The What-if game! - Off-topic

Okay I just thought up a little game that can get amusing or funny depending on what the person in the next post says. All you have to do is answer the question above then ask your own "What-if" question. Just make your question in bold so everyone can see it quickly. Your reply to the question above you can be answered any way you'd like, if you seriously cant answer it(or the question is just plain stupid) then just say pass and post the question you wanted to ask.
MODS REMOVE ASAP IF: You don't approve, things get a little much, or this just turns into a cesspool of flames.
What if, the iPhone never came to the party?
What if, John F. Kennedy was never shot?
What if, Men never had nipples?
Choose this thread's destiny wisely

~~Tito~~ said:
Okay I just thought up a little game that can get amusing or funny depending on what the person in the next post says. All you have to do is answer the question above then ask your own "What-if" question. Just make your question in bold so everyone can see it quickly. Your reply to the question above you can be answered any way you'd like, if you seriously cant answer it(or the question is just plain stupid) then just say pass and post the question you wanted to ask.
MODS REMOVE ASAP IF: You don't approve, things get a little much, or this just turns into a cesspool of flames.
What if, the iPhone never came to the party?
What if, John F. Kennedy was never shot?
What if, Men never had nipples?
Choose this thread's destiny wisely
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What if this thread never happened?

I would have probably lurcked some more on here and just posted a bit.
What if, 2 girls 1 cup was never concieved?

I probably wouldn't have lost my lunch on that fatal day that someone sent me the link.
What if the UK decided to switch from Pounds Sterling to Euros?

We'd still get screwed on the exchange rate
What if dinosaurs had not become extinct?

We wouldn't have to worry about getting screwed on the exchange rate
What if, the internet stopped working

There would be a ridiculous moral panic.
What if more people decided to play this game?

We might laugh sooner or later.
What if, it was okay to marry a whore but not a good girl?

What if XDA-DEVS never existed.......
Probably I would be using Android....

orb3000 said:
What if XDA-DEVS never existed.......
Probably I would be using Android....
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and once again orb ruins it all by not following suit
p.s. ~~Tito~~...[lease keep it clean
So what if I never made this post??

If you never made this post I wouldnt have realized that I contradicted my own rules .
What if apple was HTC and HTC was apple?
Meaning they are the same but with different personalities.

What if
Then every one would love apple and trow htc away and make fun of it
What if there was a cheep career??

There is, its called being a McDonalds manager.
What if, the world was slowly ending right now?
[Some sort of meteor or disaster happens on the other side of the world and it will take time for death to reach us]

~~Tito~~ said:
There is, its called being a McDonalds manager.
What if, the world was slowly ending right now?
[Some sort of meteor or disaster happens on the other side of the world and it will take time for death to reach us]
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Then I'd blow all my money away and enjoy myself on the best holiday ever with my family
So what if you invented a time machine......where would you go & why?

I would go back to the date April 1, 1976 and destroyed apple from forming
What if time didn't exist?

It would look a lot more like RPGs.
What if Google suddenly went down forever?

I would loose my email, and loose hope as apple dominates everything. Then id settle and get an iPhone. . .Internet search would be forever ****ty and would never be as good and simple as Google. Yahoo would probably dominate again as thats what people used before Google became popular.
What if, we found intelligent life on another planet?

Then Apple would send a team out to see how marketable their latest product is in the far out universe!
What if Barack Obama wasn't the president of the United States?
I know I'm British and have no interest whatsoever, but I think it's fun to throw that question in the ring

Hilary would come out of the closet at the inauguration .
What if, we never had violins?

Then we wouldn't have guitars
What if, you wake up and find out that everyone has died of a disease and you are the only one left on this world?


