[Q] Help on step 7c [TOOLS] Touchpad Toolbox (updated 2015-02-25) - TouchPad Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First of all, kudos to jcs for this op. While fairly new at this, I found it very complete. I had to do alot of reading and downloading behind the scenes to get it this far, but so far everything has worked.
As the title suggests, I am stuck on step 7c, in particular where I am trying to run "novacom....certs.sh". I am using ubuntu and had to load "Wine" to get it to recognize the "palmenv.bat" file. So, is there an easy way to run the "nova...." file in ubuntu? Other than finally figuring out how to get and use java in ubuntu, I've been very impressed with that OS.
Here is the error message:
Z:\home\mds\Downloads\WebOS>novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
File not found.
The "Z" directory was the result of running the "wine cmd" as the directory originally was "C". Initially after running the "wine cmd" command, I ran the "palmenv.bat" and it accepted it. However, I was unable to run the "novacom...certs.sh" file, even though it was in the same location.
PS: I have deleted and added spaces in combinations around "<" in the above as I could not tell for sure the correct way.

golfnut22 said:
First of all, kudos to jcs for this op. While fairly new at this, I found it very complete. I had to do alot of reading and downloading behind the scenes to get it this far, but so far everything has worked.
As the title suggests, I am stuck on step 7c, in particular where I am trying to run "novacom....certs.sh". I am using ubuntu and had to load "Wine" to get it to recognize the "palmenv.bat" file. So, is there an easy way to run the "nova...." file in ubuntu? Other than finally figuring out how to get and use java in ubuntu, I've been very impressed with that OS.
Here is the error message:
Z:\home\mds\Downloads\WebOS>novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
File not found.
The "Z" directory was the result of running the "wine cmd" as the directory originally was "C". Initially after running the "wine cmd" command, I ran the "palmenv.bat" and it accepted it. However, I was unable to run the "novacom...certs.sh" file, even though it was in the same location.
PS: I have deleted and added spaces in combinations around "<" in the above as I could not tell for sure the correct way.
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Did you fully read post #2, part C of the TPTB thread? You should be able to just unzip the TPTB into a folder, open a terminal session in that folder, and run the .sh file that's there. You may need to run it with sudo; that I don't recall.

shumash said:
Did you fully read post #2, part C of the TPTB thread? You should be able to just unzip the TPTB into a folder, open a terminal session in that folder, and run the .sh file that's there. You may need to run it with sudo; that I don't recall.
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Yes thanks. The problem boils down to running a ".bat" file then running a ".sh" file. Using Ubuntu, I have been unable to run the .bat file without "wine", then, in "wine", I have been unable to run the ".sh" file.
In windows 7, I can run the ".bat" file, but unable to run the ".sh" file. This is the final step in jcs's op to do a clean install of webos and this particular step fixes the certificates. Ref here step 7d: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2756314&page=7

Ubuntu command:
sudo ./tptb_v42_nix.sh
You have to be in the same directory where tptb is...of course the listed command is for version 42.
The .sh file is for Linux not for windows. You cannot run it in "wine".

golfnut22 said:
Yes thanks. The problem boils down to running a ".bat" file then running a ".sh" file. Using Ubuntu, I have been unable to run the .bat file without "wine", then, in "wine", I have been unable to run the ".sh" file.
In windows 7, I can run the ".bat" file, but unable to run the ".sh" file. This is the final step in jcs's op to do a clean install of webos and this particular step fixes the certificates. Ref here step 7d: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2756314&page=7
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You're not getting the message. You don't run the batch file in Ubuntu; it's for Windows only. Follow the above post's advice (note the period before the /. It's essential).

