So I did a factory reset and flashed the rooted H811 system image exactly as per instructions from the other thread and everything has been working flawlessly, except my HotSpot. When I try to turn on the Mobile Hotspot, I get a pop-up saying "Unfortunately, WiFi has stopped" and the ON/OFF toggle for the HotSpot stays off. Then, when I try to turn it on again, this time I get a toast notification saying "Activity is not exist this device." So it looks like it's looking for an application that's missing?
EDIT: SOLVED! Do not freeze the Upsell (com.lge.upsell) application, as that's what HotSpot uses to verify your tethering status with T-Mobile, as well as display the first time use tutorial.
It has nothing to do with recovery. It was my own mistake.
No issues for me so far with hotspot. I even have all the apps you listed frozen in TB.
Mine works fine also. Not sure what the problem could be.
now that we are rooted i am using wifi tether router by fabio and it works great. also bypasses tmobiles limit which i believe is 2 gbs or so of tethering. costs 2 bucks but imo its totally worth it
I just tried it on my G4 and didn't have any issues. I'm also on tmobile and rooted.
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA Free mobile app
Okay, thanks for confirming, guys.
EDIT: I figured it out. Do not freeze the Upsell (com.lge.upsell) application, as that's what HotSpot uses to verify your tethering status with T-Mobile, as well as display the first time use tutorial. It has nothing to do with recovery. It was my own mistake.
siraltus said:
Okay, thanks for confirming, guys.
I figured out what was wrong. I tried flashing TWRP using Flashify (as per instructions in the post!) and I think it flashed the recovery to the wrong partition, wiping its contents. I guess it was a hidden system partition that contained something that HotSpot needed.
I KDZ'd back to stock without wiping user data, then flashed the rooted image, and HotSpot works!
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I used flasify for twrp and my hotspot still works.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
KJW979 said:
I used flasify for twrp and my hotspot still works.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
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I figured it out. Do not freeze the Upsell (com.lge.upsell) application, as that's what HotSpot uses to verify your tethering status with T-Mobile, as well as display the first time use tutorial. It has nothing to do with recovery. Thank you everyone for confirming it was not the recovery. It was my own mistake.
KJW979 said:
I used flasify for twrp and my hotspot still works.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
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Same here with no issues.
I can't seem to find the com.lge.upsell application, I'm getting this error after typing:
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/global --bind name:s:tether_dun_required --bind value:i:0
I just want my unlimited tethering back ;__;
Flashed 10n update on my rooted H811, no problems with hotspot. If the other thread you're referencing is from here (, it has been updated with a hotspot fix on a separate file.
restoring com.lge.upsell, fixed it for me as well. Thanks,
I have the same problem! After rooting (with 20p debloated unlocked roam), the hotspot is not working with the message "Activity is not exist this device." (verbatim!). The interesting part is that when I installed FoxFi, it worked! Of course it stopped after 15 minutes as it was a freeware. When FoxFi was running, I could see that native Hotspot app showed my mac as a tethered device and everything seemed very natural (besides the blue FoxFi logo on top). On uninstalling FoxFi, native HotSpot app started giving the same error message. I could not find Upsell (com.lge.upsell) app or apk on my phone. Please advise - I would like to continue using the native HotSpot app with my T-Mobile connection. Many thanks!
---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------
metropical said:
restoring com.lge.upsell, fixed it for me as well. Thanks,
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Can you share this APK please?
UPDATE: Went to recovery mode using flashify, downloaded zips using Android File Transfer from my mac, Flashed Stock 20p, followed by Extreme 20p (both flashed at the same time) and voila! Tether is back to work and I am giving this update through my phone's tether connection
The speeds are not so great, but I am tempted to blame it on T-Mobile and not on ROM:
The whole research and finding the zip files for 20p took the majority of time. Otherwise, the download itself should take <20 minutes, transferring files <5 min, flashing another 10 minutes and restart of the phone another 5 minutes or so (it is a dirty flash - it only bothered to update some 5 apps!)
I think it is corrupted ROM (I positively remember there was a glitch for whatever reason and i lost all my data - probably the glitch deleted relevant tether files as well). But now it is much easier!!!
