Question Android Auto stopped working - Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

Since updating my s21ultra
When plugging in my android via usb into my ford use to work instanly.
Now im getting USB not responding and the usb connection just fails.
Any ideas? Is something blocking the connection?

try with a different cable (a good quality one)


[Q] PC Internet - USB Reconnect after random time :(

I seem to be having a very annoying problem with my Galaxy S when i attempt to use it as "PC Internet" when i plug it in via USB Port.
I plug it in via USB and select PC Internet but after random times its as if i unplugged it and re plugged it back in. I hear the windows sound that you get when you unplug a USB device. So basically for some reason i cannot seem to maintain a connection through USB. Sometimes it works for 10 minutes, sometimes it works for 1 minute ect.
I have tried to set my usb's power save feature off and still getting an issue with it. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers to no success.
Not sure if this could be the problem but im running windows 7 64 bit. Hoping that its not a 64bit related issue.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
forgot to mention im running the stock 2.1 update 1 on the bell version of the phone.

[Q] Problems with Captivate + USB connection

Okay, I'm boggled at this problem. I'll provide all the details and maybe someone much more saavy than I can clear this up or provide a solution:
- Purchased new samsung captivate unlocked from amazon
- Phone is running stock 2.2 Froyo (I factory reset it once, from privacy options)
- Phone has no SIM card in yet.
Phone does not connect to any computer or USB port by the provided USB cable
- I have tried to connect the new phone using the provided cable and it only recharges. There is no sound or indication on the PC of detecting the phone. Only a beep on the phone indicating it is charging.
- I have tried every USB port (front and back) of 4 different PCs. 2 laptops, 2 desktops. Including trying USB ports with no other USB peripherals attached. (PCs were windows 7 64 bit PCs)
- The only success I have had - was when I tried it on a powered USB hub connected to a laptop, the computer detected a Samsung android device. It worked for 2-3 reconnect/ejects. Then was never able to repeat this success on any combination of USB hub + PC (laptop or desktop)
- I have tried a samsung stratosphere on the provided captivate USB cable, the Stratosphere usb cable and my Nook USB cable. It worked on all 3.
- The Captivate failed on all 3 (only charged, no USB to PC connection).
- I have tried debug mode on, debug mode off, mass storage mode, kies mode (with kies installed/uninstalled). Drivers installed, then uninstalled. Still only charges, the PC does not detect any device connected.
- The USB port on the phone is faulty (then I would return it to amazon), this phone is 1 week old.
What I find odd is how it worked for 2-3 connections on a powered USB hub on one laptop.
- The 3 USB data cables I tried were all not "good enough" for the captivate but work fine for the stratosphere and for my nook. (Then I'd find a good enough cable)
- The phone currently does not have a SIM card. (not sure if that is somehow related).
I will probably return the phone at this rate, but would like to know if this is a common problem with Captivate with no common solution.
Side Question:
My ultimate goal through all this, is to root the phone so I can tether to it wirelessly. I obviously can't tether through USB since I am unable to make a data connection through the USB port.
If there is someway I can tether wirelessly without rooting the phone then I may be able to live without using a USB data cable.
Thanks for reading and any replies!
For ur connections issues, have u checked out this thread --- Captivate Connection Issues and Download Mode Help ??
But u may have a port problem... U can get USB Port repair done by a good trust worthy guy here... Samsung Captivate USB Port Repair
And as far as the wireless tethering, u can do it without being rooted, but it will cost u of course. That is, u will have to pay for the tethering plan.
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking along a similar route that the data pins on the USB port were no good.
Seeing that the phone is only 1 week old I will probably return it and either get a new one or different model.
You wouldn't happen to know if this is a common issue with the Captivate? so I should avoid it in the future?
^ Speakin from my experience and what I've read over the past year and a half or so, it is not a common problem.
The Captivate was a great phone in it's day. But these days u have a wide choice of other more up to date phones.
The SGS II is my main daily phone now and my Captivate is my work cell.
Don't get me wrong though, the Captivate is still a great phone.
Sent by XDA Premium App

[Q] Defective Note?

I bought a new N7000 and everything works fine except I can't get it to connect via usb. Kies won't connect to the phone but everything else works fine with it. I can transfer via wifi with Kies.
The charger that came with it also wouldn't work, so I got my G2X usb cord and wall adapter and it charges that way, otherwise, the computer won't recognize it.
After rooting it Windows 7 finally installed the drivers for it, and the computer showed it was charging (still no usb storage though) and once I unplugged it and plugged it back in again no response.
Tried mounting usb storage through CWM and still nothing. I would think if there was something wrong with the charging port that it wouldn't work at all, but I can charge via a/c adapter. Confused.
A good test for this may be to try the Android SDK to try and get an adb connection. The reason I say this is it bypasses the samsung usb drivers and uses a generic set. If you can get an adb connection and pass a few basic commands then you'll know it's not hardware issue.
There are a few possibilities for this error...
1. MTP service is not starting correctly on the device which would suggest needing a rom reflash or factory reset. Using the Android sdk connection will help determine this
2. MTP not starting correctly at pc, suggesting driver installation/corrupt download of samsung drivers, again android sdk will help determine this
3. Usb port of pc issue. On my rig, connection usually fails off front ports, but rear ones work fine.
4. Cabling, does sound like the cable/charger that was supplied may be faulty.
5. And finally, the hardware usb on device is faulty.
How were you able to root.?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Once in download mode Oding would recognize the device. Other than that, the computer never will.

USB connection cut out???

Hi guys, so I have a little bit of an issue! I've had my nexus 6 for about 3 months and i'm not sure when it happened or why but some how and some way no matter what rom I'm running, USB connection to desktop no longer works. I have tried turning adb on and off, reloaded drivers, and tried other computers. When I monitor device manager in Windows 10 no new devices are connected at all, just does not show up. No unknown device, adb, USB, nothing. So I'm not sure what I should do, I was thinking of claiming warranty however trying to avoid it. Any suggestions??????
P.S: Mounting external storage devices using otg is successful.
May there be some problem with your cable. Try different cable on all available usb port.
I've done that, no success

Question Phone USB disconnect loop

Hey guys.
I'm facing the following problem. Whenever a I plug my 12 Pro on the USB (2.0 or 3.0, doesnt matter) on windows 10, I hear the phone connecting, and then disconnecting, the windows file explorer showing the phone storage content pops up, and the closes, the phone disconnects, and connects again, and on and on and on and on.
I have already deleted all my drivers, reinstalled everything, updated windows but nothing worked. Also, have changed all the power options of USB ports. I've tested different ports, different cables, but got nothing. My old Pixel 3XL works perfectly with the same cable and ports.
I'm currently running EU 13.0.30.
*Edit: It happens with any data transfer mode. If I keep the option "no data transfer" on, I can hear the sound of the usb connection, and it charges normally without looping.
Is there any fix for that?
Try to put a USB hub between the PC and the device.
The obvious solution is to keep it on "no data transfer".
You can still use ADB. You can still use AdbSync.exe (in my sig).
That's what I use and I never play with MTP or PTP or UMS.

