What grinds your gears? - Off-topic

Let some steam off and tell us what makes you go crazy.
That buzzing sound speakers make when someone calls you or when you receive a text message.
Cars that jump right in front of you then accelerate slooooooowly when you arrive at 90 km/h

You know what really grinds my gears?
This Lindsay Lohan. Eh? Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumping around there on stage, half naked with your little outfits. Ya know? You're ou... You're out there jumping around and I'm just sitting here with my beer. So, you know, what am I supposed to do? What do you what do you, what do you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you're trying to - why why are you leaping around there, throwing those things all up in my, over there in my face? What do you want, Lindsay? Tell me what you want? Well, I'll tell you what you want, you want nothing. You want nothing. All right? Because we all know that no woman anywhere wants to have sex with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is - is just bogus.

Perhaps not all related to my ears but...
- The old lady in a great sports car driving at 40Km/h
- The corrupt policeman
- The long lines to pay for something on Xmas
- Posts like this (joking)
And so on.....

orb3000 said:
- The old lady in a great sports car driving at 40Km/h
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Or anyone getting the best version of something they will barely use, like old people getting the V6 engine in their awesome Camry and rolling at ridiculously slow speeds or my father getting a N97 when he only phones people, no texts or anything.
Also, people getting what you are saving for without even asking or requiring it. Looking at you and your 32GB iPhone, babe. It's alright, I still love you.

Just about everything, I would list them all but I'm sure there is a limit of characters I would go over.
-Those people that get in groups in a long hallway, blocking your passage through that walk at 1mi. an hour
-That one guy that when your driving is slow, but as soon as you pass him speeds up, gets in front of you, and slows down.
-That stupid gmail animation in my extension on chrome, i can turn it off but that requires clicks
-Clearing my history after months, and then finding out I needed a page and can't find it
-Bots on Twitter
-Answering some same stupid question in the same hour
-Having a cluttered bookmark bar
-That door that squeaks just a little too loud
-That feeling that someone is watching you at all times
-Being told I'm wrong, then they go back and find out I was right
-Having to correct my teacher's grammatical errors
-Accidentally hitting the caps lock instead of shift
-Having to press the 'fn' button to get the F(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, & 12) keys
-Arguments over the stupidest things
-Apple's iPad
-Apple thinking the iPad is the best thing since fire
-Using the word Apple
-That stupid pillow fight on Facebook, it's a wall posting of empty promises
-Writing extremely long posts
-Knowing nobody is gonna make it this far
-That shampoo that smells really bad
-Washing a cup to use it but forgetting to do that last rinse and get that taste of meaty soap in your drink
-Having to cha-cha in the cha-cha slide
-Pressing on my G1 screen and hearing a creak (fixed)\
-Having to explain why my phone is better than a stock G1
-Having to talk to Apple fanbois
-Having to listen to fanbois think they had a feature first, when they didn't
-Having to hear about Steve Gods
-Having that one app that won't update ever
-People who write in all caps
-People who don't capitalize
-People who don't make use of paragraphs
-Ppl who typ n txt tlk
-Being asked why they can't type like that
-My mousepad randomly dies and needs to be jump-started by pressing really hard and furious-like for 30 seconds
-Not being able to afford a Nexus
-People who tease with the nexus, like being teased by an expensive hooker
-People who add extra vowels in words (okaaaaaaaaay)
Having to go back and edit things
-Getting 200 text messages out of unlimited a month
-Using more data than talk time
-Did I mention Apple fanbois?

Let's see here...
-When you ask your wife (whom you know is upset) if everything is okay, and she says "yes" as she's furiously slamming the dishes in the washer.
-Wife/girlfriend telling you to stop the car because she is so upset with you not doing what she wants, then getting mad at you when she does go home walking...even though you did what she wanted...
-Women that look pregnant, though they're not (don't dare tell me that has never happened before)
-Really, really having to use the restroom (public one) only to walk into what seems to wreak like a dying skunk. Courtesy flush people...
-People with awesome phones, and only use them to make phone calls.
-iPhone users without a data plan...
-Going through Mcdonald's and ordering a big mac meal and realizing that THEY FORGOT THE FREAKING STRAW!!!!!
-People that actually drive at 10 and 2...they scare me
-Stepping in wet dog poop...at least that's what you hope it was...
-Managers that like to rub their title in employees faces
-Cheeto cheese that gets stuck inside your nails...
-Car spare donut tire...why can't they just put a full size spare?
-Girl scouts trying to sell you cookies outside a grocery store
-Getting hit in the groin (at the top of my list)
-When you walk outside in the freezimg cold to pick up your mail and you receive nothing but junkmail
-Guys with really girly voices
-Flashing to a ROM update only to realize that it's faulty and buggy and that you were better off with the one you had before...

