App development - G1 Apps and Games

so i want to start cooking some apps and will be doing my own testing...unless there are daring enough people to try. Before i send it out i'll be sure to break it in on my own before i send out some defective thing
Anyways i have a few questions before i get started, is there a tutorial on here or somewhere on how to write apps or is there a way to re-write an existing app (for another os) to work on the android os

There are a number of places you can start:
1) The Android SDK website has some simple tutorials
2) has tutorials of various nature.
3) In the dead tree world there are a couple of books I would recommend:
- "Hello, Android" by Ed Burnette: A good starters book but a little light on content in my opinion.
- "Professional Android Application Development" by Reto Meier: A more substantive book. If you like the Wrox programmer to programmer series of books (which I do) you will like this one. Still not as thorough as I would like but a good book.
- "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development" by Mark L. Murphy: I have not gone too far into this book yet so can't comment on it much. I think this will be my favorite of the three over time. It is a better book if you like to read a chapter to learn a fundamental concept. My gut feeling is it will be a better reference book as well.
4) The android developers blog is a nice place to read for tips on optimizations and such:
Beyond that study the javadocs and samples that are out on the web.
As far as porting an existing application to android goes it depends a great deal on what language the original was written in and how UI dependent it is. If the original application was not written in Java I would not recommend trying to port it unless you are intimately familiar with the original project. If the original project was written in Java then port for non-ui elements is generally straight forwad. Keep in mind however that the UI will need to be rewritten from scratch and further the limited screen real estate and memory will need to be taken into account. Writing an app for an embedded environment (whether Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, or something else) has different priorities, first and foremost is optimizing for limited CPU. Where a traditional interface coupled app with loose control over object creation and destruction works fine on the desktop it does not do so well on an embedded platform.
That is all I have at the moment. Hopefully that will give you some avenues to explore and good luck!

yea i am reading through hello, android at the moment and i like it so far. ive never touched android before, and i know a little java, and the explanations seem pretty good to me.

eclipse doesnt run properly on windows vista 64 bit
im seriously crying i get errors trying to get it to work

insanemonkey said:
eclipse doesnt run properly on windows vista 64 bit
im seriously crying i get errors trying to get it to work
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I am not a windows guy and but you might try this:
really this is off topic for this thread though. (If you want help P.M. me or start a new thread with the error message and I can take a look.)


Wanting to develop my own software

Right...I’ve been using xda-dev for a while and decided its about time I contribute something back....especially as its my uni holidays and I have nothing to do my software idea is basically something to tell you prices of near by fuel outlets. Unless something like this already exists (a quick search of fuel prices on the xda-dev of fuel prices shows nothing)
Firstly I have no previous programming experience but we all have to start somewhere right?
Secondly what would I use to write the program in?
Thirdly how difficult would such a project be?
Sorry if questions I ask don’t make sense, I am a total noob.
I'm a noob aswell, but from what I can see to be able to do this your going to have to have access to all the necessary fuel prices, which are going to be updated how and from where?
Unless you could get access to an existing sql database, i cant see it being practical, well not for a noob anyway.
Anyone Correct me if i'm wrong.
Hmm i guess its best to learn programming before you attempt to write a software. Visual Studio is probably the best one to write in, and i believe the phone uses .NET. (Which can open up more languages and its pretty damn easy to program in)
Too lazy to write a program myself for PPC, but i recommend Visual C++
Video Tutorials -For programming in windows mobile -Good place to learn stuff
As for the difficulty, it depends.
Getting the gas info is the easy part, (ie some gas websites have easy URLS such as
then parsing the page is trivial.
As for the functionality, try looking on sourceforge for some sample coding you can use, such as a skeleton for a today plugin etc.
Its not gunna be easy but goodluck!
good luck
As hirst89 said, it will be difficult. First of all, you need to build an up to date database (go check mysql or sqlite on google which are truly wonderful database softwares). Then, about the program itself, you have to learn how to develop in .NET with visual studio and .NET framework 2.0 (license fees are awfully expensive for the whole solution but you could try light versions don't know if they are trustable go check After that, you'll need a good server with an average bandwith (depends on the country you live in, for france go check
Good luck, you'll need it!!!!​
Yeh I think my post only touched on the difficulties of it. How would you go about collecting data from presumably the majority of fuel stations? Especially on a low budget, I presume from the fact that your a student.
And as for the programming, I wouldnt like to guess how much of an in depth knowledge you would need of .net for it to be basically functional.
Hope this all helps....but hope it doesnt squash your ideas and aspirations
Thank you for your quick responses...can you think of any more practical or easier to implement which I could start with?
well you could use c# which is use alot for software running on the windows mobile environment. there is Visual C# express version for free if you odnt want to shell out the money for visual studio.
zeezee said:
well you could use c# which is use alot for software running on the windows mobile environment. there is Visual C# express version for free if you odnt want to shell out the money for visual studio.
