Change radio parameters - Motorola Droid 3

I use a XT860 for a long time without any trouble. It runs with Android 2.3.6 (build 5.5.1-112_SLU-47.6M) and base band U_03.3B.01P. This device comes from Canada.
Since july 2021, this smartphone doesn't see 3G/3G+ service anymore. But when I went in North America this summer, I have seen that 3G/3G+ networks ran fine with this device.
Recently, I have seen that, last year, Orange (I'm in France) has redeployed 3G frequencies to 4 and 5G. ANd I have seen that new 3G frequencies in France was not known by this device. Is it possible to upgrade this device to indicate for example a new frequencies table for 3G/3G+ services ?
Best regards,


umts 850 supported?

does anybody know if this phone supports UMTS on 850 Mhz? According to the specification on the HTC Europe homepage it does not. Here in Latin America according to some salesman the version for America supports it. But since this model is not yet on the HTC Latin America homepage i'm not sure if it was already launched or if even exist a vesion for America.
no version for US avail yet. The US version, assuming its a GSM phone (not CDMA), would support 850. But no announcement offically about that yet. ALL CURRENTLY AVAILABLE DIAMONDS as of July 2, 2008 DO NOT SUPPORT 850 UMTS, and to date, no one has found a way to make it support 850 UMTS (i.e. it is a hardware issue, not a software or ROM issue).
850 usa phone
If we (I) am lucky,,,this will happen.
It has been announced here in Australia that our biggest carrier, Telstra will market the Diamond exclusively for 3 months from the end of July with a 850/2100 UMTS version. Other carriers here use 900/2100 UMTS.
So where we normally get these devices early with Asia and Europe, this Telstra deal will push us back with the U.S. I don't think we will see a 900 UMTS version here till end October, unless we buy online from HK or elsewhere with compromised warranty.
Telstra in Australia has announced that the "NextG" i.e 850MHz UTMS/HSDPA diamond will be released in August
The Diamond will go on sale in Australia on July 28th at the T-Life stores in Sydney and Melbourne.
All other Telstra stores will stock it from August 4th.

[Q] Differences between GT-I9305 and N/T variants?

