Small Claim court advice! - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I need help taking HTC to small claim court
please read below
Good day,
I have now a big issue and you are my last resort before taking the issue to small claim court.
I have sent my phone and paid for shipping even though it's in warranty.
The problem is that when I called to check the status on my phone ,
I spoke to Bryan Smith he informed me that I have to pay cause the software was unauthorized then I told him that I purchased it and it has copyrights and compatible with the phone. then He didn't know what to say so he moved me to Britney Dora she came in with a different story saying that the charging port is broken.
I asked for a manager or a supervisor she refused to let me talk to anyone higher than her and she claimed that the manager is busy and will not talk to me.
I hardly got her manager's name : Curtis Macmillin
This is totally unacceptable and before I sent it I have taken pictures for every part of the phone including the charging port .
I know it was not broken and the software installed is Tomotm navigation software which I have purchased and I have receipt for it.
They asking me now for money ($499) to repair my warranty phone which is having factory defect or for $39 to return it unrepaired..
Please advice.
IO have checked the small claim court guide and i read that I have to be in WA to take them to court .
Any advice?

hanoon said:
IO have checked the small claim court guide and i read that I have to be in WA to take them to court.
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Laws will vary from country to country and state to state but what part of Western Australia are you in (your profile isn't filled in)? What's wrong with talking to your local Citizens Advice Beaureu - they often have the ability to book you in for an hours free legal advice.

More background info would be welcome if you want advice.
What phone? Bought new or used? Ever flashed? What was the problem that made you send it in? etc...

Flying Kiwi said:
Laws will vary from country to country and state to state but what part of Western Australia are you in
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WA may mean Washington, USA (the state).

tbrown5175 said:
WA may mean Washington, USA (the state).
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Didn't answer kilrah's questions in post 3 though did you? If you want to go to a small claims court, or ask for advice you are going to need to give more info than just your home state.
You're good at naming names but not giving info - please be careful here 'cos if you go to court and lose you could be hit by some personal defamation claims with what you've already written.

That doesn't make any sense to me did the phone have a custom rom on it?

ach2 said:
Didn't answer kilrah's questions in post 3 though did you? ...
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I think you're misquoting here, Ach2
the original poster, hanoon, has yet to reply any of the questions on this thread.

I'm sure he won't either.

burtcom said:
I think you're misquoting here, Ach2
the original poster, hanoon, has yet to reply any of the questions on this thread.
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Good point - if I'm going to spout off like a barrack room lawyer I should at least get my own facts right
Sorry tbrown5175, you were answering one of the questions which hanoon didn't bother with - but at least you put me straight, I thought WA was Wise A**e
And as usual, ChumleyEX summed up correctly with only 5 words

I do try.

ach2 said:
Sorry tbrown5175, you were answering one of the questions which hanoon didn't bother with - but at least you put me straight, I thought WA was Wise A**e
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No worries.


