Buyer beware. Their customer service is horrible. They specifically emailed me to tell me it would work with the droid turbo and it does not. The phone sticks to the pad fine but does not charge. I repeat: Does not charge. I sent them 2 nice emails asking for support and they have completely ignored me.
[email protected] said:
Buyer beware. Their customer service is horrible. They specifically emailed me to tell me it would work with the droid turbo and it does not. The phone sticks to the pad fine but does not charge. I repeat: Does not charge. I sent them 2 nice emails asking for support and they have completely ignored me.
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Just curious, was it AirDock or AirDock 2? I own AirDock and it charges mine just fine.
air dock
rolltidewall said:
Just curious, was it AirDock or AirDock 2? I own AirDock and it charges mine just fine.
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Well I have the first edition and it worked great with my S5 Galaxy with the wireless back Samsung cover, but with the Turbo, it just cycles on and off and won't charge. The frustrating thing is that they will not even reply to my courteous request for tech support and/or the inquiry to maybe trade mine/upgrade to the 2.0 for a lesser fee. Kinda sucks if you have to buy a new version every time you change phones. If someone has the S5, i would glady sell mine to them so I could get the 2.0. I assume you have the 2.0? Thanks for your reply.
My 2.0 Just Arrived.
Hi everyone. I may have found a solution... My AirDock 2.0 just arrived and I found the same performance issues. It sticks better to the 2.0, but I could not get it to charge. I was able to make it work by using the proper USB Outlet. Not all USB adapters are equal. If you don't have at least a 2.1 amp input, it WILL NOT connect. Using the car adapter that shipped with the Air Dock works great. It was when I was using my 1.0 amp home plug, or a low powered USB port on the PC for testing that I had problems.
I ask that before you give up on the device, try it on 2.1 amp USB port. If you are not if yours is 2.1, try the one that shipped with it.
Let me know if that helps!
I have an Air Dock 2.0 and I had a problem getting it charging for a while. When I contacted support and did some troubleshooting I found that the USB charger they include is rated for ~2.4A rather than 2.1A. It needs that extra 0.3A to start charging. I also found that leaving the screen off and locked allows for wireless charging to start and overpower the NFC receiver.
By the way, if you wanted to sell the Air Dock, I'd be interested, just send me a PM.
Can anyone confirm a cheap wireless charging pad for the Verizon g2? I know its set up for wireless charging but I was wondering if there is a cheap dock or pad on eBay that someone can confirm is working.
stu5797 said:
Can anyone confirm a cheap wireless charging pad for the Verizon g2? I know its set up for wireless charging but I was wondering if there is a cheap dock or pad on eBay that someone can confirm is working.
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I got a Yes Digi Qi charger from Amazon (link). It works just fine with my G2. The first time I put it on it kept connecting/disconnecting the power rapidly, until I realized it has to sit up just a tad above being centered. I haven't had any problems since.
I haven't received my case yet (Incipio DualPro), so I don't know if it will work with it. I have, however, gotten it to charge through a stack of about 20 sheets of printer paper so I'm sure it'll be fine with a case.
Update: Just got my case yesterday. I can happily report that the charger works with the case. Yay!
Thanks! I will be receiving this as a gift. Hopefully it works...
Just received two of those ... they work great !
The LED is very good to tell you if the link is good. Easy to locate the good spot.
Charge pretty quick (VZW LG G2, Nexus 7 all with covers).
Nokia DT-900 Half-off
The Nokia DT-900 is currently half-off on, if anyone's interested.
The Nokia's look like they are small and thick. I'd like to see some pics of the Nokia with a G2.
The Lerway looks similar to my Samsung model except it lacks the LED, which I can do without. I'd spend $20 on a Qi Charger. Can't see spending $50+ though.
Just watched a Youtube video and realized the Nokia DT-900 Qi Charger uses a stupid barrel plug for power. FAIL. Instant fail. I travel and love being able to take 1 wall adapter, 1 MicroUSB cable, and my Qi Charging plate and it lets me Qi Charge, or charge my headphones, or tablet, controllers, etc.
