I think most of the active members are aware of the video difficulties SO please (please, please) turn your rants off for this thread. What I am trying to find is a combination of settings that DO work.
My preferred codec is MP4.
From some suggestions in other threads, I have tried these encoding settings.
Screen resolution: 320x240
Frames Per Second: 30
Kbps: 300
Audio codec: [email protected]
...and I am playing back on TCPMP 0.72RC1 using these settings
Options/Video: Raw FrameBuffer
Options/Video/Dither: Off
Options/Video/Pixel Aspect Ratio: Auto
Options/Settings/Advanced/Slow Video Memory: On
Options/Settings/Buffering/Preload at Underrun: 85%
Using this, all I get for video is about 1 frame every 3 seconds. Audio is fine.
So can anyone add this this for getting MP4 to work?
Do I need to use a different codec? If so, I would prefer something other then AVI, since I have a mixed environment. Does anyone have suggestions on the best cross platform Codec, that has work well on the Kaiser?
I'd be interested in this too. I can play back videos taken from the video camera flawlessly but when trying to encode them to the same MP4 codec they can get choppy. Not sure what gives :0
Using WMV here
I couldn't get the mp4 output from my ATI Multimedia Centre software to work at all on my TyTN II so I've settled on WMV 9 at 352 x 288 resolution and 372 kbps (thats at 15 fps). Anything with higher bit rate than that seems to cause problems with to much screen tearing during fast movement scenes.
You might want to follow this thread... seams that the Core Player is attacking this known problem for the Tilt. I'm by no means an expert on this, but seems like the Qualcomm QTV technology for the video has some issues:
I use PDXE, Lathe, and a few others to encode Divx videos at 320x240 video quality at "28" audio in stereo at 96 or 128k MP3 with a total bitrate under 500k (usually shoot for 475kbps). If the encoder allows it, for portable video I bump the audio volume by 15% and I increase brightness as well. To me most movies look darker on the small screen. If cropping is allowed I crop widescreen content, cutting off some of the sides of the picture to get closer to the 3:4 ratio of PDA screen. I also like to turn the brightness down as much as possible to increase battery life so the bump in brightness helps there as well. An average movie 1:50 length is about 480MB
I've used Core and TCPMP (currently using TCPMP for the youtube capability) and use Rawframe buffer as well. I'm sure that Core 1.2 will make things even better.
I get 30FPS and normal fluid video, looks like my other 8525, hx4700, and Archos 320 and 400 units with crisp clear video, no complaints.
This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only the phone???
Flying Kiwi said:
I couldn't get the mp4 output from my ATI Multimedia Centre software to work at all on my TyTN II so I've settled on WMV 9 at 352 x 288 resolution and 372 kbps (thats at 15 fps). Anything with higher bit rate than that seems to cause problems with to much screen tearing during fast movement scenes.
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This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only onthe phone???
I have an TiLt and when i try to record videos on my phone in MP4, it appears to work fine and i can play it back on my phone using TCPMP. but when i try to run this on my computer rnning vista it only shows video with no sound.
What can be causing this, is there a way to fix this and has anyone else noticed this..
ps. i hope ths has not been spoken about b4, i hate sounding like a nubie
zulualpha7 said:
This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only onthe phone???
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There's lots avout video formats in the wiki here: H.264 (a.k.a. MPEG-4 Part 10 and AVC) Bible
FWIW my mp4s recorded on my TyTN II wont playback on my PC either, it's simply a case of finding a suitable codec.
recorded videos on Tilt not playing on vista with sound!! I GOT IT FIXXX
Flying Kiwi said:
There's lots avout video formats in the wiki here: H.264 (a.k.a. MPEG-4 Part 10 and AVC) Bible
FWIW my mp4s recorded on my TyTN II wont playback on my PC either, it's simply a case of finding a suitable codec.
