Hi guys, this is a weird issue that's happening to me constantly and I had to disable Google assistant all together to stop it from happening.
The issue is, sometimes I would be in a meeting room talking/working with collegues and the phone is locked, no one is touching/using it, and google assistant will pop up saying "here is your search result"
I've the "Okay google" voice command disabled by default as I prefer to use the AI button, and no one even needs to say "google", the assistant just pops up randomly.
Same issue also happens if I'm having a phone call through the earphones, the phone is there, not touching it, and in the middle of the phone call, the assistant will keep popping up, it doesn't happen if I'm talking directly into the phone, only if I'm using the earphones.
Any ideas what's going on here or a way to fix it ?
Yah its annoying really and keep opening listen to anyone not to my voice
I hope there is a fix
I have the same problem.
I've been looking for a solution for a long time. I can not find anything like this anywhere.
Is it possible that this is a hardware failure?
Have you tried disabling the Google assistant altogether?
drgoldie said:
Have you tried disabling the Google assistant altogether?
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Of course I am.
And I took the google permission to use the microphone.
When I unlock the phone, this mostly occurs:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Same problem when i'm in call , every 10-15 seconds my google assistant appear !
And the problem is :my protective case
I don't know why but when i remove my protective case in call , i don't have the problem........
Salca said:
I have the same problem.
I've been looking for a solution for a long time. I can not find anything like this anywhere.
Is it possible that this is a hardware failure?
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I hope not, I'm eagerly waiting the next update to see if the update will fix this issue, if not, it could be a hardware issue.
I noticed the same problems:
Once I had a phone call and every few seconds Google assistant would interfere with my call, asking what it can do for me. I don't think that I pressed the AI button accidentally.
I also noticed that Google assistant would often start up when I had the MI 9 in my pocket or even in my backpack. I had the impression that the AI button is just "a bit" trigger happy.
However, having turned off Google assistant (by selecting to use "no app" as assistant in the "default applications" section in the "installed application" settings in the "general Android settings") I have not seen it pop up again. I don't do that many phone call though.
Overall, I simply don't need and want that Google assistant at all.
drgoldie said:
I noticed the same problems:
Once I had a phone call and every few seconds Google assistant would interfere with my call, asking what it can do for me. I don't think that I pressed the AI button accidentally.
I also noticed that Google assistant would often start up when I had the MI 9 in my pocket or even in my backpack. I had the impression that the AI button is just "a bit" trigger happy.
However, having turned off Google assistant (by selecting to use "no app" as assistant in the "default applications" section in the "installed application" settings in the "general Android settings") I have not seen it pop up again. I don't do that many phone call though.
Overall, I simply don't need and want that Google assistant at all.
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Thank you very much!
Same here... not a hardware issue... What @drgoldie suggests works.
trigonX said:
Same here... not a hardware issue... What @drgoldie suggests works.
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I still wait for an OTA update that will solve this annoying issue. Has somebody got it meanwhile? Thx !
I do have the same issue still.
If you have spigen case it may do this or something like that assistant button presses it self and google will open to fix that i use pe rom i used mi9 button remaper and change it to photo capture button on camera app
Same happens to me, but interestingly it mostly happens at places with bad coverage (but it happens there frequently, while at places with good coverage it never happens).
happens in elevator so wierd
Is there a real solution for this? I changed the AI button in the gpio-keys.kl and reprogrammed the Button. The assistant does not pop up but the reprogrammed task.
My Solution
tesacrap said:
Is there a real solution for this? I changed the AI button in the gpio-keys.kl and reprogrammed the Button. The assistant does not pop up but the reprogrammed task.
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Google Assistant comes mapped to the Xiaomi AI Assist Button. In my experience, the phone would wake up whenever there was any random noise, and Google Assistant would start listening randomly.
I disabled all functions of the Xiaomi AI Assist Button and I have never had that problem any more.
This may be because the button is too sensitive reacting to every vibration in the surrounding thinking it had been pressed.
wanyiri said:
Google Assistant comes mapped to the Xiaomi AI Assist Button. In my experience, the phone would wake up whenever there was any random noise, and Google Assistant would start listening randomly.
I disabled all functions of the Xiaomi AI Assist Button and I have never had that problem any more.
This may be because the button is too sensitive reacting to every vibration in the surrounding thinking it had been pressed.
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Mine does the same thing.
Rather than disabling the button, I spray contact cleaner into the super tiny gap between the button and the chassis. Each time I do that the problem is gone for maybe a month or so.
