Stuck in fastboot mode, with OEM blocked, fastboot not accepting commands. - Moto G7 Plus Questions & Answers

In short I can't flash on any official device rom, and the bootloader is blocked, which I actually need to enable and the OEM at the developer's option.
But I can't turn on the device because the phone says it has a different operating system, and goes back to fastboot. (Then after this message, it goes to the normal Motorola logo, but get stuck there)
Can anyone help me with this? I cant even flash the latest Android version for my phone (Android 10 for XT1965-2), fastboot and mfasboot is not accepting my commands.
After some tries only this command seems to be working.
C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) slot-co: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) allt-su: not found
getvar:all FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.003s
C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
getvar:all FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.003s
C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) slot-co: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200410
(bootloader) product: lake
(bootloader) board: lake
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: LATAM
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB MICRON S0J9K8 RV=08 PV=10 FV=0000000000000004
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB MICRON LP4 DIE=16Gb M5=FF M6=04 M7=10 M8=10
(bootloader) cpu: SDM636 1.0 (1)
(bootloader) serialno: 0054997355
(bootloader) cid: 0x0032
(bootloader) channelid: 0x19
(bootloader) uid: 7FB0DF4F
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_locked
(bootloader) verity-state: disabled (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Reboot mode set to fastboot
(bootloader) imei: 355577095140552
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 03-11-2019
(bootloader) sku: XT1965-2
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT1965-2
(bootloader) battid: SB18C44559
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 3813
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/lake_n/lake_n:10/QPWS30.6
(bootloader)[1]: 1-21-9/664a:user/release-keys
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader) <not found>
(bootloader) LA.UM.8.2.r1-04300-sdm660.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: <not found>
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 4.4.192-perf+ ([email protected]
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: oid-build) (gcc version 4.9.x 20150123 (
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri A
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: pr 10 06:08:41 CDT 2020
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200410
(bootloader) git:xbl: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-efaf0cccb-200410
(bootloader) gitmic: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-efaf0cccb-200410
(bootloader) git:rpm: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-0dc899d-200410
(bootloader) git:tz: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:hyp: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:devcfg: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:cmnlib: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:cmnlib64: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:keymaster: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) gitrov: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) git:storsec: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-a1c95bed3-dirty-200410
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (err)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: retbr
(bootloader) current-slot: a
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 0
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: yes
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 6
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 0
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.170s
ps: I'm using the translator because I don't speak English.
I tried everything possible, wiping data/cache,adb sideload, flashing using mfasboot and fasboot, RSD LITE (This one does not shows me device).
The ONLY thing i didnt tried yet, was another cable, im using a paralel cable of a good quality.
When it doesn't show errors or it doesn't recognize commands, it just gets stuck.
(bootloader) max-sparse: not found
getvar:max-sparse-size FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.005s
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.002s
(bootloader) has: not found
(bootloader) partition-: not found
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'partition' (37 KB)...
(bootloader) Failed to get the number of bytes to download
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.006s
(bootloader) max: not found
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'bootloader' (9520 KB)...
please any help ?

it looks like all my partitions are missing, is there anyway to create them ? when i trie 'adb shell' i get 'errror closed'.
can someone point me the direction ?

Mine only goes to Fastboot, he can't even start Android.


