Cell Standyby - Motorola Droid Bionic

Anyone noticed?
This cell standby and phone idle are chewing 60% of my battery. That used to be my screen usage on my Thunderbolt. Screen is at 14% usage and I keep that screen lit! Seats have reversed! Looks like HTC just needs to put this screen with their radios and we will have a phone's battery life that would last two days! I am glad Motorola fixed the sound quality, but this battery consumption is ridiculous. This phone has 50% more battery than the TB, but they last about the same. I really wish someone would put this screen on HTCs radios and we would have a killer phone.
Aslo, I noticed that there are some apps, like Maps, that if I open once, it would stay on and consume massive battery! There was another app, that like maps used gps, that did the same. dps was disabled.
Weird swicharoos going on.

I've noticed this aswell.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App

If you are not in a 4G area, one thing to do would be to set your phone to CDMA Only instead of CDMA/LTE (Settings>Wireless&Networks>Mobilenetworks>Network Mode). This will prevent it from trying to find a 4g Connection. I notice that the Cell standby will use a lot of battery just searching for better signal constantly. When I work during the week the Building I am in seems to block cell signal almost completely. During those days my Cell Standby uses a big chunk of my battery just trying to get better signal. On the weekends though at my apartment I don't use near as much because of better signal reception there.
**Also, this is a topic/question that should be in Droid Bionic General, not Development**

Some people are seeing evidence that the battery manager is reporting wrong..
But time will tell after Moto pushes us some updates.

Wouldn't be surprised if it is reporting wrong. I am at a heavy 4G area, and i have owned every droid and the Thunderbolt, except the charge


N1-Be honest. How is your battery?