When UPS is driving up and down your road every damn day (around noon), and the day you're expecting a package, they're NOWHERE to be found... until 6:59PM when they practically doorbell ditch your package there.

You know what really grinds my gears? People in the 19th century. Why don't they get with the freakin program? It's called an automobile, folks. It's much faster than a horse!
You know what really grinds my gears? Nobody's come up with a new priest and a rabbi joke in like thirty years. Ya know? I mean, okay, ah, umm. Priest and a rabbi go, go onto the supermarket, and, uh, the priest wants to buy a ham. And the rabbi says, "Ah, I can't eat it. It's forbidden." Couldn't eat it. Not allowed, pigs are like superheroes to them. Is it perfect? No, but I, I don't see you coming up with anything.

beaner69 said:
You know what really grinds my gears? People in the 19th century. Why don't they get with the freakin program? It's called an automobile, folks. It's much faster than a horse!
You know what really grinds my gears? Nobody's come up with a new priest and a rabbi joke in like thirty years. Ya know? I mean, okay, ah, umm. Priest and a rabbi go, go onto the supermarket, and, uh, the priest wants to buy a ham. And the rabbi says, "Ah, I can't eat it. It's forbidden." Couldn't eat it. Not allowed, pigs are like superheroes to them. Is it perfect? No, but I, I don't see you coming up with anything.
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Okay...thought I didn't have this one...
noobies with lame jokes.

When you are playing football in a sports hall and someone kicks the ball to the side and you kick it back (like everybody does) and then you get shouted at and kicked in the thigh
That does me head in!!!
So i get shouted out for what everybody does anyway!!!!!!

"- The long lines to pay for something on Xmas"
well buy them online!
"- The corrupt policeman"
well buy them online!

Rudegar said:
"- The long lines to pay for something on Xmas"
well buy them online!
"- The corrupt policeman"
well buy them online!
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The moderator that closes threads all too easily-
well bribe them online!
*nudge nudge*
*wink wink*
*$5 handshake*

telegraph0000 said:
Let's see here...
-iPhone users without a data plan...
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Some of us just want an iPod Touch with the phone and GPS. In my case I've got Wi-Fi at home, at school, at work and at my girlfriend's house. Canadian carriers charge an arm for data.
Useless classes in cegep (college). I don't need 3 semesters of philosophy, 1 of phys. ed and 4 of litterature, I just want to play with ******* computers!

Rudegar said:
"- The long lines to pay for something on Xmas"
well buy them online!
"- The corrupt policeman"
well buy them online!
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- You took out the pleasure of seing people on a shopping mall
- Can you buy the Mexican police please?!!!!

[rant] If there's one thing that annoys me beyond belief, it's people who bring too many items into the 12 Items or Less Express Lane. IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO SEE WHEN YOU HAVE MORE THAN 12 ITEMS IN YOUR BASKET. Yet, people insist on taking too many items into the Express Lane, and because the people who do so are usually very stubborn, you often end up waiting the offender to argue with the checker about what constitutes an item, and whether they really have more than 12 items. After they inevitably lose this argument, they then must gather all their things back up and move to a different line, at which point the checker could have already served 2 or 3 customers instead of dealing with an insane person who can't do basic arithmetic.[/rant] Much better

- When my parents don't let me do anything with my friends.
- When I accept something on FACEBOOK and it shows fake pictures that "I uploaded"
- When my butt itches like right now and i can't itch it!

What makes me mad is when people have their music playing super loud in their car, and to make things worse there windows are rolled down also!!!!!!!!

Digging your car out of 2 freaking feet of snow, making the sorroundings (and your car) nice.and clean only to have your.retard neighbor clean their snow off their car and block your drivers side!!!!!! DARN YOU WILSON!!! DARN YOU TO HECK!!!!! Expect a burning paper bag on your front porch!!!!!

Wall Street's total disconnect with Main Street!


