[Q&A] [ROM] [OFFICIAL] [5.0.2] Dirty Unicorns v9.0 - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Q&A for [ROM] [OFFICIAL] [5.0.2] Dirty Unicorns v9.0
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ROM] [OFFICIAL] [5.0.2] Dirty Unicorns v9.0. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!

multirom failing to add du9.0 as secondary rom
I'm currently using cm12 with custom kernel for kexec hardboot patch as primary ROM.
I'm trying to add du9.0 as secondary ROM and it fails to install, in the multirom
twrp menu there's no option to share kernel or not when adding a secondary
ROM, does anyone know if its a problem with the version of multirom ported for
The m7 or if I'm doing something else wrong , the du9.0 ROM works fine when using as primary ROM without multirom I've searched everywhere and can't figure out why
Its failing to add as a secondary ROM, I've added many secondary ROMs
On my n5 without a problem I've never seen this happen before any help or advice
Would be muchly appreciated thanks

Volume increments
Is there a way to increase the number of volume increments? right now the most of the volumes only have 7 increments and voice call only has 5.

Dirty Unicorns v9.0 & IR remote
ROM is great, smooth, very fast & everything is working fine. I've noticed one small problem. I've installed Smart IR remote to control TV & STB and unfortunately it is not working. Could you tell me if it's possible to do something to make IR control working on your ROM?
Thank you very much for your help.
Bests, amiseh.

I like this Rom!
I really like this rom.
So smooth, not just in the system Apps but also in every single other APP it feels more smooth than in other available aosp Roms.
Only thing i miss is the permission manager.
I remember it was available in other versions but i cant find it in this one.
Is it not available at the moment ?
With grettings from Germany

Yeah same here. I tend to skip it. But it is annoying sometimes I need to take a 1-2sec pause just to go home.
You might as well add a recent app switcher shortcut in the homepage. Or try the omni recent manager.
The lights of my buttons don't turn on. They did only once on the build from two weeks ago.
But the second I restarted the stayed off. It would be good if they added support for the capacitive light control in the buttons settings.
CM12-12.1 build has it. On the WEEKLY build from yesterday (DU_m7_5.1.1_20150513-0226.v9.3-WEEKLIES) I'm getting random bootloops when I turn the screen off. Or if I leave it charging. (I might check the change log)
So I just reverted back to 20150-5-5

Is there a way to disable the notification when I plug in a pair of earbuds? I can't dismiss it and I find it distracting since I use my phone with the earbuds a lot. The actual notification says "Headset: Headset is plugged in." and appears to be part of the Phone app.
Thanks in advance!

button backlight (settings)
Is it possible to add the button backlight settings (m7). I believe CM has them.
Also does your phone have them on. B/c mine has them off. I think in the DU_m7_5.1.1_20150427-2127.v9.3-OFFICIAL.zip they turned on for about a minute and then stayed off .
Under my Twrp Recovery they are on. But just suddensly turn off inside the rom. (sure I don't mind them since I know where the keys are) But just wondering.
PS. im on 5-05 Weekly since I was getting random restarts under 5-13

Hello. Just à little question. How can i put 4g instead of LTE in status bar?

Random reboot while using Play Music
Can a mod delete this please?

turn on/off mobile data
I'm using DU since Friday and I didn't have any problems. But I'm missing on function from the HTC stock rom. Is there no way to turn mobile data on/off by one touch? I always need to go to Settings -> Data usage and turn mobile data on/off there.
Thanks for any hints.
DU OFFICIAL v9.4 (Build Jun 11 2015)

owei said:
I'm using DU since Friday and I didn't have any problems. But I'm missing on function from the HTC stock rom. Is there no way to turn mobile data on/off by one touch? I always need to go to Settings -> Data usage and turn mobile data on/off there.
Thanks for any hints.
DU OFFICIAL v9.4 (Build Jun 11 2015)
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Solved by using Power Toggles.

Do I need to be S-off?
Do I need to be S-off, in order to install this rom?

