Followed a youtube root video. This one
Following the instructions of his part 1 video - I've downgraded my phone to RC7
I used the HardSPL ? and was about to upgrade to a current version of Android BUT the download links to the ROMS are dead. Can any one point me to a safe ROM which will work after following that guys instructions and downloads?
I had a look at the ROMs on this site but none of the RC8 files work either.
Can some one point me in the right direction please? Ideally I'd like to get a Hero ROM working but for now I'd be happy just getting back to Cupcake 1.5.
Could you please give us the information in 'about phone'?
Go to settings > about phone and tell use the firmware version, baseband version and build number.
I believe you are currently on 1.1,if so you need to update the radio to 1.5 and then the ROM.
After you've confirmed the firmware, baseband and build we can tell you how to update.
Firmware - 1.0
Baseband -
Build number - kila_uk-user 1.0 TV5-RC7 112931 ota-rel-keys, release-keys
Thanks for the help!
Okay, and you have flashed the custom recovery image? To check hold down home and power to boot in to recovery, it should say something about a build, if it says JF or JF + Cyanogen then that's fine.
First you need to flash the 1.5 radio image. It's in my signature, rename it '', put in on your sdcard and flash from reocovery. The phone will reboot in to a screen where the phone is flashing the radio. It should reboot by itself, and you good to go for flashing a ROM.
I updated from the radio image on RC9 (FW 1.1) but I'm sure it should work on 1.0, you might want to wait for a seccond opinion.
There are a few 1.5 ROMs.
JF 1.51 - Standard rooted 1.5 build, no frills
Cyanogen 4.04 - 1.5 with loads of optimizations
Cyangen - 1.6 Donut build, it is experimental!
You can find them in the development section. This time aswell as flashing as, you will have to wipe first (it's another option listed in the recovery menu).
AdrianK said:
Okay, and you have flashed the custom recovery image? To check hold down home and power to boot in to recovery, it should say something about a build, if it says JF or JF + Cyanogen then that's fine...
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When I reboot holding the HOME and POWER, the phone boots up to a exclaimation mark. Pressing ALT + L shows a yellow list of instructions (as shown here in the video I used). There is no meantion of JF - no mention of anything other than the yellow text instructions.
Should I try adding a different recover image? (if that's possible)
One more thing.. whan I connect the USB cable now, there is no option to 'mount' in the notification bar. Some thing to worry about?
You have downgraded to RC7.
Start with Step 2 HERE
I've done part 2 and I'm pretty sure 3 whilst following the youtube video.
Is it safe to do them again?
Yes it's safe to do it again. Right now the only thing we have proof of is Step 1 so start with Step 2.
Ok. Will start with step 2.
What about the problem with the phone not giving an option to mount USB? This a problem?
Worked a treat. Thank you!
So where are you at now?
AdrianK said:
So where are you at now?
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Following the instructions on the link provided, I've upgraded to:
Baseband: 62.50S.20.17U_2.22.19.26I
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-4.0.4
Build number: CRC1
This all seem okay to you?
pixelpefekt said:
Following the instructions on the link provided, I've upgraded to:
Baseband: 62.50S.20.17U_2.22.19.26I
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-4.0.4
Build number: CRC1
This all seem okay to you?
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Oh yeah that's all ok, I just wanted to check
Hey all!
i have some questions to this app:
1. does it works on T-Mobile D G1 with any FW? or also only with RC29 or RC7?
2. is flashing "HardSPL" or "DangerSPL" a musthave or can i use the original SPL (iam scarry to flah SPL)?
3. when i restore the backup do i have the full original t-mobile D delivery version of my G1?
4. how i restore the original recovery.img
5. if needed, how do i restore the original SPL
6. do i need to flash the Radio manual or do the apk make this
7. is this the right order?
- download apk
- install apk
- download CyanogenMod v4.0.1
- save as on SD root
- execute apk
- create backup
- flash Cyanogen recovery 1.4
- reboot into the new
- flash CyanogenMod v4.0.1
- Wipe
- boot G1
- download new Radio
- copy Radio as to SD root
- update Radio via Cyanogen recovery 1.4
- done
- boot G1 (now i have a rooted G1 with CyanogenMod v4.0.1)
please correct me if the is anything wrong or if i missed any step!!
iam "noob" with android - but i hope not for a long time
As a N00b you should at least read the Sticky posts, like this one...