Not interested in a Qi Charger that requires its own power supply. I'd rather do the LerWay or try to find another Samsung for $24 (what I paid for mine).
around 2:50
Just bought this from eBay, will let you know how it works. When it arrives in the next couple of days.
eBay Qi Charger with 12000mAh battery!!
CtK4949 said:
Just bought this from eBay, will let you know how it works. When it arrives in the next couple of days.
eBay Qi Charger with 12000mAh battery!!
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That's pretty cool! Let us know if the 2.1A output will achieve fast charge. I just got a power bank and even with the 2A output it slow charges.
I don't think you're getting a fast charge with Qi. I think the transfer rate is super slow which is a limitation of the current technology.
-sent from my LG G2 using XDA Premium 4
...not a charging pad
This is a receiver that is charged from a charging pad, not a charging pad itself. Not sure if that was clear....
Just bought this from eBay, will let you know how it works. When it arrives in the next couple of days.
eBay Qi Charger with 12000mAh battery!!
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lumpy211 said:
I got a Yes Digi Qi charger from Amazon (link). It works just fine with my G2. The first time I put it on it kept connecting/disconnecting the power rapidly, until I realized it has to sit up just a tad above being centered. I haven't had any problems since.
I haven't received my case yet (Incipio DualPro), so I don't know if it will work with it. I have, however, gotten it to charge through a stack of about 20 sheets of printer paper so I'm sure it'll be fine with a case.
Update: Just got my case yesterday. I can happily report that the charger works with the case. Yay!
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Does that charge as fast as a normal charger? I think wireless charging would be nice (though not really necessary) so if it works just as fast or faster i might get one but if not then i dont see the benefit for myself. Thanks
abdel12345 said:
Does that charge as fast as a normal charger? I think wireless charging would be nice (though not really necessary) so if it works just as fast or faster i might get one but if not then i dont see the benefit for myself. Thanks
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Whoops, sorry I took so long to respond. It's definitely slower than the wired charger that came with the G2. But on the other hand, I'm in and out of my office throughout the day, so it's nice to just pop it on when I'm in and let it sip some juice. It's usually full before noon, even with me putting it on and off. I don't charge it overnight so it gets down to about 30-40% depending on my use the rest of the previous day.
lumpy211 said:
Whoops, sorry I took so long to respond. It's definitely slower than the wired charger that came with the G2. But on the other hand, I'm in and out of my office throughout the day, so it's nice to just pop it on when I'm in and let it sip some juice. It's usually full before noon, even with me putting it on and off. I don't charge it overnight so it gets down to about 30-40% depending on my use the rest of the previous day.
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Thanks. I'm probably going to get a different one. On Anson there's a deal for one for 20 bucks abs the code 5offpod gets u it for 15 with free shipping.
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app
So one of the best things about the Turbo is the Turbo Charging. I wanted to be able to do this in my car, but there was no Car Turbo Charger on Motorola's website. Eventually found out that they don't make one, but other companies do. After looking on Amazon, found this guy: Only cost $16 (at least when I bought it) and has additional usb charging port for additional device. Comes in white as well. And yes, it turbo charges the same as the home turbo charger which is awesome!!!
The key is to just make sure the charger supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 - there are several others on Amazon you might want to check out, but I found this one to be the best for the money and features and it's working great for me!
This is pretty useful, I didn't know we had quick charge on car
Umm... Verizon sells them.
kyleds said:
Umm... Verizon sells them.
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Ummm... for twice the price. That was the point of the original post.
Thank you for posting this. I received my charger today and its perfect!
kyleds said:
Umm... Verizon sells them.
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This is the one I purchased, as I liked the idea of the tiny LED light at the tip.
Working great for me
Still loving my Onite Quick Charge Car Charger - I added a YouTube video review (and unboxing) for anyone who wants a closer look at it:
the link from amazon isn't working to me, what's the name of this charger?
silverfoxbrazil said:
the link from amazon isn't working to me, what's the name of this charger?
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This is the one I bought. Probably the same one. Dual port Turbo charger. Don't worry. IF the 2nd device is not a Quick Charge device (old tablet, old phone), it's still safe. Will automatically downscale to the charge needed.