Is anyone having battery drain by the kernel? I'm seeing in GSam monitor that it is the only one draining my battery

This rom is dead af


[ROM][JB] Team EOS 3 *JELLYBEAN* Nightlies

Team EOS​JB 4.1.2 Crespo​NIGHTLIES​
Continuing on from the success of the EOS ICS roms, we present to you EOS3, based on JELLYBEAN!
It is the goal of Team EOS to develop and maintain the highest performing and most stable AOSP based rom for an array of platforms. For the latest news on Team EOS releases make sure you follow @teameos on twitter and on IRC on Freenode in #teameos.
NOTE: Team EOS, it’s members, friends, dogs, cats, and associates are in no way responsible for any loss of data or device functionality. Use this at your own risk!
A quick note on Nightlies: NIGHTLIES ARE DEVELOPMENT BUILDS. They are automatically generated every now and then, and represent the compilation of the latest commits to the code repository. While every effort is made ensure that the commits that are accepted are stable and do not have a negative impact to the overall performance and function of the builds it is not possible to test every aspect of a commits impact to the overall repo prior to it’s inclusion in a given build. As a result it is entirely possible that instabilities may be introduced as a result of a given days commits. That is the nature of the nightly system, and the risk that is taken using the latest code changes to the project.
EOS is an AOSP based rom. It is developed and maintained by Team EOS and is the culmination of our own in house development efforts.
Team EOS Nightly builds: http://goo-inside.me/devs/teameos/roms/eos3/nightlies/crespo/
G-Apps Package
Because this is an AOSP based rom Google Apps are not included in the base rom. To install Google Apps please flash the following package after installing the base rom:
Gapps package gapps
Because these are nightly builds the included features are constantly evolving, we do not provide a change log manually. Instead please see the changes on jenkins for your build.
For the most up to date and comprehensive listing of the changes included in this rom please visit http://review.teameos.org
Kernel Note: This rom is currently using the stock kernel, so you can find the sources from aosp.
Installation Notes:
These builds are designed to be installed from your favorite recovery.
Perform a full wipe (read Factory Reset) prior to installing this over ANY ICS or JB based rom.
If you find strange or otherwise unexplained errors please report them here: https://bugs.teameos.org/ Please include logcats and as thorough a description of the issue and what lead up to the issue as possible. With out this we will be unable to track down these errors.
Want to contribute to the Eos rom? Well you can!
Just follow http://teameos.org/?page_id=6 to checkout our source code, and information on how to submit changes for review.
Enabling voice search in google now
Go into Settings
Go to "Language & input"
Scroll down to "Speech" and click on "Voice Search"
Click on "Download offline speech recognition"
Swipe Across to the "ALL" tab if needed
Download your speech pack for your language
Saving this for me.. Myself and Indirect will be maintaining this device. Please Enjoy guys. If you have any issues let me or Indirect know and we will get them straightened out.
rlasalle15 said:
Saving this for me.. Myself and Indirect will be maintaining this device. Please Enjoy guys. If you have any issues let me or Indirect know and we will get them straightened out.
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This ROM is very stable and have a low battery drain. I have two request, can you add in next release : kill app with long press of back button and use the volume button as cursor when i write.
Offline voice not present in menù
Thank you
Hmm...offline voice is available for crespo?
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
manolohd said:
This ROM is very stable and have a low battery drain. I have two request, can you add in next release : kill app with long press of back button and use the volume button as cursor when i write.
Offline voice not present in menù
Thank you
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I'm not used to working in a capacitive button environment. But I'm sure I can do better than just back button app kill
Thank you so much for your work, this Rom is very fast and stable.
Good job for future release. :thumbup::thumbup:
Inviato dal mio Nexus S
ilnanny said:
Thank you so much for your work, this Rom is very fast and stable.
Good job for future release. :thumbup::thumbup:
Inviato dal mio Nexus S
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Glad you are liking it!
First impressions...
Really nice ROM, some nice features like hide status bar with a time out.
Seems really smooth using marmite kernel
Sent from my Full Android on Crespo using Tapatalk 2
Very nice rom, can't wait for stable
mutantlx said:
First impressions...
Really nice ROM, some nice features like hide status bar with a time out.
Seems really smooth using marmite kernel
Sent from my Full Android on Crespo using Tapatalk 2
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Mawtin said:
Very nice rom, can't wait for stable
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Glad to hear you guys are liking it. It should be pretty much stable by now. If issues every arise please let me know.
This is a relay nice rom. very stable, smooth and a nice set of features.
I do have one question and one request.
There is a setting for screen shot Scale but I cant find the screen shot setup or toggle itself.
Where is the screen shot capability or was it left out?
One of my most used features is Volume button to advance music while asleep.
Can this possibly be implemented into future builds?
Thanks in advance and again, very nice rom.
Big Dog KMc said:
This is a relay nice rom. very stable, smooth and a nice set of features.
I do have one question and one request.
There is a setting for screen shot Scale but I cant find the screen shot setup or toggle itself.
Where is the screen shot capability or was it left out?
One of my most used features is Volume button to advance music while asleep.
Can this possibly be implemented into future builds?
Thanks in advance and again, very nice rom.
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Simply tap the preference in Display settings and select the scale factor from the dialog. There hasn't been much demand for hardware button remapping so we don't have the volume mods. But this is our first supported capacitive button device so seems we should do something for you guys.
bigrushdog said:
Simply tap the preference in Display settings and select the scale factor from the dialog. There hasn't been much demand for hardware button remapping so we don't have the volume mods. But this is our first supported capacitive button device so seems we should do something for you guys.
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This part I know as I stated in my previous post but how/where do you actually take a screen shot?
no button exists in the power menu as most other roms. no power/volume button combo seems to work.
Does this mean that I need to download a separate app like Dropcap2? <------ (( which does not work))
I had already written and got some answers ... but in the wrong section
...Then I rewrite here, in the right one for my kind of Nexus:
I've just installed this ROM that looks like great! (and I've ported this thread in another italian forum...)
Only a couple of requests, if it's possible... :
Would you like to add the volume rocker wake mod, for the "almost broken power button" users like me, and, ever if it's possible, add the "quad lock screen"?
Thanks anyway!!

