Stock Moto apps for custom rom - Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo Q&A, Help & Troublesh

Is it possible to have the original apps extracted from stock rom and make them work on a custom rom?
There are many custom roms around but the MM ones are based on CM and such and doesn't contain those apps.
Anyone, please ?

rezehelius said:
Is it possible to have the original apps extracted from stock rom and make them work on a custom rom?
There are many custom roms around but the MM ones are based on CM and such and doesn't contain those apps.
Anyone, please ?
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You are asking for something that has long been solved, for over a year now.
@bhb27 has flags that allow you to install most of the original Moto apps from the Google Play store. That way you can have only the apps you want and not a lot of bloatware.
Even back on Lollipop, Resurrection Remix had most Moto Apps that you want. And that method carried forward on Marshmallow.
bhb27 said:
Motorola Apps:
I have included on the ROM the motorola-specific play store props and permissions allowing the user to install Moto apps via Playstore…
here the list:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Be Aware some app will not work
I have not tested Gallery because it conflict with theme app (please use another gallery app like QuickPick It gets integrated by camera app just like the default gallery.
Moto email, it install but doesn't let use the app.
Moto voice, it just not install.
All the rest available Moto app seems to be working.
Be aware I will try to fix this app on the future but i don't give any prediction of when, this is not my priority this is a CyanogemMod base ROM not a Motorola or google , any user can use google and search a way to fix this problem, if any one do let me know I will check and made the change so every one can have all available apps working.
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Newer ROMs also copy this this method:
NepoRood said:
Managed to get most of the Motorola apps available in the play store :good:
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Even the unofficial CM13 (hybrid of CM13 and RR) by @calsurferpunk has that.
[CM 13.0 Unofficial][6.0.1]
ChazzMatt said:
does this ROM have the Google Store Moto app download permissions like Resurrection Remix?
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Andrey G. said:
Yes, tested the ROM with normally downloaded from GP MotoCamera and MotoGallery..
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So, that's at least THREE Quark MM ROMs based on CM that have Moto Apps. You didn't look very hard, did you?
And in compiling this answer for you, it seems you have an issue with ONE ROM. And the same @bhb27 who does both RR and Mokee helped you:
rezehelius said:
I love the room and features but would it be possible to export or somehow make a package of gapps with Motorola apps as for example camera from droid turbo can't be installed from play store.
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bhb27 said:
I add all Moto app play permission to RR, but this is a Official version and official are base on stock CM...
you can copy and make a zip with the below permission, or place it manually...
they need to be in system/etc/permissions
and have 644 permission...
then reboot and go to play...
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So, basically you just wanted this for Mokee but said no ROMs based on CM had it...

ChazzMatt said:
You are asking for something that has long been solved, for over a year now.
@bhb27 has flags that allow you to install most of the original Moto apps from the Google Play store. That way you can have only the apps you want and not a lot of bloatware.
Even back on Lollipop, Resurrection Remix had most Moto Apps that you want. And that method carried forward on Marshmallow.
Newer ROMs also copy this this method:
Even the unofficial CM13 (hybrid of CM13 and RR) by @calsurferpunk has that.
[CM 13.0 Unofficial][6.0.1]
So, that's at least THREE Quark MM ROMs based on CM that have Moto Apps. You didn't look very hard, did you?
And in compiling this answer for you, it seems you have an issue with ONE ROM. And the same @bhb27 who does both RR and Mokee helped you:
So, basically you just wanted this for Mokee but said no ROMs based on CM had it...
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Sorry about assumptions but they didn't specify all the apps included. I thought these should come with gapps package. My bad then.
I just didn't want to get all sort of different roms and see which one is best but I see this might be best option.
I'll give them a go.
Thanks for your help.

