IMEI Spoofing - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''

You're unlikely to get any help on this, since the number one reason to change an IMEI is to get around a network block on a stolen phone. Most of the people here paid a lot of good money for their phones, and don't want to give any assistance to thieves (whether you are one or not makes no difference, any information posted here could easily help or encourage others to steal and crack these phones).
Changing IMEI's is illegal in many countries anyway, so there's a good chance you'd be committing a crime just by doing it, even if the phone is yours.

IMEI changing is going to get you sore!
EDIT: Oh and search, this has been discussed to death on here before.

superchargedrs said:
Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''
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Oh, its really easy. Just take your phone to your local police station. They will provide you with the further instructions. HTH.

I vote this thread be closed!

kimtyson said:
I vote this thread be closed!
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and stop stalking me, My Subscriptions is full of post's last updated by you lol.

Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.

kimtyson said:
Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.
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Im stuck doing a boring risk analysis (I'm a Software Developer, normally) at work. Every 5 minutes I get distracted and end up on here.

The good news is that we have successfully hijacked this potentially illegal thread.

ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?

why do you want to do this?
i only ask in reason of morbid curiosity...

superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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I think the problem is that if xda devs provides information on how to change the imei they could be held accountable. Todays curent climate of terrorism bs that the security services make up to justify thier own existance means if you change ur imei they can slam you with some trumped up charge (or atleast in this country).
People who change thier imei have something to hide, or so they say. Sim unlocking isnt classed as that bad, and for mac spoofing I cant comment.
There was a thread somewhere discussing theory, but I havent seen it in a while. I cant post a link cos im on opera mini. There was some good info in the link i posted by vijay.
Another though, think of it as changing your VIN number on your car, why would you ever want to do such a thing.
Also, I have re-read the vijay post now, and theres a link to a site where you can get more info. Please read V's advice, don't get us into trouble and be nice to each other .
PS sorry for going off topic.

superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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oh well that makes it all better after you point it out like that.
Maybe we should tell him.

superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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Go grab your own balls, FFS. You think we should "amuse" you with information that makes these phones more stealable, more re-sellable, more targetted by crims? Forget that. If the information is already out there somewhere, you get off your arse and go find it. If it isn't, good.

I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill. Well I will find what I am looking for later I guess (like I said I am in no rush), I just like knowing what your not sposed to know...ya know lol
As far as stealbility (sp?), you guys DO REALIZE that the people that steal phones and stuff of that ilk don't think that far ahead...right??? If they cant sell the phone the probably just through it out, though in the end of the day its is the same for the guy that gets his phone stolen.

What????????????????? Was that english?

here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.

superchargedrs said:
I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill.
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yes i quite like it up here with my encylopedias thanks
no-one on here will know anything about IMEI spoofing or changing, and tbh no-one here with any self respect wants to know. they are (for the most part) happy with their phones/devices and have no need/want to fool around with something so blatantly illegal.
the only people that will want to know are scum-of-the-earth crims.
enough said, i join the vote to close/delete this thread.

amkaos said:
here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.
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Thank you so much for being the official spokesperson for the board.

I agree with quasi_mojo. Close this stupid thread.


E-mail HTC your decision to boycott them here!