[Q] Me and my girl had a fight

So we had another fight about me spending too much time playing with and talking about android and phones. As long as cellphones don't come up in conversation we were the happiest couple in the world. But I finally broke up with her because I couldn't even think about android without her getting mad at me. And I figured I would just find a girl that shared my interest. But I just realized that there are ZERO females(at least in the state of alabama) that even know what android is. Should I quit looking now? Does anyone have any advice to find them(if they exist that is)?
I lol'ed so hard.
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
souljaboy said:
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
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Sorry you think I'm a noob, but I can control myself enough to not talk about it, but WHY should I? I'm going to look for a girl with common interest, and if I don't find anyone I will suppress my techie talk. But until I know that she doesn't exist, why would I change the kind of woman I would like to date?
So next time your off just supermanning hoes think about what a relationship should be about.
This is what I get for asking for girl advice on xda
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
sorry to hear it bro. my wife also gets pissy when im on modding/hacking forums too much, but she'll get used to it eventually
I somewhat agree with Original Android.... if you usually get along, apologize and try to consider some of her interests. some people just dont get our devotion(addiction) to such things
as far as quitting XDA..... bad idea. maybe just set a specific time for this great site.
its all about compromise homey..... i hate you for making me think serious!! j/k
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
Mr. Clown said:
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
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orb3000 said:
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
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Well my friend, it's time to negotiate . I did this with my wife, I agreed with her that I will spend some hours a week to be on the web and xda of course (while she's around). So both of us are happy since I comply with the terms when she's around ....but she's not always around you know.
Yes, time is not equal my girl says...
Anyway we should re negotiate a new way if possible
She's the one, I'm pretty sure of it
Original Android <3ers! said:
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
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Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
griffincash said:
Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
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I'm going to be frank. Return that N1. The relationship is now headed in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons.
In your future relationships, if you're with your girl, be with your girl. Learn to compromise. Your partner's reaction to the particular behavior (i.e., dealing/talking Android) is ultimately just a natural reaction towards the frequency in which you exhibited it (i.e., excessively). Imagine if your partner asked you to accompany them to go shopping every day of the week for at least 3 hours each day. While you guys are shopping, she'll talk to you about every brand, and fashion, etc. Should she leave you because you aren't interested in her interests?
Your Android fetish is a hobby. There are more important things in life that you should be paying attention to. I'm not saying this girl is -the- one you'll be with for the rest of your life, but things like growing and improving social skills should take greater precedence than learning and keeping what's up with the latest and greatest on Cyanogen mods.
Take my advice for what it's worth to you. Just remember, at the end of the day, it's just a phone.
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
cupcake2301 said:
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
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LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
PaulForde said:
LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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So did I mate ! The OP should go to some dating fora or something why on XDA ! LOL !
fk, i had something like this too once, since then i didnt talk about phones that much anymore xD..
well but she knows now that this is like a hobby for me, and its not that bad when i talk about it from time to time...
hell we are techjunkies, but even we need to hold back with our tech **** when talking to a girl xD
(i knew that before, but, for example, i couldnt live with it, if my gf would buy an iphone.................XD)
griffincash said:
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
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You telling me that it's not about ROM or tweaks and that it is actually about the future of technology is really a bad attempt at justifying your hobby. This is even illustrated by the following clause when you feel the need to garner further support of your hobby by amassing the opinions of your fellow XDA members.
But nevermind that, good luck with the relationship. I do hope that things work out in the end.
I usually dont talk about phones when Im with my girl... hell I've even visited xda less, since Im in a normal relations (not those in which I have to be responsible for everyf**king thing.. - had one of those about a year and a half ago)
anyways - just find something to talk about that is interesting for both of you + keeps your mind off the phones...
or if you can't you can get yourself off the xda, or you can always ask someone to ban you.. just kidding
so basically she had the bravery to say : $500 fone or no sammiches
and ur happy about it