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Hey thanx for the reply but VLC is what i got installed and doesnt work, thought someone else had the same issue like mine. The .MP4 files that the TiLT records doesnt playback properly. PROBLEM is : I get the video portion just fine, but no sound. I have the. I tried in Media Player, VLC, QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.... All the same... video plays but no sound.
I googled the issue and found out some other HTC phone users got it too and a couple solutions i found are.
1. In QuickTime it says: "Error 2041 - Invalid sample description in movie"
Solution: Checked the or quicktime forums, if you use quicktime, change the file name from .MP4 to .3GP and it will work, it will not work otherwise. (if you dont know how to rename the files or dont see extension, Windows vista or XP go to tools>folder options>view>uncheck hide file extensions for known file types and voila)
2. Since I did so much reading on this, I got a new player (KMPlayer) that beats vlc in my books it plays the files recorded from the tilt just fine unlike VLC latest build, its fast and does all vlc does but it has a better GUI and plays anything you throw at it. you can get kmplayer here
Conclusion: The TiLt is fine, just that I couldnt get the right player to run the video files it records. apparently there is some issue with the qualcomm processor and the video output files of .MP4, some others have reported issues with any .MP4 files and had to do the same listed above.
Hope this helps someone here...
if you want an mp4 player on your pc for free, go to
zulualpha7 said:
Hey thanx for the reply but VLC is what i got installed and doesnt work, thought someone else had the same issue like mine. The .MP4 files that the TiLT records doesnt playback properly. PROBLEM is : I get the video portion just fine, but no sound. I have the. I tried in Media Player, VLC, QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.... All the same... video plays but no sound.
I googled the issue and found out some other HTC phone users got it too and a couple solutions i found are.
1. In QuickTime it says: "Error 2041 - Invalid sample description in movie"
Solution: Checked the or quicktime forums, if you use quicktime, change the file name from .MP4 to .3GP and it will work, it will not work otherwise. (if you dont know how to rename the files or dont see extension, Windows vista or XP go to tools>folder options>view>uncheck hide file extensions for known file types and voila)
2. Since I did so much reading on this, I got a new player (KMPlayer) that beats vlc in my books it plays the files recorded from the tilt just fine unlike VLC latest build, its fast and does all vlc does but it has a better GUI and plays anything you throw at it. you can get kmplayer here
Conclusion: The TiLt is fine, just that I couldnt get the right player to run the video files it records. apparently there is some issue with the qualcomm processor and the video output files of .MP4, some others have reported issues with any .MP4 files and had to do the same listed above.
Hope this helps someone here...
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MANY THANKS! zulualpha7,
I have had the error 2041 problem for a long time and have never been able to play vids recorded on my TyTn II on my PC.
I almost installed various codec packs as other forum members have done but after reading about potential problems of having multiple codecs for same file type and upsetting the system I decided not to do this.
I have some really important 'once in a lifetime' family moments like my friend's son catching his first fish etc... I though they were all lost for ever.
I just downloaded latest Quicktime and renamed file extensions to ".3gp" like you said and now I can watch everything!!!!
Thank you so much this really has been a big improvement for me.
ONCE AGAIN THIS FORUM ROCKS! Thanks to everyone for so much fantastic helpful info.
Ok. I recorded some video on my AT&T Tilt with a memory card. It plays fine on my phone. Well I want to get it on my computer. When I tried to, it was in the MP4 format. So I opened it with Quicktime and iTunes and it wouldn't play. It said there was an error. So I was gonna convert it. I tried to, but it gave me a warning saying that it would have no sound, so I didn't do that. Then I downloaded VLC Player and when I played the videos, they didn't have sound. I tried putting them in Windows Media Center, didn't work. I tried ActiveSync. Didn't work. There has to be some possible way to do this. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
Same thing happens to me. Now I just record in the other format, QIF I believe. And that works fine.
how did you even get "good" video playback?
how did you even get "good" video on the TILT? is it the change in file type that makes the video better in itself? where do you change it?