It's called:
"Don't Start A New Thread - Dream Questions & Answers Here!"
All questions should be posted in the Q&A Section. I'm not too familiar with the 1-click rooting since it's been out for less than 72hrs so from what I've heard the 1-click root flashes cyan's recovery for you so all you have to do is this:
-Download and flash newest radio
-Download and flash Hard SPL
-Download and flash CM v4.0.1
If you do it in this order I'm 99.99999% sure you won't brick your phone, but once again please post all future question in the Q&A section
dubbeld00 said:
As a N00b you should at least read the Sticky posts, like this one...
It's called:
"Don't Start A New Thread - Dream Questions & Answers Here!"
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if to correct me, iam not a totaly noob - iam only noob in flashing android i allready flashed two HTC Wizard to a german Windows 6.5 Beta 2 and they works perfectly only a bit slower as with mobile 5.0
bluedragon1982 said:
Hey all!
i have some questions to this app:
1. does it works on T-Mobile D G1 with any FW? or also only with RC29 or RC7?
2. is flashing "HardSPL" or "DangerSPL" a musthave or can i use the original SPL (iam scarry to flah SPL)?
3. when i restore the backup do i have the full original t-mobile D delivery version of my G1?
4. how i restore the original recovery.img
5. if needed, how do i restore the original SPL
6. do i need to flash the Radio manual or do the apk make this
7. is this the right order?
- download apk
- install apk
- download CyanogenMod v4.0.1
- save as on SD root
- execute apk
- create backup
- flash Cyanogen recovery 1.4
- reboot into the new
- flash CyanogenMod v4.0.1
- Wipe
- boot G1
- download new Radio
- copy Radio as to SD root
- update Radio via Cyanogen recovery 1.4
- done
- boot G1 (now i have a rooted G1 with CyanogenMod v4.0.1)
please correct me if the is anything wrong or if i missed any step!!
iam "noob" with android - but i hope not for a long time
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Yes, this app worked perfectly for me ( cuz I dun wanna waste my time doing all the porcess of pulling the firmware back to RC29 ). If u have the latest radio, then just execute the .apk, turn off your phone right after doing all the required process from that app ( back up current img then Flash the 1.4 img from Cyanogen I remember ), then go into recovery mode and you have the newest recovery img. (Remember to put the CyanogenModv4.0.1 to your SD first). Then Wipe and Flash the update, and you're done
and it works without flashing SPL????
bluedragon1982 said:
and it works without flashing SPL????
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ARE you NOT getting IT ..........
YOU need TO ask YOUR questions IN the Q&A section....
THIS is THE development SECTION
dan0zone said:
ARE you NOT getting IT ..........
YOU need TO ask YOUR questions IN the Q&A section....
THIS is THE development SECTION
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thx for moving
now the next ry to get good anwsers and not so stupid answers like the one form dan0zone
hard spl will not brick your phone. it is needed to flash roms from other regions than yours. hard spl is a good thing to have. also with it you can flash nandroid back ups and you can change your splash screen to further personalize your dream. enough said... go download it. flash it. if you have to wipe, then wipe. if you don't like wiping then you should not have rooted in the first place.
but to use this tool have id need to flash the SPL or works it with the original SPL too? in the manual and one the youtube video- there is no info about a need to flash the SPL.
all i want to know is:
can i just install this app, flash the new radio, run the backup, flash recovery, flash CFW, and iam done or not
yes you can do that. afterwards i would recommend flashing the hard spl.
you do not have to flash it, but it would be a good thing.
david1171 said:
yes you can do that. afterwards i would recommend flashing the hard spl.
you do not have to flash it, but it would be a good thing.
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thanks, should i flash the radio befor i try to root my G1 with the 1-click rooting? or after i flashed the custom FW?
I used the "1-click root"
I followed all the steps and my phone is working fine, but how can you tell if its rooted?
Also, if it is rooted and I wanted to install the most current cyanogen ROM, do I have to install the new radio and SPL files?