Links to the ZIP files that I used:
Many thanks y'all!!!
glad you found your way to it.
this was the issue I had.
I had uninstalled com.lge.upsell as part of my own try to de-bloat and that was a step too far.
The 1st link you point to is the rom I used and the radio fix and hotpot/tether fix as well.
Updated: 05/12/2011
GladiAtrix Enabler v1.05 (Sideloading/Tethering APN)
Quick and simple tool to enable sideloading or add the AT&T tethering APN to your device, should you need it. This requires root to work
Also, this is a Windows only script. If anyone wants to port this to Linux or OSX I'd be happy to include links in the main post.
TESTED working on:
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.26
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.52
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.57
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.83
Rooted Bell Firmware 0.37.4
If you test it and it works on a version different than listed here, let me know and I'll update the first post
I do not have anything but an AT&T Atrix to test this on, but the sideloading fix should work if any device. The tethering APN is only for AT&T as it's carrier specific.
Little bit of additional info here:
Enables sideloading for any device
Adds AT&T tethering APN
You need to click "allow" to superuser when prompted.
Installation instructions:
Read the directions.
Read the directions again.
Read the directions a third time. If you do not understand a step, ASK before starting.
Download the script
Extract the files to C:\GladEnable. Do not install anywhere else. Having it inside a folder with a space will cause the script to FAIL.
Enable USB debugging (Settings -> Applications -> Development).
Connect your phone (I recommend setting USB Connection to 'None').
Run GladEnable.bat (If you're using Windows 7, run as admin by holding down control and double-clicking).
Follow the on-screen directions. You will need to tap "Allow" on your phone for each step.
Make sure you allow the superuser request on your phone or it WILL fail.
All done!
I am not responsible if this bricks your phone or if it doesn't work properly for you. I've done everything I can to ensure smooth execution.
If you have any issues, feel free to PM me, reply to this thread, or come find me on IRC (I'm Fenrir or fenfone on IRC)
I realize it doesn't say it in the OP, but does this add the reboot option like your original Mod?
Brilliant, Ririal
Thanks for all your amazing work. I plan on running this script tomorrow.
In the event that reboot is not in the power popup, I really like Quickboot from the market. I have a shortcut to reboot the phone under my power widget. Works great.
beatphreek said:
I realize it doesn't say it in the OP, but does this add the reboot option like your original Mod?
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palletguru said:
Brilliant, Ririal
Thanks for all your amazing work. I plan on running this script tomorrow.
In the event that reboot is not in the power popup, I really like Quickboot from the market. I have a shortcut to reboot the phone under my power widget. Works great.
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This is not the GladiAtrix rom. It only does sideloading/tethering APN for users who just want to enable that, or for users who were using v1 of my retain root script and didn't enable it before hand with aRoot.
The ROM (when it's done, I'm having some issues with the installer. The ROM part is technically finished ) has the reboot power menu option.
Ririal said:
This is not the GladiAtrix rom. It only does sideloading/tethering APN for users who just want to enable that, or for users who were using v1 of my retain root script and didn't enable it before hand with aRoot.
The ROM (when it's done, I'm having some issues with the installer. The ROM part is technically finished ) has the reboot power menu option.
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Awesome Ririal. Will the new version of the ROM root 4.1.57 without needing to go back to 4.1.26 first?
Sent from my Moto Atrix via XDA Premium
Ok, I'm having problems with activating tethering in general. It seems that moto blocked tethering completely. I did v2 of retain root, i used this script, and i also tried it manually and each one of them says that i need a tethering plan. did moto fix this for good?
olieebur said:
Ok, I'm having problems with activating tethering in general. It seems that moto blocked tethering completely. I did v2 of retain root, i used this script, and i also tried it manually and each one of them says that i need a tethering plan. did moto fix this for good?
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With the update i am getting an instant connect on the mobile hotspot. I no longer have to tether the APN to get it to stick. I do notice that ocassionally it breifly says im not set up before it actaully connects.
Ririal said:
This is not the GladiAtrix rom. It only does sideloading/tethering APN for users who just want to enable that, or for users who were using v1 of my retain root script and didn't enable it before hand with aRoot.
