[Q] No ROOT after unbranding - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've just unbranded my HTC One (M7) (O2 UK) to HTC-WWE
In below order:
Unlocked bootloader
SuperSU (Chainfire)
S-OFF (Sunshine)
CID: HTC__001
RUU Zip M7 UL JB 50 HTC Europe 1.28.401.7 Radio 4A.13.3231.27 10.31.1131.05 Release 310878 Signed
With the updates up to recent OTA
After all I have no root anymore.
Should I repeat the first 3 operation up to install SuperSU (wipe contents of the phone) or there is other way?
And another question: If I have to unlock the bootloader again, will I get OTA automatically or I should download and install updates each time manually?

badzi0r said:
I've just unbranded my HTC One (M7) (O2 UK) to HTC-WWE
In below order:
Unlocked bootloader
SuperSU (Chainfire)
S-OFF (Sunshine)
CID: HTC__001
RUU Zip M7 UL JB 50 HTC Europe 1.28.401.7 Radio 4A.13.3231.27 10.31.1131.05 Release 310878 Signed
With the updates up to recent OTA
After all I have no root anymore.
Should I repeat the first 3 operation up to install SuperSU (wipe contents of the phone) or there is other way?
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All you need is to flash the latest SU binaries from your recovery.
And another question: If I have to unlock the bootloader again, will I get OTA automatically or I should download and install updates each time manually?
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What? you have relocked the bootloader? If you unlock your bootloader after flashing the RUU you will not be able to install ota updates (wiped /data/preload). Unlock the bootloader then flash the RUU and leave it unlocked then you'll be able to ROOT and also to install ota updates. You will have to flash SU after each update so better just to update the phone to the latest version and then flashing SU.

That's clear.
I have latest version of the OTA already installed. I will go to install SuperSU via recovery > install (and after any future OTA). Don't need to flush TWRP again.

badzi0r said:
That's clear.
I have latest version of the OTA already installed. I will go to install SuperSU via recovery > install (and after any future OTA). Don't need to flush TWRP again.
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Every time you get ota root will be removed
To install supersu need TWRP
Don't unlock bootloader with HTC dev again it will remove much data
You have S Off you can use other method "unlock bootloader with S Off" http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2475914
Then simply install TWRP install supersu
Flash stock Recovery again
Don't lock bootloader unless you're going for service your phone for hardware issues

I've done everything that way, thanks.


[Q] Get completely back to stock for repair

i need to get back to stock after i did
- S-OFF via revone (without unlocking via htcdev)
- Flash TWRP recovery
- Did a NANDROID of the stock rom
- Install ViperOne ROM
1.29.401.16 CL177101 release-keys
I think there are 2 options:
1) Run a RUU
2) Restore stock rom via RWRP and flash original recovery, then S-ON via revone
Is this right? What shall i do best?
And where do i get the stock recovery for 2)
And the 1.29 RUU WWE Europe is not available, can i just run the way older one and then OTA to 1.29?
Thank you very much!
Backup data you want to keep
Download the 1.28.401.7 RUU
Flash it
Send to HTC
EddyOS said:
Backup data you want to keep
Download the 1.28.401.7 RUU
Flash it
Send to HTC
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You mean this one
"RUU_M7_UL_JB_50_HTC_Europe_1.28.401.7_Radio_4A.13. 3231.27_10.31.1131.05_release_310878_signed.exe"
Is it possible to flash an older RUU when a newer version is installed at the moment?
S-ON is done with the RUU? Or do i need to do this seperately?
Then just OTA to get 1.29 (which they delivered)?
Dacoco said:
You mean this one
"RUU_M7_UL_JB_50_HTC_Europe_1.28.401.7_Radio_4A.13. 3231.27_10.31.1131.05_release_310878_signed.exe"
Is it possible to flash an older RUU when a newer version is installed at the moment?
S-ON is done with the RUU? Or do i need to do this seperately?
Then just OTA to get 1.29 (which they delivered)?
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Yep, that one. With S-OFF you can flash an older RUU as it doesn't check the current mainver on the device. Once you have flashed the RUU and confirmed it's working you can then set the CID back to HTC__001 (if you changed it to Super CID) and then back to S-ON and you're good to go!
EddyOS said:
Yep, that one. With S-OFF you can flash an older RUU as it doesn't check the current mainver on the device. Once you have flashed the RUU and confirmed it's working you can then set the CID back to HTC__001 (if you changed it to Super CID) and then back to S-ON and you're good to go!
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Great! Thank you very much. I need to wait for a repsonse from htc, then i'll try it.
dont forget to remove tampered and lock the bootloader with revone and also remove traces of revone
Gigalabz said:
dont forget to remove tampered and lock the bootloader with revone and also remove traces of revone
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Tampered should not appear when i did not unlock via htcdev i thought?
Where do i find the traces of revone?
here is my report of getting back to stock:
1) Flashed latest available RUU
2) Updated via OTA but did not get the absolute latest software (which was on the device before)
3) pushed revone to the device and locked it again
4) wrote secureflag 3 for s-on
5) deleted revone from /data/local/tmp (!!!)
6) flashed the latest OTA via fastboot manually (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=42924796)
Worked like a charm
Thanks guys! Thanks revone Team!