The only thing missing for me from stock is Moto Display. Yes, I know Ambient Display functions similar but Moto Display is NOT a lockscreen. It is just an app that runs while the screen is off.
I don't know how many people use this, but I like to keep a pattern lock (can be PIN, etc) and use the lockscreen quick setting toggle to set the lockscreen off. So its either press the power button and get locksreen or get home screen.
However, I have no way of knowing if I have a notification if my lockscreen is off. With Moto Display, it told me whether my lockscreen is on or off. I have since used Tasker to utilize the charging LED for notification but I still dream of Moto Display on custom ROMs. Devs have done a great job with bringing most of the features over though. I love the chop chop and twist gestures.

Cobra04 said:
The only thing missing for me from stock is Moto Display. Yes, I know Ambient Display functions similar but Moto Display is NOT a lockscreen. It is just an app that runs while the screen is off.
I don't know how many people use this, but I like to keep a pattern lock (can be PIN, etc) and use the lock-screen quick setting toggle to set the lockscreen off. So its either press the power button and get lock-screen or get home screen.
However, I have no way of knowing if I have a notification if my lockscreen is off. With Moto Display, it told me whether my lockscreen is on or off. I have since used Tasker to utilize the charging LED for notification but I still dream of Moto Display on custom ROMs. Devs have done a great job with bringing most of the features over though. I love the chop chop and twist gestures.
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Quark Ambient Display works better than Moto Display, in my opinion. If you don't like it, you can always go back to stock ROM or even @iiWoodstocK Marshmallow stock-based ROM (which works on all Quarks). This has been discussed ad infinitum.
I also use a pattern lock as does my wife, and we have no issues. So, apparently you just don't have your phone configured correctly?
I'll give you some free advice:
However, I have no way of knowing if I have a notification if my lock-screen is off.
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If your lock-screen is OFF, then your display is active. If your display is active, why do you need Moto Display/Ambient Display?
Here's the question... Why is your display off, and your screen is not locked?
I see no advantage to the complicated configuration you described and I barely understand. You are already using a pattern lock -- but for some reason you are purposefully keeping your screen unlocked even when the display is off/asleep?
If your display is off (screen is dark/asleep), your screen should be locked. If it's not, you don't have it configured correctly. Set it to lock the screen IMMEDIATELY when the display is off (goes to sleep). THE END.
If your screen is off and locked, you have every functionality and more with Ambient Display as Moto Display.
You then use your security pattern to unlock the screen when you need it and make the display active (turned on/not asleep).
And if your screen is unlocked and ACTIVE and turned on, then you have no need for Moto Display/Ambient Display during that time because your notifications are at the top in the Notification Bar.
I see no need for a dark (asleep) screen, yet unlocked display. So, your complaint makes no sense. It's like wanting to keep your car in "Drive", yet complaining when you take your foot off the brakes the car starts moving. If the car is not going anywhere, put it in "Park"!

Cobra04 said:
The only thing missing for me from stock is Moto Display. Yes, I know Ambient Display functions similar but Moto Display is NOT a lockscreen. It is just an app that runs while the screen is off.
I don't know how many people use this, but I like to keep a pattern lock (can be PIN, etc) and use the lockscreen quick setting toggle to set the lockscreen off. So its either press the power button and get locksreen or get home screen.
However, I have no way of knowing if I have a notification if my lockscreen is off. With Moto Display, it told me whether my lockscreen is on or off. I have since used Tasker to utilize the charging LED for notification but I still dream of Moto Display on custom ROMs. Devs have done a great job with bringing most of the features over though. I love the chop chop and twist gestures.
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My thoughts exactly!!! I love everything about this rom...the one thing missing is Moto Display. Specifically i want....
When i touch the phone to show the time. This doesn't work on the rom. I have to actually click the power button to bring the screen on. I want my "tap for the time" feature back.
I'm planning to backup this rom and try the other one (stock 6.0) but i dont think i will like it as much. Wish we could get this functionality somehow in the Resurrection Remix ROM (that's what I'm using, sorry, just realized i didn't mention that, lol).