You can change to CIF by selecting it from the Capture Settings menu (hit menu when the camera is running) under Resolution. The capture format can be changed from MPEG-4 to H.263 if you go to Advanced > Capture Format.
Recording in a well-lit environment helps. I'm not usually affected by placebo, but I and a few other users have reported increased camera performance after installing the latest test drivers for the Kaiser from It DID seem that the framerate was higher. I can't rule out the possibility that updating to windows mobile 6.1 may have made a difference, but I know I don't keep apps running in the background and the comparison whilst not scientific would be pretty fair.
What can be used to view H.263 on the home pc? Will media player play it? And is there a good reason why it just doesn't record to .wmv or regular old mpeg? As you can tell I am a moron when it comes to video.
VLC will read it
kbcherry said:
What can be used to view H.263 on the home pc? Will media player play it? And is there a good reason why it just doesn't record to .wmv or regular old mpeg? As you can tell I am a moron when it comes to video.
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QuickTime will play H.263 encoded files.
The Tilt does not use WMV or MPEG because they do not have formats optimized for mobile devices, so the files end up being huge.
Thanks, that makes sense!
my mp4 videos run fine on wm player! try downloading the vista or xp codec pack which is available on most torrent sites
I know its old but anyway...I record video w/ my kaiser, bluetooth the video over to my laptop, convert with WM convert, open w/ movie maker, edit then post. Sooooooooo easy and no cables required!
You're all going through waaaay to much by using converters & what not. When recording in mpeg4 format just rename the files to ".3gp" after you transfer them to your computer and they will play regularly through quicktime with sound & everything intact.
download K lite codec pack:
it will allow windows media player to play ANYTHING, throw and file at it and it will play
VLC Works for me
VLC works for me, try it
TLJack64 said:
You're all going through waaaay to much by using converters & what not. When recording in mpeg4 format just rename the files to ".3gp" after you transfer them to your computer and they will play regularly through quicktime with sound & everything intact.
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Use a converter to be able to edit the video in windows movie maker, it takes like 10 seconds to convert a MPEG4 to WMV. (i've got the codec pack but in order to edit the video you need to convert it.)
The galaxy tab manages to play back most videos, so converting is hardly ever needed. However, it doesn't seem to work with videos containing FLAC, DTS or OGG audio.
So anyway, i'm trying to find a way to batch convert files while copying over the video stream. Instead of wasting 10-15 minutes converting each video, each file could be done in less than a minute as only the audio would be converted.
Has anyone figured out a way to do this?
So far I've checked out Handbrake & MeGUI + a few more, but with no luck
Demux audio with YAMB, convert to 2ch aac, remux new audio with YAMB. Done in ~30 mins or less
Give Avidemux a try. can copy video, while recoding audio to differing container formats such as mkv,mp4, avi etc. Linux/Mac/BSD/Win versions available. I've used it frequently for converting the audio portions of files for playback on my xbox360.
Thanks will give those a try!
Still would prefer a batch way of doing it though >.<
Handbrake has a batch mode - just add the items to the queue by clicking "Add to Queue.
Don't know if you can set it to ignore any video processing - but with the queue how long it takes doesn't matter much, just let it run overnight with however many jobs you have.
Nevermind, I found a free program called Xmedia recode that does it very well
can you guys tell me some good settings to work on the nook? and what do you guys use to convert videos?
P.S. I have already seen the "Nook Color preset for Handbrake" and it said it would take over 4 hours to convert it!
EverythingNook said:
can you guys tell me some good settings to work on the nook? and what do you guys use to convert videos?
P.S. I have already seen the "Nook Color preset for Handbrake" and it said it would take over 4 hours to convert it!
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Depending on resolution.
For low def videos on my OC kernel at 1.1Ghz, I can use moboplayer with software decoding without any issues with my AVI files.
(no need for conversion).
