This may give us some sense on how widespread the issue is. No answers based on informal fixes please.
Meaningless poll.
As long as samsung won't move the app data to the ROM instead of the internal SD, there will be a lag when opening some of the apps.
Menus flow swiftly, though.
Coming from a HTC Touch HD the lag is nonexistent in my view, what stutters people seem to be complaining about are pretty much nonevents to me.
mine had a lag (received today)...until i updated the firmware to JG3. BIG difference now
Now this is new to me, is JG3 compatible with UK devices?
Pika007 said:
Meaningless poll.
As long as samsung won't move the app data to the ROM instead of the internal SD, there will be a lag when opening some of the apps.
Menus flow swiftly, though.
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It may be meaninless to you, but I would like to have a sense, before purchasing the phone, if this is a widespread issue or just a matter involving few noisy owners. If this is a widespread issue and I need to rely on Samsung's not so impressing update reputation, I may wait a little bit.
al74 said:
It may be meaninless to you, but I would like to have a sense, before purchasing the phone, if this is a widespread issue or just a matter involving few noisy owners. If this is a widespread issue and I need to rely on Samsung's not so impressing update reputation, I may wait a little bit.
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You have to remember, people who come into forums are the one with problems.
Nobody goes to the doctors office and say, "Look I'm healthy and I have no problems." and just walk out. Only those with problems or concerns walk into a doctors office, no?
ConceptVBS said:
You have to remember, people who come into forums are the one with problems.
Nobody goes to the doctors office and say, "Look I'm healthy and I have no problems." and just walk out. Only those with problems or concerns walk into a doctors office, no?
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Not these forums. People come to XDA not only with problems but to learn more about their phone and share experiences, especially those early adopters who buy the phone right away.
I sometimes have a bit of lag, but nothing that makes me think, "why did I buy this phone", for me the Galaxy S is everything I wanted from a Android phone, it's powerful, screen is beautiful and it runs all my apps very smoothly.
The lags happened very rarely and most times the phone is snappy. Such things happened to all phones, even my wife's iphone. Still much better than winmo where most things lagged big time.
Though after I switched to using autokiller with aggressive setting, I dun get the lags anymore. My free memory also stay above 100mb all the time without me having to kill any apps manually
I disabled the samsung widgets and i am alot better now.
2 solutions :
We don't have the same phone or we don't know what a lag is
When I try to delete a mail it takes between 10s to 30s. If it is not a lag what is it??
On the iphone I can't tel you how fast it is as it is less than 1 seconde
And I have flashed my phone to the new rom ...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
nicoloco said:
2 solutions :
We don't have the same phone or we don't know what a lag is
When I try to delete a mail it takes between 10s to 30s. If it is not a lag what is it??
On the iphone I can't tel you how fast it is as it is less than 1 seconde
And I have flashed my phone to the new rom ...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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But the thing with your example is, is it really deleting the email in 1 second or is it just displaying the email is gone and just spending 9 seconds in the background actually deleting it?
It's nothing to make it appear that the email has actually gone while it actually does the work in it's own time.
trinikartel said:
mine had a lag (received today)...until i updated the firmware to JG3. BIG difference now
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I was using it for over a week, then flashed JG3. Lags seems pretty much gone with this firmware.
I got quite horrendous lag at times on the original firmware (JF3).
Now I am on JG1 with the MoDaCo R2 ROM and Autokiller (set to aggressive originally, now trying on optimum) and I don't seem to get much lag at all, if any. It is like a different phone.
Unfortunately I did have to do a factory reset last night but that was other problems - I do hope that's not a regular occurrence though.
when I say it's a lag i mean that during 10 to 30 sec the phone is blocked with the popup box where you hit the button delete.
I must confess I don't reallycare if the mail is really gone or not in 1s ... what I know is that I have to wait 20sec to be able to open a new mail.
If the iphone is smart enough to display the mail as deleted and let me work on another one while it is really deleting the mail on the background ... it might mean that it has 2 years of advance compared to my phone as it is now. I prefer to believe that's not the case
last night I couldn't get the phone to accept my unlock pattern. had to turn it off completely and then turn it on again...
by "not accept" i mean the screen wouldn't light up red or green when i was swiping my finger over it and the screen would turn on and off.
I'm doing a factory reset now.
I also can't use the kies program - the mtp application flicks on and off.
hoping the factory reset will solve my problems...
