I'm getting to the connection page but then it goes back to the sign in.
Working great on my phone.
can you attach the ractrl.cab you used?
Never used one, basicaly i went to the website on my phone and logged on and it asked me to register my phone. ( am an existing user btw on Imate K-jam). Software downloaded automaticaly if I remember rightly.
trjons said:
I'm getting to the connection page but then it goes back to the sign in.
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Just tested it and works nice.
Downloaded the RACtrlCE.cab more or less automatically. And then continue...
The only thing that makes me doubting is, that I remember I tested it before on this device. I threw away the RACtrlCE.cab from my documents folder.
Maybe not allowed to throw it away? I will test in the future.
But: Works perfect and the scrolling, by pointing in the corners, goes faster than on my Qtek 9100.
I miss the larger real estate of course.
I must have used the old RACtrlCE.cab because when I uninstalled it and tried again it worked.
Your in luck mate, I found the file. But I cant find away to upload it here.
yeah, connecting to logmein and installing the cab directly from website works great!
Sorry to revive this old thread but I found it to be inconclusive.
I have the same problem as the OP: I login to their website and see my list of computers...from that point on anything I click, be it a computer or the "my accounts" section, it brings me back to the login screen. It's a complete loop.
I've been using logmein a long time and I know that the .cab file is downloaded right after you choose which computer to connect to...but I can't make it that far on my AT&T Tilt. It's just a loop.
I went back to my PPC-6700 (HTC Apache) and used my WiFi to connect to logmein and had no problems whatsoever.
Any suggestions? Should I find the .cab on my 6700 and send it to my Tilt?
Thanks in advance.
I'm impatient so I went ahead and copied the .cab file from my 6700 to my Tilt...the result is the same.
It installed fine: no errors, no message that it was made for a previous version of windows etc.
However when I go to logmein.com and try to login, I am confronted with the same loop as described above.
When you log into LOGEMEIN it will prompt you to d/l the .cab file if you dont have it installed. I had no problems in logging in from my 8525 or TILT.
avega1027 said:
When you log into LOGEMEIN it will prompt you to d/l the .cab file if you dont have it installed. I had no problems in logging in from my 8525 or TILT.
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Like I said, I can log in fine. Upon choosing which computer to connect to, it brings me back to the login screen. Typically, you would choose the computer you want to connect to and then it would realize you don't have the program installed and prompt you to do so. However, whether I have installed the .cab manually or before doing so, I cannot get this far.
I got my Tilt yesterday and the only tweaking I've done is with the KaiserTweak program from these forums. If anyone can point to a specific tweak that might effect this, I'll revert it...
After more testing I found a way to get access to my computer. Instead of clicking on the computer name, click on Edit. Then scroll down to where it says "Status: Online, Connect to this computer" - You can click on "Connect to this computer" and it will work.
After making it work I went back to my computer listing screen and tried to click on the name, as usual, and it went right back to the login screen. At least this workaround seems to work fine. I'll try uninstalling the software now and letting it install on its own and see how it works from there...
After uninstalling, rebooting, testing, reinstalling, rebooting and testing some more...I have been unable to replicate my "workaround" from above. I'm left clueless as to what the problem is here and whether this is just some dumb server problem on logmein's side. If anyone can help please chime in. tyvm
On a Tilt try
Start>Programs>Tools>Proxy manager>disable proxy
Worked like a champ for me
Those having problems; are you trying to access logmein using the full web site - https://www.logmein.com or logmein for PDA's https://secure.logmein.com/pda/ ? The full web site gets me in a loop, but using the site for PDA's works perfectly.
TomErickson said:
On a Tilt try
Start>Programs>Tools>Proxy manager>disable proxy
Worked like a champ for me
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Yeup forgot to mention that. When I log in I disable the proxy.
If i remember correcly, i had this loop problem when using opera on the kaiser to surf on logmein.com .
Used PIE instead and no more loop problem.
Thank you for the proxy fix - it worked for me.
Can someone tell me what the proxy is for and if there is any reason I would need to enable it again? I'd like to know if I should bring this to logmein support or not. Thanks.
jeffreii said:
Thank you for the proxy fix - it worked for me.
Can someone tell me what the proxy is for and if there is any reason I would need to enable it again? I'd like to know if I should bring this to logmein support or not. Thanks.
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i think its for cingular's internal sites...like ringtones and that kind of madness. i doubt you'll ever need it.
ok peeps i upgraded my BA with this rom.
