Well, since yesterday I own a sec. gen. Android One phone:
i-mobile IQ II
its a clone of the:
Snapdragon 410
Renderer Adreno (TM) 306
Android Version 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
API Level 22
Build ID LUZ59I
Fingerprint google/imobileiq2/imobileiq2_sprout:5.1.1/LUZ59I/2074818:user/release-keys
Kernel 3.10.49-g4cd7316
Unlocked Bootloader, but no idea how to root the device.
Kingoroot, etc. doesn't work.
I've tried a few recoveries from different Snapdragon 410 socs, but they all failed to boot with:
FAILED (remote: dtb not found)
So I need a custom recovery, which boots via fastboot, to install ROOT.
Any ideas?
vel_tins said:
Well, since yesterday I own a sec. gen. Android One phone:
i-mobile IQ II
its a clone of the:
Snapdragon 410
Renderer Adreno (TM) 306
Android Version 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
API Level 22
Build ID LUZ59I
Fingerprint google/imobileiq2/imobileiq2_sprout:5.1.1/LUZ59I/2074818:user/release-keys
Kernel 3.10.49-g4cd7316
Unlocked Bootloader, but no idea how to root the device.
Kingoroot, etc. doesn't work.
I've tried a few recoveries from different Snapdragon 410 socs, but they all failed to boot with:
FAILED (remote: dtb not found)
So I need a custom recovery, which boots via fastboot, to install ROOT.
Any ideas?
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Have you tried framaroot.apk ?
Also are you from Turkey?
nhmanas said:
Have you tried framaroot.apk ?
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Yes, but doesn't work
nhmanas said:
Also are you from Turkey?
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No, I've bought my device in Thailand
Meanwhile I was able to download the stock recovery (which also works from fastboot)
If its not too time consuming, I will try to port a minimal CWM/Carliv to the device, just to install SU.zip
vel_tins said:
Yes, but doesn't work
No, I've bought my device in Thailand
Meanwhile I was able to download the stock recovery (which also works from fastboot)
If its not too time consuming, I will try to port a minimal CWM/Carliv to the device, just to install SU.zip
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I think you can sign and flash SuperSU zip. I know that stock recovery only flashes signed zips. But I'm not really sure
It's not possible to flash Supersu through stock recovery, because of signature verification.
PS: Here is a working stock recovery
Ok, I've modded the stock recovery, to run a "self signed" update.zip.
But there is something wrong with the mount command. Error message:
failed to mount dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/system at /system: No such file or directory
The mount command in the "updater-script":
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/system ", "/system");
And here is the original "recovery.fstab":
#device mount point fstype [device2] [length=]
/dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /sdcard vfat nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,nodelalloc wait
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,barrier=1 wait
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/cache /cache ext4 noatime,nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered wait,check
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/userdata /data ext4 noatime,nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc wait,check
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/oem /oem ext4 defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/boot /boot emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/misc /misc emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/7824900.sdhci/by-name/recovery /recovery emmc defaults defaults
So I need the correct commandline to mount "system" via "updater-script"
I'm trying to port and build custom recovery but after flashed recovery with "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" the stock recovery still not change to CWM
PS. My IQ II was unlocked bootloader
Dev from I-mobile Community Thailand
well, I finally managed to root the IQ II, but the the solution is far away from a "one click Root"
I used a modded stock recovery and an insecure boot.img, which I booted both from fastboot.
Bootloader is also unlocked.
noracle2012 said:
I'm trying to port and build custom recovery but after flashed recovery with "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" the stock recovery still not change to CWM
PS. My IQ II was unlocked bootloader
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No need to always flash your .img for testing purposes, just use
"fastboot [B][U]boot[/U][/B] recovery.img"
However, can you upload your CWM, so I can check it.
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noracle2012 said:
I'm trying to port and build custom recovery but after flashed recovery with "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" the stock recovery still not change to CWM
PS. My IQ II was unlocked bootloader
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I assume you already rooted your device? vel_tins was right, boot cwm first via fastboot before flashing it permanently
If it works, try renaming /system/bin/install-recovery.sh to "install-recovery.bak" before flashing cwm via fastboot
Good job dude
It's so cool
CWM Building for IQ II 90% Complete
- Backup and Restore Completed
-Flashable.zip Support
w w w .uppic.com/uploads/14393676251 .jpg
As soon
I'm a CyanogenMod device maintainer who has previously contributed to CM for the original Galaxy S (I9000) and the Acer A700 and I am also maintaining an unofficial port for the Samsung Galaxy Grand (I9082).
Right now, I am considering contributing to the development of this device if there's enough interest from the community. (Unfortunately, I don't think i-Mobile's doing a good job at marketing and making the device widely available.) So I'm wondering, is there any community (maybe on Thai forums) right now that's focused on discussing and developing for this device?
CWM Recovery for I-mobile IQ II Android One
Finally >>> CWM Recovery for I-mobile IQ II Android One
Link : goo.GL /BWTu9H
PS. Add h t t p s : / / and delete space bar as above link
pawitp said:
I'm a CyanogenMod device maintainer who has previously contributed to CM for the original Galaxy S (I9000) and the Acer A700 and I am also maintaining an unofficial port for the Samsung Galaxy Grand (I9082).
