Clock always changing time randomly - XPERIA X1 ROM Development

Hey All, I've have recently flashed Touch-it V4 to my Xperia, but now the clock keeps on randomly changing the time on me. Usually puts it out by an hour, or sometimes 15mins. I've tried putting day light savings time on, selecting my city etc but still randomly changes the time on me.
Also noticed if I set my country, it will randomly change itself as well. Eg. set it to New Zealand, then go back and check and it will be on Fiji??
Anyone know how to fix this?
Is super annoying as messes up my alarms & appointments, nearly missed my flight the other day.

Same problem here. Seems to be a TF3D bug. It doesn't seem to recognize daylight savings time. It keeps switching me to the "Bogota, Lima" timezone which is 1 hour behind my real timezone of Eastern Standard (US).
I'll have to use a different panel for now to keep my schedule/alarm on time, probably the SPB Mobile Shell.
Alternatively I could just use "Bogota, Lima" time and set it 1 hour ahead, but then every time I sync the phone, the time will be reset to 1 hour behind and throw my calendars off.

Yea is a right pain, fiddled round with it so much but still can't get it to work

uGo check your iGo?
I had that problem and found it was iGo set to an incorrect time zone, so each time I started the program it changed the time.
- Jeff

sammiebreezes said:
Hey All, I've have recently flashed Touch-it V4 to my Xperia, but now the clock keeps on randomly changing the time on me. Usually puts it out by an hour, or sometimes 15mins. I've tried putting day light savings time on, selecting my city etc but still randomly changes the time on me.
Also noticed if I set my country, it will randomly change itself as well. Eg. set it to New Zealand, then go back and check and it will be on Fiji??
Anyone know how to fix this?
Is super annoying as messes up my alarms & appointments, nearly missed my flight the other day.
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I had this problem, it was so anoying with syncing
go to the "settings">select "phone">select the "time zone" tab, and untick automaticly change timezone or whatever.
I have a htc diamond, but should be similar/same as they both WM

dirran said:
I had this problem, it was so anoying with syncing
go to the "settings">select "phone">select the "time zone" tab, and untick automaticly change timezone or whatever.
I have a htc diamond, but should be similar/same as they both WM
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Thanks but mine was alredy unticked?

jbcross said:
I had that problem and found it was iGo set to an incorrect time zone, so each time I started the program it changed the time.
- Jeff
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Where do i find iGo ? Never heard of that

sammiebreezes said:
Thanks but mine was alredy unticked?
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try ticking the check worked for mee and then soft reset

I'm fairly certain it's a TF3D bug and whether or not that option is ticked won't make a difference. If you live in a time zone where they observe daylight savings, touching the time on the TF3D home tab will change your time zone to one that's 1 hour behind. If you go back into your clock settings and set it to the correct time zone, it'll be ok until the next time you press the clock in TF3D.
So the short term solution is to never press the time =)

SMS timestamp too
I'm using Touch-It 4.0 II.
I'm also experiencing my time shifting by an hour and that my system clock and alarm settings keeps resetting itself back to Bogota, Lima.
Also, my incoming text messages' timestamp is now always 5 hrs in the past.
Is the clock setting from Touchflo 3D supposed to be aligned with the system clock and alarm settings?

Got the same problem before. Able to fix it by making sure the time settings on my computer where i actively sync my phone are the same. That is time, date, time zone, and if DST settings are checked or not.

dgee said:
I'm using Touch-It 4.0 II.
I'm also experiencing my time shifting by an hour and that my system clock and alarm settings keeps resetting itself back to Bogota, Lima.
Also, my incoming text messages' timestamp is now always 5 hrs in the past.
Is the clock setting from Touchflo 3D supposed to be aligned with the system clock and alarm settings?
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Just noticed I get hte msn time stamp problem as well, really random though

Got the same problem before. Able to fix it by making sure the time settings on my computer where i actively sync my phone are the same. That is time, date, time zone, and if DST settings are checked or not.
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Is def a problem with touchflow, flashed generic rom back & now phone is working fine again

+1 on this...

