Trying to bring back to life a Canadian Note 4 stuck in a bootloop...
Rooted. Custom recovery (TWRP 2.8.5). No problem booting into it. Download mode (Odin) works too.
Tried the basic stuff - wiping all caches, factory reset, flashing original ROM (5.1.1; Bell) from Sammobile.
Symptom: never finishes booting.
When running app optimization, somewhere between 15 and 24 app always reboots.
So, I think it is corrupted file system, partition...
Booting into recovery (TWRP), connecting through ADB, 'adb shell'...
Unmounting /data and /system, running 'e2fsck -fv' on both, no problems.
But Android still doesn't boot...
My best guess is a "bad sector" (in computer terms) on the MMC chip. How do I label it not for use?
One thing I haven't tried is repartitioning. From my reading I'd "lose" 3GB of storage.
Would not be the end of the world but would like to avoid it...
Any pointer what else could be tried? Where to look?
From what I read, the T-Mo Note 4 is the closest "sibling" to the Canadian version.
Hence, posting here. Feel free to move if this is the wrong place for it...
I installed Galaxian Soup 1.5.1 beta a week ago and all has been running fine. This morning the tab was blank like it had run out battery so I put it on charge and found it wasn't dead. Tried to reboot and it's just stuck at the "Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9" screen. I was using it fine last night and haven't changed anything!
I've tried ODIN to restore Stock Recovery which said it passed and worked, but still the same problem. It has removed CWM though. When I try to do anything in Stock Recovery it complains about not being able to mount the /data directory.
Is there anything else I can try, do I need to use ODIN to flash a ROM again? If so, can you tell me which file to use as there are hundreds in the Galaxian Soup zip.
Flash stock rom with Odin. Unfortunately you also need to wipe data in stock recovery for this to work, so you will loose everything.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately this hasn't worked, it passes in Odin but then on the tablet it says E:failed to mount /data, and "your storage not prepared yet, please use UI for format and reboot actions.
Trying to factory reset fails.
Any other ideas?
OK, a bit more detail. I use ODIN to flash the stock rom found here -
It passes and goes into recovery but complains in red letters about not being able to mount /data, can't access /system/csc/XEU/system in yellow and can't mount /cache or a few other subdirectories.
I select wipe data which appears to work although it complains about make_extf4fs failing on /dev/block/mmcblk0p8. It then complains about not being able to mount /cache and other subdirectories again.
I then select reboot, it complains again about not being able to mount /data and /cache and switches off, not reboot. If I turn it on again I'm straight back to recovery.
Got to be something I'm missing here!
Any input appreciated.
It seems your partition tables are messed up, but i have no idea how this could happen if you didn't flash anything that could cause this, maybe a hardware problem?
There is a way to repartition the tables, you need a PIT file for this. I have not done this myself, so unfortunately i don't know much about it. Try to search for a PIT file, but make sure it's for your tab model, otherwise you can mess it up completely.
Many thanks - that fixed it! For future reference and for anyone searching this thread I found the pit file here - and flashed it with ODIN together with the standard firmware I mentioned in the earlier post.
It's not all good news though. The tablet now keeps freezing. Even in recovery while I was trying a factory reset for the freezing. This leads me to believe it may be a hardware problem that caused the original brick and ongoing freezing issues. What do you think? Does it save a dump anywhere when it crashes?
Glad to see it worked. Maybe try to flash the stock rom again, now without the pit file. Also try factory reset in stock recovery. If you are still having problems, then im afraid its a hardware problem.
Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. It was hanging even whilst in stock recovery which means it had to be a hardware problem. Took it back to the shop and got a refund, new one is on it's way.
Bit nervous about ROMing the new one! The only thing I can think of is maybe overclocking damaged the cpu, although I only set it to 1.4Ghz. Or I was attaching a card reader and it was complaining about a service crashing when I removed it. Maybe it would have happened whether I messed with it or not!
Mbuxton said:
Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. It was hanging even whilst in stock recovery which means it had to be a hardware problem. Took it back to the shop and got a refund, new one is on it's way.
Bit nervous about ROMing the new one! The only thing I can think of is maybe overclocking damaged the cpu, although I only set it to 1.4Ghz. Or I was attaching a card reader and it was complaining about a service crashing when I removed it. Maybe it would have happened whether I messed with it or not!
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I have been flashing different roms, kernels and recoveries on my tab for more then 200 times probably. And i have been using Galaxian-Soup AOSP ICS rom with molteys kernel for almost two months. Never had any problems (that i didnt create myself). Never used overclock, but havent heard of anyone who has had problems with it either.
