wifi hacking/secure wifi? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Themes and Apps

Is there any software out there where you can connect to a secured wifi (and bypass the password) or hacking a wifi or something?

google kismet but it has nothing to do with this phone.

Retina by Eeye is the only one I know of (for PPC at least). Will allegedly crack WEP passwords.
Googling ends up with the following links (amongst others) -
Hope that helps.

and cain and able, but on ppc its pointless

i tryed to get the Retina by Eeye but its asking me for a company email address. any have it already dl and want to email it to me?

Why would you want to steal a persons WIFi? That's illegal. To each is own but if the black suits come knocking at your door and hit you in the head with a billy club I'll say I told you so.

wont work on wm6 i think its written for older ppc2003 devices and the driver wil lbe the wrong one
if you want to test it pn me ^^

gqstatus0685 said:
Why would you want to steal a persons WIFi? That's illegal. To each is own but if the black suits come knocking at your door and hit you in the head with a billy club I'll say I told you so.
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i dont think it's illigal.
ill tell you why i would want to, because im surrounded by all these secure wifi's everywhere i go, and always want to connect to them, they have great signal too.

mikeeey said:
i dont think it's illigal.
ill tell you why i would want to, because im surrounded by all these secure wifi's everywhere i go, and always want to connect to them, they have great signal too.
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First of all. You can go to jail, for hacking and hi-jacking your neighbor's wi-fi. It is totally ILLEGAL.
Second. Why not get yourself a 3G or 4G account with your phone company, and you can connect to the internet with your 3G.

yes its completely illegal in the states and you shouldn't do it. However if you don't care about breaking the law I don't see how it could be proven in court that you hijacked someones wifi with ur mobile device, and if it came down to it im sure cooking a new rom would delete any hidden data.
If I were you find other options. Like myself. I use my wifi at home and download all the necessary data i need for the day every morning. If i run into anything I need I simply go somewhere like a library or a coffee shop to access their wifi.
Take care and stay out of trouble.

mikeeey said:
i dont think it's illigal.
ill tell you why i would want to, because im surrounded by all these secure wifi's everywhere i go, and always want to connect to them, they have great signal too.
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In the UK it would come under the Misuse of Computers act 1990, in the section regarding unauthorised access to a secured computer system.
If I were using it, I would be trying to break into my own network to find out how easily someone else could achieve it.
Oh, and if you are using something like "The Cloud", I heard there was some sort of "Feature" whereby you could set up a proxy server (at home) on port 53 (DNS) and use it to connect out. All you then need to do is, when you're wanting to use the Cloud's wifi connection and you can't remember your details, change your proxy settings and away you go.

all i want to do is test my set up because my friend came over with his phone and got in to my secure wifi with out much a problem. so i just want to learn how to test my security for my wifi.

streetknight said:
all i want to do is test my set up because my friend came over with his phone and got in to my secure wifi with out much a problem. so i just want to learn how to test my security for my wifi.
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Why not ask your friends?
I think your friend must be using 3G network, which he can connect anywhere and anytime.

Interesting and related article from the UK....

hi guys!
i guess everybody replyed with off topic posts; for sure the user knows it´s illegal, so why not help him instead of bugging him?
I´ve been searching on that subject and i found some interesting programs for ppc:
airscanner´s sniffer
also you can check on this website: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/ppchack
Cheers and happy wardriving!

Ev0luti0n_ said:
hi guys!
i guess everybody replyed with off topic posts; for sure the user knows it´s illegal, so why not help him instead of bugging him?
I´ve been searching on that subject and i found some interesting programs for ppc:
airscanner´s sniffer
also you can check on this website: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/ppchack
Cheers and happy wardriving!
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anyone got any of these to work yet?

Aiding and Abetting/Accessory
A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy.
For example, Andy draws a floor plan of a bank, knowing of Dan's intention to rob it. After Dan commits the robbery, Alice agrees to let him store the stolen money at her house. Both Andy and Alice can be charged with aiding and abetting, or acting as accessories to the robbery.

mikeeey said:
Is there any software out there where you can connect to a secured wifi (and bypass the password) or hacking a wifi or something?
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Of course, if those secure sites are using WPA, or better, WPA2 or a WPA-enterprise system, you're not going to simply sniff and crack a password. WEP is a rapidly dying standard, and for good reason.
Just saying, you may be going to a lot of effort for zero gain, unless you know for sure these are simple WEP-secured nodes.
And if nothing else, it's immoral - just like houses, people lock their doors to keep strangers out, and a stranger smashing open a window to get in deserves no aid in the act.

gwnorth said:
...just like houses, people lock their doors to keep strangers out...
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However, let's think about this for a second or two...all the security and locks in the world only truly accomplish one thing...they keep the honest people honest.
The bottom line is this...if someone wants in, it doesn't matter how many highly-paid security guards you have walking the perimeter, they're gonna get in.
Where there's a will...

True, but an honest person needn't help that "someone" to commit their dishonest act.
But you are right, thus far at least, any security system created by humans has proven to be compromisable (is that a word ?) by humans.
Of course, WEP was just a bad design, right from the get-go...


Privacy: The pendulum should swing both ways...

