I was just curious why the rom from sprint or even Google itself have even a third of the features that say venom or bad boy rooms have? Is it a root thing or a too many options confuse people?
Sent from my HTC One m8 running ViperOne 4.3.0
Phrostbite said:
I was just curious why the rom from sprint or even Google itself have even a third of the features that say venom or bad boy rooms have? Is it a root thing or a too many options confuse people?
Sent from my HTC One m8 running ViperOne 4.3.0
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Good question. You should ask Apple why they just have calling, messaging and camera features mainly. No customizations allowed like in android. At least google allowed us to modify
When you see these ROMs and customizations these are not from google/htc. These are the genius brains among us who made our devices beautiful. Did you ever bought them a beer/coffee
I do appreciate all the awesome ideas from the rom devs. I have the paid venom thing from the play store to show my appreciation.
Sent from my HTC One m8 running ViperOne 4.3.0
So, I had my heart set on the One with Sense since it was announced and heard nothing but good reviews about it, but then the Google Edition was recently announced, it's basically a Super-Nexus. I currently have a Nexus 7 and a Droid X2 running CM10, so I'm familiar with Jellybean and like it very much!
So when I heard about the Nexus edition of the One, I was amazed. But then, I remembered since it's running stock Jellybean, it won't have the HTC only features like Zoe among others.
I'm open to the idea of changing the ROMs to get stock android if I bought the One with Sense on it...wait, is there a ROM that you can install to change to Sense 5 if I bought the Google edition!? That would be perfect if there was because I could try Sense if I wanted, but have Stock as my default and get all of Google's updates immediately!
I basically have to choose between:
HTC's Sense with all the Sense features and change the ROM to get to stock android. Slow to no OTA updates from Google.
Stock android with constant updates from Google as soon as they come out AND the stock experience. (Can still change the ROM)
I known this is a forum for the Sense HTC One, but what do you guys think? If you had this choice what would you do?
I just bought my HTC One a week ago, already having in mind that a Google Edition will be coming out, but as I don't live in the USA and given that it's going to be exclusive for the time being that wasn't such a big deal to me.
But I'm actually quite convinced that you are going to be able to switch from Sense to AOSP and vice versa, because they're the exact same hardware. Remember that tweak for the Optimus G that allowed you to basically turn it into a Nexus 4 from a software stand point? I'm sure there will be something similar to that and even if it's not supported officially, developers are going to find one way or another
I could even imagine something like an RUU to turn a regular One into a Google Edition. Well the 26th isn't that far away now, we'll see...
yes u will be able to switch roms
hello00 said:
yes u will be able to switch roms
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So there is ROM that will allow me to switch to Sense 5 if I buy a Google Edition HTC One?
AChavitez said:
So there is ROM that will allow me to switch to Sense 5 if I buy a Google Edition HTC One?
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There are several stock like roms with sense 5 in the android development section.
Read through and see which one suits you best.
Get the sense one. We already can change the phones identity so making it a Google edition shouldn't be any different
Sent from the one and only HTC One
The HTC camera is enough of a reason for me not to care about
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Just get either one, it doesn't matter much, to be honest. The Google Edition one has an unlocked bootloader and is probably S-OFF, and you can do both on the Sense edition as well. You can install any ROM you want on either one with no problems, whether sense-based or AOSP.
If u want a super nexus than this isn't the phone for you. Its not a nexus and never will be. I would go with the sense to get the great features. If you want stock it's better to get a nexus. (Just my opinion)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Check out this great review on the new Stock Android One and GS4. Can't wait to get some of this on our phones fully working.
Also, I noticed on htcdev.com that they released the 3.4.10 Kernel source for the One Special Edition running Android 4.2.
i cant wait till the roms start coming out
raptoro07 said:
Also, I noticed on htcdev.com that they released the 3.4.10 Kernel source for the One Special Edition running Android 4.2.
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Oh man! I am so pumped for this. I have been running Rootbox AOSP, and it has it's slight quirks and random animations that are stuttery, so it's gonna be awesome messing around with a perfect version of AOSP pretty soon here. Someone needs to release the RUU already
This is going to be amazing. I can't wait to start tinkering
stuff like zoe and beats wouldn't be ported over amirite?
I sincerely hope that within a week's time, we'll see the first major steps taken in the direction of a solidified, fully-functional build for Sprint's HTC One. Granted, things like CM 10.1 have nightlies, but sadly; not an official stable release in-sight for us.
That being said, perhaps the system dumps provided by GPE owners will significantly help steering these ROMs in the right direction.
It would still be fantastic if Sprint (and I suppose HTC in-partial) would quickly prepare the 4.2.2 w/ Sense 5 update for us.
Sent from my something or other using XDA Premium.
acme64 said:
stuff like zoe and beats wouldn't be ported over amirite?