Job interview at best buy mobile tomorrow HELPPPPP

Ok long story short I'm a 2nd year college student and I've worked at a gas station/convenience store for about 2 years and some change. I'm a huge tech person and love mobile phones (which xda member doesn't). I recently applied for a position at a best buy mobile opening up next month and got an interview tomorrow morning and I'm so nervous. Any pointers???? Tips??. I believe I can sell a phone to someone easily. For example. "the evo 4g is a wonderful phone and may be one of the best phone's on the sprint network. It has lightning fast data speeds thanks to sprint's 4g network and a beautiful 4.3 inch screen. All that packaged with a great mobile OS called android. The camera on it is fantastic it includes 720p recording and there is even an hdmi port on the device to playback movies on your big screen at home. The 1ghz snapdragon makes the phone extremely fast and it is great for multitasking." and etc I'd include more specs and ask what features they are looking for on a phone and tell them what the phone can do to meet their requirements. Any tips please help I'm so nervous
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
jaszek said:
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
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Thnx for the response. I'm extremely nervous still. Should go to sleep soon but want some tips first. I don't have a resume hopefully that won't affect the interview but I have some black dress pants a nice grey sweater and some black loafers for the interview.
Any idea's on questions they may ask?
"Why do you want this job?"
"What makes you think you're good for this job?"
"What makes you better then everybody else applying for this position?"
"What's your name?"
"How old are you?"(if you look young)
"What's your number?" <<<<<This is a trick question. If they don't ask you, but tell you they'll call you back, guess what, they ain't callin you back. lol
"Do you like oral sex?"
"Would you do sexual favors to get this job?"
Ok Kidding with the last two, but you get the general point. The interview will last about 10 or 15 minutes so you don't have to worry.
Also, I might want to mention you are talking to someone who never had a job interview. lol. But don't worry, I went to business school so they made us learn as if we had an interview the next day.
lol thanks. I just need to find a way to relax. Idk why I interact with customers on the regular at my job and suggest things to them sure it's mostly chips or a drink but I'm used to interacting with people I just meet. I just want to get a new job sooooo bad
mcp2009 said:
lol thanks. I just need to find a way to relax. Idk why I interact with customers on the regular at my job and suggest things to them sure it's mostly chips or a drink but I'm used to interacting with people I just meet. I just want to get a new job sooooo bad
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Weed. Just kidding.....kinda
booyakasha said:
Weed. Just kidding.....kinda
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Lol if only it was possible. Take a few puffs and when the interviewer asks me why my eyes look shut I say its because I'm asian I kid I kid I kid.
When I'm cross-interviewing the sales guys... well, here's what I look for:
1. Intelligence - the ability to obtain and retain knowledge. Simple stuff like knowing some info about the company and the tech, etc. Bonus points for understanding the industry and its players, especially if they understand the company's positioning compared to its competitors.
2. Coherence & communication - the ability of the salesperson to present the idea and information that the customer will be able to understand
3. Control of vocal tone - for salespeople who deal directly with customers, having a good tone of voice can "hypnotize" the customers.
4. Physical presentation - I'm not looking for Miss Universe, but dress appropriately. A good way of dressing will be to dress according to the dress-code of the company or slightly overdress. Only slightly.
5. Passion - I must be able to see that you have a passion in the industry, in yourself and in the things that you do. If I see that you lack the energy/drive, you'll be hard-pressed to get hired in a highly rewarding position.
Do note that we are hiring sales people who earn at least 50% more than their peers, so the bar is set pretty high up.
Don't worry about tech-stuff, because that'll come in a briefing package. Don't worry about sales tricks either, because seniors will teach you if you ask nicely.
