Cell standby on marshmallow - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.

My signal has been worse than abysmal since switching to Marshmallow. I uninstalled Fit, Pay, and Google+ and it got better strangely enough but i still have issues from time to time...

gakio12 said:
I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.
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The same happened to me, at the begining with marshmallow (chroma and francokernel) always more than 5h SOT and easy deep sleep... but now, the last night at 1:00AM battery was at 100%, at 5:00AM was 84%... and no wakeloks... i'll take some screenshots

Same here. I swear the battery is draining faster but no wakelock issues.
Plus I believe there is an issue with the signal reporting. Where I know that I get full signal the phone can report zero bars. Switch to airplane mode and back, then suddenly the signal displays correctly!

+1 My signal is terrible anymore, and I certainly was much better on the preview images
At my desk at work, same spot I sit my phone everyday would be in the mid 80s and right now it sits at -103....hit airplane mode and it resets....for a few

gakio12 said:
I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.
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I'm having the same issues. Overall, pretty solid battery life but cell standby drainage was high. Been searching forums with no such luck. Sounds like it might just be and Android issue I have to hope gets fixed in an update? I'm using T-Mobile wi-fi calling. I'm in areas with strong LTE signal, but compared to my old phone, the amount of "bars" I'm seeing seem lower and sometimes non existent, although I spent no time without signal.


Diamond battery life

Hi all,
I have been testing (sofar day 5) how long can my HTC Diamond last on standby without needing to recharge.
Phone is constantly on (day and night). It is on standby i.e. screen off, but the power is on. So every time I tap the little power button it shows me how much (%) of the battery is left.
I am on day 5 and the battery is 66%.
Will update tomorrow.
I don't know if anyone done this before, but I am trying to find out, how long will battery actually last in real world (in standby).
Are you just using Flight Mode?
And none of them is turning on ?
1. 2G / 3G phone (stay at one place / moving day & night )
2. Wi-Fi
3. Bluetooth
day 6
DAY6......checked battery status this evening.....52% left.
Phone is on standby (screen off). Everything else is on.
This is just my little experiment. Probably does not make sense to many, but maybe someday,someone would wanna know that, how long the battery lasts this way
to ykwong
sorry did not notice someone has replied.
phone is essentially in flight mode.....phone itself is off (no calls coming in or out)
but, Bluetooth and WIFI is on. Everytime I check for battery status....it notifies me of my WIFI connection.
If your mobile is in standby Wi-Fi and Bluetooth even if they are turned on are in standby too (except when you turn it on to check battery charge) thus they don't consume power.
Ive been testing mine aswell andi've found i lose 6% every 8 hours, thats with minimal use and screen off once used. radio and the offficial 1.93 rom and with settings from shcaps advanced config.
wifi is turned off automatically when in standby mode, and turned on when you activate the phone again unless you've done a registry hack to force it on.
Moreover this test is quite useless as battery life consumption depends on the power of the signal, your battery can easily last half the usual time if the signal is weak and twice longer if you just under a cell
johnnymatrix said:
wifi is turned off automatically when in standby mode, and turned on when you activate the phone again unless you've done a registry hack to force it on.
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Indeed, thats true.
Battery life is poor
I got Diamond 2 days ago. What I noticed was the battery life is appalling actually. I charged full and with normal usage (ie, 5-6 calls lasting about altogether lasting less than an hour and some pplaying around) it doesnt last more than a day. Battery shows 10% at the end of the day. Is that normal? Or is it just mine. (By the way 3G on, Wifi, bluetooth off)
I charge mine twice a day...
i have to charge mine everyday after work and im not using in THAT much, some calls and checking some mails. the batterytime really sucks, my old phones have loads of better batterytime, so what if i surf some on the net and checking some videos to do i have to charge it every hour or what? really sucks :/
htc has released a new battery for longer standby time. the battery volumn is 1350MA, with a back cover. the price is around 40 pounds.
unlike the third party battery some of us have bought, does the gps still work with this one?
ehe12 said:
htc has released a new battery for longer standby time. the battery volumn is 1350MA, with a back cover. the price is around 40 pounds.
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How much volume and weight doe it add up to the sleek diamond? Does it not kill the joy? What will be the difference then b/w diamond and raphael thickness and weight??
today.....power at 43%
to posters: I know that this test may sound pointless to some. All I am saying that someone someday may find this informative.
If you have the phone off, there's no point in this test - at all. When the screen turns off, wifi turns off as well. This would be the most battery consuming application you have, so it would last a long time regardless of battery or phone.
My settings shows fully loaded battery but the ROM update screen tells me that i have less than 50% available. Who is correct? And is there a way to unload the battery totally w/o having the diamond on all the way (already tried, is not working) to refresh it from base? Thanks!
day 8
battery at: 29%
........I will check and finish this test tomorrow , I assume it will we under 20 %
I'm starting such a test myself today, see if I can make it to Monday. I will be using my phone for calling, i.e. the phone function is on (except when I sleep, don't want to be disturbed ), the occasional internet (checking train schedule, maybe using it as a router for my laptop for 5 minutes), and maybe 5 minutes of teeter or something. The average day use I'd say.
Question: how do I see the percentage of my battery charge?
Test starts as of NOW, 15:47 in Amsterdam, which is 13:57 UTC. It's fully charged, so I don't need a percentage reading on this one