[ROM][4.4.4][Official] NamelessROM [NIGHTLIES]

What is NamelessROM?
NamelessROM Gerrit Review
What is NamelessROM ?
Simple - NamelessROM is opportunity.
An opportunity to have a voice to the development team of the after-market firmware that you run on your device.
The main goal of NamelessROM is to provide quality development for android devices, phones and tablets alike.
NamelessROM developers are available nearly 24/7 and respond to bug reports and feature requests almost instantly.
This availability will allow you, the end-user, to have direct input into exactly what features and functions are included on the firmware that YOU run.
NamelessROM maintains features and functions of several well-known open-source, AOSP-based ROMs, as well as many features of our own.
See the screenshots in the 3rd post, and visit our website for more detailed information.
NamelessROM = endless possibilities. Unless you have an iPhone, then you're out of luck.
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ANNOUNCEMENT: We are looking for Device Maintainers to expand our support, please visit our IRC channel or PM @Evisceration, or @jumoog for information.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
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Got a bug report? Want to request a feature? Need extended support?
JIRA (recommended)
Google+ Community​
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Installation Instructions
Factory Reset/Wipe Data
Format System
Format Dalvik Cache
Install ROM
Install Gapps
Just download the zip and flash it. You will NOT need to wipe anything.
Optionally you can also you our own OTA Updater​
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Contributions and Credit
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Gapps (Banks CORE Gapps recommended)
Banks Gapps
NamelessROM Source​
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Please note, there is still WIP
List of bugs
Whats not working so far:
Bluetooth is not powerful at a long range seems to be fixed per user reports
FM Radio (does not work, will never work, no attempts will be made to bring it back)
Native Wifi Tethering (works with third party tethering apps)
HD (720p) video recording, just switch to a lower resolution and it should work. (seems to be fixed, would need some verification)
Additions can be found HERE
be careful with the overclocked kernel (max speed 1200mhz)!
Every hardware is different, some devices can handle the overclock, some cant.
I am not responsible for bootloops or whatever!
If you need calender sync and it doesnt work, please take a look here
Some screenshots
Ehrmagerd, moaaar screeansheerts
Features List​
NamelessROM Proprietary Features
NamelessROM Setup Wizard (replaces Google SetupWizard)
DeviceControl App - Allows for device-specific customizations
NamelessROM OTA Update Center
Fully Integrated KitKat White UI Theme
Advanced Device Information in Settings -> About Phone
Interface Features
DarkToggle - TRDS
Animation Control
Custom Battery Icon Settings
Center Clock Setting
Custom Carrier Label
Signal Icon Settings
Network Activity Indicator
Network Speed Indicator
Notification Count in StatusBar
Double-Tap StatusBar to Sleep
Theme Chooser
Recents RAM Bar
Configurable / Hide-able ClearAll Button in Recents
Screen-Off Animations
Notification Drawer Features
BrightnessSlider in Notification Drawer (see screenshots - like Stock ROMs)
Contextual Notification Panel Headers (notification header background image changes based on time of day)
Auto-Close Notification Drawer
Notification Drawer / Notification Transparency Settings
CM QuickToggles and Ribbons
Lockscreen Features
Lockscreen Notifications
Lockscreen See-Through
QuickUnlock for PIN/Password Security Lockscreens
Battery Level Around UnlockRing
Carousel Animation for Lockscreen Widgets
Custom Lockscreen Widgets
Sound Features
Audio Themes - (will be grayed out until SoundPackages are placed in proper directory on SD Card!!!)
Charging Sounds
Dialer Features
Non-Intrusive InCallUI
Flip to Mute / Flip to Reject Incoming Call
Send Incoming Call to NotificationDrawer/StatusBar
Reverse Lookup
Nearby Location Search within Dialer (like GoogleDialer)
Button Features
Music Playback Control (long-press volume buttons to skip music tracks)
Reorient Volume Buttons on rotation
Keyboard Cursor Control with Volume Buttons
Volume Button Wake
Screenshot / Screenrecord PowerMenu options
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Congratulations for new forum.
waiting for audio to be fixed.
as always great job. :good::good::good:
Grateful thanks
Good work with the Rom !
I really appreciate all the work you've done ! :angel:
If you need anything, like always, just ask !
vsg24 said:
Congratulations for new forum.
waiting for audio to be fixed.
as always great job. :good::good::good:
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the last days there was really a HUGE amount of work, all these administrative things and getting the base of the rom itself done.
but theres still a lot to do and no break in sight
hoping to get time for audio soon, its really bugging me.
cstyves said:
Good work with the Rom !
I really appreciate all the work you've done ! :angel:
If you need anything, like always, just ask !
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thank you so much
you know, gfx' are always very welcome hehe
Good I have leaked one of the latest zips on a big Russian forum this morning, only good comments Except of audio, of course
matshch said:
Good I have leaked one of the latest zips on a big Russian forum this morning, only good comments Except of audio, of course
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and i thought i can trust my beta testers
yeah i have nearly no experience in audio, so need to research a lot which is time consuming.
Evisceration said:
and i thought i can trust my beta testers
yeah i have nearly no experience in audio, so need to research a lot which is time consuming.
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Russian is very annoying And you asked to not post link, I haven't posted
Good work. I wanted to request for a few features
1."XPosed Framework".
2. Viper4Android (it works out of box better)
