how can I extract a stock rom xt860? - Motorola Droid 3

I have several xt862 and I found one that is an XT860 sghly different from Verizon I would like to extract the whole system and play with it please any help how to do it ?
Thanks in advance



Can anyone make, or tell me where i can find, an Untweaked, untouched, version of STOCK KKA that has been deodexed.
I have looked and looked guys, but i just cant seem to find a help guide on how to do it myself for the note and what tools id need and info on wether i have to do anything else after deodexing.
Im at a loss, if there was a version of kka out there that has only been deodexed and nothing else then thatd be great.
Any help or info would be much appreciated.
graemeg said:
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Here are all the stock N7000 firmwares You must register to download and flash with Odin.
For a deodexed version you have to google around, maybe you`ll find one. Good luck
that, not what i want tho.
Anyone know where i can find instructions to deodex a stock rom on this galaxy note, it seems like there is no untweaked versions avail,
So that being the case, maybe someone could make a tutorial on hyow to correctly deodex their own stock rom and use it
graemeg said:
that, not what i want tho.
Anyone know where i can find instructions to deodex a stock rom on this galaxy note, it seems like there is no untweaked versions avail,
So that being the case, maybe someone could make a tutorial on hyow to correctly deodex their own stock rom and use it
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There ya go this will help
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thnks man, thankyou button clicked

[Q] Novice wondering.....