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i think i'll start with express and if i enjoy it and get some interest in wat i'm doing then give something else a try.
I'm really worried going into this...i have no idea wat to expect
*just waiting for Visual basic to download and install*
Humz said:
i think i'll start with express and if i enjoy it and get some interest in wat i'm doing then give something else a try.
I'm really worried going into this...i have no idea wat to expect
*just waiting for Visual basic to download and install*
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I had a brief look at creating my own software but my programming and coding knowledge doesn't stretch that far, I think I'll just stick with what im good at CSS, XHTML & Graphic Design
visual studio is easy, VS8 is free but it doesn't do much, if i'm not mistaken and i believe it was mentioned above that visual studio works in .NET but first you should try a couple easy things, try writing a small game like idk SKI FREE!!!! i haven't gotten around to it, but writing a game or other such is one of my projects for the summer while school is out. but that feul idea is fantastic, but windows live already tried it and it is extremely out of date. start small and work into the bigger stuff.
p.s. if you write ski free and get it to work on the phone let me know
Visual Studio Express doesn't allow you to develop mobile applications. Students from selected countries can grab a free copy of VS2008 Professional from here. Otherwise, the next best free solution would be the outdated eVC++ or eMbedded Visual Tools, which only support up to Pocket PC 2003 SDK. However, those apps will still work on WM5/WM6, etc. The main limitation is that the you don't have access to the APIs in the newer OS.
Humz said:
(a quick search of fuel prices on the xda-dev of fuel prices shows nothing)
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There are some programs that retrieve current and local gas prices. Windows Live Search is one.
I don't want to discourage you from writing your own, sounds like it would be good practice to start with. I wish I had the time to learn how to do it.
GWelker62 said:
There are some programs that retrieve current and local gas prices. Windows Live Search is one.
I don't want to discourage you from writing your own, sounds like it would be good practice to start with. I wish I had the time to learn how to do it.
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I was gonna mention that.
This is a wery good book to start whit. Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2008.

Coding/ programming Android

This really should be in the Dev section, but for fear of the thread getting trashed, I put it in Q & A. If this question has been posted, don't flame me...just point me to the link.
Simply, I want to learn to code in Linux. I now know next to nothing. I have learned most of the shell commands and such, but where do I go from here.
What language is Android in (Java, I presume. But isC++ useful)? I can find tutorials and I am intelligent, so I should be able to learn some on my own. Where do I start?
I have found several interactive tutorials:
1. Learning to program in C++
2. Learning to program in Java
Which one to pursue? I don't want to be Cyanogen or anything, but can't stand to be left out of the loop.
Android apps are built in java. Start here for the SDK and plenty of useful info to get you going: is a good place to start.. its modified form of java called dalvik, but java none the less. C is good for terminal apps, and Im pretty sure you can include some c in apps now too
the language is the least thing you should worry about though. Pick up a book on programming for dummies (i mean it, not trying to be mean or anything) or something that teaches you the basics of programming. There are several conventional approaches that we use to program. You can dive head first into Java, or C++, etc, but if you don't yet understand program flow (sequential, looping, or branching) or about data types and structures, objects, etc, you'll still be at a loss. Programming is a very general concept and once you get the hang of it, then you can pick whichever language is the best tool for what you'll be doing (in this case, google's android implementation of java).
Also pick up some HTML and javascript, both combined will make it a lot easier to understand XML once you get to it, and for some of the shell scripting associated with putting out roms, give using any linux distro as your real main OS a try for a few months. It's frustrating at first, but you'll learn so much trying to learn how to use it.
Exactly the answer I was looking for. While thankful to the other posters, I think they understood me as having some knowledge (I tried to dive right into the SDK and it made about as much sense as Hebrew).
I am downloading a book called C++ for dummies and another by O'reily.
Let's see where this leads....I hope it is something that if I am dedicated enough can be learned outside a classroom.
Thanks all....
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
jubeh said:
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
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How is it a ware? Ebook...
Removed link anyway.
Thanks for asking this question pinetreehater. I've searched for the answer and not really found what I was looking for. I wanted to ask this myself but, as you stated, I didn't want to get noob-bashed.
I have some programming knowledge. I took some of the older langauges in highschool *mid 80's* (basic (of course), cobol, and assembler). And was quite good at it. IMHO. But I didn't really follow it after that and have basically forgot all of it.
I have a question.
Once I've got the books. How do I practice using them on my pc?

[Q] Hello, I look forward to developing with you.

Hello, I am new to this forum so I suppose I will give a brief bio. I earned an Associates Degree in Computer Science from the Community College of the Air Force while serving on Active Duty as a "Computer Programmer" from 2004 to 2010. Most of my duties on the job involved website development, server side scripting and databases. I started learning network engineering and security in the past 3 or 4 years. I'm familiar with being a go-to for fixing an unrelated FUBAR project from a random language where you have to just google the syntax and methods until you get the results your boss asked for. I've also dabbled in .NET and so on.
