Looking for Xournal style App - G1 Apps and Games

Has anyone seen an app for android that is similar to Xournal (http://xournal.sourceforge.net/). I'm looking for something where most writing is done with a finger or stylus.


[Q] Any chance you could draw on a capacitive screen?

Pardon me for blabbering, I don't wanna give up yet. But is there a chance you could draw on HD7?
I'm an Architect and I usually unsheath my Xperia X1 stylus and hit notepad and before you know it I'm drawing room dimensions to take down notes for length width and height. (usuall construction stuff).
And oh, forgive me for posting this but I didn't start a thread like this when I was with my:
1. HTC Prophet to
2. HTC Alpine to
3. XDA Zinc to
4. SE Xperia X1 till
now. >D
Pencilio is an awesome sketch app in the marketplace.
As for stylus, I imagine a capacitive one would work, but I always hear stories of spottiness. Pencilio works surprisingly well with your finger though.
Nice! As long as I can draw squares and arrowheads inside it to take note of dimensions, I don't even need the drawn line to be perfectly straight.
It's really nice to when someone knows how to do something and shares it here at xda-devs.
MrLeche said:
Nice! As long as I can draw squares and arrowheads inside it to take note of dimensions, I don't even need the drawn line to be perfectly straight.
It's really nice to when someone knows how to do something and shares it here at xda-devs.
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Here's one of the more popular capacitive styli: http://www.amazon.com/BoxWave-Capac...I76S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296244909&sr=8-1
Using that in any drawing app, such as jim says, should be very similar to your previous experiences.
Yep, XDA is a fantastic place

Anyone a artist that uses chalk?

Weird question I know but I had an idea for a ninja app. I found a wallpaper online that a guy who does art work with chalk and was drawing on a sidewalk. I was wondering if anyone would mind helping me make a ninja app. The idea is to design a wallpaper and having a design using app labels on a sidewalk or something with good texture. I will attach an image in a bit to give you an idea of what I was thinking.

[APP] Dualweb browser

Check it in market its pretty cool but I think it's a bit buggy
I was on pulse news just browsing and came across it.
If you have problems, disable 2 screens from the browser leave google then enable again
I'm at work so I can't be very descriptive
GREAT!!! it works fine. Some bugs but this is the first version so its nice for a starting version.
I would prefer to have vertical split screen option like in windows 7 that you can have one screen in the left and the other one in the right
raviosopr said:
GREAT!!! it works fine. Some bugs but this is the first version so its nice for a starting version.
I would prefer to have vertical split screen option like in windows 7 that you can have one screen in the left and the other one in the right
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Agreed, they updated it today to iron out some bugs
This is awesome. Perfect for keeping up with various subforums at once. Thanks for increasing my ADD.
This shows a dev who understands how the tablet environment works. Needs the labs quick controls app or something similar to access bookmarks, new tab, etc.
This is definitely awesome! I could be reading XDA and school work at the same time
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
This is way cool! I've wanted, for a while now to make dual page browser but sadly I know nothing about creating apps. I even whipped up a chopped screenshot. Excellent find.

[Q] Suitable replacement keyboard?

I've been looking for a third-party keyboard that's suitable for the Bionic. I know this device has a higher than normal resolution, so I don't know if some of the more-known keyboards would work properly if they can't scale to the proper resolution. Plus, I don't like the all white stock keyboard layout, I'd like to have something either darker or that can be customized. Anyone have suggestions?
I have been using "Better Keyboard 8" for almost 3yrs.
Swiftkey X, some of the best word prediction I've seen. It scans your old inputs in order to automatically add words to the dictionary, and better predict what you're looking for.
iasa15 said:
Swiftkey X, some of the best word prediction I've seen. It scans your old inputs in order to automatically add words to the dictionary, and better predict what you're looking for.
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+9001. Best keyboard app I've used. They've got a newer version in private beta right now as well.
I think the stock keyboard is amazing, if you just dont like the colors, you can just edit them in photoshop, theyre just a bunch of .pngs
Try Thumb Keyboard... It has a ton of themes and tweaks to play with, and on a phone as big as the Bionic, having the option of a split keyboard would be great! I use it on my Galaxy Tab and my D3, and love it.
Sent from my DROID3 using xda premium
I am really picky on this subject and definetly want something that looks sharp.
The darky keyboard looks amazing. There is a thread started for it specifically that now has an install zip. Huge thanks to Versatile1 for this
Also the gingerbread keyboard in the market looks very good too. This keyboard also takes up the least amount of screen space when portrait.
"Keyboard from android 2.3"
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
I actually just changed to Thumb Keyboard. Loving it so far.

Ubuntu style lock screen available?

I recently recustomized my S2 to look like it's running ubuntu using ADW launcher. However, I was wondering - if anyone has tried such a theme - if anyone has an idea or available ubuntu theme for go locker or widget locker (I have both). Any help, input, questions or comments would be warmly welcomed! Thanks in advance for participating, hopefully this can be of use to someone other than myself as well.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA
How would that look like?
Well I was hoping someone else would have an idea because I'm not too sure what to look for. I could easily use widget locker, use an ubuntu background and some random slider but I'm thinking something more along the lines of a (probably fake) login screen. Maybe something like this
It would be cool to be able to use a profile picture of sorts on the screen and probably instead of the password input just something that can be tapped to unlock. Clearly I'm not asking anyone to develop something just for me - rather, I'm just trying to see what may already be out there under the dirt as I haven't found anything yet.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA
There's a few Ubuntu-related themes for Go Launcher and ADW that I've seen in the market, but I'm sure you've seen them already as well. Haven't seen anything that sounds like what you're looking for though. However, just thought I might pass this along:
Here's the new lock screen design for GNOME 3:
And here's the new LightDM (Unity Greeter) login screen for Ubuntu 12.04:
Yeah I'm already using an Ubuntu theme with ADW launcher. I'm using GO Launcher with an ICS theme and using the launcher background, so it fits - just doesn't look like Ubuntu at lock screen. I appreciate the links, the Unity lock screen is more or less what I expected but the Gnome 3 was new to me! If nothing else I'll get by with what I have - my friends that don't use Ubuntu won't know the difference anyway lol.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA
ubuntu mobile os setup