[App] Stop Smoking

I have developed my first app. Its just a couple pictures: one for landscape and one for portrait mode It shows a Healthy Lung then shows a Smokers Lung with 1800 number
I know it isn't much but I am NOT a developer but a Graphic Designer screwing around with Eclipse...lol
Just thought i would post...
(right click and save as....)
By the way I am a smoker...lol
smoking rules
I just lit one up as i saw it, thanks man lol
mmmmm nicotine *drools* *click* mmmmmm
ok so i'm not the only one that decided they needed a joint *cough* i mean cigarette when i saw this
Well i was going to join the circle but the app won't install for me (something about it wants to replace another application?!) probably a good :cough: thing tho :cough:
have they started putting pictures like this on the side of cig packets anywhere else other than the UK? you look at it, think "****, thats horrible" then light up regardless. pics don't put you off in the slightest
but nice effort, even if it wont work
Stupid app I am getting really tired of non smokers dictating what us smokers can do in my state thanks to the stupid non smokers you cant own a business and let people smoke there if you choose to and thats total bs.We already have tons of anti smoking ads and commercials dont need a stupid app too!
crotalusfreak said:
Stupid app I am getting really tired of non smokers dictating what us smokers can do in my state thanks to the stupid non smokers you cant own a business and let people smoke there if you choose to and thats total bs.We already have tons of anti smoking ads and commercials dont need a stupid app too!
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Uhhhh... the app is pointless as I AM NOT a programmer i was just messing around...
Did you read my post???
I was being stupid messing around in eclipse!
Next time learn to read!
Your getting all worked up over stupid ads and non smoking campaigns... the stress will kill you faster than those cigarettes...lol
There is no better time to quit smoking than today. You are able to start now towards making the changes you need in your life to move forwards and leave cigarettes behind. You'll find a way to quit smoking that works for you and works right now. You deserve to find a way to stop smoking that's easy and pain free.
I am planning to quit smoking from 6 months. But not able to quit the habit. In fact quitting smoking is one of the hardest thing to do. But I know smoking is bad for health.
crotalusfreak said:
Stupid app I am getting really tired of non smokers dictating what us smokers can do in my state thanks to the stupid non smokers you cant own a business and let people smoke there if you choose to and thats total bs.We already have tons of anti smoking ads and commercials dont need a stupid app too!
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You know smoking is wrong and by looking at how mad you got, I can bet you are one of those who throw that unhealthy, smelly , breath-cutting smoke to other people's faces and smokes around sick people and children just for the sake of I dont even know... Smoking not only kills you, if it doesn't, it ALWAYS causes people to smell bad, sort of like u died, got putrefacted and then u were brought to life... (you dont notice that cause u already got used to stink like that) plus yellow teeth that noone likes to see..and awfully bad breath..enough reasons to which u and any smoker should consider to stop smoking
To change your life, you have to struggle. Just do what you can do for you to stop smoking. Try not to rely on commercial products that attempt to solve this issue such as gums, sprays or patches. Stopping smoking is a decision made by your heart and mind and not by pressure.
Think of what quality of life you can get if you stop smoking, of course it is much better than the quality of life of a smoker which ultimately would lead to nothingness. Make your life meaningful and quit smoking.
Ok first off i want to say i don't smoke but wait don't flame me yet...
Second i swear to god i can't stand all these stop smoking laws. I actually miss the smell of smoke. ok not in morning when waking up but i like it call me weird. And for all those who they b!tch about you should stop in public just do what i did. Tell them fine ill smoke since you don't want cancer but you need to leave i don't want my eye blinded by having to look at you.
i gotta say, i smoke a lot, but i am usually pretty polite about it, if i go out to eat and happen to go to a bar(the only place that still allows smoking) then i am going to smoke, if you(non-smoker) come over into my area though and complain about my smoke bugging you or ask me to stop smoking, i will make it a point to blow as much smoke in your face as possible, i will chain smoke a pack just to blow the smoke on you. on the other hand, if i happen to sit near a non smoker i will find a different place to sit. smokers and non smokers should live in harmony, and i do not think it is right that most every state has some stupid law now about smoking. in chicago you can't smoke within 15 feet of a building, not just the door but the building itself, they want you to stand in the middle of the road to smoke now(and they are trying to ban smoking in cars)
anybody here got a light?

