Ok so I don't know how HTC can allow this type of thing to happen but the Kaiser is by far the worst phone I've used in terms of bugs.
The camera... oh the camera...
My secondary VGA camera takes a 5x clearer photo than the 3MP one.
The VGA camera has no lag or reduced fps in the viewer, yet the 3MP camera has horrible horrible lag when you press button and what seems like 3-5 fps.
This is all the same with the video...
Can somebody tell me what the ****?? Are you all having this problem also or is it just me?
Could it be my radio?
I'm using ROMeOS 4.21
Thanks... and HTC... eff you!
edit: forgot to mention I've tried editing the registry and changing the button to half press instead of full... nothing works.
I'm sorry, but this sort of thing has been discussed before.
And try searching for the Subject "Camera" in this Fourm. You'll find a few posts.
I am not going to spend another minute trolling on this issue.
Thanks Dave but I've really tried everything suggested in those thread already.
From changing the registry in HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\Captparam
to installing HTC Album and Camera (with no improvements).
Also I don't see how the first link you posted is relevant at all.
This is why I come to think it is either a screw up in my registry or my radio?
I think the camera in general is bad, I though the first link was a different thread, sorry.
If you search for Threads with the title camera in Kaiser General you will see the scale of how many people have complained about this camera. I am not happy with mine, but I also own a EOS400D, so it's not too bad
lol I see fair enough... For me I was planning to use my phone camera as my primary camera.. I really just cannot believe the VGA camera can operate at a higher quality than the 3MP..
I honestly think there is a fault in my registry..
I'll say it again.. sometimes the camera works perfect and takes a picture instantly with no FPS lag in the viewer, but most of the time it will be extremely low FPS and after I press the shutter button it will lag for 3 seconds then capture a fuzzy ****ty image.
deXtrous said:
lol I see fair enough... For me I was planning to use my phone camera as my primary camera.. I really just cannot believe the VGA camera can operate at a higher quality than the 3MP..
I honestly think there is a fault in my registry..
I'll say it again.. sometimes the camera works perfect and takes a picture instantly with no FPS lag in the viewer, but most of the time it will be extremely low FPS and after I press the shutter button it will lag for 3 seconds then capture a fuzzy ****ty image.
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Do a Hard Reset and / or try another ROM, if you really think there is something in the registry corrupt / wrong.
DaveShaw said:
Do a Hard Reset and / or try another ROM, if you really think there is something in the registry corrupt / wrong.
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Might just do that, cheers.
deXtrous said:
lol I see fair enough... For me I was planning to use my phone camera as my primary camera..
[blah blah blah]
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You have got to be kidding.... It's convenient to have a decent camera built into the phone. But your primary camera? Ugh.
deXtrous said:
lol I see fair enough... For me I was planning to use my phone camera as my primary camera.. I really just cannot believe the VGA camera can operate at a higher quality than the 3MP..
I honestly think there is a fault in my registry..
I'll say it again.. sometimes the camera works perfect and takes a picture instantly with no FPS lag in the viewer, but most of the time it will be extremely low FPS and after I press the shutter button it will lag for 3 seconds then capture a fuzzy ****ty image.
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Have you noticed that the camera takes faster pics in lit areas and slower the darker it gets? This topic is fairly redundant. Click my Vegas link and you can see what the camera does.
Ok, so you're getting a fuzzy image, that will be due to movement when pressing the button.
To improve this slightly use the 3 second timer, that way you can line it up, press the button and hold the camera steady to get a more stable picture.
No, its not a fix for the poor hardware, but it helps a little.
Try removing the transparent cover from the rear casing - or just take pics without the rear casing. Pic quality improves no end....
deXtrous said:
Ok so I don't know how HTC can allow this type of thing to happen but the Kaiser is by far the worst phone I've used in terms of bugs.
The camera... oh the camera...
My secondary VGA camera takes a 5x clearer photo than the 3MP one.
The VGA camera has no lag or reduced fps in the viewer, yet the 3MP camera has horrible horrible lag when you press button and what seems like 3-5 fps.