shumash said:
You're not getting the message. You don't run the batch file in Ubuntu; it's for Windows only. Follow the above post's advice (note the period before the /. It's essential).
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Ok gotcha. I will try it again. Thanks

shumash said:
You're not getting the message. You don't run the batch file in Ubuntu; it's for Windows only. Follow the above post's advice (note the period before the /. It's essential).
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golfnut22 said:
Ok gotcha. I will try it again. Thanks
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So, below is an exact copy (ctrl c, then ctrl v) from page 7 of jcs' op for reinstalling webos.
then run "palmenv" and then run "novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh"
Just got back on this project again and have a follow-up question.
From your comment above, I need to add a period here either before the "///" or ".///" slashes or after "bin" or "bin./"?
Here is also a direct copy out of the text file of "fix-webOS-certs.sh"
novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
So, neither place has a period before either of the /'s as you mentioned. Please advise...thanks again.
Thanks and Sorry, I did not see the previous post to yours. In the meantime, I did run it again without knowing where to put the period and I am a little closer to completing the reinstall...but still don't know why I can't get the last line "novacom run file.....certs.sh" to run.
I redid every step again on the tp and got to the screen where you select the "language". I then opened up the command prompt in windows 7, tp still connected, cd'd until I got to the directory where both "palmenv" and "novacom run file..." is located. I ran "palmenv" and got "Setting Novacom Path ....".
I then immediately ran the "novacom run file....." and got "unable to find device".
I checked my device manager under disk drives and the "HP Webos-usb device" was listed with no flags.
I tried it again, but same message.
One other comment on the "novacom run file....". In windows, when I hit the download button on the "goo" website, it actually opens up. In order to download, I had to select all, paste it in notepad, open up notepad and save as the ".sh" file. So, I don't know if that is screwing something up or not. Otherwise, it would not down load or I would not have it. Strangely, it did download in Ubuntu, but that file did not work either.
So, any advice on how I can complete the very final step on running the "novacom run file....certs.sh"?

gtallmadge said:
Ubuntu command:
sudo ./tptb_v42_nix.sh
You have to be in the same directory where tptb is...of course the listed command is for version 42.
The .sh file is for Linux not for windows. You cannot run it in "wine".
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Thanks. I had thought the .sh file was for Ubuntu, but I received a message that said those sequence of commands from jcs was to be run in windows. Anyway, I believe the above instructions are how to get the tptb running in Ubuntu. If so, that is not the problem. If not, then from that and other messages received, I would run the .bat file from windows, reboot my system and then run the .sh file in Ubuntu adding "sudo ./ to the "novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh"?
So, for a recap, per jcs's op, one would open the command prompt in windows, and cd to the correct directory where the palmenv,bat file and fix-webOS-certs.sh reside. Then run "palmenv" the run "novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh" file.
For some reason, I doubt he was suggesting changing from windows to Ubuntu when running these commands, but I may be wrong...as I often am.
I know I'm dumber than a hay rake, but really, can someone please explain in detail for this newbie, what he needs to do to run both of those commands? Refer to a previous post link if unfamiliar with what op I'm trying to perform...and am on the last step 7d

I think the issue is that you are trying to install WebOS.
Not sure of the help you are going to get with that as many of us have moved on a while ago and no
longer have the interest in it. You might want to check on other threads where it is relevant.

gtallmadge said:
I think the issue is that you are trying to install WebOS.
Not sure of the help you are going to get with that as many of us have moved on a while ago and no
longer have the interest in it. You might want to check on other threads where it is relevant.
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Yes, that is what the procedure does that jcs has outlined. And thanks for the reply. I have got webos installed which was the easy part, however, running the last two commands appear to be a matter of proper input...which several advices have been given, but none have worked. I was hoping that someone, other than the author of the procedure, had tried it or at least someone may be familiar enough with this type of input to help. Oh well, thanks again.