Tried to register in forum but found some difficulty in doing so. Also for gerrit your link should be with http and not https.
Again Nice work
pkb_always4u said:
Good work. I wanted to request for a few features
1."XPosed Framework".
2. Viper4Android (it works out of box better)
Tried to register in forum but found some difficulty in doing so. Also for gerrit your link should be with http and not https.
Again Nice work
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mhm, im afraid that will not happen :/
we are very open with requests, but there are some things.
as proprietary is likely not to get included, and thats what Viper is, even if it may work better (btw our tuned DSPManager is badass though)
and XPosed, i know a lot of people use it, but the thing is like that.
if we include it, it means we "support it officially" which results in, we have to fix everything which xposed may break and that is very likely to happen, as it modifies the system.
and thats a no go.
Ok got your point! But meant DSP is badass anyway? hehe!
pkb_always4u said:
Ok got your point! But meant DSP is badass anyway? hehe!
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yeah haha.
it has some additional effects (bass boost, stereo widening) and also a brand new interface
though its not much of use until Audio is fully working anyways
Saw the link...looks promising but till sound doesnt work cant compare and say anything.
I flashed this new ROM 3 hours ago and now I am restoring my apps with Titanium step by step with making CWM backups of course.
Until now it looks very good and stable.
1. Can I install SuperSU and if yes what is preferred: install from market or flash the zip?
2. The boot animation could be improved IMHO.
3. I changed the launcher to XPeria Z 2.06b (compatible to Android 4.4)
4. GPS is really not better as in Velox and stock ROMs (5-10 minutes until a fix), IZS and Mackay need 10 seconds. It seems that your ROM does not use A-GPS.
Thank you for your hard work developing a new ROM!
tramp20 said:
I flashed this new ROM 3 hours ago and now I am restoring my apps with Titanium step by step with making CWM backups of course.
Until now it looks very good and stable.
1. Can I install SuperSU and if yes what is preferred: install from market or flash the zip?
2. The boot animation could be improved IMHO.
3. I changed the launcher to XPeria Z 2.06b (compatible to Android 4.4)
4. GPS is really not better as in Velox and stock ROMs (5-10 minutes until a fix), IZS and Mackay need 10 seconds. It seems that your ROM does not use A-GPS.
Thank you for your hard work developing a new ROM!
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you dont need to flash supersu as superuser is already integrated
bootanimation is a default one, its really high resolution and thats why its REALLY slow and laggy, we just need to decide a good bootanimation
launcher is launcher3 by default, but it really lacks a lot (like every previous one, trebuchet too) so im running with Nova (fast and lightweight, regarding ram udage too)
gps is hard for me too test as the second hand p970 i just bought for development is half broken (my first one broke completly so i had to buy a second one) and i dont really use it much.
though i applied gps tweaks but still it seems something isnt sticking how it should (propably kitkats new way of handling sensors, maybe permission changes etc)
5) audio doesnt work so it shouldnt be used as a daily driver until its fixed ( someone donates some time or helps me out? )
Sent from my GT-I9505
I think u should make a boot animation for your brand (Nameless ROM). a light and beautiful one.
also pls don't change launcher. let launcher3 to stay default.
Evisceration said:
you dont need to flash supersu as superuser is already integrated
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Yes, I know it but I like SuperSU much more.
I installed it from the market and it worked at once, so no problem.
First I respect your really hard work with this ROM!
Do you use the same kernel as in your Velox ROM?
Can I use another kernel perhaps from Mackay (very stable)?
I tried your ROM yesterday with installing my usual apps (they are running perfect in IZS and Mackay but not in Velox and now in Nameless) but I had to do this without the back cover of my phone to be able to remove the battery because of the permanent crashes.
These (kernel ?) crashes are not repeatable, sometime the phone reboots but stucks during the boot animation.
As mentioned the Velox ROM on my phone is almost as unstable as the Nameless (I cannot count how often I made a fresh install).
I will try again and again, now with only some of my apps and the default launcher.
Please believe me I will help you
Edit and solution at least on my phone:
the culprit was SuperSU. Without it Nameless is very stable since 1 week
tramp20 said:
Yes, I know it but I like SuperSU much more.
I installed it from the market and it worked at once, so no problem.
First I respect your really hard work with this ROM!
Do you use the same kernel as in your Velox ROM?
Can I use another kernel perhaps from Mackay (very stable)?
I tried your ROM yesterday with installing my usual apps (they are running perfect in IZS and Mackay but not in Velox and now in Nameless) but I had to do this without the back cover of my phone to be able to remove the battery because of the permanent crashes.
These (kernel ?) crashes are not repeatable, sometime the phone reboots but stucks during the boot animation.
As mentioned the Velox ROM on my phone is almost as unstable as the Nameless (I cannot count how often I made a fresh install).
I will try again and again, now with only some of my apps and the default launcher.
Please believe me I will help you
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kernel is default kernel without extra tweaks.
it reboots because it panics inside the system, as its not fully done yet, still a lot needs to be ported, eg audio and hardware composer.
Sent from my GT-I9505
Evisceration said:
bootanimation is a default one, its really high resolution and thats why its REALLY slow and laggy, we just need to decide a good bootanimation
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This one for the OmniROM looks nice and simple:
In the meantime I am trying the yesterday nightly.