Problems to install RUU

I would like to install the RUU on my HTC One. I had S-ON, unlocked bootloader via HTC Dev, and TWRP recovery installed. Now, I have installed the Stock Recovery, relocked the bootloader, and tried to install the 1.28 European ruu. My cid is HTC__001 Everithing runs fine, until I get an error number 140. ¿Any ideas? Thanks
josumart said:
I would like to install the RUU on my HTC One. I had S-ON, unlocked bootloader via HTC Dev, and TWRP recovery installed. Now, I have installed the Stock Recovery, relocked the bootloader, and tried to install the 1.28 European ruu. My cid is HTC__001 Everithing runs fine, until I get an error number 140. ¿Any ideas? Thanks
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Since you are S-ON, you cannot install an RUU that is older than your current firmware, you can only stay on the same firmware or upgrade but you cannot downgrade to an older firmware, and till now there are still no RUU's for android 4.2 for the HTC One!

Cannot update to 4.3 with sense 5.5?

I followed the guide below to change my CID to HTC_13 to get the 4.2.2 update faster. Everything was fine.
Today my phone detected the 4.3 update with sense 5.5 and after I download it and I click install, the phone reboots and it installs for a while before a Red Exclamation in a red triangle appears.
After a while it reboots and Im asked to download the update again. Can You tell me why this is so?
I'm on S-OFF and Unlocked bootloader.
rhtzshahriar said:
Follow these steps ..
1. Unlock Bootloader and Root by downloading this toolkit and following the Video Guide
2. Download Revone to get, S-OFF .. Follow the guide here to get S-OFF ..Revone Guide .. Video Guide
3. Once you have completed the above steps, to get SuperCID, reboot to bootloader and type: fastboot oem writecid 11111111 .. SuperCID Guide
4. Flash stock 1.28.401 with the RUU provided .. 1.28.401.7
5. Once flashed, reboot to bootloader and change your SuperCID 11111111 to HTC__Y13 type: fastboot oem writecid HTC__Y13
6. Reboot ..
7. Update to 1.29.401.12 via OTA on the phone ..
8. Reboot ..
9. Update to 2.24.401.1 via OTA on the phone
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Bootloader has to be locked and you must have a stock recovery
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
trashed78 said:
Bootloader has to be locked and you must have a stock recovery
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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I just locked my bootloader using commang fastboot oem lock and still same issue. Can you suggest why?
Have you stock recovery? You cannot use any other
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Bootloader do NOT have to be locked to update an OTA
EddyOS said:
Bootloader do NOT have to be locked to update an OTA
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Then can you tell my why it fails to update?
I've no idea. So long as you're 100% stock, have the right CID and MID you should have no issues. It worked fine for me, but then again I'm S-OFF so whether that has anything to do with it I don't know as I downloaded the OTA and flashed it manually in the stock recovery
Me to.. just back 100% stock RUU 1.26.xxx.x and I didn't receive any ota update
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
uzman1243 said:
Then can you tell my why it fails to update?
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bootloader doesnt have to be locked to received and install the update
can you verify what exactly was the first update you received?
after returning to stock yesterday, i received two updates and downloaded both
first update was some firmware fix and the second was the 4.3 update
both run flawlessly and now i am on stock 4.3 sense 5.5
s-off, unlocked bootloader
Does flashing a RUU also install the correct recovery? I have my HTC One S-off, unlocked and changed the CID to 11111111, flashed the RUU and now when I get the OTA it just comes up with the error that my version of Android is modified so it can not be updated.
What have I done wrong?