info regarding AT&T WM6

I was talking to AT&T business customer service regarding my account. Before i got off the phone i asked a question regarding the availability of WM6 for the treo 750. He said the upgrade is out and available to all thier retail stores in effort to upgrade the existing stock of Treo 750 with WM5 to WM6 in preperation for the arrival of the new TREO 750 with WM6 included. Once the above mentioned is complied with, the upgrade for existing users will hit the perverbial shelves...
Giving Back..
I was talking to my Tarot Card reader, and she told me that the WM6 ROM would be arriving when the marriage of the moon and the cat had passed the arrival of the white knight. She also told me that I would blessed with much fortune after a period of intense hunger and longing. So...I got that going for me!
dma1965 said:
I was talking to my Tarot Card reader, and she told me that the WM6 ROM would be arriving when the marriage of the moon and the cat had passed the arrival of the white knight. She also told me that I would blessed with much fortune after a period of intense hunger and longing. So...I got that going for me!
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*sigh* People these days...
Anyways. Thanks for the info, jhowle.
Why is it when you try to post honest info, you get met with snide remarks from people who have swelled heads and think they know everything. I don't understand, why even post post this kind of small mindless dribble.this is not this first time i have gotten this kinda reply...
dma1965 said:
I was talking to my Tarot Card reader, and she told me that the WM6 ROM would be arriving when the marriage of the moon and the cat had passed the arrival of the white knight. She also told me that I would blessed with much fortune after a period of intense hunger and longing. So...I got that going for me!
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Thanks for posting your info here. I think we're all a little jaded when it comes to the multiple dates, timeframes, plans and timelines posted from AT&T, Cingular, Palm, and others. I'm hoping that your information pans out. I guess I need to stop at the AT&T store on the way home today...
Can anyone confirm that the stores have the update? A link would be nice.
CraigDo said:
A link would be nice.
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Or a helpful leak from an AT&T emplo...errr...anonymous uploader.
*innocent face*
What do you mean Snide?
I think this poster has as much chance of getting an honest answer getting information about WM6 from a gypsy then tech support from AT&T. Poster is making a Joke (true) but a joke none the less. Don't be so sensitive!
Oh.. im not jaded at all.. infact the blackberry curve is looking pretty right about now. I've been surving this country for 12 years in the USAF. Waiting for this new upgrade to come out is sorta small compared to current events and you would understand if you were in my shoes.
edbutler said:
I think this poster has as much chance of getting an honest answer getting information about WM6 from a gypsy then tech support from AT&T. Poster is making a Joke (true) but a joke none the less. Don't be so sensitive!
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At least somebody here gets the point I was trying to make. The bottom line is that there is no way of knowing what AT&T, or Verizon, Or T-Mobile, or anyone is going to do at any time. It does not matter what anyone says here. If I create a fake avatar with the AT&T logo and pretend I am the CEO of AT&T and tell you it will be released tomorrow, will you believe me? If you do, what happens when it does not show up? I truly appreciate any info anyone gives here...HONESTLY I DO!!! I just happen to think this is all very funny, so I am trying to lighten things up.
I gotta go now. My numerologist is here to tell me who is going to win the presidential election.
Alright,, thats enough for me,, i'm done posting.. period.
dma1965 said:
At least somebody here gets the point I was trying to make. The bottom line is that there is no way of knowing what AT&T, or Verizon, Or T-Mobile, or anyone is going to do at any time. It does not matter what anyone says here. If I create a fake avatar with the AT&T logo and pretend I am the CEO of AT&T and tell you it will be released tomorrow, will you believe me? If you do, what happens when it does not show up? I truly appreciate any info anyone gives here...HONESTLY I DO!!! I just happen to think this is all very funny, so I am trying to lighten things up.
I gotta go now. My numerologist is here to tell me who is going to win the presidential election.
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jhowle said:
Alright,, thats enough for me,, i'm done posting.. period.
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Do you really get offended with dma post?
You are a trully "boçal" my friend!!!
Good luck on your dumb life...
i come on here to try to offer advise and generally be helpful, i didn't come here to get my balls busted on every post i make so I am through, sorry i dont wanna be part of verbal abuse.. like I said, you wont be hearing from me anymore
Didn't you just say that in your last post.
Don't go away mad! Relax put your feet up and crack open a cold beer, You are taking things a bit to serious. We enjoy hearing from you and thank you for your frank criticism. Now go jump in a lake!
My Treo can beat up your Treo.
Wow, he now has the "Official" link
jhowle said:
i come on here to try to offer advise and generally be helpful, i didn't come here to get my balls busted on every post i make so I am through, sorry i dont wanna be part of verbal abuse.. like I said, you wont be hearing from me anymore
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So you mean we won't be hearing from you anymore *in this thread*.

Change the IMEI legal or not

I really really don't understand what you're trying to say in the post...
kid go back to school and learn how to spell...
its illegal to change the IMEI or "radio signature" of the phone, its the identity the phone has on a list the phone company has. Due to the fact that not everyone in the world is happy and nice, phones get stolen and companys blacklist phones (IMEI numbers), changing your IMEI number and circumventing this is a punishable by law. Theres also the fact that there is no point to change an IMEI number unless for malicious intent.
silly question, mediocre answer close thread
First of all you're post makes no sense what so ever, maybe you should of read what you was posting, second of all it is illegal to change the VIN number on you're car full stop, yes you can scratch it off and scribe you're own on their but that doesn't mean you have change it does it, !!
You're Knife story is just stupid and there is no point to it.
IMEI numbers will not be change for legal reason's would you be happy if someone claimed fraud on there phone got it replaced changed there IMEI number to the same as yours I think not,
Not only have you wasted a thread you have made you're self look like a 10 year old that cant spell or string a sentence together (I had to read it twice to try and make out what you was saying) maybe next time think about what you are going to post, yes I no flaming is against the rules here but meh you deserve it in this instance.
What a waste of time people come on here for help and to help people and learn new things not sit and read pointless threads.
Peace out
Moved to Off Topic.
egzthunder1 said:
Moved to Off Topic.
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Your actually keeping this topic?
PurpleSmurfLlama said:
Your actually keeping this topic?
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Agreed! The kid should do a spell check atleast
i read the first few lines and came to the conclusion the OP doesn't have a clue what is what in the world of the English Language... There is no legitimate excuse for changing your IMEI number...
Mr. randyrubb, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
ist true, my skill in reading is now -3 points. Fail.
only American phone companies do that for her own stone age systems. no one else in the world register a phone to the provider . least not in the Free world (China, north Korea, Iran, and the USA maybe do so)
The minute your phone is on with a sim card in it the carrier to whom the sim card belongs to knows what phone you have. Yes, even in europe.
he may be foreign guys stop being assholes.
Yes its illigal but there are tools that do it I had to do it to 2 of my phones for reasons I will not explain and I do have tools to do it.
Its legal to do it for educational purposes but do not use the device if you think you might get cought.
Yes... foreign on an AT&T network...
Danni3 said:
[...]its illegal to change the IMEI[...]
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According to what law? All that gets quote here is a bill that didn't pass.