The ROM (when it's done, I'm having some issues with the installer. The ROM part is technically finished ) has the reboot power menu option.
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Thanks Ririal,
Many people are realizing that Titanium Backup restores App+Data well, but most system data and settings restores are breaking functionality. A factory reset will restore Blur account and some other settings that are lost but will also make side loading and tethering go away.
Now users we have a way to get those back with out a full SBF.
PAulyhoffman said:
With the update i am getting an instant connect on the mobile hotspot. I no longer have to tether the APN to get it to stick. I do notice that ocassionally it breifly says im not set up before it actaully connects.
Thanks Ririal,
Many people are realizing that Titanium Backup restores App+Data well, but most system data and settings restores are breaking functionality. A factory reset will restore Blur account and some other settings that are lost but will also make side loading and tethering go away.
Now users we have a way to get those back with out a full SBF.
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Bang! You got me! This is exactly what happened to me.
This update totally fixed my sideloading and tethering issues.
BTW, the script failed on me the first time, I'm not sure why. Something about permission denied on ./data/local/tmp/ But the second time I ran it, everything worked.
Thank you so much Ririal!
Never Mind!
chetters said:
Bang! You got me! This is exactly what happened to me.
This update totally fixed my sideloading and tethering issues.
BTW, the script failed on me the first time, I'm not sure why. Something about permission denied on ./data/local/tmp/ But the second time I ran it, everything worked.
Thank you so much Ririal!
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Probably just missed the superuser allow request on your phone, that's why you got permission denied.
i have ran this bat file twice, no errors and it is still not working for me. i NEED to tether when i am not at work cause i have no internet at the house. if i can not get this sorted out i am going to revert to RC1 before this OTA (hope i even can do that)
please help me out here!
Win 7 64bit ran as admin
i also have an xp laptop
also have a Win7 32bit
do you need sql-lite3 to run these.... during script it says something about sql-lite3 not found. when i look in APN i don't see a new APN so im thinking thats what im missing
tha5150 said:
i have ran this bat file twice, no errors and it is still not working for me. i NEED to tether when i am not at work cause i have no internet at the house. if i can not get this sorted out i am going to revert to RC1 before this OTA (hope i even can do that)
please help me out here!
Win 7 64bit ran as admin
i also have an xp laptop
also have a Win7 32bit
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It's possible that Motorola patched the workaround for tethering. All this script does is add the custom APN, which used to work. I haven't looked at other methods for permanently enabling tethering as this method has worked for me in the past.
Manually add APN
Is it possible to add an APN without using the script, like with the Samsung Captivate, I'm asking because I'm planning to use the phone outside the US therefore I'm gonna need an APN not from AT&T...
Thanks in advanced
run the batch file without errors but i still can't get the tethering to work. My phone is sim unlocked and on 4.1.57 rooted...
Ran the script and allowed the Superuser prompt, all finished without error --- yet I still don't have the sideloading option in Applications->Development
And when I try to sideload an app, keep getting an error message that it isn't allowed for my safety ..
What am I missing here? Am on 1.5.7 Gladiatrix, root is working fine.
Thanks for any help!
Treello said:
do you need sql-lite3 to run these.... during script it says something about sql-lite3 not found. when i look in APN i don't see a new APN so im thinking thats what im missing
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I'm having the same problem, it didn't find sql-lite3 in my path, but it still said sideloadng was enabled ... ??
Great work on all your programs and want to say THANKS for all your work with the atrix. one thing I would like to know. is there an app to install the clock and weather app as the htc phones have on them?
I'm having an issue while running the command. I'm a recent iPhone user so this is all new to me. First I'd like to make sure this is all I need to do in order to install 3rd party apps (a.k.a. apps I obtain online) I don't need to do a full-blown root, do I?
While the command is running, it first asks me, "Do you want to install sideloading?" I input 'y' and hit Enter. That results in: " /system/bin/su: not found " Does this mean I need to root first?
Maybe one or more files are not getting extracted, but I don't see anything else in the download. My download contains 5 files.
1. GladEnable.bat
3. abd.exe
4. AdbWinApi.dll
5. AdbWinUsbApi.dll
Let me know if there's anything else you need that would help solve the problem.
