New to this - Touch HD Windows Mobile ROM Development

Hi i have tryed to search for it but don't think i am typing the correct thing. What are the benifit of putting a updated rom on my Toch HD? I just put htc's latest on and see no diffrence. I have been looking at overclocking it slightly as i think it runs so slow has any one done this?
Chris W

You cannot overclock (atleast not where stable) the blackstone. there was a program floating about at one point which did OC it to 600MHz (something like that) but that would crash if touchflow was enabled, but i digress. To improve performance, i suggest you install the driverpack which is in the how to improve graphics performance thread in this forum.
If you want some more speed, i suggest you install a custom 6.1 ROM (topix, the one by kwbr, is a personal favourite). alternatively, you could adjust the pagepool of the ROM youre on atm (would require the ROM image youre using and later a reflash of the edited image)
That said, the stock ROM was very quick for me. programs loaded almost instantaeously (most apps, like notes, youtube, WMP, but not opera or games, as these always take a second or too to load onto RAM). the only thing that put me off the stock ROM, was the fact that everything worked a bit too well for my liking. it was kinda boring. ever since i started screwing around with it (with this aid of this forum ofc), ive been able to do much more than i could with just a stock ROM.


noob WM6 questions

Hallo, I finally dismissed my chicken outfit and flashed htc's wm6 rom onto my wm5 (the thrill !!).
With all today plugins off except for BatteryStatus (the latest beta), and the phone turned on, after a soft reset I get a paltry-ish 15M of program memory, changing magically to about 19M after a while (why ? dunno). Of course that then leaks slowly but surely and I'm sure we wouldn't want it any other way.
Is this the memory I'm supposed to get ?
Also, as a further term of assessment & comparison: the device is OC'ed to 260 via BatteryStatus, and I tried ThrottleLauncher on it ( In spite of the OC, it seemed slow and clumsy.
Is it because
a) the herald's cpu is slow and there's no BS that can help it
b) throttlelauncher is aimed at faster devices or is still in development
c) stock wm6 is for some reason slower than say a custom rom under which throttlelauncher might work like a breeze
stock wm6 is sooooooooooooo slow. if u want a clean stable rom, try open touch 5.2 org. that's what i use and u can manually disable the htc home plugin under settings>today and put everything back on to look like stock rom, but itll still be much faster than stock, and if u run bs, itll be smooth and quick
all of the above. period
I have in the past few days read maybe a hundred billion posts, and I am by now almost subliminally convinced that cooked roms are faster than stock, BUT
what is it exactly that makes the stock rom go slow ?
I mean, speaking of computers, short of replacing drivers for this or that feature, the pesky 200mhz cpu stays the same. On a desktop I may gain performance-wise if I turn off services, but I get no cookie for just deleting stuff from /Windows.
And how does the program memory really influence speed ?
(From the presumption that it looks more like "amount of stuff you can run at once" rather than "the more you have the smoother you go", at least to the untrained - mine - eye.)
the build of the custom roms is newer (therefore, better?) and there are less background processes running, which takes up the cpu. This is where the "more memory equals more performance" mantra comes from.
you can overclock, of course, and the stock rom usually comes with this HUGE pagepool thats just plain downright unneeded.

Flashing my ROM - Why?

Hi guys,
I see lots of stuff in here about how to flash your rom and endless threads of different types of cooked ROMs etc but I can't see anywhere anything to explain why people are doing this.
Would someone mind just very briefly telling me the pros and cons of flashing?
-often get new features - like the new touch flow interface from the new rhodium and topaz htc phones. without flashing, you wouldnt be able to get this.
-you can install new OSs such as windows mobile 6.5
-if you want to, you can install "lite" ROMs which have very little features and as a result are faster
-you can also get "heavier" ROMs which tend to be a bit slower (with some ROMs such as Duttys, the difference is small)
-have many features/apps already "cooked" into the ROM to save you installing them yourself after a hard reset
-some have new drivers which improve performance.
-some have custom interfaces
-process isnt that hard once youve got hardspl/uspl sorted (and that gets easy after a short while too). its all run through an app on your computer with your HTC connected via activesync to your computer which is about as easy as installing a program (just click next, i agree etc.)
-can take a bit of time to get used to the process
-if you dont use a backup app, youll have to reinstall all your apps and contacts (everything on the main memory is wiped clean thugh SD cards are left untouched)
-if the cabe gets disconnected or the computer loses power during the flash, you can screw up your htc pretty bad
If you use your HTC for more than just its basic features and want to get the most out of it, definately flash a new ROM. the performance increase is noticeable going from a stock ROM to a well cooked ROM. Duttys 3.3 XT is a good place to start, however, youll have to hardspl your phone with the latest hardspl (its one of the stickies on this subforum)
Hi 449514
The main reasons are that either people are dis-satisfied with the way that the stock TF3D interface works for them and try to customise certain elements of it and/or they are trying to improve the speed, battery life and or memory available on their machines.
Those are the pros, of course the con is that there is no "official" commercial support for any of these Roms as they have been developed on a personal basis.
Hope that clarifies matters.
Yes, is a Crazy World... I like it..
That's brilliant guys. Nice and simple. Makes perfect sense to me now and I understand the stuff in the other threads a bit better now!
I'll have a further read of all the stuff and then go from there.
Thanks a lot
maybe it's the reason 4all of us buying a wm device,the potential & possibilities are endless..

