Hello everyone
First of all sorry for my english. I'm not a native english so please forgive me if I say something wrong. Second - this is my first thread here (since now, reading informations from here was enough to handle all of my problems but at this moment well... I surrender and need some advice) so please be understanding.
I have a problem with HTC M7. My friend gave it to me for a little hardware fix and software update. I fixed the hardware but I'm stuck on firmware update.
I wanted to update firmware to 5.05.651.2 with automatic updates but it crashes somewhere in the middle with red triangle sign.
So I started to read. First I've read that I need to unlock bootloader, so I made it with fastboot - nothing changed. Later found some info that I need a stock firmware to enable updates. So I downloaded some firmware but failed to install it (tried with fastboot). Next info I found that to install stock firmware I need to root the device. So I've rooted it. Still nothing. Trying to flash in "rebootRUU" mode with fastboot gave me info that no "android-info.txt" was found. Some more reading and searching and I've noticed that my HTC is probably Sprint version (to be honest I do not know what is the difference). So I downloaded some Sprint firmware. Still no effect... Ehh I'm depressed and I'm begging for help:crying:
So at this moment I have:
Android ver. 4.4.2
HTC Sense ver. 6.0
Software ver. 5.03.651.3
Kernel ver. 3.4.10-gf22c859
(translated from Polish menu)
Info from bootloader:
*** RELOCKED ***
HBOOT - 1.44.0000
Jul 5 2013, 17:19:22:3
Custom recovery installed from file: openrecovery-twrp-
Root made with iRoot app.
Also I don't know if it was earlier, but now lockscreen on android is in Chinese while all the rest is in Polish :/
Maybe it's important - friend told me that phone is from Shanghai (I don't know where does he have that info from).
If any additional information is needed please write and I will post it asap.
What I would like to achieve? I would like to install latest available stock firmware (without any changes, cool apps or any additional software). Just an basic android with Google store available. My friend is not advanced android user. He just want latest software.
I would probably fight with this device more but also a big problem are dead links all over the forums (htc1guru etc). I'm counting that maybe some of you here have backups of roms. Or maybe I just don't know how to find a proper one.
Full step-by-step manual what should I do would be great but of course I appreciate any other suggestions or advice. Just need some help.
(one more thing - for those who want to write "use search, there are a lot of manuals on the web, we won't make it for you etc" please, I spent couple of hours searching and reading and I don't understand or I don't know how to use info's I found. I'm not an Android user for last couple of years)
Thank you in advance for any help
See comment in red below
qwe1234 said:
Hello everyone
First of all sorry for my english. I'm not a native english so please forgive me if I say something wrong. Second - this is my first thread here (since now, reading informations from here was enough to handle all of my problems but at this moment well... I surrender and need some advice) so please be understanding.
I have a problem with HTC M7. My friend gave it to me for a little hardware fix and software update. I fixed the hardware but I'm stuck on firmware update.
I wanted to update firmware to 5.05.651.2 with automatic updates but it crashes somewhere in the middle with red triangle sign. Indicating that your software partition isn't 100% stock. The ota update will only replace the required files to be updated, not the whole system. Before updating, the updater-script check integrity of all files to be updated. If only one of these file isn't as expected, the updater-script will abort and the update will not install ----> red triangle
So I started to read. First I've read that I need to unlock bootloader bootloader lock/unlock status isn't related to ota update, so I made it with fastboot - nothing changed. Later found some info that I need a stock firmware to enable updates. So I downloaded some firmware but failed to install it (tried with fastboot). Next info I found that to install stock firmware I need to root the device You don't need root to install firmware. So I've rooted it. Still nothing. Trying to flash in "rebootRUU" mode with fastboot gave me info that no "android-info.txt" was found indicating that you are not using the correct file. Some more reading and searching and I've noticed that my HTC is probably Sprint version (to be honest I do not know what is the difference The sprint variant is a CDMA phone). So I downloaded some Sprint firmware. Still no effect... Ehh I'm depressed and I'm begging for help:crying:
So at this moment I have:
Android ver. 4.4.2
HTC Sense ver. 6.0
Software ver. 5.03.651.3
Kernel ver. 3.4.10-gf22c859
(translated from Polish menu)
Info from bootloader:
*** RELOCKED ***
HBOOT - 1.44.0000 old bootloader version not matching your software version
Jul 5 2013, 17:19:22:3
Custom recovery installed from file: openrecovery-twrp- twrp is really outdated and won't work with recent files. Not a problem for now since you will not need to use twrp to fix it, just fyi
Root made with iRoot app.
Also I don't know if it was earlier, but now lockscreen on android is in Chinese while all the rest is in Polish :/
Maybe it's important - friend told me that phone is from Shanghai (I don't know where does he have that info from).
If any additional information is needed please write and I will post it asap.
What I would like to achieve? I would like to install latest available stock firmware (without any changes, cool apps or any additional software). Just an basic android with Google store available. My friend is not advanced android user. He just want latest software.
I would probably fight with this device more but also a big problem are dead links all over the forums (htc1guru etc). I'm counting that maybe some of you here have backups of roms. Or maybe I just don't know how to find a proper one.
Full step-by-step manual what should I do would be great but of course I appreciate any other suggestions or advice. Just need some help.
(one more thing - for those who want to write "use search, there are a lot of manuals on the web, we won't make it for you etc" please, I spent couple of hours searching and reading and I don't understand or I don't know how to use info's I found. I'm not an Android user for last couple of years)
Thank you in advance for any help
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download these 3 files and save it in the folder where you already have fastboot.exe and adb.exe on your computer.
First update your firmware:
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip 6.23.651.10_full_firmware.zip
fastboot flash zip 6.23.651.10_full_firmware.zip
fastboot reboot-bootloader
You need to do the "fastboot flash zip" command twice. First time you'll get the "remote: 90 hboot pre-update! Please flush image again immediately" error. Second time the firmware will flash completely and should see a "OK/ flash sucessful" message. You can disregard the progress bar on the phone screen, it might not indicate 100% but if fastboot tell you "OK/ flash sucessful" it's alright
Then you can confirm everything is alright with
fastboot getvar all
your version-main should now be 6.23.651.10 and your hboot 1.61 instead of 1.44
Now you can flash the RUU, similar process but you must use the fastboot version linked above (htc_fastboot.exe):
fastboot oem rebootRUU
htc_fastboot flash zip PN071IMG_M7WLS_L50_SENSE60_SPRINT_6.23.651.10_signed.zip
fastboot reboot
Your phone might reboot by itself once, just wait until fastboot reports "OK". Again you can disregard the progress bar on your phone.
Make sure the phone is fully charged before doing all that and if something goes wrong post here and wait (do not skip any steps).
If everything went ok, the phone should reboot to the latest stock android version and the old twrp version replaced with the stock recovery. If the phone was sim-unlocked it might be relocked to Sprint again and you'll have to sim-unlock again (you can find the procedure in the "Sprint htc one" forum section, in the "general" sub-section.
