I am working on a PC W7,
all the components is installed, Android SDK 1.6 r1, Eclipse Ide for Java Developer, JDK etc, all works well...
I can build without problem the apps from the SDK Sample and some other in Google Code like SMSPopup.
But I took from Cyanogen GitHub the Phone.apk Zip file
with the source and when I build I get a lot of errors in Eclipse, same problem with the Advanced Launcher, Loccy's Better browser...
Clean... and Fix from Eclipse does not change anything
Any suggestion? (apart: use linux, download the entire android source etc...)
xenio2000 said:
I am working on a PC W7,
all the components is installed, Android SDK 1.6 r1, Eclipse Ide for Java Developer, JDK etc, all works well...
I can build without problem the apps from the SDK Sample and some other in Google Code like SMSPopup.
But I took from Cyanogen GitHub the Phone.apk Zip file
with the source and when I build I get a lot of errors in Eclipse, same problem with the Advanced Launcher, Loccy's Better browser...
Any suggestion? (apart: use linux, download the entire android source etc...)
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You can not only git clone the Phone app, you need checkout a lot many others such as build/framework/core... etc.
And then type "make Phone" to build the app. Of course, you need a cygwin or just use a linux machine...
My hope was not to hear that answer... I am too noob for that...
Maybe I try to install a Linux machine with the entire Android source... just for fun...
I did some important progress.
I did it...
I am on W7 64bit Host
with Sun VirtualBox I installed a Guest Ubuntu 9.04
this part from:
Android SDK 1.6
Eclipse with Android Plugins (ADT)
Some add to path for Java/Android SDK in ~/.bashrc file
this from:
Installed all the packages as in the Get Source page
Installed Repo
and the get source section...
in my $HOME
$ mkdir mydroid
$ cd mydroid
$ repo init -u git://
type your name and email
and now get all the files from
$ repo sync
and build it
$ cd ~/mydroid
$ make
...after some hour
I modified the file I need to in the ~/mydroid/packages/apps/Phone/ directory
and build only the Phone.apk
as read in this thread
Make sure you're cd'd into the mydroid/ directory
Type ". build/"
Type "mmm packages/apps/Phone"
if there are no errors the build of Phone.apk is in
I know this is easy for you devs, but this took me 3 days to
Now I like to get the Phone.apk source from Cyanogen GIT and try to build in my VM, I have no idea how to do it, and I think it modify the Settings too.
Please help me for this last part...
This may be easy for some, but I can say you just saved me 3 days of work. Thank you for the follow up post.
how to create apk file
hai everybody
my name is sriram
i am doing MCA
actually i want to create apk file, i dont know event the basics
can you help me
Kind of you
I've been running Debian natively from my SD card for a while, so I decided I'd share the [relatively easy] instructions. First, though, here's the status of the hardware support...
* X11 is working quite nicely. 480x640 resolution is best for using E17.
* I'm trying to think up a solution for the 3D accelerator. LLVMpipe works but it's not much faster than classic Mesa. Maybe that's because I'm only testing performance with Mupen64Plus and SuperTux Ideally we would have an open-source OpenGL ES 1.0 driver with an OpenGL 1.3 wrapper/Gallium state tracker, but unfortunately Qualcomm closed it
* The hardware buttons don't generate input events (except the power button, which apparently makes SDL windows fullscreen).
* USB function ether works. This means you can SSH into it or update packages without a data connection (I don't think data even works).
* Sound doesn't work because Android doesn't use ALSA - or maybe because DZO hasn't written the proper driver...
* Camera(s) would need a Video4Linux driver; again, not my area
* Bluetooth is untested.
* GPS needs userspace work (gpsd?) - maybe the HTC Dream page at has info...
* Calling - untested because: 1) I doesn't got the software, and 2) even if it worked, I have no one to call
If you're willing to wait indefinitely for those things to be fixed (or if you don't care), all you need is a Debian chroot on an EXT2-formatted SD card and my special NBH. The NAND should also work*, but Debian probably wouldn't fit on it. These instructions should also work for Ubuntu, Gentoo, FSO/OpenMoko, Angstrom, ARMedSlack, Fedora, or what have you - the only requirements are ARMv6 or lower and a semi-standard root filesystem layout (i.e. /sbin/init).
For those of you who don't trust binaries, I've uploaded my patches to the kernel and tinboot needed for Debian to boot. For everyone else, I have NBH files ready. Just flash the NBH, insert your SD card, and it should boot.
Links: (source) (binaries)
*LogFS patch included and enabled in my NBH.
Interesting, i'm going to have to try it out, any chance of getting it bootable from within android, like haret is with windows?
what exactly is debian??
is it like ubuntu thats on my computer
jadenj5 said:
what exactly is debian??
is it like ubuntu thats on my computer
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little confused though, where do I get the debian root files though
Debian Root
Instructions to build your own RootFS follow. If you're lazy, Google for a pre-built one.