Progress with novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
Was able to finally run novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh after previously receiving unable to locate device message by booting HP Touchpad into developer/USB mode and running novaterm.bat from the terminal folder and connecting from the menu. I was then able to run novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh from the Command Prompt but it does not appear to have run successfully.
C:\Program Files\Palm, Inc>novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
command not found
command not found
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FAILED: rc=$rc: ((create /tmp/asb.crt))
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I am trying everything I can to get the HP Touchpad wifi working after having done a complete wipe before a system restore and learning the HP Servers are no longer supporting. I have Cyanogenmod 11 installed and wifi worked for approximately one day after each install. When I try to connect to any access point it only says "saved" afterward and the signal seems to drop to zero while connecting. Another strange occurrence is the fact that the wifi mac address that shows in the advanced menu of Cyanogenmod does not match the previously saved mac address on my home wifi set up as an extra security measure. The mac is the same in the device info menu of WebOS when trying to install but getting the message that servers can not be accessed to finish the install. When it was connected for a short time after Cyanogenmod install the MAC address was correct but since it has changed will not connect and the new address gives an unsupported message when trying to add to my network devices list. I have tried all posted troubleshooting steps as well as having installed Busy Box and attempting to change the Mac address manually. I get operation not supported at that prompt in the Terminal Emulator on the Touchpad. Has anyone come across this or been able to get their HP Touchpad working properly with Cyanogenmod 11?


ADB Help

Before anyone drops a "use the search function first", I hope you provide a link because I have scoured over 200 posts trying to find the answer to this question and its either not there, or EXTREMELY well hidden.
So...ADB worked fine for me on Windows 7 x64, untill I had to uninstall and reinstall some drivers when helping a buddy root his g1.
Now, ADB doesn't work. Whenever I try to run an adb command, even just to list devices, I get this error:
* daemon not running. starting it now *
CreateProcess failure, error 2
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
I have scoured Google, and I haven't found a single post that is android related (there are similair errors on android forums, just not this one) and am sorrily stumped. If anyone can help, I'd be ever so grateful.
This definitely sounds driver related although I'm not sure how you can "roll back" drivers in 7. I've heard that 7 pretty much keeps every driver you've ever used around and for whatever reason it's using an older ADB driver. I'd put money on me being wrong though.
if you are using a 1.5 image, use the drivers from the 1.5 SDK. If you are still on the RC builds, use the drivers in the 1.0 SDK.
win32 error code 2 means: 2 The system cannot find the file specified. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
and from the source code this is after a call to CreateProcess() and the file name is given by GetModuleFileName(), so it seems that the latter failed in a strange way.
What's the full path to your adb.exe?
billc.cn said:
win32 error code 2 means: 2 The system cannot find the file specified. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
and from the source code this is after a call to CreateProcess() and the file name is given by GetModuleFileName(), so it seems that the latter failed in a strange way.
What's the full path to your adb.exe?
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No spaces or odd characters. Like I said this worked fine for a month or so before I started ****ing with the drivers. I havent moved anything, my PATH and CLASSPATH are pointed correctly to the right directory. I also have a copy of adb in my /system32 directory (along with we .dll file it needs) so I can run it from wherever at a cmd prompt.
it might have something to do with wow64 messing the path up (it may rewrite system32 to syswow64). try launching the program under D:\G1\android\tools\ path. even if GetModuleFileName() failed, system should still be able to find adb.exe if you're under that path. also check file permissions and antivirus...
you can also try the command "adb fork-server server" in the path that contains adb. (you'll have to leave that console open)

[SCRIPT] Mac aRoot for Atrix 4G [ DG's aRoot script for Mac ]