Anyway, it is safe to say I know enough to be dangerous or better with everything from legacy assembly code to the trends of today while I have no clear specialty of expertise at this point. I am going to use the Post 9/11 Montgomery GI Bill to go back to college. I should know what I want to do by now but it is a unique opportunity where I may as well do any one thing as another. I like to avoid personal conversations and keep it about the development on forums. I got a nook color 1.01 and came here for some tips on rooting it, now here we are. I am interested to know what particular needs there may be for an intermediate developer that has no strict preference with where I begin just as long as I don't need very expensive new hardware, unless I wanted it anyway.
So, hello and nice to meet you. I look forward to finding a way to contribute.
Canary19 said:
Hello, I am new to this forum so I suppose I will give a brief bio. I earned an Associates Degree in Computer Science from the Community College of the Air Force while serving on Active Duty as a "Computer Programmer" from 2004 to 2010. Most of my duties on the job involved website development, server side scripting and databases. I started learning network engineering and security in the past 3 or 4 years. I'm familiar with being a go-to for fixing an unrelated FUBAR project from a random language where you have to just google the syntax and methods until you get the results your boss asked for. I've also dabbled in .NET and so on.
Anyway, it is safe to say I know enough to be dangerous or better with everything from legacy assembly code to the trends of today while I have no clear specialty of expertise at this point. I am going to use the Post 9/11 Montgomery GI Bill to go back to college. I should know what I want to do by now but it is a unique opportunity where I may as well do any one thing as another. I like to avoid personal conversations and keep it about the development on forums. I got a nook color 1.01 and came here for some tips on rooting it, now here we are. I am interested to know what particular needs there may be for an intermediate developer that has no strict preference with where I begin just as long as I don't need very expensive new hardware, unless I wanted it anyway.
So, hello and nice to meet you. I look forward to finding a way to contribute.
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You can start from building yourself a most powerful i7 (Ubuntu, or whatever your flavor) Linux box your $500 can buy. Generate the tool chain(s) for emulator/TI OMAP36xx SDK. Pull every piece of code published by TI for OMAP 36xx. Study all the free Android/Java/JS development books you can find, subscribe to all Android development forums and to GoogleGroups of the topics and irc channels.
Then, start building the 2.6.32, 2.6.35, 2.6.36 kernels for Android 3.x.
XDA Devs is not exactly the place where the Gurus of Android development explain and do tutelage for newbies, it's the place where they show their results. Read in my blog about developments for NC and other tablets in condensed form, plus about stuff that is usually of no big interest here. Start from approx. Feb. 2010, this will take some time, lol.
Thank you for the outstanding advice. I have an Ubuntu machine on a first gen Phenom quad core which was starting to collect dust that would be perfect. When I get setup I need to find out what some good starter projects would be. I bet that someone here has a need that has been overlooked because the pros are busy on larger projects and I could take a stab at it. Any ideas?
aludal said:
You can start from building yourself a most powerful i7 (Ubuntu, or whatever your flavor) Linux box your $500 can buy. Generate the tool chain(s) for emulator/TI OMAP36xx SDK. Pull every piece of code published by TI for OMAP 36xx. Study all the free Android/Java/JS development books you can find, subscribe to all Android development forums and to GoogleGroups of the topics and irc channels.
Then, start building the 2.6.32, 2.6.35, 2.6.36 kernels for Android 3.x.
XDA Devs is not exactly the place where the Gurus of Android development explain and do tutelage for newbies, it's the place where they show their results. Read in my blog Can't Quote Links Yet about developments for NC and other tablets in condensed form, plus about stuff that is usually of no big interest here. Start from approx. Feb. 2010, this will take some time, lol.
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Welcome! I'm new to Android, so I can't help with anything too deep just yet (used linux exclusively for 7-8 years, so I'm catching on lol), but I can give you a list of a few common issues that people are having that I haven't really seen solved yet.
1. Touchscreen bugs out sometimes, requiring a quick trip to standby and back to fix. Happens to me regardless if I'm OCed or not.
2. System seems to randomly shut off and/or reboot for many. Has happened to me a handful of times, almost always when doing something cpu intensive, like launching Winamp or opening too many DolphinHD tabs.
3. Wifi for many people seems really flaky. Mine works fine 99% of the time.
4. Youtube doesn't like when you log in, requires a cache wipe to relaunch.
5. Screen sensitivity gets weird near the edges. There is an adb method to force a blind recalibration, but seems to have widely varying results.