Edit - I power off the phone before I spray
drgoldie said:
I noticed the same problems:
Once I had a phone call and every few seconds Google assistant would interfere with my call, asking what it can do for me. I don't think that I pressed the AI button accidentally.
I also noticed that Google assistant would often start up when I had the MI 9 in my pocket or even in my backpack. I had the impression that the AI button is just "a bit" trigger happy.
However, having turned off Google assistant (by selecting to use "no app" as assistant in the "default applications" section in the "installed application" settings in the "general Android settings") I have not seen it pop up again. I don't do that many phone call though.
Overall, I simply don't need and want that Google assistant at all.
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Reviving this thread because at the latest version of MIUI, we don't seem to have the option of "no app" at the Assistant default application. It shows "Google assistant" as the only option making it impossible to select something else or none. I've factory reset my phone and it made it happen way less than before, but still triggers from time to time. That's extremely anoying! It happens even when there's no people talking at all, triggers by music or even wind.
bisnaguete said:
Reviving this thread because at the latest version of MIUI, we don't seem to have the option of "no app" at the Assistant default application. It shows "Google assistant" as the only option making it impossible to select something else or none. I've factory reset my phone and it made it happen way less than before, but still triggers from time to time. That's extremely anoying! It happens even when there's no people talking at all, triggers by music or even wind.
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I have a Mi Mix 3 5G on MIUI, and I can get a choice of google assistant or none...(I had to click on the label not the cog). Here’s screenshot of what should happen. HTH
I just slapped a small program to initialize the GPS port. Just wondering if this program helps people with GPS initialization problem. Please let me know. I cannot test it out 'cause I am deep inside a building!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Interesting Sherpa. I will try this later, I'm hoping that it will (by using your "Exit" button) kill GPS. Some GPS apps have a habit of leaving GPS open when they exit. So not so much to start GPS for me but to kill it!!!
Thanks for sharing.
mikechannon said:
Interesting Sherpa. I will try this later, I'm hoping that it will (by using your "Exit" button) kill GPS. Some GPS apps have a habit of leaving GPS open when they exit. So not so much to start GPS for me but to kill it!!!
Thanks for sharing.
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I have the Exit button set to kill the GPS connection.
sherpa said:
I have the Exit button set to kill the GPS connection.
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First of all, good work.
I'm not trying to knock your work, and I do plan on utilizing it. I haven't tried this yet as I just got my device on Friday and haven't really had time to molest it. However, I was hoping someone would make something more along the lines of a Google Maps launcher that would activate GPS then load gMaps; or a program similar to the VJUtils that can activate and deactivate GPS with a button press.
Those are my thoughts....
Problem is, Google Maps activates the GPS just fine. It just doesn't wait long enough to get a fix. I suppose an app that started GPS, got a fix (delayed for some length of time) then launched Google would work, but it's probably not worth it when retry or two is all that's needed normally at worst.
GiODi said:
; or a program similar to the VJUtils that can activate and deactivate GPS with a button press.
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What VJUtils are you talking about in this context? Searched this forum and VJ's website, but could not find a tool by his hand that starts and kills GPS . I am trying to find out wether or not my GPS is automatically stopped by an app when I quit the app, or stays on in the background, consuming power. I see that when I kill TomTom, the red LED stops blinking, but does that mean that the GPS is truely off?
GiODi said:
First of all, good work.
I'm not trying to knock your work, and I do plan on utilizing it. I haven't tried this yet as I just got my device on Friday and haven't really had time to molest it. However, I was hoping someone would make something more along the lines of a Google Maps launcher that would activate GPS then load gMaps; or a program similar to the VJUtils that can activate and deactivate GPS with a button press.
Those are my thoughts....
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I was actually thinking a 'GPS' entry in the htc comm manager would have been sweet. In original style icons of course.
Still, this app's pretty cool, good work sherpa.
GiODi said:
First of all, good work.
I'm not trying to knock your work, and I do plan on utilizing it. I haven't tried this yet as I just got my device on Friday and haven't really had time to molest it. However, I was hoping someone would make something more along the lines of a Google Maps launcher that would activate GPS then load gMaps; or a program similar to the VJUtils that can activate and deactivate GPS with a button press.
Those are my thoughts....
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Re-reading my post, it is a little unclear. The VJ Utils i was referring to are the ones for the radios (bluetooth, wifi...). There is not one for GPS, but there should be.
Another thing I was thinking was maybe to have this program have an auto off by timer. Or maybe have it automatically close itself after certain programs that use gps close. Just throwing idea's out there.