This is DesignGear's aRoot script, edited to run on Mac OS X
Link to his original script: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=981866
This has the same features as the Windows script.
- Root
- Installs tethering apn(enable the apn AFTER you enable mobile hotspot)
- Unlocks all APN's for editing
- Enables init.d support (on the android side, sample script mounts /system rw)
- Installs Superuser.apk
- Enables Non-market apps (sideloading)
- Installs su and sqlite3 binaries to /system/bin
- Removes oneclickroot busybox mess (if it exists)
- unRoot script
1) Download aRootMac.zip, then double click to decompress
2) Plug your Atrix in, with USB debugging enabled
3) run the aRoot program in the folder
http://www.mediafire.com/?gi2qpmj2j9uum9x (I have edited my script so that it will look for adb in whatever folder the script is in, rather than relying on the path)
http://www.mediafire.com/?o6ipy3e7rncncnn (tical2k's version of the script using tcsh rather than bash)
- This script should hypothetically work on a Linux machine, but you may need to copy in adb from the Linux SDK
(I make no promises though, I have NOT tested this)
- When running this script during debugging, I noticed that unrooting and rerooting was creating duplicates of the tethering APN. If this causes issues, I can try and fix this in the script
Thank you's
To DG for the original aRoot script which is the base of this one, and also to everyone involved in Atrix development. I'm one of the many who have moved on, but I am cheering for you just as hard as ever!
Thanks man! I've been waiting on this.. I have Windows on my Mac but this makes life much easier
u my friend just made those of us with mac's life a little easier heh =)
Is it possible rooting will cause any updates from Moto to ATT to fail? Looks like we're getting some kind of update soon.
Sent from my non-rooted Atrix using XDA App.
jjm3175 said:
Is it possible rooting will cause any updates from Moto to ATT to fail? Looks like we're getting some kind of update soon.
Sent from my non-rooted Atrix using XDA App.
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From what I understand it will only fail if you use root to remove certain apps (See this thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=972459)
If it does turn out to be a problem there is an unroot script which will undo everything done by the aRoot script (minus remove the created tethering APN). If that fails, you can flash the retail SBF from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1003903, except note that this does need a windows machine as far as I know.
this ist working for me. I unzipped and plugged in the phone and put the USB debugging on. I started aroot and it says that everything installed fine, but my phone didnt reboot. Am i doing something wrong? This is on a Macbook pro intel
http://dev.gitbrew.org/~dasmoover/android/atrix/aRootMac.zip - mirror
Was this meant for me? Still the same problem
tomlee337 said:
this ist working for me. I unzipped and plugged in the phone and put the USB debugging on. I started aroot and it says that everything installed fine, but my phone didnt reboot. Am i doing something wrong? This is on a Macbook pro intel
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I'm attaching a debug version of the script (prints out everything it does). Decompress the executable, copy it into the aRootMac folder, then run it. If it still doesn't work, PM me whatever the output from this script is, and I should be able to figure out what isn't working.
Let me know if anything's unclear
phoneixx said:
I'm attaching a debug version of the script (prints out everything it does). Decompress the executable, copy it into the aRootMac folder, then run it. If it still doesn't work, PM me whatever the output from this script is, and I should be able to figure out what isn't working.
Let me know if anything's unclear
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Do you mean i have to run the whole this in a terminal window?
phoneixx said:
I'm attaching a debug version of the script (prints out everything it does). Decompress the executable, copy it into the aRootMac folder, then run it. If it still doesn't work, PM me whatever the output from this script is, and I should be able to figure out what isn't working.
Let me know if anything's unclear
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Here is what it says when I run the arootdebug
Getting temporary root access...
./arootdebug: line 4: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 5: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 6: adb: command not found
Mounting /system as read/write ...
./arootdebug: line 10: adb: command not found
Cleaning up onclickroot mess ...
./arootdebug: line 13: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 14: adb: command not found
Rooting your device ...
./arootdebug: line 17: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 18: adb: command not found
Installing Superuser app ...
./arootdebug: line 21: adb: command not found
Installing sqlite3 ...
./arootdebug: line 24: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 25: adb: command not found
Enabling sideloading ...
./arootdebug: line 28: adb: command not found
Enabling tethering ...