Extsud® Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 USB Intelligent Car Charger With Two USB Turbo Fast Adaptive Quick Charge Ports
I use the original quick charger that came with my phone in my car with an ac car power inverter. So anything with a normal plug can go into your cigarette lighter port. Basically something like this...
This is a little expensive because it has USB ports too. But Walmart, Amazon, etc. always have sales on these. The one I have I got for $9.99 with tax. Just gotta look around. I just did a quick search for an example.
I haven't tried the two port ones with quick charge, however
The Choe 4 port quick charger
and the Tronsmart 4 port charger
have both performed great for me. I have to give the Tronsmart the edge due to simply feeling a bit more solid, not having a glossy finish, the longer warranty and the 5 star rating vs the choe's 4 star.
Someone tested this?
I bought Z2 force and found out there is not a single Incipio vehicle dock on the market. So I asked Incipio directly and they said the dock is discontinued.
Do you know about any alternatives?
Maybe use some other moto mod and make a holder from it?
All I need is to plug a phone into some dock with fast charging without plugging cable to phone.
I knew places were sold out, but they literally discontinued it? Well that's a level of depressing I didn't want to read.
Unseeablething said:
I knew places were sold out, but they literally discontinued it? Well that's a level of depressing I didn't want to read.
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Eventually, I found it on eBay. There are not many pieces left, so be hurry, if you want some
I bought the incipio wireless charging/battery mod, and I have a RAM X-Grip mount with a wireless charging pad attached to the center hub of the x-grip. I did not use a fast charging pad, but you certainly could.
I had the smaller of the two x-grips for my previous phone (Galaxy S7 Active), and my new Z2 Force does fit, but just barely with the verizon bumper installed on it. I'd probably go with the larger one if I had to do it now, and that would give more room for the charging pad.
78c10 said:
I bought the incipio wireless charging/battery mod, and I have a RAM X-Grip mount with a wireless charging pad attached to the center hub of the x-grip. I did not use a fast charging pad, but you certainly could.
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The Incipio wireless charging/battery mod only charges at 5w (slow charge), wireless for the mod and the phone (phone gets 100% before mod charges) or through the phone, after the phone turbo charges itself to 100 then the mod slow charges. The Moto wireless shell does charge wirelessly at 10w (fast charge but no turbo charge) but doesn't have an extra battery.
Sent from my Moto Z (2) using XDA Labs
good info, thanks! I guess that means using a fast charging pad won't make any difference, then. Sorry to get other folks' hopes up.
It's currently available from Verizon. Got one yesterday
Is there any good wireless chargers out there that are compatible with the Xperia 1 II.
I've got this one ready which I'm presuming will work;
I'm not bothered that this may or may not charge at the fastest wireless capabilit, as it'll be my bedside table nighttime charger
I have just backed to that project
i like the fact that it got a magnet so you won't consume a charge cycle for removing it from the dock for few seconds
I'm assuming my Ioniq Premium EV wireless charger will do the trick. A bit on the expensive side, but it comes with a car.
I just bought this
I have a Samsung one and it works ok.
cd993 said:
I've got this one ready which I'm presuming will work;
I'm not bothered that this may or may not charge at the fastest wireless capabilit, as it'll be my bedside table nighttime charger
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Does it work? How long to charge? What adaptor are you using with it?
Want something by my computer, so needs to be reasonably fast.
Rodders_28 said:
Does it work? How long to charge? What adaptor are you using with it?
Want something by my computer, so needs to be reasonably fast.
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It works even with the Spigen case. Though I couldn't say how long it takes as I only use it at nighttime as a stand, plus I have a generic multi-usb plug that it's plugged in to and so it won;t be charging at it's fastest speed anyways.
Sorry not to be of any help there, someone else soon I'm sure will be of more assistance
kamalaggi said:
Is there any good wireless chargers out there that are compatible with the Xperia 1 II.
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What do you mean by compatible? Qi is the only wireless charging standard so any wireless charger works
Sent from my XQ-AT51 using Tapatalk
Loads of the wireless charges say Samsung compatible 10watts all other models 5watts
Or Apple compatible etc...