Win7 64 Ultimate
Atrix System Version 4.1.57
jmensen said:
I'm having an issue while running the command. I'm a recent iPhone user so this is all new to me. First I'd like to make sure this is all I need to do in order to install 3rd party apps (a.k.a. apps I obtain online) I don't need to do a full-blown root, do I?
While the command is running, it first asks me, "Do you want to install sideloading?" I input 'y' and hit Enter. That results in: " /system/bin/su: not found " Does this mean I need to root first?
Maybe one or more files are not getting extracted, but I don't see anything else in the download. My download contains 5 files.
1. GladEnable.bat
3. abd.exe
4. AdbWinApi.dll
5. AdbWinUsbApi.dll
Let me know if there's anything else you need that would help solve the problem.
Win7 64 Ultimate
Atrix System Version 4.1.57
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Ririal said:
Works on:
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.26
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.52
Rooted AT&T Firmware 4.1.57
Rooted Bell Atrix (unsure firmware verison, SIDELOADING ONLY, so there's really no point, but it should work just fine if you want to run it, or want an AT&T APN )
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It clearly states that you need to be rooted for this to work. Please read the post before asking questions that are already answered.
jorge_moran_jams said:
Is it possible to add an APN without using the script, like with the Samsung Captivate, I'm asking because I'm planning to use the phone outside the US therefore I'm gonna need an APN not from AT&T...
Thanks in advanced
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You can add a manual APN in the settings menu, yes.
BicolXpress said:
run the batch file without errors but i still can't get the tethering to work. My phone is sim unlocked and on 4.1.57 rooted...
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Works for me, unsure what the issue could be. Enable the APN, then reboot your phone, I was having issues prior to reboot myself.
crippenx said:
Ran the script and allowed the Superuser prompt, all finished without error --- yet I still don't have the sideloading option in Applications->Development
And when I try to sideload an app, keep getting an error message that it isn't allowed for my safety ..
What am I missing here? Am on 1.5.7 Gladiatrix, root is working fine.
Thanks for any help!
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Not sure, never had the sideloading not work for me. This doesn't add the checkbox in the application settings menu (what reason do you really need to uncheck it?), it just enables it. Make sure the script is completing successfully with no errors.
crippenx said:
I'm having the same problem, it didn't find sql-lite3 in my path, but it still said sideloadng was enabled ... ??
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You likely are not rooted then.
flhotboiocala said:
Great work on all your programs and want to say THANKS for all your work with the atrix. one thing I would like to know. is there an app to install the clock and weather app as the htc phones have on them?
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That's a part of HTC sense. You can buy Beautiful Widgets from the market that includes copies of those widgets.
FYI I installed the newest busybox and it broke wifi as well as cell reception. Won't recognize the sim. I found this post below as well... going to have to odin when I get home. i have the i957
- - - - -
just for the docs:If you installed Busybox on a rooted OneX with stock ROM, and removed some symlinks in /system/bin, make shure to keep /system/bin/insmod and /system/bin/chmod untouched or link it with /system/xbin/busybox (or wherever you installed busybox to).*If you don't, you phone will not prompt for the SIM PIN and will not show any network operator or signal.If the phone starts, the file /system/bin/ gets executed. This file will call a binary named IMCdownload which has /system/bin/insmod hardcoded. If this insmod is nonexistent the IMCdownload will fail and /dev/ttyACM0 (the GSM modem terminal) does't get created.Next, gsm0710mux is called. This tool talks to /dev/ttyACM0. It tries to run /system/bin/chmod (even hardcoded). If this fails, the phone will not prompt for the SIM PIN even.It took me two days and a nearly bricked OneX to figure this out.Maybe its helpful so someone
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Mine is broken also.
Hey guys, This isn't a problem with Busybox, It was a bug in my application.
The bug was present in version 8.0 I pathced the bug as fast as possible in 8.1 but a lot of people still got it because of caching issues.
What happened was that it symlinked all applets to busybox which means it overwrote some system applets that on some devices shouldnt be overwritten. I didn't catch this bug because my device was not affected by this.
To resolve this issue, simply reflash your current rom. You do not have to wipe any data.
