The same problem I saw in the XT1040.
To test, try rewind to 00:00 swipping in Google media player.
I noticed recently that navigation cutoff my stock music player and restore the music differently than what I can remember.before it used to lower the volume then cutoff, announce the navigation alerts, and bring back the volume of the music nicely. Now, it chops off the music announce the navigation alert, then resume the music at full volume, fade into a lower volume and back up in full volume. I tried clearing the days for both music and navigation, disabling cm sound settings for sound focus, tried all the options in the stock music player settings regarding to sound focus. Can announce do a small test for me?
I'm using cm6 nightly 203, the latest car home from the market, the latest navigation from the market, and the stock music player from the nightly.
Sent from my Nexus One
Similarly I have noticed that when listening to Pandora while using the navigation, the music will cut off for a navigation announcement but then the music will not resume. I have to physically press play to resume Pandora playback.
Very annoying
Yeah, that's always been the case with pandora. I believe it's more of pandora's bad implementation rather than android. Hopefully pandora will implement the resume on their next version.
Sent from my Nexus One
Hi, i played The impossible game (the game where you have to jump over obstacles with a cube) on my optimus 2x (using Slick 2xG rom with Vorkkernel with bitrate, silent and call tweak and 140 lcd density mod) and it lagged and today i managed to get it to work smooth.
It gets smooth for a couple of secounds if you just pause and resume it but thats not good enough.
If you want it to be smooth for a longer time you have to :
1. Open the game, start the level and jump over a couple of triangles
2. Press the home button to quit and get home
3. Tap the render fx widget button rapidly for about 15 or 20 times ( I use the N1 Calibrated Low red fx). Just tap the widget to turn the fx on and off.
4. Long press home button to view recently used apps and open the game.
It should now be smooth. If it remains laggy just repeat the process a couple of times.
If t still doesnt work pause and resume rapidly after doing the render fx widget tap.
Note: The game will begin to lag again if you turn up or down the volume or kill the app.
If you are listening to music it will get laggy as soon as the song changes so you will have to repeat the process.
On my phone it works for the impossible game and the impossible game level pack.
Let me know if this works for you!
It works better if you pause as soon as you crash and then do the fx tap.
I currently own a Galaxy note 8.When using Samsung music I believe I am experiencing some form of screen burn or issues with the actual application. There is grids and circular blocks shaded darker across the whole display that appears on the samsung music app whilst listening to music which appears occasionally.The app may work fine for a small time then it displays the blocks and grids. When scrolling through music landscape there is also random red or blue a dots that appear on the screen however it only happens when I scroll through the albums. At the bottom of the screen there is small blocks present when rotated landscape. Depending on the album art there is also a very slight colour change in small lines on the navbar. As I can screenshot what is on the screen I am assuming it is not an issue with the display but the application. These issues only happen with the Samsung music application.
This phone puts a contrast filter on every video that's played back, making all dark colours look black, at a normal backlight level. This is not a defect of the panel itself, since the filter gets disabled for a split second, after the multitasking button is pressed. Is there a way of disabling it completely and permanently? If not, I might just take this phone back to the shop.
Also, the filter can be captured via screenshots. Here's a demonstration: video on Honor 9 lite, the same video on an iPhone 6s.
I've tried other videos, other players, and there's always a filter. I've tried the video on all my other devices (calibrated monitor, TV, shield tablet, moto E, xperia X) and it looks like it does on the iPhone.
Noticed when playing Clash of clans yesterday, the application doesn't scale full screen. With controls floating some distance from the end of the screen.
Is this an app issue or there is a device setting I'm missing?
This is app managed but that is actually good as the area behind the camera isn't touch responsive so it would not work in some cases.