Will repeated/frequent flashing of ROM spoil the phone? - XPERIA X1 ROM Development

Was just wondering if repeated/frequent flashing of the ROM would spoil the phone? Possible? Cos this period I'd been trying out quite a few ROMs and sometimes I can even flash more than once a day.

not internally...
no chance...

Mine is still working so i guess not

I hope it won't spoil. Flashing is fun.

do u know how many times i flash my rom everyday....hell. even i donno

If the flash memory where the rom is kept is a normal flash memory (like pen drives), then yes, they will suffer wear after too many erase-write cycles, but it's very huge number, 10,000 or 100,000 times..... so be careful

Well, doubt I'd flash my phone 10,000 or 100,000 times. Probly not even 1,000, or maybe not even 100.\
Anyway thanks for the replies. So I can just go ahead and continue my flashing with no worries.


Questions before diving in

Hello folks, I know ill have no problems flashing the phone to a new rom (not worried about bricking it) but one thing after searching these forums I havnt found is how hard is it to go back to stock if you dont like said rom
I dont even know why I am flashing it, my phone works great, seems snappy enough but im one of those types of people that just has to toy with things.
So id just like some information for you guys first what i asked above but also why do you use custom roms does the phone work better, all I read about is apps not working? is there an added benefit to flashing?
Most important to me though is how hard and the steps to revert back to stock
Thanks alot
sprockets2000 said:
Hello folks, I know ill have no problems flashing the phone to a new rom (not worried about bricking it) but one thing after searching these forums I havnt found is how hard is it to go back to stock if you dont like said rom
I dont even know why I am flashing it, my phone works great, seems snappy enough but im one of those types of people that just has to toy with things.
So id just like some information for you guys first what i asked above but also why do you use custom roms does the phone work better, all I read about is apps not working? is there an added benefit to flashing?
Most important to me though is how hard and the steps to revert back to stock
thanks alot
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Well, all you need to do is download the stock RUU which will return your phone to it's original factory settings. There have been a few people who've encountered an error running this utility to retorn to stock but it has been very rare and has only affected a small percentage of the population of hero owners. Worse-case scenario, you can try and get a warranty replacement or use your TEP plan if you are enrolled in it.
I find I enjoy the phone more with a custom rom for several reasons. It feels more responsive and usable, also I am a true gadget-head and tweaking customizing and playing around with my phone is just in my nature. Android as a platform is well suited to this kind of mentality and is even encouraged.
Of course there is also the current situation we are in that we are able to run a newer version of android than what is available from the manufacturer at this time.
Then you can get into custom themes etc etc.

[Q] Getting an IS tomorrow or on monday...