Not with 720p videos... They will need to be converted and using handbrake, I can achieve around real time or about 1.5x real time. (2 hr video will encode in about 1 1/2 hours) Just que them up and go to sleep.
hpark21 said:
Depending on resolution.
For low def videos on my OC kernel at 1.1Ghz, I can use moboplayer with software decoding without any issues with my AVI files.
(no need for conversion).
Not with 720p videos... They will need to be converted and using handbrake, I can achieve around real time or about 1.5x real time. (2 hr video will encode in about 1 1/2 hours) Just que them up and go to sleep.
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thanks for the info! so avi files dont need to be converted?
Encoding time depends on the source vs output somewhat, but normally it takes anywhere from 1/2 to 1:1 the time length of the video to encode, regardless of the encoding software (I've used Handbrake, DVD Catalyst 4, Videodub(mod), and a handful of others over the years).
My solution for this is just to batch queue a bunch of files to be re-encoded and do the encoding overnight when I'm sleeping
My settings (for any encoder, but I'll put them in order for Handbrake here):
Container: MP4 file, Ipod 5G support
1. If source > 854x480 then set Width: 854, Anamorphic: Loose, Modulus: 16.
2. If source < 854x480 and the bitrate of the original file is high, can upvert to higher res, otherwise same settings.
3. If source< 854x480 and the bitrate of the original file is low, encode at the original resolution with the same settings as 1.
Video Filters: None
Video Codec: H.264
Framerate: Generally same as source, if you have issues force to 24 (or 23.976)
Regarding 1-pass vs 2-pass encoding, see below
(Here's the tricky part for quality issues)
For high-action lots of changes animation / non-animated video I prefer:
1. - average bitrate of 1500 kbps
a) 2-pass encoding if I'm concerned about overall quality (I usually batch jobs overnight when I'm sleeping). *Caveat: This will increase encoding time to ~2x versus ~1:1*
b) 1-pass encoding if I'm in a hurry, it's good enough for many videos
For things that don't require a lot of movement and have large areas of flat color, like say, South Park*:
2. - (constant) RF:20 resulting in 1/2 the file size of the bitrate used in 1.
**** Out of all the parts of encoding a video, this is your most subjective part. If you want to find a sweet spot for yourself I would suggest setting the encoder to encode a small section of a sample video and play around with these settings to find what you like best. This is what works best for me ****
Caveat: RF:0 (lossless H.264) videos will not work on your Nook Color without resorting to software decoding, which currently does not work anywhere near as well or smoothly as hardware decoding. You will most likely get video stutter, audio desync, and other issues (plus the default movies android player won't play them at all.)
- Source: Choose your desired (language) track.
- Audio codec: AAC encoding
- Mixdown: Stereo or your choice. Dolby Pro Logic II works fine on the Nook as well.
- Samplerate: Downsample the usual 48k to 44.1. 48k with high bitrates can cause issues on NC.
- Bitrate: 128 if you want to save space, 160 otherwise.
- DRC: 0
- If you don't watch foreign language (that you don't speak) videos, you don't need to be concerned with this section.
In-depth explanation of subtitling in Handbrake:
1. Select the correct subtitle track, if it's included in the original file.
1a. If not, find and select the subtitle file (usually a .srt) to include as a track. Make sure this SRT is actually meant for the (original) video that you are encoding, or you will have desync issues with audio / video
2. The default video player in CM7 doesn't seem to support soft subs, and many players do not (Mobo is one that does but only for selective formats). If you find one that does and care about soft (can be turned on and off) subbing, then ignore 2a.
2a. Burned In is checked on. This hard-writes the subtitles track onto the actual images so they become part of the video. This means you cannot turn them off. This might be an issue if you decide to watch the video on a larger screen, e.g., 1080p tv (jagged edges from being upverted) , but why you would want to watch a low res non-HD video encoded for the Nook on there is beyond me
Forced Only and Default are not checked.