SoreGums said:
last night I couldn't get the phone to accept my unlock pattern. had to turn it off completely and then turn it on again...
by "not accept" i mean the screen wouldn't light up red or green when i was swiping my finger over it and the screen would turn on and off.
I'm doing a factory reset now.
I also can't use the kies program - the mtp application flicks on and off.
hoping the factory reset will solve my problems...
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I understand that you may have issues but this has nothing to do with a lag, which is what this poll and thread all about.
I just tested mine now, I have the stock JF3(?) ROM that came with the phone, I deleted an email from my Hotmail, and replied to a different email in 2 seconds, no lag in email at all.
Tachikoma_kun said:
I just tested mine now, I have the stock JF3(?) ROM that came with the phone, I deleted an email from my Hotmail, and replied to a different email in 2 seconds, no lag in email at all.
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I noticed lag sometimes on my JF3 but only when using Yahoo Mail application (from Yahoo Inc.), it just stuck in black screen at either email-loading or going back for some seconds (and many times pop-up came-up to Force Close the application _but_ after some seconds application came back).
This is the only lag I am facing related to emails. Other lag I some time notice in Dolphin HD browser when opening it first time OR switching to new link. Default browser is very fast as compare to this.
OG Droid with Liquid Smooth 3.2 (same problem with 3.1). I haven't tried many other roms, so I don't know if this is a problem with my hardware (the phone is refurb and only 1 month old) or if I installed something that is breaking things.
The issue: If I receive a call the phone will allow me to answer (move slider) but then lock so that the call is in speaker phone mode (or at least very loud) and I cannot control anything on the screen. The power button will turn off the screen, but that's it. The other person apparently cannot always hear me, so I don't know if the mic is working at that point. If I let the call end, the phone does not recover. The only way to recover seems to be to pull the battery.
Last time this happened, the caller could hear me so I let the call end. After a minute or two, popped a force close message. A minute later, another app popped a force close. It did not recover even after an hour or so. Battery reset worked.
This issue is not consistent. It occurs maybe 1 out of 20 incoming calls. I had the issue on LS3.1, so I upgraded to LS3.2. Same issue. I can try another rom (CGM7.x), but I really like LS so I'd like to see if there is a resolution.
Is there a log mode I can enable to see if something consistent happens when the phone locks? I have a task killer installed. Could that be an issue? I'm not doing anything that I would have thought could be considered challenging for the phone (answering a phone call), so I'm not sure what to check.
I had this problem often on my droid 1. I ran CM7 nightlies and Prime's kernel at 1.1GHz.
Mostly it happened while I was doing other things with the phone. I think it was due to low RAM.
If you check settings - manage applications - running, how much free RAM do you have?
I usually had 40-50MB free and that wasn't enough.
Ditch whatever you can from your apps and OS to free some up.
TiBU allows you to chuck a lot of system stuff that's not really needed.
I would still be on my OG if it weren't for this problem, so I hope you find a solution that works for you.
A lot of people are on Steeldroid with the droid 1. It's still getting updates. Maybe try that.
-CM7 on DInc2
In general, this happens when the phone is just sitting there (nothing but the regular system stuff running essentially). The last time this happened where the force close messages appeared I had the web browser open. I hadn't considered ram, but that's a good possibility. I do have Advanced Task Killer running as a service, so perhaps that is related.
With ATK non running, it says I have 115MB used/64MB free. 15MB of this used memory is for settings.
With ATK running, it claims 68-79 free (it's set up to kill tasks since I was worried about memory hogs originally).
I'll look into Steeldroid. Like I said, this is a new phone. What I didn't say is that my wife got it for me to see if I would use a smart phone (was on an old lg texting phone before and this thing is physically much larger). She got it for super cheap, so if I have to go with something different, that wouldn't be the end of the world. If that were the path forward, can you recommend a couple good options with full slide out keyboards?
I dunno, I loved the physical keyboard on my old OG, but I left it behind when I jumped moto for HTC.
D2, D3, and D4 are supposed to be great improvements over the D1.
I see the dev for Steeldroid has a D3 version that's up to date. Maybe look for one of those?
I've always been a Motorola fan. Maybe I should have stuck with them, but I figured I'd have to get used to screen keyboards at some point...
I'd say try Steeldroid on your OG first, get a good kernel to go with it, ditch the task killer and let android handle it. See if that helps.
Good luck! B-)
-CM7 on DInc2
TW stops working several times a day, I've haven't managed to narrow down the apps that might crash it (unless everything I use on the phone crashes it). It sometimes crashes in the home screen, in Chrome, in YouTube. The two apps I use the most are WhatsApp and Facebook, and it has crashed when I'm using them, too.