fix moto x4 xt1900-7 ro.carrier

my moto has stopped working properly. it gets stuck in the logo screen and won't start. not even the backup solved the problem. I can access to the recovery and the bootloader but if I install a rom, nothing change and remain stuck. Rescue and Smart Assistant does not detect the device and tells me that ro.carrier is missing and to contact the seller to rewrite it. This the log of my device
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-8510c11-190829
(bootloader) product: payton
(bootloader) board: payton
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P4
(bootloader) radio: EMEA
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG DH6DMB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP4x DIE=16Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=10 M8=12
(bootloader) cpu: SDM630 1.0 (6)
(bootloader) serialno: ZY224KPP39
(bootloader) cid: 0x00FF
(bootloader) channelid: 0x00
(bootloader) uid: 3A32ECCB
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) verity-state: disabled (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Reboot mode set to fastboot
(bootloader) imei: 356516081801693
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 08-10-2018
(bootloader) sku: XT1900-7
(bootloader) carrier_sku:
(bootloader) battid: SNN5995A
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4298
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/payton/payton:9/PPWS29.69
(bootloader)[1]: -37-5/63ca8:user/release-keys
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader)[0]: Blur_Version.29.381.29.payton.ret
(bootloader)[1]: ail.en.US
(bootloader) LA.UM.7.2.r1-04900-sdm660.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: M660_7045.36.01.100R PAYTON_EMEADSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 4.4.153-perf-g3ff98f3 (hud
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: [email protected]) (gcc version 4.9.x 201
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: 50123 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMP
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: T Thu Aug 29 11:07:24 CDT 2019
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-8510c11-190829
(bootloader) git:xbl: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-fe5d8a9-190829
(bootloader) gitmic: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-fe5d8a9-190829
(bootloader) git:rpm: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-b0c6622-190829
(bootloader) git:tz: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:hyp: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:devcfg: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:cmnlib: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:cmnlib64: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:keymaster: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) gitrov: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:storsec: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: unknown
(bootloader) current-slot: a
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 0
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 6
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 7
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.436s
I try this buy not change
fastboot oem config carrier retail
(bootloader) <UTAG name="carrier" type="str" protected="FALSE">
(bootloader) <value>
(bootloader) retail
(bootloader) </value>
(bootloader) <description>
(bootloader) Carrier IDs, see (bere Is link buy i can post for now)
(bootloader) </description>
(bootloader) </UTAG>
OKAY [ 0.031s]
finished. total time: 0.031s
CyberrPK said:
my moto has stopped working properly. it gets stuck in the logo screen and won't start. not even the backup solved the problem. I can access to the recovery and the bootloader but if I install a rom, nothing change and remain stuck. Rescue and Smart Assistant does not detect the device and tells me that ro.carrier is missing and to contact the seller to rewrite it. This the log of my device
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-8510c11-190829
(bootloader) product: payton
(bootloader) board: payton
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P4
(bootloader) radio: EMEA
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG DH6DMB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP4x DIE=16Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=10 M8=12
(bootloader) cpu: SDM630 1.0 (6)
(bootloader) serialno: ZY224KPP39
(bootloader) cid: 0x00FF
(bootloader) channelid: 0x00
(bootloader) uid: 3A32ECCB
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) verity-state: disabled (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Reboot mode set to fastboot
(bootloader) imei: 356516081801693
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 08-10-2018
(bootloader) sku: XT1900-7
(bootloader) carrier_sku:
(bootloader) battid: SNN5995A
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4298
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/payton/payton:9/PPWS29.69
(bootloader)[1]: -37-5/63ca8:user/release-keys
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader)[0]: Blur_Version.29.381.29.payton.ret
(bootloader)[1]: ail.en.US
(bootloader) LA.UM.7.2.r1-04900-sdm660.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: M660_7045.36.01.100R PAYTON_EMEADSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 4.4.153-perf-g3ff98f3 (hud
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: [email protected]) (gcc version 4.9.x 201
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: 50123 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMP
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: T Thu Aug 29 11:07:24 CDT 2019
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-8510c11-190829
(bootloader) git:xbl: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-fe5d8a9-190829
(bootloader) gitmic: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-fe5d8a9-190829
(bootloader) git:rpm: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-b0c6622-190829
(bootloader) git:tz: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:hyp: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:devcfg: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:cmnlib: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:cmnlib64: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:keymaster: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) gitrov: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) git:storsec: MBM-3.0-payton_retail-3ea0392-190829
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: unknown
(bootloader) current-slot: a
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 0
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 6
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 7
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.436s
I try this buy not change
fastboot oem config carrier retail
(bootloader) <UTAG name="carrier" type="str" protected="FALSE">
(bootloader) <value>
(bootloader) retail
(bootloader) </value>
(bootloader) <description>
(bootloader) Carrier IDs, see (bere Is link buy i can post for now)
(bootloader) </description>
(bootloader) </UTAG>
OKAY [ 0.031s]
finished. total time: 0.031s
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fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
sd_shadow said:
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
I tried it and it worked. Meanwhile, I tried to install a custom rom, the Superior OS 10 and it starts up correctly. unfortunately with the installation I lost TWRP in favor of the recovery of the rom and the classic method does not make it install again (I will look at how to install it again). unfortunately LMAS does not login (until yesterday work so it will be a momentary disservice of lenovo) and I cannot check if the ro.carrier is working now
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sd_shadow said:
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
I'm a little confused. the installation of the custom rom was successful, but in theory the recovery partition is gone. I say this because if I try to flash TWRP I get this message
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (33432 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.400s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) Invalid partition name recovery
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 1.416s
I would think it is a kernel problem, but I can access to the recovery from the bootloader. at this point I think that the recovery partition has been replaced with a partition with a different name. I enclose images of the bootloader, recovery, OS started. I hope you can help me
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You have to download both twrp.img and from site. Try "fastboot boot twrp.img" and next install
unbelievable is a whole day that I have tried that exact command line and I always had error. I restarted the pc and then everything was fine :/
I tried to re-launch LMSA but i always get the same error. with an stock rom should you delete?
Do you have qcn or efs backup , if you have then can you provide that , do it fast