BriCo84 said:
My thoughts exactly!!! I love everything about this rom...the one thing missing is Moto Display. Specifically i want....
When i touch the phone to show the time. This doesn't work on the rom. I have to actually click the power button to bring the screen on. I want my "tap for the time" feature back.
I'm planning to backup this rom and try the other one (stock 6.0) but i dont think i will like it as much. Wish we could get this functionality somehow in the Resurrection Remix ROM (that's what I'm using, sorry, just realized i didn't mention that, lol).
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You have something set wrong, then. When I wave my hand over the phone, I see the time. I'm not touching the power button. I'm using the IR sensors and Quark Ambient Display. You don't have to touch the display at all. You must have the wave and pickup settings turned off? Sounds like you have just turned on Ambient Display master switch but haven't configured Gestures to control what Ambient Display actually does?
You keep saying "the ROM". What ROM? Oh, I see now RR.
I'm on Marshmallow RR, but before that CM12.1 (and my wife is still on that). Quark Ambient Display works great to see the time by just waving your hand over the phone. Works even about 12 inches up.
Set up your Ambient Display correctly and stop complaining.
Here's an earlier post to show you how to configure your Ambient Display.
lonewitness said:
Anyone know how I can get gestures for camera and flashlight to work with CM?
Also moto display?
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FIRST, Gestures for Camera and Flashlight are in Settings/Gestures. You will see them in the screenshots below, but they are not highlighted. The highlighted boxes are for your Moto Display question. But if you scroll down you will see the double twist and chop chop in the Gestures screenshot. Go into those and activate camera and flashlight.
SECOND, Ambient Display in the Quarks = Moto Display. Dev made sure it works quite well with our IR sensors. Ambient Display in our Quarks works differently from regular Android Ambient Display. The dev made it work very much like Moto Display, even though it's still called Ambient Display.
There's 3 settings pages where you enable options to make it all work together, however.
In Lock Screen, you need to have some sort of of screen lock, even if it's just swipe/slide lock. Either swipe, pattern or PIN. You can't choose "none". I choose pattern, but it's up to you.
IF you choose swipe, you may accidentally unlock your phone if you keep it in your pocket. Pin or pattern is better, in my opinion.
Also, helps if you have "Automatically Lock" and "Power Button Instantly Locks" Some people put a delay on those for some reason, and then Ambient Display isn't going to show you notifications on the dark screen because the Display isn't actually locked.