Time zone
I read somewhere that the reason text messages were coming in 5 hrs off was that the Rogers tower was doing its own 5 hr timezone offset on the messages so I ended up getting messages with a timestamp of 5 hrs ago. But I never experienced this problem on my Vox so I don't know. I haven't tried to reflash my ROM to a generic and receive text messages either.
Did anyone else notice this SMS timestamp problem only after flashing to a touchflo 3d rom?

Anyone know if this is fixed in touchflow ver 5? Never had the problem with v3

try not to run any navigation apps..i found out my garmin always changing my time every timr i start the apps..

I ad the same problem
In settings of my navigation (Polish AutoMapa) i can turn off synchronization of my time with gps. (sry 4 my english)


Active Sync, Can it be held off?

I've applied the "Fake" server trick to activesync, I have email set for manual update. I'm finding active sync running almost anytime that I check task manager. I kill it, but something keeps invoking it. Does anyone have some pointers on figuring out who's calling up active sync or ways to hold it off?
EDIT - It can be stopped, see below, it's time zones!
I also tried the fake setup and I'm also getting ActiveSync coming back on.
One application that does call ActiveSync (for me anyway) is iGO GPS software. Haven't seen any other app. yet and no ActiveSync in the background for me.
On the other hand, i have (real) exchange server set on manually. I just have to remember to close ActiveSync after syncs.
After weeks of using my Kaiser and battling Active Sync, which would be running almost any time I checked task manager, I think I found my culprit!
There have been a few comments about the time mysteriously changing time zones and the clock being wrong. I had not seen this until a few days ago when suddenly and intermittently my phone would jump 1 hour ahead. I'm on the Pacific coast and it was jumping to mountain time.
Anyhow, I went into Start>Settings>Phone>Time Zones Tab and Un-Checked the "Auto change time zone and clock" box. No more time issues and oddly, no more over agressive active sync. I closed it yesterday and it's still off today, first time ever, even after a soft reset which always completed with active sync running.
I've had ActiveSync almost 'permanently' running and I too have tried the fake server trick. Trouble is i'm abroad on holiday and i'm sure it's connecting to the phone network to sync by it's self. This is going to cost me a small fortune in over-seas charges or is there a reason why my gprs should be counting up by it's own (with all the obvious possibilities taken care of)?
Activesync kills my kaiser... if i put the kaiser into the wall with the power adapter its fine. But if i leave it hooked up to the PC Active sync always loads and it seems like it sync's every few minutes. After about 3-4 hours the today screen will freeze eventually. Anyone have any fixes or a way to only launch active sync manually? I just turned off the sync time zones so maybe that was the culprit.
Re: Active Sync
"Anyhow, I went into Start>Settings>Phone>Time Zones Tab and Un-Checked the "Auto change time zone and clock" box. No more time issues and oddly, no more over agressive active sync. I closed it yesterday and it's still off today, first time ever, even after a soft reset which always completed with active sync running."
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
Man, that was really aggravating me. Thank you so much.
You can also fix it by disabling the notification replog.exe NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TIME_CHANGE.
RemE said:
After weeks of using my Kaiser and battling Active Sync, which would be running almost any time I checked task manager, I think I found my culprit!
There have been a few comments about the time mysteriously changing time zones and the clock being wrong. I had not seen this until a few days ago when suddenly and intermittently my phone would jump 1 hour ahead. I'm on the Pacific coast and it was jumping to mountain time.
Anyhow, I went into Start>Settings>Phone>Time Zones Tab and Un-Checked the "Auto change time zone and clock" box. No more time issues and oddly, no more over agressive active sync. I closed it yesterday and it's still off today, first time ever, even after a soft reset which always completed with active sync running.
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RemE will this effect me when I travel...I live in the Central Time Zone if travel west will doing this not change the clock to Pacific Time...if so, then there has got to be another culprit causing these time changes because when i look the notifications in MemMaid there are a ton of time changes, time zone changes....there is a bug somewhere that we have to find....
Yes, you'll just have to change the zone as you go, Start>Settings>Clock & Alarms "time" tab and set zone. If you go back and forth, set the visiting zone so that you can easily jump back and forth. Not much hasstle considering what it did before.
xeno1 said:
You can also fix it by disabling the notification replog.exe NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TIME_CHANGE.
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What does this do exactly? and where is it located?
RemE said:
What does this do exactly? and where is it located?
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I use a program called MemMaid that will show you all notifications going on in your phone...there are other programs that will show this as well just not sure which ones...
apbtlvr said:
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
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ell oh ell!
eric b
RemE said:
What does this do exactly? and where is it located?
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DotFreds Task manager will show you the notifications and do a whole lot more. It's free and you can get it here -
From the name of the notification I would say that it does exactly the same thing as unchecking the timezone thing, just doing it the hard way. I've known about doing it this way though for a lot longer cuz I used to do it on my wizard that way.