I have a Verizon Galaxy tablet 7 inch the original one. I have had many custom roms on it in the past. Recently I had AOKP on it...I am not sure what build. For some reason my kids were playing with it and it would not boot up. I went into recovery and tried flashing AOKP and it would stay locked up on the boot screen. I eventually tried flashing all ICS roms with no success. I eventually ended up trying to go back to stock. I can get into download mode with and communicate with Heimdall and/or Odin. The problem is that every thing I flash goes into a boot loop. when I go into recovery I get an unable to mount error like E: unable to mount cache and one for kernel and about 6 more. I figure that there is something wrong with the file system so I have used a pit file when I flashed with no success. I am not sure if there is an issue with the file system being the wrong type or if I have to many partitions now. I know that the mount error in recovery is where the problem has to be. If someone could please point me in the right direction. I have been all over these forums.
In order to determine if it is file related. Try to do a full wipe right after the Odin.
That is all 3 Wipes (Cache,Dalvik,Data)
Also check all the boxes on the right side of the Odin screen to flash the stock rom.
Well I got a little further now it boots up after 5 minutes and states encryption unsuccessful and asks to reset tablet. There is some threads on this so I will get to trying to resolve this. In fact I just realized this is how everything started off I didn't read the message and powered it down. So it must have started on its own or from the kids playing on the tablet.
Is there any way to determine if your internal memory is shot. It seems like there is a problem mounting my internal memory > emmc?
I have had a ATT captivate for almost 2 years now. It falls in the IMEI range specified by ATT. But it wasn't really a problem until very recently.
It got much worse about 3 weeks ago when the phone kept constantly rebooting. It would load the OS, begin media scanning, once that concluded, it would immediately reboot (almost every 20 seconds). Only way to stop the reboot cycle is to take out the battery. No new apps were installed, no system changes were made when this happened.
I am able to get the phone's menu which allows me to wipe and I am able to get the phone into download mode.
I have read (4) of this article regarding sleepdeath and all corresponding articles referenced.
This is what I did...
1) Performed hard reset, cleared storage. This eliminated all third party apps, returned the phone to stock (I think), but the phone is still rebooting.
2) Attempted to install a brand new rom (CM) via CWM = Problem got much worse. Still rebooting but this time, after the ATT logo appears, the screen changes to static (noise) and reboots. Followed instructions and diles from here.
3) Since the phone became useless, I hunted around to return it to stock again and used this. The phone now boots up into the OS, but now it's back to rebooting.
I repeated steps 2 and 3 just to make sure I didn't miss a step, but same problem.
I have 2 goals:
1) Get the phone working, if at all possible!
2) If that's not possible, recover the 300 pictures that are on the device.
My challenge is that since the phone keeps rebooting every 20 seconds, by the time it connects to my PC via USB as external storage, it reboots! This ofcourse is also preventing me from loading a ROM directly on to the SD card.
So if anyone can help me to do the following:
1) Point me in the right direction to how I can keep the phone in a certain mode or setting (download mode doesn't work) where I can transfer files, recover my pics, and perhaps load a custom ROM?
2) Next steps?? Am I even on the right track? Since the stock rom keeps the phone rebooting, will a custom ROM solve the problem (have not been able to get a conclusive answer on this on the threads referring to sleep death (which this is an exaggerated version of) or is the phone a lost cause?
I know I can call ATT and try to haggle a replacement (since the phone is out of warranty), the only benefit being they don't renew my contract, and I don't have to upgrade.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
Wow, bummer
Well i don't know if you can mount the sd card in stock recovery (never used it) but if you can't then you could flash one of the stock one click roms with cwm recovery from this thread....
In cwm recovery there is an option to mount sd while connected to pc so you can backup your stuff.
For the reboots, could it be your power button? Mine is acting up, and often seems to cause reboots. There are threads about fixing that. Idk just a thought.
Hope that helped a bit
Sent from phone with app
Like the previous post says, maybe try a custom recovery, go to mounts and storage, and mount USB storage. While you're at it, try flashing a compatible ROM through that recovery i.e. GB rom if its a GB kernel with CWM recovery or ICS rom if its an ICS recovery.
Did you try to do a dump of SD card data with adb?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
The static issue is because you flashed a gingerbread kernel but you don't have gingerbread bootloaders. You can fix this by flashing an AT&T stock one click with bootloaders.
Once there, you can flash corn kernel and use recovery to mount the sd card.
Or I guess you could flash a froyo kernel.. there's a number of ways to do this.