I have the GT-I9305N, which apart from the standard 1800 and 2600 MHz bands available on all 3 phones has the 900 MHz band activated in place of the 800 MHz band available on the GT-I9305, whereas the GT-I9305T seemingly has only the 1800 and 2600 MHz bands.
So is the LTE chip in our 3 phones the same chip or are there different variants? And what is the point of the GT-I9305T if the only difference is it has one band fewer than the other two, I mean why not just sell the GT-I9305 in that case? Wouldn't that make more sense out of a manufacturing aspect? (fewer variances means fewer configurations and less work for a manufacturer, I hope this is obvious to people)
I mean unless the point is that the GT-I9305T should only be usable on carriers which have networks with the correct frequency bands supported, making re-sale less likely. That is literally the only possibility I consider likely. What are your thoughts?
Nobody knows anything about this?
Rekoil said:
Nobody knows anything about this?
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Probably there is some legislation about low frequency bands in Australia, I don't know... But AFAIK i9305T was made for Telstra Australia, as i9305N was made for Sweden where Tele2 (COV) and Telenor (Voda) are working at the 900 and 2600 spectrum.
Source about the networks:
I haven't looked into it but don't really think there is much difference. I have the 9305T which from what I have seen appears to be a Telstra only model as I think both Optus and Vodafone in Australia sell the 9305 (I may be wrong but remember seeing Optus with 9305 not 9305T). I have not tried a 9305N rom but both 9305T and 9305 roms work fine on the 9305 only difference lately is signal strength. Status bar reads one bar less if using a 9305 modem. I am pretty sure the 9305T would have the 900 range active as Telstra use both the 850 and 900 range.
I do remember reading some time ago that Telstra are a bit more picky with testing the phone on making sure the software is more suited to their network and being Australia's largest telco provider I think may have sway over some manufacturers who are willing to make multiple varients to get what they want. Just my thoughts could be wrong
Sent from Ripper ROM 5110
I'm not from Australia, so i cannot say much about your telco providers. But here in Brazil i only saw the GT-I9305T been selling by Claro (wich includes mine). As i could search, Claro works with the 850Mhz (3G) , 1800Mhz (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) and 2600 MHz (4G).
On Brazil - as the site from Claro says - 4G only works yet with the range 2,5GHz - 2,69GHz.
== Sorry the bad english ==
For those that buy a GT-I9305T with Telstra firmware and try and use it on another telco's network, calls and SMS will work but MMS and Data will not due to the CSC.
The solution is to download the stock Australian Firmware and use Odin to flash
For example
The symptom is the missing H+ etc in the status bar next to the signal strength bars.
My phone is GT-I9305T, will it work the same if I flash the GT-I9305 rom along with RIL + modem from GT-I9305T?
I have a gt-i9305N
I think the N stands for Nordic, I live in Sweden and have Tele2
And I have only flashed the rom. No need to flash your radio if it already works fine.
Flashing CM rom won't touch your radio and rightfully so.
southoz said:
For those that buy a GT-I9305T with Telstra firmware and try and use it on another telco's network, calls and SMS will work but MMS and Data will not due to the CSC.
The solution is to download the stock Australian Firmware and use Odin to flash
For example
The symptom is the missing H+ etc in the status bar next to the signal strength bars.
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I used a i9305t with stock Telstra firmware on the Optus network for a little while before I rooted it and changed roms. Data worked fine...
Sent from my GT-I9305T using xda app-developers app
I know this thread is old but incase anyone else is wondering. Its the modem thats different, the 9305T runs on Australian frequencies and adds the 850 band which is Telstra NextG network.
Hope this helps.
312 24892996
tw15tr said:
My phone is GT-I9305T, will it work the same if I flash the GT-I9305 rom along with RIL + modem from GT-I9305T?
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Yes. just flashed the german 4.3 ROM on my I9305T - even the 4G data worked, but data speeds improved greatly when I flashed my carrier's current baseband/modem.
The hardware in the variants are the same, it is just a carrier/manufacturer agreement to limit non-carrier provided firmware.
mc_riddle said:
Yes. just flashed the german 4.3 ROM on my I9305T - even the 4G data worked, but data speeds improved greatly when I flashed my carrier's current baseband/modem.
The hardware in the variants are the same, it is just a carrier/manufacturer agreement to limit non-carrier provided firmware.
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I agree fully. I too have a GT-I9305T LTE from Telstra. I had the 4.1.2 firmware running. I too downloaded the latest Jelly Bean 4.3 for GT-I9305 from Germany (I9305XXUEMKC_I9305DBTEMJ4_DBT). I honestly had my concerns. Compatibility for the network being one of them. I did alot of research and decided to take the plunge. All done and I am more than happy with it. The dowload speed jumped from about 6mbps to 60 mbps. Not sure why but I dont really care its faster than broadband that I'm stck with at the mo. Anyway. GT-I9305 firm works fine in a GT-I9305T.
Sydney, Australia
Brucetheshark said:
I agree fully. I too have a GT-I9305T LTE from Telstra. I had the 4.1.2 firmware running. I too downloaded the latest Jelly Bean 4.3 for GT-I9305 from Germany (I9305XXUEMKC_I9305DBTEMJ4_DBT). I honestly had my concerns. Compatibility for the network being one of them. I did alot of research and decided to take the plunge. All done and I am more than happy with it. The dowload speed jumped from about 6mbps to 60 mbps. Not sure why but I dont really care its faster than broadband that I'm stck with at the mo. Anyway. GT-I9305 firm works fine in a GT-I9305T.
Sydney, Australia
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OK, I did a crap load of research on this earlier in the week because I'm in the process of buying a few I930x phones for the family via eBay.
My understanding is that the hardware is identical but the ROMs in use on each version may affect network operability.
The issue gets clouded because data you find here and there on the interwebs tends to have conflicting information about the phone's specs.