When you reboot this should resolve the problem.
Again I want to apologize for this problem and annoyance.
Best Regards,
Stephen - Stericson
Thanks for the response!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Your welcome, did you get it fixed?
I really hate that this happened so I am trying my best to help everyone get back up and running. Hopefully too many people won't hate me after this goof.
Stericson said:
Your welcome, did you get it fixed?
I really hate that this happened so I am trying my best to help everyone get back up and running. Hopefully too many people won't hate me after this goof.
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Yea works just fine, just odin flashed a new rom. I've been in much worse situations, just hope the people who don't know as much are ok.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
A lot of them have been emailing me and so far I have had success getting them all back on track.
and I've made found two threads on XDA about it and have posted there, so I'm trying to make sure all is right in the world
Stericson said:
A lot of them have been emailing me and so far I have had success getting them all back on track.
and I've made found two threads on XDA about it and have posted there, so I'm trying to make sure all is right in the world
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It's great you are doing that as a dev.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using xda premium
I'm using the stock rom of Galaxy Tab 7.7, the latest version of Busybox break wifi, and I can't access Google Play, Gmail, I can't install or uninstall from within busybox, and the terminal emulator won't work neither. So i can't install new version, can't access to command line, can't get rid of the installed version.
The rom refreshing is troublesome, since I'm using the stock rom and stock recovery. Is there any simple fix for this situation???
scubajeff said:
I'm using the stock rom of Galaxy Tab 7.7, the latest version of Busybox break wifi, and I can't access Google Play, Gmail, I can't install or uninstall from within busybox, and the terminal emulator won't work neither. So i can't install new version, can't access to command line, can't get rid of the installed version.
The rom refreshing is troublesome, since I'm using the stock rom and stock recovery. Is there any simple fix for this situation???
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I suppose you could find someone to adb pull the missing files and then push them manually?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
orlandoxpolice said:
I suppose you could find someone to adb pull the missing files and then push them manually?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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Galaxy Tab 7.7 is not a popular device. Besides, I really don't know which file busybox touched.
Reflashing took ten minutes and all my apps are fine. Didn't have to do a seperate root like last time so that was nice. Aslo the bloatware was removed.
Odin for I957 only:
WiFi But No Mobile Network
I installed Busybox 1.20.1 and my WiFi still works fine but I have no mobile 3g network. I can call and text message fine also. Google Play and any other application requiring internet access only work while WiFi is enabled. Busybox 1.20.0 worked fine. I have a Casio Commando with a stock rom. I have tried uninstalling busybox but it fails every time, telling me the system will bootloop. I have tried unrooting with no luck also. What are my options to fix this?
What version of my app did you use to install Busybox? 8.0? Curiously if you were hit by the 8.0 bug you lost both.
The easiest way is just to reflash a stock rom. You should not have to wipe or lose any data.
Version 8.3
I've also read that the Casio Commando cannot be reflashed.
Did you change any of the smart install settings? If not, I'm a little unsure if the cause was Busybox.
The previous bug was caused by overwriting system applets that shouldnt be overwritten, that was fixed as of 8.1. so the only way it could overwrite something it shouldnt would be if you adjusted the pre-adjusted settings in smart install.
Have you tried a reboot to see if the issue persists after that? Or maybe a reinstall of Busybox? Maybe you got an incomplete install somehow?
Yeah, I tried all of that. I didn't change any settings either. It won't even let me use smart install anyway. I just used the regular install option. I waited for smart install to finish loading then installed 1.20.1 over 1.20.0 and then I had no mobile network. The 3g icon and bars show up and they're white but they're supposed to turn green. Mobile network settings look good too.
Maybe it's an issue with 1.20.1, Can you try rolling back to 1.20.0?
Yeah, I already installed 1.19.4, 1.19.3, and 1.20.0 after I installed 1.20.1. Right now it says BusyBox v1.19.3 is installed to /system/bin/
Can you run the command:
ls -l /system/bin
and show us the output?
Is your WiFi Calling staying connected after updating to 10n? Mine was working fine on 10h, but on 10n it disconnects after 5-10 minutes with a REG99: Unable to connect error and won't reconnect until I reboot the phone.