I'm researching more regarding GPS functionality. My goal is to create something more functional. I hope time allows me to accomplish my goals. Thank you all for your feedbacks.
I was actually thinking a 'GPS' entry in the htc comm manager would have been sweet. In original style icons of course.
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I personally think adding a button to the Comm Manager would be great! I could press the GPS icon there, and then start my GPS programs. This would add a small amount of buffer time to lock on to some GPS signals and get a fix.
Thanks for your great work.
Could you give us more information about what you do internally?
Do you just connect to COM4 or you need to send some data to this port in order to be initialized?
As far as I can tell, the right hand LED blinks amber when GPS is active. Every GPS app that I've tried so far, lights it up and works with the GPS. Upon exiting the amber light always stops blinking, so I'm saying that in the several weeks of use so far, no app has left the GPS in an ON state.
GiODi said:
Re-reading my post, it is a little unclear. The VJ Utils i was referring to are the ones for the radios (bluetooth, wifi...). There is not one for GPS, but there should be.
Another thing I was thinking was maybe to have this program have an auto off by timer. Or maybe have it automatically close itself after certain programs that use gps close. Just throwing idea's out there.
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Aha, you mean VJVolubilis. I am using that for my GPRS and BT, great app, should indeed be a likewise solution for GPS as well. I don't know if the GPS stays on after quiting TomTom or Google Maps, the LED goes off, but does that mean the GPS is off? Does anyone know how to check that?
I am totally in favour of adding this to the CommManager, like I am totally in favour of adding a 3G/GPRS switch in there too, but it only has so many spaces to use unfortunately and I have only 1 left..
staryon said:
Thanks for your great work.
Could you give us more information about what you do internally?
Do you just connect to COM4 or you need to send some data to this port in order to be initialized?
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That is pretty much all this program is doing right now. It is connecting to COM4 at 4800 baud rate and opening the port. When you exit, it closes the port.
You know when you hold down the search magnifying glass, and the voice search thingy pops up. Then you are allowed to say "navigate to", or "call whomever".. then, sadly, a little bubble comes up delaying what you wanted to do.
Well, to me, this is rather annoying - and so I wish for it for be gone. I have seen a thread similar like this comparing the feature to what the iPhone does (it doesn't delay anything) and I kinda want that for myself.. as I said before.
Personally, I think this is a stupid questions; as I don't really see how it can be done - I was thinking, though, someone had some way to delude the delay :/
Are you talking about the pop-up box that displays that the N1 is processing your request?
If so, then I don't think there's much that can be done as the way Google has implemeted voice recognition on the N1, it sends all voice input to a Google server to process, and then provides you with the results.
Unless there is an app or either Cyanogen or Modoco integrate offline voice recognition into the ROM, you're stuck with Google's implementation.
Eclair~ said:
You know when you hold down the search magnifying glass, and the voice search thingy pops up. Then you are allowed to say "navigate to", or "call whomever".. then, sadly, a little bubble comes up delaying what you wanted to do.
Well, to me, this is rather annoying - and so I wish for it for be gone. I have seen a thread similar like this comparing the feature to what the iPhone does (it doesn't delay anything) and I kinda want that for myself.. as I said before.
Personally, I think this is a stupid questions; as I don't really see how it can be done - I was thinking, though, someone had some way to delude the delay :/
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Do you want to remove the "processing" time, or remove the time between you putting your finger on the button and Voice Search coming up?
Not very clear...
Oh, I thought I was pretty clear, here is a pic:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I want to remove that.
Eclair~ said:
Oh, I thought I was pretty clear, here is a pic:
I want to remove that.
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Click to collapse
as long as you don't mind navigating to booger thing once in a while.
Brownbay said:
Are you talking about the pop-up box that displays that the N1 is processing your request?
If so, then I don't think there's much that can be done as the way Google has implemeted voice recognition on the N1, it sends all voice input to a Google server to process, and then provides you with the results.
Unless there is an app or either Cyanogen or Modoco integrate offline voice recognition into the ROM, you're stuck with Google's implementation.
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You can use some voice commands offline... yeah, navigation may not work... but commands like Call xyz do work...
Eclair~ said:
Oh, I thought I was pretty clear, here is a pic:
I want to remove that.
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A) It's part of the Google Voice Search app, and you can't modify Google apps because they're closed source.
