ROM Recommendation #DontHate - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Love pure nexus, have also been in chroma and liked it but not since I returned my faulty device. I remember days on my note 2 where I could go full screen and have pie settings. . Any stable ROMS capable of that stuff?

There are a few options. I am unsure if the ROM(s) you are using have PIE built in, but a lot do. If not, you can probably disable the navigation bar, and install something like LMT. A quick glance at Pure Nexus' page it looks to have the option to disable the navbar, so you can use something like LMT or some other pie launcher (I don't know if LMT is still the go-to for pie) if they don't include one.
Alternatively, if you use Xposed, something like Gravitybox should be able to accomplish all of this.
Or third, flash a ROM that has it built in. There are likely many ROMs that include it, or a version of it natively.

Benzorom has pie controls built in. But its not stable compared to pure nexus IMO

Stock plus Xposed/GravityBox/any other modules. Stable but with all the options you'll find in a custom ROM.

Do most (or all) allow for wi fi tethering w/o having a tethering plan? As a grandfathered Verizon unlimited data customer that's an absolute necessity for me.

nhizzat said:
Stock plus Xposed/GravityBox/any other modules. Stable but with all the options you'll find in a custom ROM.
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Except for theming


[Q] Touchless Control within Cyanogenmod?

I just ordered my Moto X Dev Edition during the Cyber Monday madness sale. I can honestly say that this will be the only phone I could enjoy on stock firmware, but I was wanting to use Cyanogenmod on it just because it features WAY more convenient toggles and controls. I would hate to miss out on Active Display and Touchless Controls. My question is: has anyone tried going into the Play Store and instaling the Touchless Control apk on a custom ROM? Does it work? I know it's entirely based on it's "always listening" chip, and not software, but I'm worried Motorola might be restricting that feature to stock firmware.
trevorftard said:
I just ordered my Moto X Dev Edition during the Cyber Monday madness sale. I can honestly say that this will be the only phone I could enjoy on stock firmware, but I was wanting to use Cyanogenmod on it just because it features WAY more convenient toggles and controls. I would hate to miss out on Active Display and Touchless Controls. My question is: has anyone tried going into the Play Store and instaling the Touchless Control apk on a custom ROM? Does it work? I know it's entirely based on it's "always listening" chip, and not software, but I'm worried Motorola might be restricting that feature to stock firmware.
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Cyanogenmod has some sound issues, specifically the head phone jack does not work, dialer only works as a speaker phone. The stock ROM with xposed frameworks functions better than any cm 10.2 or 11 or any custom ROM. You get all the customization available with almost any custom ROM but with all the perks that the stock ROM gives, touch less control and active notifications
Sent on my Moto X
flashallthetime said:
Cyanogenmod has some sound issues, specifically the head phone jack does not work, dialer only works as a speaker phone. The stock ROM with xposed frameworks functions better than any cm 10.2 or 11 or any custom ROM. You get all the customization available with almost any custom ROM but with all the perks that the stock ROM gives, touch less control and active notifications
Sent on my Moto X
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People say that, but I've never seen Xposed mods that offer the convenient toggles and status bar brightness slider that CM offers. That, and I can't find anything better than the native theming. Any suggestions?
trevorftard said:
People say that, but I've never seen exposed mods that offer the convenient toggles and status bar brightness slider that CM offers. That, and I can't find anything better than the native theming. Any suggestions?
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Gravity box has the brightness slider, toggles, center clock mods, battery mods, volume steps, power menu and more
Sent on my Moto X
flashallthetime said:
Gravity box has the brightness slider, toggles, center clock mods, battery mods, volume steps, power menu and more
Sent on my Moto X
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Thank you. What about theming? I'm addicted to the HoloGlass theme.
trevorftard said:
Thank you. What about theming? I'm addicted to the HoloGlass theme.
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Xtheme another module for xposed but you need to use themes that are ported or developed for xtheme engine
Sent on my Moto X