Thanks in adv for putting up with my N00Bness.
what build do you have now? rc33? i would first update the radio. i would not mess with the newer spl as it has been known to brick phones. also did you install cynogen's recovery image? turn phone off then hold power button and home key when you turn it on to put you back into recovery image. it should say cynogen recovery 1.4 on top. it will have a number of options on the bottom nandroid backup, restore nandroid etc. if that cynogen"s recovery image is on the phone its rooted. after you flash the latest radio, i would flash jf 1.51 build then cynogens latest build. i heard the going to cynogens latest build will cause a bootloop if your not coming from another modded build.
kaws666 said:
I followed all the steps and my phone is working fine, but how can you tell if its rooted?
Also, if it is rooted and I wanted to install the most current cyanogen ROM, do I have to install the new radio and SPL files?
Thanks in adv for putting up with my N00Bness.
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To tell if the phone is rooted, download terminal emulator from the market and type su at the prompt. If the phone is rooted, the prompt should go from a $ to a #. If not, you will get a permission denied error message. If that is the case, probably go the old fashion way of rooting
As far as the SPL and radio, you don't need the danger SPL (haykuro's) but you will need to engineering SPL or hard SPL to install custom ROMs. As far as the radio, you want to latest radio to improve calls, bluetooth, etc.
hi im also new..
i did the 1 click root too. i did the back up, then flashed the 1.4. then the nandroid backup, then wiped the data, then flashed cyanogens 4.0.1. so im pretty sure im rooted.. and everything works too! except myfaves and the native im app.
but whats this about the radio? do i have to update that? i havent messed with the radio at all.. what are the dangers in this? if any?
and i haave no clue what the hell spl is lol
roadrunnerx7 said:
hi im also new..
i did the 1 click root too. i did the back up, then flashed the 1.4. then the nandroid backup, then wiped the data, then flashed cyanogens 4.0.1. so im pretty sure im rooted.. and everything works too! except myfaves and the native im app.
but whats this about the radio? do i have to update that? i havent messed with the radio at all.. what are the dangers in this? if any?
and i haave no clue what the hell spl is lol
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SPL info:
Radio info:
image file for controlling wireless/radio signal, runs at layer underneath android
Please guys, try to use the search function...pretty please.
definetly flash the radio, it made my speaker a lot louder!
My current build never changed. Its still CRC1 :/
I just tried the terminal emulator command and typed su and it said permission denied :/
What SPL and radio should I flash after I root of course?
DirectMatrix said:
SPL info:
Radio info:
image file for controlling wireless/radio signal, runs at layer underneath android
Please guys, try to use the search function...pretty please.
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thank you!
I just rooted my g1 and i'm having problems trying to install cms rom.
some info;
Oct 20 2008
I installed cm's recover 1.4 img and have access to the recovery screen no problem.
Tired installing AP1.6 but can't confirm it got installed.
I did this..
flashed signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota-14721
flashed cm
goes to the T-mobile screen, then it loads up cm's boot screen then after where it should take me to the setup screen, it turns gray/black and stays there.
please give me some imput on what i'm doing wrong.
You wipe, then you flash the ota update. Reboot and it will go back into recovery by itself. from there you install cm, without wiping. Reboot and you are good.
Ok i've done just that.
flashed ota, it goes back to recovery image
i flash cm
reboot and it does the same thing.
t-mo logo loads up. then cm's android bootscreen loads up.
then it goes gray/black and stays there.
i know im doing something wrong but not sure what... should i install a older cm rom first? since i'm coming from a fresh rooted g1? i was coming from rc29
RegulatorG1 said:
Ok i've done just that.
flashed ota, it goes back to recovery image
i flash cm
reboot and it does the same thing.
t-mo logo loads up. then cm's android bootscreen loads up.
then it goes gray/black and stays there.
i know im doing something wrong but not sure what... should i install a older cm rom first? since i'm coming from a fresh rooted g1? i was coming from rc29
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it shouldn't make a difference. how much time did you wait? It could take up to 15 minutes for the first initial boot.
i've waited about 10mins. but even if it goes to the gray/black screen i should wait for it longer?
gonna redo this again and wait for a longer time. 20mins max and see where it goes from there.
Upgrade to amon_ra recovery 1.5
Then do this
install ADP 1.6
flash cm rom right after flashing ADP without reboot
now reboot and it will go back to recovery mode
now reboot once again and wait my friend
I'm still waiting for about 20mins to see if it reboots good.
