Spicing up my AT&T Tilt - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I am waiting until the end of the summer to do some phone shopping but in the mean time I want to "spice" up my Tilt.
I am pretty inexperienced to doing anything to my phone but I want to do a full overhaul. Clean everything out and make it as smooth as possible before re downloading some programs(Skyfire, Palringo, Opera Mini, etc)
Any suggestions on what to do? Also is there any way to make Windows Mobile more finger friendly(still running whatever came with the phone, with the exception of running HTC Home)
Thanks in advance.

Jebus Chrit said:
I am waiting until the end of the summer to do some phone shopping but in the mean time I want to "spice" up my Tilt.
I am pretty inexperienced to doing anything to my phone but I want to do a full overhaul. Clean everything out and make it as smooth as possible before re downloading some programs(Skyfire, Palringo, Opera Mini, etc)
Any suggestions on what to do? Also is there any way to make Windows Mobile more finger friendly(still running whatever came with the phone, with the exception of running HTC Home)
Thanks in advance.
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Check out the rom forum. I think you will be impressed. Read through all the posts first. ( I know alot of reading but it is worth it)

I've looks and it's pretty confusing. There seem to be so many choices and a lot keep running into things that work but sometimes everything isn't 100%
Would you recommend a specific ROM and that leaves all the phones capabilities/hardware intact?

They all pretty much do.

Jebus Chrit said:
I've looks and it's pretty confusing. There seem to be so many choices and a lot keep running into things that work but sometimes everything isn't 100%
Would you recommend a specific ROM and that leaves all the phones capabilities/hardware intact?
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It can be pretty confusing! And it can be very intimidating! If you're still running a stock ROM (never flashed anything before) go ahead and read the thread about flashing your first ROM. It contains just about everything you need to know! Read it a couple of times, really.
As for what ROM is best, personally, I like TPC's ROM. Try it out, if you want something different, go with something different.
Just remember a few things:
Follow the first link I gave you. Follow the instructions, step by step! Even if you think taking out the batter doesn't make a difference, do it anyway! Follow the instructions to the letter and you'll be fine.
Once you get it unlocked, flash a stock HTC ROM. Go to HTC.com, support, select AT&T Tilt, download the ROM upgrade, and run it.
From there, if you're going to flash TPC's Elite 3.1Full (second link I gave you), update your SPL. Follow the instructions in the first thread on updating the SPL, and go with 3.29 (if you choose a different ROM, read the thread to find the recommended SPL). One you have the right SPL, flash the ROM. If you have problems with your sound or camera, flash a new radio.
I know it can seem a bit much. But just read everything a few times, and follow all the instructions carefully. These phones are damn near indestructible, so even if some **** goes wrong, the guys here can help you fix it.

SoberGuy posted some very good advice. The instructions he posted are easy to follow and very detailed. As far as the TPC rom, I use on of his roms also. I've only flashed one rom and I'm very happy with the rom that I'm running. Once you get a new rom its like having a new phone all over again.

wheelierider said:
SoberGuy posted some very good advice. The instructions he posted are easy to follow and very detailed. As far as the TPC rom, I use on of his roms also. I've only flashed one rom and I'm very happy with the rom that I'm running. Once you get a new rom its like having a new phone all over again.
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You can say that again! I've been dying to upgrade, but trying to hold out for the TP2. I ran Leo's ROM for the longest time. After flashing to TPC's ROM, it's like a brand new phone again! Now I don't worry about having to wait for the TP2, my Kaiser is like a new toy!