B) That box pops up so that you can see if what the app understood is what you really wanted to say. Without the pop up, it would just auto-search for whatever it understood, which might frequently be wrong. It'd basically be like clicking "I'm feeling lucky" every time.
C) When you click accept ("Go"), your voice data and the accepted search term gets sent to Google. When you hit cancel, your voice data and the declined search term gets sent to Google. In this way, they use the voice data and the incorrect / correct matches to refine their voice search. Bypassing this screen would give them no data whether the voice input transcription was correct or not.
attn1 said:
as long as you don't mind navigating to booger thing once in a while.
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LoL! Oh, tears out my eyes! LoL!
Paul22000 said:
B) That box pops up so that you can see if what the app understood is what you really wanted to say. Without the pop up, it would just auto-search for whatever it understood, which might frequently be wrong. It'd basically be like clicking "I'm feeling lucky"
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Yea I figured as such. Nevermind this thread..
So this started in the Cognition thread, but I figure it probably is useful for other ROMs and people.
So are you like me? You've hooked up your bluetooth mic, and pressed the voice action button and your phone looks at you stupidly? Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way you could start Google Voice Actions or possibly Vlingo's Recognize and Execute?
Here's the thing, currently Google Voice Actions and Vlingo can't hear over the bluetooth mic. Still, this will launch the voice app, and allow you to speak through your phone's mic.
I've considered creating a version where you can select any app; however, unless there's some demand for a feature like that I don't want to go through that kind of pain and suffering.
Feedback is appreciated.
Oh and finally, this is a very early version, so you won't find it on the app market or such. If I have time, I'll polish it up, but for now, this is good enough to fix the issue for most people.
If you find this useful, please let me know. There's no reason to polish something no one needs/uses.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
1.5 Beta
So this is a little rough around the edges but it is functional. The first load will be slow, but application names are cached after that load. Still need to indicate what the user has selected in the past as well as sort the list.
2.0 Beta
Fixed the rough edges, nice radio buttons in the list. Sorted alphabetically. Oh and TheYar suggested waking up the phone to run the action. Not only is it doing that, but it'll bypass the screen lock.
Now some are saying, but wait isn't that a bad thing? Well yes and no. First the screen lock comes back when the action is complete, or bluetooth launch closes. Second, bluetooth headsets must be paired first to get access, so a thief would have to know to grab your headset and phone to get into your phone. The risk is low but not 0, so in the next version, you'll have a way to turn that feature on or off.
2.0.1 Beta
As TheYar pointed out, there's a bug where you may have to hit the bluetooth button twice. This is a bug in the underlying framework and there's nothing my app can do about that. That said, I added a vibrate on launch feature to this new version. No other changes were made.
Change Log:
11/19/10: 2.0.1 Beta Vibrate on launch
11/18/10: 2.0 Beta Choices shown, remembered in the list, sorted alphabetically (so learn your ABC's) and phone wake, lock screen disable.
11/17/10: 1.5 Beta Select any activity, better icon
11/12/10: 1.1.1 Updated some text, added icon
11/11/10: 1.1 Added Settings and Vlingo
11/10/10: 1.0 Initial Revision
Reserved for OP
Unfortunately it doesn't do anything for me, running Cog 2.3.3. I've turned my headset on/off, BT on/off, no response to button.
Pressing "Confirm Selection" doesn't do anything either, should it?
Update - Rebooting makes it work, stupid me...THANKS!
pkley said:
Unfortunately it doesn't do anything for me, running Cog 2.3.3. I've turned my headset on/off, BT on/off, no response to button.
Pressing "Confirm Selection" doesn't do anything either, should it?
Update - Rebooting makes it work, stupid me...THANKS!
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Confirm selection saves the settings. I should change the name, thanks.
It shouldn't require a reboot, but there may have been something subtle going on that a reboot fixed.
Added some polish. Launcher icon + text changes to make things more clear.
I think it would be handy if there was some text to confirm that the settings were set.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
ggonzalez7777 said:
I think it would be handy if there was some text to confirm that the settings were set.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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If I understand what you're asking for, I think the text at the bottom is just that. I'll see if I can re-word it to be more clear.
Coming Soon
So I had some time to play with things over the weekend, I'll be releasing a new versions soon.
Features will include:
Selecting the activity you want to launch
Better icon (not washed out)
This app works very well. You did a great job man.
Got this working today, takes way too long to load right now, and only shows the names right now.
Hooray. I am happy to report that I can now use my BlueAnt T1 to control the Google Voice Commands. Awesome! Even though it passes the audio to the phone my headset still thinks my phone does not support it. But it works well enough for now till I can get an updated firware on my T1 headset.