Where's my Nexus 4 - Register Your Complaint

I took the steps a day or so ago to try to coordinate the fractured and inconsistent information we are receiving from Google by making this site.
On it I am trying to provide accurate information based on registered complaints received and user comments from all threads here on XDA that appear to be consistent. There is also a page to help with calling them directly so they can recognise the questions that are most important.
The register is global in relation to the regions the Nexus 4 has been launched in.
Please register a complaint even if you have already received / cancelled your order but received poor service - it helps us in many ways.
Any questions, let me know. And we need more information from users in countries other than UK and US!
Meh, said 1-2 weeks, and that's not up yet. So no, I won't be wasting their time and further delaying my phone because of stupid spreadsheets and trading standards threats.
CrazyPeter said:
Meh, said 1-2 weeks, and that's not up yet. So no, I won't be wasting their time and further delaying my phone because of stupid spreadsheets and trading standards threats.
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Sorry you feel that way, 100's have already registered who have been waiting over a month when they were told 3-5 days, and have no idea what's going on with their money.
Just trying to be helpful, and maybe make life easier for everybody.
To be fair it probably got lost in Bedfords horrible Postal service.
slannmage said:
To be fair it probably got lost in Bedfords horrible Postal service.
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Ha! That could be entirely possible
already done bro ///
I'm also a disgruntled customer, but I'm reluctant to include my email address on that link
robot1000 said:
I'm also a disgruntled customer, but I'm reluctant to include my email address on that link
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You do not need to enter information you don't want to provide with regards to personal information. There are a few questions relating to the service you experienced that are a requirement in order to get the message across, other than that it's up to you.

Stolen Phone Recovered but Locked!!!