6. Pull up menus on many apps ends up with white on white text making it unreadable.
I have no idea if any of those are relevant to you or if anyone else is already working on them or not. Hell, some might already be fixed in Froyo or even Eclair. Those are just a few things I see many posts about. I should mention that I'm on 1.0.1 rooted with no other tweaks. I also have a horrid case of strep throat and have been quarantined in my room alone on heavy meds for a few days, so I could be way off or babbling. Anyways, welcome to the forums and sorry for typing so much. I know I'm not nearly the novelist that that blog pimpin dude is. ;P
This is all good information and I appreciate the reply. I hope you get well soon. Strep throat and strep meds are no joke and you are extremely lucid all things considered, so don't worry one bit about that. You are running the same system that I have so please feel free to keep in touch with me about any issues, and I will let you know if I find a fix.
If you have some spare time I'd like to ask you some questions about using Linux for an exclusive PC; I keep juggling it with Windows rather than taking the time to find a fix for common petty problems like running Netflix. Right now my lazy fix for that is virtualboxing Windows.
Thanks again and feel better!
miemens said:
Welcome! I'm new to Android, so I can't help with anything too deep just yet (used linux exclusively for 7-8 years, so I'm catching on lol), but I can give you a list of a few common issues that people are having that I haven't really seen solved yet.
1. Touchscreen bugs out sometimes, requiring a quick trip to standby and back to fix. Happens to me regardless if I'm OCed or not.
2. System seems to randomly shut off and/or reboot for many. Has happened to me a handful of times, almost always when doing something cpu intensive, like launching Winamp or opening too many DolphinHD tabs.
3. Wifi for many people seems really flaky. Mine works fine 99% of the time.
4. Youtube doesn't like when you log in, requires a cache wipe to relaunch.
5. Screen sensitivity gets weird near the edges. There is an adb method to force a blind recalibration, but seems to have widely varying results.
6. Pull up menus on many apps ends up with white on white text making it unreadable.
I have no idea if any of those are relevant to you or if anyone else is already working on them or not. Hell, some might already be fixed in Froyo or even Eclair. Those are just a few things I see many posts about. I should mention that I'm on 1.0.1 rooted with no other tweaks. I also have a horrid case of strep throat and have been quarantined in my room alone on heavy meds for a few days, so I could be way off or babbling. Anyways, welcome to the forums and sorry for typing so much. I know I'm not nearly the novelist that that blog pimpin dude is. ;P
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[OT] Learning the ins and outs of java.

I'm a sophomore in high school taking computer science. (please don't judge me because of my age) Our school is making some major budget cuts, so sadly our video game programming and design class (the only other higher level programming class offered) got cut and this will be my last and only programming class at my school (well there's a possibility that it will be brought back in my senior year, but I'd at least like to stay fresh over the summer and next year). I don't know much about java to tell you the truth. I know how to use loops, conditionals, arrays (1 and 2 dimensional) and arraylists and most of the basic variable types (off of the top of my head, integers, doubles, booleans, longs, and strings). I've made some very very simple apps such as whack a mole and craps, but the gui class was provided by my teacher.
My question is this: is there a good, preferably free online program that teaches you the basics of java (especially related to the gui) and possibly some more complex programming?
I appreciate any help. thanks.
P.S. Please forgive me if this is too off-topic, but I really couldn't think of a better place to post this. Hope you guys will be able to help.
gonintendo said:
I'm a sophomore in high school taking computer science. (please don't judge me because of my age) Our school is making some major budget cuts, so sadly our video game programming and design class (the only other higher level programming class offered) got cut and this will be my last and only programming class at my school (well there's a possibility that it will be brought back in my senior year, but I'd at least like to stay fresh over the summer and next year). I don't know much about java to tell you the truth. I know how to use loops, conditionals, arrays (1 and 2 dimensional) and arraylists and most of the basic variable types (off of the top of my head, integers, doubles, booleans, longs, and strings). I've made some very very simple apps such as whack a mole and craps, but the gui class was provided by my teacher.
My question is this: is there a good, preferably free online program that teaches you the basics of java (especially related to the gui) and possibly some more complex programming?
I appreciate any help. thanks.
P.S. Please forgive me if this is too off-topic, but I really couldn't think of a better place to post this. Hope you guys will be able to help.
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Go to for a guy named "thenewboston"
He has a whole series of java programming lectures that saved me in my Advanced Java course in college....
Mr. Apocalypse said:
Go to for a guy named "thenewboston"
He has a whole series of java programming lectures that saved me in my Advanced Java course in college....
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Thanks! I'll make sure to check him out!
I was in the same place as you a while back. The best way to learn is by trying to make something you want.
Before jumping into any serious programming you need to learn a few more important concepts. Methods, classes, objects, and more on those. You need to understand how it all works before going further.
