Bluetooth - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I have a set of the ht820 headphones. When I paid the Tilt with the ht820 everything works fine but if I turn the headphones off and back on the phone does not seem to be able to find them again. Am I doing something wrong? I never had this problem with my 8125.
If I go into the Bluetooth settings and select the options for the ht820 and select set a stereo wireless then it will work but it there no way to have auto detect that?

I also have a set of HT820. My problems sound worse than yours. My music skips VERY BAD!! I'll get 10 seconds of music then 3 seconds of silence. Do you have this problem?!? As far as connection, yea I also have to go into BT settings to get it to see the headphones again...

I've got the same experience. As to establishing the connection, same here as it has to be done from BT settings. But I have to do the same thing to establish a connection between the headphobes (Anycom BSH-100) and my notebook. I'm not saying that this is the best way but then the Tytn is not that different from a normal PC.
I do get occasional/regular skipping when playing music/video. I was thinking that it was a problem with my headphones, but now I'm thinking it's a problem with the BT implementation of the Tytn.

Figured a few things out. For the HT820, if I press the button on the right speaker once every few seconds, it kicks on the BT connection without having to go into BT setting on the Hermes 2. As for the sound skipping, I used the Kaiser tweak and changed the bitpool from 64 to 48 and now it only skips once every few songs!! Getting so close to now having a full fledged music player, too!! Yahoo!!


iphono mini, a2dp and WM6

Hi people,
how do you start the stereo audio bluetooth? I have to 1. start bluetooth 2. start headsset iphono mini 3. go to bt devices configuration 4. long press and 5. select stereo audio.
There is no quicker option? Somebody with iphono mini get it connected automatically when open both bluetooths?
Many thanks!
well i dont know why you must do so much - i have bt on wizard turned on al time and im only turn on my ht820 and in 2 seconds its ready to work...
other headsets work the same?
slimag said:
well i dont know why you must do so much - i have bt on wizard turned on al time and im only turn on my ht820 and in 2 seconds its ready to work...
other headsets work the same?
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I dont have always bt on, anyway the problem is that when I power up the bt headsets they don't connect automatically, I have to do it manually.
I have the same problem and have the iPHONO mini headset. The headset works great but only works once! Once the BT is turned off and the headset is turned off, the wizard of course reverts to playing music through the speakers. However, once BT is back on and the headset is back on, even though it works for calls, the wizard does not play music through the headset. You have to go to BT settings, uncheck the "Wireless stereo" option, hit save, re-check it and hit save. As soon as you hit save the second time, the headset works fine again.
squawk said:
I have the same problem and have the iPHONO mini headset. The headset works great but only works once! Once the BT is turned off and the headset is turned off, the wizard of course reverts to playing music through the speakers. However, once BT is back on and the headset is back on, even though it works for calls, the wizard does not play music through the headset. You have to go to BT settings, uncheck the "Wireless stereo" option, hit save, re-check it and hit save. As soon as you hit save the second time, the headset works fine again.
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I, too, am having this issue with my iPhono Mini. This headset worked great and as advertised with WM5, but after upgading to WM6, you have to tell the handset that you have a headset everytime, all over again.
I've loaded BT fixit cabs from various areas on this site with no help.
Can't someone look into this? It worked before, WM6 hosed it.
i had it but i use a tekosoft a2dp toogle it works great the problem in the lag is solved with a post in the universal section
you make a dword value in
hklm/drivers/bulit in /bt2snd
as priority 256 with the value 60 soft reset and make your iphono blow up your ears

turn on wireless stereo?

hi all,
i'm using my AKU2.3 WM5 wizard to stream stereo audio to my hifi, and it's working nicely (and in stereo).
i go to connection manager, bluetooth settings, select devices, select my belkin tunestage and then press and hold for "set as wireless stereo".
what i'd really like is an application that i can bind to a button that does this for me, as it's a pain at the moment as it disconnects the bluetooth audio connection after a period of inactivity.
anyone seen a suitable app?
also, for some reason pocketplayer has started forcing a drop of the bluetooth a2dp connection. used to work fine, it now drops a2dp on launch. a reinstall hasn't helped - anyone seen this? windows media works fine...