Law Enforcement helped me recover my phone which was taken from me at gunpoint.
During the robbery i was forced to unlock my device and remove my google and Samsung account. Fast forward some weeks later. The police were able to retrieve my device and arrest the suspect (who put a screen lock on my phone,claims he doesn't remember the password for it). I am now locked out of my own phone and i am stuck.
Couple things to note:
The device is a Samsung Note 8 (N950U) running Android 9 with OTA firmware version N950USQU8DUA3.
There is a screen lock (Password not pin)
No Custom Recovery.(Bootloader Locked)
No root access.
USB Debugging not enabled.
I know the device is dated.
A new phone is not an option. (this phone was a gift from my family to me).
My goal is simply to be able to use this phone once again. Any suggestions for going about that?
Have you tried reseting the phone via ADB?
EDIT: nvm I just realized you have debugging disabled .. my bad
That's quite a story... welcome to XDA.
superposition said:
Law Enforcement helped me recover my phone which was taken from me at gunpoint.
During the robbery i was forced to unlock my device and remove my google and Samsung account. Fast forward some weeks later. The police were able to retrieve my device and arrest the suspect (who put a screen lock on my phone,claims he doesn't remember the password for it). I am now locked out of my own phone and i am stuck.
Couple things to note:
The device is a Samsung Note 8 (N950U) running Android 9 with OTA firmware version N950USQU8DUA3.
There is a screen lock (Password not pin)
No Custom Recovery.(Bootloader Locked)
No root access.
USB Debugging not enabled.
I know the device is dated.
A new phone is not an option. (this phone was a gift from my family to me).
My goal is simply to be able to use this phone once again. Any suggestions for going about that?
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I believe you will need to take it to a service centre who can then remove the lock but you need proof of purchase.
What a dumb criminal though, robbing someone but then keeping the phone for himself and not selling it on.
Are you sure you are not the criminal trying to get in to someones phone?
Somewhat hard for me to believe that someone is gonna rob an old Samsung phone and force by gun the owner to remove samsung and google account.
I really find it more likely that someone who steals a phone and cannot get it open no matter what, comes here with this story
Spere said:
Are you sure you are not the criminal trying to get in to someones phone?
Somewhat hard for me to believe that someone is gonna rob an old Samsung phone and force by gun the owner to remove samsung and google account.
I really find it more likely that someone who steals a phone and cannot get it open no matter what, comes here with this story
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Spere said:
Are you sure you are not the criminal trying to get in to someones phone?
Somewhat hard for me to believe that someone is gonna rob an old Samsung phone and force by gun the owner to remove samsung and google account.
I really find it more likely that someone who steals a phone and cannot get it open no matter what, comes here with this story
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Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
superposition said:
Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
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It's -your- story it's self that has caused the distrust.
Attacking members here won't further you along.
We help people solve -their- problems because we like too...
Right now I'm not feeling it... I see you.
superposition said:
Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
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if you own it you'll still have the box it came in which thieves don't normally get. take that and your police incident report number to your local service centre and explain your predicament.
superposition said:
Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
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3 of us who have commented to you clearly show skepticism because we have, as senior members, seen so many of these posts and the stories just keep getting better. You story is very far fetched to say the least, although granted not impossible. We do not want to help criminals which I hope you understand.
If you had bothered to read my previous comment to you I said to take it to a service centre but you need proof of purchase, the fact you have this is your problem solved. Have a good day buddy.
stonedpsycho said:
3 of us who have commented to you clearly show skepticism because we have, as senior members, seen so many of these posts and the stories just keep getting better. You story is very far fetched to say the least, although granted not impossible. We do not want to help criminals which I hope you understand.
If you had bothered to read my previous comment to you I said to take it to a service centre but you need proof of purchase, the fact you have this is your problem solved. Have a good day buddy.
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I could respect that. But what does throwing shade accomplish? Thats the part i dont get. Keep your skepticism to yourself and move on. Why bother to even comment.
superposition said:
I could respect that. But what does throwing shade accomplish? Thats the part i dont get. Keep your skepticism to yourself and move on. Why bother to even comment.
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Meh maybe you should heed your own advise...
blackhawk said:
It's -your- story it's self that has caused the distrust.
Attacking members here won't further you along.
We help people solve -their- problems because we like too...
Right now I'm not feeling it... I see you.
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Im not attacking anyone.
I get that words can be misconstrued and taken out of context when left up to interpretation.
To each his own. If you are not feeling it, that's fine too.
But its not my story that caused distrust. There was a bias there before.
You immediately lumped me in the category with every other "dishonest" person that came before.
I guess to you that's fair.
But every single one of you rule out the possibility that my story is actually true.
Im not attacking anyone,dude straight up flamed me and i just came seeking help so i was confused. LOL!
blackhawk said:
Meh maybe you should heed your own advise...
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blackhawk said:
Meh maybe you should heed your own advise...
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Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
superposition said:
Im not attacking anyone.
I get that words can be misconstrued and taken out of context when left up to interpretation.
To each his own. If you are not feeling it, that's fine too.
But its not my story that caused distrust. There was a bias there before.
You immediately lumped me in the category with every other "dishonest" person that came before.
I guess to you that's fair.
But every single one of you rule out the possibility that my story is actually true.
Im not attacking anyone,dude straight up flamed me and i just came seeking help so i was confused. LOL!
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Let me guess... you don't do too well with cops?
Brevity, do you know it?
blackhawk said:
Let me guess... you don't do too well with cops?
Brevity, do you know it?
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Disclaimer: I take no offence in your post.
Thankfully,through the questions that you asked,you have already shown your incompetence/inability to provide genuine assistance....(thus saving me precious time from engaging you in future).
How unhappy you must be.Maybe you have a rough life or a rough day....who cares?!?! (not me).
If your life sucks.....taking out your frustration on this post is not the way to go kid.
Needless to say....
YOUR CYNICISM is NOT welcomed!!!
Moving forward, if someone does have the solution and authenticity is a concern,I can provide all supporting documents (police report,proof of purchase etc...All other cynical and useless crap will be ignored.
Thanks alot!
superposition said:
I could respect that. But what does throwing shade accomplish? Thats the part i dont get. Keep your skepticism to yourself and move on. Why bother to even comment.
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I could not agree more, why did I bother to try and help you, what an idiot I am. Any future post from you that I may see I will avoid like the plague Your attitude stinks.
I told you what you need to do, you say you have proof of purchase so go and take it to a service center. Most people would have thanked me for that but I just get attitude, I solved your problem! The fact you don't recognise my help just shows me that you are in fact not the true owner of the phone because you want a different method don't you...
The Note 8 is such a great phone, best phone I have ever owned and it must suck having this greatness in your hand and not be able to use it.
Ok one and all, I think this thread has run it's course. Since the OP has received legitimate answers, I see no reason to continue this discussion at the risk of
continuing a flame war that has already begun. Thread closed.
-Regards: Badger50

Question [CLOSED] Please consider this worth your time.