Alarm clock problem

Hi, this morning the WM alarm clock of my tytn ii failed to raise at the correct time, but finally the alarm did go off about 58 minutes later (the device was left untouched in sleep mode until that). The notification still showed the correct alarm time in the message, and the acutal time (wrong) time in header and top bar.
Never heard of this problem before, any suggestions??? Please help me to identify the problem with this "ready for business"-device (lol).
I think i remember reading something similar to this on another thread. where the problem was something to do with time sync (by activesync or network). Perhaps somebody who has had this problem can help?
Try disabling the HTC Home plugin and the Task Manager. That seems to help fix it.
I do not know if this is connected or not, but -
I have a (perhaps) similar problem with the alarm.
My alarm is set to 07:30 every morning.
A while ago, I travelled to france and adjusted the time zone by one hour. I have since returned home, but since, the alarm rings at 06:30 every morning.
The setting is still 07:30.
There is no alarm set for 06:30.
The system **** shows the correct time and the time zone is also correct.
Is it possible that 'old' and incorrect entries are stored in the registry, and trigger the alarm wrongly?
bo78 said:
Hi, this morning the WM alarm clock of my tytn ii failed to raise at the correct time, but finally the alarm did go off about 58 minutes later (the device was left untouched in sleep mode until that). The notification still showed the correct alarm time in the message, and the acutal time (wrong) time in header and top bar.
Never heard of this problem before, any suggestions??? Please help me to identify the problem with this "ready for business"-device (lol).
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I have some problem and use another alarm proogram.
Try to use some another program like SPB Time or another.
Blacksheep said:
I do not know if this is connected or not, but -
I have a (perhaps) similar problem with the alarm.
My alarm is set to 07:30 every morning.
A while ago, I travelled to france and adjusted the time zone by one hour. I have since returned home, but since, the alarm rings at 06:30 every morning.
The setting is still 07:30.
There is no alarm set for 06:30.
The system **** shows the correct time and the time zone is also correct.
Is it possible that 'old' and incorrect entries are stored in the registry, and trigger the alarm wrongly?
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exact same problem here (i did visit germany not france though )
does anyone have a solution without disabling things like the home plugin?
(it's not the auto change timezone/clock from sim setting as i have that before this prob occured and its still off...)
Try cleanining the notification Que using sktools or some similar program, this alarm problem is a well known bug in WM devices and has been for a long time
You may want to check your time zone is correct. Also check that the time IS NOT being updated from the network, if your cell provider has an incorrect time zone this could cause the problem.
I have been having the same problem. I can set an alarm for 8:00AM, but it will ALWAYS go off at 7:00AM. If I set it for 8:01AM, it will go off at the right time. I have no idea why it's happening and can't seem to find a solution...
Alarm Problem
I have the same problem. My alarm goes off at 5:20 a.m. every morning. I updated the TILT rom with the new updated AT&T rom. I set the alarm once for 5:20 am. After that it has gone off at that time every morning regardless of what I do to the alarm clock settings . Anyone know how to fix this problem????
cliff_lusk said:
I have the same problem. My alarm goes off at 5:20 a.m. every morning. I updated the TILT rom with the new updated AT&T rom. I set the alarm once for 5:30 am. After that it has gone off at that time every morning regardless of what I do to the alarm clock settings . Anyone know how to fix this problem????
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I just tried SKTools from this thread recomendation. Hopefully that will work.
Hilal said:
Try cleanining the notification Que using sktools or some similar program, this alarm problem is a well known bug in WM devices and has been for a long time
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I agrree - clean Notification Que....., BUT cleaning every week, monts ... so boring.....
stop using buged WM clock to alarm - well, how I said, use some another clock program like SPB Time or similar.
I've always had alarm clock issues with every wm device I've ever used. Either going off at the wrong time or not at all. I downloaded 3rd party gentimer and just transfer it to each new device as I get them. I know I shouldn't have to do this and MS should have a better more reliable alarm system, but for a one time charge of 12 bucks I have peace of mind and no. more dickin' with the damn oem alarm. It's worth it IMHO.
cliff_lusk said:
I just tried SKTools from this thread recomendation. Hopefully that will work.
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SKTools did not work. My alarm still goes off at 5:20am. Anyone have any ideas on how to make this turn off?
cliff_lusk said:
SKTools did not work. My alarm still goes off at 5:20am. Anyone have any ideas on how to make this turn off?
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What has worked for me in the past is to delete all existing timers, do a soft reset, then re-create them. In your case, I'd be tempted to change the timer, then delete it, then reset and re-enable.
Jim_R said:
What has worked for me in the past is to delete all existing timers, do a soft reset, then re-create them. In your case, I'd be tempted to change the timer, then delete it, then reset and re-enable.
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What do you mean delete the existing timers? Where do I delete them?
I use my old Nokia N70 just because it's so pathetic that HTC or MS (don't know whose fault it is) can't fix a proper alarm.
cliff_lusk said:
What do you mean delete the existing timers? Where do I delete them?
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Perhaps I confused you by calling the alarms 'timers'. Here's how to delete them:
Start, Settings, Clock & Alarms, Alarms tab.
To delete a previously set alarm, uncheck the checkbox, and de-select days of the week. Click Ok. Do a soft reset.
In my experiance, this will remove duplicate alarms as well.
I've tried that with the exception of removing all of the checked days of the week. I will try that and see what happens. Thanks.