Thank you for the very helpful info, although there was no reason to get pissed at me just because I got something wrong. Well technically not wrong, just a different way of setting up the phone....
After a few days of playing with this and researching (this is my first time on any quark roms other than stock, and first experience with MM, so in turn ambient display), i determined i was not seeing the desired behaivior because i dont lock my phone. Apparently (and i see you noted this at the bottom of your post) if you don't have the phone lock, the wave, or tap, to show time doesn't work. Unfortunately for me, this is how i like my phone set up, and with Moto Display this worked fine. With Ambient Display, whether its by design, or a flaw, does not have this functionality.
If there is a way to add this functionality please let me know, as it is the only thing missing. i love ambient display so far other than that.
Thanks again for your help
ChazzMatt said:
You have something set wrong, then. When I wave my hand over the phone, I see the time. I'm not touching the power button. I'm using the IR sensors and Quark Ambient Display. You don't have to touch the display at all. You must have the wave and pickup settings turned off? Sounds like you have just turned on Ambient Display master switch but haven't configured Gestures to control what Ambient Display actually does?
You keep saying "the ROM". What ROM? Oh, I see now RR.
I'm on Marshmallow RR, but before that CM12.1 (and my wife is still on that). Quark Ambient Display works great to see the time by just waving your hand over the phone. Works even about 12 inches up.
Set up your Ambient Display correctly and stop complaining, when it's your fault.
Here's an earlier post to show you how to configure your Ambient Display.
FIRST, Gestures for Camera and Flashlight are in Settings/Gestures. You will see them in the screenshots below, but they are not highlighted. The highlighted boxes are for your Moto Display question. But if you scroll down you will see the double twist and chop chop in the Gestures screenshot. Go into those and activate camera and flashlight.
SECOND, Ambient Display in the Quarks = Moto Display. Dev made sure it works quite well with our IR sensors. Ambient Display in our Quarks works differently from regular Android Ambient Display. The dev made it work very much like Moto Display, even though it's still called Ambient Display.
There's 3 settings pages where you enable options to make it all work together, however.
In Lock Screen, you need to have some sort of of screen lock, even if it's just swipe/slide lock. Either swipe, pattern or PIN. You can't choose "none".
Also, helps if you have "Automatically Lock" and "Power Button Instantly Locks" Some people put a delay on those for some reason, and then Ambient Display isn't going to show you notifications on the dark screen because the Display isn't actually locked.
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BriCo84 said:
Thank you for the very helpful info, although there was no reason to get pissed at me just because I got something wrong. Well technically not wrong, just a different way of setting up the phone....
After a few days of playing with this and researching (this is my first time on any quark roms other than stock, and first experience with MM, so in turn ambient display), i determined i was not seeing the desired behaivior because i dont lock my phone. Apparently (and i see you noted this at the bottom of your post) if you don't have the phone lock, the wave, or tap, to show time doesn't work. Unfortunately for me, this is how i like my phone set up, and with Moto Display this worked fine. With Ambient Display, whether its by design, or a flaw, does not have this functionality.
If there is a way to add this functionality please let me know, as it is the only thing missing. i love ambient display so far other than that.
Thanks again for your help
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Sorry for the tone. It's just this has been discussed incessantly and most times it's because people don't bother looking at what's already been done.
To prove my point, I also extensively referenced the lock screen in my previous post to the other guy, before you even posted. I was merely repeating myself in my post to you. Why did you finally realize it when I repeated myself?
My point was if your screen is dark, it should be locked. And Ambient Display will work fine. This was my post just above your first post in this thread:
ChazzMatt said:
If your lock-screen is OFF, then your display is active. If your display is active, why do you need Moto Display/Ambient Display?
Here's the question... Why is your display off, and your screen is not locked?
If your display is off (screen is dark/asleep), your screen should be locked. If it's not, you don't have it configured correctly. Set it to lock the screen IMMEDIATELY when the display is off (goes to sleep). THE END.
If your screen is off and locked, you have every functionality and more with Ambient Display as Moto Display.
You then use your security pattern to unlock the screen when you need it and make the display active (turned on/not asleep).
And if your screen is unlocked and ACTIVE and turned on, then you have no need for Moto Display/Ambient Display during that time because your notifications are at the top in the Notification Bar.
I see no need for a dark (asleep) screen, yet unlocked display. So, your complaint makes no sense. It's like wanting to keep your car in "Drive", yet complaining when you take your foot off the brakes the car starts moving. If the car is not going anywhere, put it in "Park"!
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Yes, Ambient Display is a lock-screen notification system.
That post content I re-posted was from March 2016, and it was only the most recent.
I've posted that or similar maybe two dozen times over the past two years.
This phone has been released for two years now -- not just the Droid Turbo, but all the models in the Quark series. They all have the same hardware and same specs, same stock Motorola software.
However the Droid Turbo owners lost a year of development because the bootloader was not unlocked until November 2015. (the other Quarks have free immediate bootloader unlock on request). And although the Droid Turbo owners had access to READ about the Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo development, they got mad (because they didn't want to see dev work they couldn't have) and demanded the forums be split.
We used to be ONE forum, but in late September 2015 the forums were split. Less than two months later Sunshine team unlocked the Droid Turbo bootloader.
As a result, many Droid Turbo owners still don't realize about the OTHER Quark forum and aren't as informed/educated about what all has been developed.
Moto Display itself is proprietary code and will never be "ported". The Quark CM dev put a lot of effort into adapting "Android" Ambient Display into using the Quark Moto IR sensors so it mimicked Moto Display as much as possible. In some cases, it's even better. But yes, it still is a lock screen notification system.
The RR dev @bhb27 was the first to put in permission flags to allow access to most Moto apps, if you want them. Almost all. That was also before the Droid Turbo bootloader was ever unlocked.
At this point, two years into development, there's really nothing else that is going to be done in this category that has not already been done. A whole lot has been done! Most people who are asking (not you personally, but collective) are just coming onto the scene with their Droid Turbos do not really understand the extensive custom dev work we have already for the Quark. Part is they are a year behind, maybe they are just now realizing Sunshine is available or they don't know about the other forum.


