Checking Ext Files with Theme Installed on Cyan Recovery - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've noticed something (i think) with the checking Ext File Systems option when having a theme installed. I've recently done a full wipe of the phone and my Ext3, installed the newest experimental and did a Nandroid backup. After the backup was done, I did the "Check Ext File Systems" and it yielded no errors so I flashed the EnochX & Palm Pre theme's at seperate times and on both occasions got this error "Ext files could not be checked, please run 'esfck' in console" or something to that nature.
I did not know if it was an issue with theme's or the recovery or a combination of the two but was wondering if anyone else has noticed something similar or different.


Partition crashed and Nand restore not fixing?

My ext2 partition crashed after I applied the latest update for AOSP 1.6 , I dont know why that happened , I have updated many times before, and nothing went wrong.
Anyway so I had no choice but to delete the partition and create and format it into ext2 again . So then I booted into Cyanogen 1.4 and used my last backup (which I had used before and worked fine) only thing is all the applications I had installed on the SD card are now gone. I only see the shortcuts :S
So my question is , does the NAND actually backup the apps on SD as well ?
and in my case......should I just wipe and start clean ?? (I reallyyy hate this option).
If you wiped your ext and didn't make a backup of it on your pc then you can't do a restore anyways. Sorry about your luck
Weees said:
My ext2 partition crashed after I applied the latest update for AOSP 1.6 , I dont know why that happened , I have updated many times before, and nothing went wrong.
Anyway so I had no choice but to delete the partition and create and format it into ext2 again . So then I booted into Cyanogen 1.4 and used my last backup (which I had used before and worked fine) only thing is all the applications I had installed on the SD card are now gone. I only see the shortcuts :S
So my question is , does the NAND actually backup the apps on SD as well ?
and in my case......should I just wipe and start clean ?? (I reallyyy hate this option).
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No, NANDroid doesnt back up the sdcard
switchrom/BART do. Look up those scripts in the development section, or use AmonRA's 1.3.2 recovery

[Q] Updating to Fresh 2.3.3 and/or Undoing Apps2sd

So I'm running Fresh 2.1 and tried to upgrade to 2.3.3 last night, but it was putting it into an endless reboot. I made sure I wiped the cache and data so the only thing I can think of that's causing the problem is that I'm using apps2sd and didn't wipe my ext3 partition. Reflashed back to my 2.1 backup and things are back to running fine now thankfully. It's brought a few questions up for me, though
Before I go the route of wiping my ext3 partition for apps2sd I want to make sure I can still recover back to the way things were before in case the upgrade to 2.3.3 doesn't work. I use Clockwork ROM Manager with Nandroid to do my backups but when watching the backup take place it looks like it tries to mount the ext3 partition to back it up but fails. Honestly not fully familiar with how apps2sd really works, so I don't know if that failure during the nandroid backup means my apps on the ext3 partition aren't getting backed up. Would that mean that if I wiped the ext3 partition and tried to recover my 2.1 ROM that my apps would not be there?
I thought maybe I could just undo the apps2sd setup, do a backup and then I'd be fine. But I'm having trouble finding clear, up to date instructions for how to undo apps2sd.
If anyone can clarify any of my issues or point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Could someone at least point me to some updated instructions for undoing apps2sd on the Sprint Hero?
pdragon said:
Could someone at least point me to some updated instructions for undoing apps2sd on the Sprint Hero?
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The instructions you are looking for are here
Normally (at least in the RA recovery) when you go to the backup menu for nandroid, you can choose if you wish to backup normally or with the ext partition included (much bigger file, takes longer). Regardless, if you wipe your ext partition, and you need to nandroid back, the backup will work fine, you will just need to reinstall your applications.
I save myself some time when I need to do this by using "Shootme" (free on the market) and take screen shots of my apps, then I can just refer back to the screenies to find everything I need. Alternatively, you could use the ADB "pull" command and take a copy of your apps directory onto your computer, then push them back if needs be.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply, runngwlf. I guess either the version of Nandroid I have, ClockworkMod Recovery, or my phone doesn't support backing up with the ext. When I go into Nandroid, my only options are Backup, Restore & Advanced Restore. Choosing backup just goes straight into running the backup with no choices. During the backup it gives an error saying it couldn't mount the ext partition.
Thanks for confirming the backup will still work, just without my apps. Guess I'll give it a shot!
runngwlf said:
Normally (at least in the RA recovery) when you go to the backup menu for nandroid, you can choose if you wish to backup normally or with the ext partition included (much bigger file, takes longer)...
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Hah! That little tidbit got me going in the right direction. Looking through the ClockworkMod i saw an option to install RA Recovery as an alternative boot recovery. Lo and behold, rebooting into RA Recovery gives me that ext backup option. Thanks again!