BlueTooth A2DP and switching the screen off

Anyone got it to work? the BT headphones work fine as long as the device is 'switched on', if I switch the screen off it pauses playback, but only with BT headphones, works fine through wired headphones.
Any ideas?
I haven't had that problem at least when listening to music, but I only have headphones at the moment so thats all i use them for.
I am using the Plantronics 590A, and I am able to switch the power on and off from the phone during music playback just fine. The music keeps playing over bluetooth.
Odd then, got some sony BT headphones, and if I turn off the screen, then it stops.
Hmmm, have to have a dig around and see if I can work out what the problem is, what ROM's are you guys running, oh and remember this only effects the BT A2DP headphones, works fine with wired.
What player are you using?
The work around that works for BOTH WMP and AudioManager is to also install Advanced Configuration. Advanced Configuration includes some helpful shortcuts. ONe of these short cuts is callled "Turn off screen." This shortcut will be available in Settings/Buttons, so just assign it to one of your less important buttons (I use PTT Hold). Viola, when you want to shut off the screen, just use the hardware button and both players will continue to play AND over BT.
Just FYI, using a prophet and I have the opposite behaviour, ie it stops if A2DP is disabled.

Problem with BT headset

This may have been talked about before but my search didnt come up with anything so i thought i'd ask
i have a sony bluetooth headset and when i make and recieve calls it works fine
when i listen to music it comes out of the speaker on the phone
i guess this is a known 'problem' .. is there a setting somewhere i need to set
thanks in advance guys
To get standard audio thru the headset it has to support Wireless Stereo otherwise it will only work as a voice command/phone unit.
If you have a BT headset such as the Promate PM-2006 (which looks like a small pair of headphones with a mike) when paired to the phone it will show two profiles, 'Hands Free' and 'Wireless Stereo'
To set up audio thru this headset you go to 'Settings' 'Bluetooth' 'Devices', hold the stylus on the paired device you want to use and select 'Set as Wireless Stereo from the small drop down menu.
yeah i have both wireless stereo AND hands free selected .. thats what was confusing
Just to be sure...
You need to select both profiles when you first pair it.
But every time you want to listen to audio through it you need to go and select it for 'Wireless Stereo'. The phone then connects to the headset for that purpose.
Hope that's clear.
cheers .. i'll take a look at that ..
seems a bit crap tho eh??
Same on all windows devices, you have to tell them to play the audio through BT whereas a phone is listening for a headset.
True, a quick connect button would be much more help and I am sure if you search around you can find one.
ive got a paitr of motorola ht820's they just automatically pair up and sort out the myusic and calls when i turn bluetooth on however, they dont play nice when wifi is turned on

Having Bluetooth "Handsfree" and A2DP connected at same time causing severe skipping