But, where should I start?
Is it really necessery to flash a custom ROM, or is this phone snappy enough with Sense (but I'll probably use GoLauncher or LauncherPro, I only use 1 homescreen...)?
Which tweaks are really necessery to make the phone's battery survive for more than 24 hours, when texting pretty much?
Perhaps the phone's battery survives even though I text a lot (between 100-500 texts/day, depending on how bored I am)?
How's the vibrator in this phone, can I have it in silent mode and have it in my pocket and actually notice when I get a text?
My current phone's vibrator is pretty crappy.
I've been browsing this forum for some time now but haven't found anything that answers my questions... I come from an Acer Liquid A1, without CM7 or MIUI that phone is probably one of the worst phones ever done. But, I sure hope this community is just as active as the one the Liquid had, and still have
(lol, "is this a question?" eh, it's many questions... )
oh, and one more thing; is this device brickable? or can you always reset it to default, like with the liquid? if something f...s up you can always boot into bootloader and reflash a *.bin
Help a newbie to get started, and flashing things and stuff is nothing new. Only the way to root it is new for me... :/
(hopefully I haven't missed a thread that answers all my questions, but of what I've found I haven't found anything that actually helps me. if I've missed it, just link to it and remove this thread )
Splux said:
But, where should I start?
Is it really necessery to flash a custom ROM, or is this phone snappy enough with Sense (but I'll probably use GoLauncher or LauncherPro, I only use 1 homescreen...)?
Which tweaks are really necessery to make the phone's battery survive for more than 24 hours, when texting pretty much?
Perhaps the phone's battery survives even though I text a lot (between 100-500 texts/day, depending on how bored I am)?
How's the vibrator in this phone, can I have it in silent mode and have it in my pocket and actually notice when I get a text?
My current phone's vibrator is pretty crappy.
I've been browsing this forum for some time now but haven't found anything that answers my questions... I come from an Acer Liquid A1, without CM7 or MIUI that phone is probably one of the worst phones ever done. But, I sure hope this community is just as active as the one the Liquid had, and still have
(lol, "is this a question?" eh, it's many questions... )
oh, and one more thing; is this device brickable? or can you always reset it to default, like with the liquid? if something f...s up you can always boot into bootloader and reflash a *.bin
Help a newbie to get started, and flashing things and stuff is nothing new. Only the way to root it is new for me... :/
(hopefully I haven't missed a thread that answers all my questions, but of what I've found I haven't found anything that actually helps me. if I've missed it, just link to it and remove this thread )
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I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
You should easily get 24 + hours if all you do is text mainly. Just remember to turn data off. It will help make your battery last longer.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA Premium App
sdxda said:
I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
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Well, my current phone dies pretty quickly when texting a lot. Today it went from 60% down to 5%, and I woke for 11hours ago and have been texting ppl since then.
And I'm buying a new phone since my 4 touch-buttons on this one is getting really weird, they only work sometimes and yesterday they all died so I was stuck in a conversation and had to reboot to get out of it.
And sending texts and stuff is what I mainly do, of course I browse the Internet, play games and everything. During school and such I only text people, and a lot. So I pretty much needs the phone to make more than 24hours without charging it, even though I text a lot and listen to music.
Won't be a problem. Already thought of that
Thanks for the replies
sdxda said:
I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
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I was going to suggest flashing, the stock rom is garbage for battery life. Android Revolution HD seems to be one of the more popular choices, but of course Cyanogen Mod is there if you decide the Sense UI isn't your thing
swatsor said:
I was going to suggest flashing, the stock rom is garbage for battery life. Android Revolution HD seems to be one of the more popular choices, but of course Cyanogen Mod is there if you decide the Sense UI isn't your thing
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I've made up my mind now, I'll use the official GB ROM for a couple of days/weeks/months (basically untill I'm tired of Sense 2.1) and then flash a Sense 3.0 ROM and hopefully I can understand which one of all those RUU's that's made for Europe too when I'm bored of Sense 2.1
You don't happen to know how it is with bricking this phone? Can you always reset it to stock, or can you actually brick it for real so it's 100% unusable?

[Q] Does your phone suffer from random reboots?