2b. If soft subbing, don't enable Burned In. Regarding Forced Only see the Handbrake guide linked above.
3. Handbrake specific: Click on Add to make sure it's actually added as a track to your encoding.
If you want to be able to move around your video the way you can on a regular DVD (divided into sections that you can >> to rather than manually dragging the bar), you can enable chapter markers. This may or may not be supported on your choice of video app for Android. What this also does is force the extension (.xyz) to change from .mp4 to m4v, which (in short) is the correct nomenclature anyway but we're used to the .mp4 extension thanks to Apple.
If your player is having issues with the m4v extension, keep Chapter Markers unchecked (also make sure that Handbrake is set to name the file as .mp4).
Advanced: (Handbrake) Leave as is.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions
* - I am not in any way endorsing the copying or re-encoding of copyrighted materials, even for personal use.
EverythingNook said:
thanks for the info! so avi files dont need to be converted?
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It depends on the AVI file. If the bitrate is too high or the resolution is above the maximum that the Nook supports (854x480), or both, your video app may attempt to play it in software decoding mode, which at the moment isn't very good.
angomy said:
Encoding time depends on the source vs output somewhat, but normally it takes anywhere from 1/2 to 1:1 the time length of the video to encode, regardless of the encoding software (I've used Handbrake, DVD Catalyst 4, Videodub(mod), and a handful of others over the years).
My solution for this is just to batch queue a bunch of files to be re-encoded and do the encoding overnight when I'm sleeping
My settings (for any encoder, but I'll put them in order for Handbrake here):
Container: MP4 file, Ipod 5G support
1. If source > 854x480 then set Width: 854, Anamorphic: Loose, Modulus: 16.
2. If source < 854x480 and the bitrate of the original file is high, can upvert to higher res, otherwise same settings.
3. If source< 854x480 and the bitrate of the original file is low, encode at the original resolution with the same settings as 1.
Video Filters: None
Video Codec: H.264
Framerate: Generally same as source, if you have issues force to 24 (or 23.976)
Regarding 1-pass vs 2-pass encoding, see below
(Here's the tricky part for quality issues)
For high-action lots of changes animation / non-animated video I prefer:
1. - average bitrate of 1500 kbps
a) 2-pass encoding if I'm concerned about overall quality (I usually batch jobs overnight when I'm sleeping)
b) 1-pass encoding if I'm in a hurry, it's good enough for many videos
For things that don't require a lot of movement and have large areas of flat color, like say, South Park*:
2. - (constant) RF:20 resulting in 1/2 the file size of the bitrate used in 1.
**** Out of all the parts of encoding a video, this is your most subjective part. If you want to find a sweet spot for yourself I would suggest setting the encoder to encode a small section of a sample video and play around with these settings to find what you like best. This is what works best for me ****
Caveat: RF:0 (lossless H.264) videos will not work on your Nook Color without resorting to software decoding, which currently does not work anywhere near as well or smoothly as hardware decoding. You will most likely get video stutter, audio desync, and other issues (plus the default movies android player won't play them at all.)
- Source: Choose your desired (language) track.
- Audio codec: AAC encoding
- Mixdown: Stereo or your choice. Dolby Pro Logic II works fine on the Nook as well.
- Samplerate: Downsample the usual 48k to 44.1. 48k with high bitrates can cause issues on NC.
- Bitrate: 128 if you want to save space, 160 otherwise.
- DRC: 0
- If you don't watch foreign language (that you don't speak) videos, you don't need to be concerned with this section.
In-depth explanation of subtitling in Handbrake:
1. Select the correct subtitle track, if it's included in the original file.
1a. If not, find and select the subtitle file (usually a .srt) to include as a track. Make sure this SRT is actually meant for the (original) video that you are encoding, or you will have desync issues with audio / video
2. The default video player in CM7 doesn't seem to support soft subs, neither does either of my preferred video player apps (mobo and vitalplayer neon). If you find one that does and care about soft (can be turned on and off) subbing, then ignore 2a.