There is a bit of uncomfortable and uneasy feeling with the advent of a GPS device on my hip, not that I really have anything to worry about, but the US was built on Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Seems that we should remove the Liberty part of that as of late, but damnit, if they want to watch me and invade my privacy, it should NOT be on my dime, further more, I’d like to think that the pics I take of the latest female won’t be observed by an assigned GMAN torn from his family and in need of whacking himself off.…
Anyway, I saw a Treo 750 that had a privacy tab on the GPS applet, (obviously privacy from carrier from data provided by BT GPS device, knowing they distribute the same binary, this should be reproducible on our HTC devices, knowing we run Windoze, and I haven’t seen anything to monitor what the system console has been doing, and to top that off, there is periods with my Tilt that the interface is unresponsive, and I am not the only one that has had a problem with the Google maps app connecting to com4. So anyone out there wonder what MY device is doing with MY processor ticks besides me?
Anyone out here that has been looking into the reg entries for the GPS applet?
ummm what?
the GPS is not active unless you're using a GPS program like TeleNav, Google Maps, Windows Live Maps, TomTom Navigator etc.
and how is anyone going view pics that you take with your phone without your knowledge? GPS is only for position information, data cant be transferred by GPS. and who the hell is watching you anyways? unless youre on the FBI's most wanted list or something no one cares or wants to know where you are or what you are doing.
geez, paranoid much?
oh, and GPS or not, you can be tracked just by having a cell phone on you. its call triangulation using cell towers. hows that for paranoia.
All approved cell tracking apps have to send the device a text every few days confirming that it is being tracked (to avoid spouses tracking their other halfs)...
But that doesn't mean that people aren't hacking them and developing unapproved ones...
You knew this already when you bought your phone. And who is watching you anyway. And if it is really neccesery you provider can track you by in and outgoing phone calls to see where you were at a certain time. So your privacy was gone as soon as you got your first mobile phone.
tinfoil hat?
tripitaka said:
tinfoil hat?
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I was thinking Thorazine.
dscline said:
I was thinking Thorazine.
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Keep telling yourself that while at&t has created their own programming language to parse the data they compile on everyone and turn it over to the spooks. Keep up with the EFF as of late? Ever wonder what a gov't might be capable of if held ABOVE the law? What about an evident relationship between big biz and a gov't capable of these ethics, or lack there of... Really think about it, how long will it be before state gov't gets ahold of the data and begins to issue speeding tickets based on GPS data gleened from our devices, do you think it would be that difficult for the radio to open com4 and collect data without blinking the orange light?
And as for my rant, yes I knew I purchased a device with GPS, but I didn't purchase a device for the spooks, it is my processor, my processor ticks, my OS, my hardware, if I bought the spooks a device I'd have sent it to them, if they want to use my device in the interest of surveillance, then they should pay me for my system resources... No free lunch, understand?
?Glitch said:
And as for my rant, yes I knew I purchased a device with GPS, but I didn't purchase a device for the spooks, it is my processor, my processor ticks, my OS, my hardware, if I bought the spooks a device I'd have sent it to them, if they want to use my device in the interest of surveillance, then they should pay me for my system resources... No free lunch, understand?
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And as the guys said, the GPS has nothing to do with anyone being able to track you (other than potentially being slightly more accurate). If you are seriously worried about all of the above, then buy an old mine (in a false name) and live down it.
Personally, I have no plans to commit terrorist attrocities or criminal activity, so I don't mind if Police/Government could track me (or more importantly suspected terrorists/criminals) if they wanted to.
Personally I expect they'll stick to good old network triangulation - it's cheaper, it works with any mobile, and there's literally no way you'd ever know "they" were doing it
Sleep tight now...
Just send a letter to President Bush and Congress thanking them for the good 'ol Patriot Act that was passed some years back...
?Glitch said:
Keep telling yourself that while at&t has created their own programming language to parse the data they compile on everyone and turn it over to the spooks. Keep up with the EFF as of late? Ever wonder what a gov't might be capable of if held ABOVE the law? What about an evident relationship between big biz and a gov't capable of these ethics, or lack there of... Really think about it, how long will it be before state gov't gets ahold of the data and begins to issue speeding tickets based on GPS data gleened from our devices, do you think it would be that difficult for the radio to open com4 and collect data without blinking the orange light?
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First of all, it was a joke. Get a sense of humor. Secondly, if you do believe everything you type, then you should not expect such things to be so easily circumventable as changing a few reg keys. If you want to change the way things are headed, fight with your vote, and with activism, not with "hey, I bought this device because I think it's cool, even if the potential is there for it's capabilities to be used against me... anyone have any easy fixes?"
No matter what is possible, the fact remains that there are billions of civilians, compared to a relatively small number of people who could potentially have access to such data. If you have done nothing huge to draw significant "national security" type attention to yourself (which I have to assume you haven't, posting on on public board and all), the chances are minuscule that anyone who could invade your privacy has any interest in doing so.
"Blocking access" to a single phone that no one is even going to try to access isn't going to solve anything. And if we get to the point where our phones DO get used for the purposes you describe, it's too late. At this point, you're better off focusing your energies on a political front rather than a technological one.
I don't think the concern is the government. Now, electronic tracking data is becoming an issue in civil legal proceedings (lawsuits, contested divorces, etc.) - "EZ-Pass" toll data is one example, and auto-tracking systems are another.
I'm personally not too worried about this, but I can see why some law-abiding people might be concerned.

IMEI Spoofing

Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''
You're unlikely to get any help on this, since the number one reason to change an IMEI is to get around a network block on a stolen phone. Most of the people here paid a lot of good money for their phones, and don't want to give any assistance to thieves (whether you are one or not makes no difference, any information posted here could easily help or encourage others to steal and crack these phones).
Changing IMEI's is illegal in many countries anyway, so there's a good chance you'd be committing a crime just by doing it, even if the phone is yours.
IMEI changing is going to get you sore!
EDIT: Oh and search, this has been discussed to death on here before.
superchargedrs said:
Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''
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Oh, its really easy. Just take your phone to your local police station. They will provide you with the further instructions. HTH.
I vote this thread be closed!
kimtyson said:
I vote this thread be closed!
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and stop stalking me, My Subscriptions is full of post's last updated by you lol.
Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.
kimtyson said:
Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.
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Im stuck doing a boring risk analysis (I'm a Software Developer, normally) at work. Every 5 minutes I get distracted and end up on here.
The good news is that we have successfully hijacked this potentially illegal thread.
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
why do you want to do this?
i only ask in reason of morbid curiosity...
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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I think the problem is that if xda devs provides information on how to change the imei they could be held accountable. Todays curent climate of terrorism bs that the security services make up to justify thier own existance means if you change ur imei they can slam you with some trumped up charge (or atleast in this country).
People who change thier imei have something to hide, or so they say. Sim unlocking isnt classed as that bad, and for mac spoofing I cant comment.
There was a thread somewhere discussing theory, but I havent seen it in a while. I cant post a link cos im on opera mini. There was some good info in the link i posted by vijay.
Another though, think of it as changing your VIN number on your car, why would you ever want to do such a thing.
Also, I have re-read the vijay post now, and theres a link to a site where you can get more info. Please read V's advice, don't get us into trouble and be nice to each other .
PS sorry for going off topic.
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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oh well that makes it all better after you point it out like that.
Maybe we should tell him.
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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Go grab your own balls, FFS. You think we should "amuse" you with information that makes these phones more stealable, more re-sellable, more targetted by crims? Forget that. If the information is already out there somewhere, you get off your arse and go find it. If it isn't, good.
I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill. Well I will find what I am looking for later I guess (like I said I am in no rush), I just like knowing what your not sposed to know...ya know lol
As far as stealbility (sp?), you guys DO REALIZE that the people that steal phones and stuff of that ilk don't think that far ahead...right??? If they cant sell the phone the probably just through it out, though in the end of the day its is the same for the guy that gets his phone stolen.
What????????????????? Was that english?
here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.
superchargedrs said:
I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill.
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yes i quite like it up here with my encylopedias thanks
no-one on here will know anything about IMEI spoofing or changing, and tbh no-one here with any self respect wants to know. they are (for the most part) happy with their phones/devices and have no need/want to fool around with something so blatantly illegal.
the only people that will want to know are scum-of-the-earth crims.
enough said, i join the vote to close/delete this thread.
amkaos said:
here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.
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Thank you so much for being the official spokesperson for the board.
I agree with quasi_mojo. Close this stupid thread.