If you have any questions feel free to message me or hit me up on gtalk. I'll give you some tips, ideas, and some source code of apps to dig into, if you like.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
the basics:
now go to some university's entry level cs website and do some of the programming assignments.
but if you know control flow, some data structures, types, etc. just program. there are a ton of simple things to write. for example, write a calculator that has an add method that just adds the two arguments, then write recursive multiplication, factorial, and exponential methods that only use add (or other methods you wrote). it's simple, but decent recursion practice. i could give you a ton of simple programs to write.
oh and pay attention to what everything actually is. read and understand what static, private, public, classes, objects, etc. actually are and their purpose.
birgertime said:
I was in the same place as you a while back. The best way to learn is by trying to make something you want.
Before jumping into any serious programming you need to learn a few more important concepts. Methods, classes, objects, and more on those. You need to understand how it all works before going further.
If you have any questions feel free to message me or hit me up on gtalk. I'll give you some tips, ideas, and some source code of apps to dig into, if you like.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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I should have added, I have a basic understanding of methods and classes, and we are just getting into objects now.
Thanks for all the responses guys! really appreciate the help.
also, if you guys have any suggestions for simple apps that a beginner like my self could make, fire away.
I applaud you for beginning a hobby/interest in programming early. Currently I'm a 2nd year student at a university for Computer Science so I have a very direct understanding of Java. You should know that structure of Java (for every day use) is different than that of the Java on Android.
Download the Android SDK:
Follow all the steps of installation and DO the Hello, Android (World) app that it gives you. Make sure you UNDERSTAND everything on the screen and in your main class.
Continue reading all the Developer documents for the SDK here:
Joy2DaWurld said:
I applaud you for beginning a hobby/interest in programming early. Currently I'm a 2nd year student at a university for Computer Science so I have a very direct understanding of Java. You should know that structure of Java (for every day use) is different than that of the Java on Android.
Download the Android SDK:
Follow all the steps of installation and DO the Hello, Android (World) app that it gives you. Make sure you UNDERSTAND everything on the screen and in your main class.
Continue reading all the Developer documents for the SDK here:
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Thanks! I had kind of figured that android developement would be a whole different beast.
Who is this "java" girl and why would you like to go in and out and in and out of her?
What can I say? Different strokes.
gonintendo said:
What can I say? Different strokes.
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Perhaps you would like to have a go at Missionary Java or K9 Java.
I can sell you my 'Programming with Alice and Java' textbook...if I find it. It has all the intro stuff. First it uses a program called Alice to teach you how it works, and then it teaches you to do actual code. When I find it I can tell you where it leaves off.

Developing help

Hey guys I've been flashing and rooting and unlocking for a couple years and I'd like to actually learn how to build roms, apps, ect. Where can I learn?
Sent from my PACman Atrix HD using XDA Premium
I think the best place to start learning how to develop apps is the official android SDK with adt. but if building android is what you want then take any Linux distro and start reading about official aosp. information for both are publicly available from Google.
frog1982 said:
I think the best place to start learning how to develop apps is the official android SDK with adt. but if building android is what you want then take any Linux distro and start reading about official aosp. information for both are publicly available from Google.
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Linux is, like, mac or something right? I'm on Windows 7 so am I screwed?
Blackest Pain said:
Linux is, like, mac or something right? I'm on Windows 7 so am I screwed?
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Read this.
Good luck!
Sent from my MB886 using xda premium
Blackest Pain said:
Linux is, like, mac or something right? I'm on Windows 7 so am I screwed?
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buy a decent sized harddrive and install ubuntu or mint linux on it. then you can dual boot win7 and linux like me. Just start tooling around with the linux command line (terminal) and learning how to think like a geek lol. Then take someones rom, and take it all apart. look at what makes up a rom... the apps, libs, frameworks, etc. Setup a build environment on your linux box, download the official source code from google, and try compiling it until you can do so without errors. at that point, if you want to start actually deving, you need to know java, cuz that's what source code is in mostly. there are alot of source code modifications avaiable on xda, try merging one in with the source code and rebuilding it and see if it compiles... if not, it''ll tell you where the error is. just play around with it, practice, ask questions, but actually jumping in and just making your self do it is the best way
Youngunn2008 said:
buy a decent sized harddrive and install ubuntu or mint linux on it. then you can dual boot win7 and linux like me. Just start tooling around with the linux command line (terminal) and learning how to think like a geek lol. Then take someones rom, and take it all apart. look at what makes up a rom... the apps, libs, frameworks, etc. Setup a build environment on your linux box, download the official source code from google, and try compiling it until you can do so without errors. at that point, if you want to start actually deving, you need to know java, cuz that's what source code is in mostly. there are alot of source code modifications avaiable on xda, try merging one in with the source code and rebuilding it and see if it compiles... if not, it''ll tell you where the error is. just play around with it, practice, ask questions, but actually jumping in and just making your self do it is the best way
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Thanks What size hard drive do you recommend and what rom should I dismantle?