I'm using Cognition.v2.2.Beta7.UCJI6 at the moment.
Beta Version Up
New version up, calling it beta because of the rough edges.
Updated to the new 1.5 BETA. I switched back to my Plantronics Voyager 855 until I can update the firmware on my T1. The beta works. Thanks again for releasing this.
Wow this is great. I've been wanting to voice dial on my Captivate ever since I got it and this is the first time I've been able to do it.
I've noticed that often it doesn't respond until the second time I try to activate it. Maybe this is just a delay, not sure.
Any thoughts on how this could function when the screen is locked? Google voice actions are pretty powerful, so I doubt that full voice action functionality would be possible from a locked device. But maybe someone has some 2.2 source from another platform that includes how a call might be initiated over BT even when the screen is locked?
Thanks for this app. Loving it.
TheYar said:
Wow this is great. I've been wanting to voice dial on my Captivate ever since I got it and this is the first time I've been able to do it.
I've noticed that often it doesn't respond until the second time I try to activate it. Maybe this is just a delay, not sure.
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It appears to be a bug in the handling of bluetooth with the system, I can reproduce it without my app. Basically it appears that the system isn't releasing the bluetooth handle in a reasonable way, as my headphones that do bluetooth to both an iPod and a phone at the same time won't start playing again. I wish I could fix this.
TheYar said:
Any thoughts on how this could function when the screen is locked? Google voice actions are pretty powerful, so I doubt that full voice action functionality would be possible from a locked device. But maybe someone has some 2.2 source from another platform that includes how a call might be initiated over BT even when the screen is locked?
Thanks for this app. Loving it.
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This is a good idea. Look for it in a few minutes.
I just got done adding 1.5 to another DG ROM zip and decided to check here before flashing it. I'm am so psyched!!
Since you seem to be greased lightning on feedback and improvements, I'll throw another one out there - voice feedback into the headset speaker to let you know it is ready. I know that this functionality might better sit with the launched app (and sometimes does), but perhaps a configurable option to detect when the launched app has launched at least, and then react by saying "ready" or such in my ear. Then I'd care even less than I already do about the handle release problem with the bluetooth stack.
As for the lock screen bypass... yeah. I'm a security pro myself, but I agree that the risk there is low and acceptable, compared to the risk I face trying to security-unlock my screen while driving. Watch out though, people tend to freak out on this issue. The press went wild when the Droid opted for default Voice Action access through the lock screen, referring to it as a major security bug and design flaw. Of course, in that case it was accessible even without a headset, just a long-press of the search.
Let me know when this hits market and charge money for it, or at least offer a donation. Gladly pay. Considering this is the first time I've been able to accurately bluetooth dial since 6 years and three phones ago, you are officially a genius.
TheYar said:
I just got done adding 1.5 to another DG ROM zip and decided to check here before flashing it. I'm am so psyched!!
Since you seem to be greased lightning on feedback and improvements, I'll throw another one out there - voice feedback into the headset speaker to let you know it is ready. I know that this functionality might better sit with the launched app (and sometimes does), but perhaps a configurable option to detect when the launched app has launched at least, and then react by saying "ready" or such in my ear. Then I'd care even less than I already do about the handle release problem with the bluetooth stack.
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Your previous comment came in at just the right time to add an extra piece to the development cycle. The feature was easy, so I got it in. That said, playing through the bluetooth device appears to be a hard thing, I'll see what I can do about this. The easier thing to do, which I'm going to put in place soon, is to simply vibrate the phone, so that'll be the first step.
TheYar said:
As for the lock screen bypass... yeah. I'm a security pro myself, but I agree that the risk there is low and acceptable, compared to the risk I face trying to security-unlock my screen while driving. Watch out though, people tend to freak out on this issue. The press went wild when the Droid opted for default Voice Action access through the lock screen, referring to it as a major security bug and design flaw. Of course, in that case it was accessible even without a headset, just a long-press of the search.
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This is why I want the user to explicitly configure if they want this behavior. I'll look at adding a menu with settings. I want to get that done before I add in playing though the headset.
TheYar said:
Let me know when this hits market and charge money for it, or at least offer a donation. Gladly pay. Considering this is the first time I've been able to accurately bluetooth dial since 6 years and three phones ago, you are officially a genius.
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Actually, this is my first app, so I haven't paid the fee for developers to the app store. This is relatively simple, but I may put in a paypal link for development supplies. You know the standard: sex, drugs (beer), rock and roll.