I have the habit of pressing the home button to leave an app, and the phone always takes a little bit to reload all the icons. I know TW lags and stutters for many, this is not a complaint but an observation. I used phase beam as the wallpaper before, so I changed it to a solid black picture. That hasn't helped.
My phone is not rooted, though processes unused are stopped in App Manager.
Any assistance and suggestion would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Reset phone
Hey guys,
I am facing the same issue, where TW crashes and I receive the message that TW has stopped working, however in my case it happens each time I reboot the phone. Once I OK the error message, TW reloads, and remains stable until I next reboot my baby, which I tend to do once a day, for good measure. This is not the end of the world, something I can live with, yet I do find it irritating that I cannot figure out what is causing this.
Anyone with a suggestion would be greatly appreciated. FYI, I am running stock at the moment.
I'd be tempted to odin to stock or flash firekat.
Raziel, I cleared TW cache and then wiped the cache partition earlier this afternoon. It seems TW hasn't crashed as often as it usually does, but it has crashed. It might remedy your problem, though, if you haven't tried this already. I'm avoiding resetting my phone.
If you rooted and tw goes crazy on you something went wrong. Delete everything you got. Turn of antivirus software. Download everything. Start by going back to stock then update then root then your good to go. If you start with a bad hicupp it will just keep getting worse.
ChinWonder dude! Thanks a bunch for this suggestion... I cleared TW cache in Application Manager, then booted into Recovery and proceeded with wiping the cache partition. Honestly I feel like a bit of a noob right now LOL, I should have thought about this myself!! But hey thanks nevertheless, much obliged .
BACARDILIMON, as stated above by the OP, ChinWonder, as well as myself, in both cases the devices are not rooted. Thanks for the effort though . I'd like to add however that all of my previous and current Androids (S2, S3 and Nexus 7 2013) have been rooted, and in the last 2 cases, on day 1... hell I even made my own custom ROM for the S3 based on stock Bell 4.1.1 and stayed on it despite several available upgrades, I was getting such good performance and battery out of it, and FULL compatibility since I used a firmware base from my carrier, which is not the case for most custom ROMs found here, since none of them (or close to) are using Bell, but AT&T in most cases. From my experiences, I was always getting issues receiving voicemail notifications when using those. Long story short, I have been on the flashing bandwagon for a few years now, and tweaking the hell out of all my devices up to now, but this time, I feel this is the perfect (ok nothing is perfect) smartphone for me, as is, stock, and it performs like no other device I've had until now, and battery is just incredible!! getting regularly well over a day of charge, mostly average 36 hours, with 6 to 8 hours screen on time!!! WOW!!! seriously for the time being, I don't feel I want to root and flash and all that jazz, but instead I just want to enjoy this beast, the way Samsung thought of it, for a little while.
Again ChinWonder, thanks!
Hi Everyone. I'm relatively new here, but would appreciate any advice offered.
I've had my M7 for almost 2 years now, and it's been a great phone. My issue is that the phone seems to have randomly become very slow. When I got the phone, I was amazed at how quickly the phone booted. Now when I do a reset, it easily takes 2-3 times as long as it used to. More importantly, the phone will lag when turning on with the power button (to the point where I wonder if I hit the button hard enough, and push it again, causing the phone screen to come on then immediately go off). Responding to texts is slow, the keyboard will occasionally lag opening up. Texting is sometime laggy as well, with words not appearing for several seconds. Scrolling through web pages is also laggy at times. Gaming is relatively fine; I haven't noticed any slow down issues when playing, although I suppose games could load faster, but I can't notice if there is a difference from when I got the phone until now.
The phone has also gotten wonky with adjusting the volume. Sometimes I will try to adjust the volume, but it adjusts the app/games volume instead of the main/ringtone volume (when I'm not in an app or game).
I do have a lot of stuff on the phone, but routinely clean out photos and apps I don't use. I'm using 23.8 gigs out of the 32g available, so I should have plenty of space. I also close out apps regularly, so I don't think it is a memory loss issue.
I've wondered if it is the apps running in the background. It's hard to tell, as the biggest ram offender is "settings." Right now for example, settings is using 76MB of ram, but i have no idea why. I've closed all apps as well. I'm on AT&T, so of course I have a bunch of their crap running in the background, but most of it is relatively small.