Having Bluetooth "Handsfree" and A2DP connected at same time causing severe skipping
Hi....I know there are a lot of posts regarding skipping while playing MP3s over A2DP. My problem is perhaps a little bit different because I've narrowed my problem down to the handsfree bluetooth service.
Here's my situation with my unlocked HTC TyTN II using the stock HTC ROM and with no registiry modifications (bitpool, etc)
If I have only A2DP connected and streaming music to an external bluetooth receiver the MP3 playback is flawless. It sounds fantastic. I've tried Windows Media Player, PocketMusic, and PocketPlayer and they all work just great.
However, when I turn on my handsfree headset (which is a separate device from my A2DP receiver) and allow it to connect to my TyTN II, extreme stuttering immediately occurs through the A2DP music stream. When I shut off my handsfree headset the stuttering stops and the music stream returns to its usual fantastic sound. The problem can be replicated also by leaving the handsfree headset powered ON and simply enabling handsfree service on the HTC TyTN II to cause the stuttering to begin. The stuttering stops immediately when handsfree service is subsequently disabled.
Anyone else out their experience this? Any suggestions? For the time being I have to resort to disabling handsfree when streaming music to my A2DP bluetooth receiver.
Skipping/Cutting out/Speeding Up/Slowing down
Not much to add other than 'Me Too!' and thanks for tracking this down since i thought i was going nuts since I've had a couple of times where i thought i had it resolved only for it to crop up again.
Are you also experiencing your A2DP audio speeding up and slowing down along with the audio cutting out? since to me that is the most bizarre of all of the audio freakery going on.
I found my Logitech handsfree less likely to cause cut outs when on than my Jawbone does. but neither were trouble free.
Just an update for those that may experience the same problem as me. I've noticed that sometimes I have perfect audio even though I am connected to my handsfree car system while streaming music via A2DP. So this leads me to believe that bitpool settings and such are not the issue...since the perfect audio can occur with the default settings. I have also heard in other threads that flashing a new radio may help...but haven't gone to that measure yet.
What I have been able to determine is that this horrible skipping/stuttering occurs when my phone is changing cell phone towers.
That is, if
1) Streaming audio over bluetooth via A2DP
2) Tytn II also connected to a handsfree device
then A2DP skips horribly when the phone needs to switch cell towers.
I have confirmed this by using the program PhoneAlarm to log the cell phone towers my phone is connected to. My A2DP stuttering/skipping problem coincides with every change in cell phone tower.
Now having said all this there is still one other factor that plays into it that I haven't quite figured out. If I soft reset my device and then immediately connect to my car and A2DP stereo then I do not get the stuttering problem when changing cell phone towers. However if I spend the day using the device, active-syncing and such at work, then on the drive home I will ALWAYS get the stuttering during every cell phone tower hand-over.
Frustrating. Anyway...hopefully I'll eventually figure out the last piece of the puzzle. I would rather not have to soft reset every time I get in my car just so that I can get good audio.
hondophred said:
Are you also experiencing your A2DP audio speeding up and slowing down along with the audio cutting out? since to me that is the most bizarre of all of the audio freakery going on.
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I do recall getting this behaviour when using Windows Media player...but I have started using the new Pocket Player and have since never experienced the audio slow down problem.
I found a work-around that works for me. It's posted here:
Yet another A2DP skipping problem
Rumball said:
I do recall getting this behaviour when using Windows Media player...but I have started using the new Pocket Player and have since never experienced the audio slow down problem.
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I seem to have related but a different problem with skipping.
I have both Sony and goldlantern BT headphones which i tried (stereo profile).
Both severely skip audio when located on the left side of my belt. Silly but the reception/skipping problems improves a GREAT deal when i move it to the right side. It works flawlessly inside of the building where i have no phone signal but outside -- it skips horribly, even worse after 6.1rom upgrade.
Can anyone confirm that the BT signal going through the body worsens skipping? If so, I assume the signal strength/BT/wireless channel may be at fault, not the tower switching as for me, it happens even when I stay stationary.
TILT - R2 VEGA WM6.1 CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2) ROM
I think part of the problem can be the A2DP device as well. I had a pair ofr HT 820 older bluetooth headsets with A2DP that were skipping and annoying. I went out and bought some s9s and the problem went away. I figured just for a test I would try the HT820 out again, still skipping. So for me it was not the phone but the A2DP device.
jallenclark said:
I think part of the problem can be the A2DP device as well. I had a pair ofr HT 820 older bluetooth headsets with A2DP that were skipping and annoying. I went out and bought some s9s and the problem went away. I figured just for a test I would try the HT820 out again, still skipping. So for me it was not the phone but the A2DP device.
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i thought that too but i have two different headsets from two different manufacturers, both are skipping the same...
A2DP requires a lot of the bandwidth Bluetooth can provide. Having a 2nd connection open simply exceeds what the Bluetooth chip can handle, no surprise in that. If the BT headset keeps the connection open it's very likely to happen.
kilrah said:
A2DP requires a lot of the bandwidth Bluetooth can provide. Having a 2nd connection open simply exceeds what the Bluetooth chip can handle, no surprise in that. If the BT headset keeps the connection open it's very likely to happen.
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what do you mean by a SECOND CONNECTION?
i have 2 different headsets because i thought that i have a poor headset, but both work similarly bad, which makes me think it is the tilt, not the headphones. i do not have 2 connections, never has it and not even sure if it is possible....
Lowering of bitrate did not help at all.....
Anyone have experienced these problems? anyone is using BT headset besides motorola s9?
On mine it does it when it picks up a wi-fi hotspot. When I'm driving the wi-fi is on when the screen is and whenever I pass a hot spot it drops out. Turning the wi-fi off solved it. Don't know if it does it with cell towers.
gs465 said:
what do you mean by a SECOND CONNECTION?
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The thread was initially about skipping when BOTH an A2DP stereo headset AND a BT handsfree were connected at the same time, as the title shows. I was commenting on that.
Other than this, when I want to listen to music I can leave the Kaiser in my room and walk around in my entire flat with the headphones on without skipping (around 10-15m straight line, with some walls).
However, Wifi must not be active and communicating, otherwise either / both of them will drop. If I'm using Wifi and start streaming audio via A2DP, the wifi will slow down a lot and sometimes disconnect. In the same way if Wifi is communicating the audio will skip. If both of them are active but one is idle everything's fine. But that's also normal as both share the same frequencies and will step on each other. When usage is low it's not noticeable but when both are using a lot of bandwidth then they will disturb each other.
The cell radio doesn't seem to cause any problems for me.