<Moderator Edit>: Thread closed.
It is not okay to encourage others to take actions that may result in the punishment or firing of people doing their job - most of the time they're contractors who don't even work directly for the company who makes your device. I did see what was written in later posts, but the OP wasn't changed and still encouraged other users to punish people doing their jobs.
I empathize. You are allowed to vent on XDA, but only if done respectfully, without profanity, and as long as it's relevant to an already existing thread, and don't vent non-stop. Stand-alone threads made for venting or trying to punish others is not what XDA is for.
Everyone, have a better day.
@roirraW "edor" ehT
Why are you doing this?
Arealhooman said:
Why are you doing this?
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Cause change can happen when enough people care.
maamdroid said:
Cause change can happen when enough people care.
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if yo don't even care to explain what that's about that's just a nasty rant, tho'.
Plus, that's a nuber in the United States, so...
All you're really doing is making the rep who answered the call have their numbers tank which could eventually get them terminated.
<Moderator Edit>: Removed profanity, and I will be sending a PM with the details. Also deleted the image.
This 100% works:
Boycott OnePlus and don't buy anythings from this brand
OnePlus MUST disappear from this world !!
Call them
<Moderator Edit>: Removed Mega link - not relevant to the subject of this thread.
I have same issue with zte. I want to root ZTE blade A5 2019, it is unisoc SC9863A and it needs an unlock file to be signed. I sent hundreds of emails, all wortless:
I really don't know what to do. Also I tried asking my provider, but they don't know what I'm talking about. Really sad all of this
Please call every day.
Please make a positive
You're just going to get the person answering your call fired. That's literally all that's going to happen from this. Companies do not care about this as it is not reflected on their profit and loss.
mackdacre said:
You're just going to get the person answering your call fired. That's literally all that's going to happen from this. Companies do not care about this as it is not reflected on their profit and loss.
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mackdacre said:
You're just going to get the person answering your call fired. That's literally all that's going to happen from this. Companies do not care about this as it is not reflected on their profit and loss.
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Please tell me how as a customer I'm suppose to understand how a company runs itself. I can move on to another phone/company ...are you saying this company should be left alone and a customer shouldn't be able to ask them questions for fear that the person I'm asking the questions to may be fired?
Edit:. The one thing I won't do because I know it's just gonna impact the person is rating low on a survey...I never actually get transferred to a survey, but I can't in my own morality rate low. If they ever put me to the survey, I will always rate the max high...
maamdroid said:
Please tell me how as a customer I'm suppose to understand how a company runs itself. I can move on to another phone/company ...are you saying this company should be left alone and a customer shouldn't be able to ask them questions for fear that the person I'm asking the questions to may be fired?
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All companies care about is making as much money as possible. If you don't like how the company is run, then don't give them your money.
mackdacre said:
All companies care about is making as much money as possible. If you don't like how the company is run, then don't give them your money.
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Hmmm, or you can ask them questions...
What if I like their product...but I don't like a thing they are doing? I need to move on?? The charging OnePlus has is so fantastic...I love my 10T. It's ok that I ask and question about msm.
I think you'd get more traction if you had a big campaign at XDA to find the least sucky device.
There should be a ranking of devices.
I realize that the rooter community is small compared to the user base.
But I also think they have a lot of influence on what their friends and family buys.
Renate said:
I think you'd get more traction if you had a big campaign at XDA to find the least sucky device.
There should be a ranking of devices.
I realize that the rooter community is small compared to the user base.
But I also think they have a lot of influence on what their friends and family buys.
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Just got the email from OnePlus. The signature from the guy says. "Never Settle""
So funny when a couple posts back has a customer saying...just Never Settle...
<Moderator Edit>: Removed profanity, and I will be sending a PM with the details.
Just buy the domaine name and do a webpage !
Nixeus2 said:
Just bought the domaine name and do a webpage !
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Wait really! Spread the message
BBK Electronics
Bonus track:
hank81 said:
BBK Electronics
Bonus track:
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