of apps installed with no framework crashes, no low space warnings (AOKP B32 / Glitch).
Datadata consistently has about 80 MB available. at it's current rate of increase when installing new apps, it's possible this configuration would allow the complete 2 GB usage of the data partition.

[Q] About "Virtual" RAM / Background Tasks

1st question
Well, first of all, good day/afternoon/night to everyone.
After watching a youtube video I got pissed off and disgusted. I saw a guy running a PS1 emulator in a XPERIA Play. For what I know, our phone is better in every aspect (hardware and software). But, in the video description and in the phone specifications (vid), says that it has 800 MB RAM. And a dude has asked how he got so much RAM. And he simply answered: Virtual RAM.
Resuming. What do I want to know:
::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
- What is virtual RAM (How it works);
- Can we use it on our phone? There are any exceptions or anything that could damage it?
- If possible to use, can we feel the difference? Is it notable? Like, in games, multitasking... Etc.
2nd Question:
And the other thing: Background apps.
I use my phone a lot, playing games and sending messages (Facebook, Gmail, SMS, Whatsapp)...
It's been performing quite good until now, but there's one thing that pisses the *uck out of me: WHY CANT IT STORE APPS IN THE BACKGROUND?
I mean, like in this example:
I am playing NFS:MW. And then, I receive a message. What does usually normal people do when receive a message? That's right. READ IT (OR AT LEAST TRY TO). So. I press the home button, go to "Messages" and read it (and maybe answer it). Ok. I try to get back to the game by long pressing home, and clicking into it. And then, suddenly, it goes right away to the *****NG STARTING SCREEN. :banghead:
And this does not happen only with games. This happens with almost every "background" running task. Can I solve this? I mean, what's the point of having a "background" apps list if you cannot actually open them? Now there's something that annoys the F*CK out of me. Thanks.
About background apps closing ... looks like you are running out of RAM.
Game is still in background, for as long as system do not need that RAM used by your game.
When more RAM is needed background apps are being killed to free that RAM to be used by foreground activity (in your case - game is killed so your messenger can run in that RAM)
This is feature not bug, Android acts like that on purpose.
IDK about virtual RAM on android
RafaeLlLoki said:
1st question
Well, first of all, good day/afternoon/night to everyone.
After watching a youtube video I got pissed off and disgusted. I saw a guy running a PS1 emulator in a XPERIA Play. For what I know, our phone is better in every aspect (hardware and software). But, in the video description and in the phone specifications (vid), says that it has 800 MB RAM. And a dude has asked how he got so much RAM. And he simply answered: Virtual RAM.
Resuming. What do I want to know:
::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
- What is virtual RAM (How it works);
- Can we use it on our phone? There are any exceptions or anything that could damage it?
- If possible to use, can we feel the difference? Is it notable? Like, in games, multitasking... Etc.
2nd Question:
And the other thing: Background apps.
I use my phone a lot, playing games and sending messages (Facebook, Gmail, SMS, Whatsapp)...
It's been performing quite good until now, but there's one thing that pisses the *uck out of me: WHY CANT IT STORE APPS IN THE BACKGROUND?
I mean, like in this example:
I am playing NFS:MW. And then, I receive a message. What does usually normal people do when receive a message? That's right. READ IT (OR AT LEAST TRY TO). So. I press the home button, go to "Messages" and read it (and maybe answer it). Ok. I try to get back to the game by long pressing home, and clicking into it. And then, suddenly, it goes right away to the *****NG STARTING SCREEN. :banghead:
And this does not happen only with games. This happens with almost every "background" running task. Can I solve this? I mean, what's the point of having a "background" apps list if you cannot actually open them? Now there's something that annoys the F*CK out of me. Thanks.
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Maybe what you call "Virtual RAM" is actually...Swap feature from Linux, so, how do you do it?.
Go to CWM->advanced-> partition external sdcard (THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING FROM IT, make a backup), select swap partition size (whatever you want really, it doesn't have a real use in our device). Sw.....wait for it....ap done!
About the multitasking problem of yours. Do you use scripts? Most of the time this happens only with custom kernels and strict memory kill values. Check if it happens in stock ROM with stock kernel. I doubt it would.
chemicalrage said:
About the multitasking problem of yours. Do you use scripts? Most of the time this happens only with custom kernels and strict memory kill values. Check if it happens in stock ROM with stock kernel. I doubt it would.
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No. I don't. I use the CoCore. When I used the stock kernel it was the same thing basically. The changes were that I didn't have a custom recovery neither a custom kernel (???).
:::: :::: ::::
And about the "swap". Could it be done with TWRP instead of CWM? And could it also be done with a vold.fstab nodded system?
RafaeLlLoki said:
No. I don't. I use the CoCore. When I used the stock kernel it was the same thing basically. The changes were that I didn't have a custom recovery neither a custom kernel (???).
:::: :::: ::::
And about the "swap". Could it be done with TWRP instead of CWM? And could it also be done with a vold.fstab nodded system?
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About TWRP, probably no.
Linux kernel (If I understand correctly) searchs swap partition by itself, so, yes, if you have a modded vold.fstab or want to mod the vold.fstab, you can enable Swap without problems.
I've found a method that allows me to easily SWAP my phone.
This is the link.
Do you guys think it would work for me, considering that I have a 16 GB card/vold.fstab modded ROM/CoCore (custom kernel)/Stock ROM???????
pinEur the
To emulate ps1 is a very easy thing to do, even a galaxy 5 can do it
And you probably are using a lot of social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
Cause I'm using this phone
can hear music, play n64 and then when a music that i don't want to hear comes I can hold the home and go to music player, change my music and resume playing, the same I can do with all my emu
I'm using stock everything (jb) and only rooted phone with io scheduler noop

