Where to add more. volume steps build prop - Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Questions & Answers

Have TeamExyKings ROM with Magisk on the build prop I want to add more volume steps. I can't find the audio section where do I paste this. I added this on the bottom of the build prop and it didn't work? "ro.config.media_vol_steps=".

R77 said:
Have TeamExyKings ROM with Magisk on the build prop I want to add more volume steps. I can't find the audio section where do I paste this. I added this on the bottom of the build prop and it didn't work? "ro.config.media_vol_steps=".
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did you put =15 or 20 or 30?
also you can use samsung smart things to change the steps.
my doppelganger is right, its sound assistant and not smart things.
and the other thread he referred to btw is also from yourself. so the same answers would still apply.

R77 said:
Have TeamExyKings ROM with Magisk on the build prop I want to add more volume steps. I can't find the audio section where do I paste this. I added this on the bottom of the build prop and it didn't work? "ro.config.media_vol_steps=".
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Someone else posted about this earlier in the year,
You could try setting the value to the BP file to a number between 1-10, lower the number, the more adjustments made to the volume media step. At least that's how sound assistant describes the way it changes the volume steps.
But ultimately, you can just install sound assistant using goodlock and you will get the same effect.


[DEV][HOW-TO] Enable CRT-OFF and CRT-ON in S3 Stock ROMs

Use everything here on your own risk and hit THANKS BUTTON if you like my work!
General Information:
As you propably know, till now there is no CRT-off MOD out for the S3. This is because only changing the value of config_animateScreenLights from true to false in framework-res.apk is not working anymore!
Together with Tungstwenty and rovo89 we faced out, that the problem are some missing commands in the /system/framework/services.jar
After comparing files from S2 and S3 Tungstwenty could help me to find the right position to edit files and with a litte bit of testing we found the right commands to enable the CRT-off-effect!
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Tungstwenty said:
Let me clarify what is required in order to have the CRT effects working:
A patched library that properly (i.e. no flicker, etc.) provides the effects --> see attached flashable zip's or use Tweakbox
Code changes on the ROM in order to properly trigger the effect(s), which the library will then respond to those triggers --> look at the how-to or use Tweakbox
Item no. 1 is the one that I worked on and for which a fully working library was now provided.
The 2nd part can be done in 2 different ways - either patching the S3's ROM to properly enable the CRT-On and/or CRT-Off effects, OR do some hooking on the existing methods in the ROM and without changing that code, override the flags (i.e., the way Tweakbox does it).
It's this 2nd aspect that you guys need to address somehow. I worked with rovo89 on Tweakbox and not only does it bundle with the library, it also does the code changes in memory to make it work (topic no. 2).
But sphinx02 had already provided that, initially, after some discussion on what needed to be patched on the S3 ROM.
So, in order to have it working you have 2 ways:
Either use Tweakbox and make use of its configuration options to enable only CRT-Off, only CRT-On, or whatever you fancy.
Ask for someone (such as sphinx02) that has an S3, to keep up with existing ROMs (it will need to be changed separately for every one), and provide patched apk's on top of the existing ones so that it enables the effect triggers I mentioned. This will also need to take into account whether you prefer both effects on, only CRT-Off, etc.
I hope this is a bit more clear now, if not just let me know.
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HOW-TO make the Code Changes:
This is what have to be done:
First of all decompile classes of services.jar (I won't provide any information to this, there are many tutorials out there how to use the smali tools!)
Than in com/android/server/PowerManagerService.smali we have to make the method nativeStartSurfaceFlingerAnimation(I)V callable from inner classes. To do that, we have to add the following after the last access$XXXX method:
.method static synthetic access$9000(Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;I)V
.registers 2
.parameter "x0"
.parameter "x1"
.line 110
invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->nativeStartSurfaceFlingerAnimation(I)V
.end method
Than we have to add some commands to the file com/android/server/PowerManagerService$BrightnessState.smali to trigger the CRT-off-effect. For that add the red part between :cond_38 and iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/a.... like this (its around line 400 in code):