Dear dissatisfied HTC Customer,
Before reading this, remember I am NOT encouraging you to boycott HTC. But I think most of you, who are going to do that, are really knowing what your reasons are.
As For me it really seems that we paid for something that HTC did not provide, I think we all have seen great dissatisfaction and complaints here on the forums, which some of us are unable not to agree with. Some people even culminate the dissatisfaction simply by ending the customer relation with HTC.
I figured it would be nice to see how badly did their Kaiser backfire, and the way they handled their customers with this. So please, if you feel that you have had enough and are going separate ways with HTC, use the below link to inform HTC about your decision. Also remember to tell them why you chose to do so. Remember to add that you are talking about Kaiser. And also remember to tell them that you most likely won’t be recommending HTC devices to anyone, and will probably do your best that no-one gets screwed like you did, if you feel like that. That should teach them a lesson!
Also after doing that report back on this thread! So we get to see how it affected their customer base in this forum and hopefully even more widely, a bigger picture. With some math we can speculate what was the damage for them. Hopefully this will help them also to see what they did, and see it would have been everybodys benefit if they did things right at the first place.
Below are the links to inform HTC about your decision. You probably best to aim the e-mail to their "customer service"!
European ex-customers:
North American ex-customers:
Latin American ex-customers:
Asian ex-customers:
Middle-East and African ex-customers:
The reason why I find this really important is that, we really need to get the information on their face. That is where petition signing and things like that fail! I bet after receiving few thousand of this kind of e-mails the information will be passed to the persons concerned. That will not probably help us, but prevent them repeating what they did. Link to this thread would also be good on any other HTC/Kaiser related forum, so we get a collection of all dissatisfied ex-customers overall.
Sincerely Yours,
Ultimately dissatisfied HTC-EX-customer
you are still "allowed" to use your current HTC devices the best way you can imagine, since most of us paid a good price for it! For me that would be a paperweight or as a "viviparous lizard's tail".
I just informed HTC-europe that I will never be their customer again! I WONT!
Actually, what I did say was, I will boycott them until the justice has happened in this case. Too bad it seems that will never happen. But that will give them at least a little reason to do back the bad things they did to us. They would get me back!
I am in charge of mobile devices and syncing with Exchange for a 2500+ employee company. I had started migrating people to s620's but have since moved them to HP iPAQ Messengers until a non-HTC device comes out that fits our needs.
So, while I'm not buying any more, I'm making sure nobody at the company (even personal purchases) are HTC.
sent to
hope others will follow........
Sent message to the North American link.
Boycott? Wow.. dunno but I'm very happy with my phone, ATT Tilt, it's an upgrade from my last smartphone/ppc (VOQ Professional Phone) which actually I still have and would still be using had the company not gone out of business, and well the phone doesn't have bluetooth, wifi or a camera either... if it did have those three things I've still be using it now really even if the company went under...
I don't get the Boycott though.. are people REALLY that unhappy with their phones? sure I see lots of complaints about things but I see that with EVERY phone on the market today, there IS NO perfect phone out there and never will be because someone will find something wrong no matter what...
dampeal said:
Boycott? Wow.. dunno but I'm very happy with my phone...
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Please do not go offtopic too much! I understand that there are A LOT of arguments why the Kaiser could be alright as a mobile device, but that is not the point here. The point is that any person has the right to boycott what ever company for any reason he/she finds worth it. I'm collecting that info here NOT DISCUSSING whether the device is worthy or not. Made up my mind already.
I admire the resolve of all that are willing to stand by thier principles. Personnaly, the choice of my next phone is limited to what my carrier has to offer as by buying from them, I get a large discount.
As my carrier is T-Mobile UK, that means my next upgrade will probably be a HTC device (maybe vario 4) for around 100gbp as opposed to a none HTC device from a store for around 400gbp.
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****. To the OP, I am not directing this towards you, but I don't think developers or people who joined this forum for learning purposes want to hear about emailing HTC with others decision to boycott.
Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread "Email HTC your reasons why you love their devices here!"
Get a clue and understand these threads are not needed but we appreciate your participation and do not take anything personal because its directed at many people.
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****. To the OP, I am not directing this towards you, but I don't think developers or people who joined this forum for learning purposes want to hear about emailing HTC with others decision to boycott.
Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread "Email HTC your reasons why you love their devices here!"
Get a clue and understand these threads are not needed but we appreciate your participation and do not take anything personal because its directed at many people.
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Lol... I agree...I will never say never... If HTC launched a TyTN II killer I'd probably get it..If will never buy a Kaiser again though if it helps
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****.
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That's strange. Because when I visit, I see that there are four sections: one for discussion about accessories, one for discussion about software, one for discussion about ROMs, and this one for general discussion.
I notice that the developers tend to hang out in the software and ROMs sections, and that this general discussion forum is for general discussion.
Do you not have access to all four sections?
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. ..
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Damn, don't know how to say this, remaining my relaxed tone.. but..
Don't you honestly think that this is the single BIGGEST community online using our beloved kaiser devices. Hopefully this does not come out of the blue for you, but there is something frikkin' wrong with the device we have bought.
There was 2 reasons for you why this kind of a threads easily pop out in GENERAL forums like this. Some people still want to get something in exchange for their money, not just crap.
Boycotting is useful, and it's the most powerful tool that single user can do against a company, which screwed him up without doing anything illeagal. This is where this forum could be helpful, here we have the people together. And if we complain together, maybe one day something gets done. Compare this to the situation between damn yankies and north korea for example. "Let's not give them what they want until they do what we want." Expect no nukes for the korea. You get it?
I feel sad that most of the people just accept the **** that big companies throw at you. I don't, A LOT of people won't accept that. Also, I'm completely sorry that I distracted you from your development work. Made you open this thread and whine about me whining.
And remember, this is nothing personal, there are a lot of you wankers out there whose fav hobby is to complain to n000bs and anything that.. that happens to annoy them at the time being. Then comes the bigger whiner, who whines about the whiner who whines about the whiner and that one is whining to whiner by the way.
You get the point? That there is a difference whining to other users and whining to wrong doers, who steal you money and feed you mouthful of poopi.
My message ... Europe Customer.
Drivers for Kaiser? No?