My friend Thank You very much for all the instructions... but...
Last step:
Now you can flash the RUU, similar process but you must use the fastboot version linked above (htc_fastboot.exe):
fastboot oem rebootRUU
htc_fastboot flash zip PN071IMG_M7WLS_L50_SENSE60_SPRINT_6.23.651.10_signed.zip
fastboot reboot
Your phone might reboot by itself once, just wait until fastboot reports "OK". Again you can disregard the progress bar on your phone.
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ended with error ;(
fastboot gave following:
processing file 2/5...
error: cannot load 'C:\Users\x101ch\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpp6r0paxd'
htc_fastboot finished. total time: 297.909s
Phone restarted once in the middle like you said.
I rebooted with "fastboot reboot" . Startup screen show up and now there is a black screen with dimmed backlight. Power button doesn't do anything. Any of commands in fasboot also don't work. Ahh...
One more thing. I haven't noticed that you changed command from fastboot to htc_fastboot so I changed htc_fastboot file name to just fastboot and used command fastboot. Don't know if it matters...
qwe1234 said:
I rebooted with "fastboot reboot" . Startup screen show up and now there is a black screen with dimmed backlight. Power button doesn't do anything. Any of commands in fasboot also don't work. Ahh...
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Now you probably understand why I said
if something goes wrong post here and wait (do not skip any steps).
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Rebooting after a failed/incomplete flash can hard brick your phone. If you can't get fastboot connectivity again, there is not much you can do. Sorry
Ahhh. My bad;( I didn't want to leave everything turned on for so many hours. Well nevermind.
What do you think if I open up the phone nad reset it manually by unplugging the battery? Is there a chance to boot it to bootloader? Like I mentioned te start screen appeared so it looks like the phone hangs later. Am I thinking right?
qwe1234 said:
Ahhh. My bad;( I didn't want to leave everything turned on for so many hours. Well nevermind.
What do you think if I open up the phone nad reset it manually by unplugging the battery? Is there a chance to boot it to bootloader? Like I mentioned te start screen appeared so it looks like the phone hangs later. Am I thinking right?
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maybe or let the battery drain then plug the phone again and try to boot in bootloader with vol down and power.
Ok. I will try to do that tomorrow and will post the result. Thanks again
I'm in bootloader again.
Unplugged battery directly on mainboard and connected again rebooted the phone. So... whats next? I promise I won't do anything more without a consult
qwe1234 said:
I'm in bootloader again.
Unplugged battery directly on mainboard and connected again rebooted the phone. So... whats next? I promise I won't do anything more without a consult
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Can you post an update of your "fastboot getvar all" please (hide your imei and serialno before posting)
alray said:
Can you post an update of your "fastboot getvar all" please (hide your imei and serialno before posting)
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(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.61.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 6.23.651.10
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno: XXXXXXXXXX
(bootloader) imei: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
(bootloader) meid: 99000146554636
(bootloader) product: m7_wls
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0720000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4285mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-0e2a13e5
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.077s
htc_fastboot finished. total time: 0.623s
qwe1234 said:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.61.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 6.23.651.10
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno: XXXXXXXXXX
(bootloader) imei: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
(bootloader) meid: 99000146554636
(bootloader) product: m7_wls
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0720000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4285mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-0e2a13e5
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.077s
htc_fastboot finished. total time: 0.623s
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try to flash the ruu again and post a screenshot of your cmd window if it doesn't work
alray said:
try to flash the ruu again and post a screenshot of your cmd window if it doesn't work
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Alray... I don't know how to thank you. You're the best
Second flash went with a success at every step. Now everything seems to be absolutely ok. Firmware is updated.
Tomorrow I will check sim-lock and I will try to make a phone call and if everything will be ok I think it's gonna be the end
Thank you very much again
qwe1234 said:
Alray... I don't know how to thank you. You're the best
Second flash went with a success at every step. Now everything seems to be absolutely ok. Firmware is updated.
Tomorrow I will check sim-lock and I will try to make a phone call and if everything will be ok I think it's gonna be the end
Thank you very much again
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you're welcome!
So I checked and the phone probably has a sim-lock. It shows notification that the simcard is wrong (translated from polish so in english it may be in some other words). I checked the subforum like you said in first reply and I found threads: [GUIDE] [fixed] SIM UNLOCK after lollipop and [GUIDE] Sprint sim unlock & Flash. I don't want to mess up anything (again) so could you please tell me which one is right for me?
qwe1234 said:
So I checked and the phone probably has a sim-lock. It shows notification that the simcard is wrong (translated from polish so in english it may be in some other words). I checked the subforum like you said in first reply and I found threads: [GUIDE] [fixed] SIM UNLOCK after lollipop and [GUIDE] Sprint sim unlock & Flash. I don't want to mess up anything (again) so could you please tell me which one is right for me?
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So it looks like I'm stupid.
I tried to unlock the phone. Again bootloader unlocked, phone rooted. I wanted to unlock it with terminal commands using HtcOMADM_SPCS but I cannot install it. I've installed twrp (this time version but it keeps saying that footer is wrong and signature verification failed...
Any more help, please? ;(
Hey sorry, don't mean to hijack this thread.
But would the same instructions apply for updating any older HTC m7 as far as the firmware and RUU is concerned?
I'm getting crickets on my thread, and just needed a general confirmation on the process again since it's been awhile.
I'm looking to flash a more current ROM and newer twrp recovery(or whatever is the best out there now).
Just confirming the process you described would still work the same way.
alray said:
See comment in red below
download these 3 files and save it in the folder where you already have fastboot.exe and adb.exe on your computer.
First update your firmware:
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip 6.23.651.10_full_firmware.zip
fastboot flash zip 6.23.651.10_full_firmware.zip
fastboot reboot-bootloader
You need to do the "fastboot flash zip" command twice. First time you'll get the "remote: 90 hboot pre-update! Please flush image again immediately" error. Second time the firmware will flash completely and should see a "OK/ flash sucessful" message. You can disregard the progress bar on the phone screen, it might not indicate 100% but if fastboot tell you "OK/ flash sucessful" it's alright
Then you can confirm everything is alright with
fastboot getvar all
your version-main should now be 6.23.651.10 and your hboot 1.61 instead of 1.44
Now you can flash the RUU, similar process but you must use the fastboot version linked above (htc_fastboot.exe):
fastboot oem rebootRUU
htc_fastboot flash zip PN071IMG_M7WLS_L50_SENSE60_SPRINT_6.23.651.10_signed.zip
fastboot reboot
Your phone might reboot by itself once, just wait until fastboot reports "OK". Again you can disregard the progress bar on your phone.
Make sure the phone is fully charged before doing all that and if something goes wrong post here and wait (do not skip any steps).
