My brother is going to be upgrading to an android smartphone in february/march. I'm planning on moving him entirely to Google Voice to save on sms costs. For those of you with the same setup, have you found the 250mb plan to be adequate for GV plus email, some web browsing and app usage? He won't be doing any music or video streaming (except the occasional youtube video). Or have you found it necessary to upgrade to the 2gb plan? Thanks.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
gardndj said:
My brother is going to be upgrading to an android smartphone in february/march. I'm planning on moving him entirely to Google Voice to save on sms costs. For those of you with the same setup, have you found the 250mb plan to be adequate for GV plus email, some web browsing and app usage? He won't be doing any music or video streaming (except the occasional youtube video). Or have you found it necessary to upgrade to the 2gb plan? Thanks.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Been using for like 5 months before moving to 2GB. It works flawless, and well under 150MB a month with about 200 texts a day and some emails. But, strictly, no streaming audio or video, and no downloading big pics in mails.
And I think its a 200 MB plan, not 250, unless u r out of US.
And its best NOT to watch videos when on data network. Y'day 6.5 hours of streaming audio with 1 video got me like 375 MB data usage. So beware. A simple video might not be as simple when it comes to its size.
Thanks for the info. I've had unlimited data plans going on 4 years now so its not really something I've ever had to worry about or pay attention to. I'll leave it up to him on how he wants to use his phone, but it's good to know that it can be done.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I don't have Text messaging either, as my parents have disabled it because of the 200MB Data Plan, But with my experience, I use google voice to text and it works GREAT!!! Make sure you download the 3G Watchdog App to monitor your data usage and personally I use DroidWall (Only if you are rooted) To disable certain apps from accessing your data network when you are on the go!. I only let my phone access Google Voice, Market, And The Internet browser when im somewhere else other than at home with Wi-Fi.
P.S From my experience, each time google voice syncs with your account it uses about 15KB and when you send a message it ranges from Bytes to my biggest which was 1KB.
gardndj said:
Thanks for the info. I've had unlimited data plans going on 4 years now so its not really something I've ever had to worry about or pay attention to. I'll leave it up to him on how he wants to use his phone, but it's good to know that it can be done.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Yes. Since I don't stream audio video never had a need for more data. Never crossed 120 mb, except twice when I used google maps n used like 167 at peak.
This month I changed to 2 gigs cos I download data from this site when at work too. Too tempting to wait till I got home.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Thank you all. I think I'll stick him on the 200mb plan and see how he handles it. He's headed to college in the fall, which means wifi everywhere, so I think he'll be alright.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
My 4G hits 20 Mbps constantly. I would hate to tether to my PC and hit my data limit in 20 minutes.
Does anyone know if the LG Revolution can be configured to rate limit the download or upload connections? This way I can make sure that I'm not over using it?
If nobody is doing this I will see if I can program it, my skills are a bit rusty though.
nipslan said:
My 4G hits 20 Mbps constantly. I would hate to tether to my PC and hit my data limit in 20 minutes.
Does anyone know if the LG Revolution can be configured to rate limit the download or upload connections? This way I can make sure that I'm not over using it?
If nobody is doing this I will see if I can program it, my skills are a bit rusty though.
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I'm not sure what you are saying, but just because speedtest shows 20mb/s doesn't mean you are actually doing that while tethered to a computer. The only way is if you are streaming high def movies our downloading heavy files. To keep an eye on data usage you can use the My Verizon app.
For example, I turn on the tether and let a friend and his laptop connect. If he had bittorrent running he could easily max out my usage in less than 1 hour under ideal circumstances.
Currently I don't know of a way to prevent this, trusting my friend may be a mistake. If I had controls on bandwidth and even firewall out some ports/protocols like bittorrent then I wouldn't have to worry at all.
Tell your friend to get his own Internet.... Just sayin... Lol problem solved!
Sent from my VS910 4G using XDA Premium App
Bittorrent and a limited data plan don't go together. And yes, your friend could eat up your usage real fast and cause you overage charges.
Sent from my VS910 4G using XDA App
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Doing this very easily could require Kernel support. Linux obviously supports this ability but is it built into the linux Kernel for Android?
this makes no sense, why would you use a limited data plan and plan on letting people use your phone like this? Wifi tether has a built in log that shows data usage while using tether.