Then thank You, I will find my next device somewhere else, where I will really get what I paid for.
rakdoll said:
Damn, don't know how to say this, remaining my relaxed tone.. but..
Don't you honestly think that this is the single BIGGEST community online using our beloved kaiser devices. Hopefully this does not come out of the blue for you, but there is something frikkin' wrong with the device we have bought.
There was 2 reasons for you why this kind of a threads easily pop out in GENERAL forums like this. Some people still want to get something in exchange for their money, not just crap.
Boycotting is useful, and it's the most powerful tool that single user can do against a company, which screwed him up without doing anything illeagal. This is where this forum could be helpful, here we have the people together. And if we complain together, maybe one day something gets done. Compare this to the situation between damn yankies and north korea for example. "Let's not give them what they want until they do what we want." Expect no nukes for the korea. You get it?
I feel sad that most of the people just accept the **** that big companies throw at you. I don't, A LOT of people won't accept that. Also, I'm completely sorry that I distracted you from your development work. Made you open this thread and whine about me whining.
And remember, this is nothing personal, there are a lot of you wankers out there whose fav hobby is to complain to n000bs and anything that.. that happens to annoy them at the time being. Then comes the bigger whiner, who whines about the whiner who whines about the whiner and that one is whining to whiner by the way.
You get the point? That there is a difference whining to other users and whining to wrong doers, who steal you money and feed you mouthful of poopi.
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Well i certainly dont complain to n00bs unless there are threads similar to this. I should just ignore it for this point forward because we both have our opinions and neither is right nor wrong. Here is just a sample of what I do for n00bs:
and then some.
However, I do bash n00bs when there are posts bashing HTC. Sorry to offend you in anyway.
^^ I understand your frustration and i share similar sentiments with you. A similar thread was posted yesterday(you can find it on page 2) and the day before yesterday on the ROM dev. forum. It gets annoying after a while, thats all.
redbandana said:
Well i certainly dont complain to n00bs unless there are threads similar to this. I should just ignore it for this point forward because we both have our opinions and neither is right nor wrong. Here is just a sample of what I do for n00bs. ... . .
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Alright, It seems really we just happen to have our personal opinions, which we are completely righteous. I must admit I totally see your initial point, how this forum is built over the dedication of people who simply love to learn new things. It is totally frustrating nowadays to see people just complaining, without doing a **** about the real issues. I hope I didn't do exactly that, by starting this thread. The real reason to that is just, I would love to scare the **** out of HTC, make them see that they will go down if they don't respect us the way they should.
I do recognize what you stand for, and I must say there must not be anything that I wouldn't share with you. The thing that started this, must be that I have always been a man who stands behind his words, at least most of the time, and I assume the same from others. That includes all the big companies, groups and individuals. It really makes me sad to see where this world is going just because the only thing that matters to people is money. Huge corporations, sucking all the money they can, that's the end of people trying to provide just themselves.. no.. they want all that they can get. In the end, the one who pays the costs is dudes like us.
I honestly also didn't mean to offend anyone, and if it seemed so, I truly apologize. So in the end of the day, it seems like we are alone, with our Kaisers, trying to get the best out of it. So let's just keep on tuning it, until we are happy. That seems to be the initial purpose of this whole place's existence.
really sorry for my funny use of english, you native speakers must be laughing your asses off. But me not native, me from land of the barb-backed fishes. :|
I'm sure this awesome online community only makes up about less then half (if even) of tilt/kaiser/etc owners. There are many people that own this phone because they need it and never go online to mod it. Out of that assumed half I would say a 10th read what is posted or understand a single thing about this phone. That leaves a large number of people who think their phone is "crap" because you tell them it is. Yes I would like to see the phone be faster but I don't think it's crap nor do I think HTC has screwed me over. I don't seem to remember any stats that they released in regards to video or any other performance. Do you? Where are their benchmarks they advertised that weren't acheived by our lovely devices? If you can show them to me then I, and all of my friends will sign your wish list, but until I see them I will just think that everyone is butt hurt over an assumed performance loss.
HTC in my opinion has done something about this. Is it good enough to truely unlock the power of the Kaiser? No, but was it something rather then nothing? Do any of you know the cost of the video driver per unit? No, then how can people claim they paid for something they didn't get. How do you know it wouldn't have been another $50 that would have been tagged on. From what was advertised I will say I got 100% of what this phone was supposed to do.
ChumleyEX said:
From what was advertised I will say I got 100% of what this phone was supposed to do.
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This is strange opinion ..
because: when I bought the phone, I was thinkin buying the BEST phone in the market. Multimedia experience with keyboard.... Check the price and compare it to other older models if you know what I mean!
If I know it sooner I'd rather choose MWG, or iULTIMATE.. FOR SURE
I don't really care about support after market
But this laggy thing gives me s*it..... the fact that THIS THING DOESN'T have this BEFORE MARKET and they are HIDING THIS FACT!!!!
No multimedia experience only headache if you used it almost every time WITH touch screen... if... u know what I mean... do you??? or u just using it for modem only????
rajmagi said:
This is strange opinion ..
because: when I bought the phone, I was thinkin buying the BEST phone in the market. Multimedia experience with keyboard.... Check the price and compare it to other older models if you know what I mean!
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+1 Chumley I also go alot on the support forums for the iPhone, because my wife has an iPhone. If you were new to the iPhone you would think that it was the biggest piece of crap around. Thats all that is there is whining and complaining about how it doesn't work, Apple sold us a piece of crap . Here is a petition, let's put Apple out of business. As with all other forums a very vocal MINORITY of people who for whatever reason are having trouble with there phones.
Don't even get me started with the " Check the price, I thought I was getting the best " consumer strategy. I am just glad you don't buy my groceries.
I love my phone ,it does everything they told me it would do.It makes phone
calls, it schedules, MS Office is great, web access is great, I have push email, My gps works great etc... etc.....etc. Do I care that it doesn't have a Nikon D40 inside, do I care that I can't play WoW on it , do I care that I can't watch you tube all day at 3G on a battery charge? No ! This isn't what they promised me and this isn't what I bought my phone for.
Bottom line is, there are a million people out there that are perfectly satisfied with their HTC product. But we never hear from them. They are the silent majority. We here have to put up with thread after thread after thread because the vocal minority thinks we care that they bought a phone they don't like
STOP *****ing about Video Drivers. Who care. The phone is fine. You are forgetting that it's a PHONE! Be glad they added alot of extra stuff you can't find in a majority of phones. I have never had a problem watching videos and movies on my phone. Seriously.. geez