.line 2679
.restart local v3 #turningOff:Z
[COLOR="Red"] iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService$BrightnessState;->this$0:Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;
const/16 v3, 0x11 # CRT-On and CRT-Off
#calls: Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->nativeStartSurfaceFlingerAnimation(I)
invoke-static {v4, v3}, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->access$9000(Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;I)V[/COLOR]
iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService$BrightnessState;->this$0:Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;
#getter for: Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->mScreenBrightness:Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService$BrightnessState;
invoke-static {v4}, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->access$6000(Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;)Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService$BrightnessState;
move-result-object v4
If you want to have only CRT-OFF, you can replace
const/16 v3, 0x11 # CRT-On and CRT-Off
with this:
const/16 v3, 0x10 # CRT-Off only
Finally recompile the file, put it on your phone and you can see the CRT-Off effect on your S3!
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Avoid flickers, enable CRT-ON in lib-file:
Tungstwenty said:
I worked on the porting of the patch to S3 and despite not having one myself, I'm pretty confident that the binary rovo89 and myself included in the latest Tweakbox should work on an S3.
Could any of you guys try it out?
What to do:
Install the newest Xposed framework from here. Open the Installer app, press Install/Update and reboot.
Install the Tweakbox mod from here. Open it and enable the CRT effects in the appropriate section. You can also enable any other tweaks you like, to check if they also work for the S3 (most of them should)
Go back to the Xposed Installer app, activate the Tweakbox mod (2nd tab), then in the libraries section select "libsurfaceflinger.so" and use the I9300 version. Tick the "Replace in test-mode only" option and back in the 1st tab do a soft / test reboot.
If everything goes well and the effects work as expected, you can go back to the installer app and untick "test-mode only" so the lib is overridden on every boot.
Note that except for the app_process system file which is installed by the framework (creating a backup file, and which should have no practical effects until any mods are enabled later), all other replacements such as the surfaceflinger lib do not change anything in /system but are rather performed by loading the files from an alternate path.
I'd appreciate your feed back especially for the CRT effect, but also the other existing Tweakbox options.
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Or use in addition to the changes in services.jar the attached flashable zip's to overwrite libsurfaceflinger.so with the corrected one by Tungstwenty or me, XXAL for (XXALE8,XXALF2,XXALF6) and XXBL for (XXBLFB,XXBLG1,...)
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- This is a development thread so please discuss only things that interest for further development
- First part of the development has been discussed in this Thread of S2-forums
- As on the S2 after the CRT-off-effect sometimes the screen flickers --> fixed by Tungstwenty
- For some reason, it works without setting config_animateScreenLights from true to false in framework-res.apk
- I hope Tungstwenty and rovo89 can help us again to edit the libsurfaceflinger.so to avoid that it flickers after the CRT-off-effect
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Testing the effect:
I have made the changes for ODEXED and DEODEXED XXALF2 ROM, if you want to test it have a look at my thread in the themeing/modding forums:
Please post development-unrelated stuff there!!
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Credits are going out to Tungstwenty and rovo89 for their excellent work on the S2 and for their help/advice on the S3! Excellent developers!
I hope you guys will help us again to fix the libs and perhaps enabling CRT-on-effect aswell!!!
Thank you for helping us again!
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reserved for future use, just in case..
Nice one!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
sphinx02 said:
- I hope Tungstwenty and rovo89 can help us again to edit the libsurfaceflinger.so to avoid that it flickers after the CRT-off-effect
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The flicker issue and the lack of CRT-On effect are *exactly* the same issues that are present on the S2 lib as well.
It has been fixed there, but changing ARM code without the sources is a very tedious process and that requires a fair amount of testing till it eventually works.