Cell Standyby

Anyone noticed?
This cell standby and phone idle are chewing 60% of my battery. That used to be my screen usage on my Thunderbolt. Screen is at 14% usage and I keep that screen lit! Seats have reversed! Looks like HTC just needs to put this screen with their radios and we will have a phone's battery life that would last two days! I am glad Motorola fixed the sound quality, but this battery consumption is ridiculous. This phone has 50% more battery than the TB, but they last about the same. I really wish someone would put this screen on HTCs radios and we would have a killer phone.
Aslo, I noticed that there are some apps, like Maps, that if I open once, it would stay on and consume massive battery! There was another app, that like maps used gps, that did the same. dps was disabled.
Weird swicharoos going on.
I've noticed this aswell.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
If you are not in a 4G area, one thing to do would be to set your phone to CDMA Only instead of CDMA/LTE (Settings>Wireless&Networks>Mobilenetworks>Network Mode). This will prevent it from trying to find a 4g Connection. I notice that the Cell standby will use a lot of battery just searching for better signal constantly. When I work during the week the Building I am in seems to block cell signal almost completely. During those days my Cell Standby uses a big chunk of my battery just trying to get better signal. On the weekends though at my apartment I don't use near as much because of better signal reception there.
**Also, this is a topic/question that should be in Droid Bionic General, not Development**
Some people are seeing evidence that the battery manager is reporting wrong..
But time will tell after Moto pushes us some updates.
Wouldn't be surprised if it is reporting wrong. I am at a heavy 4G area, and i have owned every droid and the Thunderbolt, except the charge

[Q] Am I the only one getting good battery life on this phone?

Before I bought the Vivid, I read every review that was out, even the customer reviews on AT&T's site. There was a common theme in all of them: Battery life is bad. Even the glowing reviews had "battery life" as a con or said they wished it was better.
Needless to say, my expectations weren't high. I have had HTC phones in the past and battery has never been their strong suit.
Imaging my surprise when I tell you that after a 10 hour work day, I go home with an average of 60% battery. I text throughout the day, have seven e-mail accounts syncing, widgets that pull data on my home screen, etc. I am definitely using the phone. I leave Wifi on all the time and I have LTE access wherever I go, so the LTE radio is always on.
Am I really that unique? Is anyone else getting good battery life with the Vivid? If the Skyrocket is supposed to have way better battery life, I can't imagine how long it would last compared to my Vivid, at least with my use.
Overall, very happy with this phone. Battery life is what always drove me away from Android and that is not an issue here.
I would say I unplug my phone around 7 and it gets to 10% around 7 so 12 hours ? I would say thats pretty good battery life I came from the inspire and it would die after 7-10 hours so I would say its a lot better! Though I cant wait for a cm9 or 7 rom since i was getting a full 24 hours + With that.... So im very excited to see!
I am also getting about 10 hours with heavy texting use throughout the day. I have friends overseas and we text via Whatsapp and sometimes Skype. Otherwise it would last even longer since I the screen display wouldn't always be on. I am not complaining getting 10 hours of use though since I'm coming from an HTC Aria which was about half that.
Almost as good
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
brucegil said:
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
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Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
I have a lot of days like you where I use it lightly. I have noticed that the idle drain on this phone isn't nearly as bad as past Android phones I have owned.
Yesterday I got 16 hours out of my phone. That is with me syncing three email accounts, running a live background, using data to read news articles, downloads from the android store, browsing the web, and making around 30 minutes of calls. It is much better than my cappy was. I made sure to charge the battery when I first got it all of the way before powering it on. I also have let it run down completely to cycle the battery.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
When my phone was stock the battery life was OK, not terrible, but not great either. With a custom ROM the battery life has increased greatly. I unplug it around 8am and when I go to charge it at night I usually have around 40% left. That is with moderate to heavy use, at least that's what I consider my use.
Failed to mention I am on the stock Rom.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
I got around 17 hours last night and was only down to 70% left. Quite a bit of use too. It's actually better for me than my GS2 was.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I'm always getting 20+ hrs on my vivid with med. Use with the stock Rom my battery was pretty good but with rumraider its going on about 30 hrs with 40% left ....wow and I haven't even charged it since I flashed
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
Just a suggestion, I am getting fairly good battery left, I am on a rooted stock rom with most of the bloat ware & processes frozen thru Ti Backup, I have wifi on all day but limit sync schedule (with refresh on use enabled) I have noticed that the battery stays at 100% for a while then starts to drop off. Today running about 7.5 hours and currently have 95% charge available. I also have Juice Defender free helping out with ballanced profile enabled.
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
Aus_Azn said:
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
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What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
penguinfishies said:
What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
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I also would like to know the setcpu settings which are working for you. How much overclocking we can do on Vivid ?
NIKKG said:
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
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I totally agree with this. My office is in the basement of our building and I get fairly poor signal - maybe 1 bar but I still can access the LTE network. When I turn my wifi on, by the end of the work day, my battery is much less drained vs not having it on and my phone searching for signal from the mobile data network.
At home, I have a pretty good signal, but there's not LTE coverage yet, so the battery does last longer throughout the day.
Even on the bad days I would get home and keep it running until I plug it in before I go to bed, so that's an average of about 17 hours in total per day that it's running on battery and on average I'd have like 30-40% battery left.
I was using an iPhone 4s before I bought the Vivid and I used to go home with about the same amount of battery after a full work day. Granted, the 4s gets worse battery life than the 4 by far, but I still think it's impressive that an Android phone, especially an HTC does this well and it makes me wonder why all of these people in the reviews have been getting such bad battery life.
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
mohcho said:
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
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This is a key point. The big screen is a huge battery sink. The battery widget in Beautiful Widgets gives a percentage battery use for components. With mine, the display's battery usage is always at least twice as big the next nearest battery sink. It is not uncommon to see that it is using 90% of the juice. I think this explains a lot of the early complaints about battery life. We all spend hours playing with a new phone and getting it set up to our liking. That means the display is lit up for hours. That means people get lousy battery life when they first get their phone.
greyhulk said:
Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
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I was trying to see how long I could go on a single charge. Airplane mode shut down radios that might otherwise continue to run, trying to pull data I would not see while asleep. Also, I would occasionally run the battery all the way down before recharging. I generally plug it in at work, in my car or at home when it gets down around 10% remaining.