Samsung Galaxy S5 - Omega Droid vs Cyanogenmod Camera and Calendar app

Hello everyone
I want to flash a new, fast and nice performance ROM on my Galaxy S5, but i want to keep the stock camera and calendar app.
As far as i know, if i install a new ROM it will delete and replace the stock camera and calendar, so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
Thank you very much for your help
cuaran89 said:
so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
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Omega will let you keep the stock camera. Not sure about the Calendar.
You lose both in CyanogenMOD for sure.
cuaran89 said:
Hello everyone
I want to flash a new, fast and nice performance ROM on my Galaxy S5, but i want to keep the stock camera and calendar app.
As far as i know, if i install a new ROM it will delete and replace the stock camera and calendar, so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
Thank you very much for your help
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Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about the stock ROM? The performance is on par with any of the alternat ROMs out there, so why risk borking your phone or losing apps that you want to keep?
Just get a different launcher to modify the look and feel of the phone to your tastes.
SquireSCA said:
Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about the stock ROM? The performance is on par with any of the alternat ROMs out there, so why risk borking your phone or losing apps that you want to keep?
Just get a different launcher to modify the look and feel of the phone to your tastes.
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you're mostly correct but there's one thing that it's very different between TW ROMs (that I've tried) and AOSP ROMs (like CM or Carbon) - the notification and quick settings panels; i'm not sure how much these can be customized on TW ROMs and how easy it is to do so but in their default implementation I find CM's notificaiton and quick setting panels vastly superior to those of TW's
whtvr said:
you're mostly correct but there's one thing that it's very different between TW ROMs (that I've tried) and AOSP ROMs (like CM or Carbon) - the notification and quick settings panels; i'm not sure how much these can be customized on TW ROMs and how easy it is to do so but in their default implementation I find CM's notificaiton and quick setting panels vastly superior to those of TW's
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In what way? Been awhile since I used an AOSP ROM...
I mean, the notification panel is such a trivial thing most of the time. Shows battery, clock and basic alerts... To me, it isn't worth the risk of messing up a good phone, or introducing instability or missing features, just to tweak the battery alert or whatever...
I was all into ROMs on older phones like the DroidX, Thunderbolt and some others... because the stock roms were crap. Issues, random reboots, horrible lag, etc... The ROMs got the phones to work properly, they way they were meant to.
But on my LG G2 and now this GS5, I just don't see the need. There is no lag, everything works beautifully, and when I research the ROMs, there is always some bug, some missing feature, something that just doesn't work right... So I don't see any point in switching, when you have 20 launchers to choose from that can make your phone look and feel any way that you want, with no risk and with not having to give anything up...
Each generation of phone and release of Android, makes ROMs more and more obsolete, IMHO... I think that 90% of the people that use them today, do it either out of habit, or just because they want to show off to their nerdy friends.
Nice work!
Well, you are so right, I will keep my stock ROM with the apps I want. But, now I have other question, my GS5 is on ATT and I want to remove the bloatware apps that I don't use, do you know where can I find the complete list for this carrier. Thanks for your time.
SquireSCA said:
In what way? Been awhile since I used an AOSP ROM...
I mean, the notification panel is such a trivial thing most of the time. Shows battery, clock and basic alerts... To me, it isn't worth the risk of messing up a good phone, or introducing instability or missing features, just to tweak the battery alert or whatever...
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What I meant by the notification panel was not just the bar across the top of the screen with a bunch of icons but also the pulled down notification menu as well as the quick settings panel. On TW half of the screen's real estate of the notification menu is taken by a row of toggle icons (which are duplicated on the quick settings screen), two buttons that launch apps that I never used (S Finder and Quick Connect, I don't even know what these apps actually do) and a brightness slider (which in fairness can be disabled, if I recall correctly.)
Then you get to the quick settings panel on which there's also not that many shortcuts that I would use (most of which are for the extra features of TW which I also have no interest in) and there's quite a few that I'd love to see there but they're not available. On CM, on the other hand, the notification menu is clean and simple; it's not bl(essed|oated) with some additional buttons which you may or may not use. The quick settings screen is also much more customizable than that of TW's which only allows for rearanging of toggle icons. On CM you can add, remove and freely arrange all icons on the quick settings screen. And yes, you can add that row of icons to the notification screen and get rid of quick settings altogether, if so you desire.
Some toggles that are available on CM but not on TW are screen time out, lock screen disable/enable or torch. Personally I happen to be using these numerous times throughout the day so while it is only a minor inconvenience to go to the settings and change something manually it adds up quickly if you have to do that often.
To summarize my little rant - the notifications menu and quick settings panel section of the system's interface is used quite often by me (and I'd say others as well) and I simply find inadequate what TW has to offer here. The rest of the TW is either virtually the same as any other version Android or can be easily "fixed", example of which was mentioned by yourself (the launcher).
Now, I agree with you that it may not be worth it for some people to "risk" using a custom AOSP ROM but it can't be denied that by definition such ROMs offer a much greater flexibility and allow one to use their phone exactly how they want (to a greater degree than can be said about TW). Differences can ofcourse be described as "minor" but whether they're significant is for everyone to decide on their own. After all, if there was no need for custom ROMs (whether it's just showing off to nerdy friends or some other reason) people wouldn't create them...
cuaran89 said:
Well, you are so right, I will keep my stock ROM with the apps I want. But, now I have other question, my GS5 is on ATT and I want to remove the bloatware apps that I don't use, do you know where can I find the complete list for this carrier. Thanks for your time.
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Have a look in this forum. There's a good few "debloated" ROMs over there, and a list of what's removed is sometimes included. As for what to remove the apps with, I would personally recommend Titanium Backup.