(I'd thank both of you but apparently there's a thanks limit I didn't know about...)
each aosp build is about 30 gigs and Linux takes almost no room no matter which distro you use so when it comes to the size of the HDD it is all about the balance of how often you want to clean and how much you want to spend.
frog1982 said:
each aosp build is about 30 gigs and Linux takes almost no room no matter which distro you use so when it comes to the size of the HDD it is all about the balance of how often you want to clean and how much you want to spend.
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That. I'll add that, on my PC, Linux uses 20GB of space...but I also have two distros installed on the same partiton with one being a chrooted build environment.
Roms use around 20-30GB as is, another 15-20GB is used up when compiling, so you want to reserve 40-50GB PER ROM to be safe.
If you do buy a hard drive just for compiling roms, BUY A SSD...solid state drive. That and RAM will help you the most. I'd expect just a SSD alone would cut my current build times in half.
I'll tell ya that without any Linux experience at all that you're gonna be in for a nice fun time.
Now, if you just wanna write apps, LEARN JAVA. You can do app writing on Windows and test on an Android Emulator (or your phone for at matter). No Linux necessary for just writing apps.
That said, if you want to get into compiling roms, you've picked the right place because I will help you if your serious. If you ask me a SPECIFIC QUESTION I'll give a specific answer. Don't ask "How do I use git?" cause I might not reply very nicely. Ask me "How do I update the kernel with the Dev Teams latest updates and I'll give you step by step instructions. I'm about to have 3 different roms I'm gonna have to compile. So if you just wanna pick one of them that isn't PAC, feel free to be the compiler of it. So far I've had multiple offers for compilers and only @Youngunn2008 has stepped up and actually started doing it.
//I started building custom roms about a year into using Android. Had to. Nobody else on my device could (or would?) and I wanted more roms, simple as that. All I did was CM7, PA, and a few others, but it got me to where I am now. Kanged from Quarx's repos. I owe much of my Android knowledge just from watching his commit history (and for keeping us up-to-date with proper drivers). A good Dev Base is a good place to start from, just remember to give proper credit and thanks (and ask permission if it isn't open souce -- that's a big one).
You guys are the best. I'm gonna start looking for the equipment asap. Although I need to learn how to write code, so I'm gonna go through Java.
@skeevydude I'll definitely hit you up when I need serious help
P.s. where do you recommend I learn Java from?
Thanks everyone!
Sent from my PACman Atrix HD using XDA Premium
Blackest Pain said:
You guys are the best. I'm gonna start looking for the equipment asap. Although I need to learn how to write code, so I'm gonna go through Java.
@skeevydude I'll definitely hit you up when I need serious help
P.s. where do you recommend I learn Java from?
Thanks everyone!
Sent from my PACman Atrix HD using XDA Premium
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frog1982 said:
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I'd click Thanks but I've seemed to run out of them (seriously, 8 thanks a day? Really?), so thanks. I can't read script at all (It's like looking a spanish, knowing it's spanish, and not knowing what it says) but I'll try to stumble through this lol
Blackest Pain said:
I'd click Thanks but I've seemed to run out of them (seriously, 8 thanks a day? Really?), so thanks. I can't read script at all (It's like looking a spanish, knowing it's spanish, and not knowing what it says) but I'll try to stumble through this lol
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my suggestion is to download the SDK and start following the my first app tutorial. I did not understand code at all until I did that and then things started falling into place and making sense.
Blackest Pain said:
You guys are the best. I'm gonna start looking for the equipment asap. Although I need to learn how to write code, so I'm gonna go through Java.
@skeevydude I'll definitely hit you up when I need serious help
P.s. where do you recommend I learn Java from?
Thanks everyone!
Sent from my PACman Atrix HD using XDA Premium
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Couldn't tell ya where to learn Java from -- I don't know it. I'm starting to learn it myself...meaning today....but it really depends on the weather on what I can for the rest of the day -- lost internet for most of yesterday during a thunderstom and since another one is rolling in I might have to shut my machines down. Also why I haven't been on a whole lot the past 2 days. After today its supposed to be clear skies ahead.
I've just been lucky cause even though I don't know Java, its still pretty human readable and easy to figure out what I need to do when I merge code.
For a bit of help Java=Apps, C++=Kernel/Hardware. Not necessarily 100% true, but for the most part it is.
If you wanna get into writing apps for making money then start with Java....the only reason why I'm starting with Java over C++. As much as I'd like to learn C++\Bionic to help with bug fixes for the kernel, hardware libraries, etc, I'm flat broke and can't find a decent job -- Java and a good idea could fix that. Combine my current situation with the fact that in 10-15 years I won't even be able to do my current line of work (construction is a young man's job) so I need to buckle down and learn a new trade that doesn't involve 8-12 hours work in the sun, crap pay, sore body at the end of every day, and no real job security or benefits.