x1 as surveillance cam

hi.. ive been looking for software that will make my x1 a surveillance cam.. maybe a scheduled on or off of the cam.. something like that... any suggestions?
Spying on girls is not like the real thing dude. Better get a real girlfriend. far better than the imaginary one.
orelsi said:
Spying on girls is not like the real thing dude. Better get a real girlfriend. far better than the imaginary one.
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hahahaha... its not like that..i want to make it a cam in my office, ive been loosing many things lately..
sure you want to leave your phone in your office then? i dont know what there is out there but something that uploads pics to a server might be good - incase your phone gets stolen while surveying
wowow said:
hahahaha... its not like that..i want to make it a cam in my office, ive been loosing many things lately..
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There was an app posted in the forum somewhere. I can't remember the name though .
wowow said:
hahahaha... its not like that..i want to make it a cam in my office, ive been loosing many things lately..
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What if they steal your phone???
What if that hot chick you want to spy on steals your phone ? You'll never get to perv out on the "perpetrator of the crime"
Exactly....another illogical idea from someone who wants a spycam.
weird request
but if its really important to you just install something to use it as a web cam (there are several ppc webcam drivers just use google) then use spycam software that work on webcams
WhyBe said:
What if they steal your phone???
What if that hot chick you want to spy on steals your phone ? You'll never get to perv out on the "perpetrator of the crime"
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hahaha..i know you all would ask that... we are only 4 in the office, in our department. we leave our phones normally in our tables. so no harm there.. what is so important for me is the documents that was used to be on my table...
wowow said:
hahaha..i know you all would ask that... we are only 4 in the office, in our department. we leave our phones normally in our tables. so no harm there.. what is so important for me is the documents that was used to be on my table...
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Why use a camera then? If it's only three other people, start blaming them one-by-one then whoever reacts oddly, it's probably them
I'll bet you have a nagging suspicion that the documents are up her skirt or down her blouse though.
wowow said:
hahaha..i know you all would ask that... we are only 4 in the office, in our department. we leave our phones normally in our tables. so no harm there.. what is so important for me is the documents that was used to be on my table...
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XD Still Doesn't Make Any Logical Sense
I call bull**** on your reasons. If you want to be a voyeurist, go file yourself beforehand as a sex offender or something similar or what have you in where you're currently residing.
You are probably the same bunch of idiots who have been requesting for potentially illegal, perverse, and highly likely to be misused programs.
Keep on making new accounts. I'd be more than delighted to see how many synonyms you can come up for the "spy cams". You've now got spycam, surveillance cam, why don't you try "security camera" next? or even "Animal Watcher", or even "I-li3k-2-watch-fishies" camera next.
Good day.
PoisonWolf said:
I call bull**** on your reasons. If you want to be a voyeurist, go file yourself beforehand as a sex offender or something similar or what have you in where you're currently residing.
You are probably the same bunch of idiots who have been requesting for potentially illegal, perverse, and highly likely to be misused programs.
Keep on making new accounts. I'd be more than delighted to see how many synonyms you can come up for the "spy cams". You've now got spycam, surveillance cam, why don't you try "security camera" next? or even "Animal Watcher", or even "I-li3k-2-watch-fishies" camera next.
Good day.
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You think it is the same person every time? That would be just wrong and pathetic...
PoisonWolf said:
I call bull**** on your reasons. If you want to be a voyeurist, go file yourself beforehand as a sex offender or something similar or what have you in where you're currently residing.
You are probably the same bunch of idiots who have been requesting for potentially illegal, perverse, and highly likely to be misused programs.
Keep on making new accounts. I'd be more than delighted to see how many synonyms you can come up for the "spy cams". You've now got spycam, surveillance cam, why don't you try "security camera" next? or even "Animal Watcher", or even "I-li3k-2-watch-fishies" camera next.
Good day.
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LOL.. dude get a life instead of googling all weird things and thinking every one is doing perverse things.. so you think he wants to use that "spy cam" for "perverse" things.. nah i dont think so.
Chaosstorm said:
LOL.. dude get a life instead of googling all weird things and thinking every one is doing perverse things.. so you think he wants to use that "spy cam" for "perverse" things.. nah i dont think so.
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I don't "google" these things unfortunately. I simply read the topic title, the user's post count, and I instantly remember the threads made earlier. Note how previous posters have stopped "using" their accounts.
Honestly, if you can't even tell the irregularities in his request, then you need to stop being so naive and think that everyone are innocent and do-gooders. Either that or you're part of the group. For your sake, I hope you're just naive.
If he wants to stop people from stealing his documents, invest in a proper security camera. Heck, since he's working at a proper place, get the place he works for to pay for it. Problem solved.
Good day.
Seriously though, they don't even have a tripod for the phone, the Xperia isn't meant to stand on a plane like a camera. So using it as a security type spy cam such as in sex tapes or "cheater revelation" tapes means that you need to be able to conceal the Xperia while making it able to stand on it's thin and non-flat side.
Seriously go buy a real camera, set it on during the AFK hours, and hide it. Or buy a freaking webcam.
Using the Xperia is just an illogical idea for this purpose. Sigh...
Darn..i never expected the response this long.. no need to argue guys... no point. you cant expect everyone carrying knives as killers... Chefs do carry knives. my point is each person have different purpose for different things.
wowow said: cant expect everyone carrying knives as killers... Chefs do carry knives. my point is each person have different purpose for different things.
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If you catch a person in your backyard at 2am with a knife, what would his alibi need to be for you to actually BELIEVE he is a chef?
Let's face it. Guys with spycam software and small cameras are going to be considered perverts and nothing else.