Help The Noobs

Will someone be kind enough for all the noobs out there and post a complete video of how to get from a completely stock firmware to (well in this case) this hero build, or the newest, latest, or best working hero build. While showing the order to flash radios, spls, and such using the ADB. It will help out a lot of people trust me. And from the looks of all the noobs right now youll have so many views, subscribers, followers or whatever your motive is. Please help noobs out.
If you need it you can find some free desktop recorders to enhance your video here: http://download.cnet.com/windows/vid...ftware/?tag=bc
Completey safe downloads from cnet.
Remember stock to hero!
I would do this myself but i myself do not know how and am on my second g1.
Thank you!
i will have a go at making that over the weekend.
milestone.it said:
i will have a go at making that over the weekend.
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Thanks a billion. You dont know how much this will help people. Post a link here when your finished please
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
OutstandingO said:
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
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Honestly idk but maybe someone will see this thread and answer that for you or you can start a new thread
There are quite a few videos out there already that show you how its done. Maybe not directly toHero but the whole process is the same - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDPFhJ9noLA
So instead of using JF 1.31, simply use the Hero ROM of your choice, rename it as "update.zip" and put it on the root of your SD card. Turn off your G1, hold the HOME button and press POWER to get into the Recovery image. Press ALT+W (to wipe) then ALT+S (to flash the ROM).
EDIT: I forgot some very crucial information >_< IF you are going to Hero from Stock you do require a few other things. Namely the new Radio and the new SPL (depending on which Hero ROM you pick). Make sure though that whatever you do, you upgrade the radio first to avoid bricking your G1. Look at my signature for links to what you need, like the Radio, SPL etc.
Wait patiently and all should be well...
Hero is basically Cupcake (1.5) but with a different interface created by HTC using custom code. So you just flash the Hero ROM of choice and that's it.
root video
OutstandingO said:
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
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YouTube has plenty of view on rooting that's where I learned how to do it, they also have the files u need to root it right there for u to download. Just search it and u will find it. The guy who's vid I followed is tony moreno look for his bids. I don't recommend jumping from 1.1 to hero. Go from 1.0 to 1.1 then jump to 1.5. Also hero is built from 1.5. I myself have tried it but even with all the optimizing its not fast enough for me. It also has the famed HTC IME keyboard. I myself use JF 1.5 APD. With the Hero theme in the themes section with the HTC keyboard. Flash would be nice but it still has issues with speed and force closings. Like I said YouTube the rooting process and search around the thread for other stuff like and and how to use fastboot.
I forgot some crucial information, namely to upgrade the Radio first and that you might need to upgrade the SPL. Have edited my post.
That is in part something that threw me for a loop.
I've seen multiple vids for rooting but none of them seem to address this whole "Radio" issue that you brought up and the steps surrounding that. From what I have been reading this is the most important part.
I love this site but the type of people that post here are guys that already know what their doing in most cases and they speak and post as such.
So have I ever developed an app for the G1, no, but I'm not Danny Dunderhead either. I can read a set of instructions if laid out for me.
So I ask you more experienced gentlemen, can someone either post a link or give me step by step help in checking my "radio", upgrading my "radio" and then installing the ROM??
I would greatly appreciate it.
I did it! I bricked my G1!
Yeah, well...what can you do. I read over the posts here, watched youtube videos, and searched the web as well. Read and viewed everything I could until I couldn't take it anymore. Then...I tried. Tried and failed? No, tried and died.
MAN, I WANT HERO! I am more jealous with every video I see. I don't care if it's a little slow. It is pure Android beauty. But...
There is so much information out there, not just at this forum, but all over the net. And although there are many similarities between the instructions (I use that term loosely for some), many have different steps so it's hard to tell which to follow. Apparently taking what you feel are the best from each is not the way to go. Really, I'm not stupid about these things...well...
So, here is where I started; a T-Mobile G1 running the latest OTA 1.5 update and the radio software. Used Parted Magic to create a 5GB FAT32 and a 1GB EXT2 partition on the SD card. I downloaded everything I though I would need or could find. The original boot and recovery img's along with RC29, RC30, and Cupcake zips. Then I got HardSPL and a bunch of files from Hayruko. I got JeseusFreke, CyanogenMod, and JACHero stuff. Hell, someone said to download the Telnet.apk and put it on the SD card as well. Did that. I found a great thread for installing the JACHero, but it did not go into rooting your phone first. Did that need to be done? I guessed it did. So I started there. Downgraded nicely to RC29. That was easy. Then even went through the telnet and terminal emulator steps. Then trouble. Which recovery.img to use? Some instructions reference the testkeys and some don't when rooting. Figured I would do it that way. So I went through those steps. Loaded CyanogenMods 1.3.1 and 1.33.2005 SPL on the SD card. Flashed (I thought) the recovery.img. Rebooted to get ready to install the SPL. Stuck at t-Mobile G1 now! They really do call it a brick for a reason.
So now that I got that off my chest, a few questions. First, I want to run HERO. I want it! However, I would like to make a request this time. Could someone please post step by step instructions for taking a stock G1 to the JACHero 2.3.4 release. Not just "flash the recovery and SPL" files. I would like more detailed directions. If you know of a good link to send me, please tell me. I thank you in advance for your time. I know it's a real pain in the ---, but I promise I will pass your knowledge along to another such as I!
A few questions first. I believe the steps are something like this:
1. Downgrade to RC29.
2. Copy recovery_teskeys.img and some recovery.img along with some SPL update.zip file to the SD card and "load" them properly. Which files should you use (does it matter), which order should you do it and how?
3. How do I do a Nandroid backup at this point? Do I need/want to?
4. Do I wipe now? Need to ever? Doesn't the image overwrite everything anyway?
4. Copy update.zip (the renamed JACHero 2.3.4 zip file) to the SD card and load it. Do you need to load any other image first other than JACHero 2.3.4.?
5. Enjoy HTC Hero goodness!
I know I am asking a lot, but I need the steps so I can replicate this easily. I am going to want to do this a lot based on what I see out there. Always something new to try and a lot of great developers out there. Thank you in advance for all of your time and effort. I promise to pass it along.