I don't want to tip my hand for the other ideas I'm going to work on, but once this is mostly complete, I'm going to start on my next couple of apps, which I'm affectionately calling "Ring Rules" and "When I Get Home" right now. Those will likely have free and paid versions in the app store. (Assuming I get enough time to write them.)
Word, vibrate on launch. Dug. My handset is usually in a cradle or empty seat or sliding around the floorboard somewhere, so I might not get to use it much. But definitely a worthy X.X.1 enhancement. Looking forward to the other two apps you tease there; if my guesses are correct then they would both be of value to me.
On the lock-screen bypass: definitely, making it configurable would be preferable and snazzy. But on the old Windows Mobile Voice Command, this was configurable and disabled by default and it still got a good bit of bad feedback as a security bug. My 2 cents would be to make the setting work like the USB debugging setting in a stock ROM. Enabling it requires you to acknowledge a pop-up that warns and explains the risk. This might limit the number of armchair professional comments you get in the Market that are all caps and scream about how your app has security bugs and allows people to hack androids and steal all the datums and megahurtz off of them.
Hey thanks for this app, used voice dialing and commands all of the time on my Tilt with WinMo 6.0, only real downside of Android is not implementing this feature in an easy to use format IMO. I'm still figuring out vlingo but I can finally use my BlueAnt ST3 the way I used to, or almost anyway. Thanks again.
I started with yur earlier version that did Google Voice only, then the one that you could choose between GV and Vlingo.
Just installed latest version, and getting FCs.
I don't know if it is because I am selecting wrong COM item under (I've tried several under Vlingo, and get double vibrate, then FC each time) the app, or this application itself. But bringing up a long list of all the different components of various programs makes it immensely more difficult to get an operational program.
Going back to earlier version for now.
I was able to get it to work with Google Voice, but never did with Vlingo.
I now realize that 3 vibes is normal. I'd prefer an option to turn that off.
I'm experiencing very high battery drain on my phone, most of it attributed to "Android OS" in Settings -> Battery. For example, my battery is at 62% after 6 hours off charger, with 19min screen-on time. Any help, please? I tried reading various guides for dealing with the issue, but most of them refer to older versions of Android.
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Mmm thats weird, did you try to uninstall some apps that may be wakelocking your device ?
Wakelock its an excellent app but sadly you need root
Try unisntall some "fishy" apps that could be doing it
That's the problem, since I'm not rooted, I can't use wakelock detector It is kinda crippling.
I can't think of any fishy apps off the top of my head.. is there a list of "known bad" apps?
List some less popular apps you have installed. Apps like Tinder gave me ridiculous wakelocks. Screw that app BTW.
Interesting, I do have tinder installed! Is there any easy way of getting all installed applications on the phone?
rohandhruva said:
Interesting, I do have tinder installed! Is there any easy way of getting all installed applications on the phone?
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Check for which devices are set to actively sync. Turn off all the apps that don't need to sync in the background. Also, turn off syncing for all the google apps that you don't use.
If you're logged into multiple accounts, you have might location tracking and history on for all. I disabled both and it doesn't affect google now.
Try a factory reset,I had my Google Services on high and I did a factory reset and it was fine from there on.
erikiksaz said:
Check for which devices are set to actively sync. Turn off all the apps that don't need to sync in the background. Also, turn off syncing for all the google apps that you don't use.
If you're logged into multiple accounts, you have might location tracking and history on for all. I disabled both and it doesn't affect google now.
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What do you mean by devices to sync? I have only one google account synced on my device. I'll try removing crap like tinder.
ry_t said:
Try a factory reset,I had my Google Services on high and I did a factory reset and it was fine from there on.
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I've been holding off on a factory reset simply because it's so disruptive I should probably get around to it...
rohandhruva said:
What do you mean by devices to sync? I have only one google account synced on my device. I'll try removing crap like tinder.
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Under settings/accounts.
You'll see google and other apps like twitter, dropbox, waze, etc
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but you can go to Settings, Apps and the initial list you will be presented with is only the apps you have downloaded
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but you can go to Settings, Apps and the initial list you will be presented with is only the apps you have downloaded
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Yes, however that would need me to take multiple screenshot to list all apps that I have installed. I was looking for something which exports a text list of all my installed apps, maybe...
I've removed tinder and hinge for now, to see how it might affect battery. Any other ideas?
rohandhruva said:
Yes, however that would need me to take multiple screenshot to list all apps that I have installed. I was looking for something which exports a text list of all my installed apps, maybe...