Who Do You Trust

Who do you trust with your phone???? This is not meant to BASH anyone. The purpose of this thread is for all of us to contribute in a way that will give users of this site an opportunity to see others RESPECTFUL opinions and experiences as it relates to the "devs" putting out roms. Who Do YOU Trust??
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
Fail thread is Fail
jabbawalkee said:
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
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[email protected] said:
Fail thread is Fail
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hey jerkkkkks. report it, contribute, or shut up
jabbawalkee said:
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
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Agreed this coming from the guy who reports every thead I have seen of his.
honestly, there is nothing wrong with this thread on xda, but please never post this useless crap in the dev forum
PsychoKilla666 said:
honestly, there is nothing wrong with this thread on xda, but please never post this useless crap in the dev forum
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i understand what you mean, but i put this here because this is where the roms are located. People come to this forum to find roms, and info about them. thanks to all those that have voted so far!
guess i will be seeing this over in Q&A or gen real quickly
Ok, lets see where this leads to
thanks mikey for moving this
jaaronmoody said:
I know this will probably be moved, BUT let's give it a shot. This is not meant to BASH anyone. The purpose of this thread is for all of us to contribute in a way that will give users of this site an opportunity to see others RESPECTFUL opinions and experiences as it relates to the "devs" putting out roms. Who Do YOU Trust??
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Kinda subjective... Obvious choice is Cyanogen. Why even ask?
hey i was right, as soon as i posted my post it was move
who do i trust me, myself and i
who do i distrust everyone
but i support the works of cy, twisted, jac, maxisma and all the honest devs around here
i distrust drizzy though and will never touch anything of his now
Cyanogen is winning the vote, but this isn't to make one out to be better than the other, because they all do different stuff. But there is something to be said about how it is done. In a free market, everyone chooses based upon their own set of criteria.
I trust me and that creepy guy that keeps looking at me when im not looking...
<--- Yeah thats him right there.
This thread is stupid. You said this thread isnt meant to bash on the devs, but your basically doing that with the polls. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the devs mentioned above sees the result and decides to leave xda for good because of crap like this. I seriously see no point in this thread except to put these people in the spotlight. Come on folks, common sense is your friend when it comes to trust.
Lets make a thread about Jaaronpardy or w/e the OP name is, lets put up a poll to see who thinks this guy thread is garbage or not. Seriously tho, who gives a F**K? if the devs above contributes and makes nice roms then hooray!the community is happy, but what the f**k trust got to do with anything? Fail thread is FAIL!
[email protected] said:
This thread is stupid.
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man do i want to smoke
twistedumbrella said:
Kinda subjective... Obvious choice is Cyanogen. Why even ask?
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Yeah, its a question based on opinion of individuals... AKA ...subjective lol, and he asked just so that the community can have a reference for new members, etc, w/e... and no cyanogen may not be obvious to all..
that all aside, lol, i trust cyanogen (myself only for cupcake/donut of course) and kingklick for hero, but MLIGN and maxisma and drizzy all make contributions of what they personally like in a phone also, so really, the best thing for everyone to do would be to make individual custom roms like moto modding is with monster packs lol
jaaronmoody said:
man do i want to smoke
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seriously man, its getting up to here --- lol i could use some "stress" relief (oh and, btw i like this thread , just an fyi lmao)
a good thread to be up right now.
Today, I saw some of the most ridiculous, immature, stupid asinine talk from people that are supposed to have I.Q's above their pants sizes that I have ever seen.
Using ebonics to try and explain how they arent stupid..... calling people names while having NO CLUE what they are talking about.
A guy who thought it was funny because he tried to rip some kids phone off and got caught.
How much attention does one guy need to beg for?
I came here thinking that there would be at least a tiny bit more respect for people then places like PSP and Xbox mod sites where retarded kids run rampant, then I see that all this place mostly is, is people stealing others work and taking credit.. then blaming the persons wok they took.
The first rom I ever used was Drizzys blur....... After seeing the way he talks to people, the way he treats people... hell just the way he types has made me loose any respect I may have had.
I have no clue how roms are made. I would never attempt to make one. But, being as how NO DEVELOPER here actually makes any of these roms makes it the more ridiculous.
You take an image from a phone, and change things around and name it. All these guys do is take someone elses work and slap crap all over it, change some stuff up and call it their own. How about I take windows XP, make 1 wallpaper, change the page file settings and put a bunch of crappy icons and name it "windows crypy xtreme". Sounds retarded doesnt it? Well thats all these guys do.
Ive seen some of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen in my 28 years, on this site between people who are supposed to have half a brain.
There is only so many times I can see "er'ything, dis, dat"... I mean, is it that hard to add that extra correct letter into your english when trying to prove your intelligence? how can you argue with someone when you didnt even make it far enough through school to know how to talk to other humans?
Oh well.... Ive learned enough here in my few weeks to now know what im doing when searching for a rom. I dont care about whos name is on it.
All these roms were leaked, stolen or dumped at some point in time to where anyone with the right knowledge can make their own. Its just sad when some "kids" are some full of themselves they just beg for the attention they can get whether it be good or extremely bad.That shows me that maybe mommy and daddy dont love them very much.... or are just dumber then dirt with crap in it.
After the arguments I saw here today, trying to justify ripping people off for having trust, whining about who stole what first and who is better at altering said stolen content... I think this place is a joke.
It may have been good at 1 point in time, but when you get a bunch of attention starved idiots into a room together, of which some have serious personality issues, it just turns into a big heaping steaming pile of poo.
HEll, I dont even know who deserves credit for what now because this place is so full of BS.
I... Just... its insane really.
Sorry for this rant, but after hours of reading complete and utter retardation all day today and loosing many an I.Q point for reading, I thought this was the only appropriate thread for said rant.
The real question here is, all these guys use STOLEN software, how can you trust any of them?
I dont trust anyone I dont know personally, and Ive made it this far in life. Some of you that are still under 20, trying to act like you are god because you slap a bunch of files together is just... well DUMB.
I mean really.... some of you are supposed to be smart software wise..... How did you get so stupid in every other aspect of life?
[email protected] said:
This thread is stupid. You said this thread isnt meant to bash on the devs, but your basically doing that with the polls.
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no more back and forth, after this, the only one who is bashing anyone is you. I have not voted, nor offered a critical opinion. get over it