[q&a] [rom][m7][sep2014] aicp - 6.0 - kk 4.4.4

Q&A for [ROM][M7][SEP2014] AICP - 6.0 - KK 4.4.4
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer. Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy! :smile:
I've had this flashed for some time on my M7_UL because it functions so beautifully.
I love it so much that I've forgiven it for making my phone crash 50% of the time when trying to answer a phone call, and at other random times about once a day. Not sure if the newest 7.0 release has fixed that or not.
One feature I'd suggest is enable some sort of default CPU O/C controls and maybe smartassv2.
EDIT: Didn't mean for this to end up in Q&A
Even though the rom now supports wake gestures, the Wake Gestures xposed module doesn't seems to recognize it. It says the kernel doesn't support it or it's not enabled.
dushan90 said:
Even though the rom now supports wake gestures, the Wake Gestures xposed module doesn't seems to recognize it. It says the kernel doesn't support it or it's not enabled.
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You need to flash a kernel that supports wake gestures. Elemental x for example.
Wake gestures are not support in th Stock M7 kernel.
Elemental x is for sense based roms. Not for aosp. And if this rom doesn't support wake gestures, whats this?
dushan90 said:
Elemental x is for sense based roms. Not for aosp. And if this rom doesn't support wake gestures, whats this?
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The problem still remains the same. I used Elemental x as an example (mainly because I don't know which kernels support wake gestures for aosp roms.)
But the fact remain weather a Rom support wake gestures or not is irrelevant if the kernel running it doesn't support wake gestures they won't work. These gestures are an after market feature for the m7. Only the m8 supports Wake gestures officially.
Sent from my HTC One M7 - ARHD 81.0 Using Tapatalk
If you found my posts helpful, Please click thanks :good:
Currently I'm using dt2w with the AICP's default kernel... So doesn't it means the kernel supports wake gestures?
dushan90 said:
Currently I'm using dt2w with the AICP's default kernel... So doesn't it means the kernel supports wake gestures?
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Looking at the main thread it would appear that wake gestures are a "work in progress" for the kernel with that Rom. :good:
Sent from my HTC One M7 - ARHD 81.0 Using Tapatalk
If you found my posts helpful, Please click thanks :good:
Hi, is it possible to restore the old s2w and s2s behavior? I would love to update to 7.0 but since the new kernel, I can't wake my device when in deepsleep, or it needs 5 or 6 attempts. Can anyone advice me which kernel I need to flash?
What firmware are you guys using with this ROM for the m7_ul? I've got the ATT version and I want to make try to get rid of some freezing issues I've been having.
Andriod L having problem with Gallery Settings
Hey thanks for the ROM. Just flashed it and everything working great except gallery setting for now. I didn't checked all the apps. Just seen few.
Can it be used with multirom?
battery percentage
How do i disable battery percentage?
TreyBello said:
How do i disable battery percentage?
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Settings > AIPC Extras > Various **** > Battery Status Percentage
Now, can somebody give me the apk of the Google Keyboard. It's not available from Play Store in our country. (Don't know what's the latest version and that's why I didn't googled it)
Tethering Issue
This only affects certain carriers. The below fix worked for me.
Do this from ADB shell:
settings put global tether_dun_required 0