Use the one on the picture. It's old but does the job well. It even works with the official Sony window case.
Do we have an Official Sony OEM Wireless Charger?
I thought my eyes played a trick on me that a few weeks after the Xperia 1 II was announced in February that I saw a new wireless charger accessories in the Sony Mobile UK website. But when I check it again now, it's not there. I wonder if it was never there in the first place and my eyes played a trick on me.
I think the last wireless charger that Sony produced was the WCH20 for the XZ2. But it's said that the product is discontinued, and I find it really difficult to find one. I know I can use any qi-compatible wireless charger (like the Samsung one, which I kind of like), but I don't like having my accessories not part of the Sony ecosystem.
Does anyone know if Sony has an in-production wireless charger or have some plans to reintroduce them as well? I find it odd that they sell a phone with wireless charging capability but not complimented by the accessories needed to fully utilise that feature. Since the product page says that "Wireless charger sold separately". Now, does that mean we have to get it from somewhere else, or that Sony is going to sell their wireless charger separately?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
I bought a Yootech one off Amazon. Works well, puts in just under 3000mah.
Rameyuk said:
I thought my eyes played a trick on me that a few weeks after the Xperia 1 II was announced in February that I saw a new wireless charger accessories in the Sony Mobile UK website. But when I check it again now, it's not there. I wonder if it was never there in the first place and my eyes played a trick on me.
I think the last wireless charger that Sony produced was the WCH20 for the XZ2. But it's said that the product is discontinued, and I find it really difficult to find one. I know I can use any qi-compatible wireless charger (like the Samsung one, which I kind of like), but I don't like having my accessories not part of the Sony ecosystem.
Does anyone know if Sony has an in-production wireless charger or have some plans to reintroduce them as well? I find it odd that they sell a phone with wireless charging capability but not complimented by the accessories needed to fully utilise that feature. Since the product page says that "Wireless charger sold separately". Now, does that mean we have to get it from somewhere else, or that Sony is going to sell their wireless charger separately?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
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I found one at the Sony Center (look at my previous post) but it's an older model. They are planning on bringing back the xz2 / xz3 charger but due to the pandemic the production is slow. There are some New old Stock on ebay and amazon uk
Any recommendations for a reasonably inexpensive wireless charger that charges the phone quickly?
I'm using the Pixel Stand
---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
Tmel14 said:
Any recommendations for a reasonably inexpensive wireless charger that charges the phone quickly?
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Virtually any Qi charger that supports over 11w charging will work fine.
Only thing is, the phone seem to get hot when wireless charging much more than when using a cable.
I use a QI stand for my XZ2 P and left the phone on there (usually at night and more) and after 18 months the battery had swollen and was pushing the screen off
New battery fitted and programmed timer fitted to the mains outlet, working out my charging patterns I have set timed on off program that limits the charging times, it has a manual override if I need it but generally don't
so it charges for 2 hours from 4am and 5 more cycles during the day of 30mins each - sometimes I turn it off depending on my usage and charge level - so far working very well
The longest period on continuous charge is 2 hours
I highly recommend this to everyone who finds themselves leaving their phone on charge for long periods
tonev said:
Use the one on the picture. It's old but does the job well. It even works with the official Sony window case.
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Thanks tonev!
I bought one today from Ebay, 32 euro shipping included
Should I get a 10w or a 15w QI charger?
Hey Friends
I am using Pixel 7. I just bought a wireless charger. Everything which has option for wireless charging is getting charged with that wireless charger but my Pixel 7 is not charging wirelessly.
Any solution for that.
Is there a reason you are not telling us wich mysterious charger has the problem ?
DJ-Tumor said:
Is there a reason you are not telling us wich mysterious charger has the problem ?
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I tried on 3 different wireless charger same result, thn had a word with Google customer care and they said it's a on going problem with many devices and their tech team is looking into it.
wireless chargers I tried are from brands spigen, unigen, baseus
My P7 just came in and tested it on my three chargers. ALL WORK flawlessly.
Xiaomi 25W. Jootech 15W and another 5/10W unbranded cheap charger.