Baseban Unknown Moto E5 plus

fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: moto-msm8937-BF.15
(bootloader) product: hannah
(bootloader) board: hannah
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P3
(bootloader) radio: 7
(bootloader) storage-type: emmc
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG RH64AB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE=8Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=00 M8=5F
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8937
(bootloader) serialno: ZL5227K7MC
(bootloader) cid: 0x000B
(bootloader) channelid: 0xc1
(bootloader) uid: 5C8BF93700000000000000000000
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 535822336
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei: 355554090587897
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 08-16-2018
(bootloader) sku: XT1924-9
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT1924-9
(bootloader) battid:
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time: "Mon Jan 5 15:54:12 UTC 1970"
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/ahannah/ahannah:8.0.0/OPP
(bootloader)[1]: 27.80/1189:user/intcfg,release-key
(bootloader)[2]: s
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 1
(bootloader)[1]: tail.en.US
(bootloader) LA.UM.6.6.r1-04400-89xx.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: M8937_21.24.05.65R HANNAH_CHINADSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 3.18.71-perf-g35a8459-0000
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: 1-g55a7eba ([email protected]) (gcc ve
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: rsion 4.8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: 7 14:52:35 CST 2018
(bootloader) sbl1.git: git=MBM-NG-VBF.15-0-geb7a3e0
(bootloader) rpm.git: git=02a0726-dirty
(bootloader) tz.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) devcfg.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) keymaster.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) cmnlib.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) cmnlib64.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) prov.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-VBF.15-0-g5d71f03
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (144)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: retcn
(bootloader) current-slot:
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: _a
(bootloader) slot-count: 1
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: unknown
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: unknown
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.373s
iheb777 said:
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: moto-msm8937-BF.15
(bootloader) product: hannah
(bootloader) board: hannah
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P3
(bootloader) radio: 7
(bootloader) storage-type: emmc
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG RH64AB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE=8Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=00 M8=5F
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8937
(bootloader) serialno: ZL5227K7MC
(bootloader) cid: 0x000B
(bootloader) channelid: 0xc1
(bootloader) uid: 5C8BF93700000000000000000000
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 535822336
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei: 355554090587897
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 08-16-2018
(bootloader) sku: XT1924-9
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT1924-9
(bootloader) battid:
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time: "Mon Jan 5 15:54:12 UTC 1970"
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/ahannah/ahannah:8.0.0/OPP
(bootloader)[1]: 27.80/1189:user/intcfg,release-key
(bootloader)[2]: s
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 1
(bootloader)[1]: tail.en.US
(bootloader) LA.UM.6.6.r1-04400-89xx.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: M8937_21.24.05.65R HANNAH_CHINADSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 3.18.71-perf-g35a8459-0000
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: 1-g55a7eba ([email protected]) (gcc ve
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: rsion 4.8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: 7 14:52:35 CST 2018
(bootloader) sbl1.git: git=MBM-NG-VBF.15-0-geb7a3e0
(bootloader) rpm.git: git=02a0726-dirty
(bootloader) tz.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) devcfg.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) keymaster.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) cmnlib.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) cmnlib64.git: git=9afe721
(bootloader) prov.git: git=9afe721-dirty
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-VBF.15-0-g5d71f03
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (144)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: retcn
(bootloader) current-slot:
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: _a
(bootloader) slot-count: 1
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: unknown
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: unknown
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.373s
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Click to collapse
The Invalid slots are not good.
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_b: INVALID
Try flashing the radio files from the stock firmware
IMEI and baseband version showing not available
If that doesn't fix it try flashing the full firmware and then the radio commands again
Flashing Commands
when i tried to flash the Stock ROM i have this error : "(bootloader) image size exceeded partition limits" @sd_shadow
iheb777 said:
when i tried to flash the Stock ROM i have this error : "(bootloader) image size exceeded partition limits" @sd_shadow
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Try this
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot reboot bootloader
then flash firmware again
sd_shadow said:
Try this
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot reboot bootloader
then flash firmware again
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Bootloader logs : "Image is to large"
(bootloader) is-logical:vendor: not found
Sending 'vendor' (405777 KB) OKAY [ 13.041s]
Writing 'vendor' (bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote: '')
fastboot: error: Command failed
C:\Users\iheba\Downloads\Compressed\data>fastboot flash oem oem.img_sparsechunk.0
(bootloader) is-logicalem: not found
Sending 'oem' (511087 KB) OKAY [ 16.355s]
Writing 'oem' (bootloader) Image size exeeded partition limits
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote: '')
fastboot: error: Command failed
C:\Users\iheba\Downloads\Compressed\data>fastboot flash oem oem.img_sparsechunk.1
(bootloader) is-logicalem: not found
Sending 'oem' (505190 KB) OKAY [ 16.227s]
Writing 'oem' (bootloader) Image size exeeded partition limits
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote: '')
fastboot: error: Command failed