Right now, I am considering contributing to the development of this device if there's enough interest from the community. (Unfortunately, I don't think i-Mobile's doing a good job at marketing and making the device widely available.) So I'm wondering, is there any community (maybe on Thai forums) right now that's focused on discussing and developing for this device?
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There's Philz recovery already for the device. I think you can root it using SuperSU flashable through PhilZ
Hi , Im also in Thailand.... curious as to were you can buy these and how much sir ?
zerodi said:
Hi , Im also in Thailand.... curious as to were you can buy these and how much sir ?
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android. com/ one
Seems to be that you can buy/order it in a truemove store?! or in the online-shop.
zerodi said:
Hi , Im also in Thailand.... curious as to were you can buy these and how much sir ?
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I've bought mine in an i-mobile shop, inside Tesco Lotus.
But every i-mobile branch/shop should sell them.
Price is 4444 Baht.
PS: I will mark this thread as solved, because I was able to compile TWRP, so flashing unsigned .zip is possible now.
Thank You ..... i will surely pickup one of these
pawitp said:
I'm a CyanogenMod device maintainer who has previously contributed to CM for the original Galaxy S (I9000) and the Acer A700 and I am also maintaining an unofficial port for the Samsung Galaxy Grand (I9082).
Right now, I am considering contributing to the development of this device if there's enough interest from the community. (Unfortunately, I don't think i-Mobile's doing a good job at marketing and making the device widely available.) So I'm wondering, is there any community (maybe on Thai forums) right now that's focused on discussing and developing for this device?
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Please do consider it sir. This device will reach other asian countries soon, such as the Philippines at the end of the month.
noracle2012 said:
It's so cool
CWM Building for IQ II 90% Complete
- Backup and Restore Completed
-Flashable.zip Support
w w w .uppic.com/uploads/14393676251 .jpg
As soon
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Is this built from source? I'm just wondering if there's already a device tree uploaded on Github.
edit: I found the device tree, https://github.com/vel2000/android_device_imobile_IQII thanks to @vel_tins
arvinquilao said:
Is this built from source? I'm just wondering if there's already a device tree uploaded on Github.
edit: I found the device tree, https://github.com/vel2000/android_device_imobile_IQII thanks to @vel_tins
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TWRP from this thread was compiled with this source tree.
BUT: The source tree is not the latest and shouldn't actually be public until I can fiddle out, how to use Github correctly...
However, TWRP should compile with that tree.
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MultiROM is one-of-a-kind multi-boot mod for Nexus 7. It can boot any Android ROM as well as other systems like Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Active, Bohdi Linux or WebOS port.Besides booting from device's internal memory, MultiROM can boot from USB drive connected to the device via OTG cable. The main part of MultiROM is a boot manager, which appears every time your device starts and lets you choose ROM to boot. You can see how it looks on the left image below and in gallery. ROMs are installed and managed via modified TWRP recovery. You can use standard ZIP files to install secondary Android ROMs, daily prebuilt image files to install Ubuntu Touch and MultiROM even has its own installer system, which can be used to ship other Linux-based systems.
* Multiboot any number of Android ROMs
* Restore nandroid backup as secondary ROM
You can also watch a video which shows it in action.
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It is dangerous. This whole thing is basically one giant hack - none of these systems are made with multibooting in mind. It is no longer messing with data partition or boot sector, but it is possible that something goes wrong and you will have to flash factory images again. Make backups. Always.
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I'm not responsible for anything.
I just compiled it, the hard work was done by the people in the credits section. Please support them.
Please post bugs
Installation with Sony Stock ROM
Your bootloader must be unlocked for this to work.
Make a backup
Flash custom boot.img (fastboot flash boot boot_stock_windy.img / fastboot flash boot boot_stock_pollux.img
Install multirom.zip
Installation with OmniROM
Make a backup
Install OmniRom
Install multirom.zip
more detailed
Make a backup from your recovery
Install a Rom with kexec-hardboot support from recovery
Install multirom.zip from TWRP
Reboot to recovery
Install second ROM from recovery (Advanced -> MultiROM -> Add ROM)
You now have a Xperia Tablet Z with multiboot
MultiROM: https://github.com/pollonamid/multirom
Kernel: https://github.com/omnirom/android_kernel_sony_apq8064
TWRP: https://github.com/XperiaMultiROM/android_bootable_recovery
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Tasssadar - MultiROM and modified TWRP
Olivier - MultiROM port to Xperia Z
Olivier and Everyone else mentioned here - KEXEC hardboot porting to Xperia Z and Tablet Z
skiwong 20 - building builds while I was away
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WARNING! - I don't own this device, so it's untested.