Helmi_BA_WM2k5_AKU3.5_v1.4.CF2 R2 by baniaczek
everything went without a hitch except i cant use internet explorer it opens but as soon as i try to navigate to a page even just google it shuts down.
any suggestions as to what is wrong? i tryed the search funtion and couldnt find what i was looking for
Have you correctly configured teh gprs or wifi settings?
have you tried opera browser?
I use both on my BA, also with the same rom as yours.
What i can see, is that you have one older radio, so, try to upgrade the radio.
Tried making Hard Reset?
Uziel said:
ok peeps i upgraded my BA with this rom.
Helmi_BA_WM2k5_AKU3.5_v1.4.CF2 R2 by baniaczek
everything went without a hitch except i cant use internet explorer it opens but as soon as i try to navigate to a page even just google it shuts down.
any suggestions as to what is wrong? i tryed the search funtion and couldnt find what i was looking for
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I occasionally get this. Usually it happens when the network stack is messed up and can't get out anywhere, even though I'm connected to the house wireless.
Soft reset takes care of it. Occasionally, it takes a few of them, but it does clear the issue.
yeah updated radio to 1.15, tryed the hard rest.
think ill do a fresh instal with the Um.......? vanilla one unless someone has another one to try. recomend?
i do...
if you read through the thread of that rom, you will notice, that for some people (like me too), these problem occured...thats why baniaczek added an wifi driver update, and an other working in logout roms...one of them should work...and then your pocket ie won't be spoiled...
files listed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=273#
you should grab the Baniaczek_R2_Network_update.cab
and the tiacxwln_logout.cab
So has anyone been able to fix this problem of not being able to use Good on the Tilt?
I've heard a patch may be coming from HTC but nothing confirmed.
Just wondering if anyone else has had any luck with this.
You might do a search over on the Wizard WM6 forum. There was discussion about Goodlink and people trying to get it to work on WM6 there. I seem to recall there may have been a workaround but not sure.
I use goodlink on my Tilt and it works fine. Is there anything specific you are having trouble with? Such as installation or the running of the application... maybe I could help.
Good is great on Tilt
I'm using Good on my Tilt as well. I've actually had less problems on this device using Good than on my previous 2.
Just because the Good icon isn't in your program folder like it was on the 8525, don't be alarmed. You don't need the 'Get Good' icon to actually get Good. What I suggest you do is hard reset and then go to get.good.com with your browser. I find that when Good is the first piece of software installed, it works best because it really takes over a lot of the phone so that's why if you've loaded up a bunch of apps, it might be wise to start completely over with a fresh install.
Download the little installer app from that site and then run it, put in your email address and a your code, which is sent by your IT dept and then let the install run uninterrupted for about 20-30 min. You should have NO problems with it.
FWIW, when I called my IT dept to let them know I bought a new device and needed to get a new code from the good server he said to me 'you know Good won't work on a Mobile 6 device, don't you?' He was wrong, I knew he was wrong, and then I just told him it was Mobile 5 so he'd just send it.
Allright I'll give it a shot.
I already downloaded the Good cab as it didn't give me an incompatable message. Problem now is when I try to install it, the server is down so I'll try again in a bit.
i installed goodlink on my kaiser and it's working fine too.
good luck.
Still getting the server error but I'll keep trying
Well I'm still getting the server error so I guess its not going to work for me this way. I'm thinking about trying the hard reset and going for it again...
Don't really seem to have any other options...
Happy New year to everybody...
Mine has started off bad, I just returned from my X-mas/New year break and I can no longer sync, install or uninstall programs ?
when I connect my PDA to the PC it sees it, but it can't sync, if I go to remove/add programs it shows empty nothing installed.
I can even brows the PDA but I can't copy files to or from it?
I'm lost, can anyone help me out on this I really don't want to do a hard reset.
tryed to reinstall active-sync?
did you installed some program has to do with network (kind of ftp-server or something else that uses some ports in you network-config)
i had the problem with filezilla ftp-server, using port 990 for ssl-authentification.
the problem was, active-sync also uses this port, but filezilla starting as service was bound to this, so AS could not work.
edi said:
tryed to reinstall active-sync?
did you installed some program has to do with network (kind of ftp-server or something else that uses some ports in you network-config)
i had the problem with filezilla ftp-server, using port 990 for ssl-authentification.
the problem was, active-sync also uses this port, but filezilla starting as service was bound to this, so AS could not work.
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Hi Edi, No I haven't installed anything, but I think my problem might be something else (worse), I just realised that I can no longer copy move or delete files from either the PDA or the MC, I get an "access is denied" error.