If not then i'll be doing the new amon_ra recovery 1.5 way.
should i install a older cm rom if coming from bare root?
or it doesn't matter if i'm flashing 1.6?
you might want to consider upgrading your spl while you're at it. Just a thought. I don't think it's necessary for running Cyanogen, but it'd be nice to have in case you ever want to run a hero rom to upgrade to the danger spl
where can i get the spl? I dont wanna install the danger one since I wont be installing hero on it. I just wanna run cm roms.
no luck still. but have another dumb question for you folks.
the spl i have is this. .. HSPL10.95.3000
is this ok to run cm or should i upgrade it? i know that there is a spl that is used to run hero roms but i'm not gonna be doing that so I thought that maybe there might be another spl out there that is a upgrade from the one i have?
gonna go search the forums for this btw. I dont wanna be a pain about this.
RegulatorG1 said:
no luck still. but have another dumb question for you folks.
the spl i have is this. .. HSPL10.95.3000
is this ok to run cm or should i upgrade it? i know that there is a spl that is used to run hero roms but i'm not gonna be doing that so I thought that maybe there might be another spl out there that is a upgrade from the one i have?
gonna go search the forums for this btw. I dont wanna be a pain about this.
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I was wondering if it was your spl that could be preventing the rom to boot up. If you don't want to flash the danger spl, you can flash another one, like the HardSPL. I'm sure if you look in one of the sticky's or locked threads at the top of the forums in development you will probably be able to find a download link. It's worth a shot. Since you already have the latest radio, there is no reason to worry about upgrading the radio.
i was checking the forums and i have the hard spl.
or at least this says is the hard one. goes something like this..
hardspl =VER: HSPL10.95.3000
Engineering SPL=VER: HBOOT-0.95.3000
and last
G1 Original SPL=VER: HBOOT-0.95.0000
still no luck with installing cm's rom.. gonna look some more.
thanks for all the help guys! please if you think of something else let me know.
ok can't figure this crap out. gonna go bald lol
did a restore on my recovery and i'm back to this.
Model number: Android Dev Phone 1
Firmware version: 1.6
Baseband version: 62.50s.20.1H_2.22.19.26I
Kerner version: 2.6.29-00479-g3c7df37
[email protected] #19
Build number: dream_devphone-userdebug 1.6 DRC83 14721 test-keys
It does show the 1.6ADP
but what the hell lmao. I can't install cm though.
Not gonna touch the g1 right now till hopefully some of you can tell me how or what to do to upgrade my rom to hopefully cm4.2.7.1.
Again i'm really sorry for being soo needy.
oh crap. I think i lost root access again >_< crap
what's the best way to check to see if i still have root?
turned off phone and tried going into recovery but now it just shows the triangle ! and the phone pic. guess root is gone???
The newer Spl rearranges how mem is allocated so more is given to system partition on phone which allows larger roms to be installed(heros).Any SpL is fine for cyanogen/enom/dwang roms.
RegulatorG1 said:
oh crap. I think i lost root access again >_< crap
what's the best way to check to see if i still have root?
turned off phone and tried going into recovery but now it just shows the triangle ! and the phone pic. guess root is gone???
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The triangle means root is no longer with you,young one.
ok, gonna root it again. i can get it to rc29 no problem but that's where the entire thing went wrong. will post later. wish me luck
ok rooted my g1 once again. gonna install the 1.4 recovery image now.
ok installed 1.4 recovery, now performing a backup for this point.
I think I have a old cm rom around somewhere.. .. its a 3.9.5cm should i update radio first then install this or visa versa?
+ok, installed 1.4 and flashed new radio. now gonna do what your saying and see where it goes. performing backups at each point >< lol
-ok i went to recovery and flashed the new radio and it's still formating cache... its been like 5mins already. should i reboot or wait longer?
i'm still needing to install the 1.6ADP and the rom still.
Don't reboot between the 2 zip files.
Boot to recovery
do a wipe
wipe it again for good measure
install from zip signed dev dream zip
install from zip Cyanogenmod
It will tell you it is writing radio then actually reboot
It will reboot to recovery mode
where it will tell you its writing cache...
wait till it offers reboot option again
you shoul dget the G1 screen, than the cyanogen screen...
yes it might take a while on the second screen...I have never had it hang more than about 8 minutes.
Then you should be operational.
I do have a reoccuring issue with poor response after the initial boot to the desktop.