This is all the same with the video...
Can somebody tell me what the ****?? Are you all having this problem also or is it just me?
Could it be my radio?
I'm using ROMeOS 4.21
Thanks... and HTC... eff you!
edit: forgot to mention I've tried editing the registry and changing the button to half press instead of full... nothing works.
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This has been discussed many times before...The camera is only usable in daylight. Even artificial light makes it really slow (bulbs) Here's why whenever you use the camera in other conditions than the daylight it switches itself into "Night Mode" and because of the lack of optimized 2D drivers the nightmode is terribly slow. Now... there's a small workaround....turn on the camera...if it's slow...press the button on the side the one that switches the screen off..press it again after about 10 seconds and you should have satisfying amount of frames in the camera app. Basically this trick forces the camera to turn off the night mode at least for a while. The only drawback is the quality of the pictures...they are darker. So if you disable the night mode through the registry you will have the camera without any lags.
Good luck
You think the Kaiser is the worst phone ever because it takes bad pictures. Wow. I think it is the best phone ever with an ok camera. I didn't buy the phone because of the camera.
wmg76 said:
You think the Kaiser is the worst phone ever because it takes bad pictures. Wow. I think it is the best phone ever with an ok camera. I didn't buy the phone because of the camera.
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Not only the camera mate, and it's my personal opinion.
The phone itself is very buggy, crashes, not very responsive..
I thank got I found this forum or else my phone would be in the trash by now..
PS. Was your post even needed?
oh, oh, oh.
Please, deXtrous, a little humility. You joined last month and go around shouting at people already?
Perhaps your phone bugging out and crashing is a result of multiple registry edits, application installs, radio/spl/rom incompatibility etc. Not necessarily of putrid quality of the phone itself. Look around this forum: there are many MANY people who are either happy with their Kaisers, or have only minor gripes. This should mean that the phone is not inherently bad, just that - maybe- it is less than perfect... but then, what IS perfect?
Ever since I switched to ROMeOS (easily half a year) I haven't had a single hang-up or bug-out. Granted, I tend to use a tried-and-tested set of applications, but hey, there are about 40-50 of them! And my Kaiser still works nice and fast..... sans the camera which still sucks... but hey, it's just an effing camera. Useful in a phone but FAR from key.
deXtrous said:
Not only the camera mate, and it's my personal opinion.
The phone itself is very buggy, crashes, not very responsive..
I thank got I found this forum or else my phone would be in the trash by now..
PS. Was your post even needed?
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You're asking a guy who's defending a kaiser, in a kaiser forum, after you rubbish the kaiser, if he needed to post. I think you should chill for a bit..
OK, enough. No need to start laying into each other.
Can a Mod close this thread? Nothing constructive can come from this.
Ha... Sorry I find this kind of funny..
It's just a phone guys, no need to take offense to anything I say about a silly phone..
It's my personal experiences with the phone. Not everyone can be happy with the product they buy but why should the unhappy ones be shunned off by their counterparts for simply voicing their opinions?
Everyone has an opinion and view on things, no need to be offended of my opinion that the kaiser is a piece of crap with **** battery life, **** camera, flimsy buttons and crap hardware (IME).
The camera was like this even prior to any ROM swapping or registry editing, which is why I thought a new ROM might help but apparently not.
Maybe you have a bad phone, I know I don't think mine is buggy and non reponsive. Also nothing I have on mine seems to be flimsy..
Bad phone maybe?
I am having another annoyance with my Tilt. The camera is damn slow. First the on-screen rate is stop-motion like, then the auto focus button takes 2-3 seconds to focus, and finally the photo takes a few seconds more to capture. B that time, the photo opportunity is gone, or I just have a blurry picture.
The 8525 was much faster...
Any ideas? Thanks!
I'm sure it's the new autofocus function that is responsible for the speed. It's not something you find in many cell phone cameras, and gives much better photos for many situations. But yes, the slow speed is a shame.