Regardless of what specs you read on GSMArena or elsewhere, the ROMS for phones that Telstra and Optus provide are customised for their requirements.
The hardware may be identical to the that described elsewhere on the web, but the software isn't necessarily so. ROMs for the i9305 and the i9305T are also customised by other network providers around the planet, and thus may differ from the vanilla "International" versions.
I'll restrict my reply to LTE (4G) here, as all variants of the i9300 and i9300T appear to be compatible with 850/900/2100 3G UMTS spectrums used by the three Australian networks.
Both Telstra and Optus currently operate 4G on the 1800 spectrum.
However, Optus operates additional 4G on the 2300 spectrum for its "4G Plus" customers - see Optus's notes at optus[dot]com[dot]au/network/mobile/4g
Telstra does not operate on the 2300 spectrum and has no requirement that its handsets operate there. Hence, I would be surprised if Telstra feels any desperate need to incorporate access to the 2300 spectrum in its ROM.
On the other hand, Telstra has "... also been using some 2100MHz spectrum to provide extra capacity on [their] 3G 850MHz network using the latest generation of network radio equipment known as Software Defined Radio. As the number of LTE devices that are capable of LTE2100 increases, [they] can simply change these cells from 3G to 4G-LTE via software. This will help [Telstra] manage 4G capacity until [they] spectrum. See Telstra's notes at exchange[dot]telstra[dot]com[dot]au/2013/05/07/mobile-spectrum-auction-result/.
So, both the i9305 and the i9305T will work on the 1800 spectrum, but the i9305T may or may not work on the 2300 spectrum and the i9305 may or may not work (for 4G) on the 2100 spectrum.
Theoretically, the i9305T is also optimised for the specific band within the 1800 spectrum that it needs to operate on. However, in practice, the handsets are tolerant enough such that this is not an issue.
Handsets provided by Telstra and Optus will definitely work on the relevant spectrums their respective networks utilize. i9305 devices provided by third party providers require investigation on a case by case basis.
However, the situation is about to become more complex.
At last year's ACMA auction both Telstra and Optus bought additional bandwidth in the 700 and 2500 spectrums for expansion of their LTE networks. See Telstra's info here exchange[dot]telstra[dot]com[dot]au/2013/05/07/mobile-spectrum-auction-result/ (again) and ACMA's info here www [dot]acma[dot]gov[dot]au/Industry/Spectrum/Digital-Dividend-700MHz-and-25Gz-Auction/Reallocation/digital-dividend-auction-results.
In the Telstra link provided above, Telstra also says "Firstly we’re seeing new devices that support the LTE900 MHz band (another low frequency band) so we’ll use this in areas where coverage and capacity makes sense. We’ll also deliver Australia’s first LTE-Advanced network and devices using LTE900+1800" and "We’ve also been using some 2100MHz spectrum to provide extra capacity on our 3G 850MHz network using the latest generation of network radio equipment known as Software Defined Radio. As the number of LTE devices that are capable of LTE2100 increases, we can simply change these cells from 3G to 4G-LTE via software. This will help us manage 4G capacity until we get the new spectrum."
So, in the not-too-distant-future, Telstra 4G devices will operate on bands in the 700, 900, 1800, 2500, and possibly 2100 spectrums, whereas Optus 4G devices will operate on bands in the 700, 1800, 2300 and 2500 spectrums,
A summary is here mobilenetworkguide[dot]com[dot]au/australian_mobile_phone_frequencies.html"]here[/URL].
The big question then is how are customers going to get firmware upgrades so that there devices can take advantage of the spectrum changes.
It would be reasonable to assume that Telstra and Optus will provide updates for newer devices they have provided. However, neither will provide firmware updates for devices acquired from elsewhere. Optus ROMs won't take full advantage of Telstra's network, and Telstra ROMs won't take full advantage of Optus's network. Other ROMS may or may not provide access to all the relevant bands,
So, Telstra may provide updates for i9305T units it has provided, and Optus may provide updates for i9300 devices it has provided. In order to receive these updates you will need to be running the appropriate Telstra/Optus Australian ROM on your device.
Devices acquired from 3rd party providers, whether they are i9305T, i9305, or anything else, will probably be left out in the cold.
You could, of course, root your device and load a suitable ROM that way. I could do it, you may be able to do it, but 99.5% of people out there would not be able to do it. And I really couldn't be bothered to do it on multiple handsets.
So for peace of mind, given these imminent changes I'm sticking with Telstra branded i9305Ts. It just seems to be easier that way.
PS to mods. I saw the message "To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages, yada yada yada" However, I'm not spamming and the information I have linked to is on-topic, but it is obviously too voluminous to incorporate into the post. Hence I have taken the liberty of modifying the URLs of the links as a compromise, so that they are not hotlinks but people can still find the sources. I don't mean any disrespect. It's just that I went through this exact same process earlier this week, and found the source information to be really helpful
Brucetheshark said:
I agree fully. I too have a GT-I9305T LTE from Telstra. I had the 4.1.2 firmware running. I too downloaded the latest Jelly Bean 4.3 for GT-I9305 from Germany (I9305XXUEMKC_I9305DBTEMJ4_DBT). I honestly had my concerns. Compatibility for the network being one of them. I did alot of research and decided to take the plunge. All done and I am more than happy with it. The dowload speed jumped from about 6mbps to 60 mbps. Not sure why but I dont really care its faster than broadband that I'm stck with at the mo. Anyway. GT-I9305 firm works fine in a GT-I9305T.
Sydney, Australia
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Question, I'm trying to install the 4.3 ROM also, but so far haven't been able to find it available for download. Can you link to where you found it by any chance?
Edit: I was looking for this specific ROM, as others had tried and tested it. I have found other 4.3 ROM's for the I9305, but if anyone has a link to I9305XXUEMKC_I9305DBTEMJ4_DBT that would be nice