Soo...either you have a crap case on your device stopping it from charging, or your pixel is defective.
just to drop you a line:
Yootech + Xiaomi charger support Max Speed of 12W @ Pixel 7.
Actually I saw 13,5W at some time, but mostly it´s like 12,7W.
I'm having the same problem with different pixels since the 13 update.
They kinda fixed something, because it now charges, but sometimes and very slow.
You need the right charger. Industry are total idiots.
Most want you to buy QuickCharge chargers with the qualcom tech inside.
Obviously Google, Samsung and Apple switched/chose PowerDelivery are as "their charging tech".
Buy something like this:
It has both worlds and other than the 33W charger who never exceeded 18W when charged on both ports I didn´t see this one throttle down anything.
Additionally there are differences in the charging stand. I don´t really get it and since there is no information of built in chips or whatever best you can do is take their promises for real. I can confirm this with my own experience. Yootech Stand was pretty slow with the Xiaomi Mi10. Now is the king in the ring with the Pixel 7 by 0,5W.
Try this one:
It is often recommended with google phones.
But It was in fact minimal slower than the other two I have here, so I´m going to send it back.
12-14W are possible with this thing.
If you want the total wireless power you´ll need the absurd expensive and UGLY Google stand.
Tested my WCS now couple times:
Yootech 13-15W
Xiaomi 12-14W
Funfact: Putting the Pixel upside down on the chargers give 1 extra Watt of charging speed.
Prooves many of the stands are too small for todays smartphones.
This "effect" will differ with phone-size and case used on the phone.
DJ-Tumor said:
You need the right charger. Industry are total idiots.
Most want you to buy QuickCharge chargers with the qualcom tech inside.
Obviously Google, Samsung and Apple switched/chose PowerDelivery are as "their charging tech".
Buy something like this:
It has both worlds and other than the 33W charger who never exceeded 18W when charged on both ports I didn´t see this one throttle down anything.
Additionally there are differences in the charging stand. I don´t really get it and since there is no information of built in chips or whatever best you can do is take their promises for real. I can confirm this with my own experience. Yootech Stand was pretty slow with the Xiaomi Mi10. Now is the king in the ring with the Pixel 7 by 0,5W.
Try this one:
It is often recommended with google phones.
But It was in fact minimal slower than the other two I have here, so I´m going to send it back.
12-14W are possible with this thing.
If you want the total wireless power you´ll need the absurd expensive and UGLY Google stand.
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DJ-Tumor said:
Tested my WCS now couple times:
Yootech 13-15W
Xiaomi 12-14W
Funfact: Putting the Pixel upside down on the chargers give 1 extra Watt of charging speed.
Prooves many of the stands are too small for todays smartphones.
This "effect" will differ with phone-size and case used on the phone.
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Hey I am from India so tried 4-5 wireless charger available here but none of thm I found working, only one charger I found I shows battery percentage when I keep my phone on it but it doesn't also charge my phone.
But I tried wireless charging other device with my Pixel 7 using battery share option and those able to get charge from my Pixel 7 so this means wireless charging is working fine for my Pixel 7, if I am not wrong.
So I need to get an proper wireless charger, am I correct?
I had a word with customer care for Pixel and they said any Qi enabled charger will work with Pixel 7 but all the wireless charger I tried support Qi enabled devices but thn also no luck.
Any specific charger I need to look for other than Pixel wireless charker it's too costly in India.
Plz suggest
First thing to try is put the naked phone on the wireless charger.
Had several cases where family members were moaning about wireless charing it wasnt the several chargers they tried but their "beloved" phone-case
Charger recommenadion: charger with "𝙂𝙖𝙉 𝙄𝙄𝙄" like the one from pluggify
Stand recommendation: INIU Wireless Charger Stand
/EDIT: I can only repeat....ANY STAND I´ve put my P7 on WORKED flawlessly.
The fastest one is indeed the one in my car by 0,5-1W charging speed.
I tried 5 different ones so far.
I got this one, and it works. Charging slow, but for me it's OK: Anker 10W Max Wireless Charger, 313 Wireless Charger (Pad). I got a slim no name TPU case on my device all the time.