If anyone reading the above is thinking that I'm thinking I could be the next App Millionaire...I'm not. I'd be happy just to break the poverty line (1-3 thousand a month or more than 18k a year)....cost of living isn't that high in Arkansas luckily. I'd hate to live in NYC\Random Big City where a crappy 1 room apartment's rent is a high as a high-end middle class home here.
skeevydude said:
Couldn't tell ya where to learn Java from -- I don't know it. I'm starting to learn it myself...meaning today....but it really depends on the weather on what I can for the rest of the day -- lost internet for most of yesterday during a thunderstom and since another one is rolling in I might have to shut my machines down. Also why I haven't been on a whole lot the past 2 days. After today its supposed to be clear skies ahead.
I've just been lucky cause even though I don't know Java, its still pretty human readable and easy to figure out what I need to do when I merge code.
For a bit of help Java=Apps, C++=Kernel/Hardware. Not necessarily 100% true, but for the most part it is.
If you wanna get into writing apps for making money then start with Java....the only reason why I'm starting with Java over C++. As much as I'd like to learn C++\Bionic to help with bug fixes for the kernel, hardware libraries, etc, I'm flat broke and can't find a decent job -- Java and a good idea could fix that. Combine my current situation with the fact that in 10-15 years I won't even be able to do my current line of work (construction is a young man's job) so I need to buckle down and learn a new trade that doesn't involve 8-12 hours work in the sun, crap pay, sore body at the end of every day, and no real job security or benefits.
If anyone reading the above is thinking that I'm thinking I could be the next App Millionaire...I'm not. I'd be happy just to break the poverty line (1-3 thousand a month or more than 18k a year)....cost of living isn't that high in Arkansas luckily. I'd hate to live in NYC\Random Big City where a crappy 1 room apartment's rent is a high as a high-end middle class home here.
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I would also recommend Java. I'm in an internship developing an Android app for a local company and it's pretty straightforward. I'm not very good at building GUIs, but I can manage the flow of code fairly well and I'm learning as I go.
I didn't know you were in construction, Skeevy... With how skilled you seem in all of this I would have thought you'd be from some sort of tech trade.
I've been looking into ROM development myself but it seems a bit overwhelming to me. I have always been interested in how operating systems are put together and built, but the most complex thing I've ever done was patch together a Linux server box for gaming and hosting an old website I had a year or two back.
I have worked with Linux for quite a while and I now run Ubuntu as a primary, no dualboot. It kinda sucks to get used to the lack of applications but I would much rather have the stability and responsiveness of a Linux system. Plus documentation is everywhere so anything is usually fairly easy to fix/get working.
If you guys could post some websites/threads with some tutorials or further reading so I can know what I am getting myself into, that would be awesome. I have always hoped that one day I'd be able to help you guys out with getting bugs squashed and features added.
spy_1134 said:
I would also recommend Java. I'm in an internship developing an Android app for a local company and it's pretty straightforward. I'm not very good at building GUIs, but I can manage the flow of code fairly well and I'm learning as I go.
I didn't know you were in construction, Skeevy... With how skilled you seem in all of this I would have thought you'd be from some sort of tech trade.
I've been looking into ROM development myself but it seems a bit overwhelming to me. I have always been interested in how operating systems are put together and built, but the most complex thing I've ever done was patch together a Linux server box for gaming and hosting an old website I had a year or two back.
I have worked with Linux for quite a while and I now run Ubuntu as a primary, no dualboot. It kinda sucks to get used to the lack of applications but I would much rather have the stability and responsiveness of a Linux system. Plus documentation is everywhere so anything is usually fairly easy to fix/get working.
If you guys could post some websites/threads with some tutorials or further reading so I can know what I am getting myself into, that would be awesome. I have always hoped that one day I'd be able to help you guys out with getting bugs squashed and features added.
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GUI's are a pita to me as well...but then again, I'm barley mediocre at photoshop
I used to make good money doing what I do, and I liked doing it. I was doing custom wrought iron fences and gates -- the kind you see on high end lake houses and such. Since around September of '08 that line of work went from 30-50 hours a week to nothing....NOTHING. We've had maybe 6 jobs in the past 5 years nothing. Every job I've had since then has either gone under or I was let go because I was the new guy and they had too much costs in labor. Combine that with 2 years of 10 applications a week and not getting a single call back....almost applied and McD's a year ago. Asked how much I'd make and the manager said maybe 4 hours in a 7 day week for the first 6 months to a year....F THAT. Wouldn't have even covered the gas to point in a job that you'd make -$15 for two weeks work....that's negative 15.
As far as my trade and tech are concerned -- I've always been naturally skilled at almost everything I've done. Not bragging, but that's always how things have been for me. My biggest weakness is I have crap social skills -- I have a bad tendency to see everything with pure logic and over analyze things, completely missing things like sarcasm and subtle hints. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out I had Asperger's.