People bricking thier phones and tablets

I must say to the people who brick thier phones and tablets... shame on you!
You dont read or follow full directions before doing something, or you really arent techincal minded and cant admit you shouldnt be doing these things to your phones/tablets. and then go and brick them.
Now this isnt the problem I have (i fell bad for those who have).
My problem is with the people who then lie and call up the maker of the phone and make up some bull to get a new one, or return it to the store and lie to get a new one.
YOu people are the reason why more equipment makers wont lower thier prices and wont open thier systems up to people who accually know what they are doing.
You make it more expensive on everyone. I read post after post of people who return thier phones/tablets they have bricked for new ones. post after post of people just buying every tablet in site to "TRY IT OUT" and then return them before the dead line.
YOU people are why these things are so exspensive.
MY local best buy I kid you not had more tablets and ipads as open box buys then they had new ones. salesman told me all people are doing is buying screwing with them for a few days and then returning. then no one wants the open box ones because you dont know what people did to them.
Grow up if you break something its your fault not the manufactures why should they replace it? if you dont want something DONT BUY IT!!! dont buy it with the intention of playing with it then returning it thats just wrong.
You are one hundred per cent correct.
I'll use your thread as a bit of a chance to vent, this is not directed at you and apologies in advance
I am sick and tired of God-damn kiddies popping up here, loading software onto their phones, cocking it up because they haven't done the reading or just have no f*cking idea, then demanding a f*cking walkthrough on how to pull themselves out of the sh*t step-by-step, or as you stated (and worse) returning their devices to get a new one, driving up prices and promoting manufacturers to lock their devices up tighter and tighter. It's an absolute disgrace.
So many users these days seem to have a God complex, an over-bundance of self-righteousness and an expectation that they deserve everything on a bloody silver platter.
Never ceases to amaze me that these idiots are willing to try everything posted here at the drop of a hat without waiting for bugs to pop up or even seeing if it bricks a device. Everyone wants the best right now, and then wants top-notch support to go with it. Just because it f*cking looks pretty.
Motorola have the right idea. Lock everything up tight, offer the option of unlocking, and void the warranty immediately. That's a damn good business practice. Keeps Developers happy (they can start work immediately without all the unlocking/S-OFF bullsh*t), and, you would think, would make people think twice about what they're doing before they unlock their bootloaders. Still doesn't seem to work this way though, hey?
It's for this reason I have absolutely no problem with manufacturers locking their devices. It's a dickhead deterrent. Doesn't phase a good Developer, but the idiots and general masses (myself included) are stuck, and they don't have to replace our phones because we didn't read or didn't understand, or wanted the best without doing anything to deserve it.
Noone wants to take responsibility for their own actions. If a Dev's ROM doesn't work for someone, all of a sudden it's the Devs fault. Nevermind they didn't read the instructions, FAQs and whatever else may have been there. Christ I saw someone create a thread to demand a step-by-step walkthrough and download of ADB just before. What the f*ck? More importantly, what the f*ck are you doing here without doing any reading or research at all?
Again mate, my apologies. I just agree with you, and I like the fact you've got 20-odd posts and 4 thanks already. You can have another one for your troubles!
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
PoXFreak said:
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
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Firstly, good luck with your project. I have an old Raphael here so if I can be of help testing or whatever, let me know.
Second, you're exactly right. If you do the research, the issues you run into generally aren't overwhelming, and because you've read you already know what to do if you run into them. It's the kids that come in with their new toy, try and flash **** and **** it up, then expect the whole forum to bend over backwards to provide everything they need to fix their f*ck up. If they'd done what they should have done in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
First off let me say thanks for the support on my forum topic. I was a "noob" as well at one time. Heck we are all "noobs" with each new rom,tablet,sdk,phone,o.s. that hits the streets as each one has its own set of issues and work arounds.
For example when I went to root my dell streak 7 I read up on it, I read about all the options and how they worked , looked for what problems others had, if it was even a good option for me at the time. Then i took what seemed the most popular option and what seemed to work best for others. and while reading up on the process i came across the adb stuff as mentioned before.
I was like holy crap whats all that I have to do. Well at least I have a back ground in modding and computer repaires going back years so I have the means to understand what i am reading.
But like mentioned before most of these people have no idea what adb is or how to set it up or even use it, they just jump right in with the first half ass'd wrote tutorial that useually leaves a set out and bingo they brick thier device.
Then go and return or send it in for replacement jacking up the cost for everyone else.
All I can say is read read read read read read read oh and READ some more before you go and think your a hacker and mess with your 500 dollar phone or tablet. then go cry and want a free replacement when YOU screw it up.
IM not perfect I bricked the hell out of a nook color BUT If you calm down go on the net and look chances are someone else has done the same thing and the information is out there to undo it just like i found and now my nook is all happy.
IT is very rare that these devices are UNFIXABLE almost 98% of any thing you do to it can be undone if you dont have the knowledge to undo what you have done then you should not be messing with it in the first place period.
and if you have screwed it up dont go run to the store or the warrenty hot line with a bag full of lies. Cowboy up and take the blame dont expect others to bail you out and put even more ecnomic hardships and tighter lock downs on the rest of us becasue that is all your doing.
On the lighter side LOL please excuse my grammer,puctuation,spelling and so forth I get so into my posts sometimes I dont pay any attention lol. Then when I se the post I go wow I look like an idiot but a lazy one I dont bother to fix it .
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
Agree 110% that users should read, read, read and ask questions to be sure they fully understand what they are doing and the consequences before trying modifications. They should be held responsible for their actions. Hard-working developers waste far too much time bailing out fools from their own foolishness.