Job interview at best buy mobile tomorrow HELPPPPP

Ok long story short I'm a 2nd year college student and I've worked at a gas station/convenience store for about 2 years and some change. I'm a huge tech person and love mobile phones (which xda member doesn't). I recently applied for a position at a best buy mobile opening up next month and got an interview tomorrow morning and I'm so nervous. Any pointers???? Tips??. I believe I can sell a phone to someone easily. For example. "the evo 4g is a wonderful phone and may be one of the best phone's on the sprint network. It has lightning fast data speeds thanks to sprint's 4g network and a beautiful 4.3 inch screen. All that packaged with a great mobile OS called android. The camera on it is fantastic it includes 720p recording and there is even an hdmi port on the device to playback movies on your big screen at home. The 1ghz snapdragon makes the phone extremely fast and it is great for multitasking." and etc I'd include more specs and ask what features they are looking for on a phone and tell them what the phone can do to meet their requirements. Any tips please help I'm so nervous
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
jaszek said:
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
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Thnx for the response. I'm extremely nervous still. Should go to sleep soon but want some tips first. I don't have a resume hopefully that won't affect the interview but I have some black dress pants a nice grey sweater and some black loafers for the interview.
Any idea's on questions they may ask?
"Why do you want this job?"
"What makes you think you're good for this job?"
"What makes you better then everybody else applying for this position?"
"What's your name?"
"How old are you?"(if you look young)
"What's your number?" <<<<<This is a trick question. If they don't ask you, but tell you they'll call you back, guess what, they ain't callin you back. lol
"Do you like oral sex?"
"Would you do sexual favors to get this job?"
Ok Kidding with the last two, but you get the general point. The interview will last about 10 or 15 minutes so you don't have to worry.
Also, I might want to mention you are talking to someone who never had a job interview. lol. But don't worry, I went to business school so they made us learn as if we had an interview the next day.
lol thanks. I just need to find a way to relax. Idk why I interact with customers on the regular at my job and suggest things to them sure it's mostly chips or a drink but I'm used to interacting with people I just meet. I just want to get a new job sooooo bad
mcp2009 said:
lol thanks. I just need to find a way to relax. Idk why I interact with customers on the regular at my job and suggest things to them sure it's mostly chips or a drink but I'm used to interacting with people I just meet. I just want to get a new job sooooo bad
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Weed. Just kidding.....kinda
booyakasha said:
Weed. Just kidding.....kinda
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Lol if only it was possible. Take a few puffs and when the interviewer asks me why my eyes look shut I say its because I'm asian I kid I kid I kid.
When I'm cross-interviewing the sales guys... well, here's what I look for:
1. Intelligence - the ability to obtain and retain knowledge. Simple stuff like knowing some info about the company and the tech, etc. Bonus points for understanding the industry and its players, especially if they understand the company's positioning compared to its competitors.
2. Coherence & communication - the ability of the salesperson to present the idea and information that the customer will be able to understand
3. Control of vocal tone - for salespeople who deal directly with customers, having a good tone of voice can "hypnotize" the customers.
4. Physical presentation - I'm not looking for Miss Universe, but dress appropriately. A good way of dressing will be to dress according to the dress-code of the company or slightly overdress. Only slightly.
5. Passion - I must be able to see that you have a passion in the industry, in yourself and in the things that you do. If I see that you lack the energy/drive, you'll be hard-pressed to get hired in a highly rewarding position.
Do note that we are hiring sales people who earn at least 50% more than their peers, so the bar is set pretty high up.
Don't worry about tech-stuff, because that'll come in a briefing package. Don't worry about sales tricks either, because seniors will teach you if you ask nicely.
jaszek said:
"Why do you want this job?"
"What makes you think you're good for this job?"
"What makes you better then everybody else applying for this position?"
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these .
not jokes , u gotta prepare for these type of bs questions ! look em up on google "bull**** interview questions"
whew interview went good. Even had to correct the guy because he asked me if I heard about the swift for sprint and I said no and he said really? and I said wait what manufacturer and he said HTC and I asked do you mean the shift with the qwerty keyboard and he said "yea that's it you might know more then me" he said he'll call today to let me know if I got the job.
jaszek said:
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
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You forgot to tell him how important smiling is!
telmoabff said:
You forgot to tell him how important smiling is!
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of course, just imagine you have a clown in front of you
Just remember they are people.
They are looking for someone that not only isn't stupid, but someone they can get along with.
They know they are going to have to train you - any knowledge you have before hand can and will help - but isn't the deciding factor in you getting the job.
Although the job doesn't require a resume - if you had one you'd probably be a step ahead of the other 9 billion stoners trying to get a job there.
Do not dress like a slob - but don't OVER dress either - the slacks/sweater is going to be fine. Can't tell you how many times I've seen people show up in full clown suits for a call center job - and here I am in the Summer wearing a t-shirt and shorts with a ball cap on.
Practice interviewing with someone your comfortable with - even if the questions are BS - it helps.
And I have interviewed at least 1000 people - and I can tell you - if your relaxed, dressed appropriately, don't bull**** me, and at least convey to me in an intelligent manner that you know what your talking about - you would be hired.
And.. if you don't get the job - don't sweat it. Just means some uber nerd ended up working for them instead of you. Might be a blessing in disguise
avgjoegeek said:
Can't tell you how many times I've seen people show up in full clown suits for a call center job -
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..thanks for the tip ...now I know where I can definitely find a more descent job
mcp2009 said:
whew interview went good. Even had to correct the guy because he asked me if I heard about the swift for sprint and I said no and he said really? and I said wait what manufacturer and he said HTC and I asked do you mean the shift with the qwerty keyboard and he said "yea that's it you might know more then me" he said he'll call today to let me know if I got the job. Next step if I get it is drug test. I hope I pass, took like 4 hits on a one hitter on new years eve (I know dumb) and I smoke bout 3 or 4 hits a month. So scared I guess I'll buy a home test first
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Congrats dude
(And lol )
update!!! Got the job!! Training on monday
mcp2009 said:
update!!! Got the job!! Training on monday
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Yay! Congrats! When are you gonna buy us a proverbial beer?
When it comes to selling, I would suggest that you should start with asking questions.
Sure for you the EVO is an awesome phone but alot of people are turned off by the size. Etc.
zizux said:
When it comes to selling, I would suggest that you should start with asking questions.
Sure for you the EVO is an awesome phone but alot of people are turned off by the size. Etc.
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I heard a lot of girls are actually turned on by the size.
Well done!