These are said to be working (German Android forums):
INIU Wireless Charger, 15W
MoKo Wireless Charger + + QC Charger
Pixel Stand 2 (of course)
Amazon Brand - Eono C1
Belkin BoostCharge
+1 on Anker qi charger. It maxes out at 11W for me with a case on so it's a little slow I guess, but I keep it bedside and use it at night with an 85% limit set to (theoretically) save battery life - so it works fine for me.
I got a 35W Heymix GaN charger and the Iniu 15W charger stand. Still no luck getting my P7 to charge. I'm beginning to think it is faulty. This is my second one. First one had problems making and receiving calls. I never had these problems with Samsung . . .
DJ-Tumor said:
First thing to try is put the naked phone on the wireless charger.
Had several cases where family members were moaning about wireless charing it wasnt the several chargers they tried but their "beloved" phone-case
Charger recommenadion: charger with "𝙂𝙖𝙉 𝙄𝙄𝙄" like the one from pluggify
Stand recommendation: INIU Wireless Charger Stand
/EDIT: I can only repeat....ANY STAND I´ve put my P7 on WORKED flawlessly.
The fastest one is indeed the one in my car by 0,5-1W charging speed.
I tried 5 different ones so far.
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t-ryder said:
I got this one, and it works. Charging slow, but for me it's OK: Anker 10W Max Wireless Charger, 313 Wireless Charger (Pad). I got a slim no name TPU case on my device all the time.
These are said to be working (German Android forums):
INIU Wireless Charger, 15W
MoKo Wireless Charger + + QC Charger
Pixel Stand 2 (of course)
Amazon Brand - Eono C1
Belkin BoostCharge
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O.J. Simpson said:
+1 on Anker qi charger. It maxes out at 11W for me with a case on so it's a little slow I guess, but I keep it bedside and use it at night with an 85% limit set to (theoretically) save battery life - so it works fine for me.
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finally got wireless charger in India with which my Pixel is charging wirelessly.
thnx for all the info and suggestions.
Revhead said:
I got a 35W Heymix GaN charger and the Iniu 15W charger stand. Still no luck getting my P7 to charge. I'm beginning to think it is faulty. This is my second one. First one had problems making and receiving calls. I never had these problems with Samsung . . .
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Now on my THIRD Pixel 7. What a pile of garbage this phone is. Couldn't get wireless charging working and they replaced it. Now I'm back to not receiving some calls. I never had any problems like this with Samsung . . .
Now on my THIRD Pixel 7. What a pile of garbage this phone is. Couldn't get wireless charging working and they replaced it. Now I'm back to not receiving some calls. I never had any problems like this with Samsung . . .
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I never had any problems like this with Pixel 7 . . .
New Folder said:
I never had any problems like this with Pixel 7 . . .
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Lucky you. Not so lucky me. Now on my third SIM too.
Revhead said:
Lucky you. Not so lucky me. Now on my third SIM too.
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Something is wrong with your device or methods. Are you swapping your Note 3 sim with the Pixel 7 or not registering it correctly with the network? Your frustration is palpable and maybe it's time to just go back to Sammy and cut your losses. Either that or put aside the Note 3 and focus on getting the setup for the P7 working as most of us here have done. The device is not a piece of garbage as you state so start over again with a reset and working sim and ask questions from that standpoint.
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep you posted. I want to like this phone, it just keeps letting me down . . .
Revhead said:
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep you posted. I want to like this phone, it just keeps letting me down . . .
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Well there have been instances of faulty hardware so perhaps an RMA? Or did you do that already? Oh I just looked and you're on your third device. It would help if we knew more about your setup. Like carrier, wireless charger not working, type of sim (physical or eSim) maybe even country you're in. I would start from scratch and factory reset with a brand new physical sim from the carrier, put the sucker in when prompted and connect to the network. Don't restore anything yet even though it's a pain to reset everything back up. Just make sure it works and perhaps go to a store like Best Buy and test out the Google wireless charger. If you can make and receive calls and texts, get data and charge wireless then go from there. Failing any of those simple things would require another RMA. It's really a nice device so I hope you get it figured out.