Moto G5S Plus - not able to flash stock rom, stuck at bootscreen, fastboot fails with remote error

Hi All,
My moto g5s plus( Indian model - XT 1804 ) has stopped booting altogether for last few days. Things I have already tried:
Try recivering using "Recovery Mode" from boot options
dint work, keeps coming back to bootloader screen with error "Failed to validate recovery image"
Install Moto/Lenovo assistant and try flashing using that tool
This does not work because IMEI and SKU on my device are set to all 0s.
RSA downloads the firmware and fails when it starts to flash the same because of IMEI/SKU being all 0s.
Flash the RSA downloaded firmware manually( RSA looked at my IMEI number and downloaded - SANDERS_OPS28.65_36_14_cid50_subsidy_DEFAULT_regulatory_DEFAULT_CFC.xml )
The very first step involving gpt.bin keeps failing with below error
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
(bootloader) is-logical:partition: not found
Sending 'partition' (45 KB) OKAY [ 0.171s]
Writing 'partition' (bootloader) Validating 'gpt.default.xml'
(bootloader) Committing 'gpt.default.xml'
(bootloader) - flashing 'gpt_main0.bin' to 'partition:0'
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Failed to write primary GPT.
(bootloader) Failed to program partition table
FAILED (remote: '')
fastboot: error: Command failed
Fastboot is able to list my device when I run "fastboot devices" command.
Output of fastboot get all variables is below
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: moto-msm8953-C2.12(*)
(bootloader) product: sanders
(bootloader) board: sanders
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P4
(bootloader) radio: 2
(bootloader) storage-type: emmc
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG RC14MB RV=08 PV=07 FV=0000000000000007
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE=8Gb M5=01 M6=05 M7=00 M8=5F
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8953
(bootloader) serialno: MY_SERIAL_NUMBER ( this has a value, I have redacted it on purpose )
(bootloader) cid: 0xDEAD
(bootloader) channelid: 0x00
(bootloader) uid: MY_UID ( this has a value, I have redacted it on purpose )
(bootloader) securestate: oem_locked
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: n/a
(bootloader) max-download-size: 534773760
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei: 000000000000000
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 01-01-1970
(bootloader) sku: 000000000000000
(bootloader) carrier_sku:
(bootloader) battid:
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time:
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) kernel.version:
(bootloader) sbl1.git: sbl1.git
(bootloader) rpm.git: rpm.git
(bootloader) tz.git: tz.git
(bootloader) devcfg.git: devcfg.git
(bootloader) keymaster.git: keymaster.git
(bootloader) cmnlib.git: cmnlib.git
(bootloader) cmnlib64.git: cmnlib64.git
(bootloader) prov.git: prov.git
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-VC2.12-0-g07ff23c
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (err)
(bootloader) ro.carrier:
(bootloader) current-slot:
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: _a
(bootloader) slot-count: 1
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_a: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-bootable:_b: INVALID
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: unknown
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: unknown
all: listed above
Finished. Total time: 0.019s
What should be my next step to flash this stock rom?
This device is not rooted neither was it running a custom rom.
PS: ADB is not able detect this device either.
Tried booting TWRP image, no luck. TWRP boot itself fails :'(
I'm almost at your exact situation, were you able to solve it? I don't know if my phone is considered bricked or not
Same situation for me, after a couple of years I still didn't find any solution.