Well if the picture is blurry, but has great focus....what's the point? lol
Honestly, after spending a few hours tinkering with this phone, the 8125 --> 8525 was a much larger, more needed upgrade. The 8525 did have some caveats, which I was hoping they would fix, but they seemed to just get worse. For example, screen rotation is simply slower on WM6 than it was on WM5. I want a PDA that has Windows capabilities, but without the hiccups that Mobile exhibits. I was hoping the 8925 would be the solution, but I guess I will have to wait another year for a true converged device. Such a shame that a very well made device has to be crippled by a poor operating system. Not saying it's horrific, but definitely could be a lot better.
i've notice the blurry thing...but once you get use to holding it steady the pics come out amazing.
One thing I have found that helps is to use the Camera button to take pictures - You can press the Camera button half way down and let it focus, then press it the rest of the way down to actually take the picture when you want to snap. Doesn't help the whole 'catch it right then' situation, but it does help some...
Thats one of the bugbears with this new phone is the time it takes to snap a pic I know its more a phone than a digital camera but why put a 3mpix camera in there if its not meant to at least equal old digital cameras (casio, olympus, fuji etc etc). I like the extra features of it but not at the expense of it taking 5-6 seconds for people or things to stand perfectly still in order to get that pic
I have found that the greater the amount of light the quicker it takes pictures.
maryjos said:
I'm sure it's the new autofocus function that is responsible for the speed. It's not something you find in many cell phone cameras, and gives much better photos for many situations. But yes, the slow speed is a shame.
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My 2 megapixel SE K750i from YEARS ago (I had it two years ago as an import phone) had no issues with it's autofocus lens. It also took much better photos.
The camera app is pitifully slow. I've tried shooting a lower res or lower quality and that doesn't change the on-screen display, and yeah the autofocus is crazy slow. I guess we should look to HTC for advice, as it's their camera app.
Yah it's a bummer that it's not that fast, but the phone really is a powerhouse of applications. If this thing was running WM2003 on this processor it would be blindingly fast, but with any power loss, the data would be gone. So far speed is the price we pay to have a device that you can pull the battery out of and not lose any data... When I use my HP hx4700 VGA PPC running 2003, it still blows me away how fast they used to be before this new "persistant storage" feature. I don't know if this would help the camera specifically, but I wonder.
Well, it's damn annoying. I would rather the speed and flashlight than an autofocus lens or 3MP.
JBHorne said:
Well, it's damn annoying. I would rather the speed and flashlight than an autofocus lens or 3MP.
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Agree completely, I had high hopes, the 3MP autofocus sure looked good on paper, but now I just miss the flashlight
i heard that it's because of the software, i think paul from modacco said that cameraware is much better (and i THINK he said that it was faster to take pictures).
Can anyone test this out?
...nice tip
As mentioned in another post. If you turn off the "shutter sound" it seems to respond faster. I've tested and it seems to work form me.
I have also noticed that when I push the OFF button and then turn it back on the camera is much much better.
I've tried all of the previously suggested options and the pics are still blurry.
I have a Nokia 6300 2MP camera phone and it's pics are sharper and better with no blurriness whatsoever.
Even the old Wizard I have is better
This isn't an issue of me having an unsteady hand either, I've been an amateur photographer for many years and have no probs using my old ancient SLRs or new DSLRs, even when snapping with a camera in each hand.
Aeroadster said:
I've tried all of the previously suggested options and the pics are still blurry.
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The lens protector on the battery cover may be scratched or worn (mine is). I get much clearer photos when I take the battery cover off. Other posts describe using certain polishes to restore a clear lens protector.
That's what I get for keeping the phone in my pocket.
I remember reading a post about the fps when taking video. I use the fix when taking regular pictures too, because it appears to speed up the viewfinder as well.
1. Cover the top half of the phone (where the lens is) with your hand, to decrease the light available.
2. Press the power button to put your device into sleep mode, or whatever it is that they call it.
3. Without moving your hand, press the power button again to wake up the device. This appears to cause the camera software to reinitialize with decreased light settings.
Yeah, it sucks, and yeah, I miss my Tytn camera and led light. Hope this helps!