and reboot. Tethering will work once again.
Download link isn't working
Hi guys,
Just flashed latest nightly of lollipop.
Is the kernel included in the zip best for stability and battery time? Or is there an alternative to be recommended?
A few things I noticed :
Performance settings in ROM control leads to an empty screen that allows searching for all control panel items, is that intentional? I expected kernel tweaker?
Can the x pixel battery bar line be added?
Under settings, and screen, I have an advanced settings headline, but nothing below it? http://i.imgur.com/KYJWJP7.png
What is the status of lollipop in terms of mods that are ported? A lot from 4.4.4 is not ported yet, and xposed can't help due to art runtime. I am aware that lollipop is VERY different from kitkat, and I am not nagging about 'when will x and y be here', just a status from HQ about the transition from KK to LP
Does anyone know about customizing the soft keys and enabling logo key? And does the standard kernel support it?
Any way to customize toggles on kitkat?
I got the wrong apn settings from my carrier, but I guess that's their problem (or mine for running an unsupported Android version they probably do not detect correctly)..
Any way to remove carrier text and camera /call shortcuts from lock screen? So far I have found a guy who will mod system ui apk......
All in all lollipop is awesome, and running superb!! :good:
Thanks to all devs for their time and effort :good::good:
Kind Regards
TwinAdk said:
Hi guys,
Just flashed latest nightly of lollipop.
Is the kernel included in the zip best for stability and battery time? Or is there an alternative to be recommended?
A few things I noticed :
Performance settings in ROM control leads to an empty screen that allows searching for all control panel items, is that intentional? I expected kernel tweaker?
Can the x pixel battery bar line be added?
Under settings, and screen, I have an advanced settings headline, but nothing below it? http://i.imgur.com/KYJWJP7.png
What is the status of lollipop in terms of mods that are ported? A lot from 4.4.4 is not ported yet, and xposed can't help due to art runtime. I am aware that lollipop is VERY different from kitkat, and I am not nagging about 'when will x and y be here', just a status from HQ about the transition from KK to LP
Does anyone know about customizing the soft keys and enabling logo key? And does the standard kernel support it?
Any way to customize toggles on kitkat?
I got the wrong apn settings from my carrier, but I guess that's their problem (or mine for running an unsupported Android version they probably do not detect correctly)..
Any way to remove carrier text and camera /call shortcuts from lock screen? So far I have found a guy who will mod system ui apk......
All in all lollipop is awesome, and running superb!! :good:
Thanks to all devs for their time and effort :good::good:
Kind Regards
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X Pixel battery?
No way to remove those shortcuts still.
No toggles customizations just yet
LorD ClockaN said:
X Pixel battery?
No way to remove those shortcuts still.
No toggles customizations just yet
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Battery line at the top of the display. On AICP KK edition it can be 1 to 4 px thick.
Toggles and shortcuts, fair enough
Kernel advice / options?
I miss the Xposed framework, and the rom options for customization, but I will be patient, lollipop is very different from kitkat, and the work being put into this by devs is truly amazing!
I have had a few instant reboots, that's all the problems with this rom so far, and that's really very acceptable
Kind Regards