Help make GV/MyFaves piggy backing legit

You know they already know about it, so don't give me crap for "Letting the cat out of the bag"
Bump the thread please and lets try to make this a t-mobile policy.
(probably will never happen, but if we can convince them that this polocy will gain them customers it may)
The post for those too lazy to go and read it
Currently there is a way to add your google voice number to MyFaves and avoid using any minutes for almost any call.
I don't know if this is "Working as intended" or is an unplaned gaff....
Let me tell you why T-Mobile should not only let this happen, but encourage this.
I have a G1, cheapest plans possible. my bill is around 60 bucks a month...
If this MyFaves/GV trick became something i could count on here are the actions i will take with out question.
I will Buy my wife the MyTouch (canceling her current Virgin Mobile pay as u go plan)
I will change my calling plan to a "MyFaves" famlie plan
I will have unlimmited data plans on both phones.
I will cancle my current home phone (Vonage)
My T-mobile monthly bill will go from $60 a month to over $125, and it will become my and my wife's main phone lines.
Also with work/friends i am the known "Android hacker" and people listen to me...
When i tell people about this possiblity they get excited and want in on it.
T-Mobile... be the "Data Pipe" Google wants you to be, you will gain subscribers
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ekeefe41 said:
You know they already know about it, so don't give me crap for "Letting the cat out of the bag"
Bump the thread please and lets try to make this a t-mobile policy.
(probably will never happen, but if we can convince them that this polocy will gain them customers it may)
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Yes, they know about it. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to give them the impression that this is a mainstream usage scenario.
Often service providers will tolerate a small percentage (lets say 1-5%) of their customerbase that uses a signficantly larger proportion of bandwidth than average. They may be losing money on these customers, but as long as the loss is lower than the loss that would be incurred due to negative press from terminating those customers, they will let the small percentage slide.
By bumping/posting that thread, you are basically giving T-Mo (and any other carrier with similar pricing) a reason on a silver plate to go and shut the MyFaves "loophole" right now. Kudos.
*Note: I don't have MyFaves, so I could really not care less how it turns out from a personal standpoint.
jashsu said:
Yes, they know about it. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to give them the impression that this is a mainstream usage scenario.
Often service providers will tolerate a small percentage (lets say 1-5%) of their customerbase that uses a signficantly larger proportion of bandwidth than average. They may be losing money on these customers, but as long as the loss is lower than the loss that would be incurred due to negative press from terminating those customers, they will let the small percentage slide.
By bumping/posting that thread, you are basically giving T-Mo (and any other carrier with similar pricing) a reason on a silver plate to go and shut the MyFaves "loophole" right now. Kudos.
*Note: I don't have MyFaves, so I could really not care less how it turns out from a personal standpoint.
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I couldn't have said this all better myself.
To OP: Be happy with the loophole you have now. Make this mainstream and you'll see the loophole closed up nice and quick.
Here is the thing...
I personally will not do the things in my post unless i can confirm it is something i can rely on.
I buy a 2nd phone for the wife
I cancel my home (Vonage) phone line
I then begin to rely on this piggy backing as a part of my monthly finances...
T-mobile closes the loophole.
I am stuck with an extra phone/Plan that i can't get out of....
My bill goes through the roof because these phones are now our only voice option.
Until i get a confirmation from T-Mobile i will push the issue...
If it ruins it for everyone... so be it
When it comes to contracts and my monthly finances, there is no room for guess work.
ekeefe41 said:
If it ruins it for everyone... so be it
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Haha. I like your attitude!
When it comes to contracts and my monthly finances, there is no room for guess work.
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Then... why are you relying on beta services and loopholes for your core telecommunications?
It seems to me that what you need to get is one of those truly unlimited in-region calling (I think MetroPCS has something like that? Also T-Mo has the Unlimited Loyalty Plan.) You can be assured that you'll be billed a flat monthly rate that way regardless of your usage and regardless of whether or not you are routing through GV.
I love the flimsy rationalization going on this thread.
jashsu said:
Haha. I like your attitude!
Then... why are you relying on beta services and loopholes for your core telecommunications?
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Not quite...
I have the G1 $60-month
Wife has a pay as you go $20ish-month
home phone is vonage $30-month
About $110 a month for phone services.
If this loophole/beta service turns to be legit. Then I will make major changes to my phone providers. (like i explained in my T-mobile post)
Oh yea... I am cheap and a control freak when it comes to contracts and bills.
uberingram said:
I love the flimsy rationalization going on this thread.
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Please explain your self.
If i am going to agree to additional contracts, i need to know the scope of what is allowed and what is not for my own protection.
ekeefe41 said:
Please explain your self.
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1) Your life's micromanagement must make you a joy to be around
2) jashsu said it best. You are giving carriers a reason to enforce "Fav" calling to individuals and not blanket numbers. The phrase "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" only applies if annoying customer (e.g. you) is the only one affected. This is not the case here. Especially since Google purchased the 1 million some odd numbers from Level 3.
3) You're using a known buggy service that's very still much in beta as your sole means of telecommunication. For someone so uptight about control that seems oddly, and stupidly, out of character.
4) It's stupid to think that this will actually gain customers. There are a fixed number of Google Voice numbers in existence and I can pretty much assure you they are all spoken for.
Edit: Just to elaborate on #4, Last night I used the call back feature of GV. Do you know how long it took the service to ring my phone? 8 minutes. That's perfectly acceptable for your only means of telecommunication.
ekeefe41 said:
If this loophole/beta service turns to be legit. Then I will make major changes to my phone providers. (like i explained in my T-mobile post)
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I don't know what industry you work in, but let me just put it bluntly and say that generally large multinational corporations don't make potentially significant alterations to their business plan based on whiny posts on their forums. It is questionable whether anyone with the authority to make a declaration of the kind you are hoping for even reads or has a pr secretary that reads that forum on t-mobile.com.
If (and i'm not holding my breath here) they legitimize unlimited calling in some kind of promotion/profit-sharing deal with Google, that was probably planned months in advance by a team of profit-cost analysts and in no way whatsoever did they give two ****s about your petition. I can just about guarantee that.