[Q] 3G suddenly started to drain battery

about one week ago I noticed that battery in my N1 was empty in 5-6 hours after charging.
My first though was that 4 years battery is just old. I bought new one (1800 mAh). Unfortunately it didn't fix the problem.
Battery stats didn't show anything interesting. So to check what exactly drain my battery I had to disable one by one GPS, WiFi and finally 3G. I noticed that if phone uses 2G network then power consumption is normal. But regardless of GPS, WiFi, BT etc.. seems that only 3G is guilty.
My question is why after 4 years of using N1 suddenly 3G drains my battery? I have turned it on since the begining.
I already tried:
buy new battery
remove battery stats
full wipe
ROM: 2.3.7 GB by euroskank CM7.2-20131028.2353-N1 FuZZ_
PS. It shouldn't be connected, but at that time I started to use my N1 to deploy application which I develop. It uses localization (GPS/network) and Google Play Services.
It seems that something in 3G module is broken. It can takes 40% battery in 2 hours.
In the same time 2G takes 1%.
Strange... 4 years it worked very well till now

Anyone else have high Cell Standby?

Anyone have issues with high Cell Standby? My cell standby is at the top of my list with "time on 8h 12m" (pretty much my entire time off the charger) and Time without signal is 0% (so i haven't lost connection plus I've been on Wifi at home the entire time)
Ive also only have about 52 mins of screen on time with light use and I'm down to 79%. The drain seems very high considering how I've used the phone. I just don't understand why the standby is so high or whats causing it. Im stock rooted and have r17 Franco Kernel installed, it seemed to have started when I installed the latest r17 but I'm pretty sure it would be a coincidence since the cell standby was always kinda high on my list but not as bad as lately.
Nocturnal86 said:
Anyone have issues with high Cell Standby? My cell standby is at the top of my list with "time on 8h 12m" (pretty much my entire time off the charger) and Time without signal is 0% (so i haven't lost connection plus I've been on Wifi at home the entire time)
Ive also only have about 52 mins of screen on time with light use and I'm down to 79%. The drain seems very high considering how I've used the phone. I just don't understand why the standby is so high or whats causing it. Im stock rooted and have r17 Franco Kernel installed, it seemed to have started when I installed the latest r17 but I'm pretty sure it would be a coincidence since the cell standby was always kinda high on my list but not as bad as lately.
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If you don't use the phone and keep it away, obviously the cell standby will come first but that much battery should not be drained. I can notice max 2-3% of battery drain from 100% over-night on stock
If you don't charge your phone up all the way to 100%, the battery stats don't reset.
Otherwise I think it's sounds reasonable.
8hr stand by, a little under 1 hr screen, wifi on the whole time.
That's about 9 hours total + wifi for 21% or 676.2 mah used. I usually run with a huge stand by time, not so much SOT. I get about 35%~ a day so I charge up every three days.
If you're on WiFi and cell standby is that high then you probably have a weak voice signal connection. What colour is it on your graph? You can also check your signal level in Settings > About Phone > Status