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From what I have gathered, beats will be a function you can turn off and on. I don't imagine Zoe will be there because that is a big time sense thing. And I think beats audio will likely not have the beats logo when it is running.
Keep in mind this isn't meant to be a hybrid HTC/Google device. It is a Google device. I'm sure they will implement the better sound, and some more root code stuff, but not as much on the front end / UI
From the looks of any of this I wouldn't get your hopes up for this "helping" anything. AOSP builds are already available. Until Sprint and HTC update Sense to 4.2.2 we will still be in limbo.
FL0OD said:
From the looks of any of this I wouldn't get your hopes up for this "helping" anything. AOSP builds are already available. Until Sprint and HTC update Sense to 4.2.2 we will still be in limbo.
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One thing this could help is the kernel issues we are currently experiencing and hopefully the random bricking issue some people are experiencing when running AOSP roms.
acme64 said:
stuff like zoe and beats wouldn't be ported over amirite?
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Zoe is not there, but Beats is in the AOSP build on the HTC One GPe.
All I wish for is that they port the beats audio to our Aosp roms. Will make they audio so much better.
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
Damn, was finally about to buy a One today, but this has me intrigued, since all I've used for years is AOSP ROMs. On that note, are people pretty satisfied with this device? I am a longtime HTC user. I plan on getting S-off ASAMFP. That was my hesitation coming from S-off Evo LTE, but I see moonshine is now available. :thumbup:
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
scottspa74 said:
Damn, was finally about to buy a One today, but this has me intrigued, since all I've used for years is AOSP ROMs. On that note, are people pretty satisfied with this device? I am a longtime HTC user. I plan on getting S-off ASAMFP. That was my hesitation coming from S-off Evo LTE, but I see moonshine is now available. :thumbup:
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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This phone is amazing it's like the evo lte on steroids
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
scottspa74 said:
Damn, was finally about to buy a One today, but this has me intrigued, since all I've used for years is AOSP ROMs. On that note, are people pretty satisfied with this device? I am a longtime HTC user. I plan on getting S-off ASAMFP. That was my hesitation coming from S-off Evo LTE, but I see moonshine is now available. :thumbup:
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Scott, brother you will not be disappointed. Aosp is still a bit quirky for some but with the current source dropped I expect great things in the Aosp world.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
scottspa74 said:
Damn, was finally about to buy a One today, but this has me intrigued, since all I've used for years is AOSP ROMs. On that note, are people pretty satisfied with this device? I am a longtime HTC user. I plan on getting S-off ASAMFP. That was my hesitation coming from S-off Evo LTE, but I see moonshine is now available. :thumbup:
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Just do it bro, get more thanks from me
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
more disappointments
google will not be updating these directly like they do with their nexus devices
they are still leaving it up to the OEMs
so if you expect the nexus treatment, youre in for a huge disappointment
They just posted a system dump over on the HTC One general forums. Ny'oh my god.
FL0OD said:
From the looks of any of this I wouldn't get your hopes up for this "helping" anything. AOSP builds are already available. Until Sprint and HTC update Sense to 4.2.2 we will still be in limbo.
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My EVO 4G LTE just drowned the other day so I paid my ETF and bought the One from Radio Shack, it's going to be delivered tomorrow. I was wondering if the fact that HTC was releasing a One with stock android would significantly speed up development on AOSP roms for the Sprint version of the phone. I was also wondering if there will likely be proprietary code for the GPE of the phone that developers here wouldn't be able to use in their AOSP builds. I love stock Android and I've used CM on all my Android phones at one time or another but there always seems to be random nagging issues that eventually push me back to Sense. I guess my question is will the software for the GPE One really help solidify and speed up development of AOSP roms for Sprint's version of the phone.
ausch30 said:
My EVO 4G LTE just drowned the other day so I paid my ETF and bought the One from Radio Shack, it's going to be delivered tomorrow. I was wondering if the fact that HTC was releasing a One with stock android would significantly speed up development on AOSP roms for the Sprint version of the phone. I was also wondering if there will likely be proprietary code for the GE version of the phone that developers here wouldn't be able to use in their AOSP builds. I love stock Android and I've used CM on all my Android phones at one time or another but there always seems to be random nagging issues that eventually push me back to Sense. I guess my question is will the software for the GE One really help solidify and speed up development of AOSP roms for Sprint's version of the phone.
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I believe you will see the GPe ROM ported to the Sprint One, but I don't know if it'll affect development by CM/AOKP/PA etc. There is still a lot of proprietary software in the GPe. That is, stuff devs can't use.
Having already bricked my phone trying to put Revolution HD on it, (no sprint support) I thought I'd ask what people are currently running and their opinions. Most of the roms in our Development section are mostly graphical changes it seems, and lighter versions of cleanROM.