uberingram said:
1) Your life's micromanagement must make you a joy to be around
2) jashsu said it best. You are giving carriers a reason to enforce "Fav" calling to individuals and not blanket numbers. The phrase "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" only applies if annoying customer (e.g. you) is the only one affected. This is not the case here. Especially since Google purchased the 1 million some odd numbers from Level 3.
3) You're using a known buggy service that's very still much in beta as your sole means of telecommunication. For someone so uptight about control that seems oddly, and stupidly, out of character.
4) It's stupid to think that this will actually gain customers. There are a fixed number of Google Voice numbers in existence and I can pretty much assure you they are all spoken for.
Edit: Just to elaborate on #4, Last night I used the call back feature of GV. Do you know how long it took the service to ring my phone? 8 minutes. That's perfectly acceptable for your only means of telecommunication.
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The only thing i manage like this is my bills....
Wife does not even know the password to our banking acc...
It is not even something we discuss, it is something i just handle..
So in fact, i am a pleasure to be around, because it is something i just do, and never talk about.
But thanks for trying to be insulting.
I have been using GV for almost a week now, no 8 minute, no bugs.
The service has been good enough that i am considering major changes to my service providers. A change that would give me more functionality at almost the same cost...
I am not sure i fully grasp your hostility.
Any contract i am involved with i like to know everything i can.
If that is strange to you... well that's your issue.
ekeefe41 said:
The only thing i manage like this is my bills....
Wife does not even know the password to our banking acc...
It is not even something we discuss, it is something i just handle..
So in fact, i am a pleasure to be around, because it is something i just do, and never talk about.
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I don't want to take this thread too far off-topic, and in no way should this be taken as an insult, but i'd be pretty concerned if my partner opened a joint bank account and didn't share the password. Maybe that's just me though...
Have you perhaps considered the possibility that you just think you're pleasurable to be around?
jashsu said:
I don't know what industry you work in, but let me just put it bluntly and say that generally large multinational corporations don't make potentially significant alterations to their business plan based on whiny posts on their forums. It is questionable whether anyone with the authority to make a declaration of the kind you are hoping for even reads or has a pr secretary that reads that forum on t-mobile.com.
If (and i'm not holding my breath here) they legitimize unlimited calling in some kind of promotion/profit-sharing deal with Google, that was probably planned months in advance by a team of profit-cost analysts and in no way whatsoever did they give two ****s about your petition. I can just about guarantee that.
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I suppose it is less a petition, and more of a wish for clarification.
I know for a fact that google would like ISP's and Tel-Co to be more like a "Pipe" for data. With Google controlling as much content as they can (for advertisement $$)
This Google Voice product is a perfect example of this coming to fruition.
All you need is one TelCo jumping on board and prices come down for everyone.
Thank you for calling my post "whiny"... i was trying to make a point. I must have done a poor job.
ekeefe41 said:
If it ruins it for everyone... so be it
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That is a ****ty attitude and goes against everything this forum stands for. It sounds like a child, if I cant have it then no body will. I just hope you realize your place, you should be thankful you have a FREE Google voice number and that there are ways of saving large amounts of money through minor hacks. If you can use them to your advantage then awesome, if not, then oh well you arent loosing anything. I just think you would get a much better reception if you came into this looking for help and trying to help the community instead of the ultimatum you have presented us with.
jashsu said:
I don't want to take this thread too far off-topic, and in no way should this be taken as an insult, but i'd be pretty concerned if my partner opened a joint bank account and didn't share the password. Maybe that's just me though...
Have you perhaps considered the possibility that you just think you're pleasurable to be around?
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ha ha ha!
I have like a "Quiz" day with her every once in a while.. aka, if i died could you access our bank accounts.
She Fails on a regular basis.
She does not have access to this stuff by my choice, in fact i have given it to her multiple times, multiple ways for her to remember.
She wants nothing to do with it.
It's not that i am a control freak... it's that she is lazy and does not want to concern her self with this stuff.
But yea, we have spiraled way too far in to my personal life, hehe
brandenk said:
That is a ****ty attitude and goes against everything this forum stands for. It sounds like a child, if I cant have it then no body will. I just hope you realize your place, you should be thankful you have a FREE Google voice number and that there are ways of saving large amounts of money through minor hacks. If you can use them to your advantage then awesome, if not, then oh well you arent loosing anything. I just think you would get a much better reception if you came into this looking for help and trying to help the community instead of the ultimatum you have presented us with.
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I am asking people to bump the thread in the t-mobile thread... if they like the idea of this piggybacking.
I myself, for the way i treat bills and contracts, need specific clarification so i will keep pushing regardless.
If you don't agree, then don't bump the t-Mobile thread.
Ugg.... never mind.
It looks like it is official a bug (not intended)
UPDATE: as mentioned by Josiah in the comments, this violates this statement on T-Mobile’s website: “Your five numbers must be US domestic numbers and must not include … customers’ own numbers; and single numbers allowing access to 500 or more persons.”
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aad4321 said:
yeah but because you wont have free incoming you will have to set the gv number to show on an incoming call and add it to the fav5. long story short u will not know who i calling you unless you have that stupid press 1 to accept thing.
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That would be the big limitation
But with google voice you can listen in on the message before you pick up
yea this needs a lot of clearing up....gvoice isnt widely available
ekeefe41 said:
Not quite...
I have the G1 $60-month
Wife has a pay as you go $20ish-month
home phone is vonage $30-month
About $110 a month for phone services.
If this loophole/beta service turns to be legit. Then I will make major changes to my phone providers. (like i explained in my T-mobile post)
Oh yea... I am cheap and a control freak when it comes to contracts and bills.
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why dont you get a UMA phone form T-mobile, for a few bucks a month and drop your Vonage right there saves u about 25$