Question Moto G51 - Softbrick

Hello everybody,
I can't find correct subforum for Moto G51. Hope I can get some help here.
I have softbricked my phone by doing two mistakes:
1) Trying to flash the software for XT2171-2 on my XT2171-3
2) Forgetting to switch on "OEM unlocking" in developer options before I have started
After that phone was not starting so I went to Smart Rescue to go back to stock (CYPFQ_CMCC_RRYA31.Q3_56_99_2_subsidy_DEFAULT_regulatory_DEFAULT_CFC.xml)
Tried flashing the stock ROM with Smart Rescue and Fastboot but it always fails, and the phone starts but is stuck on "Motorola" logo.
Is there any method to unbrick it when the bootloader is locked?
flash bootloader bootloader.img
target reported max download size of 805306368 bytes
sending 'bootloader' (21676 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.548s]
writing 'bootloader'...
-> Validating 'default.xml'
-> Preflash validation failed
-> Preflash validation failed
-> Cancelling 'default.xml'
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.764s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
fastboot getvar all:
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-uefi-51fb89de16b-220616
(bootloader) product: cypfq
(bootloader) board: cypfq
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: PRC
(bootloader) storage-type: UFS
(bootloader) emmc: N/A
(bootloader) ufs: 128GB SAMSUNG KM8V9001JM-B813 FV=0100 WB=2048
(bootloader) ram: 8GB SAMSUNG LP4x DIE=16Gb M5-M8=01 08 10 52
(bootloader) cpu: SM_MANNAR 1.1
(bootloader) serialno: ZT3228GLP6
(bootloader) cid: 0x000B
(bootloader) channelid: 0x00
(bootloader) uid: 113092FD
(bootloader) token: inactive
(bootloader) securestate: oem_locked
(bootloader) factory-modes: disabled
(bootloader) verity-state: enforcing (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: no
(bootloader) max-download-size: 805306368
(bootloader) reason: Reboot mode set to fastboot
(bootloader) imei: 352662831346094
(bootloader) imei2: 352662831346102
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 12-27-2021
(bootloader) sku: XT2171-3
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT2171-3
(bootloader) battid: SB18C77591
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4139
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 1
(bootloader) ro.carrier: cmcc
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/cypfq_cmcc/cypfq:11/RRYA3
(bootloader)[1]: 1.Q3-56-79-3/a217ba:user/release-k
(bootloader)[2]: eys
(bootloader) LA.UM.9.16.r1-07400-MANNAR.0
(bootloader) version-baseband[0]: M4350_HI431_37.1032.01.66.06R CYPFG_PR
(bootloader) version-baseband[1]: CDSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 5.4.86-moto-g3496d9e83035
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: ([email protected]) (Android (6877366
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: based on r383902b1) clang version 11.0.
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: 2 (
(bootloader) kernel.version[4]: chain/llvm-project b397f81060ce6d701042b
(bootloader) kernel.version[5]: 782172ed13bee898b79), LLD 11.0.2 (https:
(bootloader) kernel.version[6]: //
(bootloader) kernel.version[7]: m-project b397f81060ce6d701042b782172ed1
(bootloader) kernel.version[8]: 3bee898b79)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 9 04
(bootloader) kernel.version[9]: :14:24 CST 2022
(bootloader) git:xbl: MBM-3.0-uefi-ff43dd709-220616
(bootloader) git:xbl_config: MBM-3.0-uefi-ff43dd709-220616
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-uefi-51fb89de16b-220616
(bootloader) git:rpm: MBM-3.0-uefi-970d74ef-220616
(bootloader) git:tz: MBM-3.0-uefi-45bb97c8-220616
(bootloader) git:hyp: MBM-3.0-uefi-45bb97c8-220616
(bootloader) git:devcfg: MBM-3.0-uefi-45bb97c8-220616
(bootloader) git:keymaster: MBM-3.0-uefi-37f0814b-220616
(bootloader) git:storsec: MBM-3.0-uefi-37f0814b-220616
(bootloader) git:uefisecapp: MBM-3.0-uefi-37f0814b-220616
(bootloader) gitrov: MBM-3.0-uefi-45bb97c8-220616
(bootloader) git:qupfw: MBM-3.0-uefi-6274caa-220616
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0)
(bootloader) current-slot: a
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 1
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 7
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 0
(bootloader) logical-block-size: 0x1000
(bootloader) erase-block-size: 0x1000
(bootloader) is-userspace: no
(bootloader) pcb-part-no: SP69A6PH62
(bootloader) primary-display: tm_ili7807s_fhd_vid
(bootloader) secondary-display:
(bootloader) fdr-allowed: yes
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Only thing u can do is send it to motorola. They can fix it but it costs 150 PLN / 35 USD with Door to Door service. Mine they fixed in two weeks. When you receive back your phone, dont oem lock it. OEM lock is for MTK devices not QCOM. flashing lock and that's it.