There should be far more posts like in this thread all over the internet.
papo said:
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
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Hum ... maybe you are right but maybe you are wrong. let me tell you my opinion of why I think you are wrong.
You say that all these returned devices that people jack up dont affect the market but somehow help the numbers?
OK I myself and most other people I know, if you go into a best buy lets say for the sake of argument and they have 2 tablets on the self One is brand new never been owned sealed up at 299.99. and the other is 10% off (I thinkthat is thier standard drop for open box) open box buy. what one are you gonna chose? knowing what people do with these things I dont know about you but to me the 30 bucks savings isnt worth the hassle of returning it when it doesnt work or to find out someone monkeyed with it. And i feel i am not alone and why there are so many open box buys sitting around on shelves.
Walmart doesnt restock returned tablets or phones doesnt matter if they are working or not they return everything to the manufacturer.
Manufacturers by law cannot resell a used item as new it has to be listed as refurbished.
so where do all these refurbished tablets go??? I dont see them. does anyone here have one? No they go to sleasy civic center electronics shows for resell at nearkly full retail and who buys them? no one at that pric people would rather have a new one. not to mention by the time the refubished junk makes its rounds to be resold its outdated and everyone wants the new thing.
Dont believe me there are stil factory refubished sega dreamcasts for sale on the internet... thats like form what 12 years ago.
all this material sitting arund DOES affect the prices we pay manufactures cant have 300 million in feurbished items sitting arund unsold with out it affecting its bottom line. so who pays for it... we do with higher prices.
also with that many items comming in defective they know which ones were hacked and messed up and which ones where manufacturing defects. when you get 100's of millions in loses do to people messing around with and screwing up your product YES you will lock it down more to make it harder.
Lets put this into a laymans terms.. lets say you own and run a chair store yes all you make are chairs. this month you made 100 chairs. well lets say 50 of them came back for refunds because people used them as something to stand on and broke them. so now your company is running at a greater then 60% loss. not only are you out the retail money for the chairs, your out the labor, the material, and the cost of now doing something with all the broken chairs. whicj included fixing them and then resellig them on a secondary market for less then the original retail. at this point your out a wad of cash and no body wants to buy your once broken chairs.
OK so now how do you go about correcting the problem you have keep people from breaking your chairs so you get less returns and there fore have a better bottom line so now you have to buy stornger wood, stronger glue, and make a more robust chair that people cant break.
all of this drives your costs up and profits down so what do you do?? Thats right you increase the cost of the chair.
You maybe right I dont think I have any idea how a market works.
i agree, just like real life, things come with inscructions for a reason.
i mean, if you buy a peice of furniture from ikea...well, good luck even with the inscructions (i flipping hate ikea, to many parts to assemble)
but the point is, they are there to show you what do to, i managed to read them, and i got my skyraider (i want to flash to a 2.3 rom, but, due to bugs and reading alot of them are glitchy, gonna hold off on that for a while.
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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Damn right. You tell someone to go and do the 'hard' work themselves, all of a sudden these pr*cks step up and have the nerve to call you out. I'm sorry, but this place needs assholes, and lots of them. Kiddies will never learn if they're spoon-fed everything. Nothing teaches you something quicker than a smack on the ass.
I don't see anything at all wrong with calling out n00bs and serving a few idiots, provided it's done civilly. You'll always upset some people, but you can't be all things to all people, and I'd much rather be thought of as an asshole here and do my bit to cut down the bullsh*t, than sit idly by and watch this place die.
I can see it over in the desire hd forums too(and i bet it's the same situaion on other forums too). There are more and more people who are too stupid to read one of the guides in the dev section. We have dozens of threads on how to downgrade/ s-off. And these aren't just for the lulz.
It seems that they haven't even clicked one single time on the Dev-section before creating a new thread about a bootloop or anything else.
And last but no least: the search button.
It's the same story again. The forum is full of questions that were answered like a billion times in the past.
Guys, when will you realise it? It takes some effort to make our phones working as we want them to. And the most important thing to do is reading. Read the guides some users put a lot of effort in. Read them to understand your device better and read them just to hit the Thanks Button on the bottom of the guide.
Sent out of my Free Candy Van.
MacaronyMax said:
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
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because noobs think they can do everything in one-shot and end up getting bit on the ass
plus one rom i had to go back and wipe it 4 times before it finally booted back the startup loop
so, trial and error and paitionce also is important.
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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no, those aren;'t noobs, those are lazy people. they think technology will be, sorry never will, people get new tv's and think that everything will be setup out of the box, sadly this is why they have techs who have to come out and set the thing up for you because you were too ****ing lazy to take 30 minutes to an hour and do it yourself and save a buttload of money.
and how I rooted and got my roms on there? i read inscructions.....and Cvbcbcmv's video :/
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
sakai4eva said:
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
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Correction. Three dickwads
juzz86 said:
Correction. Three dickwads
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If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
sakai4eva said:
If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
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Cheers mate.
Unfortunately, some clowns are even beyond prayers. Look at how many threads there are for the f*cking Photon 4G. You'd think someone would have a look first, hey?
I don't want to be a Senior Member anymore. I want my user tag to be 'Ban Hammer'. Then watch me go!
Juzz86 - Ban Hammer
EDIT: Nice t1ts
The quote is funnier when you finally get the innuendos.