Without having access to an S3 it's very hard to do this or even explain what needs to be done
On top of that, I have other pending stuff I need to work on so you shouldn't expect a fix very soon, sorry.
Tungstwenty said:
The flicker issue and the lack of CRT-On effect are *exactly* the same issues that are present on the S2 lib as well.
It has been fixed there, but changing ARM code without the sources is a very tedious process and that requires a fair amount of testing till it eventually works.
Without having access to an S3 it's very hard to do this or even explain what needs to be done
On top of that, I have other pending stuff I need to work on so you shouldn't expect a fix very soon, sorry.
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Ok, I see the problematic.. But perhaps you can give me the original and the modified files from the s2 so I can compare the 2 files and perhaps see by myself what is changed! And as I never changed anything in .so files perhaps you can tell me additionally how you have edited them!
I'm willing to try around again and to play with bytecode or so on, but I think I need a little input from you!
You mentioned the tool objdump, so I think I have to become familiar with this tool, am I right?
sphinx02 said:
Ok, I see the problematic.. But perhaps you can give me the original and the modified files from the s2 so I can compare the 2 files and perhaps see by myself what is changed! And as I never changed anything in .so files perhaps you can tell me additionally how you have edited them!
I'm willing to try around again and to play with bytecode or so on, but I think I need a little input from you!
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Ok then, I'll give you the starting pointers so you can have a look at what lies ahead
The S2 patched file with ON and OFF both working correctly, with no flickers, is in this post.
The S2 original file is attached here.
Do a binary compare to see the changed bytes and their offsets.
To have a look at the code, you need to have the NDK installed.
Run "objdump -x libsurfaceflinger.so" to see the decompiled ARM code.
And have fun trying to understand that
Tungstwenty said:
Ok then, I'll give you the starting pointers so you can have a look at what lies ahead
The S2 patched file with ON and OFF both working correctly, with no flickers, is in this post.
The S2 original file is attached here.
Do a binary compare to see the changed bytes and their offsets.
To have a look at the code, you need to have the NDK installed.
Run "objdump -x libsurfaceflinger.so" to see the decompiled ARM code.
And have fun trying to understand that
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Ok, thank you for that.. I dont know at this point if I ever will have success with it but I will give it a try as I have the time to! Thank you very much again Tungstwenty for your tips/advice!
While trying around a little bit and thinking about the problem, I had the following idea:
Is it not possible to build an own, additional library file with the crt-off functions? Sources for that are out there! Just copy together and build an .so file. Than in the Java-Code we are including this new native code and simply calling the function from this new / additional lib-file? What do you think about that?
Looks like someone needs to do this again...
The flicker bug is just a bit annoying
Lol sorry just seen the post a couple above mine. Hope you guys can fix it. Good luck.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
sphinx02 said:
While trying around a little bit and thinking about the problem, I had the following idea:
Is it not possible to build an own, additional library file with the crt-off functions? Sources for that are out there! Just copy together and build an .so file. Than in the Java-Code we are including this new native code and simply calling the function from this new / additional lib-file? What do you think about that?
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I don't think that's a viable option. rovo already tried that with existing sources, I think, and the resulting library did not work on sammy's rom.
As for creating a separate library with only those functions, I also don't think that's possible as everything related with screen rendering (state, buffers, etc.) is on this lib and therefore a separate one would not have any of that info.
I worked on the porting of the patch to S3 and despite not having one myself, I'm pretty confident that the binary rovo89 and myself included in the latest Tweakbox should work on an S3.
Could any of you guys try it out?
What to do:
Install the newest Xposed framework from here. Open the Installer app, press Install/Update and reboot.
Install the Tweakbox mod from here. Open it and enable the CRT effects in the appropriate section. You can also enable any other tweaks you like, to check if they also work for the S3 (most of them should)