ATT M7 unlocked via htcdev and rooted: BAD FLASH

Hey guys. So I flashed Android 4.4.3 (KitKat) - latest official HTC One 6.09.401.12 (WWE) firmware (84.x series) to my Att HTC M7. I unlocked bootloader and rooted prior to that. Installed TWRP recovery. I didn't back up my original OS nor do a nandroid back up.
When I first flash it was 1/2 ok. I was able to get to the setup wizard on the rom. Then it reboot to recovery. All I can get is bootloader and recovery.
in order for adb sideload or just adb to work the steps I have to take are peculiar. I stumbled on this today. I have to connect my usb cable when the M7 is off. I boot into the bootloader via *power button and *volume down. Then I select fastboot, then I go back and select recovery. When it boots to recovery then I touch advanced and my device shows up. Also my OTG connection works fine.
So I downloaded the stock version odexed. I get errors on install. Actually I get errors trying to install any rom now. I've tried to unzip and rezip using winrar. Any clues as what I should try now? I wanted to post a pic of my bootloder info and the error message but alas I dont have 10 post.
m7_ul S-on RH
HBOOT 1.57.0000
RADIO 4M.27.3218.14
OS 5.13.502.3
Error i get
E: unable to open zip file
error flashing zip '/usb-otg/one_.......
MackadociousPrime38 said:
Hey guys. So I flashed Android 4.4.3 (KitKat) - latest official HTC One 6.09.401.12 (WWE) firmware (84.x series) to my Att HTC M7. I unlocked bootloader and rooted prior to that. Installed TWRP recovery. I didn't back up my original OS nor do a nandroid back up.
When I first flash it was 1/2 ok. I was able to get to the setup wizard on the rom. Then it reboot to recovery. All I can get is bootloader and recovery.
in order for adb sideload or just adb to work the steps I have to take are peculiar. I stumbled on this today. I have to connect my usb cable when the M7 is off. I boot into the bootloader via *power button and *volume down. Then I select fastboot, then I go back and select recovery. When it boots to recovery then I touch advanced and my device shows up. Also my OTG connection works fine.
So I downloaded the stock version odexed. I get errors on install. Actually I get errors trying to install any rom now. I've tried to unzip and rezip using winrar. Any clues as what I should try now? I wanted to post a pic of my bootloder info and the error message but alas I dont have 10 post.
m7_ul S-on RH
HBOOT 1.57.0000
RADIO 4M.27.3218.14
OS 5.13.502.3
Error i get
E: unable to open zip file
error flashing zip '/usb-otg/one_.......
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Ok so i don't know why but after 4 tries I was able to flash a ROM. But its an ATT stock ROM I got it from the att ROM section. But I'm on tmobile
MackadociousPrime38 said:
Ok so i don't know why but after 4 tries I was able to flash a ROM. But its an ATT stock ROM I got it from the att ROM section. But I'm on tmobile
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You won't receive ota update on an at&t phone if you are not on the at&t network.
What is your custom recovery version?
I would achieve s-off using Sunshine so you can fully convert your phone to another version which doesn't require a specific carrier to receive update like the WWE version (x.xx.401.x) or the Developer version (x.xx.1540.x)
alray said:
You won't receive ota update on an at&t phone if you are not on the at&t network.
What is your custom recovery version?
I would achieve s-off using Sunshine so you can fully convert your phone to another version which doesn't require a specific carrier to receive update like the WWE version (x.xx.401.x) or the Developer version (x.xx.1540.x)
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So I achieved s off using Sunshine. Changed cid and mid to corresponding t-mobile spec. Flashed the RUU for t-mobile from the HTC website download. Now when I flash the RUU I suppose it takes out my recovery and flashed a stock recovery?
I had TWRP but now I have some weird recovery. Last time I went into it and I rebooted out it factory reset my HTC. Pain in the ass more than anything.
I was thinking I could flash a ROM and see if it performs as or better than the RUU. The only benefit of using the stock tmobile is OTA updates right?
Oh and since I don’t have twrp anymore should can I reflash that? I would like to make a backup of my OS before I start screwing around.
MackadociousPrime38 said:
So I achieved s off using Sunshine. Changed cid and mid to corresponding t-mobile spec. Flashed the RUU for t-mobile from the HTC website download. Now when I flash the RUU I suppose it takes out my recovery and flashed a stock recovery?
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Yes, a ruu will re-write all stock software and firmware to the phone (system, recovery, kernel, radio, bootloader, drivers, and so on)
I had TWRP but now I have some weird recovery. Last time I went into it and I rebooted out it factory reset my HTC. Pain in the ass more than anything.
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You can't do much using stock recovery except a factory reset. Stock recovery is needed for ota updates but if you are already on last version you don't reallt need it anymore and you can reflash twrp over it.
I was thinking I could flash a ROM and see if it performs as or better than the RUU. The only benefit of using the stock tmobile is OTA updates right?
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If you already flashed the latest t-mobile ruu (lollipop), you will not receive any more ota updates. Lollipop 5.0.2 Sense 6 should be the last version for the M7. At least flashing the ruu was not a waste of time since it upgraded your firmware; newer custom roms requires the latest firmware to work properly.
Oh and since I don’t have twrp anymore should can I reflash that? I would like to make a backup of my OS before I start screwing around.
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Yep I would relfash twrp and make a backup before trying other toms. You can always revert back to stock using the same ruu if you don't have a backup.

Need help to update Htc One M7

I have Htc One M7 international phone.
My phone was on s/w verrion no : 4.19.401.9 ( Android version 4.4.2)
Boot loader : unlcoked
phone : rooted.
Recovery : TWRP.
But I want to update my phone to official OTA 4.19.401.11.
So I Relocked bootloader, unroot my phone, install stock recovery.
now my bootloader screen shows:
hboot version 1.56
And it's S-ON.
I downloaded OTA file on phone itself, but it's not updating.
Try RUU file, which is not opening in PC.
Then I downloaded 4.19.401.11 OTA file to my PC.
When I tried to update it via adb sideload method from recovery( adb sideload), stock recovery didn't show apply update from adb option.
So please suggest what should I do to update my phone?
hi any expert on HTC phones please guide.
IS IT possible to update directly to Lollipop from kitkat 4.4.2 ???
if so how???
I have downloaded this RUU.
But whenever I try to run it( as administrator), it automatically closes after EULA page.
What should I do to run this RUU??
AT last I am able to update my HTC ONE M7 international to version no: 4.19.401.11.
And today I am able to update to 5.11.401.10 also.
Request to mods, please close the thread as my problem is solved.

