I just want a way to separate the ringer and notification volume like on my G3. Hate using the built in no interruption thing cause it keeps numbers not in my contacts from ringing. What if my daughter calls from a different number cause her phone battery died and it's an emergency? Missed a call from dispatch last week cause his number was changed at work and I didn't have the new one.
Is it possible with standard adjustments, or is there a need for a special app, to disable the beeping notifications I receive for upcoming calandar events and sound notifications for other then an incoming call while Iam trying to carry on a phone conversation? I find it very distracting and annoying to constantly hear beeps and chimes while Iam trying to carry on a conversation on my TYTN II!!
I do that with phoneAlarm, which lets me turn those chimes into short vibrations
Why don't you look at the Sounds & Notifications configuration located in the Personal folder? You can disable Notifications (reminders/alarms).
I still want to receive reminders/alarms, but not while Iam on a phone conversation and hear those sounds through the phone's ear piece. Is this possible?
stop notification sound while in call
ya me too i liek get this song playing why im on the phone when i get a message wtf haha anyone
I am having an extremely annoying problem with my phone.
Whenever Im on calls and i receive a text, it vibrates, while im on call. And whats annoying is, that the person on the other end hears the annoying buzzing sound as well its irritating for me as well.
Is there a way to stop the phone from vibrating for notification while im on calls ?
Im not talking about changing vibrations for profiles, just stop vibrating while im on a call !
Another option - also not free, but ridiculously easy: Kill The Duck. (disclosure: I'm the dev)
Monitors phone state and disables vibrate notifications when there's an active call, and restores the prior vibrate notification settings when the call is over. That's it. That's all it does. Period.
After being driven crazy by this "feature" of my HTC Incredible for over a year, I figured it was time I did something about it
I have had this issue ever since I bought my Vivid and am surprised that I don't find references to it on this forum: the Skype notification "bloop" is tied to the notification volume, with is also tied to the ringer volume.
The only way I can actually hear the "bloop" is by turning up the ringer to the point where it's jarring. On my ASUS tablet (no ringer, mind you), none of the volume sliders are tied to one another. Also, I've seen numerous posts from users attempting to link the two together, but not the other way around.
Why are they like that on the Vivid?
By the way, I had this issue with the stock ROM, and now also with the PACman ROM.
Oh, and the notification for sms is fine; I can hear it no problem.
I'll be darn if I can figure out what is going on here.
4.1.2, stock except for custom kernel brick bug prevention.
I've had this rom running since it was released (this is a note international, GBT via amazon, used in the states)
Never had an issue, but I've started to notice a couple missed calls. Today, I saw what was happening.
Incoming calls, the ringer only rings for maybe 1/2 second, phone continues to "ring" but you never hear
anything! It's like it has been silenced as if you quickly pressed a button. That's how it acts without bluetooth.
If I have my bluetooth (jawbone ERA) turned on, SOMETIMES, if the screen is off, it NEVER rings, on the speakerphone
I'm using to dial my Note, I hear it ring 2 times, then go directly to voicemail. Sometimes it does that, sometimes it does
not, otherwise, the phone ringtone plays for a split second, headset continues to ring normally. Screen shows the incoming
call, but no ringtone. I haven't tweaked, installed, updated anything to cause this. Just one day it started doing it.
I'm about to do a clear reset, but it's just a PITA to set it up. Device is going on 18 months old, first issue I've really had
with it other than a bad USB port or a worn battery.
Any clues?
edit: Found the issue...I use call control as a phone number blocker. In settings, I had on for blocked calls, "remove partial ring" turned on. Once that was turned off, everything started working.
Just got a pixel 3. I need a do not disturb profile. I have one but it's not working. I do not want any interruptions while I sleep, except if it's from a favorite contact. Also if they text, I want to send them a response if it's important or emergency please call. (I have children, one with autism. If I can take a small snooze during te day would lie to do that without missing a call or text from his school)
I had similar profiles from years ago. But, as I keep upgrading my phones, I am having difficulty. Even though, I have do not disturb on, Something is still vibrating and ringing. When I go to notifications, I can't find anything.
To sum it up:
Dnd to ring/vibrante Favs only. All other notifations silent no vibration. But, need alarm.
If revive a text, to respond with please call.
Thank you.