Someone who CC's your boss on every e-mail

There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
Stonent said:
There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
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Send him an e-mail that'll be very embarassing to CC all over the place.
Actually, these kind of people are quite dangerous, because they like to keep their backs covered. So be careful.
One thing I'd like to find out is, ultimately, what is the gripe? Is the CC annoying you, or the CC annoying your boss and then your boss annoys you? Finding out the root cause of a problem instead of treating the symptoms will be way better.
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
jaszek said:
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
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Psh... real men fight with keyboards. May the man with the heaviest (1982-circa clickety keyboard) wins!
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
kdj67f said:
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
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Y'know... I'd pay good money (ok, at least a buck or two) to see that.
Seriously, the dude's a loser and a trouble maker (as has been said up-thread). My advice would be to either completely cut him out of the process (death by starvation) or go further up the chain of command with materials and documentation and complain (death from above). Remember, there comes a point where the job isn't worth the hassle and frustration.
I had similar problem.
My boss is female. My colleague is male and trying to make his mark. I have one day every week when I work from a different office. He waits till I'm not around to ***** about me with her. I am more senior and better at the job. Even though she trusts me implicitly, it still annoys me that the guy is behaving like a little prick. He asks to have days off in the most busy times and only asks her when I'm not around; as if I would say no! I can cope with the work on my own and nobody asks him for anything if I'm around.
When he's done the *****ing thing 3 times I've blown my top with the two of them, collected some reports on all the works I've done and threatened to leave. They would/could not get anyone cheaper and with the same level of knowledge and control. The emails stopped and now, as long as he does not mess the work too much, I cannot care less what he does. I do my work and **** a snoot at the rest.
Unplug all the fans but a couple from his PC so it dies a slow painful death
He is probably a sociopath. These people are all around us. They're completely functional and often successful. They're not psychopaths, they won't start killing people. But they have no regard for the feelings and troubles of others. They will lie, cheat, manipulate their way to the top by any means necessary. Thats who you're probably dealing with. (There was this GREAT article by a big name psychiatrist on workspace sociopaths on reddit a while back but I can't find it, sorry)
Now, I've learned through experience that these people exploit the **** out of "diplomacy". They take advantage of the fact that you don't want to make a big thing out of this, they KNOW you wan't to keep a low profile and they exploit that weakness to bully you. Dealing with bullies is easy. Just walk up to him and tell him to stop. Flat out, plain and simple stop. Let him know crystal clear that you know what he's doing and you want him to stop. No diplomacy.
You could also fight fire with fire.
This will have repercussions ofcourse. It might mean going into a stupid office politics "war" with the guy. So think about it and choose whats right for your particular situation. But keep in mind that these abuses tend to increase and it will get to a point that it will make your worklife miserable. Its best to deal with it early and make the ****er know that it will cost him to **** with you and he better go find someone else.
OR I could be wrong and the guy is just advocating for transparency in the company (Doubt it. He only CCs your boss, not others.)
I say find him after work and beat his ass. Then pretend nothing happened when you are at work.
Definitely an option. But be very careful cause its really ****ing illegal >_>
With personal experience the proper way to handle hostile problems is to report it to management and human resources. But keep in mind that you also have to work with these people to so cool down before you say something that makes you look like the ass.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
My boss always CC's his goddamn boss when he emails me. Grinds my gears
Sent from the fireproof HTC Inspire 4G
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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one and only real(and legal) solution , invite to gay clubs too just to "hang out"
also , do it while pretending to be a colleague sending from home address , keep doing till he stops
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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This made my weekend.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I know these types of people all too well. Having dealt with some myself. these people are not top be trusted, they can't wait to pull the rug right under your feet. They want to get ahead by making you look bad. My advice to you is to speak with him directly and ask him why he is doing it and tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable. As he can't be trusted he may have moved to bcc your boss instead, so you should voiced your concern with your boss as well. You must cover your ass at all times with this guy. So document anything important concerning him and always answer his emails as if your boss may be in bcc and don't take any **** attempt from him to make you look bad especially via email and answer him to set the record straight, r this is party of documenting.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
A dark alley. A late night event. A mindless ass-kicking.
It could be fun.
SciFiSurfer said:
A dark alley. A late night event.
It could be fun.
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Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
See? Thats what happens when a passive agressive sociopath makes the big mistake of ****ing with a psychopath.