If everything went ok, the phone should reboot to the latest stock android version and the old twrp version replaced with the stock recovery. If the phone was sim-unlocked it might be relocked to Sprint again and you'll have to sim-unlock again (you can find the procedure in the "Sprint htc one" forum section, in the "general" sub-section.
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cloud66 said:
Hey sorry, don't mean to hijack this thread.
But would the same instructions apply for updating any older HTC m7 as far as the firmware and RUU is concerned?
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Since yours is also a Sprint HTC One, yes the same procedure should work.
I'm getting crickets on my thread
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quote me next time and I'll be notified, just like you did in this thread.
I'm looking to flash a more current ROM and newer twrp recovery(or whatever is the best out there now).
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Don't forget that only Sprint roms and Sprint recovery will work on your phone (roms or recovery for the gsm/m7ul won't work). Make sure the custom rom you want to flash is compatible with the Sprint variant (it will be mentioned in the OP of the rom thread if it's compatible with Sprint/M7_WLS). Flash the Sprint TWRP version:
twrp-3.1.1-0-m7wls.img not twrp-3.1.1-0-m7.img
alray said:
quote me next time and I'll be notified, just like you did in this thread.
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Hey again. Alray can I ask you for a little bit more help? I've tried every way to sim unlock i found but without any success. Last method I used was from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6hHUae1TMs but when I want to run Unlock helper it crashes. Have no idea what am I doing wrong...;(
alray said:
Since yours is also a Sprint HTC One, yes the same procedure should work.
quote me next time and I'll be notified, just like you did in this thread.
Don't forget that only Sprint roms and Sprint recovery will work on your phone (roms or recovery for the gsm/m7ul won't work). Make sure the custom rom you want to flash is compatible with the Sprint variant (it will be mentioned in the OP of the rom thread if it's compatible with Sprint/M7_WLS). Flash the Sprint TWRP version:
twrp-3.1.1-0-m7wls.img not twrp-3.1.1-0-m7.img
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Hey so looks like I'm running into an issue when updating my firmware.
I'm getting this:
"Target didn't report max-download-size"
sending 'zip' (45578 KB)...
OKAY [2.807s]
writing 'zip' . . .
(bootloader) zip header checking . . .
(bootloader) zip info parsing . . .
FAILED (remote: 99 unknown fail)
finished. total tim: 3.067s
I've tried a few different versions of firmware and no luck.
I can just fastboot reboot bootloader and then reboot after that and I'm back to my normal stuff with no issues.
Also flashed twrp recovery without any issues.
Rom is still working, everything is still normal....
Also wanted to add that I was able to update TWRP to 3.1 and flash ICE ROM 7.1.1 and gapps without any issues. So far running semi-stable.
Tried updating firmware with s-on after i re-locked my bootloader, but that did not work either. I was still getting some weird error so I unlocked my bootloader again and then was able to flash the nougat rom just fine. It's strange that it's working with such an older version of the firmware... oh well.
Will still hold out for any suggestions. I'm sure I will run into some issues soon with the firmware being that out-of-date. Signal issues, battery issues, etc.
At this time I am pretty much hopeless... Seriously, nothing works, but if a miracle happens and I get my HTC One back to life it will be thanks to you guys.
So... This is my story:
Today I was using my HTC One M7_UL like any other day, I had Android OneDroid BETA 15 (a CyanogenMod with a few tweaks) installed and I got bored of it, so I decided to flash a Google Edition ROM. Came to the forum and looked for the thread with most replies on "Custom Android HTC One ROMs" and found the winner of the Google Edition ones, the ARHD 6.0 Google Edition. Fine, I thought, let's flash this [email protected]%#. So I started by downloading the latest version (roughly 550 MB) and connecting my HTC One to my Windows 8.1 Pro computer. The HTC drivers don't work with my 8.1 Pro Windows but since I only needed it to send the .zip file to my Internal Storage I gave it a shot. Copied everything, disconnected and proceeded to my recovery (TWRP) where I Wiped it up and flashed ARHD 6.0 GE. After installing, still on the recovery, restored the phone to factory presets and rebooted it. A Google logo appeared and some Nexus-like balls started to spin, some weird sh%t. Until there, everything absolutely fine, but it stood there with the balls spinning for 3~4 minutes and I thought it was normal because it was the first boot after flashing the new ROM. Got to Language Settings on the Android Welcome screen but then it quickly turned black and reeboted. HTC Logo appeared for roughly 1 second and it got black and rebooted again, this time starting back up but when I got to the Language setup it would do the same thing, over and over again.
So I started looking into it and didn't find many answers, then I decided to try and flash another Google Edition ROM, SkyDragon, but as I am a COMPLETE NOOB in this rooting and wobbly wobbly thingies I had no idea how I would get the .zip file to the Internal Storage, since the HTC One HAS NO SD CARD!!! I researched a bit and found sth called ADB Sideloading, which I am certain you know what it is, but the thing is, since my computer doesn't quite work with HTC Drivers I had to use my sister's PC, with Windows 7 and HTC One All-in-One kit. I could access my bootloader and recovery despite of the bootloop, which I think is a good thing, so I put it to fastboot mode, connected the cable to her computer and on the phone it changed from "fastboot" in red to "fastboot usb" in red also, so I thought, oh ok, it will work now. But when I tried ADB commands or tried any of the commands on the All-in-One thing it would just say "NO DEVICES FOUND" or something among those lines.
Anyway, if someone got this far I already thank you for trying to help but I am pretty certain I got a bricked device. I don't even now what to do, should I try to ADB Sideload this other ROM or should I try a Sense ROM, cuz I read somewhere that Google Edition ROMs only work when migrating from Sense ROMs, and if I am supposed to flash a Sense ROM how would I do so? Please try to be as simple as possible, I don't know much and I am pretty noob, anyways, thank you so much, and I hope you can help me!
(Also, before this bootloop it was S-OFF and now it shows as S-ON)
Waiting for a response,
John B.
You need TWRP 2.6.33 or newer.
You need to be S-Off.
You need to have wiped cache and dalvik and probably a full format (except sdcard) wouldn't go amiss before installing. It sounds to me like it wasn't wiped properly.
The device doesn't S-On on its own, you probably did it with the toolkit or something.
ADB doesn't work in fastboot mode, fastboot mode is for fastboot command, such as flashing recovery.
Are you still unlocked?
Give us the output of
fastboot getvar all
Without IMEI and Serial Number.
BenPope said:
You need TWRP 2.6.33 or newer.
You need to be S-Off.
You need to have wiped cache and dalvik and probably a full format (except sdcard) wouldn't go amiss before installing. It sounds to me like it wasn't wiped properly.
The device doesn't S-On on its own, you probably did it with the toolkit or something.
ADB doesn't work in fastboot mode, fastboot mode is for fastboot command, such as flashing recovery.
Are you still unlocked?
Give us the output of
fastboot getvar all
Without IMEI and Serial Number.
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Yeah I am unlocked and untempered.