Time delay

My diamond time delays 1~2 minutes one day, does anybody have the same problem?
Same here. Have you found out what is wrong yet???
Same here, could be because I've unchecked the 'Automatic change time zone and clock' option on the Time Zones tab in the Phone Settings. Even so, my Diamond's internal clock seems to be lagging.., I have checked this, but this is not the cause.....quite I need to reset the time daily....:-(
Can anyone help???
I have the same issue as well. Time falls behind about 2/3 mins everyday
No, I have the Diamond for over 2 weeks now and the clock is accurate, same as my computer which is always sync with internet time. I haven't flashed any cooked ROM yet. Still on the Telstra stock ROM at present which I am quite happy, despite a bit bloated.
The problem have been resloved, we should select the 'Automatic change time zone and clock' option on the Time Zones tab in the Phone Settings.
firmware said:
The problem have been resloved, we should select the 'Automatic change time zone and clock' option on the Time Zones tab in the Phone Settings.
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The 'Automatic change time zone and clock' does not resolve the problem. This has been discussed in a number of threads but so far the problem has not been rectified.
Isnt the clock synchronized with the PC automatically?
So.. if you just sync ur device from time to time, everything works out fine?
I'm again having this same problem. I'm using ROM 1.93.831.1 WWE with Radio
I hope somebody can give some solution to this issue. It would very much appreciated. It's really quite annoying to adjust the time daily.