XDA:DevDB Information
MultiROM v31x pollux, Tool/Utility for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-08-26
Last Updated 2015-02-15
26/08/2014 - First release
16/09/2014 - No need to install recovery seperately
21/09/2014 - fixed list rom-view in recovery
Supported internal ROMs:
PAC-Man (thanks to skiwong20)
Sony Stock 10.5.1.A.0.xxx Flash this kernel
PAC-Man (thanks to skiwong20)
Sony Stock 10.5.1.A.0.xxx Flash this kernel
nice to see multirom here too!
i´ve build it for my own (pollux windy _ aosb) but aosb code isn´t
ready yet, so i decided to hold it till aosb 1.3.7 will be released!
c0llal0 said:
nice to see multirom here too!
i´ve build it for my own (pollux windy _ aosb) but aosb code isn´t
ready yet, so i decided to hold it till aosb 1.3.7 will be released!
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Wow, awesome!
Installed multirom yesterday, so far its working, but when i try to add a rom in twrp (then advanced-multirom) i see a screen with something like what type of rom do you want to install, then i select android and then its stuck. No next button or something noting works anymore and I need to reset
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Dutchdeveloper said:
Installed multirom yesterday, so far its working, but when i try to add a rom in twrp (then advanced-multirom) i see a screen with something like what type of rom do you want to install, then i select android and then its stuck. No next button or something noting works anymore and I need to reset
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yes, I know this bug. Multirom-TWRP doesn't work in landscape currently. You have to change it to landscape. So, go to Settings -> Screen and set rotation to 90.
Hi !
Nice to see a working Multiboot.
Could you help me ?
My SGP311 is flashed with newest Omnirom nightly with "normal" TWRP,
What exactly i have to do to Update to Multirom and to install cm11 as second android ??
Can i do all steps without PC ?
phillipssat said:
Hi !
Nice to see a working Multiboot.
Could you help me ?
My SGP311 is flashed with newest Omnirom nightly with "normal" TWRP,
What exactly i have to do to Update to Multirom and to install cm11 as second android ??
Can i do all steps without PC ?
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I updated the installation instructions and made the more detailed. Hope it helps.
Currently it's not possible to install without a pc, sorry.
pollonamid said:
I updated the installation instructions and made the more detailed. Hope it helps.
Currently it's not possible to install without a pc, sorry.
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Does it split main partition to install 2nd ROM separately? Or where second ROM stores it data?
pollonamid said:
I updated the installation instructions and made the more detailed. Hope it helps.
Currently it's not possible to install without a pc, sorry.
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@pollonamid I flashed your boot for pollux_windy but the recovery is the normal TWRP without multirom, any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
//can you share recovery img so i can flash like this? --> http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/185
Rootk1t said:
Does it split main partition to install 2nd ROM separately? Or where second ROM stores it data?
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No. It stores the data in the multirom folder on the internal sd-card. You can read more in the original multirom thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2011403
can i request assistance here? I'm doing something wrong? Can you post recovery.img?
EsEnZeT said:
can i request assistance here? I'm doing something wrong? Can you post recovery.img?
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Here you go. Had to compile it. I will upload a new boot.img later, too. Could be that I uploaded the false one. Sorry.
Hi !
Whats about this App ?
Does it run on SGP-311 with your Multiboot ??
pollonamid said:
Here you go. Had to compile it. I will upload a new boot.img later, too. Could be that I uploaded the false one. Sorry.
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That means, this is OK for pollux-windy and your link on your first posting is not OK ??
Better to Update your first posting ??
phillipssat said:
Hi !
Whats about this App ?
Does it run on SGP-311 with your Multiboot ??
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Didn't try yet. Try it and tell us if it works, please.
phillipssat said:
That means, this is OK for pollux-windy and your link on your first posting is not OK ??
Better to Update your first posting ??
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Thank you for pointing this out. I just forgot it. lol
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23622183712465782 is a recovery.img. Don't flash it to boot partition.
I updated the OP with the new link.
What happens after a nightly omnirom update which updates the recovery (TWRP) ??
Update 2014-09-04 will change TWRP !?
Do i have to flash your files again ??
phillipssat said:
What happens after a nightly omnirom update which updates the recovery (TWRP) ??
Update 2014-09-04 will change TWRP !?
Do i have to flash your files again ??
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Currently, yes, if it is your main rom. If it is a secondary rom, no.
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Your warranty is now void.
I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot
Unlocking Bootloader/Root/Recovery (Required)
Just follow steps from Sony Developer World Mobile
1 - Make sure you have a Recovery pre-installed (via boot partition or bootstrap hack) and Bootloader Unlocked
2 - Download the latest version
3 - Flash it via your recovery
Now you ask "i still have the CWM Philz, what to do?"
You will need a custom kernel with support to load recovery from FOTAKernel, check this
For now only one Custom Kernel support it, the FalconSS Kernel
4 - Flash FalconSSKernel or any other Kernel with this support via recovery
5 - And Enjoy!!!
TWRP3 - Support from Stock KitKat to CM14.1 Based- Zip Flashable - https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767133664
Support: All Xperia E1 Variants
How to get into recovery: The LEDs will flash green, in this moment you can press Volume buttons and wait, you will see a Blue/Cyan color in LEDs, you will enter iin recovery.[/B]
No issues related to TWRP3 (If you found someone, just report. Thanks!)
Great work
nvt992 said:
Great work
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Caio99BR said:
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why only 2.8.1?
Sent from my Xperia T using XDA Free mobile app
SdtBarbarossa said:
why only 2.8.1?
