Quick Request - Imagio Themes and Apps

I just deleted my My Documents folder found on the Imagio with all the people icons in it that is on the Imagio standard. Could someone please upload a copy of these files for me please? Thanks

Do you mean the avatar's etc in my pictures?

Yes thats it the avatar's.

Here you go.

Heres 4 Im sure there is an easier way but I don't know what it is.Let me know if you get these and can use them.I will upload the rest.

Good work Y0himba I thot I could zip but was in a hurry this morning

Thanks everyone, you saved me a hard reset. I really appreciate it!!



Hello everyone again.
This is just an easy question, well, i think, lol
Trying to download themes to my device, but dont have a clue how too. Been online with the device, and tried it that way, but just comes up with what looks like something from the matrix!!
I have the themes on my pc, but wanted to know how to put them on my xda, and where they are suppost to go?
Sorry, complete amature with this!!
Oh, and are there any downloads which are free from this site, like little programs, games etc?
Cheers for your time
Hope to hear from some of you soon!!
go to sites like pocketpcthemes.com and download the files on ur PC. then use activesync to transfer files to your PPC
thankyou mate
Got it working!
Does anyone know of any software downloads, that are free?
ianbill1 said:
thankyou mate
Got it working!
Does anyone know of any software downloads, that are free?
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try pocketpcfreewares.com
there are many themes on the FTP, you can check them out

[Faria]HTC-wizard-[how to cook your ext-rom ]tutorial here!!

after so many request...here it is...the ext-rom cooking tutorial
first download the ext-rom maker kit from here;
ftp://xda:[emailĀ protected]/Wizard/DumpROM/htc-wizard-ext-rom-maker-kit.zip
then download the attached tutorial.
A great deal of time and patience was needed to put this together, from me, so please drop by the forum to say thanks if nothing else.
I know some of you would like to be able to extract you own extended rom base from your roms, this is easyest way that I could come up with for everyone specially the novices, plus that is another tutorial.
please post your coments/problems here for the benefit of every one
Jose faria [aka] faria
Sweet! I'll be checkin' this out once I get home to my computer, baking in 100 degree weather at the moment - dare not turn it on during this damned heat wave. My AC is leaving the fridge open and sitting on the bottom ledge =).
Thanks Jose! I've been looking forward to this!
I WILL try this and let yo know how it goes.
I hate this but problem 1.
The link to the Kit does not work (for me)
I found the kit the long way but it will not let me download it.
so far i havent been able to find it has it been moved or deleted
uploading again.
ok guys the file is reuploaded a the link fixed ....again.
it is a good tool
thank you , Faria
Re: it is a good tool
Shusen said:
thank you , Faria
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i taked it worked?
THANK YOU Great guide will give it ago next time I hard reset Thanks for putting the time and effect in.
Re: [Faria]HTC-wizard-[how to cook your ext-rom ]tutorial he
faria said:
...A great deal of time and patience was needed to put this together, from me, so please drop by the forum to say thanks if nothing else.
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Hi! Well, I didn't even use your tutorial (yet), but still I just wanted to say thanks for your work. All the work from everyone that is contributing useful stuff should be rewarded once in a while, if only by a simple "thanks!" <-- so there you go
Oh and good luck tomorrow with the soccer match Portugal - The Netherlands!
Jeroen (Proudly Dutch, hehe)
P.S. Now that I come to read the PDF, isn't the location for the ext rom (as noted in step 4 in your tutorial) '\Extended_Rom', that is, with an underscore ('_') and not a hyphen ('-')? I am pretty sure it is spelled with an underscore.
Re: [Faria]HTC-wizard-[how to cook your ext-rom ]tutorial he
j0bro said:
faria said:
...A great deal of time and patience was needed to put this together, from me, so please drop by the forum to say thanks if nothing else.
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Hi! Well, I didn't even use your tutorial (yet), but still I just wanted to say thanks for your work. All the work from everyone that is contributing useful stuff should be rewarded once in a while, if only by a simple "thanks!" <-- so there you go
Oh and good luck tomorrow with the soccer match Portugal - The Netherlands!
Jeroen (Proudly Dutch, hehe)
P.S. Now that I come to read the PDF, isn't the location for the ext rom (as noted in step 4 in your tutorial) '\Extended_Rom', that is, with an underscore ('_') and not a hyphen ('-')? I am pretty sure it is spelled with an underscore.
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u are correct there is a missplelling .it has been corrected,thanks for pointing that out.and good luck to.
to everyone that downloade the tutorial before 9:30 uk on june 24
please redownload the tutorial ,there was a missplelling on it.even doo its not critical ,it is just to avoid confusion.
thanks faria for the pm, I'll redownload when I get back to the computer.
I hardly ever carry a laptop pc since I've gotten the 8125.
I managed to download, unzip and displaĆ½ it, but pdf files don't wrap text, so it's too hard to read the file. I can wait until I get to a PC, but if you could post it in (pocket) Word, I would br sooo happy.
It's ok if you can't, I'm still your biggest fan -- all these other guys are your second-biggest fans
Only your biggest fan would type all his fanmail out on his Wizard. My thumbs sure are tired!
Thanks, I got it this time
I hope to start building my won Ext Rom shortly
Great stuff (again) Faria.
Gonna check in a few minutes of I am able to cook my own ext-rom.
Will let you know the results afterwards!
Hi Faria,
Works like a charm. I am able to load the CABs to the extended ROM. Now, waiting for the other portion of your tutorial... how to disable the "User Input" when installing the CAB files...
:roll: :wink: :wink:
Thanks a lot. Rgds
I'm sure I'm having a senior blond moment, please bear with me! The PDA Mobiz rom has some really cewl cabs I'd like to copy out but I don't see the extended-rom from TC ??? I used your supplied TC cab and typed \extended-rom .. nothing...
Thanks all!

