[Recovery] TWRP - GT540 Optimus Android Development

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TWRP 2.7
Team Win Recovery Project 2.7, or twrp2 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. We started from the ground up by taking AOSP recovery and loading it with the standard recovery options, then added a lot of our own features. It’s a fully touch driven user interface – no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
Phone look:
Tablet look:
What's new in
Faster graphics rendering by disabling alpha blending on fully opaque objects thanks to Tassadar
Allow sideloading from /tmp on encrypted devices
Check for a crypto footer before asking for a password to prevent user confusion
Additional checks for validity to auto generated backup names
Text wrap in the console output
Proper caps lock support in the keyboard
Mouse support via USB OTG for devices with a broken digitizer
Improve scanning of storage locations for OpenRecoveryScript
Haptic feedback for buttons, keyboard, and vibration at the end of longer running actions
Fixed ext4 wiping when no selinux contexts are defined for that partition (e.g. sd-ext)
Update SuperSU to 1.93 and improve installation process
Added selinux contexts restoration to fix permissions
Load RTC offset on Qualcomm devices to fix the date/time in recovery
USB Mass Storage fixes Add SELinux support checking
Add Disk Usage class to better handle excluded folders (e.g. Google Music cache)
Add 4.4 decrypt support
Add some toolbox utilities to TWRP (namely to support SELinux functions not supported in busybox)
Various SELinux fixes and bug fixes
Note: 2.7 marks the first time that we are dropping support for older devices. We are doing this because of the SELinux support needed to install 4.4 Kit Kat ROMs. The non-TWRP parts of the recovery image have to be built in at least a 4.1 tree and the kernel that is included in the recovery image has to support writing SELinux contexts. We don't own most of the devices that we support so we depend on outside testers and developers to help us update devices. In many cases we can't find someone readily. Come to #twrp on Freenode if you want to help bring your device up to date. You can tell right away if your device will support 4.4 ROMs in 2.7. Boot TWRP and press the console button (the square-ish button either in the bottom middle or upper right) to view the console output. If it doesn't say "Full SELinux support" in the console, then your device still needs some work. Help us help you.
Flash the ZIP file in your existing recovery to install TWRP.
Full Credits:



[OFFICIAL][RECOVERY][NTFS][QC] TWRP-3.2.1-2-tomato [20180113]

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Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
official twrp-3.2.1-0-tomato
Flashing Code
fastboot -i 0x1ebf flash recovery twrp-3.2.1-x-tomato.img
What's new in 3.2.1-2:
* minui fixes (cryptomilk)
* Better android-8.0 compatibility in ROM trees (Dees_Troy)
* Fix missing library in android-8.0 (nkk71)
* Fix inconsistent SDCard naming (DevUt)
* Default to TWRP restore instead of adb backup restore to fix restore on fresh TWRP boot (jlask)
* Better comtability for android-8.1.0
* Fix conflicts
Changes done by me -->
* Updated linux-kernel to 3.10.108
* added ntfs support
* added Quick_Charge & also enabled by default
* Changed theme & font
* added old cm symlinks for flashing zips & more.
* removed built-in SuperSU installer.
Holy ****, thanks. This POS phone kernel panicked / random rebooted on me for the 79th time and this time would not go further than the Cyanogen logo. I wanted to wipe cache/dalvik on TWRP as this was likely the problem. The thing ended it with "could not mount."
Decided I may as well update it to latest TWRP. The Official TWRP for Tomato on the TWRP website ****ed up the recovery? Why exactly does it not work?!
Went hunting for the right one on here, found your unofficial one, flashed it through adb, wiped the cache/dalvik and the phone finally boots with Optimizing Apps. What an ordeal.
Thanks. Updated recovery and working fine.
I have tried to install twrp from official site but got stuck at boot.
This unofficial is working fine.
Can anyone help me to port twrp for my handset canvas amaze 4g.. No development for this device.. I found yureka has almost same hardware.. Can I port its twrp ? Or what changes I have to do for making twrp of my device
Hey @AnkitGourav thanks for the recovery However, is it possible to offer your version in the original twrp theme? Just personal preference. Thanks.