Here is my fastboot getvar all:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4A.14.3250.13
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: xxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0712000
(bootloader) cidnum: CWS__001
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4309mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
getvar:all FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 0.077s
And I am ABSOLUTELY SURE that before all of this it was S-OFF, ABSOLUTELY!
BenPope said:
You need TWRP 2.6.33 or newer.
You need to be S-Off.
You need to have wiped cache and dalvik and probably a full format (except sdcard) wouldn't go amiss before installing. It sounds to me like it wasn't wiped properly.
The device doesn't S-On on its own, you probably did it with the toolkit or something.
ADB doesn't work in fastboot mode, fastboot mode is for fastboot command, such as flashing recovery.
Are you still unlocked?
Give us the output of
fastboot getvar all
Without IMEI and Serial Number.
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Also my TWRP is so I should be good about that right?
Jvov said:
Also my TWRP is so I should be good about that right?
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Yes, but as far as I know, you need to be S-Off for GPE KitKat ROMs.
Do you really have no version-main?
If your hboot is 1.44 and dated prior to June, you should be able to use revone to S-Off, but you'll need a booting ROM of Android 4.2.2.
BenPope said:
Yes, but as far as I know, you need to be S-Off for GPE KitKat ROMs.
Do you really have no version-main?
If your hboot is 1.44 and dated prior to June, you should be able to use revone to S-Off, but you'll need a booting ROM of Android 4.2.2.
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Can you explain exactly how can I do that?
Just flash back to another ROM for the moment that has root then use rumrunner to get S-OFF then flash ARHD GPE again. You'll be fine then.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Also don't do a reset after flashing the rom. It will boot loop every time.
Bat cave One
zelendel said:
Also don't do a reset after flashing the rom. It will boot loop every time.
Bat cave One
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Solved, thanks to all!
Hey All,
I hope you guys can help me, I'm completely lost in all these threads and posts. I've spent hours on this, literally hours...
I have a HTC One M7 (bought in Belgium) which I wanted to return to stock because of a faulty speaker (I just rooted the standard image). So I relocked the bootloader to flash an RUU. I tried flashing several European RUUs from the xda collection, but nothing worked. I also tried a zipped firmware, and it also fails. I always get this error:
FAILED remote: 12 signature verify fail
I'm stuck in fastboot, it doesn't boot into the OS anymore, only fastboot.
Getvar output:
C:\ADT\sdk\platform-tools>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4A.14.3250.13
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 1.29.401.16
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0710000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__E11
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4024mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
getvar:all FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 0.051s
I try to flash the RUU Zip M7_UL_JB_50_HTC_Europe_1.29.401.16_R_Radio_4A.14.3250.13_10.33.1150.01_release_318486_signed_2_4_decrypted.zip
Strange thing is, when I check the zip's android-info:
modelid: PN0710000
cidnum: HTC__001
cidnum: HTC__E11
So I don't get anymore why it would fail a signature check...
I also tried flashing a newer version, this didn't work either. What makes matters worse, the battery keeps uncharging as I continue to struggle...
Tell it to me straight, doctor... Is my HTC doomed to be a paperweight?
What do you mean "flash a RUU" ? Is it you try to fastboot flash the RUU ? It won't work that way.
Checking this : http://www.androidruu.com/?developer=M7
I see there is only one RUU that may work for you : RUU_M7_UL_K44_SENSE55_MR_HTC_Europe_4.19.401.9_R_Radio_4A.23.3263.28_10.38r.1157.04L_release_353069_signed_2-1.exe
What you need to do:
1- in fastboot mode - relock the bootloader : run command fastboot oem lock (you did this already)
2- in fastboot mode - flash/run/double click the RUU; follow the updater instruction - next,update,bla,bla,bla until it finish
ckpv5 said:
What do you mean "flash a RUU" ? Is it you try to fastboot flash the RUU ? It won't work that way.
Checking this :
I see there is only one RUU that may work for you : RUU_M7_UL_K44_SENSE55_MR_HTC_Europe_4.19.401.9_R_Radio_4A.23.3263.28_10.38r.1157.04L_release_353069_signed_2-1.exe
What you need to do:
1- in fastboot mode - relock the bootloader : run command fastboot oem lock (you did this already)
2- in fastboot mode - flash/run/double click the RUU; follow the updater instruction - next,update,bla,bla,bla until it finish
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First of all, thanks a bunch for taking the time to respond.
I'm currently downloading the proposed RUU and will try flashing it.
I don't understand, however, why my downloaded RUUs wouldn't work since the CID and model corresponded?
I tried both methods: using the RUU to flash and using the fastboot oem rebootRUU > flash zip.
dwarfstrider said:
First of all, thanks a bunch for taking the time to respond.
I'm currently downloading the proposed RUU and will try flashing it.
I don't understand, however, why my downloaded RUUs wouldn't work since the CID and model corresponded?
I tried both methods: using the RUU to flash and using the fastboot oem rebootRUU > flash zip.
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When your device is S-ON, you need a correct version RUU i.e 1.29.401.16 (which is not available, I believe), so you should go for a higher version not lower version.
I'm new to HTC One too so not so sure about fastboot oem rebootRUU, but I believe it needs a S-OFF device to work but yours is S-ON.
More info : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2358738
ckpv5 said:
When your device is S-ON, you need a correct version RUU i.e 1.29.401.16 (which is not available, I believe), so you should go for a higher version not lower version.
I'm new to HTC One too so not so sure about fastboot oem rebootRUU, but I believe it needs a S-OFF device to work but yours is S-ON.
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That RUU doesn't work, after checking the signature I get: ERROR [158]: IMAGE ERROR...
dwarfstrider said:
That RUU doesn't work, after checking the signature I get: ERROR [158]: IMAGE ERROR...
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Search for ERROR 158 may help you.
What I understand ERROR 158 maybe because the bootloader is not relocked, not using USB2.0, maybe also a modified hboot (usually the one that remove the red text warning) is installed prior to running the RUU, not running the RUU in Admin Privilege mode.
Maybe someone else have better idea, have to wait for that.
What I understand ERROR 158 maybe because the bootloader is not relocked, not using USB2.0
- No, I locked using fastboot oem lock with USB cable.
maybe also a modified hboot (usually the one that remove the red text warning) is installed prior to running the RUU
- Afaik, I never installed a custom hboot myself. I get the red text warning at the white HTC screen.
not running the RUU in Admin Privilege mode.
- Nope, the RUU runs with admin privileges in Win 7
Maybe someone else have better idea, have to wait for that.
- Let's hope so :laugh:
This is what my phone looks like atm:
i.imgur.com/ bX9MFM3.jpg
(can't post pics/links yet, sorry)
Please guys, help a fella out... I will be forever grateful
Update: I unlocked my phone again with the unlock bin from HTCDev and now it boots again...
I suppose I need to do S-OFF with revone since I'm at 1.44, but unsure. Damn this stuff is confusing.