Protecting Against UK Digital Economy Act 2010

Disclaimer: everything discussed here is for educational purpose only etc...
OK, so from June 12 this Hell act will take effect in UK, and downloading Torrents etc will become difficult, as ISPs to disclose details of customers who repeatedly infringe copyright, with a possible fine of £250,000 for non-compliance and requirement that ISPs block access to sites that allow "substantial" infringement as well as disconnecting users from Internet etc...
more info @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Economy_Act_2010
so, we all know we download Music and TV series etc...
how are we gonna protect our self from this ACT ?
Encryption is one idea, but encryption have to be done on both sides of the connection so this could be tricky....
any thought on the issue ?
Such ideas are preposterous, as they simply bypass Global Internet Neutrality.
IP-Spoofs and Proxies will always HELP protect the user, but the easiest way to prevent "being caught" if you're doing something you legally should not be, is to create a Private Domain amongst either a Router itself, or a Protected Virtual Machine.
Preferably a Virtual Machine due to the odd ports they access for Internet Access, plus, if "Big Brother" were to kick down your door... Most Protected Virtual Machines (Example:: Virtual Machine Encrypted with Bit-locker Technology) can take several months or years to "break into" for data... unless of course, you have the Key RIGHT THERE in hands reach.
Agent Zach said:
Virtual Machine Encrypted with Bit-locker Technology) can take several months or years to "break into" for data...
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I'm not sure but aren't law enforcements have some sort of agreement with MS to have backdoor in to windows and BitLocker or something ? (maybe just a roomer i heard somewhere)
with IP-spoofing and Proxies, would that still not be traceable ? and also sow down connection badly ?
i mean when i in Russia i don't use any sort of proxies or anything just download things if Rapidshare and Pirate Bay as it is and i get good 1 or 2MB/s most of the time,
but in UK even now the Uni giving me the headache with their firewalls and WebSence...
i have to RDP all my downloads back in Russia and then send them as files to myself on like Microsoft Skydrive and other online hostings that Uni dosent block (Rapidshare and Depositfiles, iFolder are all blocked)
next year mm no longer living on campus and will have my own network contract with ISP and this D.E.2010ACT
worry me... I'm mean i on average download 30 - 40GB a week, that just on torrents...
one idea is to there a way to encrypt and tunnel all the Traffic form UK PC to Russia and back so ISP see nothing at all just flow of Encrypted data ? and how this can be achieved ?
and also what are the Chances of PirateBay and Utorrent incorporating some sort of Privacy features to it ? like utorrent have encryption but initial connection is still open
Well, honestly, due to Privacy Laws, unless a Windows User is a KNOWN convict, thief, or pedofile, allowing Law Enforcement backdoor access to ALL Windows Users is, again, violating Net Neutrality AND ones Privacy. Anyone and EVERYONE can be "violated" via malware.. and have their PC/Laptop turned into a Server for hosting & sharing illegal content, so there are SEVERAL conflicting issues with this.. atleast in the US. [As the user is not at fault. Their security software would be.] The same reason that most Professionals against the Digital Economy Act worry about Open Access Points.
And for Encrypting & Tunneling traffic, torrent sites, as well as other file sharing sites, would have to incorporate Server-Side Security. Massive 128 bit or even 256 bit encryption. Also, the user, us, would have to mirror the security methods these sites are using. So it would cause a "Worm Hole" through Internet Traffic Space.. thus making it look like the downloaded files came from no-where, and went no-where.
Such security and encryption methods could require several man-hours to "Up-Hold" as well as Maintain. So such an act could cause either Global Domain Dominance or the death of sites we all enjoy today.
AgentZach, I think you might want to brush up on your english skills. In no way is "Server" meant to be capitalized, among other clear mistakes that make you impossible to understand. But I digress. Most of the law isn't all that bad, however, I'm troubled by this, "the requirement that ISPs block access to sites that allow "substantial" infringement[4]." That could be a real issue. As for backdoor access, I'm pretty damn sure that violates multiple laws, plus how the hell would microsoft know what only you know?
Well, honestly, due to Privacy Laws, unless a Windows User is a KNOWN convict, thief, or pedofile, allowing Law Enforcement backdoor access to ALL Windows Users is, again, violating Net Neutrality AND ones Privacy
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How exactly does accessing someones files violate net neutrality law? It doesn't even currently exist, thanks to our beloved Bush administration, net neutrality is treating all traffic equally. Plus, even being a known criminal does not give law enforcement the right to search your personal things without a warrant of some fashion.
Don't use torrents without a vpn. ..Or the internet.
DanielLyme said:
AgentZach, I think you might want to brush up on your english skills. In no way is "Server" meant to be capitalized, among other clear mistakes that make you impossible to understand. But I digress. Most of the law isn't all that bad, however, I'm troubled by this, "the requirement that ISPs block access to sites that allow "substantial" infringement[4]." That could be a real issue. As for backdoor access, I'm pretty damn sure that violates multiple laws, plus how the hell would microsoft know what only you know?
How exactly does accessing someones files violate net neutrality law? It doesn't even currently exist, thanks to our beloved Bush administration, net neutrality is treating all traffic equally. Plus, even being a known criminal does not give law enforcement the right to search your personal things without a warrant of some fashion.
Don't use torrents without a vpn. ..Or the internet.
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GTFO. Who signs up just to be a smartass?
Plus, your TLDR didn't do anything except sum up what he was saying. With a tad bit of extra stupidity.
Oh, English IS ment to be capitalized. How are you going to insult someone's English and miss the most important word in the sentence. Rofflecakes.
In no way is "Server" meant to be capitalized, among other clear mistakes that make you impossible to understand.
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In no way is "server" (don't reinvent the mistake, that's just sloppy) meant to be capitalized, and among with other clear mistakes, you are impossible to understand. (You didn't accidentally the whole thing, did you?)
I could go on, but you get the picture. Don't insult until you have the grounds to do so.
@ r3s-rt: Thanks for putting your boot up his/her ass.
I admit, I was half asleep when I typed that up... as it was 3AM my time, and I had a long Mothers Day with my family. I expected flaws, but as long as my main points were said correctly, "spelling & capitalization correct or not - sorry Adolf" I think I've shard my opinion.
The important thing is: Users, who intend to break the law on the internet, must lose their solo dependency for Security Suite software, and start learning how encryption and Virtual Private Networks work, as a whole. It's not only their ass they'll be saving. They'll be saving all of the rest of a torrents "seeders" who haven't stepped-up their games yet...
Agent Zach said:
@ r3s-rt: Thanks for putting your boot up his/her ass.
I admit, I was half asleep when I typed that up... as it was 3AM my time, and I had a long Mothers Day with my family. I expected flaws, but as long as my main points were said correctly, "spelling & capitalization correct or not - sorry Adolf" I think I've shard my opinion.
The important thing is: Users, who intend to break the law on the internet, must lose their solo dependency for Security Suite software, and start learning how encryption and Virtual Private Networks work, as a whole. It's not only their ass they'll be saving. They'll be saving all of the rest of a torrents "seeders" who haven't stepped-up their games yet...
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No problem, I can't stand people who attack other people and then make the same mistake their attacking. Plus, who cares if your English is exactly perfect? As long as it's READABLE. That's the only time English becomes a problem.
u r wanna hlo me donload dis new gme but frum whr i unno?
I've always wondered one thing. I don't know much exactly how they work - I just know I need protection.
People who download and don't seed.... do they even have a chance at getting caught? I honestly wouldn't figure they would. Maybe for like.... 20 min they have a chance then what? Do they just disappear? I use a site where you actually have to keep an upload/download ratio just for the reason I hate leeches.
Also, stay away from public torrent sites is probably a good idea. THOSE are the ones they get all your info from.
r3s-rt said:
I've always wondered one thing. I don't know much exactly how they work - I just know I need protection.