Okay, a little back story. I've been a BB user for quite some time now, got bored and made the switch to N1 this past January.
At this point I'm ready to say: The N1 power consumption or battery BLOWS CHUNKS. But folks thats my take.
I mean here I am with the most powerful and best phone in the world right now and I have to keep my brightness at 33% (GOD forbid I forget and keep it at 100%, I wont make it through the day!). I have to keep my GPS off (so my geo tagging is always off by a few thousand freaking meters). I have to limit my use and take it easy on data intensive apps. It's ludicrous, I want to use this damn thing.
Don't get me wrong I'm fine with the 33% brightness and with the light use (because I'm a student and quite frankly I don't really push the phone like that, due to being in class). But I would still like it if the phone wasn't CRYING for the "milk" bottle every day sharply/promptly at 8 pm.
So the phone makes it through the day (hurrah). But it still annoys me that now I have this new "nag": "get home and charge me Ori". So if anything spontaneous pops up like say: a date with a nice young lady, you can bet your bottom dollar my phone won't be making it alive that night. It's another constraint on an already constrained enough life.
My buddy says "dude I don't know whats wrong with your idiot self.. blah blah blah.. my Nexus battery is great". But the damn jerk is coming from a G1 !!! go figure LOL...
When evaluating something you don't compare it to a pitiful performance. You see how you stack up against the best. So if you reached your conclusion because you are comparing it to a G1 or Cliq I have to honestly disagree with your method of reaching that conclusion.
PS. I'm not a nagging *****. I know I came off a BB. Thats why I'm not asking for much. I would just like to see the phone consistently make it to 11 PM every night from a 7AM 100% charge. Is that too much to ask for?
my battery never dips below 50%... of course i'm working most of the day instead of playing with my phone.
Seems about the same as my Nokia N95's was to be honest.
try the undervolted kernel, it saves you quite a bit of juice.
ill toss my input in on this after i run the att one for a few days to see how much running strictly on 2g actually saves, the tmo band one i had last a good 12-14 hours if i was playing with it mildly at work. thats with the check mark for 2g only, wireless is usually constantly on, and gps always on(but not always running up in the status bar), brightness set to auto
Not sure if there's whole lot you can do if you want to keep brightness at 100% and GPS chip on all the time.
I hike quite a bit and I use SportyPal to track my progress. Obviously when I hike, the screen is off but GPS chip is always on. Although I never managed to completely drain the battery so far, I would say it will last around 7-8 hours. I do use SetCPU so that when battery reaches below 40%, clock goes way down to the minimum possible.
Other than getting an extended battery, not sure if there is a solution. 100% screen brightness and GPS really taxes batteries on all cell phones.
By the way, this is MUCH MUCH better than HTC Magic (which in turn was much better than HTC Diamond). I'm not sure how they did it since the battery capacity is the same, screen is larger, and CPU is faster. I am happy.
Battery is better than the last few HTC devices I've used and on par with the TP2 (all had similar features, large touch screen, Wifi, GPS, BT). So I would say it's about par for the course as far as I am concerned.
Try the 3200mah battery from Seido... you can run all day with wifi, gps, and bluetooth plus have screen at 100% and still have 50%+ battery at 8pm.
If battery life is more important than the slim look, get the sedio 3200mAh battery.
With 0% brightness, occasional use (GMail, GVoice, GTalk), GPS and Sync on, about 20 minutes of talking, meebo IM running... The battery just lasts 12 hours. CPU profile set to 512MHz when below 50% battery; and is fixed at 245MHz when in standby/sleep.
For the amount of things that it can do I'm happy with the battery life.
If I'm going out I carry the AC cable in my coat pocket
I realize this may not be the best solution for most of you, but I also have a portable Duracell charger. It normally acts as a charger for 4 AA batteries. But I can plug-in a USB cable on the charger and the other end to N1. It gives me roughly another 2000mah worth of juice using 4 Eneloops. The charger is bulky though so no good if you want to carry them in pockets. But works for me when I carry a backpack with me. I needed this charger anyways for AA batteries so it's a nice bonus that it can provide some mobile juice for N1.
My battery life is pretty great. I'm running the latest Cyan with the EPE54B radio, i keep the screen on about 75% brightness and never change it, I leave wifi and gps on always, I have bluetooth on and connected for about 2 hours a day, for the 8 hours I'm at work I don't use my phone much only to send some txts and maybe use a couple apps. So I unplug my phone at 7am and when I leave work at 5pm I have 82% battery left everyday with my normal usage.
Just for reference; before switching to Cyan and the latest radio i would have 75% battery when I left work.
What are you people doing with your phones that you have to carry a charger or a spare battery with you?!
I'm coming from a HD2 and I easily get better battery life than half you guys even with heavy streaming radio/youtube usage and that thing has an enormous power-sucking screen!
Thread revival time !!!
OK so I discovered a few things that are worthy of mentioning since I last posted this issue.
My Nexus off/wake button crapped out and I sent it back for repair. When I got it back it was wiped (like new). I forgot to setup my facebook app and widget. For about 2 days I was going around with the facebook app "off" (it was finals week as such I was not paying much attention to facebook or distractions). I noticed better battery performance. Eventually I set it up but my "Sync Contacts" setting is set to "Don't Sync".
Also I got the SMODA widget that gives u direct "on-off" 3G capability. So whenever I'm at around 30% battery life I throttle the connection to squeeze out as much life as I can. Unless I'm browsing and I need 3G.
Good day to you all and enjoy the world cup.
In all honesty, I've been getting the best battery life I've ever had with Froyo. I only charge my phone in the car with the car dock to and from work (25 minute commute) and occassionally let it sit on the desk dock when I'm messing around online. With those charging habits, I typically get two days of use out of it and have no issues doing any of the things I need to do with it without a charger (games, navigation, calls, texts, web+market browsing, etc.). I could not say the same about any of the Cyanogen ROM's I was running before.
Hope that helps.
I have to admit...I am a bit bummed about the battery life. I have the stocked 2.1, on the ATT N1. I have turned off the brightness and I can get 3/4 of the day on the battery. I thought it would last all day but I definitely have to charge it by end of day.
I am looking forward to Froyo for, by all accounts, the battery life has been improved.
Again, I should emphasize that "I'm a BIT bummed" for all in all...I'm still loving my N1 and haven't looked back.
I've got Froyo on mine and this is what I've noticed.
If I turn my phone on, and send about 10 text messages in an hour, then turn it off, my battery life will be around: 94%.
If I let it idle for an hour without any action, my battery will drain about 1%/hr.
If I am using the internet and sms and just constantly using the processor on the phone, in abour an hr I'll be at 85% battery.
This is all with the backlight set at 11% (lowest setting it will go)
my battery last 27 hours on reg use... 17 hours on heavey use...
Pauls Froyo
3200 Bat
GPS always on
Brightness Auto
Listening to music alot on it to.
I find that on the ATT nexus one, setting to gsm auto (prl) makes a tremendous difference for idle time. With this setting I lost only 11 % in 12 hours of idle. And when I unplug, after 1 hour my battery will still be at 100% with no use.
This setting still gives you 3g too, so no worries.
My N1 on froyo started to hog alot of juice. I don't know why, it was fine the first 2 weeks but after that it started to suck up loads for some reason. Got tired of trying new kernels and i did many options so i gave up and went back to Cyanogen.. Running 5.0.8 Test5 with Froyo Kernel and it's about 20-24 hours since i last hooked it off the charger and it's at 56% left. Amazing. Tho' im a light user and i keep most stuff off when i don't use it. Even 3G.
I think that our perception of what we should get concerning battery life is a bit skewed. If I have RIM device (last was BB on metroPCS) I can go like two days without charing. All my email is push. There is no Facebook widget, or weather widget, etc constantly updating. The screen is half the size with weak resolution. The processor is half the speed, or less. The ram is barely enough to run the device. I could go on and on.
The fact is you have a computer, a small computer you can carry in your pocket. This machine is about as powerful as a desktop was 2 years ago. You are powering it with battery that is 1500mh and is the size of a dollar bill folded in half. What do you want exactly?
If you want a battery that lasts 2 or three days, get a dumb phone. If want a pocked PC, you are going to have to deal with the fact that doing all of the things your phone does uses battery power.
If I unplug my laptop I get 2hours and 15minutes. My phone lasts about 7-8hours. I stream music an hour or two, text, play some games, browse the web. I know that it is going to die. I have a spare battery. I change it if I can't charge it.
Battery life is worse than a Blackberry and better than iPhone, and you get the fastest device on the market. What more could you ask for?