jaszek said:
"Why do you want this job?"
"What makes you think you're good for this job?"
"What makes you better then everybody else applying for this position?"
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these .
not jokes , u gotta prepare for these type of bs questions ! look em up on google "bull**** interview questions"
whew interview went good. Even had to correct the guy because he asked me if I heard about the swift for sprint and I said no and he said really? and I said wait what manufacturer and he said HTC and I asked do you mean the shift with the qwerty keyboard and he said "yea that's it you might know more then me" he said he'll call today to let me know if I got the job.
jaszek said:
Everyone thinks they will be so enthusiastic when selling tech. I work at a computer repair shop/store, and trust me, customers are way to stupid t care what you have to say. All they want to know is if they can make a phone call, text, update their FB status and take a picture of their son drowning.
Also if you are a regular consumer, and reading this, yes, you are stupid.
As the interview part. Get some rest, come in for the interview about 15 minutes earlier, smile, dress nicely, smile, don't sweat, smile, be respectful of your interviewer, smile, have any and all paper work ready, and don't forget to smile. Also, brush your teeth and smile. Did I say smile? Don't make it a fake smile, but a relaxed smile. And not a smirk because then they will think you think you're too good for this job.
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You forgot to tell him how important smiling is!
telmoabff said:
You forgot to tell him how important smiling is!
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of course, just imagine you have a clown in front of you
Just remember they are people.
They are looking for someone that not only isn't stupid, but someone they can get along with.
They know they are going to have to train you - any knowledge you have before hand can and will help - but isn't the deciding factor in you getting the job.
Although the job doesn't require a resume - if you had one you'd probably be a step ahead of the other 9 billion stoners trying to get a job there.
Do not dress like a slob - but don't OVER dress either - the slacks/sweater is going to be fine. Can't tell you how many times I've seen people show up in full clown suits for a call center job - and here I am in the Summer wearing a t-shirt and shorts with a ball cap on.
Practice interviewing with someone your comfortable with - even if the questions are BS - it helps.
And I have interviewed at least 1000 people - and I can tell you - if your relaxed, dressed appropriately, don't bull**** me, and at least convey to me in an intelligent manner that you know what your talking about - you would be hired.
And.. if you don't get the job - don't sweat it. Just means some uber nerd ended up working for them instead of you. Might be a blessing in disguise
avgjoegeek said:
Can't tell you how many times I've seen people show up in full clown suits for a call center job -
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..thanks for the tip I know where I can definitely find a more descent job
mcp2009 said:
whew interview went good. Even had to correct the guy because he asked me if I heard about the swift for sprint and I said no and he said really? and I said wait what manufacturer and he said HTC and I asked do you mean the shift with the qwerty keyboard and he said "yea that's it you might know more then me" he said he'll call today to let me know if I got the job. Next step if I get it is drug test. I hope I pass, took like 4 hits on a one hitter on new years eve (I know dumb) and I smoke bout 3 or 4 hits a month. So scared I guess I'll buy a home test first
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Congrats dude
(And lol )
update!!! Got the job!! Training on monday
mcp2009 said:
update!!! Got the job!! Training on monday
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Yay! Congrats! When are you gonna buy us a proverbial beer?
When it comes to selling, I would suggest that you should start with asking questions.
Sure for you the EVO is an awesome phone but alot of people are turned off by the size. Etc.
zizux said:
When it comes to selling, I would suggest that you should start with asking questions.
Sure for you the EVO is an awesome phone but alot of people are turned off by the size. Etc.
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I heard a lot of girls are actually turned on by the size.
Well done!