moto g9 play flashing_lock and hard brick

The phone is stuck on the Motorola logo screen, then goes to fastboot mode displaying the message "flashing locked". A stock ROM was attempted, but the device does not accept commands and says that the bootloader is locked. When trying to unlock the bootloader, it asks to enable the option in developer mode, but the phone is in hard brick. ADB and recovery attempts were unsuccessful, and it is also not possible to install a custom recovery. All of this happened after attempting to fix a soft brick issue after an update.
It should also be noted that the device had been rooted some time ago and, when turning it on, it was stuck in a bootloop but eventually booted up normally. The root had been undone well before the device was updated.
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-guamp_retail-252ee94a78-220503
(bootloader) product: guamp
(bootloader) board: guamp
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: LATAM
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SKHYNIX hC9aP3 RV=08 PV=01 FV=0000000031303030
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SKHYNIX LP4x DIE=16Gb M5-M8=06 05 00 11
(bootloader) cpu: SM_KAMORTA_H 1.0
(bootloader) serialno: ZF5236M8M9
(bootloader) cid: 0x0032
(bootloader) channelid: 0x19
(bootloader) uid: 623C51AB
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_locked
(bootloader) factory-modes: disabled
(bootloader) verity-state: enforcing (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 804464640
(bootloader) reason: Fall-through from normal boot mode (bootloader) date: 01-07-2021
(bootloader) sku: XT2083-1
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT2083-1
(bootloader) battid: SB18C44581
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 3849
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader) ro.carrier: retbr
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/guamp_retail/guamp:11/RPX
(bootloader)[1]: S31.Q2-58-17-4-8/75835:user/releas
(bootloader)[2]: e-keys
(bootloader) LA.UM.9.15.r1-02200-KAMORTA.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: HA10_29.11.02.88R GUAMP_LATAMDSDS_CUST
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 4.19.157-perf+ ([email protected]
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: roid-build) (clang version 10.0.7 for An
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: droid NDK, GNU ld (binutils-2.27-bd24d23
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: f) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri A
(bootloader) kernel.version[4]: pr 29 11:24:11 CDT 2022
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-guamp_retail-252ee94a78-220503
(bootloader) frp-state: protected (144)
(bootloader) current-slot:
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 0
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: yes
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: yes
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 0
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 0
(bootloader) logical-block-size: 0x200
(bootloader) erase-block-size: 0x200
(bootloader) is-userspace: no
(bootloader) pcb-part-no: SB28C98730
(bootloader) primary-display: hlt_ili9882h_video_display
(bootloader) secondary-display:
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.250s
the command returns this
fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) Check 'OEM unlocking' in Android Settings > Developer
(bootloader) Options
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.094s
EDL mode returns this
Motorola qboot utility version 3.86
[ 0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM8
[ 0.047] Detecting device
[ 34.913] ERROR: sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
[ 34.913] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 34.913] Total time: 34.929s
FAILED: qb_flash_singleimage()->sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error