a little nervous to rrot

First of all I'd like to apologize because I'm sure this has been covered already but I just feel more comfortable asking myself.
I have had my g1 for a couple of months now and I'm starting to get all itchy for root for all the obvious reasons. I hoping someone can answer some questions or point me in the right direction.
I have ota CRB43 build on my phone. I see LOTS of different instructions for rooting.. I'm wondering what one I should go by. I also notice some people say to take out the SD card instead of mounting to prevent possibly bricking your phone... should I do that or is it better to mount with the usb? And after following whatever instructions is there anything else necessary to do?
I was also interested in what themes people are using. Can I jump right into that after rooting or is there something else I will need to do. Any links for themes you are using would be great also.
Thanks so much… I really appreciate it.. Thought I had more questions.. If I remember anything else I’ll update.
I used Gizmodo's guide - very simple and clear.
If you follow it step-by-step you'll wind up with an old build, but you'll have root and be ready to step up to any new build. New builds are easy once you've rooted - rename to update.zip and flash using recovery (explained in the guide above).
You'll also want to get the newest radio (after rooting per directions above) - Download the ota-radio-2_22_19_26I.zip file from http://www.htc.com/www/support/android/adp.html#s3 -- Rename to update.zip and flash as usual.
And I had absolutely no problems mounting the SD Card via the phone itself. Just make sure you cleanly eject the card from your PC every time, to avoid corruption.
And let me suggest CyanogenMod for your build.. Simply the fastest and most stable Android build out there - "official" firmware included.
Thanks a lot for your response! It was helpful and I checked out your link.. I was looking at -
originally, but I think they look similar. Thanks for the radio info as well.. anything else besides that I'll need to update?
let me ask one more thing- what's the difference between CyanogenMod and the others available?
thanks again for your help!
sole3s said:
Thanks for the radio info as well.. anything else besides that I'll need to update?
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Well, I did skip the SPL - Some ROMS require a different SPL (Secondary Program Loader/Launcher, I think..) to free up additional space on the device. Mostly the Hero based ROMs. I haven't touched any of those, need someone else to help there.
sole3s said:
let me ask one more thing- what's the difference between CyanogenMod and the others available?
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Cyanogen is tweaking the heck out of Android - endlessly enhancing it for performance and stability. Cyanogen has a few visual tweaks but mostly it looks like stock Android with all the improvements under the hood.
The other builds.. Mostly visual, in my opinion. They all have fans though, check out the threads under Development for more details. Also, the Android ROM Database - http://www.simonwalkerphotos.com/android/android_build_information.asp
Dude, thanks so much for all this info.. http://www.simonwalkerphotos.com/and...nformation.asp was really helpful.
last question I'm gonna ask.. if i hard reset do is it going to unroot my phone?
Again.. you were really helpful! I appreciate it so much!
Nope it will not unroot you're phone
No, you'll just go back to a fresh version of whatever ROM you have installed. However, some ROMs (Like Cyanogen) put some apps in the /data folder, so a wipe could break the ROM. Typically it is better to flash after a wipe. But you won't loose root either way.
Only way I know how to loose root is to flash a none rooted ROM.
The only thing I would do is avoid the DangerSPL until you either need it or know what you are doing. Otherwise its pretty much hard to brick your phone unless your trying to with a low battery.
I'd just like to take a second to thank everyone for their help, especially Saiboogu. Like I said in the first post, I'm sure this stuff was covered somewhere but this really made me feel a bit more confident. Thanks for not flaming me... I'm actually a bit surprised at the friendly responses... again thanks everyone.
Most likely I'll be able to get around to rooting on monday or tuesday.. I'll post updates just for the fun of it.
Take it easy guys
Lol well you posted it in the right section. Of course you are going to get help
What alritewhadeva said .. You ask in the right place, we'll help. You're off to a good start.