I've used the new camera app provided by Nadavi (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355587)
There's three videos all were taken with my AT&T Tilt (Dutty's v3 ROM). Please note that videos are in reduced "youtube" quality, they are significantly better quality in the original file. If you want the originals, I'll upload them somewhere.
First is Ballys' fountains at night. Shot on the street around 11pm:
Second is a video I took walking inside the hotel. The lighting is pretty much correct in this video, it wasn't that dark, but it definitely was dimmer than your usual work/home environment (hopefully, lol):
Third is the video I took inside MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. This is one of their night clubs. The environment is actually not as dim as video would suggest, it's was little brighter.
Theve videos WERE NOT posted to show or prove that AT&T doesn't need proper driver. I whole-heartedly believe that IT ABSOLUTELY MUST have drivers and I will fight alongside the community for their release till the end.
THese videos were made to show that with newest Nadavi's camera app Kaiser can take pretty damn good videos and pictures.
I'd also like to ask a question - if Kaiser can take such high-fps videos when there's a bright object in the center - perhaps we need to look further into the issue of how Kaiser's camera is focusing on dim objects. There was a thread somewhere about that.
Wow, that's not too shabby at all. Was the on-screen view as quick as the recorded video while you were taking it?
fps on the screen was the same as the movie's. Not to say that i dont have extremely low fps sometimes. i can make a movie tomorrow with very low fps.... i'm just tring to get a vetter understanding of this
wish my tytn II can do that
Your TyTn2 can do this. All I have that may be related my camera operation is Dutty's v3 ROM and Nadavi's camera app.
My camera is still slow as hell.. Can you tell us in details what you did to make your tilt camera fast under low light condition. i think we would all be really grateful.
which camera app? got a link?
blu3 said:
My camera is still slow as hell.. Can you tell us in details what you did to make your tilt camera fast under low light condition. i think we would all be really grateful.
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Guys, I didn't do anything. I installed the Nadavi's camera app and changed the settings a little bit. I decreased the brightness to -1.5, reduced sharpness... there's a thread in here somewhere that lists all the good specs for kaiser's camera.
The problem is that I do have the same exact problem you guys are seeing. For example, my office at work is poorly lit - it I point camera at the lamps - i got excellent fps. But when I point down, to say, my table, it reduced to about 2-5 fps. Point at my laptop - again high fps. I will post the video later.
What I'm trying to say is that there's more to this than the drivers, I feel. Why is Kaiser making excellent vids at night with few bright objects, and making horrible video with poorly lit office? As far as I can tell - there's one major difference. In first case we have no-light environment and few bright lights. In second case - whole environment is lit, but pooly, with no objects sticking out. Why is Kaiser trying to compensate in second case, and jsut makes a video in first case?
I will post the low fps video tomorrow..
laakness said:
which camera app? got a link?
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It's in the top post,
DarkDvr said:
Guys, I didn't do anything. I installed the Nadavi's camera app and changed the settings a little bit. I decreased the brightness to -1.5, reduced sharpness... there's a thread in here somewhere that lists all the good specs for kaiser's camera.
The problem is that I do have the same exact problem you guys are seeing. For example, my office at work is poorly lit - it I point camera at the lamps - i got excellent fps. But when I point down, to say, my table, it reduced to about 2-5 fps. Point at my laptop - again high fps. I will post the video later.
What I'm trying to say is that there's more to this than the drivers, I feel. Why is Kaiser making excellent vids at night with few bright objects, and making horrible video with poorly lit office? As far as I can tell - there's one major difference. In first case we have no-light environment and few bright lights. In second case - whole environment is lit, but pooly, with no objects sticking out. Why is Kaiser trying to compensate in second case, and jsut makes a video in first case?
I will post the low fps video tomorrow..
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i tried to look for the thread with all the good specs for the camera but no luck... do you remember which thread it was?
Sorry for coming on like an ass but thats the Belagio.
Thats pretty fast!! I have the app but when I record it drags everything. We should have a benchmark thread on all the big rom releases, and compare them with the app and with out, and on the OEM roms.