Which ROM can replace Cataclysm for me on Nougat?

I have been a happy user of Cataclysm ROM up to now, but sadly it no longer appears to work under Nougat (7.0) and is probably unlikely to be updated.
Is there any other ROM which will do the following? Phone is rooted, and I'd prefer not to go down the Xposed route, unless there's no other option.
Must have:
LED control (for Charging and Notifications)
Reboot entry in power menu
Nice to have:
Upside-down rotation
Disable NFC sounds (vibrate instead)
USB data transfer if unlocked
Philip said:
I have been a happy user of Cataclysm ROM up to now, but sadly it no longer appears to work under Nougat (7.0) and is probably unlikely to be updated.
Is there any other ROM which will do the following? Phone is rooted, and I'd prefer not to go down the Xposed route, unless there's no other option.
Must have:
LED control (for Charging and Notifications)
Reboot entry in power menu
Nice to have:
Upside-down rotation
Disable NFC sounds (vibrate instead)
USB data transfer if unlocked
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A lot of us went to Pure Nexus. Nougat version is imminent.
I'm a big Pure Nexus fan so will be waiting for a Nougat Rom too
Philip said:
I have been a happy user of Cataclysm ROM up to now, but sadly it no longer appears to work under Nougat (7.0) and is probably unlikely to be updated.
Is there any other ROM which will do the following? Phone is rooted, and I'd prefer not to go down the Xposed route, unless there's no other option.
Must have:
LED control (for Charging and Notifications)
Reboot entry in power menu
Nice to have:
Upside-down rotation
Disable NFC sounds (vibrate instead)
USB data transfer if unlocked
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I really really loved Cataclysm! I liked that it was just a small zip that was to be flashed over stock! Just small needed tweaks! I'm with you on that!
The best of owning a nexus 6 is that you can flash so many very good roms. You will find your favorite.

What Xposed features will I miss out on if I 'upgrade' to a 7.x phone?