Moto X Active Display not working?

So, I received my Moto X in the mail today. Everything was working as advertised. The Active display and the shake gesture to launch camera.
Then I downloaded LightFlow simply for its beautiful notification settings. I set my custom notifications and everything. Disabling dibrate/tone settings for native apps. Once I did this, everything stopped. No more Active Display. No vibrate/tone for notifications. Even the shake to launch camera function doesn't work. At all. I haven't uninstalled LightFlow yet but I'll try that.
What's going on? Is this a common issue?
Light flow? I don't think the x has a notification LED. Uninstall light flow
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
If you disabled things with LightFlow it is logical that that would be the reason it stopped working. Curious why you'd use an app to disable notifications and not just turn them off in the apps themselves?
What they said above. Lightflow's accessibility features are likely intercepting the notification before it gets to active display. Uninstalling lightflow should fix it.
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
No no, I disabled the notifications from other apps so there wouldn't be two notifications for them. Active Display along with the gesture for camera launch works now. But now I can't hear the notifications nor is there a vibrate for the ones I set up through LightFlow. I know there are no LED's (although, the app says there are...?) on the Moto X, I just love LightFlow's customization options for notifications. I love repeating ringtones and custom vibrate etc. Most ofthe time I have my phone in my pocket so sometimes I don't think to take it out to look at the device.
(I'm still used to my Galaxy Nexus)
uninstall light flow. There's a thread on here that shows the Moto X does have a LED behind the ear piece like the Razr HD had, but it isn't wired to work.
DertyDOH said:
uninstall light flow. There's a thread on here that shows the Moto X does have a LED behind the ear piece like the Razr HD had, but it isn't wired to work.
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So, I'd have to use the stock notification method? I love Active Display and prefer it over a notification LED, but I want custom vibrations and repeating ringtones and all that stuff.
Active Display and Quick Capture
I'm on stock rooted verizon but don't have lightflow and never have. I also have the issue of active display and quick capture occasionally not working until I reboot. It seems fine in safe mode but the only apps of significance I've installed are dolphin browser/jetpack + flash, dead space mobile, juice defender, wifi tether, pandora, adaway, and rom manager. I'm not sure which could be causing the issue, does anyone have an insight?
Additionally, the terrible stock app for selecting backgrounds always zooms in after a reboot yet the third party apps don't place the image the same way (zoomed out and focused on the corner) leaving me no choice but to reset the wallpaper at every boot. Any solutions?
Reserved Name said:
I'm on stock rooted verizon but don't have lightflow and never have. I also have the issue of active display and quick capture occasionally not working until I reboot. It seems fine in safe mode but the only apps of significance I've installed are dolphin browser/jetpack + flash, dead space mobile, juice defender, wifi tether, pandora, adaway, and rom manager. I'm not sure which could be causing the issue, does anyone have an insight?
Additionally, the terrible stock app for selecting backgrounds always zooms in after a reboot yet the third party apps don't place the image the same way (zoomed out and focused on the corner) leaving me no choice but to reset the wallpaper at every boot. Any solutions?
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Of those apps you installed I would be most suspect of juice defender causing problems with how the phone normally is sleeping and waking up for active display to work.
superm1 said:
Of those apps you installed I would be most suspect of juice defender causing problems with how the phone normally is sleeping and waking up for active display to work.
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I run juice defender literally the entire time my phone is on but I only occasionally get the active display/quick capture failure so I'm not as certain. Regardless I have uninstalled it for the time being as a test. I use Pandora a lot which changes the lock screen so I suspect that I'll disable that next.
Old vs. 2014 Moto X Active Display
I notice that one of the features of the 2014 Moto X Active Display is that one only needs to wave a hand over the device to activate the display. But my 2013 Moto X does that too. So is this really a new feature? Or am I missing something?
yar2 said:
I notice that one of the features of the 2014 Moto X Active Display is that one only needs to wave a hand over the device to activate the display. But my 2013 Moto X does that too. So is this really a new feature? Or am I missing something?
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Our old one uses the proximity sensor. The new, 4 IR and is more responsive.
iOSfails said:
So, I'd have to use the stock notification method? I love Active Display and prefer it over a notification LED, but I want custom vibrations and repeating ringtones and all that stuff.
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Did you solve this problem? Please help!
Turn off ambient display fix it for me!! FIXED
Turn off ambient display fix it for me!! FIXED

moto actions on custom rom?