[R][AOSP] RevengeOS 4.0 | DEVICE (phoenix) [OFFICIAL]

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RevengeOS is an operating system based on Android Open Source Project, built with a unique look and performance in mind. It's daily usage ready, lightweight and elegant.​
RevengeOS exclusive features:
- Battery health checker
- Brand new RevengeUI, built to be different, built to be elegant
- Brand new media controller
- Systemwide gradients
- New lock screen clock styles
General features:
- In call haptic-feedback
- Kill app button
- Toggle battery percentage in status bar
- Resume media from Quick Settings
- Playback control from volume buttons
- Wake up with volume buttons
- Quick camera launch from sleep
- 3-button navigation system
- Pill navigation system
- Swipe to screenshot
- Wake on charge
- Proximity sensor check when waking up
- Systemwide sensor block
- And so much more!
tap here
- Boot into your recovery
- Wipe data, dalvik-art cache, cache
- Optional: Flash stock vendor if you are on custom vendor
- Flash RevengeOS build
- Format data
- Optional: flash FlameGApps
- Reboot
- Optional: flash Magisk (if you want to root your device as well) (it's recommended to flash Magisk post first boot)
Support this project by donating here!
Hi guys, we're posting this message today to talk about RevengeOS. We want to talk about the developers of our project.
There are just three developers that hard-worked every day for you, to deliver optimization, exclusive RevengeUI, media controller, etc. We want to make this project more and more exclusive, and we want to improve everything. And lastly, we want their users to be happy while using it. But there is a problem, three developers can't do much. So, we're here to ask if you - if you're a developer, and if you want to join us, you may do so. We have the following requirements:
Knowledge of Android and Java
Desire to be innovative
Be mad
Think you're good enough? Contact us via email!
Email: [email protected]
Atleast put up some rom features let us know tha goodies and screenshots bro..
So……no function bug found yet. It's a simple and graceful OS……almost like Lineage. Nice work.
stable, simple, graceful
preinstalled via broser and retro music
few custom (except some settings like Lineage theme )
no preinstalled GCam/ANX
installed over miui 11.0.15 CN & wzsx twrp 0624
Revenge is a superb OS. Less customisation but pretty stable and smooth.
It would be nice if you include the ANX cam by default since it doesn't work properly after flashing seperately.
Also the battery in the quicksettings hides behind the notch.


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TWRP is an open source, community project. A custom recovery is used for installing custom software on your device. This custom software can include smaller modifications like rooting your device or even replacing the firmware of the device with a completely custom “ROM” like LineageOS or OmniROM.
I'm not responsible if something went wrong on your phone(Usually nothing goes wrong). You are doing this on your own responsibility. Rooting your phone may void warranty so don't root your device unless you know what you are doing.
MEGA : TWRP_3.5.1
Recovery : Download Recovery.img file from link and flash it through your current recovery in recovery Partiton
ODIN : else pack recovery img in .tar and flash it through ODIN in AP.
Build compilation in 7.1 tree - CaptainThrowback
SAR: Don't follow symbolic links for block devices - bigbiff
SAR Update script name for clarity - CaptainThrowback
Wrappedkey support running only on FBE devices - CaptainThrowback
TWRP App log information reduced - epicX67
Refresh details after system wipe and adb sideload - AdrianDC
Chinese translation updates - betaxb
Support keymaster 2 - PeterCxy
add tzdata to TWRP for timezones - CaptainThrowback
ParitionManager: support delayed adopted storage mount - PeterCxy
Support to start terminal from file manager directory - AndroiableDroid
Nano support - nebrassy
Add nano support to open files from file manager - CaptainThrowback
Include new magisk apk support to be installed by TWRP - ianmacd
Add support to change directory name where TWRP stores backups - epicX67
Add bash support - not the default shell - DarthJabba9
ORS support to format data - AdrianDC
Add support to flash both slots when flashing an image - epicX67
NL translation updates - ianmacd
Installation cleanup - remove dupe PackageExtractFn - klabit87
Remove logd-reinit service - CaptainThrowback
Restore system root context - bigbiff
Only include keymaster 2 if tree supports it - CaptainThrowback
Strip lines containing '--' in language_helper.py - ianmacd
Unlocalized string fix - ianmacd
all goes to @Astrako for his hard work with all exynos7870 device trees without him this would not be possible
Device trees : https://github.com/samsungexynos7870
7870 Group : https://t.me/samsungexynos7870
PrishSupport : https://t.me/prishsupport
PrishChannel : https://t.me/prishupdates
TWRP : https://twrp.me/site/update/2021/03/17/twrp-3.5.1-released.html
Note : Test it and if you found any issue do let me know by PMing me on telegram @neel0210 .
did this twrp have vendor support?
justinh99 said:
did this twrp have vendor support?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes it has