Someone who CC's your boss on every e-mail

There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
Stonent said:
There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
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Send him an e-mail that'll be very embarassing to CC all over the place.
Actually, these kind of people are quite dangerous, because they like to keep their backs covered. So be careful.
One thing I'd like to find out is, ultimately, what is the gripe? Is the CC annoying you, or the CC annoying your boss and then your boss annoys you? Finding out the root cause of a problem instead of treating the symptoms will be way better.
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
jaszek said:
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
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Psh... real men fight with keyboards. May the man with the heaviest (1982-circa clickety keyboard) wins!
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
kdj67f said:
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
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Y'know... I'd pay good money (ok, at least a buck or two) to see that.
Seriously, the dude's a loser and a trouble maker (as has been said up-thread). My advice would be to either completely cut him out of the process (death by starvation) or go further up the chain of command with materials and documentation and complain (death from above). Remember, there comes a point where the job isn't worth the hassle and frustration.
I had similar problem.
My boss is female. My colleague is male and trying to make his mark. I have one day every week when I work from a different office. He waits till I'm not around to ***** about me with her. I am more senior and better at the job. Even though she trusts me implicitly, it still annoys me that the guy is behaving like a little prick. He asks to have days off in the most busy times and only asks her when I'm not around; as if I would say no! I can cope with the work on my own and nobody asks him for anything if I'm around.
When he's done the *****ing thing 3 times I've blown my top with the two of them, collected some reports on all the works I've done and threatened to leave. They would/could not get anyone cheaper and with the same level of knowledge and control. The emails stopped and now, as long as he does not mess the work too much, I cannot care less what he does. I do my work and **** a snoot at the rest.
Unplug all the fans but a couple from his PC so it dies a slow painful death
He is probably a sociopath. These people are all around us. They're completely functional and often successful. They're not psychopaths, they won't start killing people. But they have no regard for the feelings and troubles of others. They will lie, cheat, manipulate their way to the top by any means necessary. Thats who you're probably dealing with. (There was this GREAT article by a big name psychiatrist on workspace sociopaths on reddit a while back but I can't find it, sorry)
Now, I've learned through experience that these people exploit the **** out of "diplomacy". They take advantage of the fact that you don't want to make a big thing out of this, they KNOW you wan't to keep a low profile and they exploit that weakness to bully you. Dealing with bullies is easy. Just walk up to him and tell him to stop. Flat out, plain and simple stop. Let him know crystal clear that you know what he's doing and you want him to stop. No diplomacy.
You could also fight fire with fire.
This will have repercussions ofcourse. It might mean going into a stupid office politics "war" with the guy. So think about it and choose whats right for your particular situation. But keep in mind that these abuses tend to increase and it will get to a point that it will make your worklife miserable. Its best to deal with it early and make the ****er know that it will cost him to **** with you and he better go find someone else.
OR I could be wrong and the guy is just advocating for transparency in the company (Doubt it. He only CCs your boss, not others.)
I say find him after work and beat his ass. Then pretend nothing happened when you are at work.
Definitely an option. But be very careful cause its really ****ing illegal >_>
With personal experience the proper way to handle hostile problems is to report it to management and human resources. But keep in mind that you also have to work with these people to so cool down before you say something that makes you look like the ass.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
My boss always CC's his goddamn boss when he emails me. Grinds my gears
Sent from the fireproof HTC Inspire 4G
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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one and only real(and legal) solution , invite to gay clubs too just to "hang out"
also , do it while pretending to be a colleague sending from home address , keep doing till he stops
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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This made my weekend.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I know these types of people all too well. Having dealt with some myself. these people are not top be trusted, they can't wait to pull the rug right under your feet. They want to get ahead by making you look bad. My advice to you is to speak with him directly and ask him why he is doing it and tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable. As he can't be trusted he may have moved to bcc your boss instead, so you should voiced your concern with your boss as well. You must cover your ass at all times with this guy. So document anything important concerning him and always answer his emails as if your boss may be in bcc and don't take any **** attempt from him to make you look bad especially via email and answer him to set the record straight, r this is party of documenting.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
A dark alley. A late night event. A mindless ass-kicking.
It could be fun.
SciFiSurfer said:
A dark alley. A late night event.
It could be fun.
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Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
See? Thats what happens when a passive agressive sociopath makes the big mistake of ****ing with a psychopath.