Almost got stabbed to death. (near death experience?)

Hey guys.
Something horrible happened to me today.
Here goes: Me and my other two friends, Adrian and Argelio were riding our bikes for like an hour outside. We rode everywhere and had no problems with anyone.
We turn at a school where we see a group of 5 kids all dark clothed and looking a little cholo. We ignore them and I'm just talking to my friend when suddenly we all hear the word ******. I just laughed and said "I love you too" they stop and all of them turn around and said something so we just ignored them. About 50 feet away now from them we were about to turn the corner and I decide to scream "I love you too" because all I was hearing was talking and screaming from them. WE suddenly see two of them on a bike and one running. Towards us.
We start peddling faster and like another 100 feet from them.......the damn bike chain gets loose so my friends are on their bikes and I have to run like 1/2 mile to my house with the damn bike on my side. My heart was pounding and I just kept running. We go to my house and this time I call my sister out thinking she might know some of them....turns out they're all in gangs and had knifes with them so I told her if she could come with us and talk to them....we went again and found them at a park...all of a sudden my sister and my friends all say.."RUN!" They want you so run, don't look back, they're gonna kill you. I started laughing and thinking "THIS ISN'T REAL" So I stayed thinking I could confront them and try to talk but one of them was just running at me saying. "Come on 1 on 1 pu**y, come, right here right now b*tch. I said, "I just wanted to say Hi" Now I though to my self ...Do I wanna live or get jumped and get rushed to the hospital....LIVE So I took all of my friends' advice and just rode. Luckily I run track and cross country so I had wayy more stamina than them..I go around the neighborhood and hide at home for a while....you might be thinking but cant you 10th grade friends beat them up?....no there was only 1 my age and the rest of my friends were like 12 year old because my real friends are lazy and play black ops......So they are no use to me in helping....
My friends and sister came back and told me "Alan you lucky son of a b*tch, my homeboy AJ called of his homeboys to chase you" "Your never bike riding without me"
So instead of what she said because it's confusing so I'm gonna tell you what she told me..
They were planning on all 3 of them jumping me..they all had knives and were probably gonna leave me dead in the street and flee themselves..
one of them (the one that was talking to me and wanted to fight me) has already killed 1 and was just released from jail...he is about my age and got kicked out of school because of all his gang stuff and smoking weed in the bathroomm
the second - AJ- he's on parrol and got kicked out of school too--he's 14
the 3rd Isaiah is some weed smoker that has been on probation and got kicked out of school too...
My sister then told me how as soon as they learned I was her brother they stopped.....and said if they ever saw me again..I better watch my back....
I'm not really scared...
They just freaked me out because they were horrible looking mexicanss
Well thats it!
Alanrocks15 said:
Hey guys.
Something horrible happened to me today.
Here goes: Me and my other two friends, Adrian and Argelio were riding our bikes for like an hour outside. We rode everywhere and had no problems with anyone.
We turn at a school where we see a group of 5 kids all dark clothed and looking a little cholo. We ignore them and I'm just talking to my friend when suddenly we all hear the word ******. I just laughed and said "I love you too" they stop and all of them turn around and said something so we just ignored them. About 50 feet away now from them we were about to turn the corner and I decide to scream "I love you too" because all I was hearing was talking and screaming from them. WE suddenly see two of them on a bike and one running. Towards us.
We start peddling faster and like another 100 feet from them.......the damn bike chain gets loose so my friends are on their bikes and I have to run like 1/2 mile to my house with the damn bike on my side. My heart was pounding and I just kept running. We go to my house and this time I call my sister out thinking she might know some of them....turns out they're all in gangs and had knifes with them so I told her if she could come with us and talk to them....we went again and found them at a park...all of a sudden my sister and my friends all say.."RUN!" They want you so run, don't look back, they're gonna kill you. I started laughing and thinking "THIS ISN'T REAL" So I stayed thinking I could confront them and try to talk but one of them was just running at me saying. "Come on 1 on 1 pu**y, come, right here right now b*tch. I said, "I just wanted to say Hi" Now I though to my self ...Do I wanna live or get jumped and get rushed to the hospital....LIVE So I took all of my friends' advice and just rode. Luckily I run track and cross country so I had wayy more stamina than them..I go around the neighborhood and hide at home for a while....you might be thinking but cant you 10th grade friends beat them up?....no there was only 1 my age and the rest of my friends were like 12 year old because my real friends are lazy and play black ops......So they are no use to me in helping....
My friends and sister came back and told me "Alan you lucky son of a b*tch, my homeboy AJ called of his homeboys to chase you" "Your never bike riding without me"
So instead of what she said because it's confusing so I'm gonna tell you what she told me..
They were planning on all 3 of them jumping me..they all had knives and were probably gonna leave me dead in the street and flee themselves..
one of them (the one that was talking to me and wanted to fight me) has already killed 1 and was just released from jail...he is about my age and got kicked out of school because of all his gang stuff and smoking weed in the bathroomm
the second - AJ- he's on parrol and got kicked out of school too--he's 14
the 3rd Isaiah is some weed smoker that has been on probation and got kicked out of school too...
