finger print - Huawei P10 Questions & Answers

Hi, since I installed pie, my finger print button is not working.


Finger print scanner touch to home

hi is there any mod out there to convert the finger scanner into a home button by just touch it such the iPhone 5s tweak??

Touch Screen Sensitivity

So I've been using SwiftKey on all my devices, and it has a swipe-to-the-left-to-delete option, and a swipe down to hide option. On all my past devices that works just fine. On the S6 Edge I just bought however, I have to swipe my finger as fast as humanly possible, or else it just thinks I'm leisurely dragging my finger around and doesn't log a swipe motion. Anyone else notice anything similar?

finger print not work in le eco 2

heyy, my le eco 2 finger print not working mean fingerprint. sensor works fine it scan finger but when phone lock it cant open by finger and the finger prints are not delete soo please help me what can i doo for this problem :crying:

Question Question about Space ( Help ) Use finger print rather then password

it is getting annoying when switching space. always asking for password rather then finger prints so for both space how do i use different finger prints even though i added finger prints it uses password.

[Request] [Module] Finger Print Recognition for Redmi Devices

These days Redmi devices comes with Fingerprint sensor on power button and MIUI gives us Finger Print Recognition Option so as to choose whether merely placing finger on power button wakes/unlocks device or combination of finger print and pressing button unlock devices. But unfortunately this option is missing in most AOSP based roms. Can anyone make a module for the same?

