can Someone start Treble for mi 5x? - Xiaomi Mi 5X Questions & Answers

can Someone start Treble for mi 5x?
like this and like Treble TRWP

It's not an easy task, for a developer to do a thing that an OEM is supposed to do. It's not as easy as flipping a switch or just changing some values.

i am aready flash success and work ok,but cannot flash magisk

what is treble rom please someone explain

ghtam said:
what is treble rom please someone explain
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Please have a look at this to understand stuff about Project Treble


Does Mi A2 support Project Treble?

Ok, can you elaborate more on that? Can I pick a GSI and flash it on the Mi A2 with TWRP if I like?
MaKTaiL said:
Ok, can you elaborate more on that? Can I pick a GSI and flash it on the Mi A2 with TWRP if I like?
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At the moment I would say no. TWRP doesn't fully work on our device yet, will need time to fix it. The phone has literally just come out so best to wait for Devs to jump on it before thinking of flashing GSI's.
Although you try it at your own risk and report back

one power treble support please

I downloaded some treble device supporting apps it showing one power supports it. So I can flash gsi images . But any body of you tested gsi images are working . I want to know how to flash treble rom step by step.
I thought it's little bit tricky right compared to normal twrp flashing ??
Please help me and thank you advance ..
sravanthsam said:
I downloaded some treble device supporting apps it showing one power supports it. So I can flash gsi images . But any body of you tested gsi images are working . I want to know how to flash treble rom step by step.
I thought it's little bit tricky right compared to normal twrp flashing ??
Please help me and thank you advance ..
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It's already a treble enabled device, you can flash gsi.
But if you are on pie. Use pie gsi only . Same for oreo

Guide wanted for Rooting stock Oreo and flashing custom ROMS

Hey, fellow members. I'm a complete noob. Well, not exactly. I have rooted a few of my older phones and flashed custom ROMs but I have no idea how to root my current phone. I've been trying to find a perfect solution ranging from Youtube videos to our own forum threads but I guess I am not really good at searching. I'd be really grateful if someone could give me a step by step guide to rooting my phone and IDK, maybe unlocking the bootloader (if that's required) and then flashing a new Pie ROM. I'm using XT1084 Stock Oreo 8.1 with the latest security patch. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you!
Unlock bootloader first
For rooting, installing custom roms. You need to unlock bootloader first via fastboot using ur PC. Search the thread for bootloader unlocking process. And then download and install TWRP. Join telegram group for custom roms and all stuffs
This might help you.
Bootloader unlocking and Root
My current ROM (LineageOS 16 unofficial)
Thank you so much for providing help. I'll try these out and revert back on my success.
santoshx99 said:
For rooting, installing custom roms. You need to unlock bootloader first via fastboot using ur PC. Search the thread for bootloader unlocking process. And then download and install TWRP. Join telegram group for custom roms and all stuffs
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Thank you for your help!
RyuukiGames said:
This might help you.
Bootloader unlocking and Root
My current ROM (LineageOS 16 unofficial)
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Thank you for providing the links. They were really helpful!
I do have another question. I'm currently using Pixel Experience 9.0 which is supposedly a TREBLE ROM. I want to switch to Bootleggers 9.0 which isn't TREBLE. Will there be a problem if I flash a Non-TREBLE ROM on a TREBLE Recovery? I'm using TWRP TREBLE. I know I sound a little foolish especially with the rubbish nomenclature but I hope that everyone is able to comprehend my words and possibly even figure out a solution for me.
denzilignatius said:
I do have another question. I'm currently using Pixel Experience 9.0 which is supposedly a TREBLE ROM. I want to switch to Bootleggers 9.0 which isn't TREBLE. Will there be a problem if I flash a Non-TREBLE ROM on a TREBLE Recovery? I'm using TWRP TREBLE. I know I sound a little foolish especially with the rubbish nomenclature but I hope that everyone is able to comprehend my words and possibly even figure out a solution for me.
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Got it.
It doesn't make any difference whether I use TREBLE or Non-TREBLE TRWP for flashing a Non-TREBLE ROM.

Custom rom for SM-T510 ?

Currently I've lineage os on my tablet (t510), I'm searching for something else more stable and with a bit more functions.
Any ideas ?
Pizzaswift01 said:
Currently I've lineage os on my tablet (t510), I'm searching for something else more stable and with a bit more functions.
Any ideas ?
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If you want roms with more function, try heading over to the project treble section of xda and flashing some GSI images. Currently using phhusson's stock Android 10 with go gapps but you might like to use a ROM with more features.
Roarmaster said:
If you want roms with more function, try heading over to the project treble section of xda and flashing some GSI images. Currently using phhusson's stock Android 10 with go gapps but you might like to use a ROM with more features.
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Wow that's a interesting section, actually didn't know that thing existed, can I ask you how project treble works ? Also what does GSI mean ?
Pizzaswift01 said:
Wow that's a interesting section, actually didn't know that thing existed, can I ask you how project treble works ? Also what does GSI mean ?
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Based on my current understanding, project treble aims to make it easier for OEMs (like Samsung) to update android. Here's a more in depth read about project treble:
A GSI is a Generic System Image that can be flashed on top of existing vendor code. So it makes it easier to change/update your android OS without companies like Samsung having to modify their hardware compatibility code (that's the goal anyways) which leads to faster updates.
For us enthusiasts, that means we can flash the same stock android GSI ROM, lineageOS GSI ROM, resurrection remix GSI, etc. on any phone supporting project treble (all devices that came out with android 9+ & some android 8).That's the same GSI file on any device with a recent version of VNDK. It's not all perfect for compatibility yet, but I've yet to run into any issues.
Yup! As @Roarmaster said you can check out Project Treble page. I too use GSIs and have flashed 3 GSIs so I can recommend you some. In project treble section for AB devices search for Bless GSI, it has lot of customization and works quite well, selinux enforcing, megisk safety net passes and google play certification all by default.
Roarmaster said:
If you want roms with more function, try heading over to the project treble section of xda and flashing some GSI images. Currently using phhusson's stock Android 10 with go gapps but you might like to use a ROM with more features.
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Thank you for the tip, this sounds like an interesting option. I'm looking at flashing a custom ROM onto my SM-T510 in the hope of improving the performance as the multitaking on the stock rom isn't great. Can I ask have you been flashing A, B, or A/B ROMS? I've installed two different Treble checker apps and they gave conflicting results.
MikusP said:
Thank you for the tip, this sounds like an interesting option. I'm looking at flashing a custom ROM onto my SM-T510 in the hope of improving the performance as the multitaking on the stock rom isn't great. Can I ask have you been flashing A, B, or A/B ROMS? I've installed two different Treble checker apps and they gave conflicting results.
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Flash the rooms from the A/AB section of project treble. When checking for treble compatibility, use the app recommended on Phusson's GSI page as most GSIs are based on his work. If you want to flash a ROM, make sure you flash the arm32-binder64-ab version (like it says from the treble app) for the SM-T510.
Amazing! Thank you for the info and links @Roarmaster, I really appreciate the help. I've known about project Treble for a while but I've been out of the custom ROM scene for quite a few years, so I had no idea you could flash like this. I'll give one of Phusson's roms a go. Thanks again!

Question Project Treble GSI

Hey, community...
Obviously custom rom seem to be a topic of great sensetivity here? So my question is, has the possibility of flashing a GSI from Project Treble ever been explored yet?
SanHelios said:
Hey, community...
Obviously custom rom seem to be a topic of great sensetivity here? So my question is, has the possibility of flashing a GSI from Project Treble ever been explored yet?
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Wouldn't hold my breath...