CWR does nothing

My nook color recently got stuck on the boot screen for CM7 where the blue android text just chills out in the left corner. This happened right after my nook ran out of battery power.
I have gotten it to boot all the way into CM7 occasionally. However, it is not reliable at all, so I've tried to restore it to stock and reflash the whole thing.
I tried to do this by booting into recovery and then flashing the restore to 1.01 stock zip file, but when the nook rebooted it was still stuck on the android text. I have tried flashing everything related to restoring nooks, but to no avail.
I thought that maybe my CWR was broken, so I tried making a CWR sd card but even when I flashed the restore zip, my nook's boot still gets stuck on the android text.
What do you think I should try to do now?
You are able to boot into cwr though? If so have you tried downloading the stock image file again? Could be the file is corrupt.
I just downloaded it again and it still doesn't work.
I don't think that the problem is the zip files. I think that CWR is the problem since I've tried formatting /system and /data and tried repartitioning boot, but nothing happens...
I just tried to restore my nook to stock through ADB, but it still tried to boot into CM7. I guess that rules out CWR as the problem...
I also made an ext4 compatible CWR SD and tried the restore 1.01 zip again. This time I got past the android text and instead got to the grey android text from the rooted nook boot. However, it just sat there, stuck in a loop.
Odd, that even after wiping system and data that you'd have anything to boot into. You aren't leaving a bootable sd card in place are you?
I make sure to take out the SD card before rebooting.
Is it possible to check to see if CWR/ADB is actually writing to the correct partitions?
EDIT: I do not think that my nook is keeping any changes that I make to it...
I managed to boot into CM7 and I uninstalled a few apps and changed the max clock to 800mhz. Then I rebooted and eventually got back into CM7 and my apps magically came back and my max clock was reset to 1.1ghz.
okay that is very odd. Unfortunately I've never run into this or even read about it before. Hopefully someone here will be able to give you a tip that will help you fix this.
I've been having same issue for a week now. I tried everything I was able to find here but nothing is wokring. It seems like my nook became a read-only device. No matter what I do it goes back to previous stage.
I was running CM7 RC4 and system hung so I rebooted and that was it. It displays "Android_" on the bottm for about 10-15 sec and reboot.
I tried
- Repratition to stock nook.
- Getting error when I try to format system and data - I thought it was because CM7 was setting system to ext4.
- ADB and DD boot.img, System.img and copy Factory to mmcblk0p3
- Try to restore from back up I made
- Nothing works but goes back to boot loop
CWR - One I got from CM7 install to emmc thread
- System format works
- Install latest nightly
- Restore from back up
- ADB can't find device - This is odd and couldn't find a way to fix it yet.
- Tried to install Stock zip but going back to CM7 boot loop
- Can't format data/system
- ADB to delete partitions and create them again but it doesn't help
- Tried all zip files to bring it back to stock - no go
- ADB to copy to emmc partition - umount and mount again then file I copied is gone.
- Deleted partitions and reboot but some how I got back to CM7 loop
I see people start to talking about CM7 boot loop issue. I saw this thread and man this is same issue I'm having! Let me know if you some how resolved this issue. I will do the same if I can find one.
Naw, I haven't resolved it yet...
I will post the solution if I do though!
Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but I am also stuck running RC4. Maybe there's some weird glitch in RC4 that makes the file system read only or something...?
I went from RC4 to stable with no problem. I did notice that CWR was not mounting the system and data partitions so I did have to do that when updating. Not sure why they aren't mounting automatically.
From the Dummies guide link....Here...
First visit this link:
Download either the Rootpack, or the Clockwork Recovery image (1gb).
Next visit this link and download the 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 restore to stock files:
From this link you should also download the very last zip on the page. It is titled-flashable boot repartition zip. or something of the like. If you followed all these steps and still nothing, I would recommend flashing this as it can fix a completely screwed boot partition.
I had to use that last file after my hard crash. Seems that te /boot gets corrupted and tis seemed to fix it for me. After this you will probably need to do a full wipe and reinstall.
My order was...
rebuild /boot
reflash to stock
reflash to CM7
not sure why this worked...just did.
edit: just noticed my H key isn't always working...makes me type like a alf drunk brit..
deadbot1 said:
From the Dummies guide link....Here...
First visit this link:
Download either the Rootpack, or the Clockwork Recovery image (1gb).
Next visit this link and download the 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 restore to stock files:
From this link you should also download the very last zip on the page. It is titled-flashable boot repartition zip. or something of the like. If you followed all these steps and still nothing, I would recommend flashing this as it can fix a completely screwed boot partition.
I had to use that last file after my hard crash. Seems that te /boot gets corrupted and tis seemed to fix it for me. After this you will probably need to do a full wipe and reinstall.
My order was...
rebuild /boot
reflash to stock
reflash to CM7
not sure why this worked...just did.
edit: just noticed my H key isn't always working...makes me type like a alf drunk brit..
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I tried this too but mine didn't come back.
Hmm. dunno. Maybe you can get samuelhalff to chime in...he was helping another guy out with something similar. searc in the threads for his name and your problem...wasn't to long ago.
edit--- this was the thread I was talking about...doesn't appear they came up with a solution.
I tried all the things you suggested guys, but nothing worked...
Although I think I made some kind of progress... I tried to dd stock boot.img and system.img files onto my nook and now CM7 just bootloops instead of hangs!
Hopefully we can get this sorted out soon, or else I may try what one member suggested about microwaving it so that you can get a new one...