Have no idea what your doing? Read this!

Now I'll begin by stating that I know very little about flashing and as much as the great people have tried to explain things. Its all a bit cryptic! especically when you see/read updates here and there. I did try to use the tutorial at the start of this thread (seemed easy enough) but hit a wall when I couldn't work out what I was supported to run RUU? Anyway I did find what I'd have to say is the perfect (read easiest) way to do these flashes. Its all based on the stuff the very smart people here have put together but is presented in a more 'user friendly' manner.
Visit: http://thewingster.com/roms.aspx
Choose your ROM (Wing or Touch Pro), I have a Wing and went with the following which allows you to choose what you want. I found choosing everything wasn't a good choice! So I went with the base, then I can install what extras I need afterwards.
Then follow the very easy instructions here:
Note you dont have to worry about doing HardSPL and the like (it must do that as part of the manger software - and you can run it multiple times!! I did as I write I'm on my 3rd ROM!!)
Then you're good to go! I wish I'd found this and 'understood' how easy this was. Kudos to the wingster for doing this, just wish he'd make it even more obvious how easy it is to do! (remember we're all paranoid about bricking our phones!)
Well I hope this helps those who like me was clueless - I might still be clueless but I'm now running WinMob 6.5!
Oh I should also point out that the requirement for SPL 4.XXX still applies (see first post for how to work this out) and I have no affliliation with wingster - just greatful!!
Flashing custom ROMs without first being HardSPL is not advisable or safe for your device. Certain ROMs do not require it, but it is highly recommended as it virtually brick-proofs your phone, and it is fully reversible if you ever need to go back to shipped condition.
Also, this is not posted in the correct forum. This is the Herald Mobile 6 forum, not 6.5, and should be posted in the Herald forum.
They're right!
They're right; the Wingster website is fantastic and I've downloaded just about everything that is on the site and backed it up on a partition. Just do exactly what these instructions tell you to do and once your phone is HardSPL; it literally takes an act of God to brick your phone.