Thrill Battery Life - Actually Decent?

I know there's a million posts about battery life sucks on the LG Thrill.
At first, I agreed.
But now I've had my Thrill just over 2 weeks. And it seems to last longer.
Not sure if it just needed time to break-in or what.
But I use my phone to sync with my company exchange server and sync contacts, calendar, emails (with about 150 emails a day). I also sync a personal email account, use Twitter, FB, News, Stocks, and Weather widgets with regular updates. (I rarely make phone calls)
It's about 12 hours unplugged now and the battery still shows full. I think 2 weeks ago it would have been near half.
I thought I'd throw this comment out there for anyone else that experienced poor battery life. Maybe give it two weeks and see if it gets better.
If your battery shows 100% after 12hours of use, I would think there's something wrong with the actual battery indicator software or whatnot.
Personally, using it very lightly with Superpower throttling down the CPU + shutting down wifi + data after 30s, the battery drops to 70% after 3hours of use. I would listen to some music for about 10-15mn in that 3h period, maybe browse xda for 5mn total.
I had the phone for about 10days now...
Owos said:
If your battery shows 100% after 12hours of use, I would think there's something wrong with the actual battery indicator software or whatnot.
Personally, using it very lightly with Superpower throttling down the CPU + shutting down wifi + data after 30s, the battery drops to 70% after 3hours of use. I would listen to some music for about 10-15mn in that 3h period, maybe browse xda for 5mn total.
I had the phone for about 10days now...
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Something isnt right there... signal issues maybe? i checked mine earlier and was at 73% after 12%
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App
Maybe the poster meant that the battery icon itself showed full because it's still got a decent charge despite it not being at 100%.
I actually noticed the battery life thing as well the longer I have had the device the better the battery life has gotten. I actually got around 20 hrs. on a full battery charge before I hit 15% so I think a Lot has to due with the way you use the phone. If your a media freak (Streaming Music, Bluetooth Headphones, Wi-Fi, Data always on, etc) than yea your battery will drain quite fast. I usually have bluetooth turned Off, Wi-Fi Turned Off when not near wi-fi that I access because Wi-Fi will constantly look for a signal which in turn drains the hell out of your battery, and Data turned off considering half the apps out there like to access data (In bed with ATT anyone) and I only have 200mb of data per month plus it saves on battery life.

[Q] Am I the only one getting good battery life on this phone?