I have a Note 3 which I'm looking to make into my backup phone/dedicated GPS. It's currently on 4.4.2 and I would like to believe that, in the intervening major versions, many of the missing (obvious) OS features which made Xposed so necessary are now available as stock system options. Being familiar with the awful, pervasive anti-customization/pro-simplicity/for-dummies mobile development philosophy that now threatens even PC software, I'm afraid I'm probably wrong.
Ideally, of course, I'd want Xposed on my yet-to-be-determined 7.x phone, but if that isn't going to happen, I'd like to know if there are built-in options now to partially replace great Xposed modules like:
NotifyClean - In Android N, can I set rules to totally block specific notifications?
NeverSleep - Set certain applications to disable sleep mode when active?
Wanam Xposed - Theming options (assuming I go with a Samsung phone)?
Xposed LED Control - Different LED colors per notification type?
DoubleTapToSleep - Sleep without using a hard button?
Network Speed Indicator
If someone familiar with Android N could comment on the list above, I'd be very grateful. I'd rather buy a 'new' older phone than get an S8 or similar and find (assuming there's even a root exploit) that my phone is crippled versus my nearly 4 years old Note 3.
Notifiyclean can be substituted by power notification controls, which I don't know if it comes with stock rom, but I know it's there for the rom I'm using.
Neversleep can be substituted by the caffeine toggle, if your rom has it. I believe you can also find it on the play store to use if it's not built-in.
Wanam Xposed, I haven't used in ages. Can't even remember what it does...
LED Control should be built-in, if not custom roms.
DoubleTapToSleep should be your kernel.
Bootmanager, I'm unsure... Maybe alternatives with root?
Network Speed Indicator can be done with apps or built-in from custom roms.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Thanks... It sounds like I should be able to get by without Xposed, though I don't know if I'll ever be able to install a custom ROM considering I will probably end up with an AT&T phone. I guess first I need to find a rootable phone.
Is there an alternative to App Settings module, to allow for per-app dpi settings without Xposed, because android n?
thktanuki said:
Is there an alternative to App Settings module, to allow for per-app dpi settings without Xposed, because android n?
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My first idea was Tasker, but I am not sure if you can modify the dpi value with Tasker itself. I guess with the help of an appropriate plugin, you should be able to set the dpi on a per-app base.

Epic Rom Pro vs Resurrection Remix?