[Q&A] [ROM][JB][LB]MasterRom V5 WHITE & BLACK[207][Rooted/Deodexed/Zipaligned/Recove

[Q&A] [ROM][JB][LB]MasterRom V5 WHITE & BLACK[207][Rooted/Deodexed/Zipaligned/Recove
Q&A for [ROM][JB][LB]MasterRom V5 WHITE & BLACK[207][Rooted/Deodexed/Zipaligned/Recovery]
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ROM][JB][LB]MasterRom V5 WHITE & BLACK[207][Rooted/Deodexed/Zipaligned/Recovery]. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Just try it for a whole day now.
Great ROM.
Longer battery life.
But one thing, does anyone realize that too?
The usage of data become greater, especially on Google Play n Update Center.
And the download from playstore often stop suddenly, "waiting for network" on status bar. But the Signal were great and there's no disturbance.
Advice anyone? Thanks
how can i change whole font? when im use ifont , font on home screen not change..
a1ree said:
Just try it for a whole day now.
Great ROM.
Longer battery life.
But one thing, does anyone realize that too?
The usage of data become greater, especially on Google Play n Update Center.
And the download from playstore often stop suddenly, "waiting for network" on status bar. But the Signal were great and there's no disturbance.
Advice anyone? Thanks
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Most probably google services is updating automatically and try downloading the latest version of google play and there is a module named UNBOUNCE that helps to reduce battery drain due to google play services. It worked for me.
My battery draining fast now,i dony know how,bt before whhen i installed tgis rom on v4 and used v5 fix too that experience ws awesomebt now battery drating
Error in ui
Added screenshot showinh when i type in textbox in most apps it shows nthing becoz backgroind color and text color is same
Kindly suggest smthing
How can I install z2 lockscreen?
Hey tplz try to make a mod which can turn off charging led for specific night time
Cm11 nightly has this option ,its a soimple mod bt gravity box doesnt have this
Atleast share any way to do this
Thank you for the great job on this ROM. The only problem I've seen is when I receive an SMS, the LED notification does not work.
Hi brother,
Thank you, for the os is already very good, but can't run terminal command.
such commands swapon and reboot, etc.
and another one on the reboot menu in link2sd
Sorry my English is a bit messy
Plz do smthing for lag ,i dont use loopy smoothn ess tweak bt it makes things even bad
Gpu rendering turned off
Disable hw overlay unticked
Share any way or plz fix this
Rom is all time favorite
Hi tt,there is a few modifications and fixes requiered i this new framework
I m sharing a screen shot ,while setting volume low or high in mx olayer we dont see any popup for that ,its like just we swap up and volume increase,swap down and volume decreas,bt actually now it shows a pop up too.
I am using gravitybox module tt may be this hapoening becoz of that bt if i dont use gravity box volume control feature i will lose an best ootion to control volume,and most imp thing is i only like to use dravity box for modification no other serjar or anything.
There are some more problems like u launched first v5 fix which was modified framework ,battery saving is quite good in that bt then u launched v5 fix and just cancled modification framework bt i dont know bt i dont give me same battery life that ur old v5 fix gave me.
I cant use old v5 fix launch becoz system ui problem,in many places like when i go nova launcher setting or reboot menu and many other i see no text.
I hope u getting all things becoz i already shared screenshots before
Well this rom is awesome ,sm errors can go ,no problem ,bt i js want if u dont want to fix all things now then plz fix 2 things soon.....
1 -battery drain in new v5 fix ( cancled modification framework)
2- lag
If there is some other way we can avoid lag and i dont know yet plz share....
My settings
No loopy smoothness
No gpu rendering
No disabling hw overlay
And using all tweaks u told to use before only............
Screenshot( i forgot to post in previous msg)
Notification led is not working (master rom v5)
sonycorp said:
Notification led is not working (master rom v5)
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Use masterrom v5 fix
If nt getting notification still then ther must be smproblem with ur installation
Home Button Lag
Hi there,
i'm using MasterRom V5 as my daily as i'm quite satisfied with it.
Since a couple of weeks my home button's laggy. When i press the Home Button (Xperia) it lasts up to 5-7 seconds until my homescreen pops up.
Can you help me?
eilorator said:
Hi there,
i'm using MasterRom V5 as my daily as i'm quite satisfied with it.
Since a couple of weeks my home button's laggy. When i press the Home Button (Xperia) it lasts up to 5-7 seconds until my homescreen pops up.
Can you help me?
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Use tweaks that rom hv n try nova launcher
hi tt, excluding everything i hv mantioned above
js i wand solutiin for battery
when i installed thus rom i used ur v5 fix (framewrok cancled latest) n then i used tweaks u recommanded as usual.
battery life was awesome for some days, u bt after that its like everything going back on track.
i have nthung installed or did to modify system. only amplify i m using to control wakelogs
bt still
my battery is good wen screen off bcoz i hv set things in that way
bt wen screen on n i do thing this experience is nt like i had before.
tgat time i sleep with 91 n i wake up with tge same battery
cud u plz suggest sm few things i sud do or avoid
i m really nt using any type of app or tweak other then in this rom.
Hi alls, Hi (ola) TTmaster
I'm using your v4 master rom since 3 months ago and i have to say : very great work (it's the one i prefer of yours V rom)
For me , battery is good (i use performance control for cpu and gpu) about three days... i use too , additionnal tweak: like Battery (2), zipaligndata(09), audio(11) and deepsleep(19)
But for better battery life, you have to use "disable service" from PS for google drain...it's like that...
The sound is better than stock with viper and tweak.
Camera good too with"timeshift burst"
Network good
I have some little probleme with performance profile (sometimes it work, sometimes, it don't), but not really a probleme, i don't use it...
So, ttmaster a really big thank for all your work (MUCHAS GRACIAS)
p.s: sometimes, i dream about a V6 master rom......
a lil improvement on performance and battery wud be great if u consider tt
waiting for sm update
best rom thanks