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For "Basic" security and encryption, without much manual handling, I'd recommend using either Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 or Norton Internet Security 2010 (or 360 v4).
r3s-rt said:
People who download and don't seed.... do they even have a chance at getting caught? I honestly wouldn't figure they would. Maybe for like.... 20 min they have a chance then what? Do they just disappear? I use a site where you actually have to keep an upload/download ratio just for the reason I hate leeches.
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Well, getting caught, without seeding, varies upon the host/torrent site. Private Sites like Demonoid save logs for User Ratio data... and that Ratio data includes your IP Address you use when downloading & uploading torrents. Now if you were to use a Proxy, you may get a tad bit slower connection speed, but your TRUE IP Address would be "spoofed" to the Proxy IP. In other words, the host of the Proxy would be investigated, not you.
r3s-rt said:
Also, stay away from public torrent sites is probably a good idea. THOSE are the ones they get all your info from.
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Good idea, and true. Most public trackers display all seeding & leeching data to anyone interested.. but the same goes as I've said above. Proxies may cut your speeds, but does speed really have more importance than your personal safety & privacy?
I'll leave that for you all to decide.
To be a smartass ain't why I signed up, and sorry if it seemed that way. Since you want to be a douche I'll speak your language - at least my TLDR made some sense, unlike his entire post.
But while we're on the topic of stupidity;
"Global Internet Neutrality
Private Domain amongst either a Router itself, or a Protected Virtual Machine.
Preferably a Virtual Machine due to the odd ports they access for Internet Access
Virtual Machine Encrypted with Bit-locker Technology"
Just what is this "Global internet neutrality"? We're having a hard enough time trying to hold on to such in our OWN country, and other countries have none, so- doesn't exist.
"IP spoofs"- ANY idea how the internet actually works? Not possible to just arbitrarily IP spoof, you need special conditions.
"Private Domain"? Hurf durf, what? How's it work, what IS it?
"a virtual machine due to the odd ports they use for internet access"? WHAT are you takling about, have you ever actually USED a VM? Going by that comment I doubt it. I give up.
I can tell I'm talking to an avid 4chan lover. Good luck finding anyone who can understand what he's saying, I personally left my decoder ring at home.
Stop trying so hard, get enough sleep and have some caffeine, it'll do you good and you just may come across as halfway coherent next time. And maybe try to stop using large words on the net, because you're doing it totally out of context (which makes you look stupider than i'd like to believe you are)
The English syntax really wasn't the issue here, just that it was way off base and incomprehensible. Don't talk about something unless you have at least a BASIC idea of how it works. The RIAA and MPAA go after people who seed mainly. Private torrent sites are overrated and just not worth it- keeping a ratio mostly requires a seedbox so you don't get banned.
And the culmination of my wall of text, anyone who puts "Number of bricks to date:0" in their sig really shouldn't go attacking others. True men actually try to brick their **** and don't brag when they haven't.
DanielLyme said:
To be a smartass ain't why I signed up, and sorry if it seemed that way. Since you want to be a douche I'll speak your language - at least my TLDR made some sense, unlike his entire post.
But while we're on the topic of stupidity;
"Global Internet Neutrality
Private Domain amongst either a Router itself, or a Protected Virtual Machine.
Preferably a Virtual Machine due to the odd ports they access for Internet Access
Virtual Machine Encrypted with Bit-locker Technology"
Just what is this "Global internet neutrality"? We're having a hard enough time trying to hold on to such in our OWN country, and other countries have none, so- doesn't exist.
"IP spoofs"- ANY idea how the internet actually works? Not possible to just arbitrarily IP spoof, you need special conditions.
"Private Domain"? Hurf durf, what? How's it work, what IS it?
"a virtual machine due to the odd ports they use for internet access"? WHAT are you takling about, have you ever actually USED a VM? Going by that comment I doubt it. I give up.
I can tell I'm talking to an avid 4chan lover. Good luck finding anyone who can understand what he's saying, I personally left my decoder ring at home.
Stop trying so hard, get enough sleep and have some caffeine, it'll do you good and you just may come across as halfway coherent next time. And maybe try to stop using large words on the net, because you're doing it totally out of context (which makes you look stupider than i'd like to believe you are)
The English syntax really wasn't the issue here, just that it was way off base and incomprehensible. Don't talk about something unless you have at least a BASIC idea of how it works. The RIAA and MPAA go after people who seed mainly. Private torrent sites are overrated and just not worth it- keeping a ratio mostly requires a seedbox so you don't get banned.
And the culmination of my wall of text, anyone who puts "Number of bricks to date:0" in their sig really shouldn't go attacking others. True men actually try to brick their **** and don't brag when they haven't.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_neutrality - lol. Wow, kid. Get on Google if you don't know what something is. =]
Proxies - Safer than using your regular IP, genius. If they weren't, we wouldn't use them.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_privacy - Again, you NEED to Google.
About the seeding - we have a leech! Private sites ARE worth it. If you were even worthy to get an invite, you'd know. Let me guess, the most private site you know is Demonoid. *chuckle*
Avid 4chaner? Only a real /b/rother would be able to tell that.
And the culmination of my wall of text, anyone who puts "Number of bricks to date:0" in their sig really shouldn't go attacking others. True men actually try to brick their **** and don't brag when they haven't.
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You are COMPLETELY retarded. If I wanted to brick my phone, I'd flash a nasty spl or a nasty radio or Danger SPL before a compatible radio with an imcompatible recovery. IF you knew ANYTHING about rooting as you say you do, you would understand that. You'd also know you are considered an idiot if you brick your phone. I think you just earned a spot in my signature as "worlds dumbest quote."
Little kids need to get off the internet and go to bed, mommy would be very mad if she discovered the bad words you were using.
Now, how about you stop trying to start a flame war and just shut up? You already look VERY stupid along with a tad bit pathetic.
The RIAA and MPAA go after people who seed mainly.
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Didn't they do a bust down on a lot of college students? Yea, THOSE are our "main seeders." ROFL. Moron. They go after anyone they can get a hand on if they consider it worthy of an actual lawsuit. You'd know this if you ever read news.
Point blank, please stop throwing up in threads like you even know something. EVERYTHING you've said so far is either WRONG or STUPID. The last thing we need at xda are more idiots. :/ Please, gtfo.
Ohhhh, your TLDR said EXACTLY what he said in layman's terms. He at least has the brains to explain what he's saying. You just copy what he said and tried to make it look like your own. Sorry, bro, just don't respond. You've already dug too deep.
I have no idea what he just said. He just typed up about 200 words of pointless garbage... and wasted a post in this thread.
Officially, just from reading the first 10 words, I got dumber.
And once again, thanx r3s-rt for translating my words into "retard-speak" for him. It seems even the "dumbed down" version of my posts are too complex for him to understand.
LOL @ your links. Maybe he'll learn something new today.
Guys please - we're getting to the stage of - stop the agro or it's close it time - and I've got enough guys on my watch list without adding more!
My apologies.
10 char. :X
Perhaps the MPAA and RIAA should give up their tirades--after all, the United States has the lowest piracy rate of any country in the world, at just 20 percent.
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So it seems not so bad. Either the US really does have the lowest Piracy percentage in the world... or the US Pirates are just a tad more secure.
Read HERE.
r3s-rt said:
I just know I need protection.
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Use a condom???
flyboyovyick said:
Use a condom???
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Lame but funny
Agent Zach said:
So it seems not so bad. Either the US really does have the lowest Piracy percentage in the world... or the US Pirates are just a tad more secure.
Read HERE.
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Wow. I would have figured it would have been the HIGHEST. If not, at least towards the top of the list. o.o
flyboyovyick said:
Use a condom???
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I'm not a tory supporter (Voted Lib Dem for what it is worth) but we can hope this is true
Damn it, I'm not allowed to post any links but Techradar is reporting that the conservatives may well ditch the entire thing which we can hope is true