Sent from my Xperia T using XDA Free mobile app
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We need to get CM11 working, so TWRP of Android KK branch, after get this working we will go to CM12.1 and TWRP of Android LP Branch and by last TWRP3 of MM branch.
The device tree?
porcha18 said:
The device tree?
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Oh sorry, i will update thread.
Wtf? I can't boot into 3.x... I have 2.8 (R1) installed, the. zip doesn't work and the image file in Rasher won't work either. I have FalconSS kernel installed, (of course) TWRP 2.8 and Sony Xperia E1 Stock Lite but I cannot get this to work. Fastboot I'm also having problems with; the drivers are being a fricken pain in the ass rn... If someone could link me the offical drivers that would be awesome thanks
xeonyt12 said:
Wtf? I can't boot into 3.x... I have 2.8 (R1) installed, the. zip doesn't work and the image file in Rasher won't work either. I have FalconSS kernel installed, (of course) TWRP 2.8 and Sony Xperia E1 Stock Lite but I cannot get this to work. Fastboot I'm also having problems with; the drivers are being a fricken pain in the ass rn... If someone could link me the offical drivers that would be awesome thanks
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In Flashtool you can find Shuang (MSM8210/MSM8610) drivers, and also Sony generic drivers that will work
Kizoky said:
In Flashtool you can find Shuang (MSM8210/MSM8610) drivers, and also Sony generic drivers that will work
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@Kizoky For some reason, those drivers won't install... it just says 'Drivers Failed to install'; no error code or anything.... idk anymore
Wow TWRP 3.0:victory:
You're one of the best dev of this forum thank you bro :highfive:
EDIT : erm, big fail, i forgot to wipe chache/dalvik any idea to get out of this situation ? Bc now twrp 3.0 won't boot
MrGunBest said:
Wow TWRP 3.0:victory:
You're one of the best dev of this forum thank you bro :highfive:
EDIT : erm, big fail, i forgot to wipe chache/dalvik any idea to get out of this situation ? Bc now twrp 3.0 won't boot
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I will try to fix it, sorry, i said it is in wip, the recovery works but not pass of TeamWin screen, why idk.
Caio99BR said:
I will try to fix it, sorry, i said it is in wip, the recovery works but not pass of TeamWin screen, why idk.
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NP bro'
everybody do some fails, but i'm sure you'll make it boot:fingers-crossed:
btw guys do you have 2 recoveries ,cwm and twrp ,too?
sad2kac said:
btw guys do you have 2 recoveries ,cwm and twrp ,too?
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Actualy, the dual recovery exploit, use the bootstrap folder into the root of the storage to boot a recovery without having a UB, then if you want a PhilZ and TWRP, you unlock your BL, flash TWRP 2.8, Caio kernel AND THEN you have dual recovery
Ok, so far I got TWRP flashed, but the problem is it shows the TWRP start logo, but doesn't boot to the UI/Options. I waited for 15 minutes and it didn't boot. Hope this can get fixed
xeonyt12 said:
Ok, so far I got TWRP flashed, but the problem is it shows the TWRP start logo, but doesn't boot to the UI/Options. I waited for 15 minutes and it didn't boot. Hope this can get fixed
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As he said, he havn't tested the recovery
Tested on R0r2 FalconSS Kernel, TWRP 3.0 Passed on Recovery but not on UI/Option on Xperia E1 (D2005). Hope it can be fixed. Good work though.
TWRP R2 is on!
Fixed font size
Fixed device set
Partially fixed mtp
Removed default max brightness
I think so
Not is really NEED to update, but is more good than the previous release
You still need FalconSSKernel or kernel compatible with load FOTAKernel ramdisk
Caio99BR said:
TWRP R2 is on!
Fixed font size
Fixed device set
Partially fixed mtp
Removed default max brightness
I think so
Not is really NEED to update, but is more good than the previous release
You still need FalconSSKernel or kernel compatible with load FOTAKernel ramdisk
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Does this include the new kernel compression stuff?