Just got this email thought I would pass it along to you guys. Works great.
Even though the holidays have passed, we're really stoked to give you one more present -- a new experimental release! Under the wrapping you'll find a bunch of new toys, including a brand new Camera Upload feature. Here the new stuff:
• Automatically uploads photos and videos in the background using Wi-Fi or a data plan
• 500MB of free space on first photo uploaded automatically
• Upload files of any size (no more 180 MB limit!)
• Support for resuming file uploads when there are network issues
• Various performance improvements & bug fixes
During this beta period, we are also offering additional free space to test automatic uploading of photos and videos. For every 500MB of photos and videos automatically uploaded, you'll receive another 500MB space bonus, up to 5GB total (including the initial 500MB space).
Grab it here:
Is this 5GB you can get on top of the referral limit, or are they from the same limit?
Sent from my Nexus S
ragnarokx said:
Is this 5GB you can get on top of the referral limit, or are they from the same limit?
Sent from my Nexus S
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On top of!
Android Police article
But wait, that's not all! During the beta period you can rack up some more free storage. The first sync gives you an instant 500MB bump, and for every 500MB of photos and videos you upload automatically, you'll receive an additional 500MB of free storage, up to 4.5 more gigabytes. That's 5GB just to help test out the new Dropbox, all for free.
I should also mention that this free space isn't separate from any free space you may have earned from the desktop client beta they announced yesterday.
What are you waiting for? Click or scan the QR code below to grab the experimental release APK. Who knows how long the beta will last...
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Not at home so can't they out the beta desktop but installed the apk and uploaded my photos and got my first bonus 500mb. Gonna delete them from Dropbox and upload again until I can get home
jesusice said:
Not at home so can't they out the beta desktop but installed the apk and uploaded my photos and got my first bonus 500mb. Gonna delete them from Dropbox and upload again until I can get home
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I think its the automatic upload only you could do that but youd have to take quite a bit of pics.
I had already posted this on android apps section but maybe I should have done here like you
Sent from my ice cream powered Nexus S
good lord, I lost like 40-50% battery in an hour or 2. wifi syncing only.. investigating. Anyone else?
blueluck77 said:
I think its the automatic upload only you could do that but youd have to take quite a bit of pics.
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Or long videos.
jesusice said:
Or long videos.
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lol. ya, set my camera to record nothing for a couple of minutes and uploaded that
decalex said:
lol. ya, set my camera to record nothing for a couple of minutes and uploaded that
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I'm just going to transfer all my shows onto my phone, then upload those
ragnarokx said:
I'm just going to transfer all my shows onto my phone, then upload those
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Lmao, nice! I tried deleting my uploaded pics from Dropbox and reuploading them but it seems to be too smart for that. Or dumb. It won't upload the same ones twice.
I have bumped from 2 to 5 gigs. Thanks for the info
There seems to be a stop at 5 gigs for this method. I bumped from 2 to 7 gigs, and it seems to have stopped. Best method is to start the camera with filming and just leave it at that. When it stops start recording again. ~20 min gives 500 mb more
I only got my 1st 500mb
If go on my computer and upload there will I get it?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Doodsz said:
I only got my 1st 500mb
If go on my computer and upload there will I get it?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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Every 500MB of auto uploads you do you get another 500MB
Sent from my ice cream powered Nexus S
Oh okay thanks.
500mb upload is a lot :/
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
I'm hoping that when those 4.0 Sense devices come out with their 50GB of Drop box space there'll be a buildprop hack so we can all upgrade. I've already got 2 accounts with 50GB each and a Bitcasa account but Dropbox is just so much more functional.
jesusice said:
I'm hoping that when those 4.0 Sense devices come out with their 50GB of Drop box space there'll be a buildprop hack so we can all upgrade. I've already got 2 accounts with 50GB each and a Bitcasa account but Dropbox is just so much more functional.
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I don't like how there gonna give away 50gb extra, I mean I pay for it but some froobs will get it free?