I've removed tinder and hinge for now, to see how it might affect battery. Any other ideas?
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Sorry for late responding but I'm pretty sure it's a third party app. But another suggestion is to boot into Safe Mode and see if the high drainage still occurs. If it stops, then we know it's a third party app.
I have solved the majority of this problem on my phone.
Go into apps, reset data for the app "Moto"
Now enter Moto, do NOT accept "Yes I'm in" (or whatever it's translated to for you)
It appears the car detection chews through battery like mad, they apparently use ambient audio to detect driving if there's no location service running.
You will have to go into camera and click/unclick the wrist flick feature, same with alarm clock, you have to click/unclick in the Moto app, and launch alarm clock at least once. You will also need to do this on the "approach to activate" set of features.
This obviously kills the four assistive features and always on voice activation. But it appears this drains a ton of battery.
And even if you don't use voice activation any more, (I enabled it to test it out), but the DSP that handles it is never disabled.
Also always set GPS to "device only" as this google data farm "feature" completely murders battery life.
DroidOnRoids said:
Sorry for late responding but I'm pretty sure it's a third party app. But another suggestion is to boot into Safe Mode and see if the high drainage still occurs. If it stops, then we know it's a third party app.
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Thanks, I'm going to try using my phone in the Safe Mode today! It's incredibly crippling.
rohandhruva said:
Thanks, I'm going to try using my phone in the Safe Mode today! It's incredibly crippling.
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No problem. My issue with battery is the Cell Standby bug that seems to be a bug with this build for Verizon Moto X. There's nothing I can do about it except wait for Lollipop.
Shadowdancer123 said:
I have solved the majority of this problem on my phone.
Go into apps, reset data for the app "Moto"
Now enter Moto, do NOT accept "Yes I'm in" (or whatever it's translated to for you)
It appears the car detection chews through battery like mad, they apparently use ambient audio to detect driving if there's no location service running.
You will have to go into camera and click/unclick the wrist flick feature, same with alarm clock, you have to click/unclick in the Moto app, and launch alarm clock at least once. You will also need to do this on the "approach to activate" set of features.
This obviously kills the four assistive features and always on voice activation. But it appears this drains a ton of battery.
And even if you don't use voice activation any more, (I enabled it to test it out), but the DSP that handles it is never disabled.
Also always set GPS to "device only" as this google data farm "feature" completely murders battery life.
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Thanks. I'd try that, but it feels like it's disabling all the useful features of the Moto X. Kind of negates the reason I purchased this phone
DroidOnRoids said:
No problem. My issue with battery is the Cell Standby bug that seems to be a bug with this build for Verizon Moto X. There's nothing I can do about it except wait for Lollipop.
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I'd this same problem for the first few days I had the phone for! I am not sure what fixed it, but I don't see Cell Standby up there now (I'm on AT&T).
rohandhruva said:
I'd this same problem for the first few days I had the phone for! I am not sure what fixed it, but I don't see Cell Standby up there now (I'm on AT&T).
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Hmm interesting, I'm gonna have to search to see if there's a fix.
Shadowdancer123 said:
I have solved the majority of this problem on my phone.
Go into apps, reset data for the app "Moto"
Now enter Moto, do NOT accept "Yes I'm in" (or whatever it's translated to for you)
It appears the car detection chews through battery like mad, they apparently use ambient audio to detect driving if there's no location service running.
You will have to go into camera and click/unclick the wrist flick feature, same with alarm clock, you have to click/unclick in the Moto app, and launch alarm clock at least once. You will also need to do this on the "approach to activate" set of features.
This obviously kills the four assistive features and always on voice activation. But it appears this drains a ton of battery.
And even if you don't use voice activation any more, (I enabled it to test it out), but the DSP that handles it is never disabled.
Also always set GPS to "device only" as this google data farm "feature" completely murders battery life.
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I have all of these enabled. I use approx 45-60 min of GPS per day, minimal talk time, >50% of my time spent with no cell signal. I consistently get ~3.5 hrs of screen on time.
Maybe you did improve your battery life, but I don't think the moto features were your problem.
Just accepted the latest update on my S21 Ultra and noticed straight away that there is a delay on typing. Usually if I open messaging app I can tap the text box and start typing instantly. Now there's a few seconds delay so it misses off the first word or so. It's very annoying.
Happens in any app eg Messages, WhatsApp etc.
Tried Gboard which is my usual but also tested and it's the same on Asking keyboard. It's driving me mad!