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I Hope All Agree With Me And Share Guides & helps me to Develop this thread
#ROOTING==>Basically Everything Starts From Here :laugh::victory::fingers-crossed::good:
If You are Planning To ROOT the device you need to First Unlock Bootloader
This is the only way to ROOT [As On OCT-8-2018]
There is two method to unlock BOOTLOADER of ZenFone Max Pro M1
Official Method-Voids Warranty,NO OTA Updates
Unofficial Method-Do not void warranty,can
RELOCK at any time,claim warranty & get Official OTA [Use This Thread To RELOCK] [Confirmed By shahi.anurag.1989 & [URL="https://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=4528575"]BTiwari][/URL]
Once You have successfully Unlocked the Bootloader ,You need to flash the Custom recovery via ADB
[Note]Device Comes with own stock recovery-Not recommended if you have unlocked Bootloader
TWRP[UNOFFICIAL]-FOR ANDROID 8.1[OREO] & 9[PIE]=>TWRP V3.2.3-0[Latest]==> How to GUIDE Here
[Once You have successfully Installed Custom Recovery You Can Root Your Phone Using Custom Recovery]
Magisk-Flash Via recovery
Super su-DEV STOPPED [Thanks shahi.anurag.1989]
LineageOS 15.1 [OFFICIAL]
ResurrectionRemix [OFFICIAL]
crDroid Android [OFFICIAL]
BootleggersROM [OFFICIAL]
Cardinal AOSP
FireHound [OFFICIAL]
Candy ROM
Havoc-OS [Official]
AospExtended [OFFICIAL]
Found Missing/New Add in comment will be added here.... :fingers-crossed:
LineageOS 16.0 [UNOFFICIAL]
Pixel Experience
Nitrogen OS [OFFICIAL]
Syberia Project [OFFICIAL]
Liquid Remix [OFFICIAL]
CrDroid Android [OFFICIAL]
⁑Colt-Enigma⁑ [OFFICIAL]
MSM Xtended XP-2
Found Missing/New Add in comment will be added here.... :fingers-crossed:
Recommended for Advanced Users
STOP & Skip this section if you don't know what to do with Kernel
DarkOne Kernel
ꓘⓄ Kernel
RawWork Kernel
Update stock ROM while keeping Magisk & TWRP
Disable Forced Encryption/Data Decrypted
Enable live wallpapers on stock Rom
Remove stock apps WITHOUT ROOT
Enable Camera2API
More Customisations, Mods & Tricks (Without Root)
Anything More Useful Help ME....
Help Me in adding More Section
Who ever On xda :fingers-crossed: :silly: :highfive::laugh:
Hei bro dark berry kernel haven't mentioned at kernel section.
pay89 said:
Hei bro dark berry kernel haven't mentioned at kernel section.
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Thanks...:good: Added:highfive:
Just confirming...is the unlocking bootloader and rooting method and files same for all m1 varient..3gb,4gb and 6gb ?
lovekeshramawat said:
Just confirming...is the unlocking bootloader and rooting method and files same for all m1 varient..3gb,4gb and 6gb ?
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works on 4gb-64gb Variant... have to wait for other users
Thanks for the thread. Useful.
great work dude.
1. "You can relock at any time & claim warranty ???? Anyone success Kindly Confirm
If we Relock Bootloader + Stock ROM can we get Official OTA ??? Anyone Kindly Confirm"
I can confirm this. Haven't tried the relock script in the bootloader unofficial unlock thread, but I have used this https://forum.xda-developers.com/asus-zenfone-max-pro-m1/how-to/guide-revert-to-stock-rom-lock-t3798420 successfully to relock bootloader and get official OTA. As I got official OTA, I suppose I'll have warranty too.
2. "Super su-Link OR DEV Stopped???-Help"
Chainfire quit android https://www.xda-developers.com/chainfire-ending-development-root-apps/ and without him, work on SuperSu has halted since a year now.
3. "Useful mods non-rooted users"
4. Could you/we do something like this https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/how-to/battery-life-performance-benchmarks-t3751850 and/or glitches and their solutions which are common to many ROM's like screen rotation, sound quality, charging speed etc?
shahi.anurag.1989 said:
great work dude.
1. "You can relock at any time & claim warranty ???? Anyone success Kindly Confirm
If we Relock Bootloader + Stock ROM can we get Official OTA ??? Anyone Kindly Confirm"
I can confirm this. Haven't tried the relock script in the bootloader unofficial unlock thread, but I have used this https://forum.xda-developers.com/asus-zenfone-max-pro-m1/how-to/guide-revert-to-stock-rom-lock-t3798420 successfully to relock bootloader and get official OTA. As I got official OTA, I suppose I'll have warranty too.
2. "Super su-Link OR DEV Stopped???-Help"
Chainfire quit android https://www.xda-developers.com/chainfire-ending-development-root-apps/ and without him, work on SuperSu has halted since a year now.
3. "Useful mods non-rooted users"
4. Could you/we do something like this https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/how-to/battery-life-performance-benchmarks-t3751850 and/or glitches and their solutions which are common to many ROM's like screen rotation, sound quality, charging speed etc?
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Nah man. Anyone with a locked bootloader can get Ota updates. That doesn't prove anything with waranty?
shahi.anurag.1989 said:
great work dude.
1. "You can relock at any time & claim warranty ???? Anyone success Kindly Confirm
If we Relock Bootloader + Stock ROM can we get Official OTA ??? Anyone Kindly Confirm"
I can confirm this. Haven't tried the relock script in the bootloader unofficial unlock thread, but I have used this https://forum.xda-developers.com/asus-zenfone-max-pro-m1/how-to/guide-revert-to-stock-rom-lock-t3798420 successfully to relock bootloader and get official OTA. As I got official OTA, I suppose I'll have warranty too.
2. "Super su-Link OR DEV Stopped???-Help"
Chainfire quit android https://www.xda-developers.com/chainfire-ending-development-root-apps/ and without him, work on SuperSu has halted since a year now.
3. "Useful mods non-rooted users"
4. Could you/we do something like this https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/how-to/battery-life-performance-benchmarks-t3751850 and/or glitches and their solutions which are common to many ROM's like screen rotation, sound quality, charging speed etc?