If you're on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install debootstrap
sudo debootstrap --arch armel --foreign unstable root/
Substituting "unstable" for "stable" or "testing", "root/" with the the path to the directory you want the rootfs in (probably your SD card mountpoint), and your country code in ftp.?? (or another mirror). You might also need to do
sudo mount -o remount,rw,dev,exec $MOUNTPOINT
to your SD card (which, again, should be ext2-formatted) for debootstrap to work.
Then to complete the bootstrap:
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras-static
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static $ROOTFS/usr/bin/
sudo chroot $ROOTFS
From inside the chroot, do
/debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
Then, apt-get install whatever you want on the phone (after configuring /etc/apt/sources.list), exit the chroot, unmount the card, insert it in your phone, and boot!
You'll need - at the very least - xserver-xorg-video-fbdev and xserver-xorg-input-evdev *WITHOUT* installing the other video or input drivers. And a desktop/window manager. If you haven't used Debian before, try e17.
Thanks man, i'm going to go check it out
If you're lazy, Google for a pre-built one.
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can't find one.?
If you're on Ubuntu:
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ubuntu 10.04 debootstrap doesnt know about stable/testing/unstable names, but knows about lenny, squeeze, sid
okay, I maked Debian unstable rootfs - here it is (127MB tar.bz2). here is dpkg -l.
root password is "1", apt sources.list is configured to most close to me mirror. I also added /proc into fstab.
how to pack my rootfs into .img image now?
can you post a screenshots please ???
there is nothing to show now, really. we need to make working pack first.
google e17 screenshots, on device you will have same.
a note about the sound issue. You are correct in that the vogue kernel does not have alsa support at this time.
nice job on this
E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/stable
debootstrap installed with no errors but that's what I get when I try to run
sudo debootstrap --arch armel --foreign stable /media/79e9dd5a-174b-4324-a704-6aa06807fe35
Try "lenny" instead of stable.
gTan64 said:
Try "lenny" instead of stable.
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progress but now i get
I: Retrieving Release
E: Failed getting release file
Look closely - the mirror URL doesn't contain "debianc", does it?
gTan64 said:
Look closely - the mirror URL doesn't contain "debianc", does it?
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I'm F-ing retarded
-Edit- any packages you would advise to install?
New problem
[email protected]:/$ sudo chroot /media/79e9dd5a-174b-4324-a704-6aa06807fe35_
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error
Could it be because sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras-static had no packages and I had to install sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static $ROOTFS/usr/bin/
This step is essential - without qemu-arm-static in your chroot, you won't be able to run/emulate any ARM binaries (in this case, Debian-armel's /bin/bash).
Yes, you do need the static version. Last I checked it was actually in the Ubuntu repositories, so look again...
As far as what packages to install, here you go.
Essential packages: xserver-xorg-{video-fbdev,input-{mouse,keyboard}}
Essential desktop packages (pick one): e17 fluxbox lxde xfce4
Recommended packages: cellwriter xfce4-goodies
Suggested packages: Whatever floats your boat.
Packages I installed even though having no sound makes them useless: zynaddsubfx supertux sopwith bomberclone
Hey guys, I wanted to toss this together real quick for those who recently upgraded their 'Buntu box and couldn't remember the steps to install the JDK.
Hopefully you'll find the steps outlined below simple and easy to follow.
Lets get on with it!
First download the JDK:
You'll want the Linux x64 - 'Self Extracting Installer'
How'd you like me linking to it? Now you don't have to go searching all over the place, lol
Place it on your Home folder.
Note: Currently only JDK 6 is supported by the Android SDK.
The downloaded file should look like this once complete:
To install, download this file and use the following instructions.
1. Check the download file size.
2. Make sure that execute permissions are set
To do that, open the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run this command:
chmod +x jdk-6u27-linux-x64.bin
Now move that file to your Desktop.
3. Create your install directory and then CD into it. This is where you want the JDK to be installed.
I did:
mkdir JDK
cd JDK
The next step installs the JDK into the current directory.
4. Run the self-extracting binary.
The binary code license is displayed, and you are prompted to agree to its terms.
The Java Development Kit files are installed in a directory called jdk1.6.0_27. This is in that JDK folder you created earlier.
5. At this point you can delete the bin file if you want to save disk space.
6. Next you should really configure your JDK. Follow these steps.
Open your Home folder. Press Ctrl+h. This unhides the 'hidden' files in your Home folder.
Look for a file called .bashrc and open it.
At the very end of that file add these lines:
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/JDK/jdk
export PATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Make sure there is one blank line above those two lines.
Save that file and close all open windows.
Now you can verify your Java version which also lets you know it is installed properly as well.
Re open the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type:
java -version
I get an output like this one but yours may vary. Just as long as you can see the Java version:
java version "1.6.0_27"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_27-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.2-b06, mixed mode)
Congrats! You just installed the JDK on your Ubuntu 11.10 x64 box.
Now you can go and install the Android SDK
Not sure if you knew this stang, but after I upgraded to 11.10 x64, this is all I did to get the jdk:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
The tricky part is remembering to reinstall ia32-libs to get adb working again.
This page is a must have after upgrading:
***I'm mobile
jermaine151 said:
Not sure if you knew this stang, but after I upgraded to 11.10 x64, this is all I did to get the jdk:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
The tricky part is remembering to reinstall ia32-libs to get adb working again.