I've thought about doing a factory reset, or even rooting, to see if that would help, before I decide to just go ahead and upgrade to a new phone. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!
tokar1118 said:
Hi Everyone. I'm relatively new here, but would appreciate any advice offered.
I've had my M7 for almost 2 years now, and it's been a great phone. My issue is that the phone seems to have randomly become very slow. When I got the phone, I was amazed at how quickly the phone booted. Now when I do a reset, it easily takes 2-3 times as long as it used to. More importantly, the phone will lag when turning on with the power button (to the point where I wonder if I hit the button hard enough, and push it again, causing the phone screen to come on then immediately go off). Responding to texts is slow, the keyboard will occasionally lag opening up. Texting is sometime laggy as well, with words not appearing for several seconds. Scrolling through web pages is also laggy at times. Gaming is relatively fine; I haven't noticed any slow down issues when playing, although I suppose games could load faster, but I can't notice if there is a difference from when I got the phone until now.
The phone has also gotten wonky with adjusting the volume. Sometimes I will try to adjust the volume, but it adjusts the app/games volume instead of the main/ringtone volume (when I'm not in an app or game).
I do have a lot of stuff on the phone, but routinely clean out photos and apps I don't use. I'm using 23.8 gigs out of the 32g available, so I should have plenty of space. I also close out apps regularly, so I don't think it is a memory loss issue.
I've wondered if it is the apps running in the background. It's hard to tell, as the biggest ram offender is "settings." Right now for example, settings is using 76MB of ram, but i have no idea why. I've closed all apps as well. I'm on AT&T, so of course I have a bunch of their crap running in the background, but most of it is relatively small.
I've thought about doing a factory reset, or even rooting, to see if that would help, before I decide to just go ahead and upgrade to a new phone. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!
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Plug the phone into your pc and copy the entire contins of the sdcard to a folder on your pc. when it's done do a factory reset from the bootloader
setup the phone as a new phone and only copy back the stuff you really need and use. This should be done about every 6 months in my opinion
How is your storage? I had the same symptoms a few months ago, and what fixed it was clearing up some space from the phone. It used to have only 2-3 GB space left, and when I removed all the media files I got 12-13 GB free space left, and suddenly the phone is back to snappy again!
When I encountered the same situation, I was rooted and running CM 12, but no amount of wipes would resolve the issue. What I did that resolved the issue was to load the RUU for my HBOOT version, re-root my One, change the system to S-Off (hence not updating the HBOOT version), and then reloading everything. In all honesty, it took about 8 hours if you include the banging my head against the wall trying to download the right files, but the performance is increased about 25%, with the battery performance having increased about 30%. Before, about 4 hours of activity would kill it, now she can handle 5 to 5:45 of activity. I was initially thinking about grabbing a new phone, but the change after reloading everything makes me think that another she'll be good for another year.
I have a N6 purchased Dec 2015 new from Amazon. The only mods, if you can call it that is, I have unlocked the boot loader. I am currently running N6F26Y sideloaded via ADB.
The phone was great when I first got it but now after about a day or so of usage it becomes slow and sluggish and unresponsive I have to restart it to use it. I have done a factory reset a couple of times which gets it back to normal for a week or so and then the problem recurs. Occasionally I will delete the cache which also helps. Snapchat is one of the worse apps - crashes the phone regularly and is a very slow app.
Also the camera can get very slow often taking seconds to take one photo.
I love the phone but it's becoming unusable now. The contrast between this and a new phone (I have purchased a Moto Z) is like night and day. The Moto Z runs instantly, has no lag and is a nice phone. But what I like about the N6 is the large screen which makes it great for videos etc.
Short of perhaps flashing some custom ROM is there anything I could be doing?
I'd recommend flashing a rom like pure nexus, super stable that should fix your problem, otherwise you've done all you can and is the easiest fix
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
lchiu7 said:
I have a N6 purchased Dec 2015 new from Amazon. The only mods, if you can call it that is, I have unlocked the boot loader. I am currently running N6F26Y sideloaded via ADB.
The phone was great when I first got it but now after about a day or so of usage it becomes slow and sluggish and unresponsive I have to restart it to use it. I have done a factory reset a couple of times which gets it back to normal for a week or so and then the problem recurs. Occasionally I will delete the cache which also helps. Snapchat is one of the worse apps - crashes the phone regularly and is a very slow app.
Also the camera can get very slow often taking seconds to take one photo.
I love the phone but it's becoming unusable now. The contrast between this and a new phone (I have purchased a Moto Z) is like night and day. The Moto Z runs instantly, has no lag and is a nice phone. But what I like about the N6 is the large screen which makes it great for videos etc.