Sent from a jelly bean
Hey guys,
lately i am having some trouble with my Phone.
I was surfing the world wide web and than turned the phone in standby (with 30% battery). Next morning i tried starting it but it didnt react. So i plugged it in and tried to start it. Everything seemed normal but then animation of the motorola logo lasted like 15 min until i got a blackscreen (phone is still on). I got curious and turned it off by holding the power button for serveral seconds. I tried again turning it on but every time the same thing happened. So i tried to reset my device with the factory reset. But nothing changed. After that i went into recoverymode (Teamwin) and tried to install a ROM and there i got always the same error:
E:Unable to stat '/data/dalvik-cache/arm/[email protected]@[email protected]@classes.dex'
E:Unable to stat '/data/system/packages.xml'
E:Unable to stat 'data/system/packages.list'
and sometimes:
Unable to mount '/data'
So i googled it and found some solutions:
Factory reset
Wiping data
Format Data
I tried all of this solutions but it didnt seem that something has changed.
Does someone know how to fix this?
Phone details:
Model: XT1068
Type: M0FB9
ok i think i found something out.
The wipe tries to delete those files but they are only readable so they cant be removed.
If i try to delete them manually it gives exactly the same error. " unable to state....".
So the whole dalvik-cache is Read-only. Is that why the TWRP cant wipe it?
Heeiiigoz said:
ok i think i found something out.
The wipe tries to delete those files but they are only readable so they cant be removed.
If i try to delete them manually it gives exactly the same error. " unable to state....".
So the whole dalvik-cache is Read-only. Is that why the TWRP cant wipe it?
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Yes I think so. Welcome to the club of emmc (all partitions) are read-only mode....
I cant wipe, format or install anything on my XT1063 and nobody seems to be the solution... So there is my phone (and others too) useless...
Sent from my LG-P880 using XDA Free mobile app
But it had to be writeable before because the files from my apps are all there. So there happened anything that changed this. But what would make a change like that without a userinput?
If i delete the data partition and create a new one it should work theoretically or are there any files in /data that are important for bootloader,recovery,...?
Heeiiigoz said:
But it had to be writeable before because the files from my apps are all there. So there happened anything that changed this. But what would make a change like that without a userinput?
If i delete the data partition and create a new one it should work theoretically or are there any files in /data that are important for bootloader,recovery,...?
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Normally you would want to wipe data and the cache before flashing.
Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk
Tel864 said:
Normally you would want to wipe data and the cache before flashing.
Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk
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The problem is that since we have a read-only partitions all the changes we made are not saved, so we cant wipe or format or install anything. We need a tool or way that change the permissions for the entire emmc memory. I have search without success
Sent from my LG-P880 using XDA Free mobile app
That doesnt sound well...,
So since my phone is rooted i have no warranty (or should i try it? i am from germany) and my phone broke after 8 month...
Heeiiigoz said:
That doesnt sound well...,
So since my phone is rooted i have no warranty (or should i try it? i am from germany) and my phone broke after 8 month...
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I was seeing similar "Unable to stat '/data/.....' errors in the TWRP log which was causing a slow bootup as well as battery drain. I flashed the stock 5.02 ROM as given in reefuge's post, re-rooted and restored TWRP and the problem seemed to have gone away.
Just as a side note here I've bought a 2nd very bricked xt1068 from ebay to play with, this has a corrupted emmc but still boots to a semi working AP Fastboot mode (but NOT recovery) it's permantly stuck in a bootloader cycle - never boots - I figured its missing vital bootloader info and has deleted or corrupt partitons that cant be written to.
via windows 10 pc
So far I have tried my Easy Installer (based loosely on RSDlite) - NO luck
RSDlite 6.2.4 flashing stock roms (4.4.4/5.0.2/stagefright) with and without a fastboot cable (its supplies power even if fone is dead) this is different to a standard USB cable - NO LUCK
again repeated on my GOOD xt1068 and both methods work fine on that but not the corrupted xt1068
LINUX ubuntu 15.04
from my good xt1068 with my LINUX pc I have extracted a FULL Nandroid copy of my emmc to study (again I haven't used LINUX since Red Hat SuSe 7 days - so a big learning curve - Hence time required)
I am planing on restoring just the vital partions to allow a rom flash via fastboot and or recovery.