Are there any roms that are really popular for us poor Sprint customers?
I've run OMJ's, Mack's Dark Horse and settled on d3rp. Love the mobile commander and bareback options.
I feel like we have plenty of options, don't feel left out at all.
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
I agree with the general sentiment, but if you want variety, have a go at the Original Development section. AOSP ROMs for this device are certainly out and about-- I didn't mind my experience with it (besides the then-prevalent sleep of death "bug").
Go to Sprint HTC One Android Development
Now go look at the views and mainly "replies" to each rom. That will give you a general idea of the favored roms. The method I use when getting a new phone or when a friend or family member comes over with a new phone and wanting a rom installed
naturecannon said:
Go to Sprint HTC One Android Development
Now go look at the views and mainly "replies" to each rom. That will give you a general idea of the favored roms. The method I use when getting a new phone or when a friend or family member comes over with a new phone and wanting a rom installed
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yeah but there is a sense rom that is not in that section that is very good. it got labeled under original android development.
Sent from my Tranquil HTC One.
And it has way more than just graphical changes and is far from stock as one can get
From My TweakedOut ONE
swishersweedz420 said:
yeah but there is a sense rom that is not in that section that is very good. it got labeled under original android development.
Sent from my Tranquil HTC One.
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It's under original because there is no other rom like it. No other rom has the customization tranquil one does. It's original work
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
I've used many different ROMs and each of them have something unique, but it's a pain to switch between all of them while missing features from the others.
I know there's ROMs like Carbon, xylon and RootBox, which incorporate most features from all other major ROMs into one. But, all these ROMs only include features from AOSP. I'd like the HTC One's Google Edition exclusive features added to that list.
With features that specifically take advantage of our phone, like Beats audio and the IR Blaster functionality built into Google Edition, I just can't go back to an AOSP ROM without missing these. So, why not make a ROM that have all of these along with all the AOSP goodies like PIE, Halo, Focal, extended desktop, Hybrid engine, etc.?
I would do it, but I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I'm not a programmer and I don't want to be. What I am is a user. A user thirsty enough for something like this that is down to donate to see this happening.
Then again, I'm new to the HTC One and I'm not sure if there's such a thing available already.
That would be awesome if someone could do that
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
krypticos said:
That would be awesome if someone could do that
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
If there's more people interested, let your voice be heard! Comment away.
Hi All,
I have a couple of questions around the KitKat roms in general. Main thing is how do i know i have KitKat and not an old version like JellyBean?
The reason i ask is that on the HTC website (http://www.android.com/versions/kit-kat-4-4/) KitkKat should have the features lists although looks nothing like that. I don't see a different phone app, i can't seem to get the full screen album art working. The main reason for updaing was to see those features but mine still looks like it always has done.
I have tried the ViperOne 5.0.0 and the Revolution Rom but all of the features above don't seem to be on my phone.
Those features are specific to the nexus 5. You can get the Google now launcher by looking in the themes and app section of the htc forum. The icons are also specific to the nexus 5. Not sure 100% but n4 also got those icons. Album art and certain tiny things were also exclusive to nexus 5 or stock Roms. Have you tried any gpe 4.4.2 Roms? I was on the htc one but moved on to the nexus 5.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Yourmum90 said:
Hi All,
I have a couple of questions around the KitKat roms in general. Main thing is how do i know i have KitKat and not an old version like JellyBean?
The reason i ask is that on the HTC website (http://www.android.com/versions/kit-kat-4-4/) KitkKat should have the features lists although looks nothing like that. I don't see a different phone app, i can't seem to get the full screen album art working. The main reason for updaing was to see those features but mine still looks like it always has done.
I have tried the ViperOne 5.0.0 and the Revolution Rom but all of the features above don't seem to be on my phone.
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Anything wrong with this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2652969
Easy on the double posting mate
and to answer you, you're looking at Google Edition features, ViperOne 5.0 and ARHD 51.0 are HTC Sense based.
nkk71 said:
Anything wrong with this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2652969
Easy on the double posting mate
and to answer you, you're looking at Google Edition features, ViperOne 5.0 and ARHD 51.0 are HTC Sense based.
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Thats a fair enough point, i deleted my original reply to that post as this was leading in a different direction. Thanks for the info though.
Yourmum90 said:
Thats a fair enough point, i deleted my original reply to that post as this was leading in a different direction. Thanks for the info though.
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If you are S-OFF !! (I think most GPE ROMs need S-Off)
You can take a look at @ClydeB1's index thread for GPE ROMs, including an ARHD version of close-to-stock GPE version.
Since I haven't tried them, I can't say if they have what you're looking for, so you'll need to check them out.