This page is a must have after upgrading:
***I'm mobile
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Ah your totally and completely right! I did not know that is what YOU did! Wow, now I know, lol
But yea man, I knew about OJDK. I still prefer using the real deal even if it takes a bit of extra work.
Thanks for sharing though for others that may not have been aware of ojdk. I probably should have put that in the OP as an alternative method. I'll update it in a little while when I get back home from dropping the kid off.
Ok! Cool beans. It seems to work well for ddms and such. I seem to always opt for the "open" stuff.
If you want the official Sun jdk it's:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin
I uninstalled OJDK and did the 3 commands above to verify. Here are the results:
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
Many ways to get to the same result.
If a guide is needed for u to updaye jdk on a *nix box, u probably won't make it far :'(
jermaine151 said:
Ok! Cool beans. It seems to work well for ddms and such. I seem to always opt for the "open" stuff.
If you want the official Sun jdk it's:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin
I uninstalled OJDK and did the 3 commands above to verify. Here are the results:
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
Many ways to get to the same result.
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You got the same thing except one version older. Weird.
I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, but I already had my build environment set up. Does the upgrade break anything, or is this only for new Oneiric installations?
Well, its whatever. People on XDA would much rather bash those that need help than to actually help them. I'm still learning but I can't get anywhere with these types of comments. So until then I'll be over at
Follow me if you truely care. If not, nice knowing ya.
(Posted this over at Rootz Wiki and WebOSNation and it was suggested I post here for better response)
I am trying to use Knoppix to install Evervolv 4.3 onto my TP. Each time I open the terminal where the Palm,Inc files are, then enter the commands for installing, I get this:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
bash: novacom.exe: command not found
trying this, produces:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ ./novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
bash: ./novacom: No such file or directory
and this gets this:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
failed to connect to server
I've re-installed novacom several times, updated the drivers and found the "palm-novacom_1.0.76_i386.deb" install in SynapticPM and that is what resides in my pALM, iNC directory.
There is no .exe or boot folder that I can see.
Novacom never did create a Palm, Inc folder at any time. I had to make a new folder with the name "pALM iNC" to double check this.
I also tried the suggestion over at WebOsNation here:
[Link removed due to newby status-check]
Here's the upshot of it, though-
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacomd & novacom boot mem:// <ACMEInstaller5E
[1] 30138
bash: novacomd: command not found
failed to connect to server
[1]+ Exit 127 novacomd
Can I do something different to get this to work? I am totally new to TP, Android and Linux.
Thanks heaps.
Novacom.exe is a Windows executable file and won't work on linux from the command line, afaik.
Could always use a windows emulator or a friend's PC =)
Try this one:
It's easier on Windows.
Should work on KNOPPIX too:
Thanks, but, "File not found" on all those links for DL's.
I am wondering too why I can't get WebOSQuickInstall to work properly and thinking this may be a common factor here.
Whenever I go to install it, I get the "installing novacom drivers", then success, then cannot install as "no device connected" or something to that effect.
Could those all be related?
yedall vague
After double checking my Java install from suggestions over at Rootz Wiki, I discover I had not installed Java. I was using Iced Tea-Web Plugin for Java applets and thought I was good to go.
Plus, I thought I had installed it because a Java pkg kept showing up in Synaptic PM, but I went to Oracle and it couldn't be found.
So, after hunting for some info I found this:
and following this I ended up with-
Cannot write to `jdk-7u51-linux-i586.tar.gz' (No space left on device).
download failed
Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.
I am running Knoppix on a 8Gb flash drive, and I will have to extend the data img before I try again.
Going on holiday for awhile, so won't be able to post back with results until I get back.
Thanks for the input guys.
Hope this helps somebody in the same predicament.
Using linux
TouchyTouchy said:
After double checking my Java install from suggestions over at Rootz Wiki, I discover I had not installed Java. I was using Iced Tea-Web Plugin for Java applets and thought I was good to go.
Plus, I thought I had installed it because a Java pkg kept showing up in Synaptic PM, but I went to Oracle and it couldn't be found.
So, after hunting for some info I found this:
and following this I ended up with-
Cannot write to `jdk-7u51-linux-i586.tar.gz' (No space left on device).
download failed
Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.
I am running Knoppix on a 8Gb flash drive, and I will have to extend the data img before I try again.
Going on holiday for awhile, so won't be able to post back with results until I get back.
Thanks for the input guys.
Hope this helps somebody in the same predicament.
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Did you get it installed?
Android Studio does not start, all the paths are written JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME, PATH does not help. Windows I have x64. After installing the program, the executable studio64.exe starts, but nothing happens. When I open the startup file studio.exe, I get an error:
Failed to load JVM DLL c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.1\bin\server\jvm.dll if you already have a 32-bit JDK installed, define a JAVA_HOME variable in Computer > System Properties > Sysytem Settings > Environment Variables.
JAVA SDK works, checked, the latest version of jdk-9.0.1 is installed from the oracle site, checked on Eclipse. Help please, I do not know what to do.