For a long while now an on many different roms I have noticed my phone rebooting at what appears to be random atleast twice a week.
It's never been when in a call and I often only notice it because I see the boot animation on my phone out of the corner of my eye while it was doing nothing but being sat on my desk! Also I know when it has done it because it has switched back to my default network which I am not normally on.
For me I have had it on everything from CM7 to Juwes to docs rom to stock. If this is not normal behaviour I fear that my phone may have a hardware fault
Post your random reboot experiences here!
My experience: rarely with Darky 10.1, I got one today with Juwe 5.1 but I installed this rom two days ago and still making some experiment.
always close to stock cfroot only + own changes = never had issues ...
Both my husband and I get them at least twice a week also, we are on stock JVH that we got from O2 through Kies, not rooted or anything. we are thinking of phoning samsung tomorrow, we never had any of these on 2.2, so I think it must be software with us both getting them since 2.3. both our phones are still in guarantee, although if it is software I dont know what they can do
TBH I haven't actually been on a pure stock rom for quite some time. From what I remember I would get the occasional random reboot but probably not quite as often as I have done since turning to custom roms.
Could some fundamental change that many custom roms make cause this?
Or could perhaps a certain rogue app which I have had installed on many different roms be causing this?
kezgez said:
Both my husband and I get them at least twice a week also, we are on stock JVH that we got from O2 through Kies, not rooted or anything. we are thinking of phoning samsung tomorrow, we never had any of these on 2.2, so I think it must be software with us both getting them since 2.3. both our phones are still in guarantee, although if it is software I dont know what they can do
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Yes this is partly why I decided to create this thread and try to get to the bottom of it. My warranty runs out in 2/3 months and the paranoid side of me fears a hardware issue. I also started on 2.2 and don't think I got quite as many, if any, random reboots then which seems to coincide with your experiences.
Deck6rd said:
Yes this is partly why I decided to create this thread and try to get to the bottom of it. My warranty runs out in 2/3 months and the paranoid side of me fears a hardware issue. I also started on 2.2 and don't think I got quite as many, if any, random reboots then which seems to coincide with your experiences.
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Yeah our guarantee runs out in about 6 or 7 weeks which is why I thought of phoning them, my phone has been back once because the motherboard or whatever its called had to be replaced. do you think it could be hardware?
kezgez said:
Yeah our guarantee runs out in about 6 or 7 weeks which is why I thought of phoning them, my phone has been back once because the motherboard or whatever its called had to be replaced. do you think it could be hardware?
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I have no idea. I'm starting to think probably not. so far 75% of people to this poll have reboots either daily or weekly. I think it could be a software bug in all gingerbread based roms but i really don't no. Would be interesting to flash back to stock froyo and see if it persists then.
Keep an eye on this thread and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this
kezgez said:
Both my husband and I get them at least twice a week also, we are on stock JVH that we got from O2 through Kies, not rooted or anything. we are thinking of phoning samsung tomorrow, we never had any of these on 2.2, so I think it must be software with us both getting them since 2.3. both our phones are still in guarantee, although if it is software I dont know what they can do
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Ideal time to flash a custom rom with root. Follow the white rabbit.........
blockbuster 2.4
Are those who never get any random reboots mostly on stock roms? if so which roms?
Deck6rd said:
so far 75% of people to this poll have reboots either daily or weekly. I think it could be a software bug in all gingerbread based roms but i really don't no
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question/thread title is "Does your phone suffer from random reboots?" so majorityof people that does not have any reboots/problems will not join to read so they will not vote
also by the thread title in some way youre determining the anserw yet still youve got 15 people voted (thats not authoritative + 350 thread openings...) & 33% of them said NEVER
I used to get random reboots on stock firmware, because samsung can't write software! Since running cm7 based software (insanity cm) I haven't had one single reboot, the stability is mindblowing and it is super stable, however it is not really for flashing novices, just my humble opinion
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
I'm with 2.3.4 JVP, and usually after an uptime of around 333 hours the phone reboots itself, happened twice...
$omator said:
question/thread title is "Does your phone suffer from random reboots?" so majorityof people that does not have any reboots/problems will not join to read so they will not vote
also by the thread title in some way youre determining the anserw yet still youve got 15 people voted (thats not authoritative + 350 thread openings...) & 33% of them said NEVER
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Yes I do admit I haven't received the amount of feedback I was hoping for in this thread. And yes I am fully aware that polling on here is far from an accurate way of gathering data exactly for the reason you suggested but still I hoped to learn something about the extent of this phenomenon.
Also when I wrote that quote that you critisied for being inaccurate it was correct at the time. If not a little premature
However please feel free to share your experiences (or lack of) the topic in question.
I voted 'very rarely' - usually when running a buggy app that uses all RAM and CPU.
No reboots by itself so far.
to much, using dark core 2.6 , pilotx rom
Wow I thought I am the only who suffer with this..LOL...My phone is running JVO 2.3.3 and I updated it via Kies...no root no lagfix, quite a virgin Galaxy S..hahaah...
Very rarely, and it was only after this one time I had to swap batteries and didn't allow the phone to fully shutdown which must've caused some corruption. Even though I restored a backup certain things just seemed off and turned out I did had problems with reboots and so after that, most likely being the cause.
Besides that, after putting in a fresh ROM and whatnot, never had issues, not before the incident save once maybe.
I have changed to juwe 5.1 today from his 5.0. Was playing angry birds and left phone down for minute, then soon as screen locked it rebooted itself. Have not tried with other apps yet. Will post back when tried them out

[Q] am just gonna..