I think I screwed my phone :(

I downloaded the HydracoreNirvana kernel and installed it through CWM.
Later I thought of installing the Ultimate N7000 XXLSZ JellyBean 4.1.2 v5.2 ROM but I read somewhere that the HydraCoreNirvana kernel was not supported so I download SpeedMod K5-1 and flashed it through odin. The phone Rebooted but it didn't restart. It only showed the "Samsung Galaxy Note" screen and won't turn on.
I managed to boot into recovery and install the SpeedMod kernel and then, as stated in the ROM's OP, I flashed it checking every step as I took.
ROM was installed successfully but after the Language selection screen it shows "Samsung SetupWizard has stopped". I tried reflashing the ROM but its still the same error.
How do I get past this??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
boot into recovery... mounts and storage> format - system, data, cache and preload and install the rom again
nokiamodeln91 said:
boot into recovery... mounts and storage> format - system, data, cache and preload and install the rom again
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Okayy. That worked. Thanks a lot!
But the phone is lagging a lot now. Its even worse than before (And I haven't even installed any apps myself yet!). Any way to correct that problem?
install Titanium Backup and remove some of the apps that you dont use.. clear some space and it should become smooth.. also as you have just installed the rom, wait for media scanner to finish... give it a couple of hours
Okay.. One last question, I backed up my Messages and Call Logs through Titanium Backup to an .xml file but now when I want to restore it it doesn't give me the option to select from card/phone. It only shows "DB text editor" and "Dropbox". How do I fix this?
check if your internal and ext SD is detected properly. also check in TB preferences for the location of the backup folder
Yes, the Ext. card and the SD card are detected properly. I copied the backed up .xml files to the existing back up folder for TB but it still doesn't give me the option to restore from the card.
did you try going to preferences>backup folder location> detect
It says "No backup location was found" even though I've set a backup location!
may be try reinstalling TB

[Q] TWRP Backup failed - SD issues?

So I've searched quite a bit on this one and can't really seem to figure out what is going on.
I started on TWRP and when backing up with adequate storage space I kept getting "backup failed". I tried, same thing, and finally failed as well. I cleared a bunch of stuff off of it and was able to backup once. Two days later when I was going to try out a new rom, I decided to make a new backup and right back to where I am now - fails every time. I have 10gb free and the backup is less than 5gb. I was getting impatient wanting to update my rom, and figured since I already had one backup I may as well try to install a new rom - I tried to wipe data/cache/dalvik, and even that failed.
I attached two logs I saved from different backups. I've tried fix_permissions and nothing. I'm assuming this may be a error with the internal storage, perhaps my next step would be to format that partition (Is this just "format data" in TWRP wipe section?)
Thanks for the help!