I did all the troubleshooting steps with T-Force: factory reset, got a new SIM card, got an update sent to the SIM card twice, factory reset again, and no dice.
Is anyone else experiencing this on 10n? I'm on stock rooted 10n (odex).
EDIT: It's XPosed. As long as the XPosed Framework is installed (even with no modules), WiFi Calling is completely broken.
I was getting the same error on 10N. I called and was transferred to Tech Support. They updated my E-911 info and was back up in running in less than 5 minutes
siraltus said:
Is your WiFi Calling staying connected after updating to 10n? Mine was working fine on 10h, but on 10n it disconnects after 5-10 minutes with a REG99: Unable to connect error and won't reconnect until I reboot the phone.
I did all the troubleshooting steps with T-Force: factory reset, got a new SIM card, got an update sent to the SIM card twice, factory reset again, and no dice.
Is anyone else experiencing this on 10n?
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Are you using xposed? I am experiencing same while xposed is installed and it works perfect without...
jamesd1085 said:
Are you using xposed? I am experiencing same while xposed is installed and it works perfect without...
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I'm using xposed and it works great (wi-fi calling).
gerald410 said:
I'm using xposed and it works great (wi-fi calling).
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Not the case for me and others are trickling in with the same issue
So I rooted my phone a little more than a week ago and then flashed MicroMod777's rooted stock 10n ROM a few days later. Up until this point, WiFi calling was working. I then flashed the Xposed framework v72, downloaded some modules, and installed them. I realized that WiFi calling was no longer available and would give me the classic REG99 error, unable to connect. Another user on MicroMod777's 10n stock ROM thread ( had the same problem, though another user responded that Wifi calling was working fine with the 10 ROM and Xposed v72.
I uninstalled Xposed and I could immediately access WiFi calling, so it seems that Xposed is conflicting with the 10n stock ROM's WiFi calling. Same results with v73. Users who are getting WiFi calling to work on Xposed, did you get the official 10n update OTA or flash a rooted ROM? And what version of Xposed are you running?
Synchronicities said:
So I rooted my phone a little more than a week ago and then flashed MicroMod777's rooted stock 10n ROM a few days later. Up until this point, WiFi calling was working. I then flashed the Xposed framework v72, downloaded some modules, and installed them. I realized that WiFi calling was no longer available and would give me the classic REG99 error, unable to connect. Another user on MicroMod777's 10n stock ROM thread ( had the same problem, though another user responded that Wifi calling was working fine with the 10 ROM and Xposed v72.
I uninstalled Xposed and I could immediately access WiFi calling, so it seems that Xposed is conflicting with the 10n stock ROM's WiFi calling. Same results with v73. Users who are getting WiFi calling to work on Xposed, did you get the official 10n update OTA or flash a rooted ROM? And what version of Xposed are you running?
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Stocked rooted rom and v72 I believe (how to confirm?).
gerald410 said:
Stocked rooted rom and v72 I believe (how to confirm?).
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Open the XPosed Installer app and look in the Framework section.
jamesd1085 said:
Are you using xposed? I am experiencing same while xposed is installed and it works perfect without...
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I was having the issue on a totally stock, factory-reset phone with nothing installed.
T-Force opened a ticket with network engineering, supposed to be resolved by tomorrow.
siraltus said:
Not XPosed's fault at all. I was having the issue on a totally stock, factory-reset phone with nothing installed.
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Just asking as i have same issue but only with are some others
jamesd1085 said:
Just asking as i have same issue but only with are some others
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Interesting.... I wonder why. I have Xposed installed on my Note 4 also and WiFi Calling works perfectly fine there. Might be a specific module causing it.
Come to think of it, when I factory-reset the phone, Xposed was still installed into the system partition, since it's not an app, but a modification to system files.
I will have to re-test after explicitly uninstalling Xposed. It would be a total bummer if Xposed is the problem. And if it is, I hope it's just a specific module that I can disable. I'd hate to lose YouTube AdAway and a few others.
siraltus said:
Interesting.... I wonder why. I have Xposed installed on my Note 4 also and WiFi Calling works perfectly fine there. Might be a specific module causing it.