Hi guys,
I've been on the Epic Rom Pro for quite a while now, I have started seeing some new roms pop up and i'm not really clear as to how they differ, specifically it looks like the Resurrection Remix rom has a ton of posts/activity.
How do these two roms differ? I'm looking for something that is mostly stable with a minimum of bugs, but I certainly like customization...
Sry for my bad English.
I have use two rom for a while enough to tell something for you. Both Epic and RR are stable enough for daily using. If i want Miui, I will using Epic cause Xposed. Xposed + Mi8Tweak modul very great for custom. If you want nougat, RR is best choise for now. Miui on 7.0 mean no xposed, and RR has alot of great option for custom your phone.
KimUyLong said:
Sry for my bad English.
I have use two rom for a while enough to tell something for you. Both Epic and RR are stable enough for daily using. If i want Miui, I will using Epic cause Xposed. Xposed + Mi8Tweak modul very great for custom. If you want nougat, RR is best choise for now. Miui on 7.0 mean no xposed, and RR has alot of great option for custom your phone.
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Thank you for your reply. I am already on Nougat as Epic Rom Pro is now Nougat based, I do miss xposed, but I can live without it.
So both are now Nougat based. Are they both Miui based? or is Resurrection based on plain Android?
omniphil said:
Thank you for your reply. I am already on Nougat as Epic Rom Pro is now Nougat based, I do miss xposed, but I can live without it.
So both are now Nougat based. Are they both Miui based? or is Resurrection based on plain Android?
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I am on MIUI and want to jump on RR or Epic and this is what I was wondering too, which of the two?!
RR seems more updated but Epic seems more popular and more downloaded. Are they both similar?
omniphil said:
Thank you for your reply. I am already on Nougat as Epic Rom Pro is now Nougat based, I do miss xposed, but I can live without it.
So both are now Nougat based. Are they both Miui based? or is Resurrection based on plain Android?
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saurabhsun said:
I am on MIUI and want to jump on RR or Epic and this is what I was wondering too, which of the two?!
RR seems more updated but Epic seems more popular and more downloaded. Are they both similar?
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RR, DU, LOS these are as you said 'plain Android' based roms, they don't look like Miui. All of them 7.x.x based as well and the RR rom -is the one which has lots of features- gets updated Weekly/Daily. If you're not a miui lover, not an xposed addict; you should go for RR. If you consider flashing any of those; be careful and read about encryption**
7.5.4 Épic
Konsstantine34 said:
RR, DU, LOS these are as you said 'plain Android' based roms, they don't look like Miui. All of them 7.x.x based as well and the RR rom -is the one which has lots of features- gets updated Weekly/Daily. If you're not a miui lover, not an xposed addict; you should go for RR. If you consider flashing any of those; be careful and read about encryption**
7.5.4 Épic
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Oh, so RR is AOSP based? No Xiaomi stuff at all? That sounds excellent.
So on RR is Encryption on by default? Yuck! I assume we can turn it off?
I do like Xposed, but Epic Pro is Android 7 now, so Xposed doesn't work on that one anyways now.
omniphil said:
Oh, so RR is AOSP based? No Xiaomi stuff at all?
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Aosp or Los, or whatever they are. Lots of stuff in it lol. I never like that pure android look tho.
omniphil said:
So on RR is Encryption on by default? Yuck! I assume we can turn it off?
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Folks say so, encryption comes by default. Perhaps the dm-verity disabler zip would prevent it to get encrypted. Because this thing sucks, asks pin after reboot, in recovery etc. Reboot takes longer time and so on. Also you have to format data which means entire device to get rid of encryption. Transferring my files took 3 hours to be done after i remove 75gb data from my device, gross.
omniphil said:
I do like Xposed, but Epic Pro is Android 7 now, so Xposed doesn't work on that one anyways now.
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Well xposed is more important than rom for me since i discovered it -long time ago-. Im safe and sound with the one i use now because of xposed support. I can stick with MM forever. Ha!
7.5.4 Épic
Well i just tried Resurrection Remix. Yeah, Encrypted by default. Doesn't appear to be any way to turn it off. Ok, I guess that's fine.
However it doesn't come rooted. And it looks like SuperSU isn't the way to do it any more. So no root is a problem for sure.
I'll flash back to Epic for now. I didn't really understand the whole Magisk thing...
RR stock DPI was 480, so big, lol..
omniphil said:
Well i just tried Resurrection Remix. Yeah, Encrypted by default. Doesn't appear to be any way to turn it off. Ok, I guess that's fine.
However it doesn't come rooted. And it looks like SuperSU isn't the way to do it any more. So no root is a problem for sure.
I'll flash back to Epic for now. I didn't really understand the whole Magisk thing...
RR stock DPI was 480, so big, lol..
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So RR can be rooted or not?!
saurabhsun said:
So RR can be rooted or not?!
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I'm sure it can be, but not with the usual SuperSU way, I didn't really have time to go figure out how to get root all setup. I assumed the rom was pre-rooted which i'm not sure it is.
Plus once I went back to Epic Rom, it appears that my Data partition stays encrypted so I have to put my pin in at each boot. - Not cool at all..
So, for now I am staying away from RR until Encryption isn't forced on me and its Rooted out of the box.
I've tried RR but I do not like stock android feel and lack of... well lack of MIUi. For all its faults, I just love MIUi IU and many of its basic features. Didn't like substratum either and the necessity of using third party launchers to modify grids and icons...