Short of perhaps flashing some custom ROM is there anything I could be doing?
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It seems like some apps are really slowing down your phone. I use my N6 at home for web browsing mostly as I have a Pixel XL now. Just like you I love the screen size.
The camera has always been slow fore, because of the time it takes to focus...
Did you try using your phone a few days without Snapchat installed? Maybe you also have other misbehaving apps installed.
Uninstall Snapchat and other apps and start from here. Reinstall one per one with a few days interval. See if the issue still occurs.
Installing a custom ROM + kernel will likely speed up things a little bit. I second @Dugaldrob with Pure Nexus and I'd suggest ElementalX kernel on top. Running this combo on N6, N6P and Pixel XL and they work flawlessly.
I don't believe installing a custom ROM alone will fix your issue though. Stock ROM shouldn't cause the phone to slow down to the point you need to reboot to use it.
Finding the culprit will...
Good luck...
5.1 said:
It seems like some apps are really slowing down your phone. I use my N6 at home for web browsing mostly as I have a Pixel XL now. Just like you I love the screen size.
The camera has always been slow fore, because of the time it takes to focus...
Did you try using your phone a few days without Snapchat installed? Maybe you also have other misbehaving apps installed.
Uninstall Snapchat and other apps and start from here. Reinstall one per one with a few days interval. See if the issue still occurs.
Installing a custom ROM + kernel will likely speed up things a little bit. I second @Dugaldrob with Pure Nexus and I'd suggest ElementalX kernel on top. Running this combo on N6, N6P and Pixel XL and they work flawlessly.
I don't believe installing a custom ROM alone will fix your issue though. Stock ROM shouldn't cause the phone to slow down to the point you need to reboot to use it.
Finding the culprit will...
Good luck...
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First step is to remove Snapchat. I rarely use the app and only because my daughter sends stuff on it. I am going to tell her to send me stuff via another method
If that doesn't work then it's a new ROM. I have performed ROM installs before but have never flashed a new kernel on a phone before so that will be a new experience. Hopefully I won't brick the phone
lchiu7 said:
First step is to remove Snapchat. I rarely use the app and only because my daughter sends stuff on it. I am going to tell her to send me stuff via another method
If that doesn't work then it's a new ROM. I have performed ROM installs before but have never flashed a new kernel on a phone before so that will be a new experience. Hopefully I won't brick the phone
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Don't worry, it's really easy. Also, if you are lost, there must be a ton of tutorials in general section. If you are lost yet, just ask and someone will point you in the right direction...
Good luck...
lchiu7 said:
I have a N6 purchased Dec 2015 new from Amazon. The only mods, if you can call it that is, I have unlocked the boot loader. I am currently running N6F26Y sideloaded via ADB.
The phone was great when I first got it but now after about a day or so of usage it becomes slow and sluggish and unresponsive I have to restart it to use it. I have done a factory reset a couple of times which gets it back to normal for a week or so and then the problem recurs. Occasionally I will delete the cache which also helps. Snapchat is one of the worse apps - crashes the phone regularly and is a very slow app.
Also the camera can get very slow often taking seconds to take one photo.
I love the phone but it's becoming unusable now. The contrast between this and a new phone (I have purchased a Moto Z) is like night and day. The Moto Z runs instantly, has no lag and is a nice phone. But what I like about the N6 is the large screen which makes it great for videos etc.
Short of perhaps flashing some custom ROM is there anything I could be doing?
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I've been running Pure Nexus and wanted to let peeps know I put Nitrogen on and man it's so smooth, my wifi tether is back and I went to sleep last night with 50% battery still. When I installed it I opted for the nano gapps I think so like 175mb for minimal apps and maybe that's why it's running so efficient. Maybe I could have re-installed Pure Nexus with a clean install and it would have gotten better but it was a good time to try something else. Also when Nitrogen got an update I was notified just like stock and it downloaded. I didn't even know these could do that. Anyways give it a try and you might just switch back. I was looking into new phones but if it keeps working so smooth with battery longer than a day then I'm fine for now.
Snap chat is not that big of an issue. What I have found to cause the device to slow down is normally almost full device storage and a crappy cache release code in apps. Some apps don't release their cache properly. So it causes lag. This is why a reboot seems to fix it.
While a custom rom may fix this issue it is not the solution. The proper solution is to find what is causing it and fix/repair/ditch it.