Hi all,
The only reason i have not installed a custom rom yet is because I do not want to lose the amazing moto actions. Can we use the moto actions on a custom rom in any way?
Thanks guys
roddem said:
Hi all,
The only reason i have not installed a custom rom yet is because I do not want to lose the amazing moto actions. Can we use the moto actions on a custom rom in any way?
Thanks guys
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I have built the actions that seem important to me as a new implementations of actions for CyanogenMod. Probably all customs ROMs are reusing that work. Look in the CM 12.0 thread for a screen shot of the options that are going to be configurable in CM 12.1.
That said, what actions to you use?
crpalmer said:
I have built the actions that seem important to me as a new implementations of actions for CyanogenMod. Probably all customs ROMs are reusing that work. Look in the CM 12.0 thread for a screen shot of the options that are going to be configurable in CM 12.1.
That said, what actions to you use?
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sorry for the late reply.
thats great. I mainly use the twist to open camera, the hand swype over the phone to check if i have any notifications. Have these been implemented?
roddem said:
sorry for the late reply.
thats great. I mainly use the twist to open camera, the hand swype over the phone to check if i have any notifications. Have these been implemented?
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Yes those are implemented. I just like to ask people what they use in case there are other useful gestures I haven't implemented (I honestly never used stock on my phone so I depend on others to give me feedback on what is useful related to stock behaviour....).
Is Moto voice the only thing that doesn't have an alternative?
Moto display?
crpalmer said:
I have built the actions that seem important to me as a new implementations of actions for CyanogenMod. Probably all customs ROMs are reusing that work. Look in the CM 12.0 thread for a screen shot of the options that are going to be configurable in CM 12.1.
That said, what actions to you use?
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Awesome man... But wat about moto display... I can't live without it... Ambient sucks!!!!
mandeepsingh said:
Awesome man... But wat about moto display... I can't live without it... Ambient sucks!!!!
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How does ambient display suck? What about moto display is awesome?
crpalmer said:
How does ambient display suck? What about moto display is awesome?
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I just don't like it.... Moto display is the best for me... I am addicted to it!
roddem said:
sorry for the late reply.
thats great. I mainly use the twist to open camera, the hand swype over the phone to check if i have any notifications. Have these been implemented?
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WOw. Thanks a lot. Do all Roms have these implementations or a few?
crpalmer said:
How does ambient display suck? What about moto display is awesome?
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Ambient Display just wakes the screen when you get a notific. Moto Display actually wakes it every time you pick the phone up,or nudge it, which is super handy to check the time and all. I have been asking if this is possible in CM13 but so far no one has replied.
angadsingh97 said:
Ambient Display just wakes the screen when you get a notific. Moto Display actually wakes it every time you pick the phone up,or nudge it, which is super handy to check the time and all. I have been asking if this is possible in CM13 but so far no one has replied.
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Works great on CM 13.
crpalmer said:
Works great on CM 13.
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angadsingh97 said:
Ambient Display just wakes the screen when you get a notification. Moto Display actually wakes it every time you pick the phone up,or nudge it, which is super handy to check the time and all. I have been asking if this is possible in CM13 but so far no one has replied.
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Moto Display handles notifications differently from Ambient display. See this link:
I prefer the way Moto Display notifies and then allows a peek at the information. I have not been able to get Ambient Display to behave the same way. I believe that Moto Display also uses the display differently from Ambient Display. Moto Display is supposed to only light the pixels required for the notification to save battery as opposed to energizing the whole display.
I wonder if the Moto Display apk can be sideloaded and installed on CM13? Moto and Moto Actions can be downloaded from the Play store but they do not include Moto Display functionality. Moto Voice can also be downloaded from the Play Store.
donslade said:
I wonder if the Moto Display apk can be sideloaded and installed on CM13? Moto and Moto Actions can be downloaded from the Play store but they do not include Moto Display functionality. Moto Voice can also be downloaded from the Play Store.
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@squid2 recently added support for Moto Camera and Gallery in CM13 for Moto E2 Otus. I can't even download Actions or Moto. Could you please ask him if it is possible for this app as well, even on Lux maybe?
donslade said:
Moto Display handles notifications differently from Ambient display. See this link:
I prefer the way Moto Display notifies and then allows a peek at the information. I have not been able to get Ambient Display to behave the same way. I believe that Moto Display also uses the display differently from Ambient Display. Moto Display is supposed to only light the pixels required for the notification to save battery as opposed to energizing the whole display.
I wonder if the Moto Display apk can be sideloaded and installed on CM13? Moto and Moto Actions can be downloaded from the Play store but they do not include Moto Display functionality. Moto Voice can also be downloaded from the Play Store.
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noob. You can download from Play. But you can't use it on custom ROM (CM). Try yourself !