./arootdebug: line 31: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 33: adb: command not found
Enabling init.d support ...
./arootdebug: line 36: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 37: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 38: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 39: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 40: adb: command not found
Rebooting ...
./arootdebug: line 43: adb: command not found
Press any key to continue...
Nevermind. Just used a PC. I'm not a experienced MAC user. I just use it for editing my photos.
Hay thanks for this even though i a linux guy, i still much perfer to windows
Sent from my GT-P1000
tomlee337 said:
Here is what it says when I run the arootdebug
Getting temporary root access...
./arootdebug: line 4: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 5: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 6: adb: command not found
Rebooting ...
./arootdebug: line 43: adb: command not found
Press any key to continue...
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I get the same here... I really hope there's an easy solution to this as I'm looking forward to root. Does the storage settings have anything to do with this? I'm on motorola portal right now and when I connect I get "Motorola" disc icon with some .exe in there. Thanks for the help
Do you mean i have to run the whole this in a terminal window?
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This shouldn't need to be run in a terminal, just copy it to the folder from the post on the first page, and click on it in finder.
Getting temporary root access...
./arootdebug: line 4: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 5: adb: command not found
./arootdebug: line 6: adb: command not found
Rebooting ...
./arootdebug: line 43: adb: command not found
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Are you guys moving the debug executable into the folder original folder? It won't work correctly unless you run it in the same folder that you download from the first post.
phoneixx said:
This shouldn't need to be run in a terminal, just copy it to the folder from the post on the first page, and click on it in finder.
Are you guys moving the debug executable into the folder original folder? It won't work correctly unless you run it in the same folder that you download from the first post.
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I was running it from the same folder that i unzipped it to.
tomlee337 said:
I was running it from the same folder that i unzipped it to.
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Copy the unzipped file to the aRootMac folder, otherwise it won't be able to find the adb, hence the output your getting
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
phoneixx said:
Copy the unzipped file to the aRootMac folder, otherwise it won't be able to find the adb, hence the output your getting
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
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I know my way around adb fairly well... so I was kinda surprised by this. If this makes any difference I'm on a Bell Atrix and I have it unlocked to Fido. I unzip aroot and unzip the debug and then take the debug file and drop it in the aroot folder... then I ran the aroot again it comes up with all the lines properly except much too fast and then says rebooting but the phone is unaffected. I then run the debug file and it came up with those "adb command not found" so I'm pretty much stumped. Thanks for the help guys.
ChongoDroid said:
I know my way around adb fairly well... so I was kinda surprised by this. If this makes any difference I'm on a Bell Atrix and I have it unlocked to Fido. I unzip aroot and unzip the debug and then take the debug file and drop it in the aroot folder... then I ran the aroot again it comes up with all the lines properly except much too fast and then says rebooting but the phone is unaffected. I then run the debug file and it came up with those "adb command not found" so I'm pretty much stumped. Thanks for the help guys.
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Yeah, I don't think this works presently. I lost my finger print reader functionality after using this (which ran really fast as noted). I fixed it by running aRoot on windows.
OK... so everything was good as bash EXCEPT there is NO idea how Mac's bash shell gets it's relative path (thought it was a $0 or $1 but nope). So here is a converted csh environment script (tcsh more specifically) where $0 gives the full script name and path.
Anyway the scripts have changed the name of the aRoot file to run_aRoot. This is important. DO NOT CHANGE THIS NAME! This is a hackish way to resolve the relative path with sed. I have NO IDEA why the `pwd` is not returning the correct path, but anyway, it is what it is.
Currently the scripts don't mask any output (for better debugging). This HAS been tested unroot/root works. I bet there'll be a new one out to convert soon. Oh well give it a whirl. All work is DG and OP's, just a different implementation here. The usual disclaimer's apply. Attempt at your for own risk, I have no responsibility for damages mental or physical, et al. A side note, right click either run_aRoot or unRoot and open with TextEditor if you want to see what's going on.