You will need to flash new firmware I saw a hierarchy of htc one's Ruu firmware list on android revolution site.
Just check in the name of the correct ruu you downloaded and try to match the numbers of your Ruu with the list given there. I hope it may help you or if you get confused Pm me.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
OK, I solved it.
So I did an S-OFF with revone, then locked and removed tampered (also revone).
Then I flashed a good RUU. It took ages to find a good one, followed another thread (2325010) on the forum which I can't link because of the restrictions .
Then I used thread 1672425 to put S-ON again and now my One it back to full stock!
Hello everyone. It is my first time on this forum, so please be patient.
On Saturday I received my new HTC One 802d dual sim. Following in the steps of this and other forums I could root it and unlock the bootloader.
Then I wanted to get S-Off for putting on a new ROM but while the Moonshine was running, in one of the many resets, the phone can't start the OS (obviously cmd window showed an error).
From there on I tried a myriad of things but with no success. I could not find the original RUU to flash it either.
I am truly desperate!!!! can anyone help ???
I leave data from my HTC One:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 2.27.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 2.35.707.2
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) meid: A********************66
(bootloader) product: m7cdwg
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0751000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__044
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4330mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-8076a49a
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
Android 4.2.2
HTC Sence 5.0
Soft Number 2.35.707.2
HTC SDK API level 5.34
PRI Version 4.20_09A
PRL Version 10014
Kernel 3.4.10-g8914e14
Baseband Version
Biuld Number 2.35.707.2 CL257405
Browser version WebKit/534.30
pdelmazo said:
Hello everyone. It is my first time on this forum, so please be patient.
On Saturday I received my new HTC One 802d dual sim. Following in the steps of this and other forums I could root it and unlock the bootloader.
Then I wanted to get S-Off for putting on a new ROM but while the Moonshine was running, in one of the many resets, the phone can't start the OS (obviously cmd window showed an error).
From there on I tried a myriad of things but with no success. I could not find the original RUU to flash it either.
I am truly desperate!!!! can anyone help ???
I leave data from my HTC One:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 2.27.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 2.35.707.2
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) meid: Remove
(bootloader) product: m7cdwg
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0751000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__044
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4330mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-8076a49a
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
Android 4.2.2
HTC Sence 5.0
Soft Number 2.35.707.2
HTC SDK API level 5.34
PRI Version 4.20_09A
PRL Version 10014
Kernel 3.4.10-g8914e14
Baseband Version
Biuld Number 2.35.707.2 CL257405
Browser version WebKit/534.30
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You might want to remove your meid from your first post.
Assuming you have a custom recovery installed, you might try to install Maximus HD for dual sim. I found these instructions in his other thread for the single sim rom. Why don't you think you have a rom installed? Are you stuck in bootloader? You can follow these instructions by alray but you must use a custom recovery for your variant and the Maximus HD rom for your variant.
If you get the rom installed and working, I would try rumrunner S-OFF, since you have a lower hboot. Since you have such a unique phone, I would make nandroid backups to I could recover from issues easier. I hope it helps.
majmoz said:
You might want to remove your meid from your first post.
Assuming you have a custom recovery installed, you might try to install Maximus HD for dual sim. I found these instructions in his other thread for the single sim rom. Why don't you think you have a rom installed? Are you stuck in bootloader? You can follow these instructions by alray but you must use a custom recovery for your variant and the Maximus HD rom for your variant.
If you get the rom installed and working, I would try rumrunner S-OFF, since you have a lower hboot. Since you have such a unique phone, I would make nandroid backups to I could recover from issues easier. I hope it helps.
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Thank you very much!!!! I'll try to flash Maximus HD, but I have a few questions:
The phone has to be unlocked?
What would be the details to consider the rom to choose?
pdelmazo said:
Thank you very much!!!! I'll try to flash Maximus HD, but I have a few questions:
The phone has to be unlocked? Yes, the phone has to be unlocked!
What would be the details to consider the rom to choose? The rom must be for your variant, if you flash a rom that is not designed for your variant you can brick your phone. There are not a lot of choices for your variant!
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See answers in Magenta. You should check out the Mega-Guide All about HTC One Dual Sim and the Collection of HTC One Dual Sim RUU, OTA, Firmware, etc..
majmoz said:
See answers in Magenta. You should check out the Mega-Guide All about HTC One Dual Sim and the Collection of HTC One Dual Sim RUU, OTA, Firmware, etc..
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hello again.
Yesterday I could finally install the maximushd 1.0 as the 3.0 but in both cases when phone restarted, it made a boot loop again. Might be corrupt the hboot? There is way to fix it? another idea? Thank you
majmoz said:
See answers in Magenta. You should check out the Mega-Guide All about HTC One Dual Sim and the Collection of HTC One Dual Sim RUU, OTA, Firmware, etc..
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pdelmazo said:
hello again.
Yesterday I could finally install the maximushd 1.0 as the 3.0 but in both cases when phone restarted, it made a boot loop again. Might be corrupt the hboot? There is way to fix it? another idea? Thank you
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Finally I flash the boot.img boot with a RUU for my HTC.
Now the phone starts, passes the first HTC screen and tries to show the desktop but goes black .... can only see the top bar with the time and the GSM signal ... then it reboots again.
I dont know what else to do....
Plaese Help Me!!!!
pdelmazo said:
Finally I flash the boot.img boot with a RUU for my HTC.
Now the phone starts, passes the first HTC screen and tries to show the desktop but goes black .... can only see the top bar with the time and the GSM signal ... then it reboots again.
I dont know what else to do....
Plaese Help Me!!!!
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This is a long shot but first I would try to flash the stock firmware 4.22.707.3. You will need to lock your bootloader first. This firmware will wipe your personnal data from the phone.
First, download the firmware file and rename it firmware.zip and place in your adb/fastboot folder.
Second, relock you phone using this command:
fastboot oem lock
Third, use the following procedure to flash the stock firmware to your phone:
fastboot reboot-bootloader
After that, type:
fastboot oem rebootRUU [/I][/B]
NOTE: You should see a silver HTC logo come up on your phone after executing this command.
NOTE: if this command freezes, just disconnect the USB cable and hold the power and volume down buttons until the device reboots. Then, repeat the steps above again.
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip[/I][/B]
Repeat the same command: IMPORTANT
[B][I]fastboot flash zip firmware.zip[/I][/B]
NOTE: The green bar on the phone may not go to 100% of the bar ... but If you see completed on your computer command window, wait for a few seconds and move on.
Last Step:
fastboot reboot
majmoz said:
This is a long shot but first I would try to flash the********* You will need to lock your bootloader first. This firmware will wipe your personnal data from the phone.
First, download the firmware file and rename it firmware.zip and place in your adb/fastboot folder.