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Clear system cache
Clearing cache hasn't worked. Genuinely think it's a bug with the latest update I got. Started after that and it's the only thing that's changed.
ephumuris said:
Just accepted the latest update on my S21 Ultra and noticed straight away that there is a delay on typing. Usually if I open messaging app I can tap the text box and start typing instantly. Now there's a few seconds delay so it misses off the first word or so. It's very annoying.
Happens in any app eg Messages, WhatsApp etc.
Tried Gboard which is my usual but also tested and it's the same on Asking keyboard. It's driving me mad!
View attachment 5575123
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Don't see such a problem on my device...but I can't really relate to your problem literally. Do you have a video showing the lag?
It's not really obvious that I'm tapping but I press the buttons as soon as the keyboard appears.
That's horrific and it would drive me mad very quickly.
Feels like the keyboard is connecting to a service. Have you gone down the list of disabling all advanced features, like GIF/emoji integration, then enabling each one one at a time?
ephumuris said:
Clearing cache hasn't worked. Genuinely think it's a bug with the latest update I got. Started after that and it's the only thing that's changed.
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Try in safe mode.
Your phone is probably recalibrating. Suffer for another day or 2 and it will likely go away.
Really don't see it in my device. Have you tried another keyboard. I'm on SwiftKey and don't have this issue.
amirage said:
Really don't see it in my device. Have you tried another keyboard. I'm on SwiftKey and don't have this issue.
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The Samsung keyboard is one of the best, so much so many prefer it. I've been using the same Samsung keyboard layout for almost 8 years. One of the few things Samsung hasn't screwed up, but they are on a roll
This delay glitch is unacceptable... drop the ball Sammy.
Am I missing an update or so? I don't see this delay...hmm
amirage said:
Am I missing an update or so? I don't see this delay...hmm
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It may only adversely effect certain production batches. Update roulette...
It could well be due to messaging app iso the keyboard.
It seems the messaging app may be waiting for voice input.
See SS of OP's screen video, and the circled icon...
OnnoJ said:
It could well be due to messaging app iso the keyboard.
It seems the messaging app may be waiting for voice input.
See SS of OP's screen video, and the circled icon...View attachment 5576263
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Good point. Intelligent phones aren't that intelligent and many of those features rely on internet connection to process the raw voice inputs. Not sure if this is one but it likely is.
I disable voice to text, always... and little Bixby too
I've factory reset. Gone through the pain of installing all my apps and it's still the same.
Very good points regarding services I think I'll try and disable anything voice related as I don't use that!
Ok disabled the voice stuff I could find and it's still doing it. Driving me friggin mad!!
ephumuris said:
Ok disabled the voice stuff I could find and it's still doing it. Driving me friggin mad!!
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Clear system cache. Hard reboot.
Device Care>Battery, make sure ALL power management is disabled, except display setting which should be optimized or higher.
If still doing it Device Care>memory, clear the cache, now use the keyboard and immediately go back to memory and see what was added. Those are potential seauspects.
I'll add to blackhawk's instructions - kill your data & wifi then reboot and try again (with the data & wifi still off). So often when a computer has these little lags, it's data connection related - like something is phoning home or phoning out. I'm getting that gut feeling with this one too.
burnxtc said:
I'll add to blackhawk's instructions - kill your data & wifi then reboot and try again. So often when a computer has these little lags, it's data connection related - like something is phoning home or phoning out. I'm getting that gut feeling with this one too.
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Add a network reset to the list and a carrier network reset.
I never liked voice commands; when you're out of the streets, driving, walking, jogging, whatever... the phone needs to disappear.
It's a liability, not asset. You need to be paying attention to your surroundings not matter how boring or inconvenient it seems.
Bad things happen fast, you need to be ready... not jerking off with the phone.
Even when talking, you are being distracted. The man with no name knew that...
Check your Access point settings too.
On my AT&T NXTGENPHONE profile I found that instead of "hipri" (high priority) it had "fota" (Firmware Over-The-Air) which I don't want.
So I created a new profile and tested it. Instant download speed increase it seems... still testing.
APN type default,mms,supl,hipri
My original profile was set as IPv4/IPv6, which I used on my new profile instead of the AT&T suggested IPv4 only.
APN protocol IPv4
If you do this create a new profile with a different name so you can retain your original one too.
Don't forget to fill in any relevant spaces on the new and leave the blank ones blank unless you know better.
For other carriers you'll need to up their APN specs.