Anyway, so far Epic Pro is working really well for me.
Regarding encryption... I had not paid any attention to it when I flashed RR... What does it entail? It stays when you go back to Epic??
omniphil said:
Plus once I went back to Epic Rom, it appears that my Data partition stays encrypted so I have to put my pin in at each boot. - Not cool at all..
So, for now I am staying away from RR until Encryption isn't forced on me and its Rooted out of the box.
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Just wanted to understand, why does everyone show hate to encryption here? How is it bad, besides pin at boot and tiny bit slow at opening apps and other tasks?
Does RR has Dual App function as MIUI/EPIC
And RR is rooted or not?
sweetdreamz338 said:
Does RR has Dual App function as MIUI/EPIC
And RR is rooted or not?
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No.! D.Apps, Sec.Space is Miui only. And very ez to root RR.
RR can use Android Pay which I can't use on stock rom
Leechoonhwee said:
RR can use Android Pay which I can't use on stock rom
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Yes with magisk for root and something else I forgotten, something about xiaomi safety net. Plenty of threads and very easy, as a side note official LOS released and is very stable, doubt you will want miui after trying this. Although it's not in ROM section of XDA its in guides and news.
jazz452 said:
Yes with magisk for root and something else I forgotten, something about xiaomi safety net. Plenty of threads and very easy, as a side note official LOS released and is very stable, doubt you will want miui after trying this. Although it's not in ROM section of XDA its in guides and news.
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Oh yeah that's the same procedure for RR. Magisk plus Xiaomi safety net.
I don't want to leave EPIC/MIUI because it's still smoother than any of the CM-type ROMs. I rarely get any stuttering/slowdown compared to RR/Lineage. Even when I use kernel overclocking (DragonXia), which should make it perform better, the Antutu scores (and general responsiveness) still don't match MIUI. Also, I'd lose some features that I like
- Pulling down to hide the dock. Sounds like a very minor feature but I love being able to quickly dismiss the dock when I'm in an app for a more immersive experience, especially since we have software buttons and not hardware ones
- Quick ball, so I can still work with the dock hidden
- Native call recording (I own the skvalex call recorder app so this isn't a huge deal)
- Themes. I know themes are part of pretty much every ROM but I just prefer the MIUI layout
- Second space. Very useful for having a second instance of an app that's separate from your main one
The performance is still the main MIUI draw though.
There are other minor niggles with RR/LOS like no unlock sound on FP scanner and slower to unlock with it. I believe there is still an issue with the speakerphone/echo too.
Problems that I have with MIUI would be
- No Smart Unlock for location (annoying that I can't have it unlocked at frequently visited places), nor does it work with bluetooth in my car
- No previews/functionality for some notifications (mainly Gmail), so i have to open every email to see if it's worth reading, *and* I can't delete/archive it from the notification either. Big waste of time
- Doesn't currently pass safetynet so it's impossible to use some apps like Snapchat. Doesn't seem to matter which Magisk version I use, still no luck
- Using Nova Launcher, sometimes it'll take a few seconds to load the home screen icons if I have been away from it for a while. I assume this is down to the aggressive killing of background apps in MIUI. I tried the persistent option in Nova but it didn't seem to make any difference and couldn't see a way to whitelist it in MIUI
What if I go back to an MM-based version of EPIC? If I do that I'll be able to get the smart unlock working via Xposed and it'll pass safetynet (as far as I can see), but would I lose anything?
If I go back to RR, is there a way to toggle the dock on/off like MIUI? Can I get an unlock sound for the FP scanner? As for the performance issues, I delete all the perf-related files as I do on EPIC and match the settings in Kernel Auditor but it still lags behind (~140k compared to ~155k in Antutu) and with the UI/apps in general.
Pros for RR/Lineage:
-Stock AOSP looks
-Interactive notifications
-Notification icons on status bar much more clear
-Much less bloatware
-No "MIUI optimizations" that kill performance (although you can turn these off in MIUI, still annoying)
-Ambient display
-Better spaced Nav bar buttons
-Nav bar color doesn't flicker between screens
-Default camera has slow-mo and lens blur
-Pass safetynet (use android pay, pokemon go, etc)
-customize nav button actions
-Flashlight shortcut with screen off
-Custom kernel available (dragonxia)
Pros for MIUI:
-Screen turns on much quicker when power button pressed
-Fingerprint reader much faster
-Front facing camera flips images by default
-Better battery life
-Screen gets brighter and dimmer
-Auto brightness works properly
-Microphone works on speaker phone
Hardware works better on MIUI, software works better on RR/Lineage. The wake lag on Lineage/RR was a dealbreaker for me, but god is MIUI software bad.
omniphil said:
I'm sure it can be, but not with the usual SuperSU way, I didn't really have time to go figure out how to get root all setup. I assumed the rom was pre-rooted which i'm not sure it is.
Plus once I went back to Epic Rom, it appears that my Data partition stays encrypted so I have to put my pin in at each boot. - Not cool at all..
So, for now I am staying away from RR until Encryption isn't forced on me and its Rooted out of the box.
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Never had that encryption problem on RR or going back to Epic... Strange.
For my test a blend would be the perfect thing: basically all Epic plus the various customizations settings' option from RR :victory:
Would that be so difficult or impossible to build? I mean not for me, I know nothing of the actual stuff, but for one of those good developers that own the Mix and love a good challenge Or not so good, maybe it'd be easier than I imagine...