in the other day when i mess up my xt860, i guided to flash 'system.img file from rom.
in the pack i download
I saw 13 different files.
5 of tham are img files (boot, preinstall, recovery, radio & system) the others are bin, xml or no extension.
what are these files? and what are they used?
boazal said:
in the other day when i mess up my xt860, i guided to flash 'system.img file from rom.
in the pack i download
I saw 13 different files.
5 of tham are img files (boot, preinstall, recovery, radio & system) the others are bin, xml or no extension.
what are these files? and what are they used?
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Shalom from Canada!
Mah nishma?
What did you do to your phone? Those are used for motorola RSD Lite, but if you flash that you will lose H+ capabilities as currently there is no way of going back to Bell Stock firmware.
To help repair your phone, I can take an image of my bell XT860 /system folder for you, it's running stock 2.3.6 with SU and busybox. Let me know if that can help you. I can also give you instructions on how to get the system.img back onto your phone once you've received it.
Hi and shalom shalom
it's very kind of you but it's already too late, (i wish you pop up earlier) after 3 days without my phone .....
see all here
boazal said:
Hi and shalom shalom
it's very kind of you but it's already too late, (i wish you pop up earlier) after 3 days without my phone .....
see all here
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Actually since you only flashed system image its easy for you to get back on bell. That's why I had you only flash system.img
You can go danifunkers way, which would put you back to true bell stock. Or you can flash the deodexed bell system found in the dev forum
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
I also had wondered what they all were. Some of them are obvious like radio.img is the radio firmware logo.bin is the boot logo(the moto dual core logo) I googled some of them and found this
It doesn't have one for our particular phone but it gives you an idea. Google any terms you don't know to get better understanding
You can flash a different boot logo if you like, there's a thread in the themes and apps forum about it, if you follow the links you'll get to a bionic dub page that has flashable logos.
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
The xml is for rsdlite. It has a list of commands for it so it knows what order and partition to flash. If you open it in a text editor you'll see what I mean. I actually used it to write a simple script for motofastboot to completely reflash my phone since rsdlite doesn't have a linux version
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
Endoroid said:
Actually since you only flashed system image its easy for you to get back on bell. That's why I had you only flash system.img
.... you can flash the deodexed bell system found in the dev forum
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i have look around but didn't found "deodexed bell system"......
Just as a note /system and rom are the same. When you flash a rom you replace /system.
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
I'll take a system image of 2.3.6 for you and you can re-flash your original Bell image. I'm sure it will be easier for maintenance over the long run, as Bell updates things, it is nice not having to mess around with the phone to make it work. I'll follow up with a PM once I have the file uploaded.
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
Danifunker, boazal that might be a good idea, then you can install safestrap and mess around in safe mode and still take OTA updates however (and perhaps you can clarify this danifunker as im not sure) when the 2.3.4>2.3.6 update came out was that only /system that was updated or does it include radio/kernel/etc updates. Would having an old kernel and a new /system prevent updates going forward
Just want to make sure we get him fixed up good and proper
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
Endoroid said:
Just as a note /system and rom are the same. When you flash a rom you replace /system.
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
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is "" no free download option......
Endoroid said:
Danifunker, boazal that might be a good idea, then you can install safestrap and mess around in safe mode and still take OTA updates however (and perhaps you can clarify this danifunker as im not sure) when the 2.3.4>2.3.6 update came out was that only /system that was updated or does it include radio/kernel/etc updates. Would having an old kernel and a new /system prevent updates going forward
Just want to make sure we get him fixed up good and proper
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
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Endroid, good questions. AFAIK in all builds all components are updated, it probably has to do something with the signing keys. All android update releases are patches, not full file replacements including the boot partition. These patches run to the effect of doing a search and replace of bits of data at specified locations. If the original file doesn't match what the patch is expecting, you will end up with some really bad outcomes, which is why an android update will fail.
This is why I haven't done any safestrapping yet (I'm not sure which partitions are being touched by it) and haven't reinstalled CWM since getting my phone back from the shop (For the same reason as safestrapping).
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
danifunker said:
Endroid, good questions. AFAIK in all builds all components are updated, it probably has to do something with the signing keys. All android update releases are patches, not full file replacements including the boot partition. These patches run to the effect of doing a search and replace of bits of data at specified locations. If the original file doesn't match what the patch is expecting, you will end up with some really bad outcomes, which is why an android update will fail.
This is why I haven't done any safestrapping yet (I'm not sure which partitions are being touched by it) and haven't reinstalled CWM since getrting my phone back from the shop (For the same reason as safestrapping).
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
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I believe safestrap will completely remove all components when you uninstall recovery although im not 100% on that. I know the original idea behind it was that you could still receive OTA updates because /system stays intact, although many of us use it to dualboot instead
So I guess its up to boazal if he wants to ensure he's on the update path or if he would rather mod his device
Sure would make it easy if we just had the bell fastboot files
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
It's all about RTL + BIDI, so the most important is the rom that can have it.
boazal said:
It's all about RTL + BIDI, so the most impotent is the rom that can have it.
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Forgive me im a little ignorant on other languages other than those in my home country(which are both left to right) but that would be arabic correct?
If so check out this
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
Endoroid said:
Forgive me im a little ignorant on other languages other than those in my home country(which are both left to right) but that would be arabic correct?
If so check out this
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium
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Considering they are in Israel, the language of choice for them is probably Hebrew. That is a right-to-left language.
Doesn't the XT860 allow for addition of left-to-right languages? My dad might be getting an Android phone as well and would probably want the same thing, if the option is available.
Endoroid said:
Forgive me im a little ignorant on other languages other than those in my home country(which are both left to right) but that would be arabic correct?
If so check out this
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GOOD for U! but how you handle the RTL issue?
danifunker said:
Considering they are in Israel, the language of choice for them is probably Hebrew. That is a right-to-left language.
Doesn't the XT860 allow for addition of left-to-right languages? My dad might be getting an Android phone as well and would probably want the same thing, if the option is available.
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(in Israel English is not a limitation at all), the major issue is the RTL+BIDI in SMS messages and contacts.
try to figure it out, mom send you sms invitation to the 21/2.
you shuld be on the twelve, or in the twenty first???
I speak english and french which are both supported in the stock rom in canada. I know I've seen discussion on the very topic of numbers in RTL languages recently. Ask user willis111 about it.
Sent from my XT860 using xda premium

How to fix "Hello Hello Bug" in ICS Build 15?