Come to think of it, when I factory-reset the phone, Xposed was still installed into the system partition, since it's not an app, but a modification to system files.
I will have to re-test after explicitly uninstalling Xposed. It would be a total bummer if Xposed is the problem. And if it is, I hope it's just a specific module that I can disable. I'd hate to lose YouTube AdAway and a few others.
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Mine is broken without even adding modules...fixes instantly after flashing xposed uninstaller
jamesd1085 said:
Mine is broken without even adding modules...fixes instantly after flashing xposed uninstaller
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Well that just sucks. I just uninstalled Xposed and WiFi Calling is staying connected now. This is not good.
siraltus said:
Well that just sucks. I just uninstalled Xposed and WiFi Calling is staying connected now. This is not good.
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Looks like we need to try and get some logs for rovo and hopefully he can easily fix it...
Scrap that! Download SELinux mode changer and change to permissive...instantly popped up and stayed connected! Great news
jamesd1085 said:
Looks like we need to try and get some logs for rovo and hopefully he can easily fix it...
Scrap that! Download SELinux mode changer and change to permissive...instantly popped up and stayed connected! Great news
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O RLY... is that an Xposed module?
siraltus said:
O RLY... is that an Xposed module?
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Try ticking disable resource hooks in exposed installer app...and You can google SELinux mode changer its an app it coonects after boot...takes longer than it used to but its working on my end
siraltus said:
Open the XPosed Installer app and look in the Framework section.
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I'm running v71 thx.
jamesd1085 said:
Try ticking disable resource hooks in exposed installer app...and You can google SELinux mode changer its an app it coonects after boot...takes longer than it used to but its working on my end
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Nope, neither works. WiFi Calling is still busted while Xposed is installed.
siraltus said:
Nope, neither works. WiFi Calling is still busted while Xposed is installed.
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Try unticking disable's working fine without that...try a couple reboots...mine has settled in and works fine...also did you opeen the app and grant root and press permissive?
jamesd1085 said:
Try unticking disable's working fine without that...try a couple reboots...mine has settled in and works fine...also did you opeen the app and grant root and press permissive?
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Of course I granted root and pressed Permissive, I know what SELinux is. I also unticked that checkbox and rebooted like 5 times. It either never connects or connects and disconnects after 2-3 minutes.
So I got Android Pay today and it looks like it will not work on a stock TOUCHWIZ ROM. Had anyone had any luck using it?
After taking a quick look at what it is needs to verify your phone I'm not sure if we'll ever work on a rooted device.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
More info:
Looks like some rerooting has worked, no luck on the Note 4 yet though.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
Anybody get this working? I disabled root in SU and cleared data to no avail.
livejamie said:
Anybody get this working? I disabled root in SU and cleared data to no avail.
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I've had no luck
I tried:
1.) rootcloak - fail after card setup
2.) no device check - failed before card setup
3.) disabling su - failed after card setup
Still no luck
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
I got it working, but am not rooted, using stock 5.1.1 on the T3 version. Used it at McDonald's today to get a drink. Works very well!
Sent from my SM-N910T3 using XDA Premium HD app
It works fine for me and i'm rooted. I just disabled SU within SuperSU and it let me set up my cards, and works like a charm.
Cuppeerr said:
It works fine for me and i'm rooted. I just disabled SU within SuperSU and it let me set up my cards, and works like a charm.
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What ROM are you using?
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
ShrekOpher said:
What ROM are you using?
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
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Stock rom, N910T3
Running unofficial CM 12.1 and no dice, Work at Wholefoods and I have been using Wallet for a while now. Pretty annoyed that I can't even downgrade my google services and get the older Wallet NFC app and why did they decide to split it into 2 apps instead of just one?
For the Note 4 (N910T), I had Tekxodus Rom URv5. Wouldn't work. Even tried disabling SU, Changing DPI, RootCloak, etc NO LUCK! However, i decided to get the stock rooted/debloated/deodexed rom - N910TUVU1COG2.