I usually just wait for it to stop all the background shuffling and then it smooths out.
ok this is where i am so far...
have root
have hardspl
have recovery 1.4
have Radio Update
now i'm gonna perform backup and do what you just said. hopefully since i did everything brand new there will be no issues.
Hello everyone.
I have done a lot of reading and searching regarding rooting a G1. There are so many guides and resources out there I was wondering if you guys could point me to the best (safest?) way to do it.
I have been thinking of rooting it for months due to the benefits I can get once I have done it but the thought of bricking it has been stopping me from doing it. I want to get it over with now and would appreciate if you guys can point me to the best guide and the best rom (I know there is many, I would like speed, stability and some nice features would be cool). I have a G1, I live in the UK and it is supplied by T-Mobile. I keep it up to date with the OTA updates so I think I will have to downgrade which I believe is shown in most guides? If there is any info you guys need, please say.
I would be really thankful if I got some help, it's not something I want to do without proper knowledge (which all of you have). Is it easy enough to do if I follow the instructions and make sure my battery is charged enough?
Also, can we in the UK flash the radio, is that meant to be tampered with, what are the pros and cons of doing that?
Thank you so much.
EDIT -----------------------------
Please look at post #6, I made a list of what I think I need to do.
I would suggest finding the 1-click root to make it easy for you. Then, flash the 1.6 HTC image like all builds based off of Cyanogen's build environment require now and then flash @wesgarner's build for the fastest most stable build available.
Here's how to root your phone... nice and simple....
The one click root doesn't work if you've upgraded your phone to the OTA 1.6 update.
So the old instructions would be a safe bet since i don't know if you have 1.5 or 1.6.
Follow these instructions:
Then upgrade your radio and SPL from here:
Then if you want to upgrade to the newest CM build do this:
Before you install the Cyanogenmod ROM you need to install the HTC 1.6 Dev Rom first.
HTC took it off their website, i have it uploaded on my site...
do this: ( This is for HTC Dream (G1) )
CLEAR YOUR EXT PARTITION or REPARTITION YOUR CARD to get rid of any Incompatible files.
Download CM ->
Download HTC Dream Image 1.6 ->
Place them both on the root of your SDCard.
Reboot your phone into recovery mode...
2. Install HTC Dream Image
3. Hit Reboot when it's done (and keep an eye on the phone!)
4. you will see the little picture with an arrow (radio installation), WHEN YOU SEE THE PHONE REBOOT HOLD THE HOME KEY. It should reboot right back into recovery.
5. Now install the CM ROM
6. Reboot and you're done...
Hope that helps!
Thank you all for the information and links.
I have been doing a lot more reading today and think I might go with Dwang's rom. From what I understand (to do it the quick way) I need to revert my G1 back to Cupcake (RC7 for europe?) from Donut 1.6. Then Download the recovery flasher and flash a recovery image, do I use Amon Ra's? Do I then load the rom, then the theme afterwards? I hear people mentioning the radio, is it a necessity for the G1 that I mess with the radio? Is it easy to brick the phone doing it this way?
Thanks again for the help and understanding .
After watching this
Could you guys tell me if this would work?
1. Format my SDCard. Transfer the old android (RC7?) image, Amon Ra's recovery image, Dwerg's rom and a nice theme made for the rom to the SD card.
2. Can I use the telnet thing to flash the Aman Ra recovery image?
3. Power off.
4. Power on holding the camera button and the power button and then downgrade my version. Reboot.
5. Turn on and set up my google info. Press enter twice and type "telnetd" and press enter. Proceed to the market and download the telnet app.
6. Run the app, and type in what's needed to flash the new recovery image. Again, can I use Aman Ra's? I'm unsure what to type but I will try and figure it out.
7. Power off.
8. Power on holding the Home and power keys, which should bring me to the new recovery image.
9. If I am flashing Dwerg's do I need to flash 1.6 first like you need to do for CM? Or is that a CM only thing? Flash the rom.
That should be it? Would doing it that way work ok? Less chance of bricking? There was no mention of radio flashing or anything.
Hopefully you guys can help me out.
Here's a basic tutorial I wrote up to install Froyo on the N1. Seems like most are having trouble with it. All Files Included. Follow the steps as listed. Report any problems but I have yet to hear from anyone about any issues... Enjoy!
My Way also updates to the newest radio. New radio includes new Video Encoders so you'll want to try the new radio first.
Tutorial Here
Please Post your Results - Feedback. Thank You.