Hi guys, can anyone advice me on how to fix the HHB in ICS Hacksung? they said flash the modem.bin only for one more time, and someone gave me this link which is the link to all the available modem.bin for ICS, but its written in CM7, I thought ICS is CM9? even if those modem are compatible, which one is it for Hacksung's ICS? there are so many of them, and when I try to extract the Hacksung's ICS winzip file ( the one you put inside the phone and flash it with CWM ) , theres a modem.bin file in it, and I thought extracting it and putting only the modem.bin in my SGS and flash it with CWM, but I did not dare since Im not sure of it, can anyone guide me? will thank anyone for it!
Just go to, grab some modem (dunno which one, read the thread and find a clue for a modem to your country, I have used jvu/jq1 in Finland without problems), transfer it to your int. sdcard and flash through CWM (no unpacking whatsoever).
Sent from my sandwiched SGS
There is actually a file for cm7 that supposedly fixes this bug. I heard people have had success with this file on is to. Just need to find the file name and I'll get back to you.
Update the like is Search on Google and following the cm link. The first post has a link to Google code to download the file.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using xda premium
scubadude said:
There is actually a file for cm7 that supposedly fixes this bug. I heard people have had success with this file on is to. Just need to find the file name and I'll get back to you.
Update the like is Search on Google and following the cm link. The first post has a link to Google code to download the file.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using xda premium
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Yeah, IIRC that was posted to CM9 thread by pawitp also. Afaik it had helped lots of people. And also using Spirit Fm radio app can cause least in CM9 someones have reported simmering like that..
I could upload it here but it isn't possible with tapatalk
Sent from my sandwiched SGS
Maybe this post can help.
See comment 31

[Q] 5.5.959 and downgrade

I've browsed around and googled quite a bit. Does anyone have a working link to the original untouched 5.5.959 files and a quick tutorial on downgrading? All the links seam to be down and can't seam to find any definite on how to downgrade after applying 5.6.890.
Thanx in advance
queberican351 said:
I've browsed around and googled quite a bit. Does anyone have a working link to the original untouched 5.5.959 files and a quick tutorial on downgrading? All the links seam to be down and can't seam to find any definite on how to downgrade after applying 5.6.890.
Thanx in advance
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There isn't a way to downgrade. Ive gotten fastboot files for the 5.5.959 version but it wont flash.
Any chance I can get a link to that file / files? I appreciate it.
Go to and find the droid 3 forum.
There are links to both 5.5.959 and 5.6.890 fastboot files. Download RSD lite so it can flash correctly.
Sent from my DROID3 using xda premium
The RootzWiki links are dead, that's why I started this thread, to see if I could get a copy of the original 5.9.959.

Best CyananogenMod for Droid 3

Ive read 10.1 is horrible...
I need camera to work and also need the version to work with the GSM hack.
PassingThruLife said:
Ive read 10.1 is horrible...
I need camera to work and also need the version to work with the GSM hack.
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In that case, there is *no* CyanogenMod that's best for the Droid 3.
doogald said:
In that case, there is *no* CyanogenMod that's best for the Droid 3.
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because of need for gsm or the camera?
There is no cm that I know of with a working camera.
doogald said:
There is no cm that I know of with a working camera.
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ok thank you.
which is the most stable CM for the droid 3 that allows GSM data and everything else,if you happen to know. thank you.
need rom
is there at all any good jb rom for the D3 i really need one
Roblewis17 said:
is there at all any good jb rom for the D3 i really need one
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I used AOKP for a while, It was very nice, However if you want camera, you'll have to settle for ics and get steeldroid 5.6
hey what abt the new update on cm10.1 dated 16/feb/14
people give me a link in order to download the caynogen mod for droid3
Check out my ROM Site for the best D3 Roms
Sent from my XT862 using XDA Free mobile app
Please Help Me
Hello all, please help me, i tried to update Motorola Droid 3 Android version 2.3.6 to 4.0... I installed update zip file from Recovery Mode. After this i could not turn on my phone. Any solutions?
Please help me. Thanks
Nick Jr said:
Hello all, please help me, i tried to update Motorola Droid 3 Android version 2.3.6 to 4.0... I installed update zip file from Recovery Mode. After this i could not turn on my phone. Any solutions?
Please help me. Thanks
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You're story is missing some details. Firstly, it doesn't come with any version past 2.3.4, so you must have done some hacking before that. In either case, the simplest solution to a bricked device is flashing a 2.3.4 sbf using rsd lite. (You could get the latest sbfs from sbf[dot]droid-developers[dot]org. See this article for more information: Thread 1255198
The Droid 3 stock is only 2.3.4, but Milestone 3 has 2.3.6
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk
This entire thread is hilarious. If you would like to know what the best D3 roms are...try them. They have all been released publicly. They are right here in this forum. They are all available to you, so use them.