Anyone have any idea what might have caused this? and better still, is there a fix.
I seem to be repeating myself lately with this answer, so I apologise if it seems down-right obvious, but have you ensured you have the latest version of ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Centre?
The reason I ask this is because I too was experiencing Sync problems using WMDV, but realised I didn't have the latest version (it doesn't automatically update with Windows Update, WTF?). Windows Mobile 6 is obviously programmed slightly different from revious versions, so updating Sync software is a simple step that's often missed...
Audio said:
I seem to be repeating myself lately with this answer, so I apologise if it seems down-right obvious, but have you ensured you have the latest version of ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Centre?
The reason I ask this is because I too was experiencing Sync problems using WMDV, but realised I didn't have the latest version (it doesn't automatically update with Windows Update, WTF?). Windows Mobile 6 is obviously programmed slightly different from revious versions, so updating Sync software is a simple step that's often missed...
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Hi Audio,
Thanks for the reply, but I do have the latest version and I never had a problem with it until this week.
Just so i can try and help, what is it you are using Dave? AS or WMDV?
Audio said:
Just so i can try and help, what is it you are using Dave? AS or WMDV?
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Hi Audio, I use both, AS at work and WMDV at home, both used to work fine.
And do you experience the issue on both?
EDIT: Apparently, there may be a problem with ActiveSync 4.5. Just take a look at this list of complaints about it lol.
One user stated:
"I was using AS4.2 with my ETen M700, everything was fine. I wanted to upgrade to WM6 and teh instructions said I needed to use AS4.5 I installed it and tried to connect my device - disaster! The rapimgr.exe process runs at 99% and slows the computer to a crawl.
After 3 attempts, I uninstalled it, and re-installed AS4.2 (available from www.microsoft.com) and now things are working again. "
This may be worth doing to see if this soilves your problem...
Audio said:
And do you experience the issue on both?
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Yes I have tried it on three different machines, I can see the PDA but it won't sync or let me move or copy files.
It look like I might have to do a hard reset, but I'm hoping not
Also, a chap on a premium (you have to pay for support!) site said the following, which seems slightly similar:
"I've been using ActiveSync for a while now to sync outlook up to my motorola q. For some strange reason it's stopped working. The connection takes place, you get the little signal saying that ActiveSync picks up on it, the "Connecting" message, followed by the "Synchronizing" message... and nothing. It just hangs there. I've reinstalled ActiveSync and Outlook and did a hard reset on the phone. I'm convinced the issue is with the desktop, if I take the same PDA home, I'm able to sync up with my PC there. Does anyone know what happens during the Synchronizing phase and what could be possibly causing it to hang? ActiveSync 4.5 is a new beast, solutions to the older versions don't seem to apply.
If I hit the Stop button, ActiveSync hangs on the "Stopping" message and ActiveSync on the phone becomes unresponsive until I unplug the cable."
So even a Hard reset didn't solve this guys problems...
I would recommend uninstalling AS 4.5 from your machine, and installing 4.2. Reason being, i believe you need your phone connected to the computer when you install syncing software, so it more than likely "fiddles" with some very well hidden settings on the device. If this is the case, 4.5 may have [email protected] it up, but 4.2 may be your savior.
If you decide to give it a go, let us know how it goes...
Audio said:
Also, a chap on a premium (you have to pay for support!) site said the following, which seems slightly similar:
"I've been using ActiveSync for a while now to sync outlook up to my motorola q. For some strange reason it's stopped working. The connection takes place, you get the little signal saying that ActiveSync picks up on it, the "Connecting" message, followed by the "Synchronizing" message... and nothing. It just hangs there. I've reinstalled ActiveSync and Outlook and did a hard reset on the phone. I'm convinced the issue is with the desktop, if I take the same PDA home, I'm able to sync up with my PC there. Does anyone know what happens during the Synchronizing phase and what could be possibly causing it to hang? ActiveSync 4.5 is a new beast, solutions to the older versions don't seem to apply.
If I hit the Stop button, ActiveSync hangs on the "Stopping" message and ActiveSync on the phone becomes unresponsive until I unplug the cable."
So even a Hard reset didn't solve this guys problems...
I would recommend uninstalling AS 4.5 from your machine, and installing 4.2. Reason being, i believe you need your phone connected to the computer when you install syncing software, so it more than likely "fiddles" with some very well hidden settings on the device. If this is the case, 4.5 may have [email protected] it up, but 4.2 may be your savior.