Moto Display issues after 6.0 update

Hello All,
The new update is really smooth but it seems to have affected my favorite feature Moto Display with some weird issues.
1) DND doesn't automatically deactivate the sensors like Moto Assist used to keep the screen dark and the phone still flashes notifications at night. Does that consumer battery and affect Doze?
2) We cand choose the screen to go dark from 11pm-6am in Moto Display, but they removed the option to define custom timings. So now its either 11pm-6am or have the phone flash notification all night?
3) The flashing interval for Moto Display also seems to have been reduced and it flashes too often now, which becomes a little annoying if the phone is in front of you.
Are these issues for everyone or am I missing something? Any comments or workarounds would be helpful.
KRN03 said:
Hello All,
The new update is really smooth but it seems to have affected my favorite feature Moto Display with some weird issues.
1) DND doesn't automatically deactivate the sensors like Moto Assist used to keep the screen dark and the phone still flashes notifications at night. Does that consumer battery and affect Doze?
2) We cand choose the screen to go dark from 11pm-6am in Moto Display, but they removed the option to define custom timings. So now its either 11pm-6am or have the phone flash notification all night?
3) The flashing interval for Moto Display also seems to have been reduced and it flashes too often now, which becomes a little annoying if the phone is in front of you.
Are these issues for everyone or am I missing something? Any comments or workarounds would be helpful.
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I own Moto X 2014, but still Lollipop, not receive Marshmallow yet. But i find some changlog on Motorola, I see :
Sleeping and Meeting - to keep your phone quiet while you are sleeping or while you are busy in a meeting you may wish to consider using the Do not disturb feature from Android. To set it up, swipe the status bar down with two fingers and tap the gear icon at the top right corner of your screen. Once in the Settings menu, scroll down and tap Sound & notification, then go to Do not disturb. To keep your screen dark while you are sleeping, open the Moto app, tap the icon on the top right corner of your screen, then go to Display and set the time under Keep screen dark.
KRN03 said:
Hello All,
The new update is really smooth but it seems to have affected my favorite feature Moto Display with some weird issues.
1) DND doesn't automatically deactivate the sensors like Moto Assist used to keep the screen dark and the phone still flashes notifications at night. Does that consumer battery and affect Doze?
2) We cand choose the screen to go dark from 11pm-6am in Moto Display, but they removed the option to define custom timings. So now its either 11pm-6am or have the phone flash notification all night?
3) The flashing interval for Moto Display also seems to have been reduced and it flashes too often now, which becomes a little annoying if the phone is in front of you.
Are these issues for everyone or am I missing something? Any comments or workarounds would be helpful.
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Tap the time in Moto display settings to choose what hours you would like the display to be off. The features in Marshmallow just have been relocated from what they were in Lollipop.
Ok, sorry. I got it. I tried hitting the numbers earlier but it just got deselected. Trying to tap those ain't easy with your thumb I guess. Worked now. Thanks guys!
Sent from my Moto X 2014.
tyus2 said:
Tap the time in Moto display settings to choose what hours you would like the display to be off. The features in Marshmallow just have been relocated from what they were in Lollipop.
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But the Moto Display assist doesn't work with Marshmallow.... At least the icons don't appear....