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u will get ota and Ur warranty will be continued
I'm from Vietnam & I've just bought new one model : ZB602KL / Rom 4GB Ram 64GB / ASUS_X00TD
I unlock bootloader succesfully
But when installing recovery, I've tried to flash image of TWRP or RWRP but it failed.
I can not enter Recovery mode like TWRP or RWRP, it's alway original recovery, nothing replacement.
(my phone connected PC & worked well)
Can you help me to solve it? Thank in advance.
What did u typed in cmd while flashing??
---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 PM ----------
greyhat62 said:
I'm from Vietnam & I've just bought new one model : ZB602KL / Rom 4GB Ram 64GB / ASUS_X00TD
I unlock bootloader succesfully
But when installing recovery, I've tried to flash image of TWRP or RWRP but it failed.
I can not enter Recovery mode like TWRP or RWRP, it's alway original recovery, nothing replacement.
(my phone connected PC & worked well)
Can you help me to solve it? Thank in advance.
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greyhat62 said:
I'm from Vietnam & I've just bought new one model : ZB602KL / Rom 4GB Ram 64GB / ASUS_X00TD
I unlock bootloader succesfully
But when installing recovery, I've tried to flash image of TWRP or RWRP but it failed.
I can not enter Recovery mode like TWRP or RWRP, it's alway original recovery, nothing replacement.
(my phone connected PC & worked well)
Can you help me to solve it? Thank in advance.
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After flashing recovery using fastboot commands, reboot directly to recovery first (using hard key combo to be safe, fastboot command doesn't work properly sometimes), after that you can boot into system. If you boot directly to system from fastboot the custom recovery you just installed will be overwritten by stock recovery. Once you boot to twrp from fastboot directly, twrp is able to prevent this overwrite.
shahi.anurag.1989 said:
After flashing recovery using fastboot commands, reboot directly to recovery first (using hard key combo to be safe, fastboot command doesn't work properly sometimes), after that you can boot into system. If you boot directly to system from fastboot the custom recovery you just installed will be overwritten by stock recovery. Once you boot to twrp from fastboot directly, twrp is able to prevent this overwrite.
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Great thank shahi.anurag.1989 :good::good::good:
Yes, you're superman
Bcoz I always reboot to recovery by adb command, lazy to press hard key
Following your advice, I do it manually & it's success to install TWRP now
Thank you again :good:
greyhat62 said:
Great thank shahi.anurag.1989 :good::good::good:
Yes, you're superman
Bcoz I always reboot to recovery by adb command, lazy to press hard key
Following your advice, I do it manually & it's success to install TWRP now
Thank you again :good:
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glad to be of help, :good:
Anyone tested Darknoah kernel and KØ kernel???
Which gives bettery sot?
pranavkpr said:
Anyone tested Darknoah kernel and KØ kernel???
Which gives bettery sot?
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I am using darkoah kernal it will give more screen on time compared to ko,but it always depends upon your usage
pranavkpr said:
Anyone tested Darknoah kernel and KØ kernel???
Which gives bettery sot?
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Not that this is directly related, sorry for that, but Darkonah + different (mi) cable combination has given me the best charging rate out of all combinations i've tried so far.
shahi.anurag.1989 said:
great work dude.
1. "You can relock at any time & claim warranty ???? Anyone success Kindly Confirm
If we Relock Bootloader + Stock ROM can we get Official OTA ??? Anyone Kindly Confirm"
I can confirm this. Haven't tried the relock script in the bootloader unofficial unlock thread, but I have used this https://forum.xda-developers.com/asus-zenfone-max-pro-m1/how-to/guide-revert-to-stock-rom-lock-t3798420 successfully to relock bootloader and get official OTA. As I got official OTA, I suppose I'll have warranty too.
2. "Super su-Link OR DEV Stopped???-Help"
Chainfire quit android https://www.xda-developers.com/chainfire-ending-development-root-apps/ and without him, work on SuperSu has halted since a year now.
3. "Useful mods non-rooted users"
4. Could you/we do something like this https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/how-to/battery-life-performance-benchmarks-t3751850 and/or glitches and their solutions which are common to many ROM's like screen rotation, sound quality, charging speed etc?
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4 th suggestion looks great, Thanks man
This is identical to an index thread, by the way. :silly:
Anyway good job. :good:
EDIT: Do you plan to keep this updated?
Sent from my ASUS_X00TD using XDA Labs
krasCGQ said:
This is identical to an index thread, by the way. :silly:
Anyway good job. :good:
EDIT: Do you plan to keep this updated?
Sent from my ASUS_X00TD using XDA Labs
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Thank you
Respect for closing your index thread .... leme change the TITLE as INDEX..
This is identical to an index thread, by the way... - HA HA May BE.... TBT Started the thread as guide ended as Index
Do you plan to keep this updated? - Yes Weekly
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Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
* [B][U]Your warranty is now void.[/U][/B]
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or your getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Download TWRP from here
- Flash ENG OREO RECOVERY via Odin in AP slot
- Reboot into recovery
If you are on android 8.0 and this is first time using this TWRP you need to install modified fstab.qcom into /system/vendor/etc if not you will fall into encryption issues
WARNING: this require data wipe otherwise skip over next step
- Windows user: Run fstab.bat
- Linux user: Run fstab.sh in terminal
- Wipe data/factory reset
To enter TWRP recovery
- Windows: Run twrp.bat
- Linux: Run twrp.sh in terminal
@jrkruse for most stuff, guides and help
TWRP team
jcadduono for device tree
Wait can we flash roms now?