[Q] Anyone added additional LTE or UTMS bands to their i9295?

Hello all,
My question, in a nutshell, is: Has anybody successfully added additional LTE or UTMS bands to their i9295?
There's quite a bit of detail online in the following threads about doing this for the S5 and other variants of the S4 Active:
My own proposition is, I'm travelling from the UK to Southern California at the end of the month, with my S4 Active LTE (i9295). In the past, I've used my old HTC Sensation XE, which had the peculiarity of being an international model which supported 1700MHz for 3G on T-Mobile USA, so getting a T-Mobile SIM on their $3/day tariff was always perfect.
I'm currently running the stock (but rooted) 5.0.1 firmware. I'm aware if I do approach this in the same way as the threads above I may need to install at least a new kernel, if not a custom ROM, to circumvent Qualcomm's protections.
Another question I have is about T-Mobile US's 3G/4G coverage in San Diego, Palm Springs and Los Angeles. I will find another forum to ask this in, but in case anyone can point me to any intel on this, I'm keen to understand whether there's coverage of UTMS/HSPA on band 1 or 2 (2100 or 1900MHz) and/or LTE on band 1 (2100MHz), and whether UTMS/HSPA/LTE band 1 will work without band 4. If SoCal has this coverage, then I may be able to use my phone as-is, having compared band information here:

No more 4G on T-mobile network on unlocked HTC One M7 (originally an AT&T phone)

Living in NYC area. Using an (AT&T) HTC One M7 unlocked on T-Mobile network. After almost 2 years of 4G capability wherever there is generally T-Mobile service capability (i.e. NYC area and some other metro areas, etc.), as of Sun/Mon July 9th/10th, I stopped getting 4G anywhere and everywhere. Since July 9th/10th, I've been in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn and maybe Nassau County. I've also been in the Fort Lee, NJ, Newark, NJ and Jersey Shore (i.e. Bradley Beach, Red Bank, etc.) areas as well as in between those areas as I've driven to all the areas listed above. I will add that call audio quality has been very poor with plenty of dropped calls, also since approximately July 10th.
T-Mobile has given me a back and forth and contradicted itself multiple times, but I gather the gist is that there are network updates that supposedly make this phone not be able to get 4G on T-Mobile anymore, at least for the time being if not forever. Any workarounds possible? For reference, I do not believe that the phone is rooted.
Same phone, similar issues....
I can't say for sure where you are, but for past 3-4 months in the San Antonio area, T-mob has been making a lot of changes to modify their towers to accommodate their new LTE Band 12 (900 MHz?). Unfortunately, our ATT m7s won't pick up this frequency, or the AWS 1700 freq. either. As I understand it, these 2 frequencies will be vital to T-mob's future network expansions.
Back in May, I finally took the plunge, and rooted my m7. Doing so allowed me to install the latest compatible T-mob radio, along with getting my Hotspot out of ATT jail. The AWS 1700 band IS available in our phones, but its deactivated in the ATT version. There was no LTE Band 12 when our phones were made, so that option is out. The One m9 is the first HTC One that is Band 12 capable.
Basically, if you're planning to stay with T-mob, your best option is the m9, or some "lesser" phone (LOL), which supports ALL of T-mob's frequencies.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Labs

Oneplus 3T A3000 - US model in Europe

I am an American going to study abroad in Prague over the next year. I currently have the North American model and was wondering if I needed to buy a new phone for the correct LTE bands, since I plan on traveling around Europe. I have used the site WillMyPhoneWork and found that 2 of the major 3 telecom providers, T-Mobile and Vodafone, support bands 1 (2100MHz) and 7 (2600MHz). However, I am missing band 20.
If anyone could help with the 2 questions I have, it would greatly help.
1) Should I expect reliable coverage, in the Czech Republic and other EU countries?
2) Am I able to lock my phone to a specific LTE/4G band, and would this solve my problem (or have downsides)?
Thanks for any responses.
As you have said, it depends on the country.
As long as other LTE bands are available you should be fine and also you can always use 3G.
As far as I know, you can't lock to a.specific band, but you can select to lock only on 3G bands, if that will be convenient for you.
Unleashed by ONEPLUS 3T rooted
You can also enable band 3 on the US model, I get 80% LTE with it here in EU.