Problems/Stock ROMs

Just a couple of quick questions, have searched but couldn't find an answer.
Firstly, have been having a few problems with a lot of the custom ROMs I've been using recently, they usually work well for a while, then start going wrong. I've heard you're meant to flash a stock ROM in between each custom one, was wondering if that's true, as I've never seen it written anywhere. I flash using USPL if it matters. Currently using Dutty's Leo R5, which has also just started going wrong for me.
Also out of interest, how would I go about flashing a stock ROM? Same process as normal? And where would I be able to get the latest one from?
Cheers for any help.
Tyrrell9 said:
Just a couple of quick questions, have searched but couldn't find an answer.
Firstly, have been having a few problems with a lot of the custom ROMs I've been using recently, they usually work well for a while, then start going wrong. I've heard you're meant to flash a stock ROM in between each custom one, was wondering if that's true, as I've never seen it written anywhere. I flash using USPL if it matters. Currently using Dutty's Leo R5, which has also just started going wrong for me.
Also out of interest, how would I go about flashing a stock ROM? Same process as normal? And where would I be able to get the latest one from?
Cheers for any help.
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I've never once flashed back to a stock rom in-between custom roms (and I've tried a few) .
But I have also heard that it works for some people having issues with flashing. If you are using uspl, then your stock spl is still intact and you should just be able to flash back to a stock rom (AFAIK in any case - sorry you can see I use hspl)
You can find many of the shipped roms (stock) here
Depending on the rom you choose and your current spl you may get the blue/green screen after the flash, but that would only be due to a rom/spl mismatch.
Thanks for the help, gonna flash a stable ROM for the next few days I think. Just one other thing I've been thinking of, I've got SPL 1.54 showing up in bootloader mode. You know if that's still the one you're supposed to use? Not sure if it should be 1.56?
Tyrrell9 said:
Thanks for the help, gonna flash a stable ROM for the next few days I think. Just one other thing I've been thinking of, I've got SPL 1.54 showing up in bootloader mode. You know if that's still the one you're supposed to use? Not sure if it should be 1.56?
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Is it still 1.54.0000? This is actually an updated stock spl which you loaded when using uspl, so you should be able to just flash one of the later version stock roms. There is no need to downgrade your spl to your original (unless of course you need to return your phone for service)
1.56 is only as a result of using hspl and AFAIK there is no stock 1.56 version.
ClydeB1 said:
Is it still 1.54.0000? This is actually an updated stock spl which you loaded when using uspl, so you should be able to just flash one of the later version stock roms. There is no need to downgrade your spl to your original (unless of course you need to return your phone for service)
1.56 is only as a result of using hspl and AFAIK there is no stock 1.56 version.
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Ah that's alright then, yeah it is still 1.54.0000. I'd just seen something about SPL 1.56 mentioned, so I wondered if there was a newer version of that stock spl. I'll find another ROM to flash for now, seems like I've been doing everything right. Thanks again for your help.
Tyrrell9 said:
Just a couple of quick questions, have searched but couldn't find an answer.
Firstly, have been having a few problems with a lot of the custom ROMs I've been using recently, they usually work well for a while, then start going wrong. I've heard you're meant to flash a stock ROM in between each custom one, was wondering if that's true, as I've never seen it written anywhere. I flash using USPL if it matters. Currently using Dutty's Leo R5, which has also just started going wrong for me.
Also out of interest, how would I go about flashing a stock ROM? Same process as normal? And where would I be able to get the latest one from?
Cheers for any help.
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Flashing back to stock ROM worked for me, my spl has bee upgraded since i started flashing (first one was Dutty 3.9XT). This solved many of my problems encountered flashing the latest Win 6.5 + Manila 2.5 ROMS.
Tyrrell9 said:
Ah that's alright then, yeah it is still 1.54.0000. I'd just seen something about SPL 1.56 mentioned, so I wondered if there was a newer version of that stock spl. I'll find another ROM to flash for now, seems like I've been doing everything right. Thanks again for your help.
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My pleasure - hope you come right.
jigners said:
Flashing back to stock ROM worked for me, my spl has bee upgraded since i started flashing (first one was Dutty 3.9XT). This solved many of my problems encountered flashing the latest Win 6.5 + Manila 2.5 ROMS.
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What stock ROM have you been using? I've only been having problems with 6.5 roms, 3.9xt was the only one I've used so far that's worked flawlessly.
Hallos Tyrrell9,
they usually work well for a while, then start going wrong.
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Fortunatly we are dealing with a form of Windows and as in any windows there is not so much difference. This means that it is silly to think that the same windows OS u installed is running as well or the same as to when u first installed it. We have to MAINTAIN it....
Think of ur phone rom as if it were a windows version on a regular PC. What happens after a few weeks is that it gets cluttered with unnused registry keys (even from installing and uninstalling apps), cache files, temp files and all other junk that gets installed by default. This means that u as a user have to clean it once in a while to get get rid of all this stuff that is going to make ur windows and thus ur phone slow after a while. Fortunatly there is help for us to do so. I use Pocket Mechanic and SKTools for this reason. Another thing is that u can look at the windows startup folder to see what is started. The less it is starting the faster and snappier ur phone will be..
I think it is also silly to think that u have to reflash a new rom every other day. I only flash a new rom if i see some major upgrades in the new one.
I hope this helps some...
caved said:
Hallos Tyrrell9,
Fortunatly we are dealing with a form of Windows and as in any windows there is not so much difference. This means that it is silly to think that the same windows OS u installed is running as well or the same as to when u first installed it. We have to MAINTAIN it....
Think of ur phone rom as if it were a windows version on a regular PC. What happens after a few weeks is that it gets cluttered with unnused registry keys (even from installing and uninstalling apps), cache files, temp files and all other junk that gets installed by default. This means that u as a user have to clean it once in a while to get get rid of all this stuff that is going to make ur windows and thus ur phone slow after a while. Fortunatly there is help for us to do so. I use Pocket Mechanic and SKTools for this reason. Another thing is that u can look at the windows startup folder to see what is started. The less it is starting the faster and snappier ur phone will be..
I think it is also silly to think that u have to reflash a new rom every other day. I only flash a new rom if i see some major upgrades in the new one.
I hope this helps some...
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All true, but some of us have this strange addiction that needs to be satisfied regularly....
Undoubtedly and Unashamedly a member of Flashaholics United
Hallos ClydeB1,
If u enjoy flashing 4 roms a day to see if one or other rom will run better go right ahead, that seem to be a hobby in itself for some people. If thats is doing any good to you or ur HD ? Doubtfull but who am i to judge...
I just said that things don't have to go bad after a period of time becouse it doesn't have to be that way, u are the boss and not ur windows OS.