motorola display

Need help,i installed resurrection remix rom 6.0
In stock rom my device automatically wakes up when i go near it or touch or see the device and shows the screen.but i can't do that on it.can anyone help me to make this feauture also in this rom?
bilalrajput said:
Need help,i installed resurrection remix rom 6.0
In stock rom my device automatically wakes up when i go near it or touch or see the device and shows the screen. but i can't do that on it (on RR).
can anyone help me to make this feauture also in this rom?
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Set up Quark Ambient Display correctly. It's been discussed many, many times.
RR ROM is based on CM, and the CM Quark dev coded our Ambient Display to use the IR sensors just like Moto Display. It is a lockscreen notification system, so your display will need to be LOCKED when the display is turned off/asleep for Ambient Display to show you any notifications.
Once you enable the Ambient Display, you also have to configure WHAT the Ambient Display does. Some people don't want it to show notifications when you wave your hand, some do. So, you can enable various actions of your choice.
Here's a link WITH SCREENSHOTS from earlier in this month when we discussed it thoroughly :
(11th November 2016, 09:32 PM)
And even those screenshots are just copied and pasted from when we discussed it again months ago.
Also, you could have asked in the RR ROM thread as everyone there uses the ROM for Droid Turbo/Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo, but not everyone here uses custom CM-based ROMs and may not know the settings.
ChazzMatt said:
Set up Quark Ambient Display correctly. It's been discussed many, many times.
RR ROM is based on CM, and the CM Quark dev coded our Ambient Display to use the IR sensors just like Moto Display. It is a lockscreen notification system, so your display will need to be LOCKED when the display is turned off/asleep for Ambient Display to show you any notifications.
Once you enable the Ambient Display, you also have to configure WHAT the Ambient Display does. Some people don't want it to show notifications when you wave your hand, some do. So, you can enable various actions of your choice.
Here's a link WITH SCREENSHOTS from earlier in this month when we discussed it thoroughly :
(11th November 2016, 09:32 PM)
And even those screenshots are just copied and pasted from when we discussed it again months ago.
Also, you could have asked in the RR ROM thread as everyone there uses the ROM for Droid Turbo/Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo, but not everyone here uses custom CM-based ROMs and may not know the settings.
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Thanks you bro alot of thanks
bilalrajput said:
Thanks you bro alot of thanks
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You are welcome!

AOSP rom with Nougat and Moto app?

I want to upgrade my Moto X 2014 to android N but without losing his functions, and with an AOSP rom (can be CM based too)
We should stick a post on this matter, because people are either unable to read or too lazy to search.
There's basically four Moto features:
TWIST TO CAMERA: working in all ROMs (however, Moto Camera doesn't work with DPI other than 480)
CHOP TO TORCH: working in all ROMs
MOTO VOICE: NOT available, it's closed source so we have to manually tweak Google Now/Assistant to recognize our voice from a LOCKED, UNPLUGGED phone (see XDA homepage for a guide on this)
MOTO DISPLAY: NOT available, there's a modified Ambient Display that uses the same sensors (including IR, of course) and it works pretty well.
However, Moto and Ambient are NOT the same thing: Moto is a dedicated app which shows your notifications in a streamlined way and it will keep them in the panel even if you swipe them out of sight; moreover, it will not wake your entire screen if you touch the black area outside the clock/notifications.
Ambient Display, on the other hand, is simply a grayscale lockscreen. It's not nearly as practical as Moto, but the sensors to activate it are the same.
Can someone please make this post a sticky so people do not ask the same questions a hundred more times?