Here are the specs. Aside from having 3M resolution, and brightness at -1.5, mine are like his:
~~Tito~~ said:
Sorry for coming on like an ass but thats the Belagio.
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Hehe yeah I guess u're right. We visited many hotels that night.. but that's not the point!!! Lol
I usualy have 3-5FPS in video mode, but when I press the power button to get the device to the stand by mode, and wake ipt up after a few seconds the framerate increases to about 20FPS and my videos looks as good as the videos shown in the first post. Without this "trick" my videos are just crap
thanks yyyyyy
but it was to be the slide wake, not pressing the power button again.
that wuz awesum i can make vids again!!!
[email protected] said:
thanks yyyyyy
but it was to be the slide wake, not pressing the power button again.
that wuz awesum i can make vids again!!!
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Could you please explain this a little more clearly?
Ok here's another video from same configuration. Notice the drastic change in FPS when brightness of the object in center changes. It seems that if u point to something bright then FPS goes up, even if its dark around it.
PS: could u elaborate on how u increase FPS by powering down/up the kaiser?
YYYYY said:
I usualy have 3-5FPS in video mode, but when I press the power button to get the device to the stand by mode, and wake ipt up after a few seconds the framerate increases to about 20FPS and my videos looks as good as the videos shown in the first post. Without this "trick" my videos are just crap
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Wow this trick actually works. To clarify for those that don't understand: When your in Camera or Video Mode click the power button on your phone and let the phone be off(Standby) for a couple seconds; when you turn it back on by pressing the same button the FPS will increase to about 20FPS.
One problem I found out is that it does not adjust the brightness anymore so everything will sometimes look too dark (at least in my room it did)
EDIT: Now I found a thread that clarify's this better than me: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=365345
The main problem with the TyTynII camera is NOT to do with any missing drivers.
It IS to do with the fact that HTC opted to have an automatically enabled 'Nightmode' when in low-light conditions. If you enable 'Nightmode' on your normal bog-standard video camera, you will get a low frame rate just the same.
HTC need to give users the option to manually select 'Nightmode' so we can then decide ourselves if we want low-framerate/high-lighting or vise-versa..
maybe in a patch or new ROM???
Farsquidge said:
The main problem with the TyTynII camera is NOT to do with any missing drivers.
It IS to do with the fact that HTC opted to have an automatically enabled 'Nightmode' when in low-light conditions. If you enable 'Nightmode' on your normal bog-standard video camera, you will get a low frame rate just the same.
HTC need to give users the option to manually select 'Nightmode' so we can then decide ourselves if we want low-framerate/high-lighting or vise-versa..
maybe in a patch or new ROM???
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I completely agree. This is a very valid point. Whilst I agree that HTC misrepresented the graphics ability of this device and should be accountable for this, I am noticing an increasing trend to ascrbie most problems with the TyTN2 to the missing graphics drivers.
The danger of doing this is that investigation into other solutions will just tail off and this will go from being a developers forum to a consumers' one.
After all, if the slow IE scrolling had been written off as driver related, there wouldn't be an excellent cab floating out there that could fix it so easily!
I have a new tilt and the camera seems very slow and sluggish. When I move the phone around the picture gets blurry and there is an awful delay. Any fix?
Hello, wake up, join us on the GPU driver waiting list
dylanc430 said:
I have a new tilt and the camera seems very slow and sluggish. When I move the phone around the picture gets blurry and there is an awful delay. Any fix?
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same... tried all roms just to get this fixed... no luck... theres no picture i have taken that isnt blurred atleast a bit...
HTC fix it or lose a fan forever !!!
EDIT: fit it or lose 14222 fans forever
drownage said:
same... tried all roms just to get this fixed... no luck... theres no picture i have taken that isnt blurred atleast a bit...
HTC fix it or lose a fan forever !!!
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For me, I felt like Leo's latest v4 ROM had the fastest image previewing and capturing of all ROMs I've tested. To go to the thread, CLICK HERE.
you call that a camera?
drownage said:
same... tried all roms just to get this fixed... no luck... theres no picture i have taken that isnt blurred atleast a bit...