I did a stupid thing....

So this has absolutely nothing to do with Android or anything...
So me and my wife have been together since freshman year in high school we are now 27.. have a 7 year old and a 1 month old. I love her.. and would never cheat on her..
A week or so ago I got a message from a cute chick on facebook saying she wanted to be my friend. I asked her why she said because she thought i looked cute in my pictures. I told her she wasn't so bad looking and we had a kind of flirty conversation. I did however tell her about my wife and kids and we talked about things like where we live and what not.. noting more than a PG conversation..
So i left my FB page up and my wife snooped and read my messages.. she is now crying..
I do feel bad that she got her feelings hurt, but i don't really feel like i did anything wrong..
Let me know what you guys think about my mess i made... just curious about outside opinions..
Well, just tell her it was a mistake.
You were stupid and just liked the attention. It wasn't like you intended to cheat on her.
Think about how you would feel if you seen her doing that to you.
Nothing will gain you're trust back from her but time...
The above is very good advice.
This seems like a weird place to ask such a question, but what the hell, I'll give it a shot too.
Tell her you love her very much and that you would never, ever cheat on her. You have to be absolutely sincere about this and make yourself believe it even if you actually did think about cheating. Any doubt that you show she will pick up on now.
PS: I've never understood why everyone loves Facebook. I hate that ****.
shawayne21 said:
Well, just tell her it was a mistake.
You were stupid and just liked the attention. It wasn't like you intended to cheat on her.
Think about how you would feel if you seen her doing that to you.
Nothing will gain you're trust back from her but time...
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Thanks. Good advice
Haints said:
The above is very good advice.
This seems like a weird place to ask such a question, but what the hell, I'll give it a shot too.
Tell her you love her very much and that you would never, ever cheat on her. You have to be absolutely sincere about this and make yourself believe it even if you actually did think about cheating. Any doubt that you show she will pick up on now.
PS: Facebook sucks.
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I am sincere. I had no intentions of cheating..
LOL and i know but I am here alot you guys are like family and it seemed like a good place to get non objective view..
Its reasons like that me and my wife share a FB account. Full freaking transparency! Just tell her you got caught up for a minute because we all like to be flattered once in a while. I'm sure she has flirted at some point behind your back.
In times of great personal conflict and inner-turmoil with the ones I love, I also think of turning to an cell-phone internet message board of complete strangers for advice.
badaphooko01 said:
Its reasons like that me and my wife share a FB account. Full freaking transparency! Just tell her you got caught up for a minute because we all like to be flattered once in a while. I'm sure she has flirted at some point behind your back.
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+1 to this. My wife and I share one too and have the privacy set high. We orignally got it to "spy" on people but have since put some stuff on there. Agree also with the "everyone wants to feel special" once in awhile aspect too. I can garauntee that if you try hard enough, you can find some instance that she has flirted too, but why would you want to do that b/c you'll just end up over analyzing everything. Just say you are sorry.
Side story:
A long time ago (15+) before FB, G+ ot twitter, I used to work nights in college. I got home late one night and my girlfriend at the time was asleep. The phone rang and I used to have this habit of screwing with tele-marketers to hopefully piss them off enough to drop my number.
This time it was just a wrong number, but there was a shy, what sounded like a cute voice on the other line that apologized for calling the wrong number. Before she got off the phone, I asked her what she was wearing and messed with her a little bit, then hung up. Told my girlfriend in the morning about it and we laughed (full disclosure-sorry I'm honest like that).
Anyways this girl called back the next night too and this time my girlfriend was up and we totally messed with this girls head and got her to agree to meet for a 3-way (only problem was she didn't know my GF was on the phone so it was going to be with her and her boyfriend-I don't do two swords if you know what I mean).
Long story short, we completely messed with this girl and my phone company at the time had this feature that if right after you got an annoying call you could hit *57 and if you did it to the same number 3 times in one month, it got their phone shut off for a month for harassing.
If you can't or won't follow though woth something, don't chat with someone you don't know. For all you know, it could have been me on the other side of the Facebook message.
PJcastaldo said:
Thanks. Good advice
I am sincere. I had no intentions of cheating..
LOL and i know but I am here alot you guys are like family and it seemed like a good place to get non objective view..
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Yeah man, what you SHOULD do now, dont know if youre willing to do so, but you should just give her your facebook password. If you know youre not going to do anything like that again, she should be able to have it.
It will get a LOADDD off her shoulders knowing she doesnt have to sneak up on you, but rather look for herself at any time.