Go back to the Xposed Installer app, activate the Tweakbox mod (2nd tab), then in the libraries section select "libsurfaceflinger.so" and use the I9300 version. Tick the "Replace in test-mode only" option and back in the 1st tab do a soft / test reboot.
If everything goes well and the effects work as expected, you can go back to the installer app and untick "test-mode only" so the lib is overridden on every boot.
Note that except for the app_process system file which is installed by the framework (creating a backup file, and which should have no practical effects until any mods are enabled later), all other replacements such as the surfaceflinger lib do not change anything in /system but are rather performed by loading the files from an alternate path.
I'd appreciate your feed back especially for the CRT effect, but also the other existing Tweakbox options.
Now I try, thank you..
And CRT on is possible?
failax said:
Now I try, thank you..
And CRT on is possible?
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Yes. If everything is working as I expect, the new things vs your current situation are:
- No more flickering issues when CRT-Off
- Now also includes CRT-On
- Can detect device orientation and do a "vertical" CRT effect instead of horizontal
All these are optional and can be turned on/off in the Tweakbox preferences.
I tried.
CRT OFF has the same problem, CRT On is not visible, but I had to place also a jar file?
---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------
I must add that I'm on checkromevo hd and I've already inserted a mod to see crt off, I don't know if this can help.
Other mods in tweakbox work.
failax said:
CRT OFF has the same problem, CRT On is not visible, but I had to place also a jar file?
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Mmm, did you follow the steps I mentioned before, i.e. enabling the lib replacement in test mode and doing a soft reboot?
You should end up with a library on /vendor/lib (ramfs) and it should get loaded on startup instead of the one in /system/lib. Can you check with a file browser if the file under /vendor/lib does exist?
Also, could you open a terminal, run "set" and check if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is "/vendor/lib:/system/lib", as in S2?
Tungstwenty said:
Mmm, did you follow the steps I mentioned before, i.e. enabling the lib replacement in test mode and doing a soft reboot?
You should end up with a library on /vendor/lib (ramfs) and it should get loaded on startup instead of the one in /system/lib. Can you check with a file browser if the file under /vendor/lib does exist?
Also, could you open a terminal, run "set" and check if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is "/vendor/lib:/system/lib", as in S2?
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I've rebooted totally, what do you mean for soft reboot?
Now I try to see those files..
under vendor/lib I see 2 things, I see a folder called DRM and inside libdrmwvplugin.so, and single file called libwvm.so.
Also, could you open a terminal, run "set" and check if LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?
Yes it's there.
failax said:
I've rebooted totally, what do you mean for soft reboot?
Now I try to see those files..
under vendor/lib I see 2 things, I see a folder called DRM and inside libdrmwvplugin.so, and single file called libwvm.so.
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Can you open the Xposed Installer app and post a screenshot of each of the 3 tabs? "Framework", "Modules" and "Libraries" (in this last one, scroll to the bottom to display the "libsurfaceflinger.so" entry so it's visible in the picture)
Can you send me the modded libsurfaceflinger.so so I can test it directly?
Maybe a downloadlink via pm...
I have sphinx mod for CRT, so If I deselect CRT off on tweakbox, it is shown the same.
sphinx02 said:
Can you send me the modded libsurfaceflinger.so so I can test it directly?
Maybe a downloadlink via pm...
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Would you mind just taking it from the Tweakbox package, and in the process also checking if the on-the-fly replacement is working for you?
---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------
failax said:
I have sphinx mod for CRT, so If I deselect CRT off on tweakbox, it is shown the same.
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Your lib settings are ok, so if you do a soft reboot (pressing the button on the app), it should come back with a libsurfaceflinger.so file in /vendor/lib. It's won't happen, though, if you do a "normal" reboot.
It isn't happening to you? Could it be that the soft reboot tries to load the new lib, fails, and immediately does a hard/normal reboot - did you notice anything that could point to this?