i am bout to buy the gnote..have been reading about rooting nd custom rom..nd want to rotate homescreen..
As far as i know ther are more cons than pros to rooting..such as bricking..
But some ppl get faulty phones with bad battery life, auto shutdown, lags..over heating..
I dont know what to do..
I do think that its a great phone nd wont require rooting..as ics is coming..nd hopefully jellybean soon after that..
I just dont kno wat to do..i want advice frm some1 who reali is a 'knowitall'
Will remember to hit thnx button for the best replies..
Nd could u guide about why should sum1 overclock a fast processor :S
begimaad said:
i am bout to buy the gnote..have been reading about rooting nd custom rom..nd want to rotate homescreen..
As far as i know ther are more cons than pros to rooting..such as bricking..
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There's no cons to rooting whatsoever, provided the user reads and follows the rooting guide in the Dev section. It's easy and trouble-free. There's been but a single instance (Angelom's ICS kernel combined with touch-recovery) of mass bricking. That kernel is out of circulation now, so nothing to fear there.
All other 'plz help, bricked' threads are created by the people who were careless and didn't read, period.
begimaad said:
But some ppl get faulty phones with bad battery life, auto shutdown, lags..over heating..
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Battery life depends on what user does with their phone, IMO. If one keeps all syncing, GPS, data and whatnot on all the time, their battery will be shot on any phone.
begimaad said:
Nd could u guide about why should sum1 overclock a fast processor :S
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No reason I can think of apart from bragging about benchmark results.
wow duude!
Cheers like, your reply was just great!
Yeh! I just stick to Dr. Ketans guide to rootin as tis easy to understand and great. Others have so much updates and editin it becomes hard to keep track as my net provider is messed up... i get only 5-6 kbps
Should i actually get a custom rom, or its no use as the stock rom and ics is coming up.
Is gnote actually worth it or should i get some other phone ( N.B. i am getting the phone imported and i wont have warranty applicable after shipping it out of europe... and the sending faulty phones back from here is risky as it hardly makes it through due to customs.
I also had some hard time thinking about buying SGN. Now I have it for 2 weeks running on stock ROM (I don't have time now for rooting $ stuff...) and I don't have any problem at all.
My advise - Go For It!
begimaad said:
Cheers like, your reply was just great!
Yeh! I just stick to Dr. Ketans guide to rootin as tis easy to understand and great. Others have so much updates and editin it becomes hard to keep track as my net provider is messed up... i get only 5-6 kbps
Should i actually get a custom rom, or its no use as the stock rom and ics is coming up.
Is gnote actually worth it or should i get some other phone ( N.B. i am getting the phone imported and i wont have warranty applicable after shipping it out of europe... and the sending faulty phones back from here is risky as it hardly makes it through due to customs.
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If you follow the exact method described in the Dr. Ketans guide thread there's no risk of bricking.
At present you cannot find a power house like this in the market... Even you can make this device much more powerful upto 1.7 ghz speed... Nothing can beat this at the moment (as per my knowledge) So if you want power house like this, there's no other option than buying this beast. Definitely it worth it.
Regarding custom rom... Its good but if you wanna feel like this device is made exactly for you.. Go for a custom rom.. Its lots of fun and excitement.. You can make this to work which ever way up want..
Buy it.. And make others envy..
One thing I will say, get a case for it straight away. The placement of the power/volume buttons make it a hard phone to use "naked". I got a rubber bumper case and used box cutters to take out the notches where the buttons are, to make them recessed to allow me to hold the phone how I prefer. Makes the whole experience much more comfy especially for gaming.
P.S. Overclocking reduces the lifespan of any device. You're trading lifespan for speed. If anything I would underclock it to give it better thermal control.
Guys did you know what is the best retail price to buy a GNote and the site

[Q] Frequently flashing ROM

Hi all SGSA users.. i want to ask a question.. Does frequently flashing new custom ROM affect our phone's hardware..like chipset or whatever they are in this phone? Just wondering because everytime a new custom ROM is uploaded, i will test them.. Priority to all DEV's and expert to answer or give opinion regarding this issue..
No it will not... well at least not in a way that you would notice it. of course you loose some battery life by that (not more than when you would play with your smartphone in a normal manner) flash drives can be flashed up to a few 100,000 times and so it will not destroy your phone...
talking about software that might get messed up is another thing...
Treshy said:
talking about software that might get messed up is another thing...
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What did you mean?well i know the differences between hardware and software, but what are the thing that might messed up the software?did you mean softbrick?i am a noob..sorry.. :silly:
Treshy said:
flash drives can be flashed up to a few 100,000 times...
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Is this a facts?thank you..i learnt something new..
assassin0408 said:
What did you mean?well i know the differences between hardware and software, but what are the thing that might messed up the software?did you mean softbrick?i am a noob..sorry.. :silly:
Is this a facts?thank you..i learnt something new..
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Some Flsh drives break after a few 1000 flashes but it ranges between a few 1000 and a few 100000 flashes
I mean that when you flash every single rom you get your hands onto chances are that you might break something. In other words, yes, soft or maybe even hardbrick (unsure about that). but if you are a bit aware of the dangers then there is not too much that can happen... If you always have a NANDroid backup then it is really really hard to do something bad enough to not be able to fix it.
Sorry for my bad english
Technically speaking, your nand gets derped every single time you flash it, and that includes official updates. But the difference is so small that you won't even notice it. If you somehow manage to preserve this device for the next 10 years in a working condition, you will feel the difference..
I do not respond to tech support via PM