Leone/kyleproxx said:
Wait can we flash roms now?
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Why not, but dont flash custom recovery/boot img we still locked
afaneh92 said:
Why not, but dont flash custom recovery/boot img we still locked
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Um it doesn't work for my sprint s7 edge, it a on bootloader 7 btw
Edit: when I try to flash in odingbit says fuse 2 binary 1
Leone/kyleproxx said:
Um it doesn't work for my sprint s7 edge, it a on bootloader 7 btw
Edit: when I try to flash in odingbit says fuse 2 binary 1
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Your recovery partition fused on B2 you cant flash recovery from older Rev.
afaneh92 said:
Your recovery partition fused on B2 you cant flash recovery from older Rev.
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would you be able to fix it so i can?
Wait, what is this if the bootloader is locked?
rlewis312010 said:
Wait, what is this if the bootloader is locked?
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I think this allows you to install roms even with the locked bootloader
Edit: if you are willing to try this try installing one of the port roms for snapdragon
Leone/kyleproxx said:
would you be able to fix it so i can?
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If there ENG recovery with rev2 you can run it
Leone/kyleproxx said:
I think this allows you to install roms even with the locked bootloader
Edit: if you are willing to try this try installing one of the port roms for snapdragon
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As I said before skip installing custom boot/recovery img
afaneh92 said:
If there ENG recovery with rev2 you can run it
As I said before skip installing custom boot/recovery img
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Could I build a recovery myselft?
Flagged as Virus in Windows Defender
Windows flagged both downloads as Trojans (Win32/Spursint.F!cl) Has anyone else downloaded with this warning or did AFH get spammed?
Sagoode said:
Windows flagged both downloads as Trojans (Win32/Spursint.F!cl) Has anyone else downloaded with this warning or did AFH get spammed?
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I was able to download but I cant install because of fuse 2 binary 1 error
i got this to work and actually flashed the norma s9+ port from hillary trump on my g935t. (after removing the kernel insall lines from the updater script) since the rom was made for the 9350 it was VERY buggy/laggy. BUT IT DID BOOT UP!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
now we just need someone to build us a rom...:good:
bigTINY779 said:
i got this to work and actually flashed the norma s9+ port from hillary trump on my g935t. (after removing the kernel insall lines from the updater script) since the rom was made for the 9350 it was VERY buggy/laggy. BUT IT DID BOOT UP!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
now we just need someone to build us a rom...:good:
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And to make a rev 2 eng recovery file so u can install twrp
Leone/kyleproxx said:
And to make a rev 2 eng recovery file so u can install twrp
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the one provided here worked for me
bigTINY779 said:
the one provided here worked for me
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Read the conversations above from beginning to ed then ull understand
I'm also getting fuse 2 > binary 1 when I try to flash it.
Wish I had not installed the updates a few days ago. :/
bigTINY779 said:
i got this to work and actually flashed the norma s9+ port from hillary trump on my g935t. (after removing the kernel insall lines from the updater script) since the rom was made for the 9350 it was VERY buggy/laggy. BUT IT DID BOOT UP!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
now we just need someone to build us a rom...:good:
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Try flashing magisk and see if we now have a new root alternative
---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------
@jrkruse could you make a rev 2 ENG Oreo recovery?
Leone/kyleproxx said:
Try flashing magisk and see if we now have a new root alternative
---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------
@jrkruse could you make a rev 2 ENG Oreo recovery?
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Please stop posting things you dont know about!
We cant make stock recovery, samsung do.
Also you cant flash custom boot.img or modify it by any root method. Only boot.img or recovery.img signed by samsung can be flashed.
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How to download:
Reboot to recovery
Wipe data, cache, and dalvik if coming from another ROM
Flash ROM zip
(optional) Flash Gapps
(optional) Flash Magisk (root)
Reboot and voila!
Join our Telegram channel :
PixelExperience, ROM for S9, S9+ and N9
Device: starqltechn, star2qltechn and crownqltechn
Maintainer: KkjSasuke
Build Type: Unofficial
ROM OS Version: 12.1
ROM Kernel: klabit kernel
ROM Firmware Required: Must be on
Device tree
Device tree comon
Vendor Common
Bluetooth can't work, i have tried solution in telegram, but it makes my device cannot enter system
Isiishakkakakkwwi said:
Bluetooth can't work, i have tried solution in telegram, but it makes my device cannot enter system
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does yours also restart often?
aditya2tiga said:
does yours also restart often?