Help! Trying to Root and stuck

Okay. I am stuck and frustrated like crazy. I have a touchpad that i am trying to root. I have tried the universal novacom installer and it fails. I have tried web os doctor but that fails as well. I put the tablet in editing mode, then hold the volume up button while pluggin in the tablet to my computer and that puts it into usb update mode or something like that. I start the webos doctor and it gets to 4% and the tablet shows the HP loga and all of a sudden the computer looses connection with the tablet so it stops. What do i do? I really want to get this going but am hitting walls left and right. I have ene tried it on my old laptop that is running Windows XP. I can either use my XP laptop or my Windows 7 computer so anyone please gimme some answers. I probably left out some info so please ask. If anyone wants to call me thats fine by me. Thanks
Have you put the touchpad in developer mode? To do this, go to the just type line on the webos home screen and type "webos20090606" without the quotes. this will allow you to continue. If you would like me to assist you in depth, I can be reached via email at [email protected]. Additional help can also be found at webosnation.com in their forums
Sent from my HP Touchpad using Tapatalk 2
I ran egverything on my third computer and managed to get the root. No all i need is the dang novacom drivers! I downloaded the webosdoctor.jar file and tried to select the novacom driver but to no avail. I am at a loss. Hitting brick walls at every turn again. If it isnt one thing it is another it seems with this blasted tablet. Anyone able to hlep with this new issue please. Thanks
Okay. Anyone got any ideas? I got ACME installer2 opened a command line from " palm, inc" typed movacom.exe boot mem:// <ACMEInstaller2 in the command line and up until now it said cannot find system file specified but now it is saying unknown command.
I have copied acmeinstaller2 to the plam, inc file as well as copied the novacom.exe file to the location of acmeinstaller2. Any help is appreciated
Desertio said:
Okay. Anyone got any ideas? I got ACME installer2 opened a command line from " palm, inc" typed movacom.exe boot mem:// <ACMEInstaller2 in the command line and up until now it said cannot find system file specified but now it is saying unknown command.
I have copied acmeinstaller2 to the plam, inc file as well as copied the novacom.exe file to the location of acmeinstaller2. Any help is appreciated
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There is a space after < ie // < ACMEInstaller2
Have you installed novacom correctly as the novacom.exe file should in the Palm, Inc folder when you open it along with along with a folder called novacomd and terminal and that is where you should put ACMEInstaller2 and for safety's sake ACMEUnistaller .
Hope that helps.
sstar said:
There is a space after < ie // < ACMEInstaller2
Have you installed novacom correctly as the novacom.exe file should in the Palm, Inc folder when you open it along with along with a folder called novacomd and terminal and that is where you should put ACMEInstaller2 and for safety's sake ACMEUnistaller .
Hope that helps.
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First of all thank you so much for replying. I appreaciate it very much. Now, i have novacom.exe , novacomd , and terminal in this folder. I tried the command prompt like you said but it couldnt fine specified folder.
My ACME installer 2 is showing to just be a file and my novacom.exe is an application is that correct? If not would you happen to know where i can get the correct files? Thanks agian.
Desertio said:
First of all thank you so much for replying. I appreaciate it very much. Now, i have novacom.exe , novacomd , and terminal in this folder. I tried the command prompt like you said but it couldnt fine specified folder.
My ACME installer 2 is showing to just be a file and my novacom.exe is an application is that correct? If not would you happen to know where i can get the correct files? Thanks agian.
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If you right click on the file novacom and click properties you will see it is .exe the other one is just a file . If you want pm me and I will try to help you via email Skype or remotely with team viewer.