If you decide to give it a go, let us know how it goes...
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Hi Audio, I don't know what to do, I started another thread about no longer being able to either copy, move, delete, install or uninstall anything, I really don't think it's a sync problem anymore. I will wait another day or so and then I'm going clear storage and start again.
what really pisses me off is my wife has no problems at all? perhaps my PDA is ******.
Exactly the same has just happened to me - I tried to connect to ActiveSync this morning to copy a file across via bluetooth, but it refused to connect. I plugged in the USB cable, nothing - the phone charges but ActiveSync does not want to know.
I deleted the device in AS, tried to add a new one - nothing found.
I last sync'd up fine 4 days ago.
I am using Dutty's DualTouch v1.1 release.
I am using AS 4.5.0 build 5096
If I discover services via BT from the kaiser to the computer it finds the ActiveSync service.
I have done a soft reset, no difference, restarted the PC, same. I haven't applied any Windows Updates or made any changes since it stopped working.
I might try rolling back to AS 4.2
Edit: Same with AS4.2
Think it might be clear storage time
Cleared storage and then it worked fine...will take the opportunity to upgrade to dualtouch v2
Hi Blaze, damn it's annoying isn't it, my next move is clear storage as well.
Hope mine works again.
It's bloody happened again I reflashed the rom with Duty's Dual Touch V2. Much better rom, but activesync has just given up again via BT and usb. Maybe it's some inherent problem with WM, or with Duty's roms - which are you using Dave?
I've tried it on a fresh build of XP Pro on an old machine with nothing than AS & Outlook 2k3 on - same, AS sees the device, but wont sink. Problem seems with the device...
Dave... said:
perhaps my PDA is ******.
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Sorry I cant help other than to say my dutty rom is working fine on WMDC.
But I had to post and ask why you asterisked out the "ed" and left the lrest of the word in?
Brilliant! Lmao! :d:d:d
unwired4 said:
Sorry I cant help other than to say my dutty rom is working fine on WMDC.
But I had to post and ask why you asterisked out the "ed" and left the lrest of the word in?
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Good Point I didn't even notice, put it down to stress...
PS: For anyone who's interested, I ended up doing a hard reset, reinstalled my apps, restored my backups and it's working fine now.
Did you have F-secure Mobile installed? If not, I could take that away from possibilities that's causing this problem
I downloaded Fring off of their site, installed the file. Its on my 'desktop' now with an icon and says 'fring is currently offline'...
When I click it, i get a progress icon and then nothing. When I find it in Programs and open it, i get the same thing. I never get any login windows or anything. I am always successfully connected to wifi when I do this.
Is there something I am missing? Do I need to change any memory settings or anything? I am pretty much running my Wing with 'out of the box' settings.
Any thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated.
I just installed it and ran it with no proble ............. try going to fring.com on your device and download the .cab file from there and re-install it
tried that twice now... seems after the install, it starts up fring and i get the FRING IS LOADING screen but it goes no further. Is this app a memory hog or something? Or is it just buggy?
Similar complaints on the Fring forums
Last post is from someone who has your same issue on the Wing. I've got a Hermes (TyTN) and it doesn't start on that device either (splash screen pops, then program dies with no error messages, etc.)
Sounds like fring has known about this for awhile but no progress so far Fring support referred me to their blog, but nothing of use their, nor in the forums from what I've found so far:
Thank you for contacting our support team.
We are aware of the issue and working to solve it in the near future.
Make sure to check our blog for version updates http://www.fring.com/blog
Please feel free to contact us again should you have any further queries.
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Not that this helps you much, but Fring worked great first time on my Wing. But then it stopped connecting shortly thereafter, just like you described. But then I uninstalled/reinstalled Fring and it has been working since.
I just solved that problem.
The problem was the program VoipAudiosrv, an error with that program. Just uninstall fring AND voipaudiosrv, restart your phone, and reinstall fring. You will be asked to re install voip audio srv: do it. Now it should work.
Hi all,
I am on Dutty's apr-29 rom and here is my issue..
My kaiser is connected to my work pc with activesync installed and i am unable to use internet on my device... I can update htc weather with no worries but the pie and skyfire doesn't work... the strange thing is that netfront browser works just fine so iam not sure if its a proxy issue or not???
I would like to use skyfire if possible so pls let me know what can i do to make it work.