Hope everything goes well for you man. Just give it time.
hope everything is working out.
Im just a couple yrs older than you and have have been married about the same time, have 1 child also; so I can understand how this would be a really emotional situation for her and then you.
others gave good advice. be honest w her. tell her it was a mistake. let her look through all your other FB, email, ect... messages to prove to her that this was a one time semi-inocent situation.
even though you did nothing wrong, and maybe you did not, but put yourself in her situation. if you found that on her FB, you would probably be pretty pissed too (at least I would be).
so let her look at everything, give her your passwords, what ever you need to show her that this was a one time incident, that it was nothing more then casual chatting, but you understand that she is upset and you see how it looks now, you would be too in her situation, and that you wont do it again.
good luck
Online cheating is cheating.
I have a different opinion.
I think you should have never added her and never had any type of conversation with her. There is no reason a married man with children should be adding random females to his Facebook.
Secondly, you said you had no intention of cheating, but what about online cheating? What if she had asked you to get on Skype so she could give you a little show. Are you telling me you wouldn't go and watch and maybe join on Skype yourself?
That is my opinion. We live in a new world, and online relationships are a form of cheating in my opinion. You wouldn't sit with this girl at a coffee shop and chit chat, you shouldn't online either.
That's why I'm getting married till I'm like late 20's/early 30's
Hope it works out mate!
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
PJcastaldo said:
So this has absolutely nothing to do with Android or anything...
So me and my wife have been together since freshman year in high school we are now 27.. have a 7 year old and a 1 month old. I love her.. and would never cheat on her..
A week or so ago I got a message from a cute chick on facebook saying she wanted to be my friend. I asked her why she said because she thought i looked cute in my pictures. I told her she wasn't so bad looking and we had a kind of flirty conversation. I did however tell her about my wife and kids and we talked about things like where we live and what not.. noting more than a PG conversation..
So i left my FB page up and my wife snooped and read my messages.. she is now crying..
I do feel bad that she got her feelings hurt, but i don't really feel like i did anything wrong..
Let me know what you guys think about my mess i made... just curious about outside opinions..
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Tell her you love her AND that you were A COMPETE DUMBASS for having a meaningless, stupid convo. Then be good and don't do this AGAIN!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
One day I was at my girlfriend's house, her hot sister came to me and asked if I would like to sleep with her. I was shocked, and, as fast as I could, ran out of the house to my car. To my surprise my girlfriend was outside leaning against the car. She then said, "I knew I could trust you! ", then gave me a hug and told me she loved me.
Moral of the story?
Always keep your condoms in your car.
Wow, what a mess you've gotten yourself into.
If you haven't already, I think you need to first know and understand why your wife is upset.
After years of marriage, she certainly knows you as a person. If you're the type of person who doesn't cheat, she probably knows it. So it's not really a matter of "cheating".
It's a matter of loyalty and sense of security.
It's inevitable that people change over time. They're older, wiser, have different perspectives, etc. But the one thing that doesn't (ie, shouldn't) change is your commitment to your spouse.
when people first started dating, they think they're the perfect match for each other. After years of marriage you might:
-pack on some extra weight
-lose some hair
-no longer buy flowers for your wife
-no longer put up the toilet seat
-have different political views
-discover both of you have different tastes in music
But, damn it, she knows that at least she can confidently say "After all this time, my husband still loves me."
And if she has a bad day at work or if she just needs a hug, you're there for her. No matter what, you're suppose to have her back. You're her pillar to lean on. She might not need your support all the time, but she knows that if she does, you're there all the time, rock solid.
That "pillar" is what you've compromised here.
So when trying to make amends, don't focus on the FB chat. That's not the real issue at hand. Do what you need to do to let her know that you're still there for her.
plz forgive him, it's nothing, he's a loving husband if he's asking such a small thing here, that means he loves you alot.
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
DevStaffAndroid said:
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
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now THATS a helpful answer xD
Sent from my GT-S5570 using XDA App
Me and my GF had a three day fight cause I never changed my Facebook profile from "single" to "in a relationship", and she thinks she had it bad. Of cpurse her drama queen sister conviced her it was so i can cheat. I only log in once or twice a month and never thought to change it.
OP you guys should just delete all your Facebook profiles, its more trouble than it's worth, like the situation you got into.
Facebook is nothing but a gathering for information and statistics anyway.
Simply don't post stuff at all