[CLOSED][ROM][UNOFFICIAL][11] RevengeOS | Realme 5 Pro [RMX1971]

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RevengeOS is an operating system based on Android Open Source Project, built with a unique look and performance in mind. It's daily usage ready, lightweight and elegant.​
General features:
- In call haptic-feedback
- Kill app button
- Toggle battery percentage in status bar
- Resume media from Quick Settings
- Playback control from volume buttons
- Wake up with volume buttons
- Quick camera launch from sleep
- 3-button navigation system
- Pill navigation system
- Swipe to screenshot
- Wake on charge
- Proximity sensor check when waking up
- Systemwide sensor block
- And so much more!
RMX1971 tap here
- Boot into your recovery
- Wipe system, vendor, data, dalvik-art cache, cache
- Flash RevengeOS build
- Optional: flash FlameGApps
- Optional: flash Magisk (if you want to root your device as well) (it's recommended to flash Magisk post first boot)
- Format Data
- Reboot
Support this project by donating here!
Hi guys, we're posting this message today to talk about RevengeOS. We want to talk about the developers of our project.
There are just three developers that hard-worked every day for you, to deliver optimization, exclusive RevengeUI, media controller, etc. We want to make this project more and more exclusive, and we want to improve everything. And lastly, we want their users to be happy while using it. But there is a problem, three developers can't do much. So, we're here to ask if you - if you're a developer, and if you want to join us, you may do so. We have the following requirements:
Knowledge of Android and Java
Desire to be innovative
Be mad
Think you're good enough? Contact us via email!
Email: [email protected]
@aikara Thread closed as not compliant with GPLv2 and the not suitable download link removed!
Please check your conversations and advise the moderators team (best via the report function) to re-open the thread when ready to provide a link to your kernel source and a download link via an accepted file host.

[ROM] [AOSP] RevengeOS 4.1 | Realme 5 Pro (RMX1971) [OFFICIAL]

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RevengeOS is an operating system based on Android Open Source Project, built with a unique look and performance in mind. It's daily usage ready, lightweight and elegant.​
RevengeOS exclusive features:
- Battery health checker
- Brand new RevengeUI, built to be different, built to be elegant
- Brand new media controller
- Systemwide gradients
- New lock screen clock styles
General features:
- In call haptic-feedback
- Kill app button
- Toggle battery percentage in status bar
- Resume media from Quick Settings
- Playback control from volume buttons
- Wake up with volume buttons
- Quick camera launch from sleep
- 3-button navigation system
- Pill navigation system
- Swipe to screenshot
- Wake on charge
- Proximity sensor check when waking up
- Systemwide sensor block
- And so much more!
RMX1971 tap here
- Boot into your recovery
- Wipe system, vendor, data, dalvik-art cache, cache
- Flash RevengeOS build
- Optional: flash FlameGApps
- Reboot
- Optional: flash Magisk (if you want to root your device as well) (it's recommended to flash Magisk post first boot)
Support this project by donating here!
Hi guys, we're posting this message today to talk about RevengeOS. We want to talk about the developers of our project.
There are just three developers that hard-worked every day for you, to deliver optimization, exclusive RevengeUI, media controller, etc. We want to make this project more and more exclusive, and we want to improve everything. And lastly, we want their users to be happy while using it. But there is a problem, three developers can't do much. So, we're here to ask if you - if you're a developer, and if you want to join us, you may do so. We have the following requirements:
Knowledge of Android and Java
Desire to be innovative
Be mad
Think you're good enough? Contact us via email!
Email: [email protected]
ROM Source: https://github.com/RevengeOS
Kernel Source: https://github.com/RevengeOS-Devices/kernel_realme_RMX1971