Rom that is most suitable

Hi there!!!
First of all, (just in case somebody wanders who the heck I am), I am regular bloke not particulary interested in any of the parts of developing and cooking ROM-s. Just a user who, (aren't we all), wants to have more stable and faster, (as it is able), os on the Phone.
In the first place, when I've bought the X1, I have been happy for a while, after that I begun to see some disadvantages of that device, (small icons, unresponsive OS, some kind of "its own will" etc), so I refered to this forum. Have been reading for it for a while, and decided to try some of ROM-s You gays are cooking.
And here is keypoint.
Ok, it is meant to be free, so I'm not actualy allowed to moan about any thing here, but...
Some ROM-s are to overloaded with needles features thus rather are slow, some are buggy, some of ROM-s are locked with features that are unable to move out of the OS, (like twitter, facebook, stocks and similar things specially coming with manilla interface).
These things are slowing down devices, (I really do not know why so), so badly that are diverting me, (and I believe others), from using some of Your products.
Instead of, I believe unnecessary thingies, You could cook an clean ROM with
Manilla some kind of , and basic features it gives. Other things could be put in by users.
Or I'm wrong ???
So I decided to put this post with Your, (meaning all users) opinions and to put some critics on same place
Thanks in advance.
I recommend you try Jack 4.x ROM. You can try the lite or medium. Both ROM versions are very stable and fast and you can customize them. You can find them in this thread:
Well, I think I am the "typical" guy like you.
Depending on your preferences, I do think you can find what you want and need. It takes, of course, some trials, but the flashing process is fast and easy.
I actually prefer the Manila ROMs because of that very interface. In combination with WinMo 6.1, and without too much other software, you get speed and stability, as you assume. After quite some trials, I stayed with Touch X 10.8.2 because it is fast, not overloaded and stable.
Even the latest 6.5 WinMo variants combined with any version of Manila do not seem to me as fast as the 6.1 ROMs, including the really nice Touch IT Multilanguage, which looks as "clean" as you would get a new Manila device. When I tried it, I liked it very much even though it is slower than Touch X, but the bug I found took me back to Touch X again.
If you are not into Manila at all, there are some "clean" and "pure" WinMo ROMs - no Manila at all - which might offer even more speed than Touch X - I never tried that.
Touch X 10.1
It has an older manila 2.1, very fast and stable. Bugs have all been fixed and it has been around a while. Also has a nice selection of apps included and "it just works".
I am a bit of a flashaholic, but when I need my device to be usable and stable I flash 10.1

Cooking your own rom ??'s

I would like to see what kind of performance gains can be made by cooking your own rom, with only what you want cooked into it. I have read that cooking apps into the rom rather than installing them as cabs after flashing increases performance somehow. So if I used a kitchen to say take apart the rom I have now for example, take out the stuff I dont use, add in the apps that I have now installed in cab form and do all my registry editing, what kind of gains in performance should I expect? I dont know how to cook a rom or use a kitchen now, but I'm sure with a little searching and a lot of reading reading I could manage to do it. I would just like to know what kind of performance gains could be had by doing this before getting into it. I am just kinda used to thinking of the TP2 as being crippled by not having enough ram available to run a big interface like sense and not lag all the time in apss and stuff. But if doing this can possibly make it perform better, and if overclocking becomes possible in windows as it is in android, the Rhodium could potentially be a beast right?