If you try any optional kernels, try .34 kernels, not 33.4. There is positive feedback w/ .34kernels + new radio. If you're using the Old Radio and a 2.1 Build then stay on the 33.4 kernels.
I know it's redundant to install CM first as it mostly gets overwritten. Again, these are the steps I took and it's what's worked for me and others. Don't skip steps, if you have any issues let me know. I also just updated the CM 5.0.7 to Final, it's not test-3 anymore.
Like I always say... ENJOY!
+1 - Worked like a charm
The N1 can't boot up and hang on the 4color logo after flash the CM 5.0.7, what can I do now ?
adamxadam said:
The N1 can't boot up and hang on the 4color logo after flash the CM 5.0.7, what can I do now ?
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Did you wait for the radio update to finish (the picture of the box with the arrow coming out of it pointing to the android) and have it go back to the recovery screen again?
The instructions don't appear to make any mention of the radio flash & reboot. I also don't see the point of installing the Cyanogen ROM first, what's the benefit of doing this considering the majority of it gets overwritten by the FroYo /system flash anyway, and the gapps all get replaced as well. (Cyan installs nothing to the /data partition).
adamxadam said:
The N1 can't boot up and hang on the 4color logo after flash the CM 5.0.7, what can I do now ?
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Try the tutorial again, the radio part wasn't the issue as you haven't even gotten to that step yet. I re-uploaded CM 5.0.7 to final, it's not test 3 anymore... Try again and post results please... and follow steps exactly. As far as doing CM first, it's not necessary, I just include that step because it's how I did it and it works great for me and everyone who's tried it this way.
Also, make sure you do the prerequisites first like installing the recovery
Why not just load up FRF50 straight up, why the need for the EPE54B, and CM 5.0.7?
DXL007 said:
Why not just load up FRF50 straight up, why the need for the EPE54B, and CM 5.0.7?
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Again, this is the way I used and it worked... Also, there are 2's floating around. 1 Is an update from 2.1 to 2.2 and one is the full update.
Better safe than sorry
ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
you evidently haven't looked on the second page of dev forum... Cyan's up to Eclair 2.1 already...
Just search.... then read.... I like to start at the top of the page somewhere around a sticky
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Trial&error said:
ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
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Try this out but read the op first.
In Christ
Trial&error said:
ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
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Also, The latest recovery and info on updating it.
Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that a guy called "Trial&error" is asking what to do next, instead of finding the best thing for him by a process of trial and error?
Super Jamie said:
Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that a guy called "Trial&error" is asking what to do next, instead of finding the best thing for him by a process of trial and error?
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well i dont want another bricked G1
i have the cyanogenMOD v1.4 + JF boot recovery image
my G1 is rooted if i didn't mention that earlier
so if i understand everything correctly i need to:
1) radio update []
Fair enough about the brick. Most of the newer ROM specify what has come to be known as the "death SPL" which if the proper steps are not taken and the proper hardware is not owned, can produce such a paper weight.
Anyway, SuperE hands down IMO if you want Eclair (2.1) or SuperD (if ya wanna stick to Donut/1.6). Also, there are several posts detailing how to shrink a ROM to try and avoid the possible brick from SPL updates. Just look around in the development section; its ALL there...
Good luck!
Trial&error said:
well i dont want another bricked G1
i have the cyanogenMOD v1.4 + JF boot recovery image
my G1 is rooted if i didn't mention that earlier
so if i understand everything correctly i need to:
1) radio update []
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I followed the instructions here :
This is what I did :
My radio was already OK so I
copied the SPL, ROM, Gapps to the root of my card,
did a Nandroid backup,
wiped my card,
flashed the SPL, rebooted, finished the SPL install,
Installed ROM and Gapps, rebooted
I then booted into recovery and restored the Nandroid and then flashed the new ROM again as the Nandroid restores it to CM 4.whatever it was.
Seems a lot of farting about but it worked. I had to reinstall a few of my apps but most of them worked straight off. One thing - I had to enable Apps2SD again but everythings fine after I did that.
Hope this works....
1) radio update
i didnt do a reboot between the SPL and its just stuck at the G! screen
so i rebooted into recovery reflashed the slp
flashed CM5.0.7-SD
then Gapp
now its at a fancy animation screen.....
who long should this take?
nevermind its booted
now if i can only remember my google login and password