[Q&A] [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PI

[Q&A] [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PI
Q&A for [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PIE -PEEK
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PIE -PEEK. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Thank you for this ROM, I must say it's fantastic, very smooth and fast. My never-rooted Xperia suddenly died and I got my boyfriend's old phone so I'm playing around with custom settings.
Anyway, here comes a noob question, sorry about that. The thing is - I can't find notification toggles and settings to change/remove quick tiles! I've tried different ROMs and they had notification toggles built in. Now, am I doing something wrong or this feature doesn't exist here?
Premijerka RH said:
Thank you for this ROM, I must say it's fantastic, very smooth and fast. My never-rooted Xperia suddenly died and I got my boyfriend's old phone so I'm playing around with custom settings.
Anyway, here comes a noob question, sorry about that. The thing is - I can't find notification toggles and settings to change/remove quick tiles! I've tried different ROMs and they had notification toggles built in. Now, am I doing something wrong or this feature doesn't exist here?
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For remove title you need to press the button square at the top right in notification pull-down and then you can choose which buttons display by tapping once. You can also shift their position.
I feel so dumb right now, thank you!
How can I make the status bar transparent?
tdp_ said:
How can I make the status bar transparent?
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I'm gonna go ahead and answer my question...
Simply delete the whole line 'ro.config.low_ram = true' in the file 'build.prop' and reboot. I have also installed the Apex launcher where I can set the transparency of the status bar separately but it also work with stock launcher.
I found this solution on youtube but as a new user I'm not allowed to post a link to that.
So far no disadvantages... everything runs fast and smooth.
I found 2 more ways to enable transparent status bar...
1) Instead of deleting the line above you can also set its value to 'false' then reboot.
2) Simply download and install the app 'busybox'. Afterwards you can toggle the 'low ram button" in the advanced settings (in your app drawer). If you enable the low ram mode status bar will stay solid, if it's disabled statusbar will be transparent.
Is there any different kernel to flash with this ROM? like kk kernel?
Thank you
Enviado do meu GT-I9100 através de Tapatalk
Any camera app, e.g. Google Camera, Open Camera crashes whole phone after a few shots. Is there any solution?