1. Backed up my current rom using TB.
2. Flash N910TUVU1COG2 rom (
3. At first boot and setup, immediately disabled SU, and setup Lock Pin.
4. Installed Google Play Services 8.1.14_(2244331-238)-8114238-minAPI21.
5. Installed Android Pay 1.0.103131485
6. Open Android Pay and verified card.
7. Re-Enabled SU.
8. Restore Apps using TB.
Hope this helps.
The old wallet app works better and supports more cards
REAL bad experience with No Device Check (Xposed) on rooted N7100 Note 2, stock rom, 4.4.2.
Installed it, rebooted and immediately I noticed that all of my apps that require root had disappeared from not only the main screen but from the app drawer.
Thought that I would freeze it but Ti Backup wasn't there.
Went into App Manager and tried to uninstall but it would not uninstall.
Wanted to restart into recovery mode but the options were missing... just the option to restart which did not work. The phone would not restart.
Did a full shut down and restarted into recovery the conventional way and luckily got into TWRP and did a recovery. Thankfully I did a backup last night.
Before doing a recovery, I worked on the phone from a 99% charge down to 11%, so I spent some time with it.
One funny thing though, while going through all of this, I got an update to Android Pay and my camera app.
Right after that update, I opened AP and it wanted the code on the back of the card so I tapped the field and the keyboard didn't come up and that's when I decided to do the recovery from TWRP.
BTW, over the last few days I tried all of the above suggestions and none have worked but haven't tried them again after the update to Android Pay. I think that for the time being I'll just play it safe and whip out the plastic.
so basically you can't use a customized rom
krypticsoul said:
For the Note 4 (N910T), I had Tekxodus Rom URv5. Wouldn't work. Even tried disabling SU, Changing DPI, RootCloak, etc NO LUCK! However, i decided to get the stock rooted/debloated/deodexed rom - N910TUVU1COG2.
1. Backed up my current rom using TB.
2. Flash N910TUVU1COG2 rom (
3. At first boot and setup, immediately disabled SU, and setup Lock Pin.
4. Installed Google Play Services 8.1.14_(2244331-238)-8114238-minAPI21.
5. Installed Android Pay 1.0.103131485
6. Open Android Pay and verified card.
7. Re-Enabled SU.
8. Restore Apps using TB.
Hope this helps.
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does your androidpay still work? wondering if it's worth trying. Or did you system force an upgrade of google play services?
wpcprez said:
does your androidpay still work? wondering if it's worth trying. Or did you system force an upgrade of google play services?
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Android pay is working. However I believe that may change with the next update of the Android pay app. Most likely not until the new year.
Ok I guess this has been talked before but I can't find it, anyways I'm running the latest stock version of Android and ever since I rooted and unlocked my bootloader I haven't been able to get if to work.. Am I missing something or does it get disabled?
Cobra11Murderer said:
Ok I guess this has been talked before but I can't find it, anyways I'm running the latest stock version of Android and ever since I rooted and unlocked my bootloader I haven't been able to get if to work.. Am I missing something or does it get disabled?
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did you enble it? check out the phone settings.
Yup I did, I should of mentioned that while ago, seems it tries then stops really quick I restarted the router thinking that could be it, but nothing
root must disable it I guess?
Cobra11Murderer said:
root must disable it I guess?
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nope. im rooted, and tmobiles wifi calling works fine here.
Having the same issues here. Flashed the 'V' update and verified that wi-fi calling was working. Flashed root and TWRP through wugfresh's app and wifi-calling stopped working. I'm assuming that the new stock kernel was updated so that if the device was rooted it would break wi-fi calling.
---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------
goinflyn said:
Having the same issues here. Flashed the 'V' update and verified that wi-fi calling was working. Flashed root and TWRP through wugfresh's app and wifi-calling stopped working. I'm assuming that the new stock kernel was updated so that if the device was rooted it would break wi-fi calling.
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flashed back to the 'Q' version and again restored wifi calling. Flashed supersu 2.67 and twrp and lost wifi calling. BTW this setup was working prior to me flashing the update previously. I'm going to try a different version of supersu and see what happens.
I'm on the V build, rooted, and T-Mo WiFi calling works fine.
When you say WiFi calling is not working, is the wifi calling verbiage not showing up in notification area? Or does it show WiFi calling, but calls are not going thru when on WiFi?