[Q] Specific Battery Question - Moto X Q&A

I have noticed significant battery drain lately. When I first started using the Moto X I was getting 24-30 hours easily with moderate use. Generally I will only have 1-2 hours of screen time. Now with the same usage I am only getting 12-15. I have noticed that Android Kernal is the main offender, but don't know what that is.
Not Rooted
Screen brightness 50%-60%
Notifications turned off on all apps
Don't even have that many apps that I use
No gaming
I have attached screen shots from Gsam:
Battery Monitor
Screen Detail
App Sucker
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Take a look at your wakelocks, time held awake, and times waking device. Also, are you in a weak signal area? Where I work I get crap reception, and my battery life sucks along with it.
Sent from my XT1060 Dev Edition


High cell standby, and high awake time?

Hi all, I'm using the latest version of Apex.
Having to go an entire day without charging, I'm always concerned about my battery.
I noticed that according to androids battery stats (battery use screen), 40% of my battery has been used in the past 2 days by cell standby. This seems very high, is it normal for cell standby to take half of your battery life?
The other thing i noticed is that in the last few days, i haven't had the screen on much. for the time of 1 day, it says I've had the screen on maybe 7 times, each for a very very short duration. And yet the time it says the phone is 'awake' is much higher. maybe somewhere from 50-70% of the time it's awake.
Only relevant detail might be that I'm always on 3G, I don't use wifi very often at all.
So to sum it up, is it normal for cell standby to take so much battery, and is there a reason my phone is awake so often, considering it's being used very infrequently?
Cell standby for a day could be about 7% at most for a day from what I can see. I would try reflashing.... Not to be the forum police but would get better response in apex thread
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See, i was going to post in Apex, but I wasn't sure what kind of issue this was. If its normal for everyone on all the roms, or if it was a problem just with Apex, or just my phone.
i'll try flashing something other than Apex and seeing how it behaves.

Bad battery after update

Is anyone else having bad battery life after the update? Cell Standby and Phone Idle used to draw most of the power before the update, now they're low on the list however Android OS is eating all the juice now. Android OS gets up to almost 70% usage overnight and the battery drains a good 30% or more just sitting idle for 6 hours.
I installed a program called watch dog and it's telling me that "Base System" seems to be the culprit with lots of CPU use, particularly when the phone is idle. I've tried a variety of things like uninstalling recent apps I downloaded, disabling the 4G and 3G radios, trying airplane mode, changing settings, etc. and nothing has made a difference. Really want to avoid trying resetting to factory default.
Have you tried recalibrating the battery or tried bump charging?
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Since I use my nav dock in my truck to stream Pandora over my stereo, it gets charged several times a day; however, Android OS is now my big drain as well, where it used to be idle or screen using the most. Since unplugging exactly two hours ago, it has drained down to 70% on the stock battery. (I only use my extended battery when I will be away from a charger for a long time. Makes the phone too thick for my pocket to be comfortable.)
On a seperate note, Google Voice now hangs my screen as well when listening to voicemail. Hey, at least I don't get the random reboots and power ups... :what:
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I doubt calibrating will fix the issue because I don't think that's the problem. A system process appears to be hanging and causing the CPU to run constantly. Maybe a bad update install?
Either way I used to get much better battery life before the update. Never had any of the random reboots or many issues with data like others.
My battery life seems somewhat worse after the update. Everything else seems somewhat improved.
My battery seems about the same if not slightly better after the update.
I do a few things to conserve battery which really conserve the battery.
1. 4G off unless I need it.
2. Battery mode set to 'maximum battery saver'.
3. WiFi sleep policy: When screen turns off (although I think the maximum battery saver will turn it off automatically)
4. Display brightness: 0% unless I need it.