Sent from my ice cream powered Nexus S
Is ok if I copy all my pics form digital camera in phone and after upload in dropbox with apk in first post?
grotesque02 said:
Is ok if I copy all my pics form digital camera in phone and after upload in dropbox with apk in first post?
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No you need to use the auto upload feature, ie you need to take enough videos/pictures to fill up 500MB, the first 500MB is from first upload though
Sent from my ice cream powered Nexus S
Hello, I'm having problems with the amount of data used on the one. For me normal is around 20mb a day on 3g use. Now I have this..
How is this possible? Is there something wrong? I only have 1gb data and from the first of June to the fifth I have used 250mb..
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Only thing I can think of is blinkfeed. Do you have autosync on?
Youtube and streaming music takes up a lot as well.
Only on wifi..
Is it possible to have so much data use just by checking software update? I did that a couple times..
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Have you got any auto photo backup services switched on system, dropbox, googke+ etc? If you take Zoes on this device you get all the jpegs and the videoclip uploaded which can be a huge amount of data
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
No, I haven't.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Just today it used 87 mb.. Could it be weather related? My htc clock refreshes every 6 hours, but for the blinkfeed weather you have to turn on sonrthing in location settings. Turned that of now. But it seems very strange to me. Is it not possible that I did it myself because I checked the software updates a couple times? Then I at least now where the problem's coming from.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Anyone that can help me?
LarsAussems said:
Anyone that can help me?
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Get 3G watchdog so you can see what each individual app uses.
check with your provider to see if it matches. the phone could be reporting inaccurately.
Watchdog can't help me on this one.
Sent From The One
the first night I had my phone i streamed a 2 minute song and data usage said it was 20mb..i knew that was wrong and it didn't match what at&t said i used. check with your provider...
So Vodafone site says I used 148 MB. Like wth?
Sent From The One
I am having a heavy data usage problem as well. I use my phone to listen to music on my motorcycle, streaming GMusic.
My buddy has a Note II, I have the one. We both streamed music from Gmusic all day, same amount of time. Both of us have "high quality" turned off (unchecked).
At the end of the day he had used 100MB, I had used 873MB!! (reported as being used just by Gmusic). Both phones are on the same account so I login to AT&T to check data usage thinking it had to be a flaw. Nope I've used .9gb his phone says .1gb. WTF?
I still haven't figured it out and have used most of my 3GB in one weekend. Suckage.
crawlgsx said:
I am having a heavy data usage problem as well. I use my phone to listen to music on my motorcycle, streaming GMusic.
My buddy has a Note II, I have the one. We both streamed music from Gmusic all day, same amount of time. Both of us have "high quality" turned off (unchecked).
At the end of the day he had used 100MB, I had used 873MB!! (reported as being used just by Gmusic). Both phones are on the same account so I login to AT&T to check data usage thinking it had to be a flaw. Nope I've used .9gb his phone says .1gb. WTF?
I still haven't figured it out and have used most of my 3GB in one weekend. Suckage.
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I know how you feel.. I'm quite confused.
Sent From The One
Why don't you take a look at Settings>Usage to see which apps are actually using your data?
As I said, Android OS is using this. No further details in there
Sent From The One
I've had similar things happen with a couple of HTC's, not Ones. I only worked out how to stop through trail and error and I still don't understand why it happened. What I discovered was that the Mail accounts were constantly eating into my data (140Mb + one day but only 3 short emails actually received into the mailbox). The way I resolved it was to delete the Mail accounts (POP or IMAP, whatever) and then add it as new. This seemed to solve the problem. Never worked out why it was doing it in the first place mind.
The OP says its Android OS, which it could be. But there would be no harm in trying to disable/change apps and accounts to see if makes a difference. And if not methodically you should be any to ID the problem. Fingers crossed.
Got cut off today while finishing the Dragon Ball series. I have LTE enabled and was streaming with it. I still love t-mo though, coming from Sprint their speeds are to die for.
Didn't see a thread about this.
Edit: not to say they ever implied it was unlimited in the first place, but it would seem so with root.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
which plan are you on?
PhantomGamers said:
which plan are you on?