HTC fix it or lose a fan forever !!!
EDIT: fit it or lose 14222 fans forever
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i surely hope that you didnt get the kaiser so that you use it as a camera! I would give up the camera if it would make it thinner, lighter, or cheaper... even for non of the above.
HTC, please remove the camera and sliding keyboard and make the thing thinner... if not i'm sure you'll not lose anyone you weren't gonna lose once the new iphone is out with 3G, gps, and custon softs.
Ok I have some points to make here. You guys ever heard the phrase, "Jack of all Trades, Master of none"? It means the Kaiser is not the Best Phone or Camera or GPS device. But they are good enough. If you want quality Prints get a Digital SLR. Nikon with 51 Focus Points!. Yeah Baby!
Second, If you pop off the battery cover and take a picture of something, then pop it back on and take the very same picture. Compare the Two. The Plastic over the Camera clouds the pictures. I personally Broke the Plastic Away from in front of the Camera, It takes great pictures now.
I swear, Why do you guys keep dwelling on this Driver Issue. Its like this one time I touched the stove, The burner was On, I burned my hand. I now don't touch the stove when it's on. HTC has blew past some many promises of these "Magical Fix all drivers." That I now don't care for or expect the drivers.
JimmyMcGee said:
Ok I have some points to make here. You guys ever heard the phrase, "Jack of all Trades, Master of none"? It means the Kaiser is not the Best Phone or Camera or GPS device. But they are good enough. If you want quality Prints get a Digital SLR. Nikon with 51 Focus Points!. Yeah Baby!
Second, If you pop off the battery cover and take a picture of something, then pop it back on and take the very same picture. Compare the Two. The Plastic over the Camera clouds the pictures. I personally Broke the Plastic Away from in front of the Camera, It takes great pictures now.
I swear, Why do you guys keep dwelling on this Driver Issue. Its like this one time I touched the stove, The burner was On, I burned my hand. I now don't touch the stove when it's on. HTC has blew past some many promises of these "Magical Fix all drivers." That I now don't care for or expect the drivers.
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My main question is jimmy, the tilt has a camera WERE???
JimmyMcGee said:
Second, If you pop off the battery cover and take a picture of something, then pop it back on and take the very same picture. Compare the Two. The Plastic over the Camera clouds the pictures. I personally Broke the Plastic Away from in front of the Camera, It takes great pictures now.
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Tried it , nice tip! Next time I forget the Nikon (coopic ha) and I absolutly have to take a pic with the Kaiser, I'm taking the cover off. Picture came out 50% clearer.
Quick Solution
In order to have a faster responding camera, do the following:
Turn on your camera
Press the power button to switch the device to standby mode
wait for 5 seconds
Switch on
You will have the camera much faster
Note that you are to turn off the key lock app if you have it on in order to have this working
i figured out a way to make it better..u need light tho otherwise it will be really dark..if its laggy leave ur camera on and press power wait for a couple secons and press power again..it should be black for a while and then ur camera will come up but it will be very dark..tell me if this helps
I have an easier fix. Turn off your wifi before taking pictures. If you haven't noticed, clicking the power button to go into standby suspends the wifi. When you click the power button again you will have about 3-5 solid seconds of faster camera until the wifi turns back on then it'll be lagging again as usual. So just turn off the wifi then take pictures. If you have a AT&T Tilt you can easily turn off the wifi by hitting Fn then Right arrow on your keyboard, then do the same thing again when you want to turn it back on.
Doing that and also doing what Jimmy said in this post
JimmyMcGee said:
Second, If you pop off the battery cover and take a picture of something, then pop it back on and take the very same picture. Compare the Two. The Plastic over the Camera clouds the pictures. I personally Broke the Plastic Away from in front of the Camera, It takes great pictures now.
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Will give you some amazing picture quality compared to before.