Phone keeps changing time

Wow, just let me start off by saying that sometimes I just feel like grabbing this phone and smashing it against a wall
Pheww, now that this is off my chest, here is my question :
My phone is set to time zone EST. Every other time, when it feels like it, it decides to switch the time to GMT London, Dublin - a good 4 hour difference.
I use my phone as an alarm clock and as some of you can imagine that can keep me in bed and miss work - not good. And no I don't want a real alarm clock
I'm currently using swtos' ROM and I had 1.93 also. Still the same problem.
I tried doing a search and came up with wrong timings only for received text message, which is also an issue I had but fixed.
Any ideas?
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
upm15 said:
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
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No, this is not related to active sync, it just seem to switch out to a different time zone. I just switched out ROMS and issue is still there.
IanKay said:
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
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I really hope this is the issue. Because it just did it again
I just switched daylight saving off - will report in a day or two. Thanks for the tio.
Well after switching off automatic time zone, the clock just reset itself back to London, Dublin time.
It seems to be switching only after 6PM - Any other ideas?
I have the same problem. I am on GMT+2 (Athens, Istanbul), and I choose this time zone. Pressing OK, and then again entering Time Zone Settings, it is changed to GMT+2 Windhoek. This is not the main problem (probably my provider did not set their settings, and sends me new settings).
Sometime (once in a 2 week period), time changes but not in full hour increment/decrement, but hours and minutes. This very morning, the alarm started at 7:15 (as it should). Few minutes later, I got up, switched on the phone and saw the right time: 7:23, but a second later it changed to 23:52 previous day. The time zone remained the same GMT+2 Windhoek.
This IS pretty annoying. Luckily, my wife has some old Nokia which works as supposed.
So I went into my IGO8 settings and I found that the time in there was set to London, Dublin time.
Not sure if this is the issue but I have now adjusted it to ET. I will report back in a while to give an update.
I used to have the same problem with my Hermes. I found that if I set the home and visiting time zones to the same time zone, it stopped changing.
I really hope this the solution as my IGO8 settings didn't do the trick.

Clock Issue with Energy rom

The issue im speaking of is the actual home screen clock. Every morning I have to re set it because it ends up becoming off by a few hours. I searched this forum and couldnt find anything. I had also posted the question in the Energy rom thread, but it kept getting swamped out by random question. Im running a tilt 2 FYI.
Any help appreciated, thanx
uncleswoop said:
The issue im speaking of is the actual home screen clock. Every morning I have to re set it because it ends up becoming off by a few hours. I searched this forum and couldnt find anything. I had also posted the question in the Energy rom thread, but it kept getting swamped out by random question. Im running a tilt 2 FYI.
Any help appreciated, thanx
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Did you set your time zone? Did you turn on or off internet time sync? Did you uncheck get time from network under phone settings? Any of these could be the cause of your problems...
Im feeling really dumb this morning...My alarm didnt go off this morning because of this same problem. And I cant for the life of me figure out hwo to make sure the clock is auto updating to the network.
Im running Energy Cookie Reference. I have seen the settings before...but cant locate them today.
Time synchronization?
Do you have the automatic time synchronization on? Try to disable it.
Settings -> Personal -> Phone ->
Sense settings tab -> data services -> internet time sync ->
Hey thanks for the settings are different though. I found the setting in BSB Tweaks and turned it off...only time will tell if it helps though...we will see if my phone fails to wake me up again tomorrow...
Left Energy yet again because of this issue...I dont know a whole lot about the technicalities but it seemed to me that the phone is 'going to sleep' and actually losing track of the time thus keeping my alarm from sounding in the mornings.
When I hit the power button to wake the screen up in the mornings it would be displaying a time that was hours behind and seemingly random (what lead me to believe the phone was in a deeper sleep than normal). Possibly a really stupid theory...but like I said I dont know a whole lot. I just know it was way unacceptable in my case.
I will still monitor his threads like always and try the latest and greatest ROMS.
Clock Issue with Energy romArrow
I think the problem you are having is the windows alarm bug. I used to get this all the time until i started using g-alarm. it fixes the issue when you first install it. (note that its a paid app.) but here is the description and the registry edit that you need to change to fix the problem.
can't post the link soo you will need to copy and paste the url below if you want to view the webpage.
Windows alarm bug
Windows Mobile has on some devices a strange behaviour: Although an alarm is successfully added to the WM notification queue (it's like a scheduler) it doesn't go off.
Searching the web gave me following information:
At midnight WM rebuilds the notification queue, therefore it wakes up for about 15 seconds. If the notification queue is too big or the device too slow WM goes to sleep again before it could finish building the queue for the next day.
If you force WM too stay awake for a longer time, it should successfully build the queue on at least more devices.
If you start G-Alarm and it complains about the Windows alarm bug, you've got the default WM settings (15 seconds WakeUpTime). If you press "Yes" G-Alarm changes it to 120 seconds which should be enough.
Here are the registry values G-Alarm changes:
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