My sister then told me how as soon as they learned I was her brother they stopped.....and said if they ever saw me again..I better watch my back....
I'm not really scared...
They just freaked me out because they were horrible looking mexicanss
Well thats it!
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you get a knife. why do you think i carry one?
watt9493 said:
you get a knife. why do you think i carry one?
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^ I don't even hang around anywhere shady, but I always have a knife, just in case. Its also convenient if something needs to be opened! Lol
Sent from my Droid Incredible running a random CM7 nightly.
You didn't bother calling 911? Or batman?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Why don't you get help from the nearest adult? Don't go get your sister, lol. Stop at the first door and ask an adult there for help.
I'd love to be sipping on a Miller watching Top Gear and some little kid bangs on my door for help! Seriously tho. Its the best thing to do, since that person will probably immediately call 911(or batman) and then you'll have all the help you need.
Where do you live? Zacatecas?
gangsta wannabes dont mess with satanist or people who look satanic so i've never really had to deal with them so you might want to wear more black
Why do I like this thread more than the others you created?
Sent from my HTC Desire
M_T_M said:
Where do you live? Zacatecas?
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haha I don't live in Mexico..haven't been there in ten years.
I live in Texas. Houston/Pasadena.....just not in the ghetto parts
mostly in deer park
this has to be the most awesome off topic post I have ever seen
SteveG12543 said:
^ I don't even hang around anywhere shady, but I always have a knife, just in case. Its also convenient if something needs to be opened! Lol
Sent from my Droid Incredible running a random CM7 nightly.
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Like steve. Just keep one for emergencies. And when the sh!t hits the fan, be glad you have it
This has happendd a couple times to us. We've had the local gang "get off" on us and oh man is it a scary experience. Being outnumbered, outaged and having to defend your own. My best friend has had a knife pulled at his stomach, I've almost gotten jumped for a blue bike. My advice is don't let them intimidate yOu. Next time some confronts you if they're unarmed don't say anything back, take flight immediately. Use all your brute force and aim for his jaw. His buddy's won't do a dam thing trust me on this one.
Alex530 said:
This has happendd a couple times to us. We've had the local gang "get off" on us and oh man is it a scary experience. Being outnumbered, outaged and having to defend your own. My best friend has had a knife pulled at his stomach, I've almost gotten jumped for a blue bike. My advice is don't let them intimidate yOu. Next time some confronts you if they're unarmed don't say anything back, take flight immediately. Use all your brute force and aim for his jaw. His buddy's won't do a dam thing trust me on this one.
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So your not intimated by a local gang, but your intimated by a ghost? Lol wtf?
Yeah well not gonna lie I'd be more scared of a ghost also...
Still this was a bad ass thread.
Vibrant users have the best threads in off- topic!
Ah, the experience...
First of all, having a knife is pointless and gets you into more trouble than it's worth with school authorities.
Secondly, I fight dirty. Jaw? Please, the groin is more reachable.
Thirdly, and I don't teach this enough, is to learn to sacrifice your off-hand (left, as usual) to displace the opponent's weapon and groin him hard with your knee. Learn to deal with downward stabs, upward stabs, and swings. A weapon is useless at closer to arms-length, and that is great reason to learn Krav Maga or Muay Thai (I know a bit of the latter).
Fourthly, don't pick a fight you can't win.
My worse experience was being ganged up by a bunch of kids my age. About six of them, I believe. They circled me in the park and hit me from the back. In the end, I chased one of them down and beat him to a near pulp. His friends decided that running away from me and hitting my back was preferable to fighting directly, so I chased the slowest of the bunch and trashed him. Of course, they never bugged me again.
Another experience with knives was when I used my right hand (wrong hand) to fight off a knife attacker. Bled all over the place despite him not hitting an artery. Apparently, I broke his wrist and cracked his skull over the incident. As usual his friends left him high and dry when it got tough.
I'm from Argentina, and, just for the record, living here it's like being a marine in Irak, but, maybe, without the AK47 and all the Lady Gaga stuff XD
All I can say is don't mess with sakai4eva.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
iynfynity said:
All I can say is don't mess with sakai4eva.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Punk(s) deserved it. Of course, I whined like a baby about my injuries after the fight, but during?
Sweet sweet adrenaline and natural painkillers.
Of course, I've mellowed a lot since then.
sakai4eva said:
Punk(s) deserved it. Of course, I whined like a baby about my injuries after the fight, but during?
Sweet sweet adrenaline and natural painkillers.
Of course, I've mellowed a lot since then.
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Yes yes adrenaline, love that feeling. It's like you got all the strength and take down anyone you see. Lol
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
duboi97 said:
So your not intimated by a local gang, but your intimated by a ghost? Lol wtf?
Yeah well not gonna lie I'd be more scared of a ghost also...
Still this was a bad ass thread.
Vibrant users have the best threads in off- topic!
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We've had run ins with them more times then I've flashed my phone. After a while you get used to it.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Just tell them you got rid of your blackberry and they should leave you alone
Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesireZ running CM7'