[Q] Protect against dumps? Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Is it possible to implement some sort of block for this kind of system dump?
Slashdot link
Could it be as simple as leaving USB debugging off and using a pin/pattern lock? Or would it require something as complex as whole-disk (card) encryption like TrueCrypt?
It really depends..
First.. those kinds of articles do have a way of getting blown out of proportion.
I've heard a lot about what people "can" do only to find out that when you really start digging into it... they made false/misleading claims.
Although if the article is to be believed.. a password wouldn't do any good as you can read "defeats password protection."
Something along the lines of truecrypt would be a prerequisite..
Also.. there are some major legal problems.. like sensitive data on phones ranging from a frisky girlfriend/boyfriend to confidential patient information in a doctor/lawyers email..
Pull battery
If I have helped press thanks.
Without a warrant, what they are doing is against the law. To obtain a warrant they would have to specify what was being looked for and need to be reasonably confident the phone have evidence leading to prosecution of believed criminal offense.
Remember, Lawful and Legal are two entirely different things. So they may be searching phones unlawfully while legally within bounds.
Law = Immutable rule, you know them with out being told (ex, Do not steal, Do not kill)
Statute = Legislation given the force of law (ex. seat belt , any "rule" you must be told of)
Code = Legislation given the force of law by Corp. (ex. local code- dry counties, no smoking in city bars, must wear black shoes to work at walmart < lol )
Encryption will stop this. I don't see it being a problem though due to the fact nothing found will be usable in ANY court of law without having obtained a warrant. Know and use your rights, as they will continue to be taken away until "YOU" draw the line in the sand and say No More.
Also: This is not new tech, they been doing this for some time, had the capability at least. Agree with Snow_Fox.... it is blown out of proportion, but for other reason. Its not that they cant, its that at this time, it is not a rampant thing. From there do what you will ......
Agreed with everything said with regards to legality. However, our government seems to do a lot of things illegally. It seems that all a law enforcement person has to say is "terrorism" and they get a hall pass for anything.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I am just glad to see such responses to this.. We need to spread the word.
Maybe its time to create a website dedicated to educating people of the (what should be shocking and horrifying) loss of rights we seem to be having.
halfsoul said:
Agreed with everything said with regards to legality. However, our government seems to do a lot of things illegally. It seems that all a law enforcement person has to say is "terrorism" and they get a hall pass for anything.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Oh yes, I agree, they will/do. The thing is we need to be brave enough to stand up and so NO and "enforce our rights", or they will surely continue to walk all over the scared general population.
Also, it is clearly illegal. To search your home pc, a warrant must be obtained. To get you home phone records, a warrant must be obtained. To listen to your phone calls, a warrant must be obtained. To look at your photo album in your hall closet, a warrant must be obtained. To search the locked trunk/glove compartment of your vehicle, a warrant must be obtained.
Smartphones are comparable to all of the above combined into one.A warrant less search is definitely illegal and unlawful and a violation of rights. Hold some feets to the fire, learn to say NO, consequences will never be the same
Snow_fox said:
I am just glad to see such responses to this.. We need to spread the word.
Maybe its time to create a website dedicated to educating people of the (what should be shocking and horrifying) loss of rights we seem to be having.
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There is a website called eff.org
but unfortunately most Americas are too distracted and really don't care!
I f#$%n care while most of the people i know, have no idea what is happeneing!
My view is humans get used to small changes but not big changes. What people don't realize is the changes to our rights is small and slow but one day WE WILL WAKE UP to a world of complete control and the idea of freedom won't even be comprehendable to future generations!
Maybe Big Brother is inevitable but thanks to terrorism, it has only accelerated the progression to Complete Control!
Sent from my ADR6400L
bulletproof1013 said:
Pull battery
If I have helped press thanks.
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Or turn it off?
Human smugglers get around police being able to look at their phones by keeping the battery out of the phone
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I don't think pulling the battery or turning it off is reasonable. If someone has hardware to do a dump, surely they can provide power and turn it on.
I'm looking for something more along the lines of disabling the usb port or encrypting the sd cards.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
halfsoul said:
I don't think pulling the battery or turning it off is reasonable. If someone has hardware to do a dump, surely they can provide power and turn it on.
I'm looking for something more along the lines of disabling the usb port or encrypting the sd cards.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Power without a battery? Tell me how and we'll make trillions!
Added: If you're that worried about what someone can discern from your phone, you got bigger issues.
it is soo vague i think this is a conceptual project and not something being deployed, if it were in use there would be more details, does it communicate over cellular? wifi? bluetooth? usb? are gsm phones safe?, are cdma phones safe?
can it be done without the driver knowing about it? or is it a search you can refuse? can you protect against it by encrypting the sd card, the sdcard + /system + /data +/cache?
what security exploits does it use?