[Q] Problem with Rooting Kindle Fire HD 7" Running 7.2.3

When I try to use this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2035334 and I tried manual. With the manual I got to echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop but my permission was denied. On the first method while running the RunMe.bat file it cannot find the specified path then when running RootQemu.bat file it also says permission was denied and will not root. I know of all lot of people running into this problem but cannot find a solution and there seems to be nobody that can answer why or how it can be fixed, any help would be great! Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice you may have!
Update: I have ran all programs or files as administrater through Command Prompt and without CMD.
tylerclyons97 said:
When I try to use this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2035334 and I tried manual. With the manual I got to echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop but my permission was denied. On the first method while running the RunMe.bat file it cannot find the specified path then when running RootQemu.bat file it also says permission was denied and will not root. I know of all lot of people running into this problem but cannot find a solution and there seems to be nobody that can answer why or how it can be fixed, any help would be great! Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice you may have!
Update: I have ran all programs or files as administrater through Command Prompt and without CMD.
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I had the same issues, tried everything over a day or two before I got it done. As with other poster not sure what fixed it but here is what I did then I will ask you what you did.
Manual says install java I thought what the heck that has to do with it, but what I found was not the jave browser version but java developer tools version. JDK something like that.
I also added the binary v18 file to KFHD and did the restore. Not sure if that what helped.
I also did not think though what I was doing. I used window explore to select the runme.bat or qemu.bat I did right click and select run as Admin but I do not think that is only running the bat file as an admin not the command window cammands. That must be what I did wrong, not SURE.
I have windows 7. From the start button I have cmd program there so I right click and selected run as admin. I then cd \ to root and then cd to the path of the program I wanted. qemu.bat or what you want to run now run the .bat file worked.. WOW I GOT ROOT.
Try all those steps and let me know it I helped if I did give me a thumbs UP. I hope I helped.
Unable to root using version 7.2.3
Gonewild2 said:
I had the same issues, tried everything over a day or two before I got it done. As with other poster not sure what fixed it but here is what I did then I will ask you what you did.
Manual says install java I thought what the heck that has to do with it, but what I found was not the jave browser version but java developer tools version. JDK something like that.
I also added the binary v18 file to KFHD and did the restore. Not sure if that what helped.
I also did not think though what I was doing. I used window explore to select the runme.bat or qemu.bat I did right click and select run as Admin but I do not think that is only running the bat file as an admin not the command window cammands. That must be what I did wrong, not SURE.
I have windows 7. From the start button I have cmd program there so I right click and selected run as admin. I then cd \ to root and then cd to the path of the program I wanted. qemu.bat or what you want to run now run the .bat file worked.. WOW I GOT ROOT.
Try all those steps and let me know it I helped if I did give me a thumbs UP. I hope I helped.
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wandered around in various sites and figured out what you were talking about. finally rooted kfhd7. found using alternate usb drivers allowed proper connection. everything works fine.

[Q&A] [ISSUE] TouchPad Android Wifi Issue Thread

Q&A for [ISSUE] TouchPad Android Wifi Issue Thread
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ISSUE] TouchPad Android Wifi Issue Thread. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Erratic wifi HP touchpad
I used 4.4.2 installed, the wifi is consistently poor even when shows connetcted. I uninstalled amd reinstalled, no use. Tried lollipop, no use. About to trash it but webos gone off the market too. Router is channel 1 aes, externder same, another router same ssid channel 6, better coverage, no blind spots, no use. Any hope?
Progress with novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
Was able to finally run novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh after previously receiving unable to locate device message by booting HP Touchpad into developer/USB mode and running novaterm.bat from the terminal folder and connecting from the menu. I was then able to run novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh from the Command Prompt but it does not appear to have run successfully.
C:\Program Files\Palm, Inc>novacom run file:///bin/sh < fix-webOS-certs.sh
command not found
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FAILED: rc=$rc: ((create /tmp/asb.crt))
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FAILED: rc=$rc: ((create /t1/pssb.crt))
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I am trying everything I can to get the HP Touchpad wifi working after having done a complete wipe before a system restore and learning the HP Servers are no longer supporting. I have Cyanogenmod 11 installed and wifi worked for approximately one day after each install. When I try to connect to any access point it only says "saved" afterward and the signal seems to drop to zero while connecting. Another strange occurrence is the fact that the wifi mac address that shows in the advanced menu of Cyanogenmod does not match the previously saved mac address on my home wifi set up as an extra security measure. The mac is the same in the device info menu of WebOS when trying to install but getting the message that servers can not be accessed to finish the install. When it was connected for a short time after Cyanogenmod install the MAC address was correct but since it has changed will not connect and the new address gives an unsupported message when trying to add to my network devices list. I have tried all posted troubleshooting steps as well as having installed Busy Box and attempting to change the Mac address manually. I get operation not supported at that prompt in the Terminal Emulator on the Touchpad. Has anyone come across this or been able to get their HP Touchpad working properly with Cyanogenmod 11?