Rom development and rom building (kanging) are two different things entirely. If you're already running Ubuntu (preferably 12.04) I could have you building a rom in no time at all.
Its nothing more following the official build setup guide (assloads of copy/paste )
making a directory for the rom
open a terminal to that directory
"repo init -u -b cm-10.1"
"repo sync"
". mb886 -jX" where X is the number of cores your PC has
Do something else for a few hours
Check PC -- if the rom fully compiled then you've just kanged PAC-man
To update, go to rom's directory, "make clean", step 5, step 6.
Adding support for other roms is as simple as seeing what other devs\kangers did in the project's vendor directory as well as in the device/common-device directories. It really is simple once you've done it a few times -- first time or two can be a real b*tch.
My only real gripe with linux is some of the apps either just don't seem finished or are just good enough to do the job but look like crap. For me, other than gaming, I've been able to find a suitable replacement for all my common, everyday needs from emulation to video encoding to word processing.
As far as tutorials go....I just use Google, XDA search, and search...between the three I can pretty much find anything I need to know. Power searching is the unwritten requirement in all the tutorials I've ever read. Being able to scour the net for odd bits of information is a necessary skill to kang or dev roms.
//Lack of search skills is a reason some of us power users get upset and pissy around here...myself anyways...I can't tell ya how many help questions I've answered where I LITERALLY copy/pasted the error code in the help post to the google search box in Firefox and the FIRST LINK the fix....also why I don't answer the same question more than 2 or 3 just our forums and you might find the answer. :whodathunkit: (// isn't at you, my mind likes to rant in the mornings )
skeevydude said:
Couldn't tell ya where to learn Java from -- I don't know it. I'm starting to learn it myself...meaning today....but it really depends on the weather on what I can for the rest of the day -- lost internet for most of yesterday during a thunderstom and since another one is rolling in I might have to shut my machines down. Also why I haven't been on a whole lot the past 2 days. After today its supposed to be clear skies ahead.
I've just been lucky cause even though I don't know Java, its still pretty human readable and easy to figure out what I need to do when I merge code.
For a bit of help Java=Apps, C++=Kernel/Hardware. Not necessarily 100% true, but for the most part it is.
If you wanna get into writing apps for making money then start with Java....the only reason why I'm starting with Java over C++. As much as I'd like to learn C++\Bionic to help with bug fixes for the kernel, hardware libraries, etc, I'm flat broke and can't find a decent job -- Java and a good idea could fix that. Combine my current situation with the fact that in 10-15 years I won't even be able to do my current line of work (construction is a young man's job) so I need to buckle down and learn a new trade that doesn't involve 8-12 hours work in the sun, crap pay, sore body at the end of every day, and no real job security or benefits.
If anyone reading the above is thinking that I'm thinking I could be the next App Millionaire...I'm not. I'd be happy just to break the poverty line (1-3 thousand a month or more than 18k a year)....cost of living isn't that high in Arkansas luckily. I'd hate to live in NYC\Random Big City where a crappy 1 room apartment's rent is a high as a high-end middle class home here.
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spy_1134 said:
If you guys could post some websites/threads with some tutorials or further reading so I can know what I am getting myself into, that would be awesome. I have always hoped that one day I'd be able to help you guys out with getting bugs squashed and features added.
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I'm in high school but I REALLY don't want to work at a fast food place, so this like a good way to earn so change. Once I get out, this will (hopefully) become more of a hobby for the next 25 yrs as I'm training to become an Electrician. Then when I'm done and in the early retirement that seems to come with many people in that field I'll hop back onto this. I also second that idea with the idea of website tutorials lol.
Blackest Pain said:
I'm in high school but I REALLY don't want to work at a fast food place, so this like a good way to earn so change. Once I get out, this will (hopefully) become more of a hobby for the next 25 yrs as I'm training to become an Electrician. Then when I'm done and in the early retirement that seems to come with many people in that field I'll hop back onto this. I also second that idea with the idea of website tutorials lol.
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Electrician is a good trade to get into. I wouldn't mind being an electrician actually. Especially since I know enough contracters, house flippers, and landlords that are always needing electrical done and hate paying the electrician (they can pretty much write their own check cause you GOTTA have that LICENSE to touch ANY wire)....why I always built my gates to run on a 12V solar setup (more reliable and I don't need a license to mount a panel and hook it up to a car battery; not to mention a grand cheaper).
Look, I'd post some links, but the best links are banned from a site like this where ethics matter. I'm broke so I can't afford the ebooks if ya know what I mean...hint, hint...find good looking book with positive reviews, google search "name of book .epub", ????, profit.
//see my above post for a quick glance at what McD's offered me....TL : DR version....negative 15 a week cause I factored in a thing called gas money.