Fastest Rom

Well I want one of the faster roms, I installed an Energy rom and my phone is so slow it's unbearable. Any suggestions?
Frankie3521 said:
Well I want one of the faster roms, I installed an Energy rom and my phone is so slow it's unbearable. Any suggestions?
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NRG needs to be customized to work faster. I find it very fast. But I don't use all of the tabs, and I overclock my CPU to 710.
Did you install the newest version, listed in my signature?
Also if You interest on trying stock like and self customizable ROM, try kwbr ROM :
fast, stable and good battery life..
stevedebi said:
NRG needs to be customized to work faster. I find it very fast. But I don't use all of the tabs, and I overclock my CPU to 710.
Did you install the newest version, listed in my signature?
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How do I customize it to make it faster? Where is this overclocking app at, and how do I remove some of the tabs?
About tabs, you can disable some, just swipe to settings tab on HTC Sense, choose "personalize" then "Home screen tabs", uncheck tabs you want to remove.
Frankie3521 said:
Well I want one of the faster roms, I installed an Energy rom and my phone is so slow it's unbearable. Any suggestions?
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I just flashed my custom ROM to the NRG ROM of 14th October and I don't have any issues with slowness...
My phone is faster than every before.
Did you flashed the latest version of NRG rom?
I'm suprised you're having issues with NRG's ROM, I find it very fast.
If you want to try overclocking, check out the utilities in
If you want a fast rom, use a valkyre or jackoss
Frankie3521 said:
How do I customize it to make it faster? Where is this overclocking app at, and how do I remove some of the tabs?
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Where to start? The following is a subset of my phone settings. I've been tweaking them for months, and I would be hard pressed to provide a full list.
The OC app is at
As to customizing, the setting tab will allow you to remove the tabs you don't use. I found that I actually only use 4 of them. The rest just take up memory.
I also use BsB Tweaks (in the Tools folder) to set a high glyph and IP cache.
The other thing to do is to go into the Settings and change the start menu to be the Sense version. This will give you and extra 30 Mb or so of memory, and this will make the device faster. Do this step last, because it will be difficult to get to the NRG Tools menu unless you revert back to the default WM start menus.
EDIT: But you should be aware that NRG is not customized for speed. There are faster ROMs available. But NRG has lots of nice stuff, and the latest operating systems and programs.
Frankie3521 said:
Well I want one of the faster roms, I installed an Energy rom and my phone is so slow it's unbearable. Any suggestions?
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jackos rom without a doubt. --->
Keep in mind that it usually takes some time for a newly flashed ROM to "settle in". The performance you see right away is not indicitive of how the ROM will perform long term. Maybe files are still being setup? Not really sure why this is so. But don't freak out until you've used the ROM for a couple hours. Plus the battery meter will not be accurate. It needs to be calibrated by charging the phone to 100%, then down to 30%, and repeat a couple times.
If you've been using the ROM for a while, and done a few of the tweaks to streamline performance as other have suggested, its possible it was a bad flash. Task29 and start over.
But its also possible that a more lightweight ROM is for you. Energy is a nice balance of performance, aesthetics, and features. But some like to sacrifice some eye candy for a more lightweight ROM, like Jackos that someone else suggested.
I've used the EnergyROMs on my TP2, as well as Simplicity and Jackos, all are great roms. EnergyROMs have many cooked in useful apps and awesome features, Simplicity is lighter and well.. simpler than Energy and Jackos has amazing memory management and the best ROM if you're going for WM6.5.0.
I am a sucker for speed, and the fastest you can go is stock WM6.5 with no HTC Sense. I'm currently using Jackos SleekBasic with TouchFlo3D, just flashed yesterday, IMO its faster than all ROMs I tried except stock WM, its not really pretty and not many features, but I can live with it. Good batt life too...
OndraSter's WM 6.5 TF3D ROM is the fastest ROM I have ever used. Check it out
Jacko's is by far the cleanist Ive seen its actually functional and has 110mb free after 2nd reboot... Great rom's.. Not a nrg fan anymore either.. especially cause he doesnt bother to actually test them on the devices he makes them for.
I used a lot of ROMs from this forum, and I can confirm that the Jackos is the fastest and stablest that I tried (I'm actually using the smartmove flavour).
Ondraster's also is quite fast and stable, but I find that jackos looks better