New to switching Roms, help please

I have had my Touch Diamond for a while but have always been afraid to switch Roms. My battery life is awful and my phone seems really slow. So I have thought about switching Roms. I figure it will make my phone seem new to me again and maybe help with some of my issues.
A couple of questions:
How do I go about doing this the first time? What steps do I need to make sure I do so I don't brick my phone and will still have my contacts and all?
Which Rom would you recommend? I'm on Alltel, I don't know if that matters. I would like something that helps with battery life and performance and also will look cool.
Thanks for any help. I'm sure these are really generic questions, but I don't really know what I am doing with this the first time.
your concats will erase so make sure you get a buckup software to make sure you still have them
check out the wiki section http://wiki.xda-developers.com/ for starting info on how to flash a ROM.
There are certain things you need to know before flashing like if our phone is locked to a carrier.. you will also probably want to backup your contacts and other info, maybe even emails and txts, so you will need a backup application.
You will probably want to make not of your current phones ROM and radio settings as well.
Keep in mind that there is a risk, however small it may be, to flashing a ROM. Please read up on the steps thoroughly before jumping in for the best chance of success.
note, i am currently in the same boat as you, wanting to flash my first ROM, but am still in the process of educating myself on how it works.
I plan on putting together my own How-To written in complete noob-speak once i have successfully flashed my first....
dkehler said:
note, i am currently in the same boat as you, wanting to flash my first ROM, but am still in the process of educating myself on how it works.
I plan on putting together my own How-To written in complete noob-speak once i have successfully flashed my first....
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I'm also new to this whole flashing thing.
Recently got bored of the look of my TD from Bell.... and stumbled across this site with so many cool looking ROMS but I have no idea how/where to start even after reading the guides.
Hopefully you have success with yours and teach me and the OP