Worst offenders for crappy code in my thoughts. Other will disagree with one on this list I am sure. So don't bother. I know people swear by it. It runs like crap for me at times and causes my whole device to lag until I close it out.
1 Facebook
2 FB messenger
3 Google Chrome ( don't do it lol)
4 whatsapp
5 Hangouts
Mind you this is just a list on my usage. It may very per user and even device (considering different hardware)
zelendel said:
... It runs like crap for me at times and causes my whole device to lag until I close it out.
1 Facebook
2 FB messenger
3 Google Chrome ( don't do it lol)
4 whatsapp
5 Hangouts
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I can confirm this, because I've removed these apps (-whatsapp) and also decrypted the data partition...
My N6 is fast.
Maybe a lite stock ROM and an other kernel is a good start.
NLBeev said:
I can confirm this, because I've removed these apps (-whatsapp) and also decrypted the data partition...
My N6 is fast.
Maybe a lite stock ROM and an other kernel is a good start.
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Currently I have FB, FB messenger, and Chrome but when I installed gapps I chose a super lite install so tons of bloat and google apps were not installed and my battery has gone way up and it's so smooth. I'm sure even when we don't use apps they're always doing something in the background. I bet you're right and a stock lite ROM would be good too with the minimal bs apps.
zelendel said:
Snap chat is not that big of an issue. What I have found to cause the device to slow down is normally almost full device storage and a crappy cache release code in apps. Some apps don't release their cache properly. So it causes lag. This is why a reboot seems to fix it.
While a custom rom may fix this issue it is not the solution. The proper solution is to find what is causing it and fix/repair/ditch it.
Worst offenders for crappy code in my thoughts. Other will disagree with one on this list I am sure. So don't bother. I know people swear by it. It runs like crap for me at times and causes my whole device to lag until I close it out.
1 Facebook
2 FB messenger
3 Google Chrome ( don't do it lol)
4 whatsapp
5 Hangouts
Mind you this is just a list on my usage. It may very per user and even device (considering different hardware)
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Thanks for the advice. Of the list of apps above I have only Chrome and Hangouts. I really can't see replacing either of them.
I also should have pointed out that the phone locks up randomly requiring a hard reset. I wonder if an errant app could cause that or I have some RAM problem. Certainly on a PC bad RAM can use in Windows a blue screen or something but perhaps Android isn't so forgiving?
lchiu7 said:
Thanks for the advice. Of the list of apps above I have only Chrome and Hangouts. I really can't see replacing either of them.
I also should have pointed out that the phone locks up randomly requiring a hard reset. I wonder if an errant app could cause that or I have some RAM problem. Certainly on a PC bad RAM can use in Windows a blue screen or something but perhaps Android isn't so forgiving?
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I would flash TWRP, flash supersu in TWRP to root, make a complete backup in twrp, then remove whatever Google apps you're not using with a system app removal app. Getting some of that bloat off the device should help. If it's still laggy, then look into a custom ROM. I run Tesla on my Nexus 6 with none of the issues you're having. I don't decrypt it either
Running abdroid 7.1 here. I dont get any slowdowns, at leas until the battery doesnt drop below 50 and 25 percent.
Im running a custom kernel and my phone is rooted. Everything else is stock.
Can you flash a custom kernel and presumably TWRP without wiping the phone? If so then might try that before a custom ROM
lchiu7 said:
Can you flash a custom kernel and presumably TWRP without wiping the phone? If so then might try that before a custom ROM
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Since your bootloader is unlocked, flash TWRP and install the kernel, no problem.
Might give you a slight boost at first sight, but your device will likely slow down over time anyway...
I'm on 7.0 with the April SP. I have dozens of apps installed, including Hangouts. I use Firefox for browsing, I like it better than chrome (and you can install an ad blocker).
My camera slows down when the battery is under 40%, and the whole device slows dramatically, though not unusable, at or below 5%. But otherwise, no issues what so ever.
One solution that I have not seen suggested here is resetting the device and NOT taking the Google account backup of all your apps. I would suggest making a completely clean install of the factory rom you have and installing one or two apps at a time, most important to you first. And do this for a few days/weeks until you find the app that's misbehaving.
Although there are general bad players out there, this bad app could be unique to your device. Just because all devices of the same model have the same specs and components, doesn't mean that there isn't variability in parts quality.
I would do this before trying any new roms or kernels. Find the true problem first.
Good luck!
I had another idea: Go into your battery stats and network stats and storage stats and see if any app seems to be using too much of any, or all of the 3. This may get you the answer more quickly.