THIS may not be possible. it may be a specalist JTAG repair (and nobody does Moto g 2nd gens -yet)
I will keep you updated but its been 3 days so far and NO easy fix
Looking for a donations of dead or better still half dead xt1068 or any xt106x I'm UK based to experiment on
reefuge said:
Just as a side note here I've bought a 2nd very bricked xt1068 from ebay to play with, this has a corrupted emmc but still boots to a semi working AP Fastboot mode (but NOT recovery) it's permantly stuck in a bootloader cycle - never boots - I figured its missing vital bootloader info and has deleted or corrupt partitons that cant be written to.
via windows 10 pc
So far I have tried my Easy Installer (based loosely on RSDlite) - NO luck
RSDlite 6.2.4 flashing stock roms (4.4.4/5.0.2/stagefright) with and without a fastboot cable (its supplies power even if fone is dead) this is different to a standard USB cable - NO LUCK
again repeated on my GOOD xt1068 and both methods work fine on that but not the corrupted xt1068
LINUX ubuntu 15.04
from my good xt1068 with my LINUX pc I have extracted a FULL Nandroid copy of my emmc to study (again I haven't used LINUX since Red Hat SuSe 7 days - so a big learning curve - Hence time required)
I am planing on restoring just the vital partions to allow a rom flash via fastboot and or recovery.
THIS may not be possible. it may be a specalist JTAG repair (and nobody does Moto g 2nd gens -yet)
I will keep you updated but its been 3 days so far and NO easy fix
Looking for a donations of dead or better still half dead xt1068 or any xt106x I'm UK based to experiment on
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Hoping for the best. I have 1 month with my xt1063 bricked. Emmc corrupted memory! Nobody have found the fix yet. We need a professional help.
Sent from my LG-P880 using XDA Free mobile app
So I have a very odd problem, and I'm fairly experienced with repairing, rooting, and reverting phones to stock which have custom roms, in this case I have a completely stock note 5 which was experiencing a boot loop error at the note 5 model number screen. Going through the motions I normally would, hard reset, nope, safe mode, nope, wipe cache, nope, master reset, nope, so I flash the firmware with a stock rom, which worked, but resulted in the same problem, rebooting at the model number screen just before the samsung logo every few seconds, tried 3 other firmware versions and downloads, also no. Not sure whats up with this thing, but anyone have any ideas? I personally know the user, family, phone wasnt physically damaged or exposed to water. I'm also getting no command just before entering recovery and failed to mount/ preload (no such file or directory) during the master reset. Its been forever sense I've meddled with a note 5 and cannot remember if these are normal, or related to the issue, I dont ever remember seeing these with my own note 5.
I ran into this exact same problem weeks ago on my S7. I tried flashing 7.0 on my 930V and for whatever reason the phone went into the exact same bootloop showing the Samsung logo every few seconds, vibrating, etc. I got back into download mode but wasn't able to fix it. Then went into Recovery and it only said in blue letters in the top left "Recovery rebooting" and kept flashing that message. Lucky for me I was under warranty and sent it to Samsung. They replaced it free of charge. I ended up trading for a Note 5. I kept running into issues with my S7 and network issues so I traded it.
Anyway, I'm like you in the fact I'm pretty comfortable rooting, repairing devices etc. But I still don't know what I did to mess up that S7 in Odin. Just wanted to share that I had a similar situation. Hope you were able to get a new phone or fix your issue.
sinkableelk said:
So I have a very odd problem, and I'm fairly experienced with repairing, rooting, and reverting phones to stock which have custom roms, in this case I have a completely stock note 5 which was experiencing a boot loop error at the note 5 model number screen. Going through the motions I normally would, hard reset, nope, safe mode, nope, wipe cache, nope, master reset, nope, so I flash the firmware with a stock rom, which worked, but resulted in the same problem, rebooting at the model number screen just before the samsung logo every few seconds, tried 3 other firmware versions and downloads, also no. Not sure whats up with this thing, but anyone have any ideas? I personally know the user, family, phone wasnt physically damaged or exposed to water. I'm also getting no command just before entering recovery and failed to mount/ preload (no such file or directory) during the master reset. Its been forever sense I've meddled with a note 5 and cannot remember if these are normal, or related to the issue, I dont ever remember seeing these with my own note 5.
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My suggestion is this..
Download the latest version of TWRP
Boot to Download Mode
Odin flash TWRP
Boot to TWRP Recovery
Full wipe including internal storage x 2
Format DATA x 2
Odin flash the latest firmware for your device
(All 4 - BLUE, AP, CP, CSC)
Use Smart Switch Emergency Recovery to restore the firmware.
Hope this helps. Good luck and happy flashing! Let's us know what happens.
Sent from my Samsung SM-G955U using XDA Labs