Sounds to me like a technology that is available and there is no evidence yet that it is being abused. Odd though that the article has obvious errors, stating that Michigan has no cell phone laws, as texting and driving will get you pulled over. This opens the door to more abuse by police than worrying about them illegaly searching my phone. All they have to do is see you looking at your phone and they can claim that you appeared to be texting, thus justifying the traffic stop. I in no way condone texting/driving but it seems that we have given the police free reign to pull anyone over virtually at will given the plethora of "primary" offenses.
cappysw10 said:
Power without a battery? Tell me how and we'll make trillions!
Added: If you're that worried about what someone can discern from your phone, you got bigger issues.
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Please tell me you're joking. The micro usb cable provides power + data simultaneously, try it for yourself if you don't believe me. And freedom & privacy should be everyone's biggest issue -- at least, all Americans.
Dani897 said:
it is soo vague i think this is a conceptual project and not something being deployed, if it were in use there would be more details, does it communicate over cellular? wifi? bluetooth? usb? are gsm phones safe?, are cdma phones safe?
can it be done without the driver knowing about it? or is it a search you can refuse? can you protect against it by encrypting the sd card, the sdcard + /system + /data +/cache?
what security exploits does it use?
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If you followed the links to read the articles you would see that it is already deployed and in use, hence the ACLU FOIA request.
According to Cellebrite's website here, the Captivate is by cable (screencap attached).
Not much info about the exploits' particulars, but here are some choice snippets from Cellebrite's site:
Superior handset support - Over 3,000 handset models supported, with monthly software updates for newly released devices prior to carrier launch. The system includes more than 85 data cables for connecting 95% of all handset models worldwide. Cellebrite has exclusive carrier agreements and works directly with cellular phone manufacturers to receive pre-production handsets prior to retail launch.
Complete extraction of mobile phone data - Contacts, SMS Messages, pictures, videos, call logs (dialed, received, missed), ESN/IMEI, audio files, and deleted SMS/Call History from the SIM/USIM.
Memory Dump - Complete dump of phone file system for select handsets, providing the ability to extract otherwise inaccessible files, and user passwords.
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And here you can see it in action.
halfsoul said:
Please tell me you're joking. The micro usb cable provides power + data simultaneously, try it for yourself if you don't believe me. And freedom & privacy should be everyone's biggest issue -- at least, all Americans.
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ACTUALLY you may want to try it yourself. the phone DOES NOT RUN OR MOUNT without battery. take out battery, plug it in, and dont post anything on xda until it mounts to your PC... I'll wait here for you...
If you Plug it in first and remove the battery it will run for 22 seconds then shut off (with official Samsung AC charger) and 4 seconds with aftermarket "USB" charging
bulletproof1013 said:
Pull battery
If I have helped press thanks.
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Yeah, that's going to do a lot of good.
Surely if they are asking for the phone they will also either ask you to stop taking out the battery or if you have already done so, ask for the battery also?
In either case it is no different than simply refusing to give the phone. Either you get away with it because they are taking advantage of people being intimidated into giving them permission or they arrest you for refusing to give them the phone or the battery.
Even worse, taking the battery out just makes you look like a smartass if they see you doing it.
TRusselo said:
ACTUALLY you may want to try it yourself. the phone DOES NOT RUN OR MOUNT without battery. take out battery, plug it in, and dont post anything on xda until it mounts to your PC... I'll wait here for you...
If you Plug it in first and remove the battery it will run for 22 seconds then shut off (with official Samsung AC charger) and 4 seconds with aftermarket "USB" charging
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You're right, I stand corrected.
jimk9 said:
Yeah, that's going to do a lot of good.
Surely if they are asking for the phone they will also either ask you to stop taking out the battery or if you have already done so, ask for the battery also?
In either case it is no different than simply refusing to give the phone. Either you get away with it because they are taking advantage of people being intimidated into giving them permission or they arrest you for refusing to give them the phone or the battery.
Even worse, taking the battery out just makes you look like a smartass if they see you doing it.
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Exactly. Especially for those of us with cases.
In addition, this has broader application than just keeping your info private from authorities. What about if your phone is lost or stolen? You wouldn't have an opportunity to pull the battery.
but im sure if they have a dump computer, it wouldnt be a far reach at all to have a variable voltage power supply with 2 tiny clip on leads....
but there is any EASY fix for this,
but not capable on our captivate, needs some programming...
in the newer phones they have NFC chip readers, (Near Field Communication)
get a micro chip NFC implanted into your body, and have the new generation phones encrypt its whole OS to your Chip ID on first boot, and needs your chip near by to do anything at all or unlock it by storing your chip in flash memory temporarily until locked again.
easy fix.
As long as there are devices that that store information there will be devices that can swipe it. As for if it is right or not, that is not my place to say. A simple lock will require that the cops get a search warrent for it, so just keep it locked.
I personally hate people who text and drive but there will always be people that do it no matter who they hurt while they do it.
There will be no true way to stop this if what they are saying is true. As they would need to be working with the OS makers for it to work. So while these devices may have just come into light, they have been around for awhile. We will keep an eye on it, but to be honest all that one could really do is not keep anything on the phone that you have to worry about the cops seeing.