Fellow technology geeks, check this song out.

I realize not a lot of you are rap fans like I am, but I still think every geek should check this song, it's by rapper Lupe Fiasco about marketing schemes, and technology. 1st verse being about Apple products, 2nd verse being about sneakers. I'm interested about your opinion on this:
This is what you guys been doing?
[Hook 1]
Before daybreak there were none
And as it broke there was one
From moon to sun, it goes on and on
The winter battle was won
The summer children were born
And so the story goes on and on
Come on woman in your life beats
Those we buried with the house keys
Smoke and feather where the fields are green
From here to eternity
Become a woman in your own time
Far, far, far from the virgin vine
Rise on out from the dead leaves
Come back to me
Oh, she sings her favorite song
Left with tears and dreams, it goes and then on
[Verse 1]
Standing in line for the new one
Not the black, but the blue one
And I don't even know what it do, son
But Steve Jobs said that it's too fun
Fun in abundance' what I need
It's cold out here, put my arms in the sleeves
I'll probably lose my place if I leave
But I really need to pee
If I do it right here they'll see
Makes you wonder, how do snipers
Marathon bikers
Next time: diapers
They say it has all new features
Faster processors and much better speakers
Great for kids, a necessity for teachers
For work or home
A revolutionary way of being alone
I mean, should we really get a loan?
Hey what's the matter, just tell it to your phone
Cupertino heart with Chinese parts
Built by the poor, but designed by the smart
They opening the door so you go
On your mark, get ready, set, buy
Imagine a world where everything starts with an ‘i’
But it still ends with a die
Probably got an app for that, you could try
From the iClouds, right into the great Wi-Fi
Siri, can iGod really hear me?
"Does not compute – can you repeat more clearly?"
[Hook 2]
A vessel in the bloodline
A thirteenth Zodiac sign
A stitch in time, it goes on and on
Become a woman on your own time
Far, far, far from the virgin vine
Rise on out from the dead leaves
Come back to me
Oh, she sings her favorite song
Left with tears and dreams, it goes and then on
[Verse 2]
Standing in line for some new Ones
Had a bunch of blessings but I blew them
Asked Google how to use them
They sent me to a section ‘bout used guns
New runs, nuns'll scream, moms with jeans
Match their teens' jeans and genies who try to chew gum
Aw man, it's so confusin’
Confusion in the bun is what I have
Good thing that God accept cash
Maybe buy my way up out His wrath
Skeptically, why am I way up off this path?
Atheism's cheaper, and accepts Visa
My thoughts as I'm queuing up for sneakers
Won't discriminate – I’m getting all eight
In every color that they make
Beaverton hearts with Chinese parts
Built by the poor and designed by the smart
On your mark, get set, cop ‘em!
Imagine a life that revolves around shoppin’
Conspicuous consumption
That means it serves no other function
But to show off to someone, or others
Who only try to show off to you – look at your fellow loyal customers
Isn't harmony great?
Look at all these friends that marketing makes
How many fries can these arteries take?
I'll give McDonald's a little help here
I think they should expand into healthcare
And then you'll have all ends covered
Even make caskets, have it all umbrella'd
Can you make the corporation fear me?
"Couldn't hear your order, can you speak less clearly?"
[Hook 3]
That which was put in the ground
Will someday come back around
From dust to dust it goes on and on
Before daybreak there were none
And as it broke there was one
And still the story goes on and on
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So, what do you guys think?
Lot of Lupe's stuff is on point, but this was extra whack. You owe me about five minutes back =p