[Q] About battery life test and reality...

photo sharing
I have seen before those result and now I ask myself that is my n7000 can 12 hours 47 minutes screen on really???
Today, my phone screen on time is 2 hours and battery 25%. How can the testers do that, even with 3g???
Battery life varies tremendously between ROMs, settings, apps installed and running, and usage profiles. Don't take these comparisons so seriously. Anyway, 12 hours of screen on seems a bit exagerated to me. If you feel your battery is draining fast, check:
1) Is your ROM and kernel a battery drainer? Check the forums.
2) Install an app like Better Battery Stats and check if your phone is going to deep sleep, and if there are too many kernel wakelocks. It could indicate a kernel bug (old ROMs) or a misbehaved app.
3) Install an app like Juice Defender to save some battery, reduce the brightness to minimum etc.
2 to 4 hours of screen on time is more common, but 12 hours is too much for note.
Maybe it is standby time?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
I think so
12hr 3G talk time .. hahah .. that is a joke ... did not happen to me a single time through all my cycles of of ROM's since its purchase.
3 - 4 hrs continuous 3G talk time and your phone battery icon is just about to turn Red
you can get a very long screen on time if you set a pureblack picture and have all radios off lol
Odp: [Q] About battery life test and reality...
The longest screen on time I've had was during battery comparison - 7:40 of continuous video playback with minimal brightness and in plane mode. I guess it could get a,bit better for book reading or some similar low-current activity.

[Q] Unusually High Battery Drain While Idle?

Hey guys,
I just got my Moto X 2014 last Monday and have noticed the battery life kinda sucks, so I've been monitoring it and my cellular radio and WiFi are using quite a bit of battery and I'm also getting some wakelocks that i cant find the source of (as being on lollipop and not being rooted).
I am almost always around WiFi and have excellent signal (3+bars) all the time and have all the same apps I've had installed on my galaxy nexus (witch the battery graph would actually flat line and have no wake locks) so I cant see any one of my apps being a problem for the battery drain of 10-15% over night with Moto Display turned off (as not to wakelock me haha).
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this phone but i expected a bit better idle time than this.
Anyone out there have any idea what could be causing this?
McDuffSmith said:
Hey guys,
I just got my Moto X 2014 last Monday and have noticed the battery life kinda sucks, so I've been monitoring it and my cellular radio and WiFi are using quite a bit of battery and I'm also getting some wakelocks that i cant find the source of (as being on lollipop and not being rooted).
I am almost always around WiFi and have excellent signal (3+bars) all the time and have all the same apps I've had installed on my galaxy nexus (witch the battery graph would actually flat line and have no wake locks) so I cant see any one of my apps being a problem for the battery drain of 10-15% over night with Moto Display turned off (as not to wakelock me haha).
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this phone but i expected a bit better idle time than this.
Anyone out there have any idea what could be causing this?
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I've been on lollipop on my PE for a while now and had horrible standby time. Google play services was always shown as the highest consumer of battery. I finally decided to clear cache from recovery and now my standby times have improved dramatically, about 1% drop per hour or so. Not sure what the problem was as I did factory reset after updating to lollipop via ota.
Considering the phone is always listening, 1% per hour is ok. I get around this with a good signal. I just think that battery drain while the phone is being used is very high. It drains 1% each 3,6 minutes while playing a video from the internal memory with sound on 50% and brightness on 25%.
McDuffSmith said:
Hey guys,
I just got my Moto X 2014 last Monday and have noticed the battery life kinda sucks, so I've been monitoring it and my cellular radio and WiFi are using quite a bit of battery and I'm also getting some wakelocks that i cant find the source of (as being on lollipop and not being rooted).
I am almost always around WiFi and have excellent signal (3+bars) all the time and have all the same apps I've had installed on my galaxy nexus (witch the battery graph would actually flat line and have no wake locks) so I cant see any one of my apps being a problem for the battery drain of 10-15% over night with Moto Display turned off (as not to wakelock me haha).
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this phone but i expected a bit better idle time than this.
Anyone out there have any idea what could be causing this?
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Welcome to lollipop. Enough said. Lollipop has severe battery issues and at the moment there is no fix as far as i can see or have tried.
I found that disabling moto voice reduced my overnight drain from 1% to 0.5% per hour which is very reasonable considering I have moto display enabled and it gets activated a lot during the night (I have a springy bed lol). Since moto voice on lollipop is not that good anyway I don't miss it too much. This also proves that moto display has negligible impact on battery life.
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
arpitnathany said:
I found that disabling moto voice reduced my overnight drain from 1% to 0.5% per hour which is very reasonable considering I have moto display enabled and it gets activated a lot during the night (I have a springy bed lol). Since moto voice on lollipop is not that good anyway I don't miss it too much. This also proves that moto display has negligible impact on battery life.
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You can also make it so your moto display won't come online during sleep time, just saying.

