Reboot loop on logo screen - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I search a response a lot but nothing.
I try tu update my htc dream/g1 phone and now he is doing loop reboot on screen logo.
I try to go on every menu (menu + power key, home + power key, back + power key, camera + power key) but i can access to these menu.
Do you have a solution or my phone's break for ever.
Thank you

mandrake73 said:
I search a response a lot but nothing.
I try tu update my htc dream/g1 phone and now he is doing loop reboot on screen logo.
I try to go on every menu (menu + power key, home + power key, back + power key, camera + power key) but i can access to these menu.
Do you have a solution or my phone's break for ever.
Thank you
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can you grab an adb lolcat? the boot loop could honestly be due to any number of reasons .. also try to reboot with CALL+MENU+END and then while it starts hold down HOME button ... if you get to recovery then you're not bricked

I can't connect to adb shell (i start my phone and try to list device with adb: i see nothing)
And start with CALL+MENU+END doesn't work (continu to reboot)
Thanks for your answer.
If you have other solution ...

I try to start my phone with trackball hold down and power button and it get me a black screen and the phone led is BLUE.
Can it help me?

I have the same problem. The phone is totally original. It started yesterday when, for an unknown reason, the not responding started to popup.
Now the phone seems to be in a eternal loop on the HTC boot screen with the annoying chime.
I can get into the fastboot mode, but the phone is not in debugging mode...
At least the phone is still under warranty.

If you can get into fastboot or recovery you dont need debugging on

I fixed the problem by doing a hard reset. I lost everything, but at least the phone is working as new.

Backup. Backup. Backup.
And yes, 3 identical copies in 3 places isn't unheard of.

Concerning my contact, I though they where sync automatically to my google contacts, but it wasn't the case.
What are the best backup apps for android?

MyBackUp Pro, BackUp for root users (this ones free)

how have u done hard reset?
i try everything , nothing worked!!
sorry for my enghlish....

Yes I did. It solve the problem, but I lost everything that wasn't backup.

wavesecure is good it backs up sms contacts and pictures and call logs i think it also helps you when your phone is lost its in beta but still works

is not working
how do u reset the phone if not responding to any key combination

Here you go
http : //

Nandroid ftw!

time out so ur tellin us u kan get into the recovery????


please i need serious help .....

hi ...
i have HTC opal and from while i have install a new ROM and it's work ok
then after two week .. my phone does'nt work he hang at boot screen
is there any way to format it with out it working .... please any help .
try a hard rest
Don't worry, your device is not damaged. Follow the guide here to fix your problem:
Note that you'll lose all data on your device when performing this fix. Hope you have a backup at hand!
Essential thing to be known:-
1. Bootloader mode Knowing how to enter into Bootloader mode is one of the most essential thing to be known for a opal user (windows mobile users).
How to enter?
There are two way to enter into bootloader mode.
1. If you device is on, open your device's back cover. Press the soft reset button ( red button ) using stylus. As soon as you press it, immediately press the volume down button and keep holding it until you see a tri-color screen on your device's screen.
2. If your device is off, press the power button as soon as the device vibrates immediately press volume down button and keep holding it until you see a tri-color screen on your device's screen.
If you flashed a damaged rom, you would be no longer able to use your device. In that case enter into bootloader mode. And flash a different rom.
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Good luck..
thnx .... i will try it ....

hard reset without power button

I have a nexus one and the power button is (really) broken.
I need to hard reset the phone, but without power button it seems difficult to confirm "restore" choice from the list.
There is a tool on windows or linux to hard reset my phone?
Or an other way?
Plz, plz, plz
What do you mean by hard reset?
If you want to reset to factory, you can go to home>menu>settings>privacy>factory data reset
If you want to do a full power off, power on cycle, you can let the phone run down to the end of its life and then it will shut itself down (there may be a widget or a battery pull that can shut it down also, not sure). Once the phone is powered down, plug it into a power source. (leave it for a few minutes if you did the battery drain method). Then while the phone is still plugged in, remove the battery cover and remove the battery, wait a few seconds then put the battery back in. Wait a few seconds and the phone will boot up. If it doesn't boot up, repeat the battery pull and insert until it does.
to do a hard reset :
press power button + trackball + volum down;
then the phone will reboot with a special menu, choose recovery and confirm by pressing the power button.
I want to do this, but ... I don't have a power button ...
So, what can I do to have the same result without p.b. ?
You can download terminal emulator from the market.
type the command "reboot recovery" press enter.
Also, you can download an app called Quickboot from the market, it will allow you to choose reboot, reboot recovery, or reboot bootloader.
Are you rooted?
Hello A.B.
First, yes I'm rooted.
But there is still something I didn't say before, my phone is locked and I don't remember the schema and the recovery with the gmail address doesn't work.
thebluest said:
Hello A.B.
First, yes I'm rooted.
But there is still something I didn't say before, my phone is locked and I don't remember the schema and the recovery with the gmail address doesn't work.
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Ok got it. You will have to use ADB via the Android SDK.
The same recovery command will work in ADB. Go to command prompt, cd into your sdk tools directory. Run (<adb devices> first to confirm connection) then <adb reboot recovery>
This will take you to Aman Ra or Clockwork where you should be able to navigate with trackball and the VOL DN.
Not so good if you can't get in to turn USB debugging on though
Unsure but if you are needing to use recovery I can vouch psfreedom recovery uses track ball instead of power button to select / for back / etc. Hope it helps.
Edit : PS_my power button has good n bad days as well. Might I also recommend quick boot and lock widget from market if anyone has this problem.
N1 running psfreedom recovery and MIUI! sent via XDA app =D
I've tried the method you describe above and I get this message " error device not found" ( when the phone is booted, shutteddown, in reboot mode, ...)
bump .. would like to know answer to this too.
Power button is dead.
Nexus one can't got pass the boot animation, but stuck in the lock screen as the thouchscreen doesn't register (perhaps the ROM is corrupted??)
I'm able to get to HBOOT menu, but can't select hboot item as the power button is dead.
Any solution?
viluve said:
bump .. would like to know answer to this too.
Power button is dead.
Nexus one can't got pass the boot animation, but stuck in the lock screen as the thouchscreen doesn't register (perhaps the ROM is corrupted??)
I'm able to get to HBOOT menu, but can't select hboot item as the power button is dead.
Any solution?
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Use passimg method to put a working ROM on your phone...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
Same Situation
What do you mean by sdk tools directory? I mean I am stuck in the same situation. Please help.
adambenjamin said:
What do you mean by hard reset?
If you want to reset to factory, you can go to home>menu>settings>privacy>factory data reset
If you want to do a full power off, power on cycle, you can let the phone run down to the end of its life and then it will shut itself down (there may be a widget or a battery pull that can shut it down also, not sure). Once the phone is powered down, plug it into a power source. (leave it for a few minutes if you did the battery drain method). Then while the phone is still plugged in, remove the battery cover and remove the battery, wait a few seconds then put the battery back in. Wait a few seconds and the phone will boot up. If it doesn't boot up, repeat the battery pull and insert until it does.
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I am having a smartphone of different company but facing the same problem. My smartphone has got screen-locked. My smartphone's power button is broken, and also it doesn't interact when plugged-in a computer or laptop. It just keeps on charging. My laptop, too, never displays that a new device/driver has been added to it.
Hence, I can't hard reset, am not able to open the phone and can't use any external software to make it follow any commands.
Is there any other way, like controlling my phone or hard resetting it via wifi from my laptop.
If such an method exists, I would really like your help.