Second, relock you phone using this command:
fastboot oem lock
Third, use the following procedure to flash the stock firmware to your phone:
fastboot reboot-bootloader
After that, type:
fastboot oem rebootRUU [/I][/B]
NOTE: You should see a silver HTC logo come up on your phone after executing this command.
NOTE: if this command freezes, just disconnect the USB cable and hold the power and volume down buttons until the device reboots. Then, repeat the steps above again.
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip[/I][/B]
Repeat the same command: IMPORTANT
[B][I]fastboot flash zip firmware.zip[/I][/B]
NOTE: The green bar on the phone may not go to 100% of the bar ... but If you see completed on your computer command window, wait for a few seconds and move on.
Last Step:
fastboot reboot
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that was amazing !!!!!
It really works !!! I only doubt is .... I can not seem to turn on the wifi .... how do I fix it? or you install the MaximusHD now ....?
Can I pay you for your help? I would like to do
I will waiting
pdelmazo said:
that was amazing !!!!!
It really works !!! I only doubt is .... I can not seem to turn on the wifi .... how do I fix it? or you install the MaximusHD now ....?
Can I pay you for your help? I would like to do
I will waiting
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Thanks is enough for helping you out.
Wifi might be a software issue, with the new firmware you got the latest radio for your phone. If you still have the stock rom installed you could try the OTA update? If the rom is stock and the recovery is stock you could rename (to shorten it) and move the OTA to your sdcard. When it is on your sdcard, follow these steps for installing the OTA manually. It may or may not run, but if it fails it will tell you why it failed and maybe we can fix it.
majmoz said:
Thanks is enough for helping you out.
Wifi might be a software issue, with the new firmware you got the latest radio for your phone. If you still have the stock rom installed you could try the OTA update? If the rom is stock and the recovery is stock you could rename (to shorten it) and move the OTA to your sdcard. When it is on your sdcard, follow these steps for installing the OTA manually. It may or may not run, but if it fails it will tell you why it failed and maybe we can fix it.
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The phone has installed Android 4.4.2, HTC Sence 6.0 from MaximusHD 3.0
Should I also install this OTA?
pdelmazo said:
The phone has installed Android 4.4.2, HTC Sence 6.0 from MaximusHD 3.0
Should I also install this OTA?
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No, there is no stock rom for your phone! So, you can not go back to stock to get the OTA. Make a nandroid backup while in recovery and save it to your computer should something go amiss in the future. Glad to see you are back up and running.
Go to your first post and edit the title with "[Solved]".
majmoz said:
No, there is no stock rom for your phone! So, you can not go back to stock to get the OTA. Make a nandroid backup while in recovery and save it to your computer should something go amiss in the future. Glad to see you are back up and running.
Go to your first post and edit the title with "[Solved]".
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Ok I'll do it ... thank you very much for everything.
So I can not do anything to solve the problem wifi?
pdelmazo said:
Ok I'll do it ... thank you very much for everything.
So I can not do anything to solve the problem wifi?
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What specifically is wrong with wifi?
Are you getting data?
Does SMS/MMS work?
No issues with calls?
Have you tried rebooting the phone?
majmoz said:
What specifically is wrong with wifi?
Are you getting data?
Does SMS/MMS work?
No issues with calls?
Have you tried rebooting the phone?
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Yes, I have restarted the phone twice but no Wifi on when I touch the button. Nor have 3G / H + data.
Calls and SMS work fine.
Should I reinstall ROM?
pdelmazo said:
Yes, I have restarted the phone twice but no Wifi on when I touch the button. Nor have 3G / H + data.
Calls and SMS work fine.
Should I reinstall ROM?
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Yes, re-install the ROM and while in recovery wipe cache/dalvik. And check your APN settings against the APN settings for your carrier.
majmoz said:
Yes, re-install the ROM and while in recovery wipe cache/dalvik. And check your APN settings against the APN settings for your carrier.
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Hi friend, i'm here again.
I had to reflash my phone with help from llabtoofer.com
We were able to fix the Wifi but the phone does not work on 3G network... only on EDGE.
Could be a problem with the Firmware or with the Radio?
I just called the telephone's company and they said that APN configuration was ok. If you want, I can send you a copy.
I'm in Argentina, Latin America.... perhaps the ROM installed is from Europe or perhaps is not compatible with my M7C_DWG.
Can you help me one more time?
Thanks.... I will waiting.
pdelmazo said:
Hi friend, i'm here again.
I had to reflash my phone with help from llabtoofer.com
We were able to fix the Wifi but the phone does not work on 3G network... only on EDGE.
Could be a problem with the Firmware or with the Radio?
I just called the telephone's company and they said that APN configuration was ok. If you want, I can send you a copy.
I'm in Argentina, Latin America.... perhaps the ROM installed is from Europe or perhaps is not compatible with my M7C_DWG.
Can you help me one more time?
Thanks.... I will waiting.
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An earlier post stated that you had MaximusHD 3.0 installed. According to the website it doesn't support your phone! However, your software information has just the stock rom not MaximusHD 3.0. I don't thing there is an RUU for your phone so if you can find someone with a nandroid backup that you could use it would help. If you could get the stock firmware and flash it. Sorry, I'm not much help.
majmoz said:
An earlier post stated that you had MaximusHD 3.0 installed. According to the website it doesn't support your phone! However, your software information has just the stock rom not MaximusHD 3.0. I don't thing there is an RUU for your phone so if you can find someone with a nandroid backup that you could use it would help. If you could get the stock firmware and flash it. Sorry, I'm not much help.
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Ok, thank you very much.
I will keep looking for a solution.... When I have it, I'll let you know.
General Details:
HTC One M7 Verizon, rooted, S-Off, TWRP
I had been running stock rom but rooted and got S-Off. Recently updated to TWRP Still worked at this point.
Downloaded Android Revolution HD 91.1 and attempted install. Everything said it was successful, rebooted into a boot loop.
When it starts it vibrates (one short buzz) , then comes up to the initial HTC logo with the text at the bottom about it being a dev build, 31 seconds later, screen goes black, 4 seconds later this process starts over. I am able to use volume down + power buttons to get to the bootloader, then go into fastboot mode, load twrp recovery, etc.
Here's what I've tried so far:
Variations on wiping partitions, dalvik cache, everything, formating everything, etc.
Tried reinstalling the AR HD 91.1 zip, installed AR HD 84.0, installed AR HD 6.1 Google Edition, Installed Stock ROM from AR.
All to no avail. I'm downloading and installing android sdk now. Starting to think the issue is a firmware difference between what's on the phone and what ROM needs.
Here's what bootloader shows me:
*** UNLOCKED ***
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Apr 22 2014, 18:03:29.22981
<VOL UP> to previous item
<VOL DOWN> to next item
<POWER> to select item
fastboot getvar all returns:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.57.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno: XXXXXXXXXXXX
(bootloader) imei: 000000000000000
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_wlv
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0731000
(bootloader) cidnum: VZW__001
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4242mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-e47fb74b
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
google search has been little help.