Bad Battery Life?

Hey guys, I've seen posts about people getting amazing battery life, both on stock and on a custom rom. I can never seem to get the same results, whatever I do. Sometimes, I'll toggle a setting and I'll see improvements for a day or two, then it goes back. Even more frustrating is there have been times when I turn the setting back to what it was and see improvements. It was like this for a while, but recently I've kinda gotten stuck with ~15 hours from 100% to 10% and nothing seems to change it. I have location on device only (its for weather, battery saving seems to be worse because Google services just syncs all the time and eats battery) and mobile data on. I've disabled pretty much every Verizon app and I just use moto display and the sleep thing. What else can I do to get better battery life short of a custom rom? The only reason I won't do a custom rom is because my parents won't let me spend $25 on sunshine, whether it's their money or mine.
I exactly get the same results as you. I'm on stock and disabled all verizon apps. A help could be really nice.
Keep in mind that battery life varies GREATLY upon usage. I can kill my battery in a matter of a few hours or have it last for nearly a week. Sync frequency, sleep time, connectivity, refresh settings, screen brightness, CPU usage, vibration on/off, number of wake locks...I can go on and on.
For example, I had my S4 last 5 days before it dropped to 80%, as you can imagine I didn't use it much. However, that same phone died in probably 3-4 hours on me also.
What matters most is if you have more battery life than your previous phone. Never compare your battery life to others.
Sent from my DROID Turbo using Tapatalk
richii0207 said:
Keep in mind that battery life varies GREATLY upon usage. I can kill my battery in a matter of a few hours or have it last for nearly a week. Sync frequency, sleep time, connectivity, refresh settings, screen brightness, CPU usage, vibration on/off, number of wake locks...I can go on and on.
For example, I had my S4 last 5 days before it dropped to 80%, as you can imagine I didn't use it much. However, that same phone died in probably 3-4 hours on me also.
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I included some usage statistics in the ingur link. A lot of battery seems to be used by Android os and android system. Is there anything I can do to lower this?
FrostedWaffle said:
I included some usage statistics in the ingur link. A lot of battery seems to be used by Android os and android system. Is there anything I can do to lower this?
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What do you have your screen brightness set to? Your phone looks completely normal in terms of battery usage (Android/Google will always use a couple percentage).
Try turning off adaptive brightness and putting your device to the lowest brightness you can stand, that should add at least another hour or two depending on your current settings. 3 hours of SoT over a days usage with what looks like moderate use (YouTube, Messaging, etc.) isn't too bad for this phone.
miketoasty said:
What do you have your screen brightness set to? Your phone looks completely normal in terms of battery usage (Android/Google will always use a couple percentage).
Try turning off adaptive brightness and putting your device to the lowest brightness you can stand, that should add at least another hour or two depending on your current settings. 3 hours of SoT over a days usage with what looks like moderate use (YouTube, Messaging, etc.) isn't too bad for this phone.
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Thanks for the advice! I guess I was expecting too much out of this phone Oh well, i'll just wait until i can get $25 in amazon or google play gift cards to pay for sunshine so i can get computerfreak's rom.
I am on CF's latest ROM and I'll say my battery life improved compared to stock, but not by much. I may get 6 hours SoT but my battery is down below 20% by the end of the day, and that is if I avoid playing games. Playing games all bets are off, the battery runs out quick.
There are some out there saying they get 8+ hours SoT and 48+ hours between charges. I call BS on that unless you are running minimum brightness and not doing any syncing or anything location based, and possibly even turning off cell data. Showing off with pictures of their battery stats and not telling the whole story.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
If you unlock with Sunshine and install RR, you can use the custom kernel to tweak the CPU and GPU frequency to save battery life.
Additionally, there are other ways to save battery, like adjusting the pixel density and colors. (At least I think so?)
Greenify also helps. I think that is available for non-root as well.
Also, check your wake time. If always awake, could be the Google services running constantly trying to update.
There is an app to fix that, but I think it requires root.
Sent from my XT1254 using XDA Free mobile app
also, my phone really likes to shut off before it reaches 0% battery. Is this normal?
FrostedWaffle said:
also, my phone really likes to shut off before it reaches 0% battery. Is this normal?
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I doubt its normal, buy I have noticed that mine does that too. It usually shuts down around 7% without warning.