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Unlimited 4G with 500MB hotspot. Took Sprint 2.5 years to catch me tethering without paying with hot spot hack on sph-d700 (epic 4g)
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Well the hotspot of all their plans it technically only 500mb then you have to pay an extra $10 for another 1gb. Using data on the phone is unlimited. They probably saw your user agent string and noticed it was for a computer rather than your phone. Still you got a lot more than 500mb of hotspot out of it, so not too bad a deal.
Edit: beat me to it
They probably noticed quickly because it was so much data in a short period of time. If you spread out the tethering more (maybe less video), they probably wouldn't notice. I'm on the $30 prepaid plan and tether around 5gb a month but I spread it out over a couple days (maybe 500-2gb a day) and haven't been caught yet.
lazer155 said:
Well the hotspot of all their plans it technically only 500mb then you have to pay an extra $10 for another 1gb. Using data on the phone is unlimited. They probably saw your user agent string and noticed it was for a computer rather than your phone. Still you got a lot more than 500mb of hotspot out of it, so not too bad a deal.
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Yeah but compared to Sprint, T-mo is really keeping an eye out for the tether'ers. Glad I got as far as I did though lol. Any way around the user agent string?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
tdoglablarezigzaguno.1.3.13 said:
Yeah but compared to Sprint, T-mo is really keeping an eye out for the tether'ers. Glad I got as far as I did though lol. Any way around the user agent string?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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you can spoof it on your computer i guess but im not so sure that's the problem
PhantomGamers said:
you can spoof it on your computer i guess but im not so sure that's the problem
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Smasung series 3 Chromebook? If not it's cool. Guess I gotta wait till I can wait to get a PC and patience for anime episodes lol
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
tdoglablarezigzaguno.1.3.13 said:
Yeah but compared to Sprint, T-mo is really keeping an eye out for the tether'ers. Glad I got as far as I did though lol. Any way around the user agent string?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah you can spoof it by changing your browser setting. Depending on your browser you can look it up:
It's a feature built into basically all browsers.
It decreases your chances of being detected but it really depends on how tmobile detects tethering. The user agent way is the simpliest and quickest but they can also do it by TTL (time to live) of the packets your computer requests as you for example watch videos or browse. They can also detect it other ways but those are 2 of the more common ones. Post 8 explains the TTL method a bit more
Basically changing your user agent is the quickest method that my help a bit (depending on if they favor that detection method). Using a vpn on your computer might further and better prevent detection. (I've never tried this myself but in theory it might help more than a simple user agent change. You can find guides of other methods people use to try and get around it. I haven't heavily investigated any other methods aside from the vpn and user agent since I've never been cut off so I don't really know of of any specific ones.
I personally think the thing that really tips them off is a huge spike in usage for a short time period.
If you tether over bluetooth or USB, you basically never get caught in my experience as well as several others I know who do the same. So I would try that. It's a bit slower but not bad.
I'd suggest bluetooth or usb tethering next time and see if that prolongs your hotspot usage. But as I mentioned, I really think it is the massive usage spike in a short time that tips them off so you may still get caught. When I use bluetooth and usb tethering, I still try not to go to heavy on usage over short periods.
I suspect that the TTL method may be more commonly used since it's not easily avoidable so you are best off slowing your usage when you are tethered. It would be very easy for them to see a spike in usage and check the TTL of your packets, realize you're tethering, then cut it off. It's more reliable than user agents.
It's funny though that I can go to G+, FB, and G-Mail but not or any forums, whether USB or wireless tethering now. Guess I'll try spoofing.
Edit: Override the user agent in the browser on ChromeOS to resemble a GNex and it works, thanks. Although some web pages are now literally half the size they used to be, it doesn't effect full screen videos.
I could kiss you lazer155 haha thank you so much, I wish I could thank your post multiple times
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
They blocked all the user agents I used to be able to use. They certainly are beefing up their detection abilities.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
tdoglablarezigzaguno.1.3.13 said:
It's funny though that I can go to G+, FB, and G-Mail but not or any forums, whether USB or wireless tethering now. Guess I'll try spoofing.
Edit: Override the user agent in the browser on ChromeOS to resemble a GNex and it works, thanks. Although some web pages are now literally half the size they used to be, it doesn't effect full screen videos.