Be happy you have a camera on your phone. I remember when all there was were big block bag phones
I have noticed each phone I have had is different based on the lighting conditions. Some cameras do better indoors some outdoors. Its all based on the lighting conditions(incadescent, flourescent). The kaiser cameras work best in natural light. Outdoors the camera will hardly blur, take it indoors and it blurs really bad.
thanks fot the tip
I have triying it and it was very usefull, it really works
fireblade63 said:
In order to have a faster responding camera, do the following:
Turn on your camera
Press the power button to switch the device to standby mode
wait for 5 seconds
Switch on
You will have the camera much faster
Note that you are to turn off the key lock app if you have it on in order to have this working
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I can't believe it. This workaround really works!
thanks for the advice
now, before you say it im not expecting a phone's camera to compete with a stand alone camera, however for the money i would like it to take some fairly decent photos. I have a couple of questions
-how fast is the shutter speed, i have read its slow , leading to blurry photos unless kept totally still?
- how awkward is the on screen button, require hard or long press? any differenct to dedicated camera shutter key?
- How Dark will it have to get untill there is too much noise (htc claim improved white balance helps compensate for lack of flash, but i dont see how?)
any opinions from diamond 2 owners would be much appreciated!
153 views, no comments?
didnt think it that bad a question?
For a phone camera, I think it is pretty good, I have some good shots with it, never tried it in low light yet though
toady2k1 said:
153 views, no comments?
didnt think it that bad a question?
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Don't feel bad. I had a post in the Iolite forum that had 253 views and no responses and it was a very basic question.
I'm getting my D2 in a few days and I will answer your questions as soon as I get er set up.
thanking you!
Some pictures...
Here some pictures inside and outside, both with the Diamond and with the Diamond 2. Both with max. quality, all pictures compressed the same.
Obviously the TD2 camera is better...
i'm interested to know too.....thank for sharing your experience!
WoW! The difference is a LOT!
thanks for those, quality looks pretty good.
How do you find the experience of camera / ie load time, shutter times, on screen button?
toady2k1 said:
thanks for those, quality looks pretty good.
How do you find the experience of camera / ie load time, shutter times, on screen button?
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camera loads very fast (within 2 seconds ready to click), takes pictures about three seconds after click (does autofocus first).
on sreen picture button works fine.
a nice feature is that the camera focusses where you touch the screen!
no zoom, no flash.
i'm perfectly happy with the camera
as long as it's not dark it's really good. I took some snaps yesterday outside in london and they've come out really nicely.
Can't complain especially since the main function of the device is to be a phone...the camera is just an added bonus and the fact it's a good one is great.
load time is fast
the ''only'' problem with it is taking self portraits, it's hard to press the function button when you can't see the screen....bar that, it's good
Camera comparison
I did make a comparison of cameras in D2, D1 and HD, it is in czech but I believe it is crystal clear seeing the difference
It is here http://www.ce4you.cz/articles/detail.asp?a=339
The camera in D2 is amazin, great quality and very fast, nothing to tell you more about it
pdagold said:
I did make a comparison of cameras in D2, D1 and HD, it is in czech but I believe it is crystal clear seeing the difference
It is here http://www.ce4you.cz/articles/detail.asp?a=339
The camera in D2 is amazin, great quality and very fast, nothing to tell you more about it
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WOW! Thanks a lot for those. That just made the upgrade very justifiable for me as I use my phone a lot for camera shots.
TD2 is way better than the old Diamond, no question about it. However, it appears that the HD still has better dynamic range. Colours are warmer with TD2 as well
Barff1984 said:
i'm perfectly happy with the camera
as long as it's not dark it's really good. I took some snaps yesterday outside in london and they've come out really nicely.
Can't complain especially since the main function of the device is to be a phone...the camera is just an added bonus and the fact it's a good one is great.
load time is fast
the ''only'' problem with it is taking self portraits, it's hard to press the function button when you can't see the screen....bar that, it's good
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u actually can use the front camera to snap self portraits
It does have zoom!
pietrucci said:
camera loads very fast (within 2 seconds ready to click), takes pictures about three seconds after click (does autofocus first).
on sreen picture button works fine.
a nice feature is that the camera focusses where you touch the screen!
no zoom, no flash.