galaxy note 5 at&t frp bypass help

Just picked up a note 5 really cheap, but had the google email still on it. Been trying for hours to figure out how to bypass it but no luck. I cant downgrade it and sidesync doesnt work. Any ideas of what I can do?
mrwishywashy said:
Just picked up a note 5 really cheap, but had the google email still on it. Been trying for hours to figure out how to bypass it but no luck. I cant downgrade it and sidesync doesnt work. Any ideas of what I can do?
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Hi ,
Your explanation does not sound right. ?
You got phone "really cheap" ,
Phone has a Google email address.....
whose . E-mail ? Seller ?
Why don't you ask seller for password etc etc
Sounds like it could have been lost or stolen phone ?
In that case nobody on XDA will assist you .
Um what r u talking about lol? I got a cheap note with a clean imei. The dude prob forgot to turn his email off. I didnt ask questions since i paid less than the parts are worth, so it was a low risk buy. The guy left town and theres no way to reach him.
Either way my story isnt revelant. R u going to give me any useful info or just waste my time?
willcor said:
Hi ,
Your explanation does not sound right. ?
You got phone "really cheap" ,
Phone has a Google email address.....
whose . E-mail ? Seller ?
Why don't you ask seller for password etc etc
Sounds like it could have been lost or stolen phone ?
In that case nobody on XDA will assist you .
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mrwishywashy said:
Um what r u talking about lol? I got a cheap note with a clean imei. The dude prob forgot to turn his email off. I didnt ask questions since i paid less than the parts are worth, so it was a low risk buy. The guy left town and theres no way to reach him.
Either way my story isnt revelant. R u going to give me any useful info or just waste my time?
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hi ,
have some "respect " towards other forum members ,when requesting assistance/advice .! or replying..!
I don't know the circumstances/fact's about how you got your device.!
Anyway,seeing that i "am wasting your time " ....
if you use search button and search the "Question and answers forum "
you will find a suitable answers !
Similar questions like yours ,
has been asked many times before .
(and answers given.)
Good luck
Well to be fair ur not showing any respect either. I asked a question and your just trying to judge me and assume the worst. Then you say you just cant help me. I say dont waste my time since your reply just wasnt helpful and didnt answer anything i asked.
mrwishywashy said:
Well to be fair ur not showing any respect either. I asked a question and your just trying to judge me and assume the worst. Then you say you just cant help me. I say dont waste my time since your reply just wasnt helpful and didnt answer anything i asked.
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To be fair, the other user was not disrespecting you. He provided a legitimate answer of you contacting the seller. Xda does not allow tools that circumvent the lock you mention of. This question has been asked before and will always get the same response. No one on here is going to help you break security measures, even if the phone was acquired through legal and legitimate channels.
Have a wonderful day
abde27 said:
To be fair, the other user was not disrespecting you. He provided a legitimate answer of you contacting the seller. Xda does not allow tools that circumvent the lock you mention of. This question has been asked before and will always get the same response. No one on here is going to help you break security measures, even if the phone was acquired through legal and legitimate channels.
Have a wonderful day
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What kind of dumbass answer is that to "contact the seller"? Do you think im like a retarded child (or an apple user) lol? Why would that not be the first thing I would do instead of going on the internet and asking an android forum on alternatives?
If nobody was going to help me, then save your breathe by taking your time to say anything. Especially a bunch of stupid crap. And yes I will have a wonderful day not having any responses from any useless people. You all know the security features on any smartphones are total crap and are designed to get more people to spend money so enough with acting like your above everyone about it.
mrwishywashy said:
What kind of dumbass answer is that to "contact the seller"? Do you think im like a retarded child (or an apple user) lol? Why would that not be the first thing I would do instead of going on the internet and asking an android forum on alternatives?
If nobody was going to help me, then save your breathe by taking your time to say anything. Especially a bunch of stupid crap. And yes I will have a wonderful day not having any responses from any useless people. You all know the security features on any smartphones are total crap and are designed to get more people to spend money so enough with acting like your above everyone about it.
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'sigh' Regardless of your opinion, the lock was designed as a deterrent to criminals. Phones can be bought for cheap and not encounter these locks, through websites like Swappa. Even if there were means to bypass it, why would anyone here trust that you acquired the device through legitimate means? You are a new user, and frankly rude and disrespectful to anyone that responds. I'm sorry, but even if there is a way to help, you give us no incentive to help you.
abde27 said:
'sigh' Regardless of your opinion, the lock was designed as a deterrent to criminals. Phones can be bought for cheap and not encounter these locks, through websites like Swappa. Even if there were means to bypass it, why would anyone here trust that you acquired the device through legitimate means? You are a new user, and frankly rude and disrespectful to anyone that responds. I'm sorry, but even if there is a way to help, you give us no incentive to help you.
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Im being "rude and disrespectful" since your acting like a jackass. I have worked for a major tech company and thats bull**** that locks are used to deterrent criminals since any criminal with a brain knows how to get around locks. The Note 5 on ATT is the only one I have had any issues with while almost every other Samsung device is extremely easy to bypass. Locks are designed to piss users off and lock idiots out of their devices so they can go and spend more money. Apple sells their customers databases to people for money instead of unlocking people's devices who accidentally got locked out of their stuff, so yes thats total bull**** that they are designed to protect the user. They love telling old people who dont know what day it is that they screwed up because their brain wasnt able to remember a hundred passwords and that they have to now shell out another few hundred dollars for more crap.
And why would you trust that I acquired a device through legitament means? Well I would say that it would mean that your a decent human being who gives people the benefit of the doubt, but considering your sitting on here just arguing with someone you dont even know like an asshole, I cant give you that much credit.
mrwishywashy said:
Im being "rude and disrespectful" since your acting like a jackass. I have worked for a major tech company and thats bull**** that locks are used to deterrent criminals since any criminal with a brain knows how to get around locks. The Note 5 on ATT is the only one I have had any issues with while almost every other Samsung device is extremely easy to bypass. Locks are designed to piss users off and lock idiots out of their devices so they can go and spend more money. Apple sells their customers databases to people for money instead of unlocking people's devices who accidentally got locked out of their stuff, so yes thats total bull**** that they are designed to protect the user. They love telling old people who dont know what day it is that they screwed up because their brain wasnt able to remember a hundred passwords and that they have to now shell out another few hundred dollars for more crap.
And why would you trust that I acquired a device through legitament means? Well I would say that it would mean that your a decent human being who gives people the benefit of the doubt, but considering your sitting on here just arguing with someone you dont even know like an asshole, I cant give you that much credit.
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I Know that this is a very old thread. Your best bet is to either buy a octopus or something like it. They do various different things to Samsung and other phones. Imei resets, frp lock bypass etc. ( or pay someone who has the equipment already. Like [email protected] he can do it through your computer. But he will not touch a stolen phone.. Ok so if you have a blacklisted imei he will know.