[MODULE] DisableMultiUserMod (build.props) v1.3 (for Magisk 14.0)

Thats my first productive creation for XDA, so dont be to hard to me
I don't like to have features, which I never use, so I always disable or remove everythink i dont need.
On my custom roms I always diable the multi user mode by adding the following line to the build.prop:
I was annoyed to edit this file after each ROM update.
So I created this module. It just adds the above mentioned line to the build.prop.
It is really simple, but now I don't need to edit the build.prop.
Maybe for someone this can be useful.
It works with:
- Android 6.x (Tested on OnePlus X and OnePlus 3 with CM13)
- Android 7.x (Tested on LOS 14.1 and OxygenOS 4.5.x)
v1.3: Update to Magisk Template 1400 (14.0).
Looks good but I would change the modid to something other than template. This is in the config.sh file and defines the folder it uses under /magisk. Anyways I used your zip as a template for my own build.prop edits that I will post shortly. I'll throw a little credit your way too.
Sorry, I was on vacation and than really busy...
@shinji257: Thank you for the hint. I changed it and uploaded the mod as v 1.1.
And actually I found already a similar magisk module created by user @FHC1998:
dima-82 said:
Sorry, I was on vacation and than really busy...
@shinji257: Thank you for the hint. I changed it and uploaded the mod as v 1.1.
And actually I found already a similar magisk module created by user @FHC1998:
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That module probably still works (haven't updated it since posted) but the Magisk template is not updated.
My module does pretty much the same thing as yours, there is only one more line on the prop that I add.
This disable all the UI and configurations sections for multiuser. Its not obligatory, but for me it makes sense to disable the interface aswell if you are disabling the function.
You can add that if the multiuser options keep showing even after disabling multiuser.
FHC1998 said:
That module probably still works (haven't updated it since posted) but the Magisk template is not updated.
My module does pretty much the same thing as yours, there is only one more line on the prop that I add.
This disable all the UI and configurations sections for multiuser. Its not obligatory, but for me it makes sense to disable the interface aswell if you are disabling the function.
You can add that if the multiuser options keep showing even after disabling multiuser.
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When I looked for the build.prop settings to disable multi user functionality I found the mentioned line as well.
But I cannot see any difference if I add it. At least it has not effect on my phone (OnePlus 3, CM13).
dima-82 said:
When I looked for the build.prop settings to disable multi user functionality I found the mentioned line as well.
But I cannot see any difference if I add it. At least it has not effect on my phone (OnePlus 3, CM13).
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It depends on the device, I originally tested on a few, and some needed this line.
For instance, I tested your module on my device (ZenFone 2 laser) and it worked perfectly without the line, but on my friend's ZenFone 2 it kept showing the UI even though not allowing creating more users.
@dima-82 Module works great for me. I'm running a OP3T on offical LineageOS. All the multiuser stuff is gone from the settings and notification shade.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
mp3deviant721 said:
@dima-82 Module works great for me. I'm running a OP3T on offical LineageOS. All the multiuser stuff is gone from the settings and notification shade.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the feedback.
The official LineageOS for OP3T is Android 7.x? Nightly builds?
dima-82 said:
Thanks for the feedback.
The official LineageOS for OP3T is Android 7.x? Nightly builds?
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The build I'm running is 7.1.1. Haven't tried 7.1.2 yet. Yes on the "nightly" build.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Hello, I used your module to enable multi user mode, all I did is edited the file inside the .zip where the string to disable the multi user mode is located, and replaced it with the two strings to enable it.
Now I was wondering since this works, could I make a thread with the mod?
I would obviously credit You, and link to Your profile and this thread.
Here is the module on my device :silly:
dariomrk said:
Hello, I used your module to enable multi user mode, all I did is edited the file inside the .zip where the string to disable the multi user mode is located, and replaced it with the two strings to enable it.
Now I was wondering since this works, could I make a thread with the mod?
I would obviously credit You, and link to Your profile and this thread.
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Of course you can do.
But as mentioned in post #3 there was already a similar module. I think it does exactly what you need.
dima-82 said:
Of course you can do.
But as mentioned in post #3 there was already a similar module. I think it does exactly what you need.
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Oh, I didn't see that, I will check if it does the exactly same thing (probably yes)...
---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------
Just checked it out, and yes it does the exactly same thing
Please I need multiuser enable magisk module​ for Android 6
dima-82 said:
And actually I found already a similar magisk module created by user @FHC1998:
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Got bootloop after the install of this module.
Device: Zuk Z2
ROM: AEX 4.4
Unofficial Magisk 13.2 (170716)
I am running it on official Magisk 13.2 without any issues.
Did you also install other modules?
dima-82 said:
I am running it on official Magisk 13.2 without any issues.
Did you also install other modules?
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Yes have other 5 modules
You installed / activated only this very one module and got a bootloop?
Before I created this module I edited the build.prop manually. And if you make a mistake there, you will get a bootloop as well.
May be your OS does not support this property.
I tested on my devices only, and it worked always.
Eventually you can try an other module from @FHC1998, which should do the same:
jhobc said:
Got bootloop after the install of this module.
Device: Zuk Z2
ROM: AEX 4.4
Unofficial Magisk 13.2 (170716)
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You could eventually try this mod:
https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/module-single-user-mod-t3639486#post73160966 by @seebz