So...any thoughts?
Try reverting to an older version of TWRP. I had the same thing happen this morning and I just reverted now everything works fine.
muguly said:
Try reverting to an older version of TWRP. I had the same thing happen this morning and I just reverted now everything works fine.
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Which version did you revert to? So far I've tried and to no avail.
archanoid said:
Which version did you revert to? So far I've tried and to no avail.
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I installed via fastboot flash recovery
then I tried re-installing the ARHD 91.1 ROM (which it said it did successfully) but the same problem continues.
archanoid said:
I installed via fastboot flash recovery
then I tried re-installing the ARHD 91.1 ROM (which it said it did successfully) but the same problem continues.
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Does ARHD supports the Verizon variant? And is your phone running the latest firmware?
alray said:
Does ARHD supports the Verizon variant? And is your phone running the latest firmware?
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It's a specific ROM for the verizon variant so I'd say yes to the first question.
Now, I'm not 100% sure on this but I wasn't sure how to check the firmware version. I searched (googled) for how to tell and found a line saying the "version-main" line from a "fastboot getvar all" tells you the firmware version. When I issue a "fastboot getvar all" the version-main line is blank. Might that indicate I have no firmware on my phone?
archanoid said:
It's a specific ROM for the verizon variant so I'd say yes to the first question.
Now, I'm not 100% sure on this but I wasn't sure how to check the firmware version. I searched (googled) for how to tell and found a line saying the "version-main" line from a "fastboot getvar all" tells you the firmware version. When I issue a "fastboot getvar all" the version-main line is blank. Might that indicate I have no firmware on my phone?
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version-main is sometime blank because of twrp, that doesn't mean you don't have a firmware.
alray said:
version-main is sometime blank because of twrp, that doesn't mean you don't have a firmware.
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Okay so I just read a bunch about flashing firmwares. So I changed my CID to 11111111 and grabbed a custom 7.19.401.22 firmware from another thread here on xda, ran a fastboot oem rebootRUU (got the black screen with silver htc logo) then tried the fastboot flash zip firmware.zip and it gives me this every time:
FAILED (remote: 41 model id check fail)
Any pointers on figuring out what firmware I should be running for my phone?
archanoid said:
It's a specific ROM for the verizon variant so I'd say yes to the first question.
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Can you give a link, not saying youre wrong, but I can't find this information, just to be sure. I thought ARHD was for M7_UL and M7_U only...
archanoid said:
Okay so I just read a bunch about flashing firmwares. So I changed my CID to 11111111 and grabbed a custom 7.19.401.22 firmware from another thread here on xda, ran a fastboot oem rebootRUU (got the black screen with silver htc logo) then tried the fastboot flash zip firmware.zip and it gives me this every time:
FAILED (remote: 41 model id check fail)
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7.19.401.22 is WWE version for PN0712000 MID
Any pointers on figuring out what firmware I should be running for my phone?
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If a specific firmware is required, it should be mentioned in the rom thread. My guess is that if your phone is Verizon and the rom is for Verizon then update to the latest verizon firmware. Meanwhile you could try to wipe everything from twrp + formate data. Reboot the recovery and push the rom to your phone and try to flash it again. Also worth trying another rom.
alray said:
Can you give a link, not saying youre wrong, but I can't find this information, just to be sure. I thought ARHD was for M7_UL and M7_U only...
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I got it from here: http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.com/p/android-revolution-hd-mirror-site-var.html
I thought I saw something that said it would work on verizon phone but I could be wrong about that. May have to pick a different ROM.
alray said:
...then update to the latest verizon firmware
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I'm trying to do that now but having a hell of a time figuring out what firmware that is and where to get it.
(Thanks again for your help, btw)
archanoid said:
I got it from here: http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.com/p/android-revolution-hd-mirror-site-var.html
I thought I saw something that said it would work on verizon phone but I could be wrong about that. May have to pick a different ROM.
I'm trying to do that now but having a hell of a time figuring out what firmware that is and where to get it.
(Thanks again for your help, btw)
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You should try flashing a verizon rom from the verizon section
alray said:
You should try flashing a verizon rom from the verizon section
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I just downloaded NuSenSeveN and am going to try it and see if it works. I'll let you know.
Lo and Behold!
Installing NuSenSeveN ROM worked. Guess ARHD doesn't like VZW phones. Sorry to have wasted anyone's time.
archanoid said:
Installing NuSenSeveN ROM worked. Guess ARHD doesn't like VZW phones. Sorry to have wasted anyone's time.
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learning is not wasted time
True. Plus hopefully if anyone else makes the same mistake as me they'll find this thread and save themselves a lot of time/heartache figuring out what's up.
Thanks again for all help. This place is great.
Hi Guys,
Bought an m7 cheap on ebay. I don't know anything about the history, except to say it's been fiddled with...
It powers up but it won't boot up; it hangs on the HTC logo.
Bootloader's unlocked, it's been rooted... S-ON
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.57.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4A.21.3263.04
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: ** edited out **
(bootloader) imei: ** edited out **
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0710000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4297mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-e47fb74b
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
I'm thinking I should try and take it back to stock, but I don't know where I should go from here and I'm worried I might screw it up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance!
Go to RUU mode and flash an RUU. There's a lot of threads explaining how to go to back to stock on this forum. If it still doesn't work, it might be an internal issue like the motherboard.
Can someone please recommend an RUU to go to... I'm just worried if I use the wrong one it will cause more issues. I thought RUUs were dependent on the CID num and as that's been changed to allow custom roms... I'd be happy taking it back to a plain old vanilla HTC / Google - just something to get it back alive.
Should also add I can't get s-off... adb devices doesn't show anything... I'm guessing usb debugging wasn't set up
mdb said:
Can someone please recommend an RUU to go to... I'm just worried if I use the wrong one it will cause more issues. I thought RUUs were dependent on the CID num and as that's been changed to allow custom roms... I'd be happy taking it back to a plain old vanilla HTC / Google - just something to get it back alive.
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There is no ruu we can recommend because your version-main is blank the fact that you also have superCID doesn't help identifying which ruu you'll need to use.
mdb said:
Should also add I can't get s-off... adb devices doesn't show anything... I'm guessing usb debugging wasn't set up
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You'll have to unlock the bootloader, flash a custom recovery (twrp preferred), flash a rom and use your phone like that or, if you want, from there you will be able to achieve s-off again and convert your phone to wherever you want (Stock Sense or stock GPE) by flashing a RUU.
alray said:
There is no ruu we can recommend because your version-main is blank the fact that you also have superCID doesn't help identifying which ruu you'll need to use.
You'll have to unlock the bootloader, flash a custom recovery (twrp preferred), flash a rom and use your phone like that or, if you want, from there you will be able to achieve s-off again and convert your phone to wherever you want (Stock Sense or stock GPE) by flashing a RUU.
