Can anyone upload or send me omap850_sdhc.dll
It is located in windows folder of WM6
I accidentally deleted it, now my SD doesn't work
my e-mail [email protected]
Thank you very much!
Edit/Delete Message
I need the file omap850_sdhc.dll
It is located in windows folder of HTC
Please someone send it to me.
[email protected]
here you are...
it is a cab file. try this
Thank you so much!!!!!
Searched and found a few cabs for World Card Reader but, none of them had the help files?
Any help?
(no pun intended)
I would also like the help files. I've been searching with no results.
Here you go
I extracted the needed files from the OE HTC ROM, but cant upload to the site for you. PM me your Email and I'll send it to you. If you need another language other than English let me know. Should be able to drop into the Windows Directory with Resco Explorer and when you click the Help icon will launch PIE to view the files. Kevin
I have many old emails archived in a .pst file on my pc. Is it possible to sincronize and access it through outlook when I am away from the pc?
file->Import & Export->Import from another program or file
let you browse for your pst file and when you find it and click
ok it's importet into your outlook
Rudegar said:
file->Import & Export->Import from another program or file
let you browse for your pst file and when you find it and click
ok it's importet into your outlook
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hi Rudegar and thanks for reply,
May be I have not understood your answer but I need to import, and keep sincronized the emails contained into the pst file (located on the pc) to my mobile outlook to read them when I am out from office.
Could you explain me better about how to proceed?
fcasini said:
hi Rudegar and thanks for reply,
May be I have not understood your answer but I need to import, and keep sincronized the emails contained into the pst file (located on the pc) to my mobile outlook to read them when I am out from office.
Could you explain me better about how to proceed?
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All you need is to set your outlook client on pc to "Deliver new email to the following location:". and point it to your pst file on pc.
After sincro you will find all your email on your pda.
Ofcourse take care about free space on you card.....
I would my email goes to my storage card. After setting the registry with the new key (Property and attachments folder) my email still goes to the \windows\messaing folder.
In practice, I have deleted all files under \windows\messaging, \storage card\mapi and \storage card\inbox.mstxxxx folder. Then I have sent myself a new email on my private address and after sincronizing my tytn with exchange server via activesync i have a new email in outlook application and a new file under \windows\messaging folder. If I delete this file I lose the content of the new email just received.
no files under the \storage card\MAPI or \inbox.mst folders.
how can I fix it?
I have a lot of email to download by sincronizing my tytn with pc in my office.
thanks to everibody
I thought the email goes to main memory and attachments can go to the storage card. I wasn't aware that the messages themselves could be stored on SD.
fmg9800 said:
I thought the email goes to main memory and attachments can go to the storage card. I wasn't aware that the messages themselves could be stored on SD.
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thanks for the reply but I have just solved this problem without any changes in registry.
SkTools does it!!!!! You need to use the "Move data" function to solve definitively this annoyng problem.
this app delete the folder \windows\messaging and create a new one into \storage card\ where you will find every email and attachments.
GREAT!!! now I have 15Mb of more free memory on the phone.
fcasini said:
I would my email goes to my storage card. After setting the registry with the new key (Property and attachments folder) my email still goes to the \windows\messaing folder.
In practice, I have deleted all files under \windows\messaging, \storage card\mapi and \storage card\inbox.mstxxxx folder. Then I have sent myself a new email on my private address and after sincronizing my tytn with exchange server via activesync i have a new email in outlook application and a new file under \windows\messaging folder. If I delete this file I lose the content of the new email just received.
no files under the \storage card\MAPI or \inbox.mst folders.
how can I fix it?
I have a lot of email to download by sincronizing my tytn with pc in my office.
thanks to everibody
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Just use here's the link
madrascafe said:
Just use here's the link
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thanks Madrascafe, I will surely use it on the next HR instead of SKTools.
Hello everybody;
I just cooked a rom using RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_2.03.401.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship and the kitchen Surface_Kitchen_v1.01, everything went very well (packages, provxml files, ...) and the resulted rom is running very good, only one strange problem.
When I open outlook, I can receive emails and see the list, but can't open the emails, can't send new emails, can't reply or forward emails. No error message, just nothing happen on the action (sending, replying, opening)
I searched and did lot of tests, can't figure out what causes the problem, I wonder if somebody can help me.
Thank you.
missing htm files
I suppose that u've deleted your htm files...
Just look for these ones:
in your SYS\Redist_Lang_0409 folder.
If they are missing, this is the cause of ur issue. So, just put them back
seatone said:
I suppose that u've deleted your htm files...
Just look for these ones:
in your SYS\Redist_Lang_0409 folder.
If they are missing, this is the cause of ur issue. So, just put them back
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Thank you seatone.
All the files you mentioned were their, I didn't touch this folder.
I started from the beginning and I used WinMerge to compare files, I think their was some corrupt files. I replace them and everything is working fine now.
Thank you again.