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Not a true optical zoom, but if you slide your finger up and down the zoom bar, it still works!
pietrucci said:
camera loads very fast (within 2 seconds ready to click), takes pictures about three seconds after click (does autofocus first).
on sreen picture button works fine.
a nice feature is that the camera focusses where you touch the screen!
no zoom, no flash.
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You can change some reg settings to get the shutter button to react faster. I have set mine to zero milliseconds delay and the picture is then taken almost instantly.
shutter speed is depending on light
+ memory speed also takes a small part
low light = fail for diamond2
for example
it cannot take pics like:
it would just be all black
would be quite dark as well
(note these are not from q diamond2, its what i expect from it from using it for so long)
by the way what is burst mode?
Bust mode; takes several pictures quickly then you can select which ones you like and delet the rest.
On another note, one of the reasons the TD2 gets better pictures compared to the D1 & HD is that the TD2's battery cover doesn't have a clear plastic cover for the Camera lens. With the TD1, remove the battery cover and you will get better pictures.
So which version of Camera is best and includes the ability Auto Focus, i know there is Low FPS problems and thats a hardware thing, but i just want to know the best version of camera available, Thanks
I will respond since no one else seems interested...
Ironically, I am using the default camera app right now (4.x I believe). I tried Nadavi's 5.0.4 for several months, and it seemed faster than 4.x, but I eventually realized that auto-focus was really crippled in that version as well (half-press of the button to focus, but full press causes a re-focus before the picture is taken, which always causes me to lose the shot).
Long story short, 4.x doesn't seem to have the problem, so I decided to stick with it for now. Plus it takes pictures at a decent speed when the lighting is adequate.
Short answer... you cannot expect a Hyundai to win a Nascar race. Sure it will drive around the track, and if you want to do 500 laps with it, no problem, but it ain't ever gonna be the right tool you need to win.
The camera on this phone sucks, it has serious limitations. If you want to take a picture of a significant event, bring a stand alone camera.
I agree with the previous poster, the default camera software is about as good as you can do.
I am with you about the half press and full press problem , but i get over it by making the option of taking the photo is press half press only and it work so well.. its auto focus then take a pic with no blur at all.. i am using this ver attached. so well in TYTN II .
also now i can take photos using the front camera with it .
jesta192 said:
I will respond since no one else seems interested...
Ironically, I am using the default camera app right now (4.x I believe). I tried Nadavi's 5.0.4 for several months, and it seemed faster than 4.x, but I eventually realized that auto-focus was really crippled in that version as well (half-press of the button to focus, but full press causes a re-focus before the picture is taken, which always causes me to lose the shot).
Long story short, 4.x doesn't seem to have the problem, so I decided to stick with it for now. Plus it takes pictures at a decent speed when the lighting is adequate.
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Press the windows button once. It's better!
giannis.epp said:
Press the windows button once. It's better!
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But not much better
boufa said:
Short answer... you cannot expect a Hyundai to win a Nascar race. Sure it will drive around the track, and if you want to do 500 laps with it, no problem, but it ain't ever gonna be the right tool you need to win.
The camera on this phone sucks, it has serious limitations. If you want to take a picture of a significant event, bring a stand alone camera.
I agree with the previous poster, the default camera software is about as good as you can do.
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I quite agree, but I need to mention that the camera on EVERY phone sucks. If you're buying a phone because of the camera, that's waste of money. You can't expect this tiny bit of lens (more than ten times smaller than the ones used in real cameras and of dubious quality) to produce anything but lousy images. The problem is not with the software, but with the CCD and the lens.
I have this phone for about 6 months and I haven't taken a single picture with it - I prefer my Pentax
hello guys..well i need some help here please..
i got a problem with my tytn 11.the camera is bugging after i flash with some xda roms.my problem is i cant use the 2nd camera.it seem the icon to change from main camera to 2nd camera suddenly disappear.so i cant use the front camera to snap pic and make v.call..sadly i doesnt know my stock roms.but i already flash my phone with some xda stock roms but it still the same.the front camera doesnt work..somebody please help mee
thank u man for you'r help