Thanks alot
First thing I'd try is to reboot the computer AND soft reset the phone. If that doesnt work, try disabling advanced network... under connections usb to pc.
ps- in the future, its recommended NOT to start a new thread for something like this, but post it in the rom's thread (duttys in your case)
hi, i have the same problem...but I still using the standard ATT rom...
ajmoncrief said:
First thing I'd try is to reboot the computer AND soft reset the phone. If that doesnt work, try disabling advanced network... under connections usb to pc.
ps- in the future, its recommended NOT to start a new thread for something like this, but post it in the rom's thread (duttys in your case)
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Thanks for the quick reply, I tried what you suggested but still no luck..
I honestly don't know...the fact that you are able to update the weather but not others has me stumped. Has it always behaved this way? Can you do a complete system backup using sprite and hard resest, before you restore, connect it to activesync (you do not need to configure it to sync with your device, iow just cancel the first screen) and see if you can use pie or check your email. If you can then there must be a problem with your settings somewhere, but if you cant then just use sprite for a full system restore and you should be back to where you were and maybe someone else can help.
For what its worth when I first got my tilt it would not use the internet no matter which way I tried (ota or activesync). Then it magically just started working.
hello once again,
Ok so here is the thing... i played around with it a bit more and was able to get pie to work.. but everything else still doesn't work (windows live, skyfire, etc..)
I went to connections>>advanced>>select network>> on this screen i selected "My ISP" for the top menu and "My Work Network" for the bottom menu... By making this change pie is now working but still no luck with skyfire..
Note: i do not have a data plan so MY ISP menu is empty, i usually use skyfire with wifi or when connected to my laptop at home
PS: I didn't do a hard reset because i dont think it has anything to do with rom upgrade...i have flashed my device like 47 times in last 2 months and have had the same issue with every rom i've tried including the original htc rom. Everything works jsut fine when when my device is connected to my laptop at home using activesync.
I think you would still have the problem after a hard reset. Mine has the problem now on the standard Tilt ROM. The wierd part is it didnt when I first set it up and was running the internet through cerdisp. I guess I need to look into it too, but I havent been going crazy trying to find it.
What version of activesync are you using?
Iam using Activesync 4.5..
Have you tried disabling your windows firewall?
Dumb Question
If the phone is connected to your work PC, why would you use the browser on the phone and not the work computer?
If you are worried about what the boss might see - here's the problem with that - can't they just monitor the server traffic anyway, whether you use the phone or the computer, since you would be using the work's server?
What i do at work - first make sure there are no keyboard loggers - second use the internet on the phone and disable the ethernet on the computer.
I remember an option somewhere in the syncing process about allowing income data connections - I dont know exactly what it does, but i will try to find it and post something
EDIT - it was an option to allow wireless incoming data to phone while connected to activesync.
If your talking about tethering, then you're doing it wrong.
Make sure your Activesync isn't connecting to your phone in the first place. Turn off the "USB" connect in the settings for Activesync.
THen go on your phone and open up the "windows" and look for a file called "intshr" or something like that. Open it up and then hit connect.
You don't need to change any settings for the Media Net if you're using the AT&T rom.
larcen007 said:
If the phone is connected to your work PC, why would you use the browser on the phone and not the work computer?
If you are worried about what the boss might see - here's the problem with that - can't they just monitor the server traffic anyway, whether you use the phone or the computer, since you would be using the work's server?
What i do at work - first make sure there are no keyboard loggers - second use the internet on the phone and disable the ethernet on the computer.
I remember an option somewhere in the syncing process about allowing income data connections - I dont know exactly what it does, but i will try to find it and post something
EDIT - it was an option to allow wireless incoming data to phone while connected to activesync.
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Well the only reason i wanna use my device and not the work pc is beacuse all the major sites like hotmail, youtube, facebook are blocked but they all work on my device using "only" netfront browser..
Xyberz said:
If your talking about tethering, then you're doing it wrong.
Make sure your Activesync isn't connecting to your phone in the first place. Turn off the "USB" connect in the settings for Activesync.
THen go on your phone and open up the "windows" and look for a file called "intshr" or something like that. Open it up and then hit connect.
You don't need to change any settings for the Media Net if you're using the AT&T rom.
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Thanks Bud,
will give it a go and report back...
PS: i just noticed that windows firewall is enabled and i dont have access to disable it :-(
you must edit the registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
ld-runner said:
you must edit the registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
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I am creating a new key under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services
Called AllowLSP ??
farhanali_ said:
I am creating a new key under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services
Called AllowLSP ??
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yes, or you could just copy and paste my post into a file with and extension called .reg , save it and double click on it.