Before I bought the Vivid, I read every review that was out, even the customer reviews on AT&T's site. There was a common theme in all of them: Battery life is bad. Even the glowing reviews had "battery life" as a con or said they wished it was better.
Needless to say, my expectations weren't high. I have had HTC phones in the past and battery has never been their strong suit.
Imaging my surprise when I tell you that after a 10 hour work day, I go home with an average of 60% battery. I text throughout the day, have seven e-mail accounts syncing, widgets that pull data on my home screen, etc. I am definitely using the phone. I leave Wifi on all the time and I have LTE access wherever I go, so the LTE radio is always on.
Am I really that unique? Is anyone else getting good battery life with the Vivid? If the Skyrocket is supposed to have way better battery life, I can't imagine how long it would last compared to my Vivid, at least with my use.
Overall, very happy with this phone. Battery life is what always drove me away from Android and that is not an issue here.
I would say I unplug my phone around 7 and it gets to 10% around 7 so 12 hours ? I would say thats pretty good battery life I came from the inspire and it would die after 7-10 hours so I would say its a lot better! Though I cant wait for a cm9 or 7 rom since i was getting a full 24 hours + With that.... So im very excited to see!
I am also getting about 10 hours with heavy texting use throughout the day. I have friends overseas and we text via Whatsapp and sometimes Skype. Otherwise it would last even longer since I the screen display wouldn't always be on. I am not complaining getting 10 hours of use though since I'm coming from an HTC Aria which was about half that.
Almost as good
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
brucegil said:
With the standard battery that came with the Vivid, I am getting 24-48 hours on a charge, but I don't use it as much as described above. I have WiFi on at work, but I don't do a lot of e-mailing from the phone. (I work at a desk all day, so I have e-mail on my PC.) But I do look up a lot of things. I suspect I use the phone for at least a few minutes 6-8 times during the work day and 2-3 times in the evening (with WiFi at home). I am not a heavy data plan user, partly because of WiFi access. I use Bluetooth to connect to my car's sound system during my 30-minute commutes. I usually put it into Airplane mode at night, cutting down on the battery consumption. So, I would expect to get somewhat better battery usage than someone who is on their phone much of the time.
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Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
I have a lot of days like you where I use it lightly. I have noticed that the idle drain on this phone isn't nearly as bad as past Android phones I have owned.
Yesterday I got 16 hours out of my phone. That is with me syncing three email accounts, running a live background, using data to read news articles, downloads from the android store, browsing the web, and making around 30 minutes of calls. It is much better than my cappy was. I made sure to charge the battery when I first got it all of the way before powering it on. I also have let it run down completely to cycle the battery.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
When my phone was stock the battery life was OK, not terrible, but not great either. With a custom ROM the battery life has increased greatly. I unplug it around 8am and when I go to charge it at night I usually have around 40% left. That is with moderate to heavy use, at least that's what I consider my use.
Failed to mention I am on the stock Rom.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
I got around 17 hours last night and was only down to 70% left. Quite a bit of use too. It's actually better for me than my GS2 was.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I'm always getting 20+ hrs on my vivid with med. Use with the stock Rom my battery was pretty good but with rumraider its going on about 30 hrs with 40% left ....wow and I haven't even charged it since I flashed
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
Just a suggestion, I am getting fairly good battery left, I am on a rooted stock rom with most of the bloat ware & processes frozen thru Ti Backup, I have wifi on all day but limit sync schedule (with refresh on use enabled) I have noticed that the battery stays at 100% for a while then starts to drop off. Today running about 7.5 hours and currently have 95% charge available. I also have Juice Defender free helping out with ballanced profile enabled.
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
Aus_Azn said:
Simple rundown:
I text fairly frequently, do a reasonable amount of web browsing (read: where I don't have access to a computer), sync 3 email accounts, check XDA and play GameBoy on the thing. Weather is on hourly autoupdate with location; news is on demand when the widget is viewed.
The only daytime charging I do is when I'm using my phone as my car's AUX input, where it is plugged on the charger (although still draining according to the battery graph).
I end the day with 52% battery life, off the charger at 7:45 AM, back on at 12:00 AM. Much better than my Captivate. Prior to root, custom ROMs and SetCPU, it would clock in at around 38%.
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What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
penguinfishies said:
What are your settings for setcpu? This is my first root and I have yet to test the app. And it is useable after root, correct? Just need to purchase from the market? Thanks!
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I also would like to know the setcpu settings which are working for you. How much overclocking we can do on Vivid ?
NIKKG said:
I think alot of the differences in battery life have to do with how strong of a cell signal you have. The weaker the signal, the quicker the battery dies since your phone is constantly trying to stay connected. Also, if your signal is bad, than that usually means your internet data is slower too and thus it takes longer to download news, email, and web pages, thus killing your battery even further.
Although, my signal is usually at 2-3 bars, the battery seems to last much longer than I was led to believe from reading reviews. Overall, I am pretty happy with this phone.
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I totally agree with this. My office is in the basement of our building and I get fairly poor signal - maybe 1 bar but I still can access the LTE network. When I turn my wifi on, by the end of the work day, my battery is much less drained vs not having it on and my phone searching for signal from the mobile data network.
At home, I have a pretty good signal, but there's not LTE coverage yet, so the battery does last longer throughout the day.
Even on the bad days I would get home and keep it running until I plug it in before I go to bed, so that's an average of about 17 hours in total per day that it's running on battery and on average I'd have like 30-40% battery left.
I was using an iPhone 4s before I bought the Vivid and I used to go home with about the same amount of battery after a full work day. Granted, the 4s gets worse battery life than the 4 by far, but I still think it's impressive that an Android phone, especially an HTC does this well and it makes me wonder why all of these people in the reviews have been getting such bad battery life.
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
mohcho said:
It all depends on what it's relative to. When I had a BB, I'd go almost 5 days between charges, but there's no comparison between a BB and a 4.5" LCD screen.
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This is a key point. The big screen is a huge battery sink. The battery widget in Beautiful Widgets gives a percentage battery use for components. With mine, the display's battery usage is always at least twice as big the next nearest battery sink. It is not uncommon to see that it is using 90% of the juice. I think this explains a lot of the early complaints about battery life. We all spend hours playing with a new phone and getting it set up to our liking. That means the display is lit up for hours. That means people get lousy battery life when they first get their phone.
greyhulk said:
Just out of curiosity: Why put it in airplane mode at night? Why not just plug it in to recharge?
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I was trying to see how long I could go on a single charge. Airplane mode shut down radios that might otherwise continue to run, trying to pull data I would not see while asleep. Also, I would occasionally run the battery all the way down before recharging. I generally plug it in at work, in my car or at home when it gets down around 10% remaining.