looking for cab

I am looking for an application were i am able to modify pictures on it.. for instance like on the computer it would be paint... something that i can get the stylus and maybe right a name on it or something.. if any body has a cab file please let me know.. thanx in advance
Here you go...
thank you.. looks good but kind of complicated.. its going to take a while to get used too... thanks once again...
It is the only freeware that i could find. All other apps of this kind cost around $30.00.


Can someone post a link to SMS PopUp .apk file? I am unable to access the Market and this looks like a great app.
Here is the SMS Popup.apk that I backed up from my phone.
Let me know if you run into any issues with it.
If you need any apk files just check my signature i am putting every apk i can get a hold of in there for those who need them.
Works great mate, Cheers to you both!!
-I'd love a little chompers and doggcatcher action
stats555 said:
If you need any apk files just check my signature i am putting every apk i can get a hold of in there for those who need them.
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You're awesome!!! I was looking for ForceRing but they pulled it off the market and you have it. Great resource, I'm sure everybody appreciates it as much as I do. Thank you.
borodin1 said:
You're awesome!!! I was looking for ForceRing but they pulled it off the market and you have it. Great resource, I'm sure everybody appreciates it as much as I do. Thank you.
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You are very welcome, its just a hobby of mine. I know that alot of people dont have access to the market so if anyone needs anything dont hesitate to ask. If i can get it i will : )
borodin1 said:
You're awesome!!! I was looking for ForceRing but they pulled it off the market and you have it. Great resource, I'm sure everybody appreciates it as much as I do. Thank you.
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hmmm...i cant find any items/files there...?
Is your link still working?
Also check out http://www.cyrket.com/ for a web interface to the Android Market.
Ryanmo5 said:
If you need any apk files just check my signature i am putting every apk i can get a hold of in there for those who need them.
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Hi, sorry...but what is ur signature??
Can u pls post a link? I am in the UAE and getting some apps are quite difficult

8 Ball App

Ok guys, so I'm still a noob and I don't know if this idea has already been processed but I got an idea for an app that acts as an 8 Ball. It will display the face of an 8 Ball on the screen and as you shake it a new answer/message will display. My thought was that you could create your own answers/messages as well, that way instead of the normal "Yes, No, Maybe, Ask Again Later, Etc.", you could customize it into what you want it to say. Thought it sounded kind of neat and thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone else agrees. If anyone has seen this out there already then please fill me in. Otherwise, give me your thoughts and we'll see about making this happen.
yes, i would like one like this, i second your thought
I figured it would be a neat idea, to be able to change the answers, maybe even change the skin on it, different colors, and all that fun stuff. I would really like to get a lot of feedback before I see about creating it. I would need some help doing so however, I haven't created my own app before and I would definitely need some assistance. If anyone else likes the idea and volunteers to give me a hand with it then it would be appreciated.
here is something i did a while back...
Press the ball, then shake it while asking the question, then press the ball again... you will get the answer
Its very primitive, but it did the job for the lab
it uses sensor api from koush to get the random responses by shaking.
it requires .net cf 3.5 and sqlce cf 3.5 which is attached to the post.
sorry i haven't got a cab file. u have to extract the zip file to a folder and run gDataBase.exe
Sweet man, thanks for file, gonna load it here soon.
Loaded it, got some questions...
1. Is there a way you can make it where you actually shake it and the ball moves and it stops with a reply?
2. Can you make your own responses and answers? That would be sweet! Custom responses you can plug in.
This app is actually going to come preinstalled on the new diamond an tp2 so dont worry about it...either itll get ported soon into a cab or you get it once the phone comes out!! ciao
This app is actually going to come preinstalled on the new diamond an tp2 so dont worry about it...either itll get ported soon into a cab or you get it once the phone comes out!! ciao
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Good to know, thanks!