[MODULE] Nosense Tweak

I came across this tweak a while ago while I still had a Nexus 6P and I've used it ever since so I figured that i'd make it into a Magisk module and post it here to see if anyone else would benefit from it.
I am not the original creator of this tweak. I am unsure who is but I have linked the source of where I have found it below.
This tweak if fairly simple. All it does is add a couple of lines of code to the build.prop.
This tweak is aimed to provide a smoother experience when navigating in android. It may be a placebo effect but I definitely see a difference when this tweak is enabled.
Tested to work on Oreo on both Nexus 6P and Oneplus 5.
# FluidsTweak 2.0
- Creates a more fluid experience in android.
# Prerequisites
- Magisk v15.0 or higher
# How it works
Adds the following values in build.prop:
# Links
- [Magisk](https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445)
- [Support](https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/module-nosense-tweak-t3762099)
- [Source](https://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6p/general/nosense-tweak-super-fluid-smooth-t3498982)
# Change Log
- v1
Initial Release
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Currently your module does nothing. You also have to change PROPFILE to true in config.sh or it won't load the props.
Didgeridoohan said:
Currently your module does nothing. You also have to change PROPFILE to true in config.sh or it won't load the props.
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Oops. Definitely forgot to change that to true. Re-Uploaded the file accordingly.
Anyone do further testing with this thing? Across Android versions or even closer observation on single device for actual changes made (measurable or just user experience?)

Can anyone extract new features from Mi 5 MIUI 10 Alpha Build.Prop File?

I attach the build prop from mi 5(Gemini). Which is rooted via magisk 16 and I extracted the build prop file. As I'm not a developer, but very active user. So I let you guys see the new MIUI 10 build.prop if you can do something with this. Thanks in advance.
The build.prop is just a set of values, I don't think you can "extract features" since if they are present, those are built into that specific rom, even if you put that "new" values on another rom, you won't add any extra functionality (Example is Camera 2 API, you can enable it into the MIUI but it is just disabled by default, you're not "adding a feature", just enabling it)
lukypuie said:
The build.prop is just a set of values, I don't think you can "extract features" since if they are present, those are built into that specific rom, even if you put that "new" values on another rom, you won't add any extra functionality (Example is Camera 2 API, you can enable it into the MIUI but it is just disabled by default, you're not "adding a feature", just enabling it)
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Okay thanks, so in order to retrieve new features from that version which file do I need to access? Can you show me!

Tweaks for the A30 using floating_feature.xml

Hello there!
I have compiled a floating_feature.xml file that helps you get flagship level features, the additional features are listed below:
Flagship One UI launcher animations
High Performance Mode
Edge Lighting from flagship phones
Side Key Function
AOD Clock Animation when turning screen off
Dolby Atmos without Headsets
Screen Recorder
Google Discover
How to install:​Download the file below and and open a root explorer and copy this file that you just downloaded from your downloads folder and navigate to /vendor/etc and paste the file, when it shows a conflict make it save the new file and then long press on the new floating_feature.xml file and look for the permissions tab and give it 644 permission (https://chmodcommand.com/chmod-644/).
Support:​If you need any help feel free to reply to this thread, or contact me via PM on this forum.
Credits:​Thanks to @el0xren for the tweaks.
Ok thanks a lot for that. I don't need this now since I'm using an S phone, yes, Galaxy S6 so yeah. But I know I will use this someday, so just thanks first.
TomTran1408 said:
Ok thanks a lot for that. I don't need this now since I'm using an S phone, yes, Galaxy S6 so yeah. But I know I will use this someday, so just thanks first.
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You're welcome!
Hey if it's possible could you make a video tutorial of send me a tutorial because I have no experience from these stuff?