Help Required

hey all i am using lg2x p990..i rooted my phone to cm7 and later flashed it to ics4....there is bug in it i guess it restarts for every 15 seconds and i cant enter the recovery mode(power plus volume button down)..if i do that also it taking to the main screen....and the internal memory card cant be read nor the external memory card,...bluetooth nor wifi is working if they work at least i can use the rom manager and take to recovery mode...i am not able to do any thing..and it switches off for every 15 seconds...can any one help me what to do..any ideas....please help......i am blocked in all ways to enter the recovery mode...
kitkatblue2 said:
... and i cant enter the recovery mode(power plus volume button down)..if i do that also it taking to the main screen...
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You are either doing it wrongly, or the volume-down button isn't working. It's as simple as that.
To diagnose, make absolutely sure that CWM is properly installed by following steps 1-3 in this guide.
EDIT: Actually, if volume-down isn't working, you won't be able to start the phone in NVFlash-mode either.
Then try to start recovery again (also by doing it exactly like the guide says.) If you still can't access CWM, then you know for certain your volume-down key is broken and you need to get the phone repaired.
Maybe a "quick shot" but why not to ask: do you keep power and vol down keys long enough? You have to keep them pressed both for quite a few seconds before CWM mode is activated and CWM menu appears. So, just power off your phone, then keep power and "vol -" buttons pressed until the LG logo changes a bit or the CWM menu appears. On my phone it takes about 15 seconds, so no hurry

HTC One wont boot

So I decided to install the new Android revuloution rom (4.4) and I did so by usig ADB sideload in TWRP. I forgot to wipe cache and now it wont boot up at all. I oress and hold the power button and all i get is the home and backbutton flashing three times. When i put it into my computer, i hear it gets detected but nothing happens exept HTC Sync opens up. When i look at conected devices it sais that i have a device called"Android phone" connected. Nothing else. Please help
press and hold power until the home, back and recent apps ? then they stop flashing and the screen goes black, let go of power and press and hold volume down until bootloader comes up.
Had this same problem today in fact. The solution works well.

Pin problem, no acces to recovery

Hi guys, i got this problem, any help would ne appreciated : my leeco2 on stock rom. I set up fingerprint to unlock screen and a pin. Pin never changed. Suddenly it askes for pin before using my fingerprint, but it doesnt recognise the pin! Maybe my kids changed the pin, i was thinking (since i dont know how they could). So lets try hard reset, though im gonna lose all data (many photos done here in holliday). But when i push vol up and power button, it doesnt enter recovery. The logo Le ECO and the word "recovery" apears on the screen, Buț then disapear and goes normally. Got no computer, stil in holliday, stuck on this. Thanks
Get into RECOVERY Mode >> Data >> System and Delete 2 files starting with "gatekeeper" and (3) files starting with "lock".
Then deleted then reboot your phone normally.
want2android said:
Get into RECOVERY Mode >> Data >> System and Delete 2 files starting with "gatekeeper" and (3) files starting with "lock".
Then deleted then reboot your phone normally.
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It doesnt enter recovery mode with vol up and power button. I dont know Why i cant ENTER stock recovery mode! I push simultaniouslyvol up+power, realeased buttons when logo "Leeco" and the word "recovery" apears under, but then it resets and starts os normally
PS. My phone is le eco le 2 pro, not rooted, no firmware update from what i know and ITS very frustrating cause everything is functioning well behind lock screen (i can receive calls, can acces camera, see some fb notification) but i just cant acces the phone, cause i dont know the god damned password (i tried all the pass i ever used got the same mess "phone is locked. Please try again in 30 s") and i got no logical explanation how it got changed. In 2 days ill be able to use computer, what to do ??? Thanks