2a. Burned In is checked on. This hard-writes the subtitles track onto the actual images so they become part of the video. This means you cannot turn them off. This might be an issue if you decide to watch the video on a larger screen, e.g., 1080p tv (jagged edges from being upverted) , but why you would want to watch a low res non-HD video encoded for the Nook on there is beyond me
Forced Only and Default are not checked.
2b. If soft subbing, don't enable Burned In. Regarding Forced Only see the Handbrake guide linked above.
3. Handbrake specific: Click on Add to make sure it's actually added as a track to your encoding.
If you want to be able to move around your video the way you can on a regular DVD (divided into sections that you can >> to rather than manually dragging the bar), you can enable chapter markers. This may or may not be supported on your choice of video app for Android. What this also does is force the extension (.xyz) to change from .mp4 to m4v, which (in short) is the correct nomenclature anyway but we're used to the .mp4 extension thanks to Apple.
If your player is having issues with the m4v extension, keep Chapter Markers unchecked (also make sure that Handbrake is set to name the file as .mp4).
Advanced: (Handbrake) Leave as is.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions
* - I am not in any way endorsing the copying or re-encoding of copyrighted materials, even for personal use.
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wow man thanks for the amazing info, i will try these out!
To add to this, I'm watching a 1-pass, 1500 kbps average bitrate (44.1/AAC/160kbps audio) hard subbed movie at the moment and tbqh I'm not sure if it's even worth it to 2-pass encode --- if you're really anal about any artifacting you may want to 2-pass, but for me it's not worth the extra time to encode unless I'm batching up for the night. To give you an idea of the size/time ratio, one minute of encoded video with these settings is ~12MB/min.
25 min episode: 300MB
2 hour movie: 1.44GB
If this is unacceptably large, I would suggest trying RF:20 fixed bitrate (which is roughly 1/2 the size) to see if you don't mind the occasionally visible artifacting.
Also, Mobo player doesn't seem to want to expand the videos edge-to-edge, but VitalPlayer and the default movie player both do. Unless I'm doing something wrong with Mobo, which is a possibility since I use VitalPlayer Neon the most. <-- never mind, I had clicked something in Mobo that prevented it from doing so initially, but they actually do display edge-to-edge by default.
angomy said:
It depends on the AVI file. If the bitrate is too high or the resolution is above the maximum that the Nook supports (854x480), or both, your video app may attempt to play it in software decoding mode, which at the moment isn't very good.
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Using Moboplayer (free) software decoding, I have no issue watching 704x400 AVI(xvid with mp3 audio). No skipped frames. Total bitrate of 1.3mbits (including audio I believe).
Like I mentioned, I am using OC kernel at 1.1GHz though.
i used tool to converter my videos to mp4, h.264, 854*480 for playing on nook color, all are ok. i can play in full screen with high quality.
i also tried handbrake, and i think it is difficult to use, which takes me a lot of time to import my video.
at the moment, it just shows lots of videos show but its difficult to tell apart the files.. is there a way to get the filenames in the all cast apps
or is there another app i can try?
i have also found out if you rename files to mp4 they play fine... i tried some mkv files to do this and it worked fine
please advise thanks
wakkaday said:
at the moment, it just shows lots of videos show but its difficult to tell apart the files.. is there a way to get the filenames in the all cast apps
or is there another app i can try?
i have also found out if you rename files to mp4 they play fine... i tried some mkv files to do this and it worked fine
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Renaming files just to get them to play is generally a bad idea... Your MKV probably just happened to be MPEG-4 internally and not enough extra stuff/tracks that it worked, but it's not a good practice - eventually you'll run into an MKV that isn't MPEG-4 internally and the decoder will choke. If you don't remember that you renamed the file, you might think the file is completely broken too.
IIRC Avia shows the filename, as long as it's not horribly long.