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Thanks so much for this... I've been learning more all day (traditionally an iOS guy)...
Am I right in thinking I would need to sideload a custom rom through twrp and then install it? If so, I'm having an issue getting my laptop to talk to the phone - "adb devices" is pretty flakey to say the least, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't... I've read various things about Windows 8 and that adb works best on Windows 7, can you please confirm I'm on the right track here. I'd like to put the Viper rom on it.
Thanks again
In order to flash custom recovery you need to be booted to bootloader menu, and use fastboot commands. If you flash TWRP or later, there's no need to sideload a ROM because newer TWRP recoveries have MTP option, so you use that. Try to go to bootloader, connect your phone to your laptop or PC, and issue a command fastboot devices. If it shows your phone, you're good to go
Thanks donkeyking1...
I got it working eventually, I needed to install new drivers for Windows 8 then adb started behaving properly. I ended up pushing the Viper ROM to the phone... The phone's alive now but currently it has no IMEI, baseband or OS - they're all blank. I'm wondering if it's because I've installed Viper 9 without upgrading the firmware first? My next goals are to try and S-OFF the device so I can install a stock rom, at which point hopefully I'll get OTA updates and then go back to Viper 9 - it looks great, I just can't use it! - no phone signal!
Does that sound like the right approach? I'm trying to flash different custom roms to hopefully find one that works with rumrunner. I've read that some folks have managed to S-OFF on hboot 1.57 with rumrunner, but it's picky on the rom that's installed. It doesn't work on Viper 9...
If anyone can add any help it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance
mdb said:
Thanks donkeyking1...
I got it working eventually, I needed to install new drivers for Windows 8 then adb started behaving properly. I ended up pushing the Viper ROM to the phone... The phone's alive now but currently it has no IMEI, baseband or OS - they're all blank. I'm wondering if it's because I've installed Viper 9 without upgrading the firmware first? My next goals are to try and S-OFF the device so I can install a stock rom, at which point hopefully I'll get OTA updates and then go back to Viper 9 - it looks great, I just can't use it! - no phone signal!
Does that sound like the right approach? I'm trying to flash different custom roms to hopefully find one that works with rumrunner. I've read that some folks have managed to S-OFF on hboot 1.57 with rumrunner, but it's picky on the rom that's installed. It doesn't work on Viper 9...
If anyone can add any help it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance
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flash the 7.19.401.2 firmware and then the 7.19.401.2 RUU. If you still have imei problem after that, its most likely an hardware defect.
relock your bootloader if not already locked or re-locked:
fastboot oem lock
fastboot orm rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip M7_UL_Firmware_7.19.401.2.zip
fastbppt flash zip M7_UL_Firmware_7.19.401.2.zip
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot oem rebootRUU
htc_fastboot flash zip PN07IMG_M7_UL_L50_SENSE60_MR_HTC_Europe_7.19.401.2_Radio_4T.35.3218.16_10.33Q.1718.01L_release_421790_signed.zip
fastboot reboot
*** use htc_fastboot.exe for flashing the ruu (linked below). Save all files in the same folder where you already have fastboot.exe and adb.exe on your computer.
Alray, just curious (still learning ), how do you know from the info I've given you that the firmware / RUU you've suggested is one to fix the issues - I've struggled to understand this the past few days - thanks!
mdb said:
Alray, just curious (still learning ), how do you know from the info I've given you that the firmware / RUU you've suggested is one to fix the issues - I've struggled to understand this the past few days - thanks!
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To flash a ruu on a s-on phone there are many prerequisites:
The RUU must match your MID: 7.19.401.2 is for PN0710000
The RUU must match your CID: You have superCID so its not a problem.
The RUU must be the same version or an upgrade from your actual version, we don't know your actual version because of your blank versio-main but you have 1.57 hboot which suggest a 6.xx.xxx.x version. So 7.19.401.2 should be an upgrade.
The bootloader must be locked or re-locked.
There is no risk trying it, the worst that can happen is that the phone won't accept the ruu and nothing will be flashed.
mdb said:
Alray, just curious (still learning ), how do you know from the info I've given you that the firmware / RUU you've suggested is one to fix the issues - I've struggled to understand this the past few days - thanks!
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Super CID + your MID. WWE firmware should work just fine. Right @alray?
donkeykong1 said:
Super CID + your MID. WWE firmware should work just fine. Right @alray?
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Well, thanks so much for your help guys, but alas it seems the phone is k-put... Flashed the firmware and the rom no problem.... but it still shows no IMEI / IMEI SV / IMSI and it can't recognise the phone number - I'm guessing it can't read the sim. It does show the OS and IMEI in the bootloader, but once booted it's a no go.
mdb said:
Well, thanks so much for your help guys, but alas it seems the phone is k-put... Flashed the firmware and the rom no problem.... but it still shows no IMEI / IMEI SV / IMSI and it can't recognise the phone number - I'm guessing it can't read the sim. It does show the OS and IMEI in the bootloader, but once booted it's a no go.
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Try to bend your sim tray just a little bit. Maybe your sim card is not reaching the contacts inside the phone. Or put a piece of paper under the sim and see what happens
Thanks donkeykong1, I've tried but it's not working... The fact the IMEI / IMEI SV and baseband are unknown though... they're not sim related...
It does show the baseband and IMEI in fastboot getvar all though?...
There were a lot of people with that same issue, and their phones worked fine, so I doubt it has anything to do with your sim. Your sim works in another phone?
Yeah, the sim's fine. @alray said it's likely a hardware issue if the firmware / rom didn't repair the IMEI issue, and the other threads I've looked at with the same issue are all saying the motherboard's faulty.
Although I am baffled as to why it is showing the IMEI / baseband in the bootloader, in fastboot etc. but not once the phone has booted up?...
I read on another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2253514) that maybe flashing a kernal and/or radio might solve it?
Just wondering whether I should try flashing an official HTC rom? I've been in touch with the guy I got it off and he said it was originally on Orange, UK:
http://www.htcdev.com/devcenter/downloads > One M7 / v5.0.2 > Find Files : Page 6
One M7 / Orange / UK / CRC / 3.4.10 / v5.0.2 / 539.0 MB /
Was also thinking of...
http://www.htcdev.com/devcenter/downloads > One M7 / v5.0.2 > Find Files : Page 1
One M7 / HTC / EU / MR 3 / 3.4.10 / v5.0.2 / 486.0 MB / 7.19.401.22
If I did that would I need to update the firmware first like you advised originally @alray?
If I know I can revive the IMEI etc. I'll be happy to go ahead and pay to S-OFF
Thanks in advance
You need a kernel to match your firmware. If you're on 7.19.401.2, then you need 7.19.401.2 kernel. I can give you boot.img, but I don't have the whole zip, with modules. Then again, if your phone boots fine, maybe boot.img will help. I'd [email protected] to confirm my thoughts though. He's much more into this than I am