I could kiss you lazer155 haha thank you so much, I wish I could thank your post multiple times
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Lol no problem, glad it works for you now. :highfive: Yeah that is the downside I forgot to mention. You can try to fix that problem by experimenting with making your browser look like other desktop browsers (for example maybe tmobile doesn't block some of the more obscure desktop browsers like opera etc.) or copying your phone's desktop style user agent in chrome. That might result in desktop style pages but tmobile will think you are a phone requesting desktop. (the user agent actually shows your operating system too so if you spoof that part to android you should be able to get desktop style while still staying hidden) You'd have to look up the android chrome desktop user agent though. I don't know what it is.
sub1287 said:
They blocked all the user agents I used to be able to use. They certainly are beefing up their detection abilities.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Yeah they do seem to figure out the user agent trick eventually if you use it several times. That's happened to other people I know. I think if you keep using a lot of data when tethering eventually they review your usage more carefully with their other methods like the TTL check.
Absolutely no less than 90% of this has been used while connected via native wifi tethering, and this usage is over the course of only 2 weeks. I have unlimited 4g (prepaid) and no tethering plan at all.
I've gotten a page that says I'm either not authorized to tether or over my limit two or three times in the last 3 days, but I just disable/re-enable tethering and reload the page....that's solved it every time.
just in case anyone is wondering, I'm using native wifi/usb tether on official PA (always the latest build) and franco M3 kernel....I've also got the chrome user agent switcher installed on my phone and set to desktop. I'm sure that doesn't matter, but I thought I should mention it. I'm also using chrome on my ubuntu PC with no user agent switcher installed.
I'm curious how much data everyone else who has had a problem tethering have used. I'm pretty sure my usage is way heavier than probably 99% of their customers...even those of us here
You guys have me all kinds of curious about tethering now.
Are any of you using mostly LTE?
If so, what's the battery life?
Stability of tethering?
CrashTestDroid said:
You guys have me all kinds of curious about tethering now.
Are any of you using mostly LTE?
If so, what's the battery life?
Stability of tethering?
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I stay on LTE, no serious difference in battery lifeand I'm usually plugged in while I tether, so battery life doesn't matter much there. Perfectly stable until T-Mo discovers you're over the limit.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I wonder if whether or not T-mobile can measure how much data you've used for tethering without using their hotspot app (what they use on T-mobile branded phones to meter tethering usage) depends on the APN you're connected through?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Update wow, I got my Chromecast today and viewed The Hunger Games and a few episode of Breaking Bad through Netflix and it really sky rocketed my data usage. I guess it'll take some time for T-Mo to catch on to Chromecast tethering. Someone let me know if I should delete this post in case T-Mo is watching.
Sent from my Nexus⁴ using Tapatalk 2
duce102 said:
Update wow, I got my Chromecast today and viewed The Hunger Games and a few episode of Breaking Bad through Netflix and it really sky rocketed my data usage. I guess it'll take some time for T-Mo to catch on to Chromecast tethering. Someone let me know if I should delete this post in case T-Mo is watching.
Sent from my Nexus⁴ using Tapatalk 2
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I don't think that has anything to do with chromecast. You streamed a ton of high res media. That uses data. Don't you have WiFi where your TV is?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
duce102 said:
Update wow, I got my Chromecast today and viewed The Hunger Games and a few episode of Breaking Bad through Netflix and it really sky rocketed my data usage. I guess it'll take some time for T-Mo to catch on to Chromecast tethering. Someone let me know if I should delete this post in case T-Mo is watching.
Sent from my Nexus⁴ using Tapatalk 2
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So is the Chromecast connected via Wi-Fi to your home router or to your phone (acting as a hot spot)?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
pwc realtor said:
So is the Chromecast connected via Wi-Fi to your home router or to your phone (acting as a hot spot)?
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Phone, I don't see much point in paying two different companies for the same service lol
Richieboy67 said:
I don't think that has anything to do with chromecast. You streamed a ton of high res media. That uses data. Don't you have WiFi where your TV is?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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No, I know it's not the Chromecast at fault, just stating I was using that to stream though. I'm surprised at how well its working and I've never streamed 1080p before so the jump in data usage caught me off guard a bit.