[Q] Specific Battery Question

I have noticed significant battery drain lately. When I first started using the Moto X I was getting 24-30 hours easily with moderate use. Generally I will only have 1-2 hours of screen time. Now with the same usage I am only getting 12-15. I have noticed that Android Kernal is the main offender, but don't know what that is.
Not Rooted
Screen brightness 50%-60%
Notifications turned off on all apps
Don't even have that many apps that I use
No gaming
I have attached screen shots from Gsam:
Battery Monitor
Screen Detail
App Sucker
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at your wakelocks, time held awake, and times waking device. Also, are you in a weak signal area? Where I work I get crap reception, and my battery life sucks along with it.
Sent from my XT1060 Dev Edition

Cell standby on marshmallow

I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.
My signal has been worse than abysmal since switching to Marshmallow. I uninstalled Fit, Pay, and Google+ and it got better strangely enough but i still have issues from time to time...
gakio12 said:
I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.
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The same happened to me, at the begining with marshmallow (chroma and francokernel) always more than 5h SOT and easy deep sleep... but now, the last night at 1:00AM battery was at 100%, at 5:00AM was 84%... and no wakeloks... i'll take some screenshots
Same here. I swear the battery is draining faster but no wakelock issues.
Plus I believe there is an issue with the signal reporting. Where I know that I get full signal the phone can report zero bars. Switch to airplane mode and back, then suddenly the signal displays correctly!
+1 My signal is terrible anymore, and I certainly was much better on the preview images
At my desk at work, same spot I sit my phone everyday would be in the mid 80s and right now it sits at -103....hit airplane mode and it resets....for a few
gakio12 said:
I've been running marshmallow since the stock images were posted and I always got very nice battery life with doze. As in, I wouldn't have to charge the phone until the next morning. Since last week, however, cell standby is using significantly more battery. Yesterday, I took the device off the charger at 0900, and by 2100 I was already at 25% battery. Screen on time was only 2 hours, and cell standby had more usage than the screen. No matter my signal quality, it seems cell standby is eating my battery. Phone isn't even showing as awake! I also am always connected to WiFi and using T-Mobile WiFi calling.
I know a few users have reported a similar issue since marshmallow, does anyone have an idea of why cell standby is killing battery even though time without signal is 0? Time active is also always under 20 min. Since I'm using WiFi calling, I'd think the phone wouldn't even be searching for a voice signal anyway.
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I'm having the same issues. Overall, pretty solid battery life but cell standby drainage was high. Been searching forums with no such luck. Sounds like it might just be and Android issue I have to hope gets fixed in an update? I'm using T-Mobile wi-fi calling. I'm in areas with strong LTE signal, but compared to my old phone, the amount of "bars" I'm seeing seem lower and sometimes non existent, although I spent no time without signal.