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No, it just stay in the Samsung logo interface
Isiishakkakakkwwi said:
No, it just stay in the Samsung logo interface
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what do you mean bootloop?
from my friend who uses a CrDroid 8.10 cusrom, fixing his bluetooth problem he edited the buildprop file, from 26 it was replaced by 29 the value
aditya2tiga said:
what do you mean bootloop?
from my friend who uses a CrDroid 8.10 cusrom, fixing his bluetooth problem he edited the buildprop file, from 26 it was replaced by 29 the value
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You're right, i changed it to 32, so it leads to bootloop... Now i change to 29 and it works well
I cant boot after reboot. Clean install.
I miss sometjing?
The phone does not work properly. During the call, the voice cannot be transmitted or heard.
acabreram said:
I cant boot after reboot. Clean install.
I miss sometjing?
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flash Tomkernel v4 before flash PixcelExperience
and when it arrives at the "secure start-up" option, select NO
aditya2tiga said:
flash Tomkernel v4 before flash PixcelExperience
and when it arrives at the "secure start-up" option, select NO
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Yes, thanks!! Secure start-up it's the problema if Select yes
Your original post says "ROM Firmware Required: Must be on" but doesn't finish the sentence.
I'm currently running rooted version of Stock Firmware with May 2022 security update and klabit v6.5 kernel on my S9 snapdragon (SM-G9600).
Can I flash this ROM over my current system?
aditya2tiga said:
what do you mean bootloop?
from my friend who uses a CrDroid 8.10 cusrom, fixing his bluetooth problem he edited the buildprop file, from 26 it was replaced by 29 the value
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Which item in build.prop was edited?
I have several items in build.prop with values 26 and 32. Changes in some of them lead to bootloop, others don't change anything
Well! I found the solution in tg. It's ro.product.first_api_level in /vendor/build.prop (not in /system/build.prop)
Bluetooth Fix:
[ROM] [12.1] [UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 19.1 for S9, S9+ and N9
Lineage is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android, which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device. LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra...
Hello, I got a SM-G9650 and I was never able unlock its bootloader. Most tutorials talk about some CROM Service app but it isn't working anymore. Does anyone know how to unlock it in 2023? Thanks.
Hello, I got a SM-G9650 and I was never able unlock its bootloader. Most tutorials talk about some CROM Service app but it isn't working anymore. Does anyone know how to unlock it in 2023? Thanks.
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All you need to do is turn on Developer Options (Settings/About phone/Software information/, then tap Build number 10 times). Under Setting/Developer options/, look for the "OEM unlocking" item.
RAExda said:
All you need to do is turn on Developer Options (Settings/About phone/Software information/, then tap Build number 10 times). Under Setting/Developer options/, look for the "OEM unlocking" item.
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Hello, sorry for the late reply. I have tried flashing TWRP on my SM-G9650 and this is what happened:
No error whatsoever, the phone (in DL mode) looks as if I didn't try flashing anything. I know the cable works because I just used it for backing up files and OEM Unlock is ticked in Dev settings. Thank you.
Here's pictures of the phone after trying to flash.
PS: I got the TWRP image from here, I think it's the one for my device.
FranGamer1892 said:
Here's pictures of the phone after trying to flash.
PS: I got the TWRP image from here, I think it's the one for my device.
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Still not seeing the picture.
If the download completed, did you avoid rebooting into the system. If you just boot into system, the default Recovery image is simply re-installed and you're left back where you started. Once you complete downloading you need to reboot to Recovery and complete some addition steps. Check out:
[OFFICIAL] [TWRP] [SM-G9650] star2qlte/chnSM-G960/G965/0/U/U1/Android_10_Root_RMM_Forceencrypt_Remover_Add_US_Carriers_Fix_Safetynet_AIOI've used both methods to install TWRP and root my SM-G9600. If you're interested in gaining root access check out:
[KERNEL] [Q] [G9650] [G9600] klabit kernelNeed to acknowledge klabit87 for all the great work that he does for the Snapdragon versions!
RAExda said:
Still not seeing the picture.
If the download completed, did you avoid rebooting into the system. If you just boot into system, the default Recovery image is simply re-installed and you're left back where you started. Once you complete downloading you need to reboot to Recovery and complete some addition steps. Check out:
[OFFICIAL] [TWRP] [SM-G9650] star2qlte/chnSM-G960/G965/0/U/U1/Android_10_Root_RMM_Forceencrypt_Remover_Add_US_Carriers_Fix_Safetynet_AIOI've used both methods to install TWRP and root my SM-G9600. If you're interested in gaining root access check out:
[KERNEL] [Q] [G9650] [G9600] klabit kernelNeed to acknowledge klabit87 for all the great work that he does for the Snapdragon versions!
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The problem is that the download didn't even seem to start in the first place. It's weird that the images can't be seen. I'll send them again. Thank you!
PS: All the images are after trying to flash
FranGamer1892 said:
The problem is that the download didn't even seem to start in the first place. It's weird that the images can't be seen. I'll send them again. Thank you!
PS: All the images are after trying to flash
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First thing I noticed was the RPMB fuse blown and RPMB PROVISIONED. I don't remember seeing this when I tried to download awhile back.
This thread, quite old and for different device, but probably still relavant (Rpmb fuse blown - rpmb provisioned ) implies that RPMP fuse blown is expected but the PROVISIONED may imply that you don't have the current stock image? Are you currently on Android 10 with May 2022 security update?