My ex-girlfriend cheated on me. She is pregnant with my baby. FML.

Wow, so today I found out that my ex-girlfriend now, been messaging her ex-boyfriend telling him he misses her and loves her and wants to be with him behind my back. Let me remind you that she is pregnant with my kid. I read her google chat log and found out all different kind of messages. I was completely shocked and completely *****ed at her. I told her stup*d as* to pack up her sh!t and get the f*ck out of my house. To think I was going to marry her as*.
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
Sorry to hear that also, I think you need to care about your child now. Try not to confront her or him, just don't give a crap for the well being of your child (that needs to be your primary focus from now on).
Cheers man and good luck.
Archer said:
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
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Yeah, I really ended up with something huh.. Nice way to start off the New Years.. F*ck that b!tch!
UPDATE: She's calling me telling me sorry and how she doesnt want me to leave.. What a dumb b!tch. Seriously. I told her to get the f*ck out of my life and get her sh!t out. Tired of her bullsh!t.
Mr. Clown said:
Sorry to hear that also, I think you need to care about your child now. Try not to confront her or him, just don't give a crap for the well being of your child (that needs to be your primary focus from now on).
Cheers man and good luck.
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Archer said:
Wow that's harsh man. Sorry to hear it. If there was no kid involved I'd say you're lucky to have found out, but that's just wrong on the little one. What a role model Mummy's gonna be
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Thank you both for hearing me out. Really appreciate the comments. Its good to talk to someone about something awful like this.
Make sure you don't sign that birth certificate until you get DNA confirmation that it's your baby.
I have a friend that got trapped and is paying child support on a child that's not his because he signed (acknowledged) that the child was his.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Above&Beyond™ said:
Yeah, I really ended up with something huh.. Nice way to start off the New Years.. F*ck that b!tch!
UPDATE: She's calling me telling me sorry and how she doesnt want me to leave.. What a dumb b!tch. Seriously. I told her to get the f*ck out of my life and get her sh!t out. Tired of her bullsh!t.
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That's going to be a hard line to take if she's pregnant with your child... sounds like she might be a part of your life for good now, one way or the other. :/
Still, sorry to hear it bro.
Yeah, it's a tough situation all round. As said above, you are going to be involved in her life now for many, many years, so as Mr Clown said you need to forget your anger towards them because the little one is the most important thing.
Obviously, I agree with Android300ZX that a DNA test is a wise precaution.
Just one pertinent question: Are you sure it's your kid?
One thing to say: She's only sorry because she got caught. Ditch the b*tch bro, plenty of other chicks out there.
also MAKE SURE U RECORD everything when it come time to back what u need ex tv,couch,phone,printer,computer SHE DA CHEATING HO*
Its cheaper to keep her. Eff child support. My dad had to go through it 7, yes that's right, SEVEN times.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
watt9493 said:
Its cheaper to keep her. Eff child support. My dad had to go through it 7, yes that's right, SEVEN times.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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This statement really pisses me off. One of my employees always says it all the time. It is not about what option is less is about what makes you both happy.
You both need to have a heart to heart and decide if you want to make things work or if it is best to separate ways. Take it from someone who was married for 6 years with someone who didnt seem like he wanted to be the end, I was tired of being in love with a man that didn't seem to feel the same about me and we were divorced. Now I am a single mom and things are much better off.
Examine your relationship now before you get to involved. Your baby will be best with 2 parents who love each other, rather then 2 parents who only stay together for the kid.
I agree you should catalog everything that you had pre-relationship with her. It's not marriage but things can go south very fast. I also agree with who ever posted about not signing the birth certificate until you know 110% sure that the baby is yours. I had a girlfriend who was messing around with other guys behind my back when she got pregnant (found that out after we went through everything). Good luck bro
Damn... Sorry to hear that bro
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Hey man, altough you think this is the end of the world, it isn´t. Let your friends and family comfort you, that life goes on.
That will be a prolonged pain. Find time to spend totally away from her to heal.
I'm gonna go back on what I previously said, after thinking about it some more. We've all made mistakes - I've made tons of them! If you care enough about the girl to be planning a family and marriage with her then maybe it's worth at least seeing what happens.
It's easy for someone not in the situation to knee-jerk but what do we know about how you two really feel about each other? Nothing.
Just use this place to vent and see our responses, then ignore them all completely and do what's best for you, your misses and the little one. Just be honest and you can't go wrong.
I usually don't repeat myself but:
-Make sure you get a DNA test!
-A lot of females use that (I'm pregnant) against a guy to keep him. It may very well be true but be careful.
-Record everything! Make a backup on Gmail. I would use Google Voice and have Google Voice be your primary voicemail. If she calls you and leaves a voicemail it will get saved to Google Voice where you can download it to your desktop and keep it on file.
-Take most if not all the things she says to you with a grain of salt.
-Make sure you don't end up looking like the deadbeat that just picked up and left. They tend to make themselves look like the victim to their friends and family.
-If the child is yours take care of your business and appreciate them because they are pure.
-If you find it in your heart to forgive her make sure you really forgive her and not bring it up when you get into the occasional argument.
I have experience in this. My GF cheated on me twice. The first time she would go out with her "girls" (multiple instances of partying with her "girls" and coming back late in the AM) and I found out she was going out with a guy that I knew who was in our circle of friends. She would cut school and hang out with this guy all the while I was paying for her education. She doesn't work or hasn't in the 4 years we've been together because I took care of everything as a man. The second time I caught her was on her birthday when I came home early (unannounced) from work to surprise her and caught her leaving the neighbors house and overheard her on the phone discussing the events with her BFF. I couldn't forgive her because the thought of me seeing this guy's car every day and the fact that I know he's be laughing at me from behind the confines of his home taking me for a sucker. The only reason I haven't pummeled his face in is because of my daughter.
I have a kid with her and I still live with her but we are only together for the sake of my daughter. She graduates this month from school and will get a job in her field so we will sit down and discuss our arrangements and separation.
Just make sure you cover all your bases man.
*** Again, Do the DNA test!! Don't fall for that guilt trip she may put on your about you denying your child and not trusting her ***
They will use that against you and make you succumb to signing the certificate.
Hang in there man, it's tough. I think that you best pursue what's going to be the best for your son or daughter.
There is a test they can do for paternity during gestation, it determines gender among other things of the child, mostly done for at risk older mothers.
If in the end you find you are a father, ill tell you first hand (literally holding my Lil guy) its a feeling like no other. You've got to do what's best for your own, which will likely be to split. Your gf likely grew up on a household with a limited example of a father figure, and you certainly don't want your own kid to turn into the same type of person as her.
Yeah, DNA test seems good suggestion. Make sure wich base it came from. Also maybe ask for a ETA.
Oké, now go to Dr Phill or Jerry Springer